Immortality - a fate worse than death.
Hubris and other subordinates of Dreamer were technically immortal as long as their lord, Dreamer, was alive and for them immortality is not a fate worse than death.
Waiting for the jailor to come, Dreamer looked around to see the fight that was going on.
Dreamer had his numbers and it was advantageous to him as on 1 guard five or seven subordinates were latched on as they were holding them back in any way possible.
Some were holding their legs, some locked their hands with the guards and some gripped their hairs. They did anything to hold down the guards for Liberi and Hubris to kill.
"Numbers game works wonders." Dreamer spoke to himself, looking at the happenings.
"Master! These cells are not opening. The metal here is too tough." One of the subordinates of Dreamer called him out, standing in front of a cell.
"Same here, master. This one's not opening as well." Another subordinate said.
Long chapter. Sorry.