If you are really in love, appearances aren't important.
The best house is the one you build in each other's heart.
The zombies loved the 4th lord regardless of his appearance and they received abundant love in return too.
The 4th lord was ready to give his life for his zombies as he was going to slit his own throat.
However, before the 4th lord could kill himself Dreamer used Holy Streak and shot a beam through his eyes, killing the 4th lord.
"Don't go and ruin my quest, old man!" Dreamer killed the 4th lord before he could kill himself as his quest that demanded him to kill all the lords, would have failed if the 4th lord would have taken his own life.
After Dreamer killed the 4th lord the zombies started screaming or more like crying at their master's death but soon the crying stopped as they started turning into ashes.
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