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44.26% RWBY Wolf Faunus / Chapter 27: Ch. 27 F.F.F. Part 2

Capítulo 27: Ch. 27 F.F.F. Part 2

Each step Alabast took the sound of jars hitting eachother could be heard.

The others walked up next to Ruby and Pyrrha and watched as Alabast went up the hill.

He wasn't walking fast or slow. Just one step at a time. They could imagine how scary he would look from team Cardinals point of view. But from their point of view, he looked cool.

His heavy step on the grass and fallen leaves followed by the Clinking of glass. And only the other quiet sounds of the forest to accompany it.

Cardin's teammates look to him for what they should do next.

"C-Cardin, wh-w-what do we do?" Russel Thrush shakily asks his leader. He doesn't want to know what Alabast would do when he gets ahold of them.

"We will back up to the trees and then ambush him when he gets up here" Cardin moves behind a tree and his teammates do the same.

They don't speak a word or make a sound and just wait.


"We're going to go and watch, right?" Yang asks the others.

"Of cour-! I mean….Yes, we should make sure Alabast doesn't get hurt" Ruby corrects herself.

"There are still Grimm in the area, we should make sure he stays safe" Blake adds.

Everyone nods, except for Ren who facepalms and sighs. He doesn't know why they have to make excuses to go watch the beat down. It's not like anyone else is around to complain.

"What are we waiting for?! He's already up there! I don't know about you guys but I don't wanna miss this!" Nora not so quietly says as she gets excited to watch Alabast beat up the hooligans that have 'terrorized' Alabast and other Faunus, and some select humans, since day one.

"If we're going we should do so quietly" Weiss points out. "That way we don't disturb him"

"Alright!" Ruby stands in front of the group. "Let's go Super Stealth Style!" She pulls her hood up over her head and starts moving from tree to tree stealth like. Only peaking her head out from behind the tree and then running silently to the next.

In a normal forest they would think she was stupid. But in this specific forest? You could probably consider her red cloak camouflage.

Nora joins Ruby in her stealth approach by going tree to tree. The others just quietly walk up the hill. Snaking between the trees to at least attempt to be quiet.


Then they hear a beastial roar from over the hill. They know Alabast can handle himself but they still want to make sure. Anyone can die from an ambush by Grimm. They all sprint to the top of the hill.


Alabast walks up the hill at a consistent pace. Not rushed, but now slowed either.

He's felt angry before of course. People had done stupid things to him that angered him. But then there was this.

Somebody tried to injure his friends and teammates. The Rapier Wasps were named that for the previous stated reasons. But also because they can bypass a persons aura. So that amount of Rapier Wasps could have done very serious damage.

Alabast was above angry. He was so livid and yet he was calm. This was a new one for him.

He gets to the top of the hill and doesn't see the 4 dumbasses. He walks towards the tree line. Just because he can't visually see them doesn't mean he doesn't already know their presence. It's hard to hide your aura. But that doesn't really matter when one control Darkness in a forest.

"Now!" Cardin shouts.

Team CRDL leaps from their not so hidden hiding spots as they attack Alabast from his front at the same time.

Alabast just uses his semblance to control various tendril of Darkness. A large number of tendrils come from the ground beneath the racist bullies before him.

Some wrap around their wrists and ankles while others wrap around their torso, biceps, calf's and other various muscles to constricts their movement.

Each of them were now held in place and were struggling to get free.

"Gah! Wh-at!?" One questions. "Ahhhh!" One of them shrieked. "Damn it!" One shouts. And one of them stays silent.

They see Alabast stand before them as they were now slightly moved off the ground.

Alabast's Darkness would crush them if they tried moving too much, their aura protecting them from being actually getting injured currently.

"Did you not think I was serious when I told you to stop?" Alabast's red eyes glowing in his aura. The left eye's glow is somewhat visible beneath his hair.

The bigots don't say a word. They just feel a chill creep it's way slowly down their back.

"And you even…." Alabast holds up the jars for them to see. "…..tried attacking my friends" His voice sounding significantly more intimidating and scary.

Team Cardinal was sweating at this point. They weren't sure what was going to happen. And they were unable to move. Their bladder all of a sudden feeling more full than previously.

*RRRROOOoooaaaaarrr!* An animal roars and it dies down into a growl behind the 4 captured huntsmen in training.

It was at this point they heard a roar behind them. Team Cardinal turned their necks to see behind them. And what they saw nearly did make them piss themselves.

It was a giant Ursa. It was bigger than any Ursa they had previously seen. Along with its bigger size it had a lot more bone like plating and spikes on its back, very similar to it's bone like material mask. It's red eyes glaring at them, apparently smelling the sap that they had covered on their hands. And the jars Alabast was holding.

"Let us go!" "I don't wanna die!" "Help!" "Oh Gods! No!"

They continued to freak out and try to get free of the tendrils that restrained them. But they were held securely in place slightly above the ground. They couldn't even get any leverage to be able to break free.

They had cold sweat all over them as the Ursa dashes towards them on all fours. It slightly shakes the ground with each step.

Once it gets to them it stands on its hind legs and prepares to cleave through all 4 of them in one swipe of its massive arm and claws. The momentum from its charge assisting in the swipe.

Team CRDL close their eyes at the impending doom and not being able to move whatsoever to make an attempt at defending themselves.


The sound of something slicing through something else could be heard along with something hitting the ground.

They open their eyes to see Alabast wielding his large sword in his right hand between them and the Ursa.

Alabast was holding Nights Fall, the tip of the sword near the ground with the Ursa arm beside it. The Ursa arm is slowly turning to ashes as blood from the Ursa's new stump sprays out covering the forest slightly. Alabast luckily got none on him.

The Ursa releases a pained roar as it stumbles back a few steps. It had just discovered easy prey but was immediately greeted by pain and the loss of a limb instead of an easy meal.

This Ursa looked down at the new arrival of a person before it. It hadn't seen this one and only saw the 4 previously.

Now not being able to charge on all fours it decides that it's best way of attacking would be on its two legs using its other arm and it's teeth.

It charges, somewhat awkwardly, at Alabast and tries to beat him with its other arm. This strike was significantly faster than the last.

Alabast just jumped over it allowing the swipe to just pass through the air.

He uses the blunt and flat side of his sword to bash the top of the Ursa's head.

There is a loud and meaty whack sound as his sword makes contact and the Ursa is forced into the ground beneath it face first.

Alabast lands on the ground and simply stabs the tip of his blade into the Ursa's skull just above its mask.

As he stabbed the blade into its head, he barely felt any resistance. Sine he didn't have to go through the hard external bone of mask he only needed to break its skull. Something his sword was really efficient at all thing considered. Mainly the mass of his sword and his strength.

The others, his friends and the bullies, watched him defeat the Grimm in 3 strikes technically. But he couldn't see his friends currently.

He turns back around to face team Cardinal. The Ursa dispersing behind him. He puts Nights Fall back onto his back.

His aura still surrounding him as he goes back to the bigots.

The bullies don't say anything as Alabast makes them turn around to face him. He then makes them stand at attention with their feet together and hands at their sides.

They were relieved when Alabast defeated the Grimm but now it felt like they were out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Alabast opens a jar of the sap as he approaches Cardin.

"This sap is pretty tasty" Alabast says as he stands in front of Cardin. "Nora really liked it"

Alabast was looking at the jar. "Guess these extra jars will be for her"

Team CRDL watch as Alabast closes the jar he opened.

"I don't know why you all look so relieved" Alabast moves each of them to a tree and binds their arms and legs to superset ones. But they all can still see eachother.

Alabast makes his Darkness stab into the tree just above each of their heads, slowly the sap exits the tree and begins pouring down on their heads. They tried to move but a tendril wraps around their throat and holds their head against the tree.

"I think you all need to cool off your hot heads while I deal with you one at a time"

The sap would be extremely difficult to get out of their hair and clothes.

Alabast moves his hands to his belt and the sound of metal can be heard in the area. And then Alabast takes off the belt with his right hand.

"Now you guys thought I wasn't serious about promising a beating" Alabast grabs the buckle and end of the belt in one hand while the other grabs the middle of the belt which is now the end of the loop.


Alabast pulls his arms apart making the belt make a satisfying sound.

"I don't make empty threats"

Now the belt starts to have the same black aura around Alabast.

"Who wants to go first?" He asks as he looks between the four. "Oh, I know. Let's save the leader for last so he can watch as his teams gets whipped into shape"

Their eyes widen in fear and their mouths tremble, not even able to ask for forgiveness at this point.

"Russel Thrush, congratulations. You're first"

Sounds of a beating can be heard. Hits with a whip like object and fists can be heard in the area. Along with the muffled grunts of Russel. Alabast didn't need him screaming so he covered his mouth with darkness.

Russels aura doesn't last long before it breaks.

"Broken already?" Alabast steps back with a neutral expression. Russel feeling relieved that Alabast stops, his aura broken, any damage done could be permanent.

"Too bad for you it's just getting started"

Russels eyes flick open as he looks up to Alabast only to see a fist going for his face.

After a few more minutes of beat down Alabast takes a step back and looks at Russel. He's got bruises that are very visible.

"Russel, how did you get so injured? The Grimm are just brutal out here aren't they?" Alabast mocks him, Russel not even able to say a response currently just slowly nods his head. Alabast didn't make it so he couldn't talk ever again, Russel was just too tired and beaten to speak. Even his head nod was small and slow.

"Good" Alabast looks around at the other 3.

"Sky Lark"

Lark tries to get free. He thrash's his limbs and tries to use his semblance to get free but it's useless. Nothing was working as he watched the dark figure approach him.

Darkness already covering his mouth so he couldn't beg to be set free or even plead fir a less brutal punishment.

"If I remember correctly....." Alabast no longer had the jars in his left and, those were sitting on the grass, and nothing in his right hand. "….You thought yourself of a 'pretty boy' or something moronic"

Sky's eyes widen and he freezes. Then he starts trying to talk but it's just muffled noises that escape his mouth.

"Tell me Sky" Alabast moves his right hand to his hair that covers his face and moves it away. Revealing his plethora of scars marring his face. "Isn't my face also 'pretty'? Or is it forever scarred because a human saw it fit to do this to a child? How would you feel if your face also had these scars?"

Alabast let's his hair cover his face again. Sky Lark was watching with wide eyes and tears were streaming down his face.

"Don't worry Lark" Alabast says. Sky can feel his bladder release what it was holding. "You're aura is still active"

Alabast proceeds to beat Sky with his hand and the belt until Sky's aura breaks.

Sky was exhausted but was still fearing for his life. The fear could be smelt throughout the area. Well, if fear smelt like piss that is.

"Now about that face….." Alabast grabs Sky by his hair and pulls his head back to the tree. His hair was already full of sap and sweat.

Alabast makes the belt stay on a tendril that appeared beside him.

His right hand holding Lark's hair out of his face while his left index finger moves his index finger around his left eye and forehead.

"What if I gave you the same scars as me. That way I can bully you? Doesn't that sound fair?"

Lark was shaking like a tree on the windiest day of fall. He didn't want to feel any pain. He wanted to just get beaten like Russel. Anything other than getting scars like this crazy guy had.

"Or do you want the same treatment as your pal over there" Alabast moves and points to his first victim who was still conscious and forced to watch.

Sky nods his head with everything he has left. The little energy he could muster after the exhausting feeling of being beaten until your aura breaks.

"You've made your decision" Alabast says in a cold tone.

He grabs his belt and gets back to it.

A few minutes later Sky looks similar to Russel and Alabast moves to the next guy. Dove Bronzewing.

Alabast stands infront of Dove and looks down at the member of Team CRDL that always has his eyes closed but can magically see.

Alabast doesn't even say anything. The short guy was frozen with fear. And his pants were soiled with something that Albast wished he didn't have his higher Ed sense of smell.

He didn't say anything as he beat Dove. He mainly used the belt on him. Each hit of the belt left a dent in his armor or rook a decent chunk of his aura with it.

Dove didn't last long. Apparently even though he's a secondary tank he couldn't last against Alabasts beating. But Alabast will give him credit. He didn't make all that much noise. Even though his mouth was covered. He didn't try to beg for forgiveness or for him to stop. Alabast knows how to deal the least damage but the most pain to an opponent. Just because a person may not be damaged due to their aura, doesn't mean they don't feel the pain.

Alabast just leaves Dove after he's looking slightly worse than the other two.

"Now Cardin" Albast turns to Cardin Winchester. He hasn't let the river run yet. But Alabast won't be surprised if the dam is about to break.

Alabast grabs the belt in both hands and the darkness surrounding it grows. Alabast himself even gets shroud in Darkness as Cardin can only see his silhouette and glowing eyes. And with each step he speaks.




Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

Happy Halloween!

You can imagine how the specific beating goes. But nothing sexual you freaks! Alabast is straight and will not touch a man inappropriately.

I was a bit stumped on how to proceed with the forever fall forest. I had a few ideas, and I’m afraid that this isn’t the best one. But I feel like this is necessary. My mind was thinking about the upcoming events that are going to happen soon.

Hope you enjoyed

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