Last night, as they lay in bed, Cam had felt safe to admit, “You know, I always thought this type of sex was perverse and sick. My previous lovers have always been so gentle, so loving.”
Michael had looked up at her from where she lay nestled against Cam’s shoulder. “You don’t enjoy being sick and perverse?” she asked.
“Is that what we really are?”
“So some say.”
Cameron stared at the ceiling above the bed. Should she ask Michael what she was really thinking, or just let it go and chalk it up to a learning experience?
“Just when I think it can’t get better, we turn a new corner,” Michael had continued, resting her head back on Cam’s chest, “Sometimes, I think we are going to explode. Maggie and Charlie will miss us and come to find us here in many tiny pieces.”
They’d laughed about it and speculated on how their “pieces” would be identified. It had been one of the easiest, and enjoyable conversations they’d had.