Since there was leeway in Cal’s terms—a week and home before Christmas—they had no clue when he’d get the actual summons.
They tried their best to stick to their routines,but this time they socialized more.Cal and Derek left their den a couple of times to go to the other farm,just to have something else to think about.
One of those evenings,they were gathered in Mikael’s house,hanging out with everyone in the living room.
They’d had dinner and then Mikael had gone to his office to check his emails like he did every night.Suddenly he rushed back into the room,his eyes shining with excitement.
“The girls are coming back next week!”he exclaimed,and everyone who knew what he was talking about whooped and then it was smiles all around until Mikael,Maxim,Noah,Dallas,and Anton realized Derek,Cal,and Kit had very little clue about what was going on.