“I don’t do discipline unless it is specifically requested. Do you wish to be disciplined on a daily basis, Boy?”
“If it pleases you to do so, Sir.”
“What would please me is for you to answer my question. Do you require daily discipline to stay in a submissive head space?”
“No, Sir.”
“That is better, boy. You answered my question. Other Dominants may train their submissives to answer their questions with platitudes.” Bear mimed a sub, “Whatever pleases you, Sir.”
“I have no opinion but yours, Sir.’” Bear grimaced. “I prefer an open, honest relationship. Whether you feel you require or do not require discipline, the choice is ultimately mine. However, if I ask a question, I would like an honest, well-thought-out answer.
I do not want to live with an automaton. Since you did wake me without seeing to my immediate needs, I will put five strokes on your ass sometime today. Now, my dear boy, give due diligence to your Papa Bear.”