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67.56% Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens / Chapter 50: Chapter 50

Capítulo 50: Chapter 50

- With Daenerys Targaryen -

She did not like waiting for her nephew to return home from putting would be pretenders and schemers aiming to undo her House's rule over the Seven Kingdoms. Nor would she wait. There was much to do and one man could only do so much, even with three dragons to aid him when called upon. Daenerys knew she had to contribute to the strengthening of the Seven Kingdoms too or else everyone would think her weak. Something weak or a means to gain leverage over her nephew.

Hence why she decided to act in terms of dealing with the Iron Born. While Aegon had gone to deal with the Vale, the Master of Whispers had called for an emergency meeting of the Small Council to address the whispers his little birds had brought to his attention from the Iron Islands. Lord Balon Greyjoy had heard of the conflict between House Stark and House Lannister with most of the North empty of its vast army of bannermen. While the Lannister army was back in the West, it was greatly reduced in number. While many Northerner were returning home to the North and their homes, it would take time given the sheer vastness of the army.

And ships were arguably faster then horses or marching on foot, even if there was a road available to them.

When the Lord Hand heard this, it was clear he wished to leave King's Landing to defend the North himself. His son eager to do the same since House Greyjoy had no love for the North and the Houses sworn to it. If the damn kraken got his tentacles into the North, it would be many Moons before they were all found, and thrown back into the sea.

And not just the North, but the West too. While the Lannister army was still formidable, it had been reduced badly by Aegon's surprise attack, and its fleet never fully recovered during the Greyjoy Rebellion when the squids had burned down the entire Lannister fleet. Tyrion had admitted during the Small Council meeting that his Father had unfortunately been more focused on funding the Crown and increasing his own power through the Iron Throne over improving his House in other places. Lord Stannis had also pointed out that the Royal Fleet was still on the other side of the Seven Kingdoms and would sadly take time to sail around all of Westeros to meet the Iron Fleet head on in combat.

In any case, they agreed the Iron Born had to be stopped. At the moment the meeting was held, Varys admitted his little birds didn't know where the Iron Fleet would strike first. The Lord of Iron Islands had kept such information close to his chest, revealing it only to his daughter and that she be the one to lead said fleet when they launched from Pike to open sea.

Which was why Daenerys decided to take the initiative in cutting the fleet off before it could truly spread out to do what it wished. Calling on Drogon and Vaderon, she flew on the former while they headed toward the Iron Fleet already starting to spread out like that of a squid with its tentacles. Without mercy, she ordered the two dragons to attack upon the massive Iron Fleet consisting of well over a hundred ships filled with blood thirsty Iron Born.

Those who weren't burnt alive jumped off their ships into the sea, only to drown due to their own armor causing them to sink into dark reaches of the ocean below. Some on their ships tried to fight back with bows and arrows, but in the end, they were all consumed in dragon's fire. Some of the ships had tried to turn back, but were either blocked by burning ships, or getting burned themselves by being so close to the ships on fire. In the end, most of the Iron Fleet was consumed in dragon's fire one way or another with only a handful of ships escaping to return home in defeat and shame.

Looking at the destruction caused, Daenerys smirked knowing this would reach the Lord Kraken and make him pound his chair in anger. From what she heard from Lord Varys and others on the Small Council, the man had wanted his people to pillage, plunder, and rape the mainland areas of Westeros like his ancestors did in the days of old. While she wasn't sure if Lord Greyjoy's daughter survived the attack launched on the Iron Fleet, the Princess of House Targaryen knew the woman would have to explain the loss to vile man she called a Father.

And of course, Daenerys expected her Father to raise a fuss over it. Demanding justice be done for such an "unprovoked attack" on his Iron Fleet since he was "loyal" to the Crown per his agreement with Robert Baratheon. How there was no proof of his Iron Fleet going out to do what he bent the knee to no do again. Not that anyone would believe it. How do you justify launching a fleet of over a hundred ships with countless Iron Born, heading to North and West mainland areas without informing or getting permission from the King?

You don't. Even more so since this was an invasion fleet intending to use surprise to their advantage. So Daenerys decided to give the Iron Born a surprise of her own through the dragons coming down upon them and showing the fools that even iron can break when putting enough pressure on it and was pressed against the flames.

- King's Landing - Sometime Later -

"Thanks to Princess Daenerys, the Iron Fleet is no more," commented Varys to Aegon, who had returned from the Vale, and was getting updated on current events.

"Good. If she hadn't done it, I would have in her place, and with all three dragons. I take Balon Greyjoy is demanding my Aunt be punished for this so called 'unprovoked attack' by her?" asked Aegon with Varys nodding.

"He is denouncing House Targaryen for your Aunt's actions. Even going so far as to call her the Mad Princess and how she is following in her Father's footsteps," said Varys with Daenerys scowling at his words.

"And how does he explain his Iron Fleet being launched from the Iron Islands? The same Iron Fleet he was told to never rebuild again when bending the knee?" asked Stannis with Varys giving him a small smile.

"He was rather silent on that front my Lord. All he did was condemn the actions of House Targaryen and the Crown in his ranting. The primary reason behind House Targaryen and the Crown acting as they did was conveniently not mentioned at the time," replied Varys with Stannis scoffing.

"Of course it wasn't mentioned during his ranting. He wants all the other Houses in Seven Kingdoms to see the actions taken against House Greyjoy as unjust and for others to rebel against the Crown," commented Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"And to use it as a means to rally other Houses to consider the idea of making him King in my place. Only for him to allow pillaging, raping, and plundering on all fronts while anyone who would protest being dead or enslaved. A hypocrite and vile human being all rolled up in one," added Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"For now, the man is currently unable to do anything. His daughter managed to survive the onslaught, but the fleet in question was reduced to a small handful of ships. It will take them years and lots of supplies to rebuild it. Something they do not have in the form of the latter," said Varys with Aegon thinking things over in his head.

"That will not last forever. If history has taught us anything, the Iron Born have a habit of coming back from each devastating loss," added Margery with many in the room nodding since that was the case with the Iron Born.

"What it is they always say? That which is dead may never die?" asked Stannis with Ned nodding.

"Aye. It means they will come back stronger then ever after each loss," replied Ned with a sigh since it was clear having Theon in the North wasn't going to deter the man's Father.

"Unless we deliver such a defeat not even they can recover from. We will of course give Lord Balon a chance to redeem himself. I don't expect him to take it, but we won't give him the excuse about not receiving such a thing. Send him a raven demanding he come to Court. Tell him we know the truth about why the Iron Fleet was being launched. That we know the truth about his plans for the Seven Kingdoms and we do not take his insults he aimed at my Aunt lightly. Also, let him know that if he does not come to Court to face the charges of treason against the Crown, his home will be burned and reduced to ash. What is dead may never die, but it can and will certainly be burned from dragon's fire," said Aegon with Varys nodding.

"There is also the issue with the Maesters from the Citadel your Grace. The ones who secretly conspired against your House and those with your blood," said Tyrion while Stannis grit his teeth in anger over the mention of the Maesters.

Not surprising given one had cost him and his wife numerous children until they got Shireen. And even her life had been endanger thanks to those fools.

"I sent some of my most trusted men to Dragonstone your Grace. They have orders to subdue my Maester there discreetly. Ser Davos will ensure the man is smuggled out of there and smuggled here without question," said Stannis while having read the list of Maesters that Renly knew of and saw his own on it.

Fortunately, most of the chain wearing rats, who conspired against the Crown were now residing in the Citadel since they didn't want to expose themselves to openly. They most likely gave orders to people with similar mindsets knowing such instructions wouldn't be questioned or challenged. Grand Maester Pycelle and Stannis's own Maester were out of the Citadel due their targets requiring it.

Aegon had already enlisted young Samwell to secretly keep an eye on these men and to secretly report anything worth mentioning to Lady Olenna so it could be relayed to him. The Maesters at the Citadel already knew Samwell was occasionally sending the Queen of Thorns messages every so often, but they thought it was a continued correspondence constantly show appreciation for her sponsoring him.

Why make them think otherwise?

"We will deal with them last Lord Tyrion. I want to avoid suspicion, which is why I am having their movements secretly monitored for now. Word of what I did to Pycelle has no doubt reached them and they are worried I might know of their actions. By dealing with these Maesters last, we can lure them all into a false sense of security," said Aegon with Tyrion nodding since they would be on alert right now.

"There is also the issue of the Wall your Grace. Even with the line of men recently sent there, it is still understaffed and has not been properly funded since Robert's rule. The former and late Master of Coin went out of his way to secretly drain funds from the Wall when he was taking money from the Crown," added Tyrion while Aegon making a noise.

"Have the funds stolen from the Crown and for the Wall been found Lord Tyrion?" asked Mace curiously since it was a massive amount taken by the dead flesh peddler during his time as Master of Coin.

"Fortunately, I did obtain the funds. Baelish sent it to the Fingers where he was from and kept it hidden in his old home there. I have the funds secured and will be using them to pay the debts the Crown owes House Lannister and to the Iron Bank. Unfortunately, the former Master of Coin had agreed to pay the Iron Bank back with ridiculously stupid high interest in exchange for leniency on when it can be paid back. I had use the portion meant for the funding of the Night's Watch and the Wall to pay off the debt we owe the Iron Back in order to cover everything. Fortunately, while I was in Essos with my Aunt, I have acquired a vast amount of wealth, from which I have placed a large sum of said vast wealth into the Crown's own coffers. The funding for the Wall, much less the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms will no longer be an issue from here on out. I will have the amount sent to Lord Tyrion before the end of the day for processing," replied Aegon with Tyrion looking pleased by that.

"That is good to know your Grace. The people will be happy about this since they have long since wished for the Crown to provide more for them. But I'm afraid it will do little against the Faith Militant," replied Varys with Aegon looking at him.

"The Faith Militant?" asked Aegon curiously with Varys nodding.

"My little birds tell me of how the High Septon has been raising a fuss and trying to get them started again. They claim your use of sorcery and bringing back dragons is an sin against the Seven," answered Varys while explaining how another sect of the Seven, who call themselves Sparrows have been also trying to do the same.

The only difference between the two was High Septon was dressed in jewels and fancy robes while the High Sparrow along with his followers all dressed as poor people with little to nothing. In fact, the two factions were against each other for different reasons with one side calling the other heretics and the other calling the first one hypocrites using the wealth given for their own purposes.

Two religious factions united by the same goal, but divided on their beliefs when it came to the same faith.

"It is absurd! His Grace has ended corruption within the Small Council. Revealed wicked ambitious individuals who would do increased harm to everyone around them. And they have the nerve to denounce him for it. Disgraceful!" exclaimed Mace while Aegon just sat there in thought.

"This is why I prefer the Old Gods," commented Ned to himself with Aegon smirking.

"I know Uncle. No doubt the High Septon is also angry over the fact I talked to Thoros Myr and Lady Melisandre about setting up a temple here in Westeros for their own faith. Even more so when I said they could, under the condition that those who join the faith do so of their on freewill. The same can also be said for those who wish to believe in the Old Gods. I was planning to have a few of them placed throughout the city in sizeable areas where those who wish to pray to them could find the means to do it. Let a man's faith be his own, but let no man try to influence or force another to change simply because they believe differently," said Aegon with all of them nodding since it would help ease the tension a bit since not everyone held the faith of the Seven in such high regard.


"Truly your Grace? You would allow a temple to be built in King's Landing?"

"Aye, I would Lady Melisandre. But there are ground rules that MUST be followed. First, no burning people alive. I know your faith, but to burn people alive, much less the statues portraying other Gods is going to cause issues with people. In addition, neither you nor the other priests or priestesses will try to convert someone from their chosen faith. If they choose to embrace the Seven, let them follow it. If they choose the Old Gods like the people in the North do, let them. Someone who chooses your faith willingly will make a bigger impact over one chosen by force or possible misdirection. If there one thing the Gods all agree on, it is we have freewill to choose things. Following a God or Gods is one of them."

"I understand your Grace. While my God is admittedly a jealous and possessive one, he will not do something that removes people from his greatness or path."

"Good. I am glad we understand each other. There is a darkness coming in the future Lady Melisandre. Your God has either shown you or will show you in the near future. None can escape it. No one of any faith can stand against it alone. Old Gods. New Gods. The Lord of Light. We all have a common enemy. The one that brings the darkness. That brings the cold. The one that brings the end to the realms of men. All must unite or all will be destroyed."


"At the same time, we can try to convince the more zealous members of the Seven that his Grace isn't a threat to them or to their faith," suggested Margery while she didn't think the Seven Kingdoms could handle any more problems.

"I'm afraid my little birds have heard other whispers of the more 'devoted' and 'stubborn' of these faithful minds seeking to not only kill the three dragons, but the King as well. To make things even worse, my little birds have heard that in the event they are unable to kill the 'unholy King', any woman he wishes to take as his bride as Queen, or any children the two have together," said Varys while Margery was shocked those of the faith would go so far.

"Who are these men? I want names! I say we take the army and show them the error of their ways with a sword to the throat," said Mace while thinking of his daughter being attacked by members of the faith simply for being with the King.

Or any child she may have from her union with the King.

"Calm yourself Lord Tyrell. Rushing into things will only give those conspiring minds the justification they need to carry out such acts. Right now, we have the support of the people. We have begun feeding them, clothing them, and providing them with a means to sustain such things on their own through employment of jobs and education to obtain any future skills to further assist their means of living healthy lives. The High Septon and this High Sparrow seek to tip that support in their favor so when they do act, no one will want to oppose them for any deeds done in the name of the Seven," said Aegon with the Small Council nodding.

"Not to be blunt here your Grace, but...are you suggesting we do nothing?" asked Tyrion curiously since he was concerned the High Septon might do something dangerous.

"For now. Let them rant and rave in their attempt to condemn me for actions which have made the people happy. The end result will be their own frustration at the lack of results and support from the people themselves. Naturally, they will seek to make a move against me, if not Lady Margery, which we will of course stop, and expose as being villainous in its own right. We will make these fools into their own worst enemy," said Aegon with his hand on Margery's own to show he would not allow anything to happen to her.

"There is one more matter your Grace. In regards to the North. Particularly House Bolton and Lord Bolton's bastard son Ramsey," said Varys while Lord Stark glanced at him with narrowed eyes.

"What about House Bolton?" asked Aegon with Varys glancing over at Ned Stark for a brief moment.

"My little birds have heard whispers in the North your Grace. Whispers of House Bolton secretly potting and seeking to make a move against House Stark in order to take control of the North," answered Varys while Ned growled at that.

"I trust you can confirm these rumors?" asked Aegon since he knew his Uncle wanted this to be confirmed before action was taken.

"Yes your Grace. Ramsey Snow, who is Roose Bolton's bastard son, has been secretly terrorizing the people in the North when they stray into Bolton territory. However, he is planting fake evidence indicating it was one of the other Houses doing the unspeakable things. He has been making other Lords point fingers at the other while Roose Bolton hears their complaints instead of them going to Lord Stark. Even more now that he is the Hand of the King here with his heir also here with him. While this in itself is nothing, its only part of a much larger plan to cause fighting among the other Northern Houses. Lord Bolton goes to the different Lords, claiming to be their friend, and promises to resolve the problem in exchange for their 'friendship' or 'favor' when he asks for it. Lord Bolton has even gone to secretly enlist the help of House Frey in his efforts to claim the North. Now that House Tully has been brought low and their position is weakened in the Riverlands, they seek to become stronger for it. Roose has even agreed to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters, one of the fatter ones, Walda Frey I believe is her name. Lord Bolton in quite literally getting her weight in silver as a dowry," explained Varys with Aegon not looking pleased by this news.

"It seems more problems arise the more I cut old ones down," commented Aegon since he had thought any future threats would be stopped with the Tullys and those who went against the Crown being made an example of only recently.

"Sadly, with the Tullys in such a weak situation, the Weasels see an opportunity here, and seek to expand their strength. Hence why they have decided to seek a secret alliance with House Bolton if he can secure the North, if not the vast majority of it, from House Stark," said Varys with Ned being reminded by his Father to be mindful of House Bolton and to never trust them.

"But why now? I am the Hand to the King and Robb is my heir to Winterfell. The current King of the Seven Kingdoms is of Stark blood," said Ned since his House was now at its strongest it has ever been in many years.

"True Lord Hand, but the current Stark trying to run things in the North and Winterfell until you or young Robb Stark return is young Brandon Stark. Roose Bolton no doubt sees this as an opportunity to strike while you and young Robb are not in the North. He will seek out ambitious minds and those who would not have a crippled Stark running what Lord Bolton feels should have been his House's own ages ago. In addition, the Freys feel slighted due to the promise of Robb Stark marrying one of Lord Frey's daughters in order to cross the Twins being broken by his Grace in a raven sent to Walder Frey about it," replied Varys with Ned growling angrily since it wasn't Brandon's fault his son had been crippled nor his son's even since Robb didn't make that promise to the Freys.

Cat had done that. She had no business doing it. Not because she was a woman, but due to Walder Frey being a man who respects only power and strength. Had Robb gone to him with a few Lords of the North to provide counsel during the negotiations, it wouldn't have come to that. To see Robb's Mother negotiate instead of the young man himself was an insult to Walder Frey, even more so when the woman in question was Holster Tully's daughter. Lord Frey had no respect or love for Holster Tully or any of the man's children for that matter. There was bitterness between both Houses with neither side willing to try mending it due to such an attempt being perceived as weakness on their part.

While Walder Frey saw it as a weakness, he sided with Robb due to the offer made by Cat was the only one given. Tywin Lannister had not been given the Lord of the Twins an offer or better offer when the war started. Ned suspected the old lion had no intention of making any offer with House Frey. Not unless an opportunity came up where Robb had made a choice that would provide a discreet opening for Tywin to capitalize on that he desperately needed to win.

When Aegon had heard of Robb's betrothal to one of Lord Frey's daughters, he had sent a raven to the Lord of the Twins explaining how it was nullified. How any union between House Stark and House Frey would not end well for either side and bring disappointment to all sides. How the Crown would compensate House Frey with gold and jewels for their time, effort, support, and "loyalty" during the short lived war.

Though it seemed the Lord of the Twins wanted more given what had happened with Aegon sitting on the Iron Throne and with House Tully being brought low. Being given such wealth might have appeased Walder Frey in the past, but given the shift caused by the return of the Targaryens, they were expecting something more long lasting. To them, backing the new King's cousin during the war was costly on many fronts, and House Frey felt they should have even more.

"And it just so happens, Lord Frey has sent an invitation for our King, his Aunt, the Lord Hand, his son and heir, his daughters, and other members of the Small Council he wishes to attend said wedding. All at the Twins. Note how all those listed on this are either allies of House Targaryen or House Stark family members. Coincidence?" commented Tyrion while revealing said invitation to the Small Council.

"It is a trap. A trap designed to either kill or capture members of my family from both of my Houses. With Brandon so young and crippled, House Bolton would make their power play to claim the North for themselves. Once House Stark was ultimately removed, they would simply force the other Lords and their heirs into submission by flaying all those who don't agree with how they run the North," said Aegon while seeing the future vividly through the Force and the plot Walder Frey had planned with Roose Bolton during the wedding.

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