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64.31% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 172: Chapter 16: Tri-Delt West l

Capítulo 172: Chapter 16: Tri-Delt West l


Sasha appeared in the archway between the hallway and the living room, clad in a plush terrycloth bathrobe over dark green and red plaid flannel pajamas. "Rough night?"

I picked my head up and immediately winced, my temples throbbing as my field of vision moved faster than my sense of balance could handle at the moment. I once had looked up the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. They included dehydration, fatigue, headache, body aches, elevated body temperature, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to light and noise, tremors, and a lack of depth perception.

I didn't drink a single drop of alcohol last night, but somehow I had all of those symptoms. Attempting to outfuck seven horny sorority girls will do that to a guy. My nerves felt like they'd been fried from too much electrical activity during the previous evening, and my muscles felt about the same. My hand was shaky as I tried to grasp my glass of orange juice without dropping it, but I chugged the remainder in an attempt to cure my dehydration. Setting the glass down, I took a deep breath and wondered why I wasn't upstairs in the comfort of my bed.

Because if I was still there, the two naked girls in my bed would be molesting me right now.

[[And that's a BAD thing?!?]]

Yes. Right now that would be a BAD thing.

Shaking that train of thought, I gestured Sasha at the food spread across the table. "Hungry?"

"Well, it certainly smells good. Guess there are certain upsides to having guests in the house." Sasha glanced over to the slender brunette coming out of the kitchen with a fresh batch of waffles. "Thank you very much ... uhh..."

"Nora. Nora Cavaday," the lissome English rose replied with a smile, adding in that adorable accent, "And you're quite welcome."

"Nora. I'll remember," Sasha replied as she took a seat and poured herself some orange juice. She took a sip and then surveyed the living room. Jamie and Andie were still upstairs in my bedroom, but Madison, Misa, Leticia, and Jeannie were hanging out in the living room. That didn't even count Whitney, Lakhi, and Jocelyn, the three of whom were still asleep in DJ's and Brooke's old bedrooms, at least until Jocelyn staggered out and went straight into the bathroom with a decided hitch in her step as if her butt really, REALLY hurt.

Sasha blinked, looking around before asking, "Um, pardon me for asking. But I saw the sign on the front door. Ben ... exactly how many girls are in this house right now?"

"Including you?" I mumbled.

She shook her head. "No, not including me."

"Uh, ten."

Sasha blinked twice, giving me an appraising look.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I didn't fuck ALL of them last night."

She arched a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Just ... seven of them..." I muttered.

Sasha chuckled and shook her head.

"Overeager on the first day," I said with a shrug. "I'll slow down."

Sasha outright snorted. "Yeah, right."

I couldn't help but grin, adding, "Well ... I'll slow down eventually."

Just like an alcohol-hangover, time, food, rest, and lots of water did wonders for my sex-hangover. I ate, drank, and then kicked Andie and Jamie out of my bed so I could take a nap ... a REAL nap ... without any females in my bed.

At least, there weren't any females in my bed when I WENT to sleep. I woke up just before noon to find Whitney and Nora in the Master Bedroom's sitting area, carrying on a quiet conversation. Whitney seemed especially perky when I awoke, and she explained that she'd done like Jocelyn and broken up with her boyfriend. I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about these girls summarily dismissing the guys they'd been dating just to be my sex toy, but Whitney was very convincing. In the end, the girls pushed me onto the bed and re-enacted our threesome from last night, only this time we ended with Nora sucking my sperm out from Whitney's sodden cunt.

But we only went the one round, and the three of us returned downstairs to find that the Tri-Delts were serious about making my house their social zone. Leticia, Jeannie, Andie, and Lakhi were hanging around the living room watching TV and chatting with Sasha, along with two newcomers who hadn't been a part of last night's festivities.

"Hey Lupe. Hi Tonya. Funny running into you guys here."

"He's up!" Lupe Gutierrez beamed happily, hopping up from her spot on the couch.

"Well, he's awake..." Tonya Brackett drawled. "Whether or not he's still 'up' is another question entirely."

Nora shrugged. "We only got him off once."

"Just once?" Lupe cheered. "Great! Our turn, then!"

Whitney giggled and reached up to high-five Tonya, who had also gotten off the couch.

Tonya slapped her sorority sister's hand and said, "Cool, we're tagging in."

Feeling slightly exasperated and slightly more exhausted, I shook my head. Food and the nap had helped me feel almost normal, but the threesome with Nora and Whitney had my energy levels dangerously low once again. Knowing I'd need more than a couple hours to completely recover from last night's marathon orgy, I wheezed, "Girls, this isn't a WWE wrestling match."

"No, it's a Double-D wrestling match!" Lupe enthused, taking my hand and placing it on her left breast. Taking my other hand, she then began dragging me toward the stairs.

"But what about lunch?" I whined.

Jocelyn poked her head out from the kitchen. "Won't be ready for a half-hour at least. Go on and take him."

"Now wait a gawddamn minute!" I finally grunted, shaking my hand out from Lupe's grasp. "I thought we talked about this. No pressure. No obligations. Now I'm tired and I need a break and some food if you girls are going to keep this up. I can appreciate the sign on the door, and what that supposedly offers me, but seriously, I need at least a little rest!"

Sasha spoke up in my defense. "Girls ... maybe he could use a breather..."

Jocelyn folded her arms over her chest and fixed me with a self-satisfied smirk. "So are you saying you've reached the point where you've got more pussy than even you can handle?"

I started nodding my head yes, but for some reason, the triumphant tone in Jocelyn's voice set off something deep inside my core. New energy flowed from previously unknown reserves, sending electrical impulses up and down my limbs. In less than twenty-four hours, I'd already fucked eight Tri-Delt babes into the ground. Now, I was going to make it TEN.

"You know what?" I began with a sneer, feeling my adrenaline rushing. "Nevermind. Lunch. Thirty minutes. You got that?" I growled at Jocelyn.

She arched a teasing eyebrow and kept smirking, but she nodded her agreement.

I then pointed at Sasha. "I'm holding her to it. Make sure she has the food ready."

Sasha blinked at me in surprise, but then smiled and saluted smartly as if she were a military officer.

"Fine." I grabbed Lupe and Tonya each by the hand, and then led the way up the stairs. 29 minutes later, I came back down the stairs, ready for my promised meal.

Lupe and Tonya weren't with me. They'd have to wake up first.

Ego or not, this Sex God did actually have his limits. I was well and truly wiped out after knocking out Lupe and Tonya, and even ravenously devouring Jocelyn's prepared lunch couldn't completely restore me back to health.

Fortunately, Lupe and Tonya woke up during the meal and came downstairs, and I managed to retreat into the safety of my bedroom and locked the door to take an afternoon nap on top of the morning nap I'd already had. That bought me a little time and rest, and when I came downstairs for dinner I found that the crowd had noticeably thinned. Only six girls were left, including Sasha, and she would leave soon to get to work. Hey, it was a Saturday night. I was sure the rest of these beautiful, horny young college coeds had better things to do than camp out in my living room.

Of the ten Tri-Delts I'd been with since the start of "Tri-Delt West", two of them were recent additions who hadn't spent the night with me in the previous weeks: Madison Keynes and Nora. Instead of my usual three-girl bedtime foursome, only those two joined me that night. And since Nora had gotten her world rocked this morning, I was able to put most of my focus on Madison without expending a whole lot of energy.

That night really put the circumstances of my life into perspective. Although I imagine most straight males on the planet would kill to have been in my position, I couldn't help but feel a sort of emptiness in what I was doing. Madison was a great lover: tall, flexible, and extremely responsive to my manipulations. The willowy brunette had a tight cunt and cooed her pleasure in the cutest voice while looking up at me with big bedroom eyes while I pounded her into the mattress. No horny young male would ever consider kicking her out of his bed, and I was no different. And yet, there was a shallowness to our fucking I couldn't escape. Although this weekend was not my first time banging the model-esque brunette, the fact remained that I'd only ever met her once before in my life: at the Tri-Delt Blowjob party. Today was my third day of ever knowing her, and also my third day fucking her. And that was all there was to our relationship. I couldn't call us "friends". I could barely call us "acquaintances". We were practically strangers, and yet I was falling asleep with her in my bed.

We didn't cuddle overnight. I didn't wake up spooned behind my lover and feel the comfort of her tender embrace. Well, Nora's head was pillowed on my chest, but the whole thing still wasn't the same as waking up with DJ each morning, or even Kim. Sure, there was a lot to be said about the benefits of banging fresh pussy every day, and variety is the spice of life. It's not like I was going to shut down Tri-Delt West; I wasn't stupid. And yet, my situation couldn't help but highlight what was still missing from my life:


Stop complaining you whiny bitch.

Fine, fine.

Thankfully, by Sunday morning even all ten Tri-Delts seemed to have reached a point of satisfaction. Well, Andie woke me up with a morning blowjob before initiating a threesome with her and Jocelyn. But once they got their fill, I found myself without any nubile coeds throwing themselves at me during breakfast. Sure, this was still Tri-Delt West and I had right of seizure and insemination, but nobody was going out of their way to put themselves into my crosshairs.

My pelvic bone was slightly bruised, and deciding that I needed a break from the sorority girls, I grabbed Sasha, put her in the Mustang, and we took off for the day. The Tri-Delts were welcome to use my house as a hangout point, and Jocelyn made a point of confirming that I didn't plan on returning home before dinnertime. Apparently, some of their sorority sisters wanted to drop by and hang out, but they weren't particularly keen on me seizing them and inseminating them for various reasons. It only made sense that not every Tri-Delt was simply gagging for Sorority Cock Ben, no matter what my reputation was. Indeed, except for Jeannie and Leticia, every Tri-Delt who had come to the house so far had already BEEN with me last year. So I assured Jocelyn that her friends were welcome to drop by and I would stay away until 9pm ... At least, today I would.

I went where I usually did on weekends like this: Stanford; although in this particular case, Sasha and I were headed for Uncle Frank and Aunt Polly's house in Atherton. Today was Super Bowl Sunday, and I'd already been invited to join Paige, Kady, Lynne, and friends to watch the game (or as Noelle put it, "watch the commercials and get food during the game"). Since pretty much all of them had already met Sasha, I figured they wouldn't mind the plus-one, and she was already quite friendly with Paige and Kady's extended family. Besides, she didn't have anywhere better to be on a Sunday at lunch, although she would still have to get to work later on.

Everyone greeted us upon arrival, and I bumped fists with Bert who was also there. He'd texted with Sasha yesterday about "Tri-Delt West" and now that I was here, my buddy wanted details. Of course some of the girls overheard and then seemingly everybody wanted to put in their two cents about either how unbelievably awesome my situation was or how it was a misogynistic fantasy that deserved to be shut down. Surprisingly, Sasha was quick to come to my defense. Again, if you had told me last year that Sasha Serafian would be defending me banging ten or twelve different sorority girls who hung around my house simply waiting their turn to service me, I'd have sent you off to the crazy house.

An hour before the game started, I drove Sasha to the nearest BART station and dropped her off. Being Super Bowl Sunday, Nocturne would of course be packed with guys eager to spend the evening with a bunch of strippers. The club was doing some special event and she stood to make a lot of money tonight. I told her to have fun, and she wished the same for me and said that she'd see me at school tomorrow.

I returned to the the company of good friends. Amber couldn't make it to the party; she was working in the hospital today, but I spent a good several hours enjoying my time with everyone else. Lynne, of course, wanted to psychoanalyze the situation I'd gotten myself into. She expressed a great deal of concern about me attempting to drown myself in sex to numb the pain over what happened with DJ and with Kim. But I assured her that I had a decent handle on my emotions this time. After all, I was in Atherton talking to her and not in my house wallowing in misogynistic fantasy.

In the end, I didn't even return to Berkeley that night. Well after the Steelers beat the Seahawks, I remained in the Atherton house with my friends chatting the night away. Uncle Frank was the one who suggested I stay the night, in part because I'd consumed quite a few beers and other drinks since 2pm. Although my last cocktail had been at 8pm and I'd pissed out quite a bit of the alcohol in my system, I really wasn't in any hurry to get back to Berkeley. After fucking non-stop for the better part of 48 hours, the sexual creature inside me was content. And better yet, rather than spend the night in a guest room, Paige offered for me to cuddle with her.

We didn't have sex; she would have considered that cheating on Everett. In fact, had I met the guy for the first time this afternoon, I might not have wanted to even cuddle. But Paige's new boyfriend had spent the day with his own extended family, and until I finally saw him face-to-face it felt like he wasn't completely real to me. So I accepted Paige's offer and we did fall asleep in each other's arms, Little Red's head pillowed on my chest while I held her tightly. And in the morning, I awoke spooned behind her, my morning wood in the cleft of her ass and my right hand slipped underneath her pajama top so I could cup one of her full, still-nursing breasts. Even though it didn't lead to anything, it was still quite nice.

But then it was time to go home.

It was about 11am on Monday morning when I walked onto my front porch. I'd requested that the "Tri-Delt West" notice be moved inside, so the general public wouldn't see the rather suggestive sign posted on my front door. Entering the foyer, I saw that the notice had been hung on the wall in such a way that it was nearly impossible to miss upon entering. And as I moved further into the house, the sounds of happy girls laughing and chatting amiably filled my ears.

Entering the living room, I found that Jeannie Patitta and Misa Ng had set up shop on one of the couches while doing their homework. Nora Cavaday and Leticia Canas sat opposite them. "Hey girls," I offered in greeting.

The girls merely smiled and waved to me as I appeared, but made no flirtatious comments or otherwise attempted to seduce me. Really, they appeared to be just a group of girls studying together as if in a dorm lounge, and in that moment I started to realize the girls were serious about my house being a social annex of the Tri-Delt Sorority House.

My heartbeat slowed as I realized I wasn't about to be jumped by horny Tri-Delts, or at least not these Tri-Delts. Still, I'd been gone for more than 24 hours, and I rather expected at least ONE horny coed to proposition me between here and my bedroom. So taking a deep breath, I scanned the room, looking for anyone else who might jump me, and to my surprise I made it down the hallway unscathed.

Shrugging, I headed for the stairs. On the way, I glanced out the back door leading into the yard and saw that two lounge chairs had been set up out back. It was an unseasonably warm day, and when I paused to look, I found that bikini-clad Madison Keynes and Whitney Arvidsson were taking advantage of the overhead sunlight, working on their tans. They weren't naked or anything; after all, my backyard wasn't completely private. But their bikinis were brief and showed off quite a bit of girlflesh, and I found my not-used-in-over-24-hours cock begin to stir. Madison was face-up, but Whitney was just turning and I caught a glimpse of her large breasts before she settled face-down and reached behind herself to unhook the top.

Still thinking a bit about Whitney's tits, I was distracted as I went upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I took two steps into the room and then stopped dead in my tracks, my jaw dropping to the floor. Really, I shouldn't have been surprised. This had been my life for years now, especially since the Tri-Delts had moved themselves in. And yet I still was surprised, and as I gawked at the figures on my bed I grunted, "Dayyyum..."

Jamie Miano, voluptuous Italian beauty with dark eyes and ample curves, had those curves on full display with her button-down blouse open from throat to tails and her heavy-duty bra pushed up above her heaving melons. She reclined against the headboard, biting her lip to keep quiet as she spread her thighs to the sides in open acceptance of the female hand pumping three fingers in and out of her cunt.

Seated immediately beside Jamie was Andie Holland, pretty bottle-blonde with smaller but perkier curves stacked on slender, flexible body that simply called for me to fuck her harder and deeper every time we were together. Her pastel pink T-shirt was similarly pushed up above her bare breasts, her white shorts an afterthought hanging around one outstretched ankle while a dark brunette head wriggled between her thighs.

At my grunt, Sasha Serafian pulled her face out of Andie's crotch and sat back on her heels, giving me a pearly grin with glistening feminine juices coating her entire lower face from nose to chin. "Morning, Ben," she greeted. "When I found out you didn't come home last night, I was wondering if this whole Tri-Delt West thing had sent you running for the hills, never to return."

"We knew he'd come back," Jamie sighed happily, favoring me with a broad smile. "He likes us too much to not come back."

I didn't respond, still too shocked to find Sasha in this position. She wore only thong panties and was completely topless, and even now Jamie was idly fondling one of Sasha's big tits. It wasn't that I'd forgotten that (A) Sasha lived here now and (B) she was thoroughly bisexual, but for some reason it simply hadn't occurred to me that she would get mixed up with these sorority girls this fast.

"Wha--?" I began, my jaw flapping a bit. "What are you doing here?"

"Truthfully?" Sasha replied with an arched eyebrow. "I know you don't have any classes Monday mornings, so after I was done with my own class I came back here hoping you'd be free to take care of me. Did you forget that you haven't fucked me since this whole Tri-Delt West thing started? Granted, I've been working most of the weekend, but still ... A girl could get to feeling left out..."

I frowned, an apology already on my lips. "Sasha, I'm sorry if--"

"Can it," she cut me off while pointing her hand at me, four fingers outstretched and closing down meet her thumb in a clear gesture for me to shut up. "No apologies necessary. All I'm saying is: while I'm not a Tri-Delt, you already know you have the same rights over me as you do over them."

My eyebrows popped, and Sasha bent over on all fours, returning her face to Andie's cunt to give it a long lick. The bottle-blonde shivered and smiled.

Sasha then glanced back at me. "Well, are you going to gawk at us or join in?"

I joined in.

The rest of the week passed by uneventfully, if you consider "uneventful" to mean attempting to get my own homework and studying done while ten scantily-clad Tri-Delts took turns meandering around my living room attempting to tease me into "seizing and inseminating" them. They didn't all do so at once, and indeed the girls spent a lot of time simply going about their business without treating me any differently from their friends. But enough of them went out of their way to make clear that they wanted to be my next momentary conquest, and I found myself in more demand than I ever had been before.

The thing is: I wasn't actually living up to the terms of the Tri-Delt West charter. Posted on the wall of my foyer was a written document issued by the Tri-Delt President defining my privileges and purpose: My privilege – AND purpose – was to seize and inseminate whichever Tri-Delt I wanted, but the girls were throwing themselves at me more often than I needed, and I found myself actually turning them down more often than not lest I find myself a dried-out, desiccated corpse.

When I realized this, I decided that it was time for me to take charge of my life once again, and starting on Tuesday I made it a point to refuse every Tri-Delt who propositioned me, EVERY time. It didn't matter if they stripped naked and put themselves in my bed, I'd just kick them out of my room. I wasn't going to fuck any of the girls if THEY initiated. Instead, -I- would do all the choosing of time and place, whether the girls were ready for me or not.

I told them what I was doing, and why, but it still took a few hours to sink in. Andie kept trying to seduce me by crawling into my lap and stealing kisses. Jamie one-upped her by lifting her shirt above her bra-less tits and shoving them into my face right there in the living room. And Whitney hopped into the shower with me and tried to give me a blowjob.

I turned them away. Every one of them, every time ... even Whitney mid-blowjob. I had a point to get across, and at night I invited Sasha into my bedroom and locked the door.

To her credit, Sasha understood immediately what I was trying to do, and she didn't try to seduce me. She was dressed in her pajamas and didn't make any moves to remove her clothing. We stayed up a couple of hours, just talking about whatever came to mind with no pressure to start anything. And when I started yawning, she was the one who suggested that I get a good night's sleep.

"Would you like me to go back to my room?" she asked as she got up and stretched. "Let you rest in peace for a bit."

Her offer was guileless, but when Sasha's arms went above her head to stretch, the position did wonderful things for her big tits that dented out the front of her pajamas quite nicely. Despite all the sex I'd been having and even though I really could use a break, I felt myself hardening, and there's really no reason to let an erection go to waste.

"I'd rather you stayed," I replied with heat in my eyes.

Sasha looked surprised, but she smiled as I stood up and took her into my arms and then bent to kiss her. Two minutes later, she was fully naked and I slowly eased my thick cock into her tight twat. Once I was fully seated, she reached up, pecked my lips, and said, "Happy Valentine's Day."

I blinked in surprise, having momentarily forgotten that today was February 14th. But then I kissed her back, thinking that if DJ, Kim, AND Adrienne all had to be gone on a day like this, there was no one else I'd rather be with. Twenty minutes after that, Sasha rolled onto her side and curled into a fetal position, panting and satisfied with my cum leaking from her less-tight twat. I spooned behind her and together we drifted off to sleep.

On Wednesday morning, I worried that I had inadvertently given the Tri-Delts reason to resent my roommate, who wasn't one of them. But the girls actually took things in stride and accepted my right to choose, especially on Valentine's, if for no other reason than specifically BECAUSE Sasha was an outsider and I'd already shown a certain fondness for her that pre-dated Tri-Delt West. For me to have chosen one or two of the sorority sisters on such an important night would have been more likely to stir up resentment amongst the other sisters, or at least that's what Jocelyn and Jamie rationalized. Still, now that Valentine's Day was over, they all planned to make clear to me when they were ready and willing to be seized and inseminated.

Around eleven I found Jocelyn and Lakhi in my kitchen making lunch for themselves, Madison, and Misa. I assumed that the girls wouldn't mind me swiping a few bites, even though I'd be leaving to meet Sasha, Bert, and Paige for lunch on campus. Jocelyn cracked that Tri-Delt bylaws granted me permission to take their bodies, not steal their food. I think she meant it as a little payback for my seizing power over sex encounters within the house.

So hey, as Jocelyn just pointed out: even if I didn't have right of food, I still had right of body. So with that in mind, I flipped up Jocelyn's skirt and squatted to eat her pussy for lunch. And after munching on her to get whatever nutrition I could ingest from her orgasmic nectar, I dropped my shorts and fucked her from behind while the poor girl braced herself against the kitchen counter.

Lakhi then got whatever nutrition she could ingest from our combined orgasmic fluids straight out of Jocelyn's wet cunt.

And I stole Jocelyn's sandwich.

Thursday I put the "seize and inseminate" law to better use by abruptly reaching over the back of the couch and hooking my hands under Whitney's armpits while she was studying with Andie and Jamie. I literally dragged Whitney kicking and screaming over the backrest, threw her over my shoulder, and carried her into the little laundry room tucked toward the back of the house. There, I dumped Whitney atop the washing machine while it was currently cleaning my clothes. And when I shoved my tongue down her throat and yanked her shorts down to her ankles, the red-hot Nordic blonde quickly got into the mood by reaching into my pants and jacking me to hardness before pulling me inside her wet and willing cunt.

By the time I spooged Whitney full of cum, we had five gawking voyeurs lining the laundry room doorway. Jeannie Patitta shocked the hell out of me by wading in to slurp out the creampie, and I found myself starting to re-evaluate the way I had been picking my targets up to this point.

So far, there had been a total of 12 Tri-Delts spending significant time in my house: Seniors Lupe and Tonya; Juniors Andie, Jamie, Jocelyn, Lakhi, Madison, Misa, and Whitney; and Sophomores Jeannie, Leticia, and Nora. Of those, all except Leticia and Jeannie had been taking turns spending the night with me. I had only met those two younger girls less than a week ago; and while we'd exchanged some polite and flirty banter, I didn't consider myself "friends" with them on a level comfortable enough to initiate sexual contact.

Indeed, I didn't even initiate sexual contact out of the blue with Madison, Misa, or Lupe. While those three girls and I had enjoyed some fun sexual romps in the past several days, I'd only met them at Carli's blowjob party and didn't feel quite as close to them as some of the others I'd known dating back to Adrienne's pledge class. So while I stuck to my new personal rule about me doing the initiating, I went out of my way to make sure those three were really ready and willing before I seized and inseminated them.

And yet there went Jeannie sucking my spunk out of Whitney's leaking snatch. Leticia had pressed Nora up against the doorjamb and slipped a hand down the front of the English girl's shorts. And both Jamie and Andie were now approaching me with naked lust in their eyes.

The sign posted next to my front door made the rules quite clear: all Tri-Delts within these walls were subject to my seizure and insemination, including Leticia and Jeannie. That didn't mean that I would just grab them out of the blue the way I had just done with Whitney, but the girls had entered this house knowing full well the rules, perhaps even hoping I would grab them and have my way with them.

So right then and there I resolved to get to know the new girls better – all of the new girls, including Madison, Misa, and Lupe. And then maybe one day, if this whole "Tri-Delt West" thing lasted that long, Leticia and Jeannie would get their turn to be "seized".

But for now, well ... it was Lakhi's turn to make dinner. And I did love Indian food.

And I was curious to see how the girls would react to watching me fucking Lakhi right there on the kitchen floor...

"There they are ... Do I want to ask why you're late?" Bert's eyebrows popped as Sasha and I approached the table at the café where we'd agreed to meet for lunch Friday at noon. Well, it was now almost 12:15pm.

"Before you get all excited, it's not what you think," I said right away.

"So you weren't mobbed by ten horny Tri-Delts who wouldn't let you out the door before you satisfied their every physical desire?" Paige asked with a smirk and a giggle.

"No, actually," I replied with a firm shake of my head. Well, it wasn't true today, although I'd been nearly late to lunch the last two days for reasons similar to what Paige had described.

"Fine, then. Why are you late?" Bert asked expectantly.

Oops. I'd gotten so caught up in finally being able to honestly deny that my tardiness was due to me having sex with a Tri-Delt that I forgot to consider that the truth wasn't much better, at least not for me. Sliding a glance over to Sasha, I found that she was blushing quite deeply and avoiding anyone's eyes. The truth was: we were late because I'd waited up for her.

At 11:50am I'd gone to fetch Sasha from her room so that we could meet Bert and Paige on time, only to find her buck naked with Misa's entire fist up her snatch and that vibrating egg up her ass. The sight was so erotic that if I hadn't just blown two loads with Jocelyn and Tonya, I probably would have joined in. As it was, I was only slightly tempted, and instead I simply tapped my watch and said, "We're gonna be late."

"Fuck if I care..." Sasha groaned, her eyes rolling up into her head as she whimpered on the verge of orgasm.

So I waited and watched. Jocelyn had woken up, gotten dressed, and wandered out of my bedroom, coming up behind me and peeking in at the action going on in Sasha's bedroom. She smiled and wrapped herself around my body from behind, reaching over and petting the bulge that had started forming in my pants.

"Want me to suck you while you watch?" Jocelyn offered.

"Nah. She's almost done, anyway. And we really are late to lunch."

"You know you could always eat here. We make plenty of food."

I shrugged. "This is the one time during the day I get to spend with my friends. You and the girls have all the rest of my time, including dinners now."

It was true. Over the past week, what used to be dinners at my house for Sasha, Bert, Paige, and me had become hybrid affairs of that group and the Tri-Delts. I made a point of there being no seizing and inseminating while my friends were around; not that they didn't know it went on, but I didn't want it rubbed in their faces. But still, lunchtime was the only time when it was just the four of us (or even three, on Tuesdays and Thursdays when Paige didn't come to campus).

Presently, Sasha started thrashing and screaming on her bed, squeezing her own tits as Misa yanked away the vibrating egg and slithered her tongue up Sasha's ass. The sound of her orgasm was so awesome that I nearly changed my mind about joining them, or at least Jocelyn's offer for a blowjob. But instead I waited and watched as Sasha came down from her high. And then I went into the bedroom, collecting the girls' strewn articles of clothing and giving them back to their owners.

It took Sasha a little while to recover, and I couldn't help but run my fingers down from her neck, across her heaving tits, down her belly and then through her moist slit. I tasted her juices off my fingers and smiled before reaching down with both hands and helping her sit up straight. I handed her a towel and she patted herself dry while I rather domestically slid her bra straps up her arms and then knelt on the bed behind her to fasten her bra hooks. And then I found her blouse and helped her with that as well.

By then, Misa was fully dressed and she came to me for a quick peck and a fondle of my package, extracting a promise from me to find her later. And then she and Jocelyn headed downstairs, collecting a just-woken Tonya along the way.

Sasha got into her panties by herself, and with me now reminding her of how late it was by tapping my watch again, she quickly went into the bathroom to wash her face and fix her makeup. Nothing fancy; despite no longer dressing down she still didn't completely doll herself up just to walk onto campus. Two minutes later, she returned, hopped into her jeans, and then we finally headed off to rendezvous with Bert and Paige, nearly fifteen minutes late.

But I wasn't going to tell Bert and Paige all that. So in the three seconds between Bert's question and the beginning of awkward silence that would only make the situation worse, I tried to come up with some witty remark that would deflect the question.

I didn't have to. Sasha explained in a quiet voice, "-I- got hung up with a horny Tri-Delt and lost track of time. My bad..."

Bert's eyebrows popped, and Paige simply rolled her eyes while smirking. The redhead drawled, "Looks like you moved in with Ben at just the right time. Which Tri-Delt?"

"Nuh-uh. I don't kiss and tell," Sasha replied smartly.

Paige shook her head with a wry grin. "I can't decide whether to be bemused by this whole Tri-Delt West thing or jealous. Half of me wants to maintain a three-block radius away from your house and the other half wants to join right in."

"Ooh, join in," Sasha breathed. "Those girls really know how to eat pussy. You'll love them. And besides, you haven't hooked up with ME since Winter Break."

"Wait, you two hooked up over Winter Break?" Bert asked in astonishment.

Paige rolled her eyes. "You don't kiss and tell?" she asked sarcastically.

"Sorry..." Sasha shrugged apologetically before jerking a thumb at me and looking over to Ben. "I live with him."

"Yeah, I get it," Bert drawled. "That's why except for dinners, I do maintain a three-block radius away from that house."

"But we haven't played Xbox all week," I protested.

"There's a reason for that," Bert laughed. "If I show up there and you're 'occupied' with a girl or four, the others are gonna look at me and think, 'Hey, it's another cock!' No thank you. I like my relationship and fidelity with Lynne just fine, thank you very much."

"Too much temptation?" Sasha laughed.

Bert pointed at her and Paige. "I just found out YOU two had sex with each other. Yes ... Yes it's too much temptation."

The rest of us laughed at that.

It was Friday night, and Bert and Sasha had both left campus. Bert had gone to Stanford and Sasha to work, and I was all alone as I made the final turn toward the house. But I wasn't worried about being alone for too long. After all, this was now Tri-Delt West. Three house keys had been cut and given to the girls collectively for access to the house. So pretty much every time I returned after classes, I found anywhere from one to a full dozen sorority girls lounging around my living room. And tonight I expected to have the choice of up to twelve hot and horny babes to satisfy my carnal desires.

So imagine my surprise when I walked into a completely empty house. No sorority girls lounging around my living room. No wanton nymphos waiting in my bed. All of the lights were off. The heater was off. I went into each and every room looking for someone to no avail. The place was well and truly empty.

Surveying my empty bedroom, I sighed wearily and set down my messenger bag. I supposed this was karmic payback for assuming I would always have willing female companionship for the foreseeable future. One of the things I'd been told repeatedly was that I needed to learn how to be alone and entertain myself, but I'd been spoiled by the Tri-Delts' presence for the past two weeks. It wasn't that I was co-dependent on any one of them, but I still didn't really know how to be "alone" either. I didn't want to. Life is more fun with company.

But here I was, on a Friday night, without any company. My stomach growled; it would be dinnertime soon. And I felt lazy enough to settle for instant noodles instead of actually cooking something.

Pathetic, huh?

But a guy's gotta eat, and with a heavy sigh, I returned downstairs. I still harbored some hope that one of the Tri-Delts would come back unexpectedly and give me some company, even if she just wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV But I quashed that thought as yet another sign of my dependency and inability to be alone.

Seriously, dude. Get a grip.

I supposed I should also stop talking to myself.

So I headed into the kitchen, but on the way I passed the dining table and only then did I see the white 8 1/2-by-11 inch piece of computer paper left all alone atop the table's surface, handwritten in the kind of neat, rounded letters only a girl can quite create.

Ben, don't go anywhere tonight. It's Friday night, and more importantly, it's the Friday night after Valentine's Day. The Sorority is having its annual party, and we all have responsibilities to prep and decorate for tonight. Come to the Chapter House at 8pm and be prepared to do a lot of dancing. Per your rules every one of us is without a boyfriend. So that means you have to take that role over for each of us, and we want our Valentine's Night dates. Get dressed up nice for us. Drink lots of fluids. Oh, and take these blue pills that we've left at the bottom of this page ... BOTH of them. And drink this milkshake, Lakhi made it special for you ... And you don't have to worry all night about whether or not you're gonna get lucky. Believe me, you will.

Andie, Jamie, Jeannie, Jocelyn, Lakhi, Leticia, Lupe, Madison, Misa, Nora, Tonya, and Whitney. XOXOXO

I was going to need intravenous fluids by tomorrow.


My groan for once had absolutely nothing to do with sex. Well, that's not technically correct. I mean, I wasn't groaning in sexual ecstasy nor groaning during a sex act. On the other hand, I groaned because I was exhausted, and I was exhausted from too much sex. But such is the price I pay for the life I lead.

All my hangover symptoms were back. My head throbbed. My temperature was up. And I felt like I had cotton in my mouth. It was also past 11am this Saturday morning, not too late for your typical college student but still rather late for me; I was one of those people who usually awoke at a consistent morning hour whether a school day or not. But not this morning. Not after last night.

I was also not alone. King-size or not, there wasn't room in my bed for all twelve of my girls. I hadn't even boinked all of them, with Tonya and Whitney both on their periods and Leticia and Jeannie still on my "no-fly" list. But there were still three girls who had fallen asleep in my bedroom last night, and while Lupe had already awoken and left, Andie and Lakhi were still cuddled up beside me.

Andie was still asleep as well. The pretty bottle-blonde was spooned up in front of me, her tight panty-clad ass pressed against my crotch with one of my hands beneath her nightie so that I could cup her perky breast. I had one of those mornings without a morning erection, no doubt due to the excessive use the previous night, so I contented myself with cuddling myself up against Andie's back side.

This had started to become a regular thing. Despite making my house their hangout spot, most of the Tri-Delts went home each night. The whole concept of a fixed rotation for spending the night in my bed had started to fall by the wayside, as some of the girls who were only using me for sex were happy to give up their spots to others who did want to cuddle. And quite frequently, that had meant Andie or Jamie (or both) waking up in my arms. It wasn't quite the same as having a steady girlfriend, but still, due to logistics, I'd bet I was waking up spooned behind one of those two girls more often than Bert was waking up with Lynne.

Meanwhile, I found that Andie had awoken before me; and when she realized I was up she twisted around and tenderly kissed my cheek. "Good morning, Ben," the pretty girl said sweetly, running her hand up and down my naked side.

"Grmph," I grumbled in my still-hungover state. But I managed to reply cordially, "Morning."

Andie slid her hand lower down my flank, petting my hip before circling around my shorts to my crotch. She sighed in mild disappointment to find that I was not erect, but a moment later, the impish Tri-Delt Junior darted her hand beneath my waistband and circled my penis with her fingers, jerking experimentally to see if she couldn't remedy that situation.

Gently, I took hold of Andie's wrist and said, "You don't have to."

She replied in a quiet voice, "You know I want to."

Sighing, I tugged her away and shook my head. "You girls are going to kill me. Bravado aside, I think Jocelyn was right. This may very well be too much for me to handle."

Andie sighed. "Well, if it's any consolation, your harem is probably going to shrink a bit. Oh, the girls still like to hang out here as a home away from the sorority house, and they're still happy to abide by the 'seize and inseminate' laws. But I think a few of them are going to drop out of your regular rotation pretty soon. Nothing personal, but they've had some fun and they want to find a steady boyfriend or otherwise move on."

I frowned, suddenly worried about losing some of my favorite girls. It wasn't that I tried to play favorites, but I inevitably liked some of them better than others. Indeed, now that I stopped to contemplate losing some of them, I found my heart panging at the thought of losing Andie in particular. "What about you?" I asked with a frown.

Andie giggled and rubbed my hip. "Don't you worry about me. I'm a happy harem girl for as long as you'll have me."

"Thanks, cutie," I grinned and then tilted my head just in time for Andie to rub noses with me. Despite my herculean adventures last night, I began to feel the sparks of life in my loins. And I tilted my head further so that I could meet Andie in a tender kiss.

Just then, there was a knock at the bedroom door. Andie and I broke our kiss and jerked with enough surprise that Lakhi was jostled a bit. The Indian beauty stirred and moaned softly as she began to wake up. And after stroking her side gently, I looked to the door and called out, "Come in."

Jamie popped her head in, "Hiya, guys."

"Hello, lovely," I greeted with a warm smile.

Abruptly, Jamie stumbled forward as the two girls behind her pushed her into the room none-too-gently. Misa and Madison appeared behind her, and after regaining her balance and scowling at her friends, Jamie flipped her bangs back from her eyes and smiled. "This is your morning wake-up call," she explained as she reached down and pulled her oversized T-shirt over her head, baring her big D-cup titties with nipples already hard and areolas already swollen. "We made breakfast for you, but since some of us didn't quite get enough orgasms last night, we're making you pay up before you're allowed to eat."

Misa and Madison similarly shucked their clothes, and then I suddenly found myself buried beneath a mountain of girlflesh.

Just another day at Tri-Delt West.

Sasha and I made the final turn for home and I whistled as I approached the house, idly wondering who would be home. Just as Andie had warned me, after a wild first couple of weeks the harem had begun to shrink. Over the weekend, Misa and Madison had been the first to express their thanks for the pleasant memories but apologized for moving on. Then just last night, Tonya had come to me for a torrid one-on-one that involved knocking over several pieces of furniture. My dick had been slowly deflating inside her while my creamy white cum leaked down her caramel thighs when she told me she wanted to start seeing a new guy she'd met a few days earlier.

I'd wished them all well, promising to stay friends even as I focused my attention on the nine girls remaining who no doubt would be eager to pick up the slack. In fact, Andie had made it her personal mission to make sure I didn't feel neglected this morning, sending me off to class with dried out testicles while she patted her belly full of warm cum.

It was a Wednesday, and while the semester was still young, I was starting to get an idea of the girls' schedules. The Junior girls were mostly out and about Wednesday afternoons while the Sophomores held a regular study session in my living room. Indeed, as I opened the front door and ambled down the hallway, I smiled and waved in greeting to see Nora, Leticia, Jeannie, and Meli seated comfortably on the two couches while poring over their books.

Wait, Meli? Meli Kanemura? What the hell?!?

Having walked past the archway between the hallway and living room, Sasha was already heading up the stairs when I found myself slowly walking backwards with an expression of deep confusion on my face. My eyebrows furrowed as I puzzled over her presence, but then I shrugged and smiled. "Hey, Meli. Funny finding you here in this little tableau."

The gorgeous Hawaiian babe with the slender figure and golden eyes smirked at me. "It's not like you've got a monopoly on making friends with these girls. Leticia is in two of my classes and Nora, Jeannie, and I are all taking Psych 1 together. We're actually working on a Psych project together, so I figured I can give up an afternoon with the other girls to come study with these ones."

"Oh, okay." I frowned in mild disappointment. I actually hadn't gotten laid yet today, with Andie's morning blowjob the only time I'd busted a nut. I'd spent the last half hour of class daydreaming about Wednesday afternoon sex, but as I surveyed the studying Sophomores and realized I didn't hear the sounds of anyone else in the house, I sighed in resignation.

Meli seemed to recognize my disappointment. Raising her eyebrows, she shot me a smirk and gave me an overly-exaggerated frown. "Ohhh ... I'm sorry. Am I cock-blocking you from seizing and inseminating these lovely girls?"

Leticia and Jeannie both perked up, giving me seductive smiles that clearly said they'd like nothing better than to snap their books shut and follow me upstairs. But I quickly held my hands up and shook my head. "No, no. You girls are doing fine. Keep up your studies. I'm just going to go into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich."

"But dinner is in an hour," Nora spoke up.

"But I'm hungry now." I replied with a shrug.

Leticia and Jeannie sighed. Meli arched her eyebrows at me. And Nora just shook her head with a smile. Dropping my bag right there in the hallway, I went into the kitchen as stated and started rummaging around the refrigerator.

Just as I was setting out the deli meat, Meli came into the kitchen behind me and then leaned against a cabinet with her arms folded over her chest. With a smirk, she commented, "You must be really digging this: living like a king, having a harem of girls waiting at your beck and call."

I shrugged and waved around as I returned to my snack. "Not so king-like. I'm making my own sandwich after all."

Meli snorted. "That a request for me to do it for you?"

Barking a quick laugh, I shook my head. "Naw, I've got this one covered. Though I have to admit, I'm a little surprised there's no one else in the house. Maybe I'll have to ask the girls outside if there's some other sorority event going on today."

Meli shook her head. "Nope. And you're wrong about no one else being in the house. Actually, I'm pretty sure there are at least two girls up in your bedroom at this very moment, most likely wearing next to nothing as they eagerly anticipate ravishing you."

Abruptly, I put the mayo-covered knife down on the plate. "Excuse me?"

Meli rolled her eyes. "From what the girls outside tell me, that isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence these past couple of weeks."

My gaze flicked up to the ceiling for a moment, but I forced myself not to linger on thoughts wondering which two Tri-Delts were upstairs in my bedroom. Instead, I focused on Meli, and as I did so I thought about her sophomore friends: not Jeannie, Leticia, or Nora ... but Brooke and DJ.

"How are they?" I asked, my tongue thick and my eyes moist.

She didn't have to ask who I meant. "They're fine. Well, DJ's not fine, but they're fine."

I pursed my lips and pleaded for more with my eyes.

Meli sighed. "DJ's sad, but I'm not going to get into that. It's only been a few weeks; it'll take time for her to heal. She goes to class and does her homework and although she still has problems with math, she's passing all her courses. Plus, her mom and big sister have stopped by a few times, and she seems much better whenever they visit. Now Brooke is doing great, period. She's laser-focused on taking care of DJ, which annoys me a little bit since we used to be really tight. But I can't really get jealous of Deej. We're all still good friends and we're all doing alright in our lives, okay?"

I closed my eyes and took that all in. It would take time to heal, but at least DJ had support. With another deep breath, I managed to reassure myself that things would work out alright in the end, and I smiled. "Thanks, Meli. I'm glad you came over."

She shrugged before getting a wicked gleam in her eye. Like a panther stalking its prey, the beautiful Eurasian mixed-girl padded forward with her hips swaying, a smile slightly touching her lips. Her hand went up and gliding along my arm, and in a sultry voice, she asked, "So what would it take for you to seize and inseminate ME today?"

My eyebrows went up, but I recognized the tease on her face. Smirking back, I replied, "Can't. You're not a Tri-Delt."

"Darn. I guess I should have pledged the sorority back when I first got here. Kelly Park sure was putting the full-court press on me."

"But you didn't." I laughed and shook my head and turned back to my meal. "So I can't."

Her hand slipped off my arm as I turned, but instead Meli dragged it down my back before goosing my ass. "Too bad," she replied. "In spite of everything, and all your offers of 'Ale ko'u kai', you still haven't fucked me since I was a high schooler."

"And we're not starting today," I replied over my shoulder.

"Your loss," she said with a shrug.

"Hah. With your classmates hanging out there in my living room, I think I'll manage." I continued working on my sandwich, but after three seconds without any further response, I glanced over my shoulder again.

Meli was gone.

No matter. I really needed to eat this sandwich. Whichever two (or more) girls were waiting for me upstairs, I would need the calories. Especially since Sasha would probably spot them and join in, which would mean I'd have three girls to satisfy before dinner.

Okay maybe a sandwich AND a Red Bull...

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