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38.66% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 103: The New Year ll

Capítulo 103: The New Year ll

Now even though Bert, Kim, Dawn, and I were all in the Undergraduate Business Program together, we didn't ALL have the exact same classes. However, Dawn and I HAD done our best to coordinate, again managing to match up our schedules for every class but one. The next day, our class just before lunch was one just for her and me. Because our little sisters were still new to the campus, we'd already made plans to meet up with them at one of our favorite cafés. And upon arrival, we found DJ waiting by herself.

Well, not exactly by herself. Brooke wasn't with her, since they were coming from different classes. But there were two guys at her table, clearly trying to pick up on the smoking hot young blonde.

"Ben!" DJ perked up with a happy smile as soon as we walked in. Immediately, she got to her feet while the two boys turned around to look in annoyance at our arrival. And DJ promptly hopped over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck while planting a ferocious kiss right on my lips.

The two guys took the hint and left. Dawn giggled behind me and apparently went to sit down before someone else took the table. But a few seconds later, after it became clear that DJ and I weren't separating anytime soon, my girlfriend drawled, "Guys, they're gone now."

"Un-minnutt..." DJ mumbled, holding up a single finger while grabbing my head and pulling me back into our kiss. I chuckled and kissed the girl back before she finally pulled away and let me sit down at the table. I rather pointedly ignored the odd stares heading our way. Walking around with hot chicks like Dawn and DJ always drew attention, no matter what city I was in.

"Thanks for the rescue," DJ finally sighed as she took the spot across me, with Dawn by my side.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Uh, my pleasure." It WAS a good kiss.

Dawn glanced back to the door. "What was wrong? Those guys seemed cute."

DJ waved her hand. "I don't care about cute right now. Chasing boys got me really distracted in High School, and it nearly ruined my chances of getting into Cal. I think I'm going to lay off boyfriends for a while." She then took a sip of her soda and offered it over to me. "Better get lots of fluids. You're gonna have to keep me satisfied for the time being."

I arched an eyebrow. "Uh, I DO have a girlfriend you know."

DJ giggled. "I know. It's a good thing I'm in tight with her, too. I know she'll share."

I sighed. Dawn was loyal to me. Kim trusted only me. Brooke was staying faithful to Andrew, except for me. And now DJ. The girls were really serious about this harem thing.

Shaking my head, I just shrugged and asked, "Where's Brooke?"

DJ swallowed her next sip before replying. "Uh, she said she was going to be a little late. She wanted to bring a new friend she met at class." DJ then swept her hand up to the counter. "Go ahead and order. I already did." She finished by gesturing to her own plastic tray.

I nodded and was about to get up, but Dawn touched my shoulder. "I'll get it. Your usual? You'd better stay here and keep the vultures away from my baby sister."

Both DJ and I chuckled at that while Dawn circled around me and got in line. DJ and I then chatted for a bit, talking about her class and how to handle her professor when the door to the café opened and a sharp gasp drew my attention.


I blinked and looked over to the door. She was backlit by the sunlight outdoors, but after a moment I was able to make out the very familiar set of features. She was pretty, very pretty, with a mixed Asian heritage. Her naturally black hair had sun-faded to a neutral brown and was interwoven with a little blonde, more like a natural bleaching than Kim Fukuzaki's more obvious salon-bought highlights. Her skin was tanned, befitting a girl who spent a lot of time outdoors, and she had a wonderfully toned, long, lithe body. And the final dead giveaway was the puka shell necklace adorning her delicate neck.

"Meli?" I gaped in surprise. "Meli Kanemura?"

"Uh ... hi." The pretty girl's golden brown eyes twinkled pleasantly as she recovered a bit. "Funny running into you here."

"Uh..." Brooke interrupted from right beside the taller girl. "Do you two know each other?"

Carnally. I quashed the mental thought as soon as it entered my head. Blinking quickly, I looked at my sister and gestured to her companion. "Uh, well ... You remember Brandi's ex-boyfriend Matt? This is his little sister. We met just before last Christmas."

Brooke's eyes flew open in disbelief.

For her part, Meli just cocked a hip out to the side as a wicked smile crossed her lips. "Small world..." she murmured. "I was hoping I'd run into you at some point. I figured I'd have to ask the Tri-Delts to track you down. Or are you still living at the same house?" And then she turned, gesturing with an upturned hand with a single extended finger to my sister. "And how do YOU know Ben?"

There was a clear innuendo in Meli's voice, as if she were asking if Brooke were one of my many conquests. Quick to head off that train of thought, I explained, "Brooke is my little sister."

NOW Meli looked really surprised. "Oh!" She darted her gaze back and forth between us, looking for the family resemblance before finally getting it and sighing, "Ohhh ... Seriously, small world."

Just then, Dawn returned to the table, tray in hand. "Hey, Brooke. Who's your friend?"

The rest of the week passed more or less uneventfully. My days were filled with shuttling to and from class, hanging out with my friends, and having the hot babes under my roof rotating in and out of my bed. Despite the location change of my bedroom and my new status as an upperclassman, life didn't seem so different from when I was a Freshman or Sophomore. I still ran around killing spiders for the girls. I still changed lightbulbs and adjusted leaky toilets. I still doted on my girlfriend. And I still had impromptu quickies with my roommates.

I banged DJ on top of the washing machine during the spin cycle that same afternoon; she was serious about me keeping her satisfied for the time being. Brooke joined me in the shower Tuesday night, bringing back many memories of the shower in our parents' house. Kim came into my room Wednesday evening, with orders from Viktoriya to visit her house with my spooge still inside her pussy (we'd gotten the girl on The Pill). And of course, Dawn was in my bed every night, although we merely cuddled, without sex, after I'd already gotten my rocks off on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

It was a good life.

As soon as Dawn and I finished our last class on Friday, we went home to begin prepping for the barbecue. Initially, I felt the need to take charge of the setup, to prove myself as a project leader. But Dawn wound up one-upping me, telling me "I got it" and then sending me into the backyard on grill duty.

I protested at first, saying that I had this under control. But she shut me up with a searing kiss and reading my mind, told me, "You can be 'Mr. In Charge' with the team project. But throwing a party is MY turf." She had such a radiant smile that I just smiled and nodded. And then I busied myself cleaning up the grill, making sure we had plenty of propane, and setting out the raw meat.

People started showing up at six, just before sunset. The early September weather was still warm enough for T-shirts and shorts. And soon the backyard began to fill up with girls wearing even less than that.

Invitations had spread by word of mouth, bringing together an eclectic mix of people from four distinctly different cliques: my crew, Kim's close friends, new freshman, and yes, a few Tri-Delts. My crew and Kim's friends were already casually acquainted, although Kim's nerd-bikers tended to dress differently, since many of them actually rode over to the house. That group had the most males (all four of them). Brooke's and DJ's freshman friends were noticeably younger, and decidedly female. There were a couple of boyfriends in the mix, but only the two matched up against eight froshling girls. And then of course all the Tri-Delts were female, though a couple of them brought boyfriends as well. So there was a noticeable gap in the male-female ratio.

And that gap was even more pronounced around me. Kim's friends hadn't shown a whole lot of interest in me, other than to come by and grab food. But Brooke's and DJ's freshman girlfriends were in a little bit of a tizzy over meeting the famous big brother that those two always talked about. And with scantily-clad sorority girls like Jocelyn Canilao, Andie Holland, and Tonya Brackett orbiting around me, those freshmen only got even more curious.

"Hi there! You must be Ben!" a perky blonde greeted while I was manning the grill. "I recognize the resemblance to Brooke."

"Guilty as charged," I returned while looking up, stifling a chuckle while nevertheless smiling mirthfully. The pretty girl before me was definitely vamping it up, jutting her hip out to the side and posing herself for maximum sex appeal. But at the same time, it was clear she was still an awkward, gangly teenager.

"I'm Tammy," she introduced herself, holding out an empty plate. "This is Beth." The somewhat shy, petite brunette next to Tammy blushed but also held out her plate.

"Friends of Brooke and DJ?" I asked.

"How'd you know?" Tammy frowned.

I bit back another chuckle and just shook my head. "Lucky guess." Both plates lacked buns for hot dogs or hamburgers, so I used the tongs to pick up a chicken breast. "Chicken?"

"Yep!" Tammy said a little too enthusiastically, watching as I placed the meat on her plate.

Beth frowned before realizing she didn't have a hamburger bun, then quickly scooted away to retrieve said bun from the table to my right. That gave Tammy an extra ten seconds to make minor chit-chat with me until Beth returned, and with an ineptly-delivered "See you around..." she left with her friend in tow.

I smiled to myself as I returned to the grill, musing on just how innocently awkward that little encounter had been. After the last couple years being at Cal, I'd gotten used to being flirted with by many of the campus girls, ranging from the newest freshmen to seniors and even a college professor. But in all that time, I'd never been consciously aware of the maturity level of the girls around me. Tri-Delt pledges had played their seduction games with me when most were no older than Tammy or Beth, but I'd never noticed just how young they seemed.

Maybe Tammy and Beth were just a little less socially developed than the predatory Tri-Delts. But maybe they were just ... froshlings. 18-year-old girls didn't seem so immature to me when I was their age, but now that I was an upperclassmen, things just seemed ... different.

The next two years of college weren't going to be quite like the first two.

In any case, I spent a lot of that evening flirting while flipping burgers, dogs, and chicken. With the high female ratio, we actually went through a LOT of chicken, which kept me chained to the grill for most of the evening. But even though I spent a lot of time there, I was kept constantly entertained. Actually, half the entertainment came from Carli Singer, this year's Pledge Mistress, going out of her way to recruit amongst the freshman girls. It was a little late to rush this fall, as those activities were organized ahead of time for girls who knew they wanted to join a sorority right away. But the sororities were always looking for new members (like Adrienne last year) and Carli was laying the groundwork to have some of these girls pledge the next year, or even offer an informal bid in the Spring.

Meli Kanemura was also at the barbecue, mingling freely with both the freshman girls and with the Tri-Delts. While she had chosen not to rush the sorority, or any sorority for that matter, she'd still made friends with girls like Jocelyn and Kelly Park at this very house last winter. And it was while Carli was re-pitching the sorority to her that the mention of a party came up.

"That's right!" Carli enthused, immediately turning to me. "Ben, you HAVE to come tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? What?"

Meli was quick to explain. "Apparently there's a party at the Tri-Delt house tomorrow night, to welcome all the girls who've already accepted bids."

I arched an eyebrow. "Sounds private."

"It is," Carli nodded. "It's not an open party: invitation only. But you KNOW we can get one of the sisters to formally bring you as their date. And for some of the things we've got planned, a guy like you is exactly what we need."

There was a world of innuendo in Carli's voice, quickening my heartbeat. But I took a deep breath and sighed. "You know I have a girlfriend now."

The pretty redheaded Pledge Mistress noted the seriousness in my voice and sighed. "I know, I know," she conceded. "It would have been fun, though."

"What would?" Dawn was just joining the group, Gwen in tow. She brought me a cold beer and handed it over with a smile.

Carli turned to my girlfriend. "I was just asking Ben if he'd come to a party we're having at the Chapter House tomorrow night. He's declining, though."

Dawn frowned. "Why?"

I shrugged. "It's a private sorority party. They'd arrange to get me in, but I wouldn't go anywhere without you."

"Oh, you don't have to miss out because of me."

"Uh, you KNOW what's going to happen if I go to that party."

My beautiful blonde girlfriend giggled, waggling her eyebrows. "Of course. I'll get to hang out here at home and have a girls night without worrying about you knocking me upside the head and dragging me into our bedroom to have your way with me!" She erupted into peals of laughter, probably buoyed by a few beers, and Gwen was giggling right along with her.

Carli pounced. "Does that mean you'll let him come?"

"Sure. Why not?" Dawn beamed at me, absolutely nothing but love in her eyes.

Two years ago I would have LEAPED at the chance to become a Tri-Delt plaything, just another freshman guy looking for all the sex he could get. Last year, I would have confidently accepted, already certain of my role and status amongst the sorority girls. But now?

"Thanks for the invite, Carli. But no. Those days are behind me."

"Aww..." Carli pouted.

Jocelyn had appeared, and she wrapped herself around my arm. "Please ... You KNOW we'll make it worth your while."

I didn't push her away. Indeed, I simply hugged Jocelyn even tighter, comfortable in the old familiarity we had with each other's body. But I just pecked the top of her head and said, "Sorry." And then I looked over at the true love of my life. "This is one manslut that's settling down. I'm perfectly happy to stay right here."

Pain suddenly blossomed in my right hand. I jerked upright in my chair, gritting my teeth as I realized just in time that I probably shouldn't scream in a filled auditorium. With wide eyes, I looked down at my hand, half-expecting to find it severed at the wrist with blood spurting out of it like a fountain.

The hand, of course, was still attached. I watched Dawn pull her ball-point pen away, the sharp conical metal tip gleaming like a surgical instrument. And rolling my eyes, I shot her a quick glare of pure – but temporary – hatred.

At least class was already over. Professor Ice was answering questions at the front of the lecture hall, and a dozen or so students were in the aisle next to me on their way out the door. Belatedly, I snapped shut my folder and grabbed for my messenger bag.

"One would think that our fearless leader could at least remain awake for a lecture," a voice scolded from behind me.

I craned my head around to see Sasha Serafian shaking her head with mild disgust as she fought against the flow of traffic to meet up with us. But instead of responding to her, I simply glanced over at Dawn. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing too important. We'll talk about it at lunch."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it. You won't have anything to say since you didn't hear a damn thing," Sasha seethed petulantly.

"Doesn't really matter."

"Of COURSE it matters!" Sasha actually stamped her foot.

I arched an eyebrow and caught Kim's attention before turning back to Sasha. "Ricardian equivalence? No it doesn't. David Ricardo rejected the theory himself. It's a minor footnote that could possibly be on a test. But otherwise, it's an irrelevant proposition that Professor Ice only used to prove a point about how the Keynesians overreacted. And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with our group project. So relax."

Sasha's mouth opened, but no other sounds came out as she stewed over my assessment. Then she furrowed her eyebrows and gave me a look that clearly wondered how the hell I got all that despite being unconscious.

Kim stepped in. "We covered it this summer during our internship. Probably why Ben fell asleep."

Sasha's eyes bugged out and she goggled back and forth between Kim and me. "Oh," she conceded.

"Don't worry," Bert put in. "You'll have plenty more opportunities to complain about Ben falling asleep. He'll do it during a really important lecture soon enough."

My best friend grinned at me before leaning over and putting his hand on Sasha's shoulder. "Sleeping is part of Ben's shtick to ace classes," he said in low, measured tones, as if imparting some serious bit of wisdom.

But Sasha wasn't listening anymore. She was busy almost violently pulling herself away from Bert's hand, enough to bump into Chevelle, who was coming up behind her.

"Whoa!" Chevelle braced Sasha for a second, before the brunette jerked away from her in surprise as well. "Chill out, man! It's just me. You need to learn to relax."

Regaining her balance, Sasha just clutched her books tighter over her chest. She was actually quite cute like this, with tensed jaw and cautious dark eyes. But at the same time, she was clearly uncomfortable.

"Hey, relax." I held my hands up. "Bert didn't mean anything."

Wincing, Bert nodded. We'd quickly figured out that Sasha wasn't the touchy-feely type, as both Bert and I were too used to greeting our female friends with hugs and other casual touches. Sasha was just fine interacting with Dawn, Kim, and Chevelle; but she was one of those girls that just kept their distance from guys like Bert and me.

I was used to it. Actually, among those that knew my reputation, there seemed to be only two types of girls in the world nowadays: those who wanted to jump my bones and receive their own Big Ben Experience, and those who feared that I would somehow seduce them against their will if they came within ten feet of me. And there were far more of the second category than the first.

But Chevelle wasn't one of them. Twirling her long blonde hair around her left index finger, she sidled up to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Enjoy your beauty sleep, Benno?"

I patted Chevelle's opposite hip and then stepped away from her. She liked to flirt, but I meant what I'd told Dawn about putting my manslut past behind me. Besides, Chevelle had a boyfriend, and I had no interest in messing with any more girls who were already taken. I certainly had enough pussy at home. I shrugged and looked across the team. "I'm wonderfully refreshed. Let's go."

Our usual spot was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the classroom, over at Faculty Glade. We'd staked out a spot in the tree shade, and I kept a big foldable nylon picnic blanket in my pack for these regular group meetings. Everyone brought a lunch, since no one wanted to waste the others' time to buy food.

An hour later, the food was pretty much gone, and the conversation had long turned away from the project to girly topics. Chevelle had proven that her mouth didn't have a censor on it, as she continually blurted out whatever popped into her pretty little head. While Sasha could be quite driven and focused when discussing academics, she turned into a regular socialite when it came to fashion, food, and the latest celebrity scandals. And of course, Dawn was comfortable chatting with just about anybody. Even Kim followed along, never calling attention to herself but participating in the "girl talk" quite adequately.

Heck, even Bert had a few of his own misogynistic comments (in jest) to throw in.

Me? I quite contentedly lay flat on my back with my head in Dawn's lap. I stared up at the tree branches, the conversation beside me just mingling with the sounds of nature around me.

"tweet, tweet" the birds high above chirped to each other.

The creek that ran alongside the glade babbled as the water wound its way westward.

The wind rustled the leaves in the trees.

"So what do you think, Ben?"

"Ben? Earth to Ben?"

I blinked twice and looked up to see my true love staring down at me, her face oriented at a 90-degree angle to my own. She grinned, flashing me twin rows of perfect teeth. And her sunny blonde hair cascaded down, just tickling my cheeks as she leaned over.

"Where did you go?" she asked mirthfully.

I grinned, my mind a blank slate. "Nowhere." As my eyes focused, my ever-wandering gaze caught not only the beauty of Dawn's face, but also the underside curvature of her large breasts, twin mounds that dented out the fabric of her sweater. And I grinned, momentarily reaching up to pat them, murmuring, "But now I know where I'd like to go."

"Ben!" Dawn startled, slapping away my hand.

Only then did I remember I was out in public, in the middle of my Business project team. "Oops. Sorry." I yawned and pulled myself up to a sitting position.

"See. Men can't go ten minutes without thinking about sex," Sasha sighed mournfully.

"I wasn't thinking about sex," I stated defensively.

"Oh, really..." Clearly, Sasha didn't believe me. "Rumor has it that you're the most hypersexualized guy on the entire campus."

I arched an eyebrow and then shook my head. "Rumors are rumors. Seriously, I was just zoning out, listening to the birds, the creek, and the leaves."

"Then what was that about?" Sasha gestured to herself, miming copping a feel of her own boob.

I rolled my eyes. "So I find Dawn sexually stimulating. She's my girlfriend, and she's freaking hot. It happens."

"So ... Do you find me sexually stimulating?" Chevelle interjected, leaning over so that her scoop-necked peasant shirt hung a little bit lower. The nipples of her bra-less tits were already hard and denting out the thin fabric.

My eyes yo-yoed down before coming back up. "Of course I do." Then I fixed her with a solemn look, as well as glancing over at Sasha. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to seduce you girls or anything. We're classmates, teammates. I'm not going to mess with that. Besides," I looked back at Dawn, reaching my arm around her and chastely holding onto her opposite shoulder. "I'm happy."

I saw Kim smirk out of the corner of my eye. Well, I couldn't say I was totally monogamous, but I certainly wasn't looking to expand my harem. Seriously, I was happy with the status quo.

Chevelle pouted, but Sasha sighed and glanced from me to Dawn for a moment. She seemed to process that for a second before making a decision and extending a hand out to me. "So you promise you're not going to come onto me or anything?"

I fought the urge to grin and reply, 'Not unless you want me to.' Instead, I just shook her hand and stated evenly, "I promise."

Pursing her lips, Sasha nodded and then exhaled a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing.

"Hey," Bert chimed in. "How come you're not worried about me coming onto you?"

Sasha just rolled her eyes and shook her head. The rest of the group cracked up into chuckles. And Chevelle added in a light tone, "But I want you to! Both of you!"

Just then, a new voice broke in, deeply masculine and clearly challenging. "Hey! You!"

Everyone turned around to see two guys approaching, the lead one a rather beefy football-jock type. He was handsome in that classically American way, with dark hair, a square jaw, and a slightly gorilla forehead.

"Rod?" Sasha exclaimed in surprise.

"You know him?" Chevelle pointed.

"He's my boyfriend," Sasha replied dully.

Stomping quickly, the two guys hurried over to us and then "Rod" pointed a thick finger at me. "I know you! You're that 'Big Ben' guy!"

Still seated, with my arms over my knees, I looked up at the 6'3" mass of muscle towering above me. "Clearly, I'm not that big."

"You stay away from my girlfriend!" Rod scowled, jerking that finger at me again.

After a few years on the campus with my reputation, this wasn't the first time I'd found myself in this kind of situation. It wasn't that everyone had heard about me, but enough people had, and from experience I knew better than to escalate a conflict. But with Mr. Gorilla waggling his finger in my face, I couldn't help but entertain the notion of grabbing that finger and twisting it around.

Instead I exhaled and shrugged. "We're just teammates. This is a group project."

"Group project?" Rod turned and glared at Sasha. "You didn't tell me he was on your team!"

Sasha paled. "Professor Ice assigned us our teams."

"You still should have TOLD me!"

"Well, I knew you'd flip out about it!"

"Damn right I would!" I watched the veins in Rod's forearms bulge as he balled his fists.

"Hey, hey..." I interjected, wanting to deflect Mr. Gorilla's attention away from his girlfriend. "What's the problem? There's nothing going on."

"What's the problem? What's the problem? YOU'RE my problem!" And the finger was back to waggling.

I held my hands up. "I haven't done anything."

"And you won't be DOING anything, either. C'mon, we're going to go see this Professor of yours. You're changing teams."

"Don't be ridiculous. We're already a month into the semester!"

"I'm NOT having you hang out with HIM!" The finger was pointing at me again.

"He's just a guy!"

"He's NOT just a guy. I'm not some psychotically-overprotective boyfriend, okay? The point is: you didn't even TELL me he was on your team!"

"And I didn't tell you that Bert was on my team, either!"

"No, no." Now the finger was waggling at Sasha. Rod snarled, "You deliberately HID him from me because you KNEW I'd flip out about it. So what's the deal? He got his claws into you already? He got your knees quivering while you fantasize about this mythical Big Ben Experience?"


Mr. Gorilla looked ready to charge, whether me or Sasha I'm not sure. But before he did, the second guy moved in and grabbed his friend's shoulders. "Hey, dude ... Calm down."

Rod snorted, but backed off. His face was a mask of displeasure, clearly unhappy with the situation. His jaw clenched a few times, but in the end, he stood up straight and then jabbed that meaty finger at me once again. "You touch her, I'll kill you."

He then turned to Sasha. "We're gonna talk about this." And with a final finger-jab, he turned and stomped off, his friend in tow.

Everyone was quiet for a moment. Once again, the air was filled with nothing but the sounds of birds, water, and wind. Not even Chevelle had something to say. But after an awkward silence, Sasha spoke up. "I'm sorry about that."

"Not your fault, honey," Dawn said soothingly.

Sasha sighed, looking at her hands. And after another pregnant pause, she stated, "I know as much as anyone that reputations don't always reflect the truth..."

She went silent for a moment after that, sending my mind spinning to guess at what she meant. But then she inhaled and added, "Ben, you've been nothing but a perfect gentleman with me all month. I'm sorry if I mistreated you. And I'm sorry about Rod."

I shrugged like it was no big deal. "It's okay. I get it. And I'm used to guys like Rod." I sighed, warily looking off to where Rod was disappearing through the trees in the direction of Sather Tower. "Guys in general just don't really like me."

Dawn bowed her head and nodded, so did Kim. They'd seen general male attitudes sour toward me over the past few months.

Then Bert leaned forward and clapped my shoulder. "Well I still like you, dude. Even if those guys had jumped you, you know I woulda had your back."

That comment took everyone by surprise. I arched an eyebrow and then turned around to stare at my skinny friend, with his bemused smile and delicate glasses. And then all six of us were chuckling once again.

I felt something tickle my balls; and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody groaned; and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the sunny blonde-haired head bobbing up and down in my lap. I lay my head back down on the pillow, re-closing my eyes. And with a sigh of happiness, I settled my hand onto Dawn's head. "Mmm ... I love the way you wake me up, honey."

She giggled around a mouthful of cock, sucking on me extra hard for the compliment.

I felt someone shift beside me, the head rotating against the fabric of the pillow. I automatically turned my own head to meet them, and I opened my eyes to see my loving girlfriend's sweet face.

"D'you say somethin', babe?" Dawn asked me drowsily, barely conscious.

My eyes popped open and I quickly darted my gaze down to my groin. DJ looked up at me, the twinkle in her sky blue eyes matching the smile that was growing on either side of my shaft.

The 18-year-old youngest Evans daughter popped her head off my prick, leaving the turgid, purplish knob to glisten in the rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains. "Good morning, babe..." DJ drawled, emphasizing Dawn's endearment.

Taking things in stride, I just patted DJ's head again and sighed, "Good morning to you too, kiddo." Without another thought, I lay my head back once again. And I wallowed in the pleasure of a hot blonde resuming her lavish oral love upon my cock.

Meanwhile, Dawn had taken in the situation, and with a grin of her own, she rolled onto her side and dipped her face to mine so that we could share a morning kiss. The quick peck turned into something a little more intense, and the two of us were still liplocked and moaning in heat when DJ's expert fellatio brought me off, causing me to spurt my thick, creamy load into her mouth while her big sister's mouth was still massaging my tongue.

Of course, while that first ejaculation took the edge off my immediate need, just being in bed with the two gorgeous Evans sisters was quite the motivation to continue. And when DJ crawled up the bed, pulled her sister off me, and then proceeded to bend Dawn backwards so that she could snowball my spunk into her big sister's mouth, I was both ready and willing to start a threesome that promised to never end.

"Nuh-uh-uh..." Dawn held a hand up just as I was about to pounce. She'd pulled away from the sloppy kiss, a trickle of my shared semen running down the corner of her mouth. "We've got to get to class."

Despite big sister's words, DJ flashed me a sultry look and reached out to scoop up the trickle of cum from Dawn's chin. When the naughty vixen popped that finger into her mouth, sucking on it with just as much enthusiasm as her recently completed blowjob, I just about lost my sense of control and tackled her instead.

But once again, Dawn was the voice of reason. "Settle down, Ben."

I sighed and settled down. Dawn's use of my name instead of "babe" or some other sweet nothing put the brakes on my lust, and my upper brain regained control over my lower one. With that, Dawn smiled and swung off the edge of the bed, heading for the bathroom to get a start on getting ready.

I sighed and looked at DJ. The cute freshman girl was already dressed, with jeans, a purple cami, and a cropped white cardigan. The cardigan was unbuttoned and hemmed just below her bustline, showing off her twin mounds. And from the smirk she was giving me and the way she profiled herself on the bed, I got the distinct impression she wouldn't mind me getting her undressed.

But Dawn was right. We had to get to class. "Not today, kiddo," I sighed.

DJ pouted, but then looked past me and into the closet. "Can I help you get dressed?"

Such a process I'm sure would involve lots of grabbing and fondling, on both sides. I grinned and nodded. "Sure."

One very special thing about the Evans girls was that despite their beauty, they were relatively low maintenance. Yeah, Dawn and DJ knew how to doll themselves up, but they were also casual outdoorsy types. So while Adrienne had always been capable of spending an entire Ice Age getting ready in the mornings, Dawn typically required only a few more minutes than me.

Throw in the distraction of DJ "helping" me get dressed, and we were ready to go at just about the same time. So linking my elbows with both girls, we set off downstairs.

"Finally," Brooke drawled as we descended. "I wonder what took the three of you so long..."

"Oh, I've got a pretty good idea," Meli Kanemura commented in much the same voice. The tall, slender Hawaiian babe winked at me.

Surprised to see a non-resident in the house, it took me a second to stammer, "It's not what you think. DJ woke us up. Dawn and I got dressed. That's it."

"That so?" Meli asked skeptically, watching my liar's face. Then she turned to DJ, miming a wipe at the corner of her own mouth. "Deej, you've got a bit of ... right here."

DJ quickly grabbed at her chin, wiping in a panic before belatedly realizing that there was no glob of cum or anything to grab at. Only then did she realize she'd been had, and she blushed bright pink at the thought that she'd betrayed the harem's secrecy.

"Thought so," Meli giggled. "But don't feel like you gave away anything. Most of the girls have suspected you were banging Ben on the side. Brooke's got her long-distance boyfriend, but we couldn't figure out why you weren't dating anybody."

DJ gaped. "Uh, well..."

"Besides," Meli continued. "The house isn't all that well soundproofed and anyone can put two and two together when Ben moans like that ten seconds after you go upstairs."

DJ's blush only deepened.

I arched an eyebrow and then quietly stated, "Ale ko'u kai."

Now it was Meli's turn to blush, deep enough to show even through her tan. And when DJ saw this, the blonde looked over at me and asked, "What did you just say?"

I grinned and winked at Meli. "Nothing. Private joke."

Just then, the front door opened and Bert waltzed in. "Ooh, hey. It's a party in the foyer."

Brooke was the first to turn and wave a short greeting. I nodded as well.

But Bert was already parking himself right in front of Meli, bowing like a courtier. "And it's so wonderful to see you again, fair angel from across the sea," he said expansively.

Meli rolled her eyes and nodded her head to Brooke. "Are we going?" And then she purposefully strode for the door.

"Must thou departest so soon?" Bert asked in a sing-song voice, following after.

"Don't you ever give up?" Meli sighed, stopping and turning to glare at my friend.

Ever since meeting the gorgeous Hawaiian girl at the barbecue, Bert had made no secret of his deep (unrequited) attraction to Meli. Even now, Bert simply flashed her an eager grin. "Never."

"But why? Why waste any more time pursuing an impossibility?" Meli groaned.

"I don't believe in impossibilities." Bert shook his head emphatically. "Many things are unlikely, but nothing is ever impossible. One day, however improbable, I might be able to jump up into the air and land on the moon."

"That's ridiculous."

"Maybe. But given enough time and technology – say a rocket pack, or a teleportation device – and it could happen."

Meli frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. For the moment, Bert actually had her attention. But then her frown turned into a smirk as she stated, "But no kind of technology will get you into my panties."

Bert was undeterred. "Perhaps. At this point, it DOES seem improbable; but I might as well try. After all, there is still the possibility that I'll be assassinated by soldiers from the future who are trying to prevent me from creating a technology that will conquer the world. And I'd better take my chances with you before that happens."

Now Meli's eyebrows were furrowed again, this time in confusion. And with a perplexed expression, she glanced first at Brooke then DJ, wondering if either of them had a clue what Bert just said. "Huh?"

"Oh, come on," Bert chuckled. "Terminator 2?"

Poor guy was met with blank stares.

"Governator? 'Ah'll be back'... ?"

Meli frowned. "You watch classic movies?"

"'Classic'?" Bert sputtered. "Classic? That's like 1991."

Meli snorted. "Yeah, when I hadn't even turned FIVE yet. You think my parents let me watch R-rated movies back then?"

Bert sighed and looked over at me and stated wearily, "We're going to school with children."

I shrugged. "I never saw it, either. Dude, we were SEVEN."

Bert facepalmed. Meli and the freshman girls just walked past him. And I simply patted my friend on the back as Dawn and I followed the girls out.

It started off like any other Wednesday night. The usual gang got together after classes to make dinner. With Dawn's help, Gwen made her homemade lasagna, wanting to show off for her boyfriend, Steven.

Steven himself was playing video games with me, Bert, and Robin. DJ was studying something with her High School best friend Faye Nguyen. And Kim, Meli, and Brooke were engaged in some kind of girl-talk. Kim might have been older than them, but the two freshmen girls still had a lot more "chick-knowledge" than her to share.

But after dinner, Bert, Kim, Dawn, and I left to meet up with our Project Team. We "old people" (as Brooke put it) had a big presentation in the morning. And while I'd intended to offer use of the house, seeing as three team members lived there, Chevelle had beaten me to the punch by inviting us to her place.

No big deal. Chevelle supposedly had a pretty nice pad. The sometimes spacey blonde may have skipped expensive makeup and clothing in favor of homemade hippie attire, but she clearly came from some money as she had a small, 2-bedroom detached house with a cute picket fence on Arch Street all to herself.

Well, not entirely to herself. We were met at the door by Chevelle's boyfriend, Tito, who was the male, Hispanic version of Chevelle. He was a tall, well-built man in his late-20s with long hair that hung over his shoulders. His pants were light linen and he wore a brown suede hippie vest with fringe cutouts along the hem and no shirt, showing off his tanned, muscular physique. Various bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and tattoos covered his body. And the instant the door opened, we were assaulted by a rather unique and familiar smell.

"Bienvenidos, señoritas y caballeros." Tito opened his arms expansively. And then without another word, he reached forward and bear-hugged me. I'm not talking a casual hug; I'm talking complete, bodies pressed together intimate hug. The smell of marijuana permeated his clothes and filled my nostrils. And making matters worse, the dude had a full-on erection tenting those linen pants, and the damn thing was poking me in the leg.

To the shock and awe of the others, Tito then quickly hugged each of us in turn. Dawn took things in stride, her eyes waggling when she felt the hard-on. Bert just looked awkward. And Kim was positively stiff from nervousness.

Fortunately, Chevelle herself arrived. "Tito! Chill out, man!"

"I AM chill..." he drawled, with a crooked grin. Any trace of an accent disappeared with that line, although he'd spoken like a true Mexican in his initial greeting. And then backing away, he simply gestured us into the room.

"Don't mind Tito. He's just high," Chevelle said apologetically, giggling with a vacancy in her irises that told me she was halfway-baked herself. And then with all the grace of a woman who is completely and totally relaxed, she flopped down onto a plushy sofa that was about six inches lower than standard, which meant her knees were up in the air even with her feet flat on the floor. Her long skirt settled comfortably around her nicely formed legs, coming dangerously close to falling back far enough to show me her crotch. The scoop neck of her peasant shirt fell haphazardly, revealing the upper half of her unfettered right breast while completely covering the left. And her long, dirty-blonde hair was loose, casually draping to either side of her face. If she'd added some sort of embroidered headband, I would have sworn the girl had been transported in time straight from Woodstock.

The four of us filed in. My nose crinkled as I detected more than just incense in the air. Apparently, the smell of weed wasn't limited to Tito's clothes. I caught Chevelle watching me in the corner of my eye, and deciding not to comment, I just flashed her a smile.

"You a freak, Benno?" Chevelle asked me through half-lidded eyes, a smirk touching her lips.

I arched an eyebrow. The "freak" term was mildly familiar, and I got the impression that Chevelle was asking me something quite specific, although I wasn't sure what it was. Old conversations with my parents told me that hippies back in the day never referred to themselves AS "hippies", but rather called themselves "freaks". Was she asking if I was a hippie? Or...

"Pass," I replied. "We ARE here to work."

"Suit yourself. Mind if I... ?" Chevelle shrugged, gesturing with a hand back to where Tito was seated at the dining table, rolling up a fresh joint.

I glanced at my friends. Bert seemed interested. It's not like the guy was into drugs, but the last time he'd smoked marijuana was at Carter's place in the hills, and that night certainly ended pretty well for him. Kim seemed nervous, though she would probably go along with pretty much anything as long as I led her there. But common sense told me not to head down this path. If nothing else, while I'd dabbled in drugs from time to time in my past, my discussions with Dawn on the subject had told me that she'd lived a completely clean and drug-free life so far.

"You're here to work, too," I told Chevelle.

"I know. Shit helps me think."

"You'll have plenty of time to get baked after we're done," I reasoned.

"Oh, come on, Ben," Dawn interjected, stepping forward and heading towards Tito. "Can't really hurt, can it?"

My eyebrows popped. I certainly hadn't been expecting Dawn to head straight for the marijuana. Hadn't she just told me over the summer that she'd never done any drugs before in her life? "Honey?" I asked in a cautious tone.

"Relax. It's no big deal." My girlfriend turned to me with a wink and a smile. I heard her words bouncing around in my head: Fun. Remember 'fun'?

But my sense of responsibility still held sway and I shook my head. "We're not here to hang out. Besides, you know Sasha's gonna flip if we're all getting stoned when she arrives."

Indeed, Sasha was pretty buttoned-up. It already was going to be questionable whether she would tolerate the smell in the first place. And I had a sinking feeling that this would be both our first AND last meeting at Chevelle's house.

Dawn sighed, and then exhaled in resignation. "Fine. It's a school night. And we DO have a presentation tomorrow. No drugs."

Chevelle threw up her hands. "Okay, okay. No drugs."

"C'mon, Benno! Just one more hit!" Chevelle giggled and held out the joint to me.

Feeling mellow, I sagged deeper into the plushy couch, taking the proffered joint and bringing it to my lips. I inhaled deeply, feeling the pleasant little crawly sensation in the back of my head. And then letting my head loll back until I was staring at the ceiling, I exhaled a controlled stream of smoke straight up into the air.

"Wicked, man..." Chevelle drawled proudly, patting my chest.

Like I said: it started off like any other Wednesday night. I hadn't meant to wind up getting baked with my Project Team, and yet here I was. Sasha had arrived and promptly become uncomfortable at the smell of marijuana. She tried to play it cool, and we got the meeting started. But after little more than twenty minutes, she realized the scent had embedded itself in her clothes as well; so she made up some lame excuse and apologized for having to leave early. She knew her part in the presentation, so we weren't too worried on an academic front.

And then of all people, it was Dawn who brought up the previously offered pot. "Still feel like smoking?"

Chevelle hadn't even bothered to question her. She merely got up and went to find Tito, who returned with a couple of dime bags and fresh paper. I stared down my girlfriend with an obviously questioning look, but all she mentally answered in reply was: Trust me.

I trusted her. Bert was quick to join in. Dawn gave me an imploring look. And I went along for the ride. The project meeting was over.

Now, as the pleasant buzz coursed throughout my veins, I smiled happily and wiggled my toes. These shorter couches were a good idea. Lower to the floor, it was more comfortable to let your legs extend out and rest your feet on your heels. It was also pretty comfortable to have a gorgeous blonde reclining against your side, pressing her unfettered tits against your arm.

But Chevelle wasn't my blonde. My blonde was on the other side of me, similarly sagged against the couch. And when I extended the joint over to her, Dawn took it with a giggle and gave a few experimental puffs.

Like before, Dawn coughed a bit before covering her mouth and blushing in mild embarrassment.

"Just relax, man..." Chevelle drawled to Dawn. "You're getting it. You're getting it."

"Thanks." Dawn grinned and returned to the joint. For a first-timer, she was actually doing pretty well; much better than, say, Kim. Predictably, the somewhat sheltered Asian girl politely declined any offers to try the pot. I knew that gun-shy Kim would never make any drastic decisions for herself this suddenly. And while I surmised that I might've been able to order her to do it, my moral compass knew better than to point me in that direction. The only times I had let myself give those sort of commands were for things I could tell that Kim wanted, but was too scared to let herself try. This was not yet one of those things.

At least she didn't seem too uncomfortable. For the most part, Kim looked content to observe and chat with Bert, because surprisingly, Bert was proving to be quite the charmer while half-baked.

I suppose I should have realized Bert had some skills after scoring with two hot chicks at Carter's party. It was as if you took his natural lecherous inclinations, removed his inhibitions the same as if he were drunk, but also mellowed him out because of the pot. Whereas Bert had only seemed to alienate Kim after five drinks at that club in San Francisco, his toned-down approach was actually working tonight. I heard him babbling something about the cosmic machinations of the universe encouraging procreation in order to perpetuate the species, and I left him and Kim to their own devices.

More specifically, I had a hot and horny dirty-blonde trying to climb into my lap. Scratch that: Chevelle was already IN my lap, straddling my legs and nudging those big tits against my chest beneath my chin. She, Tito, Dawn, and I had been carrying out our own semi-philosophical discussion (as young people are wont to do when stoned). But now Chevelle seemed to have lost interest in the philosophy and turned her attention to the erection that she was dry humping through our clothes.

I glanced for a moment at my girlfriend. Seated beside me, Dawn simply grinned and took another puff, her sky blue eyes slightly dull but glistening in the lights. She was fully aware that I had another girl draping herself all over me, and yet she was completely unconcerned.

But something had ME concerned. While Chevelle was moving in on me – actually leaning over to nibble on my neck and lick my ear, actually – her boyfriend Tito was similarly inching closer to Dawn.

While my girlfriend stared rather spacily at the blonde hippie grinding on my lap, the swarthy Latino had put his hand on Dawn's thigh and was moving himself in to whisper some seductive comment into her ear.

My body reacted before my drug-addled brain caught up. Instantly, my hands grabbed Chevelle's shoulders as I suddenly pushed her away from me. At the exact same moment, Dawn brought a hand up to Tito's chest, pushing him back a couple of inches while she also grabbed the hand on her thigh. And at the exact same moment, both Dawn and I warned, "Whoa, whoa."

Dawn and I were surprised by the simultaneous responses, and we briefly looked at each other, all of our understanding communicating between us in an instant. Whatever else was going on between Chevelle and me, some primal part of me couldn't stand the idea of Tito laying a finger on Dawn in an intimate way. And apparently, Dawn couldn't stand the idea, either.

Dawn was then the first to speak, her tone one of apology. "Sorry, Tito. You're gorgeous, but no."

Biting his lip against some hormonally-driven need for my girlfriend's body, Tito pressed forward just a little bit, testing the pressure of Dawn's hand at his chest holding him back. But then with a sigh, he nodded and backed off.

Chevelle simply pouted, not making any attempts to re-engage herself with me. "Me too?"

I sighed. I, myself, was certainly attracted to Chevelle. She was beautiful of face and body, even without makeup or bra support to enhance her cleavage. She had big tits, and clearly didn't have a whole lot of inhibitions. She was a little strange in the head, and I got the distinct impression she'd be pretty wild in the sack. But I couldn't do this.

It had nothing to do with "settling down". Not wanting to leave Dawn behind while I attended a Tri-Delt orgy was one thing. Mentally, I wanted to believe I was beyond that sort of temptation. But fucking a hot babe while Dawn watched beside me ... maybe even joined in ... that was right up my alley. No, Chevelle wasn't the problem. My problem ... was Tito.

Fair is fair. If I was to be banging Tito's girlfriend, wouldn't that imply that he would have my permission to nail Dawn? Especially since the four of us were all here, together? That simply wasn't happening. Maybe it wasn't fair, but no man was going to touch my Dawn.

And besides, wasn't I just telling myself not to get involved with another man's girlfriend? Even if he was right beside me, giving his tacit permission, I'd learned the hard way that the complications of a taken woman were often more trouble than the sex was worth. It wasn't like I was lacking for unattached sexual partners.

"Sorry," I sighed, reaching up to hold Chevelle's face and then tilting her down so that I could peck her forehead. "I think we're getting a little outside our boundaries of comfort."

Chevelle snorted. "Word out was that you don't HAVE any boundaries."

I sighed and glanced over at Dawn, who simply watched me in silence. I reached my hand out to her, and she slid her palm into mine, squeezing gently. I turned back to Chevelle. "That was then. I'm a different man now."

Chevelle sighed, then leaned back, relieving the pressure her groin had been putting on my cock. She folded her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them up and together. But I kept my gaze on her face. She looked over at Dawn, who shrugged an apology. And then finally, she stood up.

"I get it. It's okay, Benno." Chevelle smiled warmly at me. But then she squeezed her thighs together and turned coquettishly, her smile turning into something a little more ... toothy. "But you'll understand that a girl has needs at a moment like this. I'm sure you guys can let yourselves out?"

With that, Chevelle reached a hand out to her boyfriend. But rather than take it, Tito scooped the girl's legs out from under her and easily lifted her into a carrying position. "Hasta luego, my friends," he said bearishly while turning and walking his girlfriend toward the back of the house.

Chevelle giggled. I heard her laugh, "Think we can pull off that tantric thing again?" And then the bedroom door closed behind them.

Without another word, Dawn scooted herself across the couch, turning and plopping herself into my lap in an identical position to the one Chevelle had just been in. Immediately I felt my girlfriend's crotch grinding against my still hard cock. "All this pot has got me feeling quite frisky," Dawn husked right into my ear. "Think we can figure out our own tantric positions?"

I grinned. "I think so. But, ah, let's go somewhere a little less ... fragrant." I crinkled my nose at the smell of weed. The drug itself could be quite pleasant, but the odor wasn't exactly high on my list of favorite smells.

Dawn giggled and got off me, reaching her hand down to help me to my feet. Beside us, Bert and Kim were similarly getting up.

"Hmm..." Bert mused, winking at Kim. "Finding the outer limits of tantric philosophy and yoga positions sounds quite interesting. Would you care to explore them with me?"

Kim smiled, but after a short pause, she reached up and patted the guy on the cheek. "You're cute."

With that, Kim turned and opened the front door, leading the way out. Dawn followed after, dragging me by the hand with her. And just as I passed Bert, he frowned at me and sighed, "That's a 'no', isn't it?"

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