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38.28% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 102: The New Year l

Capítulo 102: The New Year l


Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having the place not look like a dump was important to me. If nothing else, while my parents had been pretty casual about moving me in with Brandi and Dayna two years ago, they'd seemed rather more protective/concerned about Brooke. I figured that cleaning up and proving that I could be more "adult" would help reassure them that I'd look after my little sister.

After all, I wasn't a teenager anymore. And not only did I want to prove to my parents that I was growing up and maturing after all the bad decisions and adventures of the past several years, but I wanted to prove it to myself as well.

The family van stopped behind Dawn's old Malibu and the Mustang. Dad hadn't put the car in park before the double doors opened and Brooke came spilling out. My 18-year-old little sister simultaneously looked like a kid and an adult to me, wearing a ringer T-shirt and spray-on jean shorts that showed off the perfect tone of her tanned legs. Her dark hair was loose, and her face had finally lost every ounce of baby fat while remaining youthful and more "cute" than "beautiful".

After flashing me a big smile, Brooke turned as if to go to the trunk and start unloading her bags. But instead, she ran straight over to me and vaulted the steps before launching herself into my arms with enough force to knock over an elephant.

Well I'm not an elephant, so the impact easily knocked me over, Brooke screeching as she felt my body give way beneath her. I went crashing down to the wood plank flooring, landing flat on my ass with my sister collapsing right on top of my chest. And a few seconds later, we were both alternately laughing and complaining about our predicament in a heap on the porch floor.

"You were supposed to catch me!" Brooke whined.

"You're a lot bigger than you used to be!" I shot right back.

Brooke just giggled and hugged me, then quickly found her footing and hopped up. Leaning over, she reached one hand down to help me up as well. And once we were both upright, she smiled and hugged herself against my chest. "I'm so glad I'm here, big brother."

"I'm glad you're here too, little one."

"You just said I'm not so little anymore."

"Well, you'll always be my kid sister. And I'm here for whatever you need."

"Really? Good." Grinning the patented Brooke-evil-grin (TM), my sister took my hip and started pushing me to the steps down from the porch. "'Cuz I need you to go grab my big heavy bags for me!"

I rolled my eyes. But like a good big brother, I headed down and went to start carrying the bags in.

Stupid girls. I never had this much stuff when I moved up for college.

"So you girls will have to decide who gets the big room," I gestured to the two downstairs bedrooms, which were separated by the hallway bathroom. "That one is bigger and has the extra daybed. That one is smaller and, unfortunately, is directly beneath the master bedroom. And even with my best efforts at soundproofing, you're still gonna hear some stuff."

"Mmm, I think I want the smaller room," DJ remarked coquettishly, clear innuendo in her waggling eyebrows.

The Evanses had arrived while we were still moving Brooke in. The parents were chatting outside like ... well, old friends. And the twins were in the living room trying to wear out the controllers for my PS2. Anyway, DJ leaned against the doorframe, giving me an impish grin while crossing her arms beneath her 34DD tits, thrusting them upwards.

DJ's body was simply unfair to other women of the human race. The gorgeous 18-year-old blonde defied the laws of physics: a Barbie doll brought to life at a half-inch taller than Dawn, with bigger breasts and yet a smaller waist and hips. I, personally, thought Dawn had the prettier face; but DJ certainly wasn't lacking for facial beauty. And I already knew the girl was going to have a horde of college boys lining up outside our door for a chance to date her, or more accurately, to get into her panties.

Brooke piped up, re-acquiring my attention. "Which one was your room?"

I shrugged. "Both, actually. I was in the big one with Adrienne my freshman year and in the small one when Dawn moved out the next year."

DJ arched an eyebrow. "Dawn's not moved out this year. Won't she be spending every night in the master bedroom upstairs?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she moved in with me."

DJ frowned. "Then why can't one of us take the other room upstairs closer to you guys?"

I arched an eyebrow. "We got another roommate. Didn't your mom tell you?"

DJ chuckled and blushed. "Uh, she might've. I may not have been paying attention."

Brooke nodded. "Kim-something, right?"

"Right. Kim Fukuzaki. She's a classmate of ours. It was originally just for the summer. But Kim's upstairs with Dawn getting settled into the other bedroom since we decided to make her rental a little more permanent."

Brooke's evil grin was back. "Assembling your live-in harem?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Harem?"

"C'mon, bro." Brooke's grin showed even more teeth. "Brandi told me some of the stuff that went on underneath this roof the past couple of years. You've got Dawn living in your bed. DJ over there has been itching to nail you for MONTHS, with no plans to stop once she gets your cornered. I'm here, and as long as this long-distance thing with Andrew holds you're gonna be my only source of cock. And as if the three of us weren't enough, you've got this Kim girl moving in permanently. Is she cute?"

I blushed sheepishly. "Uh, yeah."

"Is she into girls?"

I arched an eyebrow, not sure whether to go down this path with my little sister just yet. But my ego reared its head as I sighed and answered, "You know me."

"Would I get along with her?" Brooke pressed, her eyes twinkling. Even DJ was leaning in with a naughty grin on her face.

What is it about my sisters and the Evans girls? I swear they're more predatory toward other girls than even I am!

In the end, I just chuckled and grinned. "Physically, I think she'll remind you of Jennifer Vo."

Brooke cackled. "Yummy."

I chuckled and waved the girls off, turning to head up the stairs and see if Kim and Dawn needed any help moving furniture or anything. But just as I turned away, DJ giggled and added, "By the way, what's this my sister tells me about you guys nailing your professor?"

Brooke ended up volunteering for the smaller bedroom. She was lower-maintenance and had fewer things. But the one condition was that Brooke could still pop into DJ's room to use the vanity I'd installed there two years ago for Adrienne.

After we got the girls moved in, we all piled into Dawn's Malibu to drive back to the Evans house, since it was more comfortable for five than the Mustang. I was behind the wheel – Dawn still scared me whenever she tried to think and drive. Even Kim was invited, as the four collective parents wanted to get to know the new girl better since she would be staying with us more permanently. And the drive down gave the two younger girls a chance to pepper her with questions.

"So how did you end up living with Ben and Dawn?" DJ asked first, leaning over from the far right back seat. "I thought we already knew of all their friends."

Kim smiled from the far left. "Uh, well. We weren't really close friends before this summer."

"Really?" Brooke queried from the dreaded middle seat.

Kim smiled. "Oh, I was still acquainted with Ben. We shared a class together freshman year; sat next to each other even. At the same time, I was becoming friends with Adrienne, although I didn't know that he and she were dating – or even knew each other – at the time."

"Oh, how is Adrienne?" Brooke piped up. "I was hoping she'd be here, but Mom said something about getting called away on some new shoot."

"She's good. Crazy busy and always tired," Kim replied. "She uh ... visited ... last weekend actually." Kim's eyes darted to the rear view mirror. I also tilted my head to catch Kim's glance, and allowed myself a little smile. Last weekend had not been Kim's first time having sex with Adrienne, but it was Kim's first time getting worked at both ends like a spit roast by me AND Adrienne.

"I'll bet..." DJ drawled knowingly.

Kim was already blushing and looking away, so she didn't catch DJ's gaze. Collecting herself, she then finished out the rest of the story. "Anyway, we lost touch last year when Adrienne and some of my friends joined the sorority. I hooked up with a different clique. And then Ben and I didn't run into each other again until Professor Isakova invited us both to intern with her this summer."

"Oh, so you're the fellow intern," Brooke said in understanding.

Kim nodded. "I was commuting from my dad's house, which was a real pain, and not only for time. The Professor had an issue with my motorcycle clothing, saying it wasn't professional. And Ben offered to let me stay with him so I wouldn't have to keep shuttling back and forth."

"You ride a motorcycle?" DJ sat up straight, clearly intrigued.

Kim nodded. "Uh-huh."

"What kind?" Brooke chirped.

"Uh, Honda Fireblade."

"Cooool," DJ drawled. "Could you teach me?"

Kim's eyebrows popped. "You want to learn?"

"Hell yeah!" DJ enthused.

I bit back a smirk. The thought of DJ pouring that tight ass and those big tits into a skintight leather outfit while riding a black racing bike entered my head. Even blonde braids coming out the back of a motorcycle helmet were a turn on. And a second later, Dawn reached across the seat to brush her palm over my growing bulge with a knowing smile on her face.

And then out of nowhere, Brooke dropped the bomb. "So how did you end up fucking him?"

Kim went still. "Excuse me?"

I darted my eyes to the rear view mirror again and glared right at my little sister. She felt my gaze and looked back at me before rolling her eyes. "Just thought I'd get this one out of the way. I know my brother. I know Dawn. I already know you're sleeping with him, probably both of them. And certain things are going to go on in this house that everyone will be aware of."

"Oh," Kim gulped, still in mild shock. Trying to regain her bearings, she stammered, "Uh, well ... that stuff is kind of private and..."

"Kim, tell her," I stated in my command voice. I took a deep breath. If Kim was really going to live with us, she was going to see a LOT of things. Maybe this wasn't the ideal time to get into all the details, but Brooke was right. Better to have everything out in the open.

Still a little nervous, Kim looked into the rear view mirror to check with me, and then slid her gaze over to Dawn, who was staring into the back seat. Kim's nerves always got to her in moments like this, and I could visibly see her clamming up.

"Kim, tell her everything," I repeated more firmly.

She took a deep breath and nodded. Though her devotion was to Viktoriya, not to me, having me give her the command to share flipped a mental switch in Kim's mind. I still didn't totally understand it – even after a few weeks of knowing about her submissive personality – but in her mind, being commanded absolved Kim of responsibility. She could say or do things she wouldn't ordinarily be comfortable with, believing that any adverse consequences would be handled by whoever gave her the order. It wouldn't be "her fault".

Sometimes I wished I could push off responsibility that way. It would certainly make ME more relaxed.

In any case, Kim collected herself and then repeated the story I'd first heard at Viktoriya's that night all four of us got together. "I first came to Cal with a very close friend from High School, Grace Choi. She was more than my friend; she was my 'Mistress'. I have a submissive personality and she made all the hard decisions for me. She had a class with Adrienne and they started becoming very close, even intimate on occasion. Sometimes, Grace also had me join them. But I knew that I was just a third wheel in that budding relationship."

Brooke was glancing at me through the mirror now. She'd definitely heard of Grace, especially after Adrienne broke up with me to pursue a lesbian relationship with the pretty Korean.

Kim continued. "I was also becoming friends with Ben. I knew he had a girlfriend, but he was showing an interest in me. He even asked me out one time, but I was too scared and nervous to take him up on it. It's one of those things I always regretted not having the courage to do. But shortly after, Grace told me that she'd worked out a little surprise for Adrienne's boyfriend – I didn't know at the time that it was Ben. She ordered me to join them. And then one night, Adrienne blindfolded Ben, and the three of us went in and triple-teamed him. With the blindfold, Ben never knew it was me. Even though it all happened almost two years ago, he only found out a couple of weeks back."

DJ whistled. "Wow..."

Kim blushed and nodded. "A little while later, Grace wanted to move on from me to have her relationship with Adrienne, and I was left alone. I don't do so well on my own. I had my friends and I had my schoolwork, but that was it. Last year was really hard on me."

Kim had such a haunted look that Brooke reached over and held the girl's hand on top of her thigh, squeezing it reassuringly.

Kim smiled gratefully and took another deep breath. "Then Viktoriya ... Professor Isakova ... offered Ben and me this internship. I'm not sure who was more surprised to see the other. In any case, Viktoriya quickly figured out my submissiveness. And one night, not long after I moved into the house, she seduced me. She's been my Mistress ever since."

Kim seemed to be done, but DJ was quick to point out. "That still doesn't explain how you guys hooked up."

Kim blushed again and looked down demurely. "I didn't know it, but Ben had made Viktoriya HIS sex slave."

"Sex slave?" Brooke chirped with a giggle.

Dawn turned around. "Seriously. He did," she stated with raised eyebrows of excitement. "I TOLD you we were both nailing our professor."

The two 18-year-olds giggled, but they waved Kim on.

Kim sighed and explained, "A couple of weeks ago, Viktoriya arranged for all four of us to be together and she presented me to them as a gift." Still shyly looking downward, Kim nevertheless had a broad smile across her face. "It was wonderful. I'd long wanted to be with both of them, but never had the courage to do it myself. Now, everything is perfect."

There was such a note of contentedness in Kim's voice that Brooke couldn't help but drawl sweetly, "Aww..."

"After that," Kim finished. "Viktoriya suggested that I remain living with them, for my own safety and protection. I didn't want to move out and they wanted me to stay close to them. Honestly, this is the best situation I've ever been in. Viktoriya is still my mentor, and I can go to her whenever I need her. Day-to-day, Ben and Dawn are looking after me. And I can release my sexual urges without the hassles of trying to find a boyfriend who won't take advantage of my nature. Plus, I have the extra time to really focus on my studies. Everything's worked out."

The girls nodded in agreement.

"So you're devoted to my big brother?" Brooke then queried, a curious tone in her voice.

"Uh ... yes," Kim replied a little uncertainly.

"I mean, you would never betray him or Profes-, uh, Viktoriya."

"No, never," Kim immediately stated a little more emphatically.

"And you understand that Ben's lifestyle is a little ... unorthodox."

Kim chuckled. "MY lifestyle is pretty unorthodox. And I'm not one to ever judge anyone else."

"Okay," Brooke stated while collecting herself.

I figured out where my sister was going and darted my eyes to the mirror again. "Brooke..."

My sister met my gaze through the mirror. "Everything out in the open," she reminded me. "And I am NOT quitting like Brandi did."

I took a deep breath and then nodded.

So Brooke shrugged and looked at Kim seriously, stating, "I'm fucking Ben, too."

Kim's eyebrows popped at that revelation.

"Me, too," DJ volunteered from the other side.

Kim's jaw dropped and waggled around a few times. She was suddenly aware that four pairs of eyes were on her, as even Dawn was turned around to look back while I was glancing in the mirror again. And again, I saw her nerves starting to get to her.

But I couldn't order her to be okay with this one. It was a situation she could either accept, or she couldn't. At least she wasn't being asked to take any active actions on her own.

And after another deep breath, Kim turned the situation over in her mind. And nodding slowly, she looked first at Brooke and then over to me. And with a shrug and a smile, she finally stated, "Okay. Thank you for being honest."

Brooke smiled and glanced back at DJ. Dawn sighed with relief and sat back in her seat. And I focused on the road.

Kim was still processing. Staring at nothing in the direction of the seat in front of her, she eventually shook her head and chuckled. And in a quiet voice, she murmured, "Something tells me this is going to be the most interesting year of my life."

It was another pleasant family dinner en masse. Dayna and Brandi came to the house to visit as well, and our two families fell into old habits of conversation as if we'd been having dinners together every night for the past month. Kim was quiet, just observing with wide eyes. But everyone made an effort to make her feel included, especially Deanna Evans.

After the meal was finished, the usual standoff between parents and new college students began. The parents wanted to hang onto their kids as long as possible, delaying the inevitable by clinging to Brooke and DJ and keeping them talking.

The two incoming freshman, on the other hand, were eager to get on the move, to finally be set free after some eighteen years living under their parents' roofs. They stuck around as long as they thought they had to, but soon the girls were making excuses about needing to get back and unpack the rest of their things.

Mom wasn't buying it. She noticed that Brooke was sitting on the padded armrest of the easy chair I was reclining in, her hand brushing against my leg. Ever-protective, Mom shot a glance over to Kim, but Brooke just grinned and nodded to indicate that everything was already taken care of.

So Mom was the one who finally called off the dogs. She stood up and looked to the other three parents, stating, "Well, we can't keep them here forever. It's time to let our little girls go."

"We're not little girls anymore," DJ pointed out.

"You'll always be my little girl," Jack Evans sighed. It was harder for the Evanses. DJ really was their baby, while my parents still had the twins. Still, he stood up as well and then moved to hug his daughter.

That started the chain of hugs all around, which seemed to take almost as much time as the post-dinner conversations. In the end, Jack clapped me with a bear hug, and still with an arm around my shoulders, glanced at Dawn before stating, "You two look after DJ."

Dawn nodded. I just smiled and replied, "Of course."

Jack gave me another pat on the back. "I know you will."

That finished off the round of hugs. I said goodbye to my parents as well and then went to the twins. Eden was just happy for a hug, but Emma actually jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. "See you at Christmas," she chirped before pecking my cheek.

At the time, I thought it was just typical baby sister eagerness to see Big Brother for the Holidays. I simply grinned and set her down.

Then Brooke practically dragged me out to the car.

We had just gotten through the front door when DJ grabbed both of my hands and started backing into her bedroom. At the same time, Brooke was shoving me from behind as well.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I flailed a bit, trying to maintain my balance and only managing to slow down our progress into the bigger of the two downstairs bedrooms. And I darted my eyes to Dawn for help.

My girlfriend just giggled and waved me on. And then looking at her little sister, she stated, "You can wear him out all you want. But he's gotta end up sleeping in my bed, got it?"

DJ grinned and nodded, continuing to drag me into her lair. "Sure thing."

Slack-jawed, I watched helplessly as Dawn reached out to grab Kim's hand. The two older girls giggled and then headed upstairs together, my girlfriend blowing me a final kiss. And with my resistance down, Brooke managed to shove me the rest of the way into the bedroom.

DJ wasn't fully unpacked just yet. There were two boxes stacked next to the bed and a duffel bag still full of clothes. But the bed was fully made and the girls wasted no time pushing me onto it. My little sister was then right on top of me, her knees next to my hips as she sat on my stomach. She then grabbed my head and kissed me, moaning in both relief and arousal. And when she finally broke for oxygen, she gave me a wild-eyed look and a smirk. "Hi, big brother," she cooed as if greeting me for the very first time.

"Hey, little one."

Brooke wasn't so little. But she'd maxed out at 5'7", with even the twins already pushing her same height despite only being 14. Still, the twins certainly hadn't caught up to Brooke in curves, where she boasted bigger tits and a rounder ass than even Brandi. I had my hands on that ass while she kissed me, and I let them play there while she moved her own hands to start pulling off my shirt.

"It's been a while," Brooke groaned. "What, since the snowboarding trip? That's eight months!"

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head. "No need to apologize. Let's just make up for lost time, huh?"

"It's been even longer for me. You haven't fucked me since Thanksgiving!" DJ complained in a light tone. I looked past my sister to see that the skinny, busty blonde had almost fully disrobed while I was making out with her best friend. In fact, the only articles she had left were red lingerie, and the bra quickly disappeared after she opened the back clasp to free those mouthwateringly gorgeous 34DD melons.

"Your own fault. It's not like you live far away," Brooke drawled. "And they certainly visited your parents often enough."

"Whatever. We're making up for it," DJ giggled while stepping out of her panties to go fully naked. "Right now!" And then the scathingly hot 18-year-old darted forward and flopped onto the bed beside us.

Above me, Brooke did her little crossover thing to remove her shirt and then reached behind herself to unsnap the bra. Once topless, she then hopped off the bed and reached down to drag my shorts and boxers away, leaving me fully naked on the bed.

By now, I was already french kissing DJ beside me, pawing at her big tits while she fingered her own clit. I was momentarily amazed at how casual DJ was being about this. The last time we'd had sex – the past Thanksgiving as DJ had mentioned – was right after we broke up from our brief but intense romantic relationship. This was a girl who had been in love with me once – and who I'd claimed to be in love with as well – but now we were carrying on as if there had never been any strife between us.

With those thoughts in mind, I paused from my frenetic kissing to pull DJ's head back and look into those sky blue eyes. "There's a reason we haven't done this in a long time, kiddo. Are you okay?"

DJ gave me a Mona Lisa smile. "I was okay the minute I heard you got back together with Dawn. Everything is the way it's supposed to be. You two are together, and you and I are just friends."

"Friends and fuck buddies!" Brooke chimed in.

"Yes, fuck buddies," DJ sighed happily. "Now hurry up and get in me. You're late on giving me that birthday present you promised and I need to feel Big Ben inside me. Please?"

"Sure thing, kiddo." I grinned and rolled DJ onto her back. Her hair was loose, as she'd gone without the braided pigtails for some time now. It haloed around her head and she looked so beautiful staring up at me that I simply HAD to pause to kiss her again.

But DJ was a little less patient, kissing back but dropping her hands off my biceps to grab my hip with her left hand and my cock with her right. She fed me to her semi-moist slit, and once the mushroom head settled into position, she grabbed both my asscheeks and powerfully PULLED.

"Ungh!" DJ grunted as the first few inches of my cock penetrated into her. She felt tighter than usual, not being completely soaked with lubrication just yet. But she doggedly tugged on my ass while planting her feet flat on the bed and lunging her crotch up into me. And a few seconds later, she fell back against the mattress with almost eight inches of man meat stuffed inside her pussy. "Fuck yeah..." she groaned.

"How's it feel?" Brooke suddenly asked from beside my left ear. My little sister even darted in to take a quick nip at my lobe with her lips. And her hand found its way between my legs to fondle my ball sac as I remained fully embedded in her best friend's snatch.

"Gooood..." DJ and I both crooned at the same time. And then the girls giggled again.

"Now remember our deal," Brooke said matter-of-factly to the blonde beneath me. "You go first, but we each get two loads and I get a fifth if we can go that far."

"Five times?" I arched an eyebrow skeptically.

"Don't tell me you're getting old." DJ reached up and patted my shoulder.

I chuckled. "I'm not a teenager anymore."

"That's okay." DJ smiled radiantly up at me while moving the same hand to caress my cheek. "I love you for the quality, not the quantity."

I grinned. "One high quality fuck, coming right up!"

We actually didn't even make it to four loads. I was sincere about the idea of going for quality, not quantity. Besides, I don't think the girls minded since they each had WAY more than four orgasms.

DJ had two while I pummeled her into the mattress, the first straight-up missionary and the second after I pinned her knees back against her shoulders to get even deeper into her body. It was just way too much fun for me to watch those big hooters bouncing with every thrust.

Brooke then had two when I switched over to her. That little fuck seemed less pistoning and more ... crawling. Mid-fuck, my sister scissored her legs around mine and twisted herself onto her side so that I was straddling her left leg with her right wrapped around my waist. We didn't thrust so much as undulate, and after her first orgasm she twisted further so that she was facedown with my chest against her back, even though our legs were still intertwined like that.

I took a break after Brooke shrieked her second orgasm into a pillow, rolling onto my back. DJ was quick to mount me, humping up and down happily while chanting her familiar, "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck..." She made it even more fun when she pulled me upright and mashed my face into her cleavage, bouncing up and down my pole and wriggling her mammaries against my cheeks at the same time.

I always found it strangely exciting how I could actually feel the [bum-BUMP] of DJ's heartbeat through her pussy walls. The sensation of that heartbeat speeding up as the sexy blonde accelerated to orgasm was enough to get my heart racing as well. And when she went off, so did I.

Brooke was quick to dive between her best friend's legs after that, hungrily slurping my jism out of DJ's box. Meanwhile, the blonde crawled around to slurp on my semi-limp noodle, tasting her own orgasmic fluids mixed with Brooke's and mine as well.

Like always, I got hard again quickly, and seeing my little sister on all fours while she continued eating out her best friend put me in a particular mood. I quickly scrambled to my knees behind her, gripping those perfect asscheeks and then driving my way into the center of her core. I've said it before and I'll say it again: my sisters have dynamite asses. And the sight of Brooke's pretty peach being split open by my cock in her moist peach pit was simply a pleasure to behold.

And if that wasn't fun enough, DJ scrambled underneath her best friend. And the sight of Brooke's pretty peach being split open by my cock in her moist peach pit while her hot blonde of a best friend alternately licks at that same peach pit and tries to tongue my balls every time they slap against her forehead ... well that's even better.

Together, DJ and I simply blew Brooke's mind. The last times I'd been with each girl, we had truly been making love as well as fucking. There had been strong emotional components back then: thinking about the failure of my relationship with DJ on Thanksgiving, and simply appreciating my little sister for a short winter break before I would be leaving again. But that was then.

This was now. DJ was just a friend – a close friend – but we no longer had the romantic tension between us. Brooke would always be my sister, but we wouldn't be parted anytime soon. I could sense that both girls just wanted to let loose, to celebrate their arrival at school as independent young women. And of course, they wanted to enjoy the physical pleasure they hadn't gotten from me in far too long. There would be time for making love and appreciating each other later. Right now, we all just wanted to FUCK.

So I held nothing back. I ravaged Brooke's body, hammering her as hard and as deep as I'd ever done in my life. My hands were a blur, automatically tweaking nipples and caressing nerve bundles and buzzing my thumb across her anus, all things that would maximize my little sister's pleasure. DJ's tongue on her clit was just gravy. And about eight minutes into this particular fuck, Brooke started a cascade of orgasms from which she simply did not know how to stop.

"I'm cumming!" she screamed as the first one tore through her.

"Oh, again!" she shrieked as the second one hit.

"Ohfffcckkk!" Brooke dropped her forehead as the third one rolled right after.

"What the-?" she whimpered as another one came.

"Oh! Ungh! Stop! No! Ungh!"

Neither DJ nor I stopped what we were doing. I kept hammering Brooke's poor pussy, spanking each buttcheek to give her new flashes of sensation right when she thought they would end. And as far as I could tell, DJ was chewing on the young brunette's clit.

"No! Stop!" Brooke gasped breathlessly as her body was wracked with orgasmic wave after wave. She was twitching erratically now, her limbs spastically shooting out to the sides as if she was being electro-shocked. And in the end, she simply whimpered, "Nooooooooo..." before her voice gave out, her eyes closed, and her entire body went as limp as a marionette with cut strings.

DJ just giggled from underneath her best friend. Eventually, we managed to roll Brooke off and to the side, where my little sister just lay there, completely out cold. She even snored just a bit.

I chuckled and then glanced down at the gorgeous naked blonde stretched out upside-down away me, her crystal blue eyes staring up at me, those glorious tits upright a little further away, and the apex of her shaven twat another couple of feet down the bed.

Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at the bottom-side of my waving cock, still glistening with Brooke's nectar and rock hard from having not cum just yet. Reaching her hands around, DJ grabbed onto my ass and pulled my crotch to her. And from her upside-down lying flat on her back position, she slurped my cock into her mouth and sucked powerfully, reaching her right hand back to pump my shaft.

It didn't take long. I was primed from all the vaginal gymnastics Brooke's pussy had put me through, and with DJ's expert cocksucking, I was soon grunting my release. "Gonna cum, Deej," I warned.

Her eyes glittered and she started jacking my rod even harder, moaning as she nursed on my mushroom head. I felt the boiling pressure in my balls suddenly travel up my shaft, thickening my cock's girth just before the hot cream exploded in DJ's mouth. And I gasped in satisfaction as I poured out a fantastic load of spunk into the youngest Evans daughter's mouth.

When I was done spurting, DJ dropped away. And holding her breath, she gaped her mouth open wide, looking up at me upside-down and grinning while the creamy pool of spunk floated around inside. The grin carried up her cheeks, almost making her spill it. But she gulped the load down and lay there, catching her breath.

A moment later, DJ arched an eyebrow at me and commented, "You know, that was only two."

I nodded, looking down at my cock which was still semi-hard. I was definitely used to going more than two rounds a session. "That it was."

The impish blonde grinned, and then quickly rolled and rolled to the edge of the bed, reaching over to her nightstand and fishing out a familiar clear bottle with a purple cap.

"You wanna finish a trifecta with me?" DJ giggled while waving the Astroglide in my direction.

I chuckled, thinking of DJ's gloriously tight butt. There are few things more empowering to a guy than watching a girl throw her head back and scream as your cock skewers her asshole, and I could already feel my cock hardening as I thought about making that particular vision come true.



I reclined in my black swivel chair, kicking my right ankle up onto my left knee. There was just enough room for me to do this, with my foot fitting underneath the overhang of the long desk curving in an arc across the lecture hall. The back of my chair bumped up against the wall separating me from the row behind and above. And with a little smirk I paused to admire the ass in front of me.

The ass in question was encased in a smooth black skirt, cut to the knees and revealing light tan stockings beneath that descended all the way down to black pumps. Above the ass was a crisp blouse, heavily starched, and form-fitting to the lithe upper body of the beautiful woman. And the blouse was in a cool blue color, befitting the woman's moniker of "Professor Ice".

Viktoriya's chestnut brown hair was up in a tight bun today, showing off her graceful neck. And when the gorgeous Eastern European babe turned around to face the small lecture hall, her dark blue eyes flitted across mine, and I swear a little smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

She was smiling with good reason. Last night I'd done a particularly good number on her, a mind-blowing threesome that ended with Kim obediently slurping my cum out of her ass. But today was a new day, and I shooed away the idle thoughts and tried to focus on what Viktoriya was saying to the assembled students. The summer internship was over. We were published. And once again, she was my teacher. I even had to call her "Professor" in public. I didn't think our affair was completely over, but I sensed that our situation had now changed.

"Finally," Professor Isakova stood up straight and surveyed the class. "We will be forming teams for your group projects. You will have the next twenty minutes to meet and organize yourselves. Discuss your schedules and living locations, etcetera. And by our next class, I expect you to have chosen a team leader. Understood?"

She got her head nods and nodded in return. Then holding up a sheet, Viktoriya began reading off names. I zoned out a bit, glancing over to Dawn, who was sitting beside me. Our eyes communicated our thoughts to each other: Had Viktoriya picked teams at random? Did she choose them? And if she chose them, would she have deliberately separated Dawn from me?

I got my answer a few seconds later. My brain perked up when I heard my name called. And then in quick succession, five more names followed: "Dawn Evans, Kim Fukuzaki, Robert Kim, Chevelle Morrison, and Sasha Serafian."

My eyebrows popped up and a little smile crossed my face. Viktoriya also glanced over at me, that Cheshire smile crossing her face as well. Dawn had been correct back in June: after giving my professor the most orgasmic summer of her life, I was getting preferential treatment. And as I held the gaze of my professor for just a split-second longer, I saw the extra twinkle in her eye. Not only did she team me with my girlfriend Dawn, my roommate Kim, and one of my best friends Bert, but she also sent me Chevelle and Sasha, two of the hottest girls in our class. As long as I could keep my brain focused on the classwork, this was gonna be fun.

Since Bert, Kim, Dawn, and I were already sitting together, we waved over our two other teammates. Though we'd never had significant interaction with either girl in the past two years, there are only so many business students at the school and it's pretty easy to start matching names to faces, especially with the hot ones. Of course, I was also aware that these particular two hot girls had boyfriends, but I wasn't looking to get laid. I had "the harem" waiting for me at home (as DJ put it), and I was hoping to just enjoy being surrounded by beauty without too much sexual tension.

The two girls ended up taking two chairs in the row immediately in front of ours, rotating their chairs around so we could all face each other, with Bert jumping over to join them. The slight elevation gave me a nice angle on both sets of cleavage, Sasha's demurely covered by a ruffled blouse and Chevelle's more on display in a spaghetti-strap tank top with no bra. Actually, Chevelle never wore a bra. She shunned makeup too, for that matter, although she had some rather elaborate tattoos traveling up her left arm and over her shoulder. The dirty-blonde babe was a self-styled hippie, often walking around in bell bottom jeans and wearing flowers in her very long hair. Today's white-leafed adornments looked to have been picked from the bushes just outside the building.

"Hello! I'm Chevelle!" the fresh-faced girl said brightly, green eyes twinkling. She actually offered her hand to shake, and with a shrug, I took it before letting her shake hands all around.

"That's an interesting name," Bert piped up as she shook his hand.

"My dad," she stated in an amused tone, seemingly used to the interest in her unusual name. "It was his first car. Had to sell it when my mom got pregnant with me. I guess I was the replacement."

We all chuckled at that. But the gorgeous blonde wasn't done. "Actually, it's still an easier name than Chalchiuitl. That was my name in one of my previous lives as an Aztec priestess."

Bert's jaw actually dropped at that. The rest of us just sort of looked at each other, wondering if the hippie chick was serious. And Chevelle just beamed, giving us a happy smile.

Breaking the momentary awkwardness, Sasha then introduced herself. She had no anecdote to explain her name other than that her mom thought it was pretty.

"Appropriate," Chevelle chirped, adding with a breathy sigh, "You're beautiful." And the hippy girl promptly let her eyes rove quite obviously over the sixth member of our team.

Sasha blushed, a little embarrassed to be called on her attractiveness so bluntly right in the middle of a class and even more to be so obviously ogled by Chevelle. But she was beautiful, with a tanned complexion, big expressive eyes, and a lingerie model's body, complete with a rack to die for. Not that Sasha was putting her body on display. If anything, she tended to dress down with baggy clothing, as if trying to avoid unwanted attention.

Chevelle noted Sasha's mild discomfort. "Oh, don't mind me. I just say whatever pops into my head. Society has too many rules barring peoples' freedom to express themselves."

Dawn caught my eye and arched her eyebrow ever so slightly, an amused smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you for the compliment," Sasha said gracefully, but still blushed and looked down while brushing a dark lock of hair back behind her ear.

The rest of us then introduced ourselves, making it apparent that Kim, Bert, Dawn, and I were already quite familiar with each other before this class. Sasha was quick to notice and asked, "Professor Ice really put you and your girlfriend on the same team?"

Dawn and I looked at each other and shrugged.

Sasha just chuckled and smiled. "Well, I hope you guys don't break up. I really want to ace this class."

Dawn and I grinned at each other while Bert chimed in, "Don't worry about it. These two are practically married."

I waved off any further discussion and mentally noted the time. We'd already burned half our time just making introductions. "Anyway, we need to coordinate schedules before we leave today and figure out the best time to meet as a group. Does anyone have any preferred times of day?"

"Mornings are great with me!" Chevelle chirped immediately.

"Ugh, better not be before classes," Bert drawled. "I, for one, enjoy sleep."

"I was thinking right after this class," I put in. "It's a lunch period, so I'm hoping we're all free. Plus, we'll have our assignments fresh in mind."

"That's a good idea," Sasha agreed. "On days when we need to meet, we can just go out for lunch together."

"I'm vegan," Chevelle explained. "But I think most days I can just bring my own food if you want to go somewhere greasy. I'm not weird about watching you guys mutilate the dead flesh of some poor defenseless animal."

Dawn giggled. "But apparently weird enough to crack jokes about it."

Chevelle beamed, showing off twin rows of perfect teeth.

"Does anyone live far away from campus?" Sasha then asked. "If not, we could also meet in the evenings somewhere."

Bert raised his hand, and then glanced at me. "I BART in, so I'd rather not have any regular meetings after dinner. But if something comes up, I think I can crash with these guys."

Dawn and I both nodded in agreement. And then Dawn spread her hands. "Looks like lunch after class seems the easiest."

That got head nods around the table. And then after the briefest pang of nervousness, I added, "We also need to pick a team leader."

Bert grinned at me. "The tone in your voice makes me think you're volunteering."

"I'd like to," I nodded. "But if someone else wants to be in charge, I'm happy to talk it out."

Dawn wasn't about to compete against me. She smiled and rubbed my arm, telling me she had my back. Chevelle sat back looking content to just go along for the ride, as did Bert. And of course, Kim was the exact opposite of a team leader.

Sasha, on the other hand, leaned forward. "I'd like to be considered, too. I know I can do this." There was a sharpness in her eyes that told me this was an intelligent girl used to getting her way.

"Well, I'm not going to put it to a vote," I said, glancing at Kim, Bert, and Dawn. I already knew I had the numbers if it went to that. "We don't know how everyone works just yet, how we're going to mesh once we actually start working on something. Also, I don't think this team leader thing has to be permanent. Even if we pick someone now, we may figure out that we work better with someone else in charge, or even a democratic approach."

"Fair enough," Dawn stated. "How we work internally is entirely up to us, but if I may say so without bias: We're all going to get better grades if Ben is our official team leader."

"How is that unbiased?" Sasha queried, with just a bit of an edge in her voice.

Dawn held her hands up defensively. "Actually, I don't mean this as his girlfriend. I certainly know that for all his talents, Ben can't do everything on his own. What I mean is – if you haven't noticed already – Professor Isakova has a soft spot for him. Look at this team. Point blank: she gave him his girlfriend, his roommate, one of his best friends, and two beautiful girls to round out the team." Dawn gestured to Chevelle and Sasha, the two girls looking at themselves and then at each other.

"But more obviously," Dawn continued. "Kim and Ben were the Professor's interns this summer. They understand her better than any of us, and will know what it takes to make her happy."

The girls looked at Kim, who shrugged and nodded to me.

Dawn smirked. "I know you want to be in charge, Sasha. But Ben IS capable, and if you really want to ace this class, he's a guaranteed ticket to an 'A'."

So it was decided. I became the team leader.

Bert, Kim, Dawn, and I got lunch together. But after lunch, I decided to pay a special visit to someone who deserved some gratitude. I walked the intimately familiar pathway up to her door, knocked, and was pleased when she invited me inside.

"Viktoriya," I stated in my deep, commanding voice, and then waited expectantly.

She looked up and smiled at me. "Hello, Ben."

I arched an eyebrow. I'd been expecting the transformation from staid Professor Ice into my personal sex slave, but no change had been forthcoming. Still, I was used to the routine. So I took a deep breath and then commanded, "Assume the position."

Viktoriya inhaled and then reclined her desk chair. I saw a quiver on her lip, but she steadied herself and then steepled her fingers. And pressing her index fingers to the bridge of her nose, she closed her eyes and said, "I'm sorry. I cannot do that anymore."

Disappointment was evident on my face, but I paused to collect myself. I'd actually forgotten that Viktoriya had told me this would only last for the summer, and that among many other changes, I'd have to go back to calling her "Dr. Isakova" when the new year began. The new year was NOW.

Still, I couldn't help but pout as I told her, "I just wanted to thank you, for putting my team together the way you did."

She smiled radiantly. Viktoriya always looked extra beautiful when she was actually smiling. "You are very welcome," she replied warmly and then took another deep breath. And still exhaling, she sighed, "I feel I would have very much liked your way of showing thanks."

Her accent made the comment rather sexy, and I grinned. "Yes, I would have made sure you did." I then arched an eyebrow and took a step forward. Hey, I'd come here expecting a glorious fuck, and I was still pretty horny. "Sure I can't tempt you into letting me show you?"

"No, Benjamin."

Even the use of my full name didn't deter me. "Just one last time?"

She took another deep breath, this time staring at me a little more coldly, without any trace of a smile. This was the cold blue stare that earned her the nickname Professor Ice. My sex slave was completely gone. "No, Benjamin. I will show you the restraint that comes with maturity and age. We had a wonderful summer, but that time is up."

The air deflated out of me. I sighed, my shoulders drooping from the upright posture I'd carried ever since entering the room. "I suppose it is. I can't say you didn't warn me."

She shook her head obligingly.

"Well thank you," I stated in a calm voice. "For everything, really. I learned a lot this summer."

Viktoriya nodded, and then after a moment's thought, stood up from behind the desk and walked around to meet me. She placed herself just inches away, her heels boosting her height enough that she didn't have to look up too much to gaze into my eyes. She was truly an exquisitely beautiful woman, with lustrous hair and a wonderful complexion. Only the mild wrinkling at the corners of her eyes gave her away, and I realized I would truly miss being in a more intimate relationship with the older woman.

I hadn't thought much about her lately, but I wondered what Keira McNeil – and little Colin – were up to right now.

But then my mind was jerked right back to the present as for the very first time, Viktoriya firmly gripped my face in both of her hands. And then tilting my head, we came together for one last white-hot kiss.

It was over too soon. Just as forcefully as she'd brought my lips to hers, she pushed me away, turning and striding purposefully back around to her side of the desk. I thought I caught a fleeting glimpse of sadness on her face when she turned, but her expression was unreadable by the time she actually looked over at me again.

"Goodbye, Ben."

"Goodbye ... Dr. Isakova."

She smiled when I used her title. And then I turned to leave the room.

But just as I got to the door handle, a thought occurred to me. I paused and then glanced back at my onetime lover. "Are you ... ah ... going to have a similar conversation with Kim?"

Viktoriya blushed and bent her head, letting a few locks of her dark hair fall over her left eye. And when she looked up at me, it was with a fresh Cheshire smile. "Not exactly. Goodbye, Ben."

I mused on that for a moment, then opened the door and left.

Dawn, Bert, and I returned to the house in the evening to find it already unlocked. Our sisters must have beaten us home. And feeling cheerful, I called out, "Hi honey, we're home!"

"Welcome home, dear!" Gwen called back in the same joking tone.

I darted a glance to Dawn, who just giggled and wrapped herself around my arm as we went into the living room. Gwen Tannenbaum and Robin Aldrin, Dawn's friends since high school, were chuckling as well when we turned the corner. Gwen, with her long dirty-blonde hair falling in curls and waves down and over her nice tits, was fully reclined with her feet up on the coffee table and crossed at her ankles. Robin, the petite brunette with the black retro glasses, was sitting in a lotus position next to her best friend while the two watched TV. Not only did our house have the biggest living room among us, but we also had the biggest TV. So the house definitely was the hangout spot.

"Hey, how was your day?" Bert asked in a friendly tone, flopping down on the couch beside Robin and patting her leg. The two had dated for a year and a half before breaking up this past spring, but they'd managed to stay friends.

Robin caught up Bert while I glanced around and asked Gwen, "Our sisters let you in?"

Gwen nodded. "They left twenty minutes ago. Said they were getting dinner with some of their classmates."

I smiled. "That's good. It's never easy making friends at a new school."

Dawn patted my back. "DJ has some High School friends here. Don't worry. Brooke'll fit right in."

We all settled in while Dawn, Kim, and Gwen went into the kitchen to start dinner. The rest of us opened up our bookbags to start on our assignments, but we just sat around talking instead of studying. It was the first week of school, and no one was really in the mood to do homework.

By dinner time, the conversation turned to our business class, and Gwen smirked while asking, "Seriously? You ALL got put on a team together? What'd you do, give your professor the Big Ben Experience this summer?"

Dawn giggled and Kim covered her mouth. Dawn then composed herself and sighed. "Yeah, right. She's Professor Ice."

Gwen looked a little skeptically at me after the girls' initial reactions. I just chuckled and shook my head, not commenting. It's not that I was ashamed of what we were doing, but some things are just better left private, especially when concerning a professor. And I knew if I opened my mouth I would somehow give myself away. I was still a pretty bad liar.

Dawn again came to the rescue. "Sure, the Professor is playing favorites. Both Ben and Kim were her interns this summer. But at the same time, she very well could be extra-tough on them."

"I'll say," Kim sighed glumly. "Everyone in the class knows we interned with Professor Isakova. Now we've got a big target on our backs."

I frowned. "You said we'd have a free ride to easy 'A's!" I whined to Dawn.

My girlfriend patted my arm. "We do, as long as we live up to our potential. The Professor knows what we're capable of. If we slack off, she'll murder us in grading."

I groaned. "NOW you tell me."

Everyone got a good chuckle out of that, but then Bert changed the subject. "Hey, are you guys still thinking to have a big house party to kick off the new year?"

Dawn and I looked at each other. We hadn't discussed a party. "Huh?"

Robin followed right along. "Yeah. There's been a party here the first Friday the past two years."

"Oh, riiight." Jogging my memory, I recalled how my freshman year our older sisters Dayna and Brandi had thrown a big shindig where I got to meet all their hot friends. Lynne Arian and Felicia Clarkson had even come to that one. But it had turned a little sour when one of Dayna's boytoys wouldn't take 'no' for an answer with Dawn. And then last year we had another big party, although it was far less eventful. A party DID seem like fun. But...

"I don't know," Dawn drawled slowly, looking at me for confirmation.

Once again, we were on the same page. "I just don't think we're the kind of social creatures Dayna and Brandi were. They always had a blast dancing and flirting and going nuts with fifty of their closest friends."

Gwen snorted and smiled. "Sounds like fun."

"Fine, you have a party at YOUR apartment," Dawn sassed.

"I just don't know that it's really 'us', you know?" I shrugged. "Who would we even invite?"

Bert grinned. "I'm sure there are a bunch of Tri-Delts who wouldn't mind showing up. And your sisters have brought a couple of friends by here already. I wouldn't mind hanging out with a few of those tasty young-"

"Bert," Robin interrupted. "Get your head out of the gutter."

Bert just grinned while I shook my head. Half the time, the guy seemed like my nerdier alter-ego, the guy I might have become had my growth spurt and Keira McNeil not gotten a hold of me. The other half of the time, he reminded me more of Kenny Doyle, my best friend/horndog from high school.

"How about a barbecue?" Kim offered out of thin air. She was a friendly girl when comfortable (i.e. when she was alone with Dawn and me), but she didn't talk a whole lot in a group, something I should have noticed about her earlier. And to hear her voice got everyone's attention. She certainly made logical sense whenever she spoke.

"Hmm, barbecue..." I rolled the idea over in my head. "We can celebrate the start of the year and mix with some new people. But it'll be low-key. That's a great idea, Kim."

The pretty Japanese girl beamed.

"We'll all have to put in some work to plan it, though," Dawn warned cautiously. The others around the table just nodded in agreement.

Bert then gave me a deadly serious look. "You're still gonna invite the Tri-Delts though, right?"

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