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33.82% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 90: Dawn's Story V

Capítulo 90: Dawn's Story V

Paige showed up about a half-hour after Ben left. Actually, she didn't just show up. She RAN through the front door, absolutely hysterical.

I was still around, waiting for Ben to come home so that I could tell him I loved him and needed to talk to him about our relationship. Adrienne met Paige first, grabbing the distraught little redhead and tried to calm her down. Brandi showed up as well. I stepped out, and in the end, all four of us wound up back in Adrienne's bedroom.

Getting information out of Paige was difficult. She was squealing and wailing and at a complete and total loss for what to do. Her answers were incomplete and half-unintelligible. And in frustration, I stepped away and called Ben's cell phone. I was sure he was busy fucking Cadence's lights out, but then he HAD said to call him as soon as I heard from Paige.

Two rings and voicemail. Seemed like someone had pressed the END button. Dammit, Ben. This is serious.

I called him again. Same thing.

The third time, the phone went straight to voicemail. FUCK. Ben had turned the damn thing off.

I shook my head and went back into the room.

Eventually, Paige got her story out. I couldn't believe that parents like this even existed. They'd actually DISOWNED their only child. How fucked up was that?

I suppose I should have been glad they hadn't physically assaulted her. Brandi had been the practical one to ask about the basics like food, shelter, school, and medical care. Paige was on a full-ride scholarship through her entire academic career. Turned out she was a genius, even managing straight "A's" last semester while doing drugs and sleeping around with random strangers. I supposed raw brain intelligence didn't apply to street smarts or basic wisdom about NOT doing drugs and sleeping around with random strangers. But at least she had dorm housing, cafeteria food, and medical care through the end of her pregnancy and beyond.

But it was still incredible what Paige's parents had done to her. No help of any kind besides prayer. I didn't knock prayer, I knew quite a few people who were religious, or had some kind of belief system, including several Christians. I'd seen them accomplish a LOT of things based on their faith and their convictions. But to not even TRY to directly figure out what was going on with their daughter just seemed irresponsible. They HAD to be some sort of extremist nut jobs, which made it all the more incredible that they'd let Paige come to Berkeley in the first place.

Paige was just getting calmed down when I heard steps on the front porch. I just knew it was Ben and I raced out of the room. I was emotionally frazzled first from wanting to ask Ben to take me back and having him walk away from me. Listening to Paige's trauma had only made things worse. And now that I actually saw Ben again, I was fucking pissed off. "Where the FUCK have you been?" I squawked at him.

Ben didn't look to be in the mood. "At Cadence's. You fucking KNOW that!" he barked right back. "What's going on?"

"I've been frantically trying to get a hold of you. Your cell phone is off or something." I marched Ben to Adrienne's bedroom and flung the door open wider. "While you were busy getting laid, WE were dealing with this," I jabbed my finger at Paige.

"I wasn't getting laid," he spat back, his eyes hard and his voice weary. And then without another word, he pushed past me and went into the room.

I found myself rooted to my spot for a second. Ohmigod, Ben broke up with Cadence! I knew it with certainty, from the look on his face and the way he'd reacted.

I couldn't help it. My brain had been spinning in circles ever since I came back to campus, anticipating Ben's arrival. When he'd arrived and left for Cadence's dorm, I stayed in his bedroom, imagining every possible conversational scenario he and I could end up in as I poured my heart out to him and pleaded with him to take me back. We'd been through enough without each other. It was time for us to be with whom we belonged.

Even with everything Paige was going through, half my brain had been on my own problems. And now that I realized Ben and Cadence had broken up, all I had was one thought:

Maybe we can be together again.

Darkness had already fallen when Ben had returned to the house to find a newly disowned Paige waiting for him in Adrienne's bedroom. So when Paige nearly passed out in Ben's arms, and he carried her to his bed and slipped in beside her, I realized that as much as I wanted to, I wasn't going to get the chance to talk to him tonight.

I was physically shaking from the pent-up tension as I stood in the open doorway to Ben's bedroom, watching him talking soothingly to Paige as he cuddled her against his body.

Dammit, this was supposed to be MY night! In at least half the scenarios I'd run through my head, Ben had embraced me adoringly and we'd made passionate, sweet love to each other until blissfully falling asleep in each other's arms. But NO ... It was freakin' PAIGE in his arms.

I tried to calm myself. It wasn't like Paige had any clue what she was doing to me. And it's not like the poor girl got disowned by her parents every day of her life. But it still hurt. It really, really hurt.

"Dawn? You okay?" Adrienne was beside me, speaking softly so as not to disturb Ben and Paige. I shuddered and hunched over, my shoulders tightening. And then trying not to cry, I turned away from the bedroom.

Behind me, Adrienne leaned in and quietly closed Ben's bedroom door. Then without a word, she wrapped her arm around my waist and guided me back into her bedroom. Without consciously thinking about it, I somehow ended up in the exact spot where Paige had been sitting a few minutes earlier. Adrienne was in her same spot, holding my hand and patting my knee in much the same way she'd done for the redhead.

"Dawn, what's wrong?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and shuddered again, hunching over and grimacing while fighting not to burst into tears. My mouth gaped open in a cry I didn't want to let my body have. And through it all, Adrienne just kept stroking me soothingly.

I couldn't take it anymore. I'd held it inside for DAYS, and I just couldn't hold it inside any longer. The next time Adrienne asked, 'Dawn, what's wrong?' I told her.

"I was going to ask Ben if he still loved me and wanted to give a relationship with me another chance."

I'd never seen someone's jaw drop that fast before. But to her credit, Adrienne recovered very quickly. She blinked rapidly and straightened her back, twice, before squeezing my hand and asking, "Okay. Uh, was this something you just recently decided?"

I nodded. Thankfully, Adrienne didn't look at me like I was crazy or something. If anything, she just seemed concerned and even a little touched. She quickly pulled me into a hug, squeezing her arms around me fiercely and saying, "Oh, FINALLY!"

I blinked in surprise. "'Finally'?"

Adrienne giggled and pulled back. She breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled at me. "I didn't know you at all before we met at camp, but over these last two years I've seen just how special you are to Ben. I'm not a hopeless romantic or anything, but I know you two belong together. And for a long time I thought I'd fucked things up by getting between you two before you could even get to school together. If it wasn't for me, you'd have hooked up with Ben again at that first summer camp instead of going back to Ryan. And I beat myself up over the thought that I'd somehow ruined not only your chance to be with him, but ruined Ben's chance to be with his soulmate forever."

I blinked again in surprise. "Really?"

Adrienne nodded. "I needed him then; I won't deny it. I was a broken girl without any real hopes for my future, just living life day-to-day and hopping from one fleeting pleasure to the next. Ben was my anchor, my rock; and without him and his family I don't know how I would have ended up. I didn't know you at the time and so it never really bothered me that I was keeping him away from you. But in retrospect, I've felt bad for getting in your way."

I looked at Adrienne sympathetically and rubbed her arm. "That's okay. I never really resented you," I assured her. "I only ever wanted him to be happy. You did that for him."

She snickered. "Only because YOU were around. If he wasn't able to spend all day with you, talking with you, sharing with you, he would have driven ME absolutely nuts well before we broke up." Adrienne sighed. "I'm happy for you, Dawn."

I sighed and frowned. "Don't be happy for me yet. It's not like I have him back yet."

"Oh, right," Adrienne winced. "Cadence."

I shook my head. "He broke up with her today."

"He did?" Adrienne's eyebrows shot up. "When did he tell you that?"

I shook my head again. "He didn't."

"Then how do you know?"

I pointed at my head. "I just know. Or, she broke up with him. Either way, Cadence is out of the picture."

Adrienne blinked at me, looking like she wanted to ask more about how I could know. But then she just shrugged, as if she knew better than to doubt my connection with Ben. "See ... you two are special," she just sighed. And then she winced and looked over to the wall in the direction of Ben's bedroom. "Oh, Dawn. I'm so sorry..."


Adrienne waved. "Paige..."

I sighed. "I know. Timing, huh?"

"You'll tell him tomorrow." Adrienne squeezed my hand. "And no matter what happens, know that I'm on your side."

For some reason, Adrienne's declaration made a mountain load of tension slough off my shoulders. I visibly sagged, feeling my neck muscles relaxing as a goofy smile spread across my face.

"What?" Adrienne asked curiously.

I just shook my head and grinned. "It's just ... I've been all pent-up inside, waiting to see Ben again after the break, ready to pour my heart out to him. I haven't told ANYBODY that I want him back, not even my own sisters. You're the first to know. And after spending days all tensed up, for you to tell me that you're on my side ... it's just..." I couldn't finish my sentence since I was choking up and tears were forming in my eyes.

Adrienne just smiled at me and held my head, thumbing away the moisture from my eyes. "I'm on your side. If Cadence did the breaking up, Ben might be a little ... off ... for a few days. Plus, he can be kinda dense sometimes. So if he needs a swift kick in the ass to recognize how big a decision this is for you, know that I'm here to help you, okay?"

Still with moisture clouding my vision, I smiled and nodded. Adrienne held my head and leaned in to kiss my forehead. And then she pulled me to her for a hug while I wrapped my arms around her, enjoying the simple comfort. More and more tension flowed out of my body and out of my limbs as I sagged against her, the stress replaced by a sense of relief as Adrienne continued to hug me against her.

"And this won't be easy, dealing with Ryan, when you and Ben get back together," Adrienne sighed, patting my back. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help, or if you need someone to talk to. I know I'm not around much, but I AM on your side, Dawn. I want to see you and Ben together and happy almost as much as you do."

I cracked a smile at that, pushing my face deeper against Adrienne's shoulder and into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent while hugging her firmly. It occurred to me then that I hadn't felt this intimate an embrace with anyone but Ryan in a long, long time. Yeah, I'd hugged Ben quite fiercely on more than one occasion, even kissed him. I'd hugged other friends and my own sisters in the past couple of years. I'd even had sex with a few other people, at Dayna's Blindfold Party and then the Swingers Party. But no one save Ryan had ever just ... held me ... like Adrienne was doing. Maybe someone had at some point, but I couldn't remember it. And right now it felt sooo gooood.

Without thinking about it, I twisted my head and kissed Adrienne's neck in thanks. She shivered slightly at the touch of my lips, and tilted her head away to expose even more of her neck in invitation.

I didn't think about it the second time, either, kissing Adrienne's neck a little more firmly and getting rewarded with another strong shiver, plus a breathy little moan.

Only then did I start thinking about what I was doing. I had been faithful to my boyfriend since coming to Berkeley. Yeah, I had sex with other girls that first semester, just Adrienne, Dayna, and Brandi; but ever since returning to school the second semester of Freshman year, Ryan and I had agreed for things just to be the two of us. Only him. Only me. Monogamous and happy about it. Except for the one Swingers Party, we'd both kept our word.

But this was different. Adrienne was family, as much as Brooke or Brandi were my family; she didn't count. Adrienne was also a girl. It wouldn't be like I was letting some other man inside me.

And besides, if Ben took me back, I would be breaking up with Ryan anyways. Adrienne was right; it wouldn't be easy. But he had to know that I wasn't ready to give him my future. And knowing that Adrienne would be supporting me through this made me appreciate her even more.

Her eyes went up in some surprise when I pulled her face around to mine. But she didn't resist me as I pressed my lips to hers, tasting her sweet flavor as my tongue delved into her mouth. She let me press her back until she was lying down with me on top of her, our kiss deepening in passion and energy as our hands began to roam across each other's bodies. I needed this. After spending days all tensed up, both emotionally and physically, I was craving this sort of pleasurable release. Ryan couldn't be the man to do it for me anymore. Ben wasn't ready yet. Adrienne, the girl who had declared her support, was the one for me.

I'm not exactly sure how our clothes came off. I remembered her hands snaking beneath the back of my blouse to stroke the naked skin of my back. But it seemed that when I blinked again, my upper body was completely bare as Adrienne wrapped her lips around my swollen nipples and nursed on me like a starving baby.

The next time I really came up for air, I found that we were both naked, our legs interlaced to press our pussies together. Adrienne undulated her hips to grind her crotch against me while our tits rubbed together and our tongues slid wetly in and out of each other's mouth.

Our first climaxes came that way, our bodies entwined with pussy against pussy, tit against tit. Adrienne looked so stunningly gorgeous as she arched her head away from me, gasping in obvious pleasure. I couldn't help but lean in to kiss her neck again, causing her to shudder and clutch me tighter as she wailed, "Ohhh- ggaaaahhh..."

I wrapped my arms around her body to press her even tighter against my crotch while I kissed my way down her neck. Her arms cinched around me as well, holding me close while she grabbed onto my ass and tugged my pelvic bone against her clit. I was pretty close myself, and when Adrienne surprised me by sliding a wet finger into my ass, I jerked and climaxed myself.

"Nnnghhaah!" I gasped as the lightning bolt of pleasure shot through me. One thing I hadn't felt in a long time was any anal play. Ryan was very skittish about anything involving asses. He liked to see my ass and he'd kiss my cheeks; but he wouldn't go anywhere near my anus with finger, mouth, or dick. And he didn't want me going near his, either. I didn't necessarily mind — to each their own — but the point is that I hadn't felt that particular sensation in well over a year. And as Adrienne's finger wriggled in my colon, I kept bucking and screaming my pretty little head off.

When my orgasm passed, I couldn't decide if I wanted Ben and Paige to have already fallen asleep so they couldn't hear us, or for them to still be awake and for Ben to jealously picture me and Adrienne dyking it out, making him wish he could be in here with us instead of with Paige. Either way, Adrienne and I were only getting started, and I for one intended to get the most out of this re-entry into lesbian sex. If nothing else, once Ben and I got back together, I hoped the three of us would find frequent opportunities to hop into bed together. And in the meantime, Adrienne and I could practice our routine for between rounds while Ben had to recharge.

I kissed my way down Adrienne's neck and into her abundant cleavage. I was simply fascinated by how a pair of tits could be so naturally big and yet so firm and supple. I buried my face between the globes, playfully motorboating before moving to kiss each erect nipple. And then I started kissing my way lower across her belly.

"You know, I haven't tasted another pussy in over a year," I mused aloud.

"Really?" Adrienne grinned and spread her legs to the side, opening herself up and reaching down with one hand to split apart her own pink labia. "Well then," she said theatrically. "I think you should spend some extra time down there, just to re-familiarize yourself."

I giggled. "Good idea." And then I dove in, tongue-first.

It was 10pm when I realized I needed to call Ryan. I had left him at our apartment, telling him I was going to meet Ben and Brandi when they came home and that we were also expecting Paige to come back with her parents' reaction to her pregnancy.

Having not wanted my cell phone to make too much noise while Paige was pouring her guts out to us, I'd switched it to vibrate. Things were taking a little longer than I'd expected, and Ryan had called one time after Ben arrived to hear Paige re-tell her story. I'd sent him a text message just saying that we were still talking to Paige and things were not looking good, mostly just to stall him. And then he'd called one more time while Adrienne and I were getting busy with each other, although I hadn't even heard the phone vibrating.

I was surprised he hadn't just come over to the house at some point. Maybe a breakup would have been easier if he'd caught me having sex with Adrienne. But Ryan had stayed home, ever loyal and ever trusting of me. It made me feel even more guilty knowing what I was about to do to him. There simply is no such thing as an easy break up.

Now while I knew I had to call him, I had no idea what I was going to say. In all my scenario-planning, one way or another I would have already told Ben how I felt. Ben would either tell me he wanted me back, in which case I would need to break up with Ryan; or, Ben would tell me he wanted to stay best friends, in which case nothing changed, and I would need to evaluate on my own what to do about Ryan.

It never occurred to me that I wouldn't have had a chance to talk to Ben before talking to Ryan again. But that was the situation I was in now. Still naked and in Adrienne's bed, I held the phone in my hands and looked up at her while she brushed my bangs back from my forehead and gently ran her fingers through my hair. "What do I do?" I asked her. "I love Ben and I think we're ready to get back together, but if he doesn't feel the same way, I don't want to lose Ryan as well."

Adrienne sighed. "I think you need to tell Ryan how you feel about Ben either way."

"But then he'll break up with me."

Adrienne nodded. "I still think you belong with Ben, and Ben will see that, too. He's been waiting for you ever since I dumped him and you wouldn't take him back."

"Ben hasn't exactly been 'waiting'." I rolled my eyes. "And he seems really comfortable with our relationship as best friends. And if that's all he wants to be, then maybe staying with Ryan is the best thing for me. He's been my boyfriend for years. Ryan loves me, and I love him, too."

"Yet you're willing to break up with him for Ben."

"But I don't even HAVE Ben yet."

"So what? You're afraid to let go of your current relationship until you're sure you've got the next one?"

"Wouldn't you be?"

Adrienne sighed. "I'm on your side either way, Dawn. But I think you've got to make your own choice, independent of what Ben wants to do. If you want Ben, then break up with Ryan, period. It's not fair to keep stringing Ryan along. And if you're not ready to do that, then don't do this at all."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "But I'm not sure what I want yet. That's why I need to talk to my best friend about it."

Adrienne shook her head. "Talking to your best friend only works when said best friend is NOT one of the guys you're trying to decide between."

I was trying to come up with a rational defense for that when the cell phone in my hand started buzzing. A quick check of the display confirmed my suspicions: Ryan.

"I'm not ready for this yet," I whimpered. "It's all happening a little too fast." I squeezed my eyes shut and wished everything would go away. After days of agonizing by myself over whether I could be happy in the long run with Ryan or if I belonged with Ben, NOW I felt rushed. Do I tell Ryan I'm not sure about our relationship and that I still have these feelings for Ben? Or do I bury those thoughts until AFTER I'd talked with Ben and figured out where I stood with him first? "Ohmigod," I started hyperventilating. "Ohmigod."

Like a ticking time bomb, the phone kept vibrating in my hands. If I didn't answer it this late in the evening, I had no doubt Ryan would walk over here and make a decision for me.

But right before the phone went to voicemail, Adrienne snatched it out of my hands and hit the TALK button. "Ryan? Hey, it's Adrienne."

I blinked rapidly, looking up at the beautiful blonde. The sheet had fallen away from her body as she'd grabbed for my phone, her big, bouncing tits jiggling naked in the air right in front of me as she focused on the phone call. What was she doing?

"Yeah, yeah. Dawn's fine. She's right here with me, actually. But it's been a pretty intense night and she fell asleep. I don't want to wake her. Is it okay if she just crashes with me tonight?"

Adrienne glanced down at me with a hopeful expression on her face. My eyes went wide in surprise that she was doing this for me.

"Yeah, well, long story short, Paige's parents disowned her ... Yeah, I said 'disowned'. Kicked her out of the house, canceled her credit cards. Told her to never come back ... Yeah, I'm dead serious..."

Adrienne nodded, even though Ryan couldn't see her. "Yeah, she and Ben did a lot of work trying to calm Paige down. Paige is actually in Ben's room with him. I think they went to sleep, too. Everyone's pretty exhausted."

I sighed. Telling Ryan that Paige and Ben were in Ben's bedroom together would go a long way to keeping Ryan calm, instead of panicking that I might be in the room with Ben.

"So yeah, Dawn fell asleep in my bed while we were talking. But I'll make sure she calls you in the morning. Okay? ... Right ... Sure thing ... Bye, Ryan." Adrienne hit the END button on my phone and then turned it to me, showing me the display to confirm the call had ended. Then she handed it back and let me set it on the nightstand next to my purse.

"Thank you," I told Adrienne softly.

She bent over and pecked my forehead, bringing those big tits tantalizing close to my face. "I told you," she said warmly. "I'm on your side. And now we at least have one more night to think about this."

"Maybe," I said, bringing my hands up to cup her firm mounds and once again pulling a teat toward my lips. "But my head hurts and I don't want to think anymore. Can we just do this one more time and then go to sleep, for real?"

Adrienne smiled and held her own boob, guiding the nipple to my lips. "Sure thing. I think I owe you a couple of orgasms anyways."

I suckled the perky nipple into my mouth, and then smiled up at the beautiful golden blonde. "Sounds good."


I made my decision when I woke up the next morning. Adrienne's naked body was spooned behind me, pressing those glorious tits into my back. Her arms wrapped around me, one hand cupping my left boob and her other hand on my hip as she breathed softly.

I felt peaceful. I felt warm. I felt happy.

I'd missed these feelings; and I realized that I couldn't live the rest of my life without them. I loved my boyfriend, but it was a thrill to wake up in the arms of someone else who cared about me. If I married Ryan, I would only ever be with him. I wouldn't be able to wake up in Adrienne's arms without some more convoluted explanations like last night. But I knew Ben would let me do so whenever I wanted.

I loved my boyfriend, but I missed spending "special" quality time with my sisters. I hadn't had sex with Dayna or DJ since Winter Break of my Freshman year. It wasn't that Ryan had forbidden me from doing so; he didn't even KNOW I'd been having an incestuous relationship with them. But with few exceptions, he'd been very firm about the "only you and only me" aspect of our sexuality, and I'd restrained that part of myself for his benefit. I didn't want to restrain myself anymore. I knew I wouldn't have to restrain myself with Ben. I could just be me.

And it was more than just sex. I'd felt disconnected from "The Family" for most of this year. Dayna had already commented about how she hadn't seen much of me all year, and she was right. She, Brandi, Adrienne, and Ben had been my roommates for the first year. But ever since getting serious with Ryan and moving out, I hadn't really talked or spent significant time with any of them except Ben. I missed my sisters, even the ones not related to me by blood. Dayna and I used to tell each other everything, but I barely knew a thing about this developing serious relationship she had with Kevin. And I hadn't really been there to support Brandi in her breakup with Matt.

So I knew what I had to do. I would break up with Ryan, and tell him I was too young to settle down and think of kids and careers and school districts and all that. But more to the point, I had to tell him that I just couldn't see myself with him for the rest of my life. He was sweet. And he clearly adored me. It would hurt him like hell, but to hide the truth from him wouldn't be fair to either of us.

Because I loved my Ben.

And he was free now: no more Cadence, just a single guy who was probably hurting a bit from his recent breakup. He hadn't been together with Cadence for long, but he had put a lot of hopes into her, hopes he'd shared with me. I would be there for him as a best friend; but more than that, I would be there for him as the girl who loved him more than anyone else in the world.

Twisting around, I kissed Adrienne on the lips in a happy "good morning" and then slid out of bed. I knew I probably looked a mess, with neither fresh change of clothes nor makeup kit around. Not that Ben would care. He'd seen me grimy and dirty; and of course he'd seen me the morning after a few times himself.

Feeling frisky, I decided to skip the bra and simply pulled the blouse over my head. And after a look at Adrienne, I borrowed a pair of her cotton shorts to put over my panties. She was a bit hippier than me, but I tightened the drawstring while letting the shorts ride a little lower down at the same time. So what if the very top of my asscrack might be visible?

And then after one last check in the mirror, a gorgeous vanity that Ben himself had built for Adrienne, I twirled out the door. Adrienne, dressed herself, was just behind me.

The others were already up and about. Actually, Dayna and Kevin were up, but not exactly about. They were still in the bedroom and from the sounds of things, engaging in a bout of morning sex. I listened to the grunts and groans of my sister and her boyfriend floating down from upstairs, just noticeable if you listened for them, and happily skipped into the main room.

Brandi was in the kitchen, her back to me. But I barely noticed her. That's because my eyes were riveted to the dining table, where Ben was seated at the dining table by himself, hovering over bowl of cereal and toast.

My heart did little somersaults as a rush of pure delight fell over me. Finally, I would get a chance to tell Ben the way I felt. He would tell me he felt the same way and we would fall madly in love and the universe would be right again. I grinned happily as I stepped into the room and said brightly, "Good morning, Ben."

"Dawn!" he exclaimed in delighted surprise. His eyes yo-yoed down my body, less checking me out despite my lack of a bra, and more because he seemed to recognize that I was wearing the same blouse from yesterday. "Still here?"

I nodded. "Spent the night with Adrienne." There was a sexy tease in my voice.

Ben's eyebrow arched and he glanced appraisingly at the gorgeous blonde a few feet behind me. He knew what I meant, and a low chuckle began in his throat. "Wish I was there."

"Wish you were too," I sighed seriously.

His eyebrow arched again along with a bemused smile. He was trying to decide if I was just teasing him or not.

"Anyways," I started, trying to move along to my subject, glancing at Adrienne for moral support. She gave me a warm grin and I turned back to Ben. "I wanted to tell you something. Got kind of lost in the shuffle with everything that happened last night."

He nodded and put down his spoon. "Sure."

I took a deep breath. "Ben, we've been frien-"

"Hey, loverboy!" Paige cut me off as she twirled in from the kitchen, a bowl of cereal in her hands which she quickly put down on the dining table. She was wearing one of Ben's button-down dress shirts, and seemingly nothing else, though the shirt was long enough on her petite frame to cover anything up. And without another word, she vaulted into Ben's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss her and doing her level best to inhale his tongue down her throat.

Ben groaned into the kiss, happily embracing the little redhead as she sat sideways on his lap. His left hand wrapped around her back to cup her breast from the opposite side. His right hand lovingly rubbed her pregnant belly. And all the while she gyrated her ass over his crotch.

My eyes narrowed. My pulse raced. And all I could think of was a single thought:


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