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14.49% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 38: Chapter 32: Casual Sex

Capítulo 38: Chapter 32: Casual Sex


"Adrienne! Let me in!" My hand hurt. Actually, both my hands hurt. Heel, knuckles, didn't matter. I'd been hammering the unyielding wood long enough that I was sure I'd be terribly bruised by tomorrow morning.

You might say that the doorbell would be more effective. Maybe. I'd used the doorbell, to no avail. But then I quit. It just felt more ... penitent ... to use my bare hands.

She never let me in.

Adrienne couldn't avoid me completely at school. Lynne and Heather greeted me with smiles as I arrived before class, but Adrienne just picked up her books and started walking away.

Heather stared at her friend's retreating back in confusion and asked, "What's going on?"

Lynne frowned. "Ben. Did you break her again?"

So Adrienne at least hadn't told them anything. I sighed and hustled after Adrienne, calling over my shoulder, "It's complicated."

I did finally catch up to her, but it was as if I didn't exist. She wouldn't look at me. When I pleaded in her ear, she just ignored me. When I stepped in front of her, she went around me. And when we got to her first period, I followed her in and crouched next to her deskchair while she stared blankly straight ahead.

I felt the stares of fifteen other students, all looking at me funny. My ears started burning. I was too embarrassed to keep pleading verbally, but I put my hand on top of hers and just stared intently, willing her to respond.

She didn't. Eventually, I had to get up and hustle to my own class.

At the break between second and third periods, Adrienne had at least told her friends to keep me away. Lynne stopped me ten feet away from my target. "She doesn't want to talk to you, Ben."

I looked over the petite brunette's shoulder at my fallen angel. Her golden hair was dulled. The light in her eyes gone. Her face was drawn into a perpetual frown. "Has she told you what's going on?" I asked.

Lynne sighed and looked down. "No. She barely talks. She just said you hurt her deeper than she thought possible."

I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Ben, what's going on?" Lynne asked with obvious concern.

I gritted my teeth and looked skyward, exhaling painfully. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"I ... I just can't, Lynne."

She sighed again and looked back at her friend. "I can't help what I don't understand, Ben."

"I know."

"Still ... I'll try."

I exhaled again, the brief glimmer of something positive doing wonders for my spirits. "Thanks."

Adrienne didn't join us for lunch. After perpetually being attached to my hip since Thanksgiving, her absence was clearly noted by my other friends.

"Trouble in paradise?" Cassidy asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," I answered gruffly.

"You still claiming you and Adrienne weren't together?" she persisted. Her past tense was unmistakeable.

"I'm NOT. Talking. About it. Freckles," I barked a little too harshly. Cassidy shied back and Elaine shot me an evil glare. I sighed and hung my head, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"You know you can trust us, Ben," Megan offered.

"We're your friends," Abbie Sanders added while nudging her new boyfriend Kenny to say something. He was, after all, supposed to be my best bud.

Allie was seated beside me and she just reached over to rub my hand on top of the table. Everyone noticed the moisture in my eyes.

I glanced skyward, hoping to negate gravity's pull on my tears. They were my friends. I could trust them. But not with this ... Not with this ... How do you tell your friends you're in trouble because you got caught screwing your little sister?

Without another word, I picked up my food and stood up, turning away from the table.

"Hey Ben! Where you going?" Kenny called as I started walking.

I didn't answer, instead going over by the cheerleader table where Adrienne was morosely silent but cocooned amongst her girls. Selecting a spot perhaps thirty feet away, I sat down where I knew I would be in her view, staring mournfully with my best imitation of a puppy dog's face. There I spent the rest of the lunch break.

She never looked at me even once.

Adrienne finally cracked after the end of classes. And I mean cracked.

The instant the bell rang, I bolted for Adrienne's car in the parking lot. When she arrived, I blocked the driver's door, not letting her get in. Still refusing to talk to me, she simply climbed in the passenger side of the car and slipped into the driver's seat from there.

Whimpering in pain, I moved behind the car itself. Feeling tears of desperation rolling down my cheeks, I swore to myself she'd have to run me over to pull out of the parking spot.

Fortunately, it didn't come to that. After honking a few times and even revving the engine while in park, Adrienne finally opened her window, and barked, "Get in the car, Ben."

At first, I thought it was just a ruse to get me out of the way so she could back out, so I refused to budge.

Exasperated, she finally shut down the engine and reached across herself to open the passenger door. Eyeing the opening, I calculated that she couldn't restart the car and move into reverse before I jumped in, so I sprinted for it. Adrienne didn't even bother trying to outrace me.

When I was safely beside her, I pleaded, "Adrienne, let me explain."

"Explain what, Ben!" she choked, tears already reforming in her eyes. "Did I or did I not catch you with your dick inside your little sister?"

"It's not like that!"

"Then WHAT'S it like? Huh? You fucked around on me, Ben!"

"Is that what you're mad about?" I asked, feeling a mild pang of relief. This would be so much easier if it were just a matter of cheating. "You said I could screw whomever I want!"

"I didn't mean your SISTER!" Adrienne screamed loud enough that I feared she could be heard even outside the car. In a panic, I spun my head around, looking to see if any other students heard her.

"FUCK Kady, Ben! I don't care! I thought she was a dyke but I don't care! Fuck Helene! Fuck Chelsie Lennis! Even fucking fuck Donna Kincaid, Ben! I don't CARE!" She was bawling now. "But how the fuck could you do that to Brooke? Don't I give you enough? What the FUCK is WRONG with you?"

My mind was racing, trying to belatedly keep up with her questions. "Of course you do! And there's nothing wrong with what Brooke and I are doing!"

"EVERYTHING is wrong! Did you force her? I'll bet you forced her!"

"NO! Are you crazy?"

"Of course you did! All big brothers are the same! Just fucking PERVERTS!"

"Adrienne, no!"

"First it's just the hands; they just want to hold your hand. Then it's your arms, and your shoulders," Adrienne intoned rapidly, her eyes wide as she stared straight out the windshield. "You think, oh, this isn't so bad. So what if he's patting my ass. He's just being friendly and brotherly. No, it isn't so bad."

"Adrienne!" I whimpered. But she couldn't hear me anymore.

"And then he wants to touch your skin. The small of your back. Just rubbing, just rubbing. Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! He just loves you! He loves you more than you know!"

"Adrienne..." I pleaded, shaking her arm. Her eyes were wild, her movements robotic. She was scaring me.

"It hurts! It hurts so much! Make it stop! It's INSIDE me! What is that? Why is this happening? Why is it inside me? It HURTS! Why is he doing this? Oww! Oww! Why? Why?"

"Adrienne!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her in a big hug.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Adrienne screamed so loud I thought she shattered my eardrum. She jerked violently, trying to throw me off of her body. Her arms and legs flailed, kicking the door, the center console, honking the horn. "RAPE!!! RAPE!!!"

Ah, SHIT. I let go of her immediately, eyes darting around to see that a few students outside WERE coming to investigate the rocking car with its honking horn.

Adrienne started punching and shoving me, pushing me back toward the passenger door. "You stay the FUCK away from me!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, clamping both hands over her ears with her eyes pinched shut.


"AUUGGGHHH!!!" She shrieked unceasingly, squalling like a colicky baby with one hand over her left ear and her right hand jabbing towards the door.

"Okay! Okay!" I yelled and opened the door, getting out. But that wasn't good enough. She kept screaming and shrieking until I just closed the door and backed away.

The Mustang's engine roared to life. I had to flatten myself against the next car to avoid getting my feet run over as she backed out in a hurry, turned, and then sped away down the parking lot, scattering students in her wake.

I half ran down the aisle after her, quitting after twenty or so paces. Shit! Shit! Shit! Oh, this was BAD.

A random guy walked up to me, staring after the red Mustang as it turned onto the street and peeled out with burning rubber. "Trouble in paradise, man?"

"Fuck off," I growled, coming THIS close to just decking him and getting it over with.

I spent Friday night under a dark cloud, radiating 'get-the-fuck-away from me' signals that even the twins understood. My parents also gave me my space.

Brooke made a very sincere attempt to talk to me, showing more patience than I thought the 15-year-old possessed, but eventually she took the hint and left me alone. Still, I should have known my little sister wasn't the type to ever give up.

It was close to midnight and I'd been catatonic for the past several hours, unable to sleep ... unable to die. I was sitting up in bed, just staring at ... nothing.

Then without any warning, the door in front of me began to swing open. I stared impassively as the hallway illumination spilled into my bedroom.

"Ben?" Brooke called softly as she came into view, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her torso. Her hair was damp as she was just out of the shower, and I couldn't help but notice how her growing curves stretched out the towel in very specific places. I shook the illicit thoughts from my mind. It was that kind of thinking that got me into trouble in the first place. Those thoughts were wrong.

Brooke came up to me, sitting beside me on the bed. I kept my gaze forward, so that she was standing just to the left in my peripheral vision. She waved her hand up and down in front of my face, as anyone does in front of someone who appears to be staring off at nothing. She switched to waving both arms, and again asked a hesitant, "Ben? Please?"

I didn't want to deal with her. I loved my little sister. I would never want anything bad to ever happen to her. And yet I couldn't help but feel guilty. Had I seduced her? I mean, I believed she had been doing her best to seduce me, but I was the older brother. That made me culpable. I should have been able to turn her away. But I hadn't. Maybe I even manipulated her fragile little mind, tricked her into thinking she wanted to have sex with me. That made me evil. I'd corrupted her.

Again, Brooke did the hand waving thing in front of my eyes. I blinked, but I didn't turn my gaze. I couldn't look at her. She represented all that I had done wrong. I was a sexual predator, and no matter how willing she seemed, I felt like I'd raped my little sister. I was below cow dung.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Brooke fidgeting, trying to decide what to do next. I just breathed slowly ... in and out ... I was trying to stay calm. I was trying to keep from crying. And then in my peripheral vision, I saw Brooke take a deep breath, stand beside the bed, then reach up and flip open the tuck in her towel between her breasts.

The terrycloth quickly slid down her body, puddling at her ankles. My little sister's tight, toned, nearly 16-year-old body came into view. She had a golden tan and a rich glow from the shower. Her dark hair was damp and slicked back behind her. Her breasts were healthy mounds now, full B-cups of their own. And I couldn't help but feel a twitch in my groin when I saw her freshly shaven pussy.

I gulped and actually started crying. It was wrong. It was so WRONG. I had sexually abused my little sister! And with my head hanging forward, I pleaded with her, "Brooke, put some clothes on."

"No, Ben."

"Brooke," I gasped. "Please..."

I felt her hands caressing the sides of my face as she sat on the bed again, this time immediately beside me. And then tilting my head to hers she softly pressed her lips to mine.

I moaned, a keening wail of sorrow and pain as I felt the conflicting urges to seize my little sister and fuck her brains out as well as to just curl up in a little ball and wish the world away. And I pulled away. "No, Brooke. This is wrong. You're my little sister. I can't be taking advantage of you like this." I started crying again.

But Brooke wouldn't let me just fall apart. She pressed harder, pushing her tongue between my lips and then pushing me onto my back. I didn't have the heart or will to put my hands on her to stop her.

But I protested verbally, "This is wrong, Brooke. What I did was wrong."

Once on top of me, my little sister broke away just long enough to kiss away my tears before coming back to rub her nose against mine. And from mere inches away, while I looked bleary eyed up at her, Brooke said softly, "I love you, Ben. You're my big brother, and I love you. I love what we do. I wouldn't change it for the world. What we do is right. It's not wrong. You're not forcing me. And I choose this freely."

With that, my little sister snuck her hand inside my shorts, wrapping her fingers around my turgid rod. I didn't remember getting hard, but at this point, I assumed it was just my natural reaction to Brooke's naked body.

"I love you, Ben. I want to make love to you. I choose this."

I just whimpered, unable to figure out in my head what to do. No matter, Brooke decided for the both of us. A minute later she straddled my hips, my cock balls deep inside her. And when I filled her pussy with all my cum, listening to her moans of happy satisfaction, I surrendered myself to sleep.


It had been just over a week since Adrienne caught me en flagrante delicto with my little sister. During that span was Adrienne's first missed Wednesday dinner at our house since last September. And during that span Adrienne more or less pretended I didn't exist. She didn't blab about what I'd done or try to turn me in to any form of authorities. She didn't reference it or allude to it in any way, shape, or form. It was as if the entire incident, and me, had disappeared inside a bubble that she just packed up and made go away, simply not a part of her consciousness any longer.

On the other hand, Adrienne was almost motherly to Brooke. She went out of her way to take my little sister under her wing, giving her advice about school, cheerleading, and boys in general. But whenever Brooke tried to talk about me or otherwise explain what had happened that afternoon, Adrienne shut her out and walked away, treating her as an invisible like me for a short while.

Brooke asked me what I knew about Adrienne's past. Even she could see that there was some buried trauma there that was making the older girl behave more erratically than just the ordinary upset finding out your de facto boyfriend is incestuously fucking his little sister. But I couldn't tell Brooke. Adrienne trusted me with her secret and I clung to that like a lifeline. I couldn't betray that trust for any reason.

So Brooke just told me to give Adrienne her space and hope she would come around eventually. She couldn't ignore me forever, right? I just hoped there wasn't something psychologically wrong with Adrienne. I desperately hoped I hadn't truly 'broken' her, as Lynne put it.

I agonized about the whole thing for a week. For a teenager to spend that much time obsessing about a single thing is an absolute lifetime. Brooke's idea of 'therapy' helped. At least, repeated Brooke-initiated sexual encounters managed to convince me that I wasn't an evil, predatory pervert. But I was at a loss for how to get through to Adrienne.

And after a week, I couldn't deal with it anymore. I didn't want my brain to hurt anymore. I had to distract myself, keep myself occupied. Athletes tend to train themselves harder. Study-holics bury themselves in their books. Other students might just video-game 24/7 or even just eat and eat and eat. It's a reflection of who they are, magnified by their stress.

Me? I'm a sex-addict.

So on Friday afternoon, while we were walking out of our fifth period, I purposely slid over and bumped my hip into Helene McGregory. "Hey, Helene."

The tall, beautiful platinum-blonde's face lit up and she flashed that dazzlingly brilliant smile at me. "Heyyy, Ben. How you doin'?"

"Well, I've been better," I shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about Adrienne," she frowned sympathetically, with no actual sympathy on her face. The whole school was abuzz that Adrienne and I had broken up. Then she quickly returned to that toothy smile. "But life goes on, right?"

"It does, it does," I nodded agreeably. "There are some dips, but like this weather, it somehow always comes back up. Like this weekend. They say it's going to be in the mid-80s."

"Really?" Helene giggled. "That sounds like perfect surfing weather for you."

"Yeah. Of course..." I sighed. "It's never any fun surfing alone, you know?" I slowed down and stepped out of the main line of traffic, Helene following me. "And if you're still interested, I'd be happy to teach you."

Helene's smile would have lit up the dark side of the moon. "Really? I'd LOVE that."

"You busy on Saturday? I've got the time and I must say..." I paused to quite obviously let my eyes rove up and down the beautiful girl's wonderful body. "I'd LOVE to see you in a wetsuit."

"Great!" Helene bounced and gently twisted her body back and forth like the willow in a breeze. "It's a date!"

I splashed down, getting upended and swirled about like a rag doll in the wash before the water around me calmed and I managed to kick to the surface. I was just in time to see the next wave crashing over me as I hurriedly took a breath and watched Helene sailing by on her surfboard, waving cheerily. Then I ducked underneath the wave just in time to get swirled around again.

Eventually, I clambered onto my board face-down, feeling breathless. Then I turned and paddled out to grab another wave. Ego wouldn't let me quit. Five minutes later, after a more successful run, I dragged my board up the beach and flopped over onto my back.

With her platinum-blonde hair slicked back tight against her scalp, Helene emerged from the water like Venus in a wetsuit, padding softly up to me and then dropping her custom-made surfboard.

"You're a bald-faced liar, you know that?" I grumped. Helene clearly hadn't needed surfing lessons. I'd figured that out when she'd arrived wearing her own worn-out wetsuit while carrying the custom surfboard. But I hadn't been expecting her to be THAT good. The girl could've gone pro.

The green-eyed beauty just giggled and knelt prettily beside me, her legs folded to her side with her feet together as she planted her left hand in the sand beside me and bent over to press her lips against mine. Any lingering resentment I had in me evaporated with that first kiss, and I was once again left breathless.

"Are you disappointed?" Helene asked sweetly.

"Not at all," I smiled. "As long as you show me what else you're good at later on."

She grinned, flashing me with that perfect smile.

Three hours later, after a day spent surfing, eating, and flirting, it was Helene's turn to flop face-down breathless, this time sprawled naked across her own bed. "No more," she wheezed. "No more..."

"Aww, you sure?" I sat up, my face dripping with her pussy's secretions.

"FUCK I've never been eaten like that before," she panted. "You're not a half-bad surfer, but where the hell did you learn to do THAT?"

"Practice," I said confidently. "Thousands and thousands of hours of practice. And the next time we get together, I'm going to practice some more."

"Ohhh," Helene sighed, her entire body shuddering in virtual orgasm as she remembered the tongue and finger lashing I'd just given her. "I can't take anymore, Ben."

"That's okay, sweetie," I said warmly. "I've got other plans for your pussy right now," I growled as I crawled across Helene's glorious body. I dragged her left leg to the side and lifted below her right knee to open her up. Then I settled my mushroom head into position while reaching my right hand around to cup and grip one of her firm D-cup tits. Standing 5'9", Helene was the perfect height for my lips and teeth to reach the nape of her neck as I drove myself into her from above and behind. She screamed as I penetrated her and simultaneously bit down on the skin of her neck, her entire body convulsing in immediate orgasm, primed as she was from my oral preparations.

"Uggghh!" the platinum-blonde beauty whimpered while I began savagely thrusting in and out of her, moving to straddle her straightened left leg and raise her right leg into the air so that I could achieve maximum depth penetration.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Helene continued to squeak in time with each of my thrusts. And then her voice became a babbled, "Ohmi-ungh-oh-fuck-mmm-nngh" as I reached down with my right hand to start manipulating her clit at the same time.

She came twice before I slammed my cock home and let loose with a torrent of jism. I filled her up and then knee-walked around the mattress to park my wet dick in front of her face. After gripping her jaw, Helene obediently opened up to suck me back to hardness so we could keep on going. And then I started over, experimenting with new and inventive ways to make the gorgeous blonde Senior scream in ecstasy.

Keira, long ago, had taught me the most important rule: Keep the girl happy and she'll keep coming back for more.

Even beyond the oral orgasms, I made Helene happy six times from fucking alone. And by the time she passed out from too much pleasure, I'd left my spunk on her face, in her hair, and of course soaking into the inner walls of her pussy.

She'd be back for more.

"Hey! Ben's back!" Eden chirped Saturday evening when I got home in time for dinner. She ran up to me and I stooped down, swinging the 12-year-old up and into my arms in a big hug.

"Oof, you're getting WAY too big for this kiddo," I grunted under her weight.

Emma promptly jumped onto my back, my two baby sisters quickly wrestling me to the ground with cackling, childish laughter.

"You seem much happier, Ben," Mom remarked as she came out of the kitchen. I felt happier. Wonderful, glorious sex with a fresh hot babe did that to me.

"Did you and Adrienne get things worked out?"

My happy mood darkened for just a moment as I answered tersely, "No, Mom."

"Oh, okay. Sorry." She winced. "Well dinner's in fifteen, okay?"

"Sure thing," I nodded.

"Come on, Ben!" Eden took my hand. "I need your advice about this boy at school who keeps trying to talk to me."

"He wants to talk to ME!" Emma protested.

"ME, more!"

"Only because he can't tell us apart!"

I chuckled as both twins grabbed an arm each and led me away. My life would be alright.

That night, Brooke took advantage of my much improved mood to sneak into my room for some pleasant fucking. When I told her I'd spent most of the day ringing Helene McGregory's bell, my little sister said she was happy I was getting out and about again.

"I need you to be the old you, Ben. It's too much work trying to heal you all by myself," Brooke pouted before smiling and then tackling me. I made it up to her by doing most the work that night.

On Monday, Adrienne treated me as invisible, per usual. But I barely noticed. As opposed to the previous week, I simply went along my daily routine without making any effort to either notice her or avoid her. We didn't have any shared classes and our paths wouldn't cross more than a couple times if we both just took the most direct route between classes and our friends' hangout spots. I still felt an empty hole inside where she truly belonged, but if she wasn't going to talk to me, I just didn't see the use anymore in trying to fight it.

On the other hand, I did make the extra effort to find Helene McGregory. Rather than wait for our fifth period class, I sought her out after finishing my lunch and came upon her chatting excitedly with some of her girlfriends.

The whole gaggle of pretty girls got real quiet as I approached. "Hey, Helene," I greeted cordially while darting my gaze past her shoulders to the wide-eyed girls behind her who were staring at me. Then I brought my full attention back to Helene herself.

She affected a cold, unamused expression and folded her arms over her chest. She didn't answer verbally and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Uh, can I talk to you?" I jerked my thumb down the hall and a little further away from her friends.

"Sure," she said with an air of indifference, oozing confidence. She then fell into step beside me as I took us towards a more private alcove. I started to wonder if I'd misread her. I'd assumed I'd made her happy and that she'd be back for more. But did she just want to jump my bones the one time and outwardly pretend like it never happened after that?

Fortunately, that wasn't the case.

"That was a mean thing you did Saturday," Helene whimpered. "Disappearing while I was asleep. I woke up sweaty, naked, and covered in cum." Her green eyes glittered and her tone was more sexually playful than angry.

She wasn't actually mad. She was just toying with me. So I replied in a honeyed voice, "You looked so beautiful after I'd rendered you unconscious from absolutely overwhelming orgasms. I didn't have the heart to disturb your slumber."

Helene swooned.

Grinning, I then stood up straight and added, "Besides, I had to get home before dinner or my mom woulda killed me."

Helene giggled and then broke into that dazzlingly perfect smile. "Just be glad my dad didn't come home and find me like that." She sighed and then canted her head to the side, asking eagerly, "When can we do it again?"

At that exact moment, Adrienne, Lynne, and Heather walked past about fifteen feet away, my eyes drawn to the golden-haired goddess I still loved but could no longer touch. Lynne and Heather darted glances my way, but Adrienne's attention remained straight ahead of her.

Sighing heavily, I gestured towards the passing girls with my left hand and shrugged. "Whenever you want, Helene. As you can see, my calendar is now open and I'd be thrilled for you to book a few reservations."

Helene turned and looked, seeing Adrienne and then returning to me with a sheepish blush. "Right. Uh, Ben..." she began a little warily, her eyes looking nervously away from me. "I don't want to lead you on or anything. What we did on Saturday was absolutely incredible, but I'm not really interested in anything ... permanent, you know?"

I realized what she was getting at and kicked my head back while grinning. "Oh! Oh, don't worry about that. Believe me, the LAST thing I want right now is some committed relationship. I mean, we're both graduating in a few months anyways, right?"

The beautiful platinum-blonde sighed in relief and nodded.

"Hey, let's play it by ear, okay?" I shrugged. "You want something casual. I want something casual. Just ... gimme a call ... whenever. Short-notice. Okay?"

The dazzling smile came back. "Okay," she nodded. And then Helene glanced around for a second before leaning towards me, "How about this afternoon?"

I arched an eyebrow.

"You SAID short-notice," she grinned, her teeth sparkling.

I smiled just as big. "Sure."

Giggling, Helene started to turn away before twisting back towards me. "And Ben? Do you mind if we keep this ... uh ... on the down low? I don't think you're the type to blab, but I'd rather this didn't hit my reputation."

I nodded. "Sure."

"Bye, Ben."

That afternoon, Helene passed out again: sweaty, naked, and covered in cum. We were going to have to work on her endurance. But at least I got two VERY nice ejaculations out of it. Did I mention that I LOVE Mondays?

After a week under my dark cloud while rumors of mine and Adrienne's breakup stormed around the school, a few days of me walking with my head held high with a noticeably improved mood had a marked effect on the female student body.

Like always, a lot of the girls around campus avoided me as if they would inexplicably find themselves naked and getting fucked if they so much as talked to me. But with my newfound confidence and upbeat demeanor, girls began to flirt with me again.

The old suspects from the previous semester — Chelsie Lennis, Maddie Chung, and Nadine Butler — had hooked up with new guys and weren't actively approaching me anymore. But they were easily replaced by others. Some were just casually flirting, but a few seemed to have serious designs on me. None of the new girls were quite as brazen or obvious in their intentions as Helene had been, but the flirtatious seeds were being planted for future ripening down the line. Let them play their games. I wouldn't mind a few days or weeks of being chased.

On Wednesday, I briefly felt sad about Adrienne again, it usually being her day to visit for dinner. But I walled that part of me up, brick by brick. I refused to let it hurt me any longer. If Adrienne could ignore me, I could ignore her. So I just buried her where she could no longer bother my mind. Hey, it wasn't the best defense mechanism, but it worked.

Besides, I was plenty distracted when Brooke surprised me by bringing Kady Jacobsen home with her. The 'mostly-lesbian' Junior cheerleader had been itching for another go-round with me, but had stayed away out of consideration for my alleged breakup with Adrienne and the mild fear that she'd been a part of the cataclysmic event. But now that I was out of my funk, the pretty redhead happily joined me and my sister for several rounds of teasing and orgasms.

Kady even tried sucking her first dick; but it wasn't her thing.

I didn't complain. Brooke was only too happy to drink down my sperm.

Thursday, Helene invited me over again. And this time, she managed to stay conscious. I think it had something to do with my dick being buried seven-and- three-quarter inches up her ass. The little bit of pain to go along with the overwhelming pleasure just wouldn't let her quite fall unconscious.

Instead, I left her face-down across her own bed, drool leaking out the corner of her mouth while my sperm leaked out of her lewdly stretched anus. Her platinum- blonde hair was a mess spread around her head. Tenderly, I reached over and brushed her bangs off of her face seeing as she lacked the energy to do it herself.

I went into the bathroom and came back with a soapy hand towel, gently cleaning her off before switching to a dry towel to finish up. And then I spooned in behind her while she curled into a fetal position in my arms.

"Holy fuck, Ben..." Helene groaned. "I think we're gonna have to cut back to once a week. I can't take this much."

I chuckled and kissed the back of her neck. "Whatever you want, Helene. No obligations."

"Mmm, but I'd feel bad for leaving you hanging," she moaned. "You look like you could go on for hours."

"Practice, practice, practice."

"You know, as much as I'd like to keep you for myself," Helene began, a tease in her voice. "I know that's not our deal. And I happen to know I'm not the only graduating Senior looking for a ride or two before leaving the nest."

A little grin crossed my face while a surge of testosterone pumped into my balls. Old memories of Donna Kincaid, Stacey Whitehouse, and the rest filtered into my mind. It was as if a long-dormant part of my personality was coming alive once again. "Do tell."

Helene giggled. "I'm thinking I might send a friend or two your way. I'm sure they'd be happy to keep you ... occupied ... while I'm recovering from your latest feast of orgasms. That is ... as long as you'll keep me at the top of your priority list."

I chuckled. "I think I can manage that."

"Just so we're clear, these girls don't want dates. Some of them might even have boyfriends. They, like me, are just ... curious ... about the Big Ben mystique. For as long as you can keep your mouth shut, you might just have more pussy (giggle) and ass than you can handle."

"My lips are sealed." I mimed zipping. "Except when you want my tongue to come out and play."

Helene giggled again. "Oh, Ben. You're ... you're something else. I can't quite put it to words.

"A slut?"

She barked a laugh and turned around to kiss me. "That'll do."

The next day, I was just getting into my car after the last class of the week when my cell phone went off. I didn't recognize the number but answered anyways. "Hello?"

"Hi, Ben?" a familiar female voice came through the line.

"Uh, yeah..." I furrowed my brow, trying to identify the caller.

"Hiii. It's Marina Santos. Remember me?" she said cutely. I remembered the name. Marina was a fellow Senior and more specifically, she'd been one of the pretty girls who'd started flirting with me post-Adrienne.

"Of course I remember," I replied warmly. "What's up?"

"Well ... I know it's kind of late notice, but I was wondering if you'd already made plans for tonight? It's a Friday night and a handsome guy like you doesn't deserve to be all alone."

"You're right; it IS late notice," I chuckled. "But that's fine with me. No, I haven't made any plans. What did you have in mind?"

"Well..." Marina's voice dropped an octave as her tone went from cute to seductive. "I was talking to my friend Helene and she gave me a bit of advice. She thought you might be interested in just skipping past the dinners and the getting-to-know-you bullshit and get right down to business."

There was a sharp inhalation after that while Marina seemed to be nervous over whether she'd become too bold. But I quickly assuaged her nerves by replying, "Sounds like fun."

I spent two hours fucking Marina's brains out that afternoon without bothering to pause for conversation. She was a well-built Latina with J-Lo's ass and the extra padding made for an extremely comfortable ride as I pounded her from behind. Just to be on the safe side, I pulled out and sprayed my load all over her big buttcheeks.

She sucked me hard and then took the time to show me the box of birth control pills she kept in her nightstand. So this time when she rode me cowgirl-style with her tits in my face and my hands slapping that meaty ass, I went ahead and blew my load inside her before she flopped onto her back, scooping my semen out with her fingers and then rubbing them over her clit until she came, screaming obscenities in Spanish.

We then completed all three primary positions by fucking missionary-style. I found that Marina liked to have her nipples treated roughly. I chewed on them lightly with my lips and teeth while fucking her. And when I pulled out so that she could take my cock in her hands and milk my ejaculation all over her face, my own hands were busy squeezing and pinching the dusky, erect nubbins.

I had to leave then because her parents would be getting home from work soon. But Marina promised to call me the next time she felt the urge.

Anh Le called me right after school on Monday, asking me to meet her. I found it a little odd since Anh had NOT been one of the girls flirting with me, so I wasn't sure if she was looking for a booty call or was calling me for some other reason. But then she mentioned Helene and the next thing I knew, I was parked on a random residential street around the corner from her house while the hot Vietnamese-American babe shoved her tongue down my throat. She had younger siblings at home and we couldn't use her house, but she nodded eagerly when I suggested going to my place.

Soon enough, we raced through the empty house and into my bedroom, where Anh quickly planted me on my butt, jerked my jeans down to my ankles, and stuffed my erection into her mouth.

It was a particularly surreal experience, because Anh had previously been a part of my inner circle of friends back during Sophomore year, and I couldn't help but remember the skinny 15-year-old I'd once spent so much time with. Now, she was grown up and had most of my dick crammed down her throat.

After she swallowed everything I had to give her, she kept my cock in her mouth for the few extra seconds it took her to squeal in orgasm herself. I'd been distracted by the blowjob, but apparently she'd been fingering herself the whole time.

After that, I went down on her while Anh breathlessly recounted for me how she'd had a crush on me back during Sophomore year while I was going through my growth spurt, but Megan had marked me first and as a friend, she wasn't about to interfere. At Elaine's party she'd been just outside the door when Megan gave me her first blowjob and then recapped the noises she'd heard to her friends. Then, during Megan's 16th birthday party, she'd watched Megan take me into her bedroom to lose her virginity. And all the while, Anh had been wishing she were in Megan's place.

"After that," Anh panted after a small orgasm while I sat up and wiped my face. "We kinda drifted apart and I ended up become fast friends with Helene. I got over my crush of you, but I never really lost that initial curiosity. Especially after your reputation started spreading."

"Well I'm happy I satisfied your curiosity," I chuckled while pointing at a glob of semen still along Anh's jawline.

She scooped it up with a finger and popped it into her mouth, smiling mischievously. "Not yet you haven't." With that, she bent over to inhale my prick again, sucking me with a powerful vacuum until she was satisfied with my hardness.

Then producing a condom out of her purse, she popped it into her mouth and used her own lips to roll it halfway down my length, pulling away to roll the rest down with her own fingers.

She smiled at me, saying, "I still always wondered what it would be like to fuck you."

I filled three condoms that afternoon.

Tuesday, Helene herself called me. We didn't have much time but we both came to mutually satisfying climaxes before she kissed me and hustled me out the door. I actually saw Helene's mother at the next stop sign heading in the opposite direction.

On Wednesday afternoon, I started to figure out the pattern when Tara Abbott called me just as I was getting into my car. Marina, Anh, and Tara were all friends of Helene's. They all had called me almost immediately after the end of school but never really talked to me during school, so that we were never seen together and our clandestine assignations all happened out of sight. The girls got their booty calls with me and as long as everyone kept their mouths shut, nobody got caught.

This was especially important to Tara, whose boyfriend would certainly frown on her screaming for me to fuck her harder while I pinned her feet back behind her head. He certainly wouldn't approve of his girlfriend licking my jism off her big, jiggly tits. And he especially would get upset if he found out I'd been the one to violate the beautiful dyed-blonde's virgin ass after he'd spent a year unsuccessfully trying to talk her into trying it.

Then again, now that Tara had found what great orgasms she could get from anal sex, he might actually thank me if she let him try the same.

Now this isn't to say my only sexual action was from Helene and friends. With Adrienne out of the picture, I was still getting a lot of female attention and a few of them were starting to come to fruition.

On Thursday, Emily Anderson asked me out for a date on Friday. She was another old friend, and also the older sister of Perry, Brooke's first boyfriend; but I didn't hold that against her.

Unlike the others, Emily was interested in me as a potential boyfriend and really wanted a true 'date' after lightly flirting with me for two weeks. Emotionally, I wasn't ready for anything like that and I told her so. "I just don't think I'm up for a date. I'm pretty messed up inside and all my emotions are just ... fucked up, excuse my French." I sighed.

Emily didn't look too upset. Disappointed, but not upset. With a warm smile, she stepped forward and touched my shoulder. "You really loved Adrienne, didn't you?"

[crack] I felt a chink in the brick wall I'd built around that part of my heart and I took a deep breath and turned away from Emily. "No, no, it's not that," I replied gruffly. "No I didn't love her. I just..." I fished around for something to say. "Emily, you're a friend and I care about you too much to lead you on. We're graduating in a few months and I'm not looking for anything even remotely serious. Make sense?"

She smiled and stood back. "Yeah, it makes sense, Ben." Her smile turned tease. "But it's not the truth."


Emily leaned in and hugged me, just imparting some of her warmth to me as best she could. "Denial only lasts so long, Ben. Sooner or later you're gonna have to admit the truth."

I screwed up my face and backed away from her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Uh, I'll see you around, Emily." Hastily, I made my escape.

Truth? The truth was Adrienne wanted nothing to do with me! My blood started boiling at the thought. But I was fine with that. Hey, she'd done me a favor, right? She'd freed me from all those love-relationship confusions and put me in the situation I was in now.

I was a sex god. Yeah!

I was fucking a different babe every night of the week!

Why would I ever want to be tied down to a relationship again? Wasn't it sooo much better being a free agent who could hook up with a bevy of hot chicks whenever the hell I wanted?

Shaking the cloudy thoughts from my head, almost immediately after getting into my car after school I dialed up Helene.

"Hey, Ben. What's up?"

"Uh, can we hook up today?" I asked confidently. "I know it's only been a couple of days but I'm feeling extra charged today."

Helene giggled and her musical voice flitted across the line. "Sure."

Two hours later, Helene passed out again, even with my cock up her ass. After driving her up the wall with eight orgasms, she simply crossed the pleasure/pain barrier and surrendered to the mind-numbing ecstasy.

I stood above the beautiful girl's naked body. Helene was a sweaty heap of flesh: naked, unconscious, and with sperm running out of both her holes. And in that moment I felt powerful, sexual, and free to fuck any fucking girl I wanted.

Truth? THAT was my truth.

I spent the next week and a half running through my new harem of girls. Helene and I went surfing again on Saturday, although the temperature had cooled and we ended up spending more time between the sheets than on the waves. Anh had me pick her up on Monday and we screwed in my bedroom while Brooke was at cheerleading practice and the twins were at their friend's house. Then Tara snuck me in for a single sex session on Tuesday, egging me on by telling me she was going to go over to her boyfriend's house with my sperm soaking into her womb. But it turned out she didn't have the guts to do it, washing herself off using plenty of soap and then shooing me out the door before we got tempted to refill her up.

Brooke and Kady took up my Wednesday afternoon (it was SO hot fucking the both of them while they sixty-nined). And then both Marina and Anh called me on Thursday. I suggested that Anh join us at Marina's house and then rolled my eyes to myself at how over-the-top my life had become when both girls agreed. They weren't bisexual or anything and I couldn't talk THEM into a sixty-nine, but from the way I pounded each of them one at a time, they sure appreciated the breaks in between to recover.

On Friday I actually went out on a date. Well, sort of a date. Theresa Chen (no relation to Daniel) was fully aware that I wasn't looking for anything romantic or permanent, which suited her just fine. She was a 15-year-old Sophomore who'd simply heard the rumors and wanted the Big Ben experience just once at least, and her parents happened to be going out of town.

We did stop by In-N-Out, Theresa thinking that being seen with me in public on a Friday night would boost her reputation more than it might harm it. And from the looks she was getting given that it was the first time I was out on a public 'date' post-Adrienne, she seemed to be right.

Theresa showed me her appreciation three times, once in her mouth and twice in her pussy after she balked at letting me up her ass. I didn't mind. Young girls often needed lots of soothing and reassurance before trying something wild like that. And from how close I got, I figured a few more 'dates' and a lot more orgasms would be needed to do the convincing for me. But in the end, one date was all Theresa really wanted.

Saturday was another 'surfing' day with Helene, although the temperature had gotten cold enough that we didn't even bother going to the beach. She managed to stay conscious that day.

Sunday was my day of rest.

And then came Monday.

Everything started wonderfully. Helene and friends stayed aloof from me out of necessity, but I was still getting plenty of female attention, mostly in the form of flirty looks, comments, and whispered innuendoes. More than one girl asked if Theresa Chen and I were anything serious, and they bounced away giggling happily when I told them we were not.

And then one very special girl got my attention.

After lunch, when the meal was finished but well before the bells rang, Abigail Sanders leaned back against her boyfriend of two months Kenny Doyle and nudged her twin sister Allison. That spurred the younger twin into action as she said cautiously, "Hey Ben?"

"Yeah, Allie?" I looked over at her the same way I'd done a thousand times over the past few years.

Allie glanced over at Abbie for a second, getting an encouraging head nod from her twin before returning to me. Allie nodded her head off towards a more private space. "Can I ... talk to you?"

"Sure." I stood up and so did Allie. Kenny gave me a weird look and I shrugged, not knowing what it was all about either. He then looked down at his girlfriend who just shook her head, telling him nonverbally to just wait and see.

We ended up in a familiar alcove and I leaned back against the concrete wall while facing my cute friend. Allie's dark brown hair was pulled into pigtails and she was looking very nice with just a touch of makeup. She pinched her lips together nervously for a moment before taking a deep breath and asking, "Uh, Ben? Are you with Theresa Chen now?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, surprised not by her question but that she was asking me in such a private discussion. That was the type of question I'd expected just hanging out with my circle of friends, not with this kind of secrecy. And I'd already answered it four times to Megan, Cassidy, Kenny, and Daniel throughout the morning. Surely Allie already knew the answer from one of them.

"Uh, no." I stood up and shrugged. "We just went on a date, that's all. I'm not ready for or looking for anything more permanent than that."

Allie nodded. "I guess I just wanted to hear you say it. So ... you're not attached to anyone else, either?"

I arched an eyebrow, not yet sure where this was going. "Uh, no."

"But you're willing to go out with people on casual dates, right?" she asked for clarification.

"Uh, yeah. I guess."

"Will you go out with me this Friday?"

Surprised, my head rocked back. NOW I knew why Allie had pulled me aside in private. Whoever was doing the asking for a high school date always wanted privacy so as to have the full attention of their intended, but also to reduce the humiliation if they got shot down. "Oh, well," I began, my mind thinking back to a similar situation when Emily Anderson asked me out. "Look, Allie, you're my friend and I care about you too much to lead you on. We're graduating in a few months and I'm not looking for anything even remotely serious."

"I know," Allie nodded. "I'm not looking for anything serious, either. I just want to go on a date again." She blinked quickly, her eyes large and luminous.

My eyebrows furrowed as I read some deeper meaning in her expression and then it hit me: Allie didn't just want a date. She wanted a date and then what I always did AFTER the date. My eyebrows popped up and I stepped forward off the concrete wall, taking Allie's hands into mine. "Allie, are you sure?"

She nodded, a gleam coming into her eye as she realized that I'd figured it out. "I told you before, Ben. It has to be you."

"But last time ... I mean..." I choked on my words, thinking of that vision of Allie bawling uncontrollably after getting her positive pregnancy test results.

"It's time. I'm safe. I'm not worried," Allie said confidently. "Abbie and I are on the exact same cycle and she's been sleeping with Kenny for a month now without any worries. The pills are keeping us regular and my period really IS due two days after Friday. I'm ready."

"Oh, Allie..." I sighed and hugged her tightly. The traumatic events of our past had bonded us in a way I would never understand and also could never be broken. I felt instantly protective of Allie and simultaneously sure that I had to do this for her.

"Is that a yes?" Allie asked hopefully, her mouth muffled against my chest.

I chuckled and then released her, holding the petite brunette at arms length. "Yes. It's a yes. Should I pick you up at ... seven?"

Taking a deep breath, Allie nodded and smiled. "It's a date."

For some reason, setting up a date with Allie made me happy beyond reason. It wasn't because I was looking forward to having sex with her (although I didn't necessarily mind that part). But for the first time in a long while, I was going out with someone I actually LIKED.

It's not that I didn't like Helene or Marina or Theresa, etc. I especially enjoyed the surfing with Helene, picking up tips from a master. But Allie was a friend, and the idea of going out with a friend was a touchstone to my past. And only then did I realize that despite all the incredible sex I was getting from such a variety of women, my life actually WAS missing something.

On Friday, I would be out with a person I felt truly comfortable with. Allie was someone with whom I could just be ... me. Not "Big Ben: Sex God". Just ... me. True, I was just 'me' with Brooke and Kady, but that was just sex at home with my little sister, per normal. But whether consciously or not, when I went out with Helene and company, I acted confident, dominant, and seductive. It was a persona.

Just being 'me' was the way I used to be ... with Adrienne.

I felt a hiccup in my heart right then, like it had stopped beating for a moment and I halted my stride, clutching my chest. It was a struggle to breathe and when I did finally manage to inhale, it wasn't without some pain. And then she arrived.


My head rotated with the impact, but I was still thrown off-balance to my right, causing me to stumble to regain my feet. I was so surprised that I couldn't even exclaim "oww", instead just holding my cheek in pain and twisting back to see who'd hit me.

I was more shocked to find Adrienne glaring at me than I was to be slapped.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" she yelled, drawing attention around us. And then she slapped me again.

This time I was prepared to yell, and I did. "Oww!!! Wrong with me? The fuck is wrong with you?"

"She's fifteen, Ben! Never thought you'd have to stoop to robbing the cradle!" Adrienne yelled at me. Yep, we certainly had a crowd around now.


"Theresa Chen! She's Brooke's age for crying out loud!"

"What? She asked me out! We went on one freakin' date!"

"Arrgh!" Adrienne turned her face skyward and yelled, balling up her fists. So far she'd only slapped me a couple of times. I really didn't want her punching me.

But Adrienne managed to keep her cool for a few seconds, long enough to look around and see that we had a circle of students hemming us in. Glancing to the left, she spied an open classroom. There were still fifteen minutes before classes started after the lunch break.

Without another word, she pointed, jerking her finger a few times, and then marched in. For some reason, I followed.

Two feet into the classroom, Adrienne spied two JV cheerleaders chatting up a cute Junior guy. They all looked up when we entered.

"Out! Now!" Adrienne barked and pointed to the door. The two girls quickly got to their feet, dragging the boy after them. Adrienne followed and closed the door, sealing out our audience.

And then she whirled on me. "Ben, I really don't give a flying fuck who you fuck," she bit out icily. Her voice was quiet, but the tone was so menacing that I'd rather she'd have kept yelling at me. "Just keep their ages a little higher, okay? I know you're a predator but jeez."

"Wha-?" I was really confused.

"Helene. Tara. Marina. Anh. Even Kady." She ticked off the names with each finger on her left hand. "Fuck them all you want! I don't give a shit."

"Wait, wait-" I interrupted. "How the hell did you find out-"

"Ben," she interrupted me. "How many times do I have to tell you I know everything?"

"No, no, no," I shook my head, stepping forward and unwilling to let this go. "No. Who blabbed? The whole point was that they were supposed to be a secret."

She rolled her eyes. "I pay attention, Ben. I know you and I know girls. I see the way they look at you, the only look a girl can give you after you've given her the greatest sexual experience of her life. I only couldn't tell with Brooke because I thought she was just a little girl who idolized her big brother." She shook her head mournfully. "They're not obvious about it but once I started watching Helene it was easy to notice the rest."


"Relax. I'm not going to spread rumors anymore. I'm done being the bitch," Adrienne sighed. Then taking a deep breath, she exhaled and dropped her shoulders before pointing to the door. "Go away, Ben."

"Wait, Adrienne," I began. This was the first time she'd started to talk to me since the meltdown and I didn't want to lose the opportunity. "I need to explain about Brooke."

"OUT. BEN." She jerked her finger and closed her eyes. I knew the look. She wasn't listening to me anymore. She couldn't listen to me after I'd brought up my sister's name.

Sighing heavily, I turned and left the room.

When I heard a key jiggle in the front door lock on Tuesday, I was expecting Brooke and Kady to tumble through the door and make a mad dash for the kitchen. They never brought enough water with them and were always rather dehydrated upon arrival. And on the occasional times that they wanted to play, I really NEEDED the girls to have their energy up.

What I wasn't expecting was for THREE girls to come rushing by. Usually Kady dropped off Jennifer Vo first, and her presence here today signaled to me that Brooke and Kady weren't planning on an afternoon threesome. So I just stayed seated in front of the TV.

I wasn't alone for long.

Soon enough, Kady strutted out of the kitchen, still clad in her cheerleading uniform and plopped herself right into my lap. I felt her short skirt rise up as she dropped herself, leaving only my jeans and her bloomers between her and her tight snatch. She wrapped an arm around the back of my neck, set her bottle of water down onto the coffee table, and then turned and planted a fierce kiss on my lips, moaning into my mouth. We kissed wetly for a minute or so before pulled back and asked cutely, "Mmm ... can I go first this time?"

I'd already started nodding in agreement, mellowed out as I was by the intensity of Kady's kiss when suddenly my brain caught up and I realized the implications of what I was admitting to. After all, if Kady was going 'first', then who was going 'second'?

My eyes went wide as Kady giggled and I pulled myself away to see that sure enough, Jennifer Vo was looking at me with a curious expression on her face. I was only further confused when Kady got up and stepped aside, letting Brooke drop herself into my lap and plant a big, juicy, very un-sisterly kiss on me.

As good as it felt, I panicked and pulled Brooke away. "Hey! Hey!" Then I darted my eyes to Jennifer.

Oddly enough, she didn't appear fazed to see brother and sister in such an intimate embrace. In fact, she seemed a little turned on as she sipped her water bottle. Then setting it down, Jennifer nodded and said, "Okay, I can believe it. It's INSANE, but I can believe it. And I can't blame you, Brooke. Your brother is a HUNK."

"Isn't he?" Brooke smiled cutely.

I was just goggle-eyed at the idea of my sister's and my incestuous relationship was being made known to yet ANOTHER girl.

Jennifer was staring at me, her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavily, clearly aroused. But now she bit her lip nervously and looked away. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Sure you can!" Brooke said encouragingly.

"If anyone's gonna do it to you, Jenn, you can't go wrong with Ben," Kady put in, sliding up to her young friend.

"Will SOMEONE tell me what's going on?" I blurted.

Kady gently pressed Jennifer forward from behind. The younger girl let herself be prodded until she was right beside us, and still in my lap, Brooke turned and took her best friend's hand. "It's okay. We'll be right with you."

Both my eyes were arched in confusion now as I glanced at Brooke, then Jennifer, then Kady, and back. "Huh?"

Buoyed by her friends, Jennifer shyly looked at me and said, "I want you to take my virginity."

"Are you sure about this?" I brushed a lock of hair from Jennifer's face, gently running my fingertips down her temple and along her cheek to her jawline. I looked down across Jennifer's not-quite-16-year-old naked body, where she lay beneath me on my bed. I observed her still growing breasts capped by pretty nipples, erect in arousal. And I glanced down at my turgid cock, looking so huge in comparison to her tiny slit covered by a newly-trimmed thatch of pubic hair. I was so close, and yet even I wasn't sure about this.

I was still surprised how I'd found myself in this position. At first, while we were still in the family room, I'd refused, which set Jennifer Vo to crying and Brooke to angrily sniping at me for hurting Jennifer's feelings. The young girl had carried a small crush on me for two years, had heard the rumors surrounding my sexual exploits, and now felt like out of all the girls I'd banged — including their classmate Theresa Chen — that SHE was the only one I was rejecting.

I tried to tell Jennifer that it wasn't her, it was me. I still had Adrienne's words ringing in my head about age limits and to be honest, I was feeling a little manipulated by the girls.

But I couldn't stand to see Jennifer cry and I reached out to her, telling her that I'd only wanted to keep her best interests at heart. I'd asked, "After all, wouldn't you rather lose your virginity to someone who truly loves you?"

She shook her head. "I just want to know what it feels like, Ben. Girls around me are losing their cherries left and right. Some hated it. Others adored it. EVERYTHING depends on picking the right guy. And I KNOW you're the best guy who could do this."

"You can still find a better guy. Believe me, Jennifer, I've had sex and I've made love. The emotions DO matter." The last sentence caught in my throat. I personally did believe it, but I hadn't lived that philosophy much in the last few weeks.

"Still, FUCKING is pretty nice, eh, Kady?" Brooke giggled. I shot my sister a warning glare.

"I just don't want to be a virgin anymore, Ben," Jennifer whimpered through teary eyes. Hell, I was always really bad at decision-making when a girl was crying right in front of me.

"That's not the best reason to do this," I tried to reason.

"Please, Ben?" The young Asian girl rolled her big brown eyes up to me, a sadness in her irises. She was still feeling rejected and I simply couldn't cope with that.

I only had one last argument. "Does your sister know about this?" Stephanie Vo was one of my friends, and we'd even dated for a few weeks during my Sophomore year. Hell, Jennifer was the spitting image of Stephanie at that age, which only fueled my own lust.

If anything though, the mention of her sister's name only strengthened Jennifer's resolve. "It's not her decision. It's mine. I'm a big girl now."

I sighed and nodded in understanding. There was no way Jennifer was going to back down now. "If it's what you really want, I'd be honored," I tried to say warmly. And so we ended up in my bedroom.

Kady went first. The model-thin redhead just wanted to get fucked and I flipped her over onto all fours, staring at her perfect ass, and really pounded the shit out of her while driving her to consecutive screaming orgasms. A part of me wanted to frighten Jennifer with the ferocity of fucking, but ultimately the grinning, happy expression on Kady's face negated that effect.

Then Brooke slid beneath me, hooking her legs over mine and crossing her ankles around my calves. "Make love to me, big brother. Show her how wonderful it can be," she said sweetly and then kissed me as I entered her. I was slightly winded from pounding Kady and I just didn't have the heart to fuck my little sister when she'd asked me to make love to her. So I gently stroked and twisted and lovingly caressed Brooke until she came to a single, solitary orgasm while I filled her up with my first load of the afternoon.

If nothing else, the blissful look on Brooke's face convinced Jennifer.

After that, my little sister sucked me back to hardness while Kady's head was between Jennifer's legs preparing the way. And so I found myself hovering over Jennifer Vo's supine body with her legs spread in eager anticipation of my entry.

"Are you sure about this?" I repeated.

With a quick breath, Jennifer nodded and said, "Yes."

I hesitated briefly. Adrienne's warning rang off in my head. A part of me reasoned that Jennifer wouldn't go telling anybody, that Adrienne wouldn't find out. But I WAS scared of Adrienne. She really DID seem to know everything and if she could really read into the way a girl looked at me, she would eventually figure out that I'd nailed little Jennifer Vo.

But old resentment came back up. Adrienne didn't own me! She could have, if she'd wanted to. I'd offered her my love, my fidelity, everything about me because I'd fallen HARD for her. But she'd turned it down. She wanted to be 'nottogether' and ultimately, not even friends as far as I could tell. What right did she have to tell me what I could and could not do? NONE.

So with that little bit of anger at Adrienne in mind, I gripped Jennifer's hips, and with a powerful lunge much harder than I'd intended, I thrust into her virginal snatch and tore her maidenhead asunder.

"AHHHH!" Jennifer screamed as her hips bucked, tears almost immediately streaming down her cheeks. Despite the wonderful lubrication provided by Kady- inspired orgasms, as well as the lubricated condom I was currently wearing, Jennifer was extremely tight and her hymen had been particularly strong. And the terror in her scream snapped me out of my angry funk.

"It's okay, it's okay," I soothed while Jennifer's outstretched hand was quickly in Brooke's palm. My little sister glared angrily at me. But I turned to Jennifer and rationalized, "You had a very strong hymen. I'm sorry I hurt you but it was better that way than me ramming you two or three times trying to break through. It's all better from here on out."

Still with tears in her eyes, the young girl nodded her head and squeezed Brooke's hand. I bent to leave little butterfly kisses on her eyelids, kissing away the tears before pecking my way across her nose and then giving Jennifer a warm, passionate kiss. It was as if I was making up for the violence of her deflowering by being extra gentle and considerate in the aftermath.

When I sensed that Jennifer had gotten over the initial shock and was starting to relax, I began slowly thrusting in and out of her, working my way gently through her very tight vaginal tunnel that had never before been stretched quite this way. She tensed up just a little bit and gripped my arms, perhaps anticipating more pain; but when the pain didn't come she began breathing much easier as she closed her eyes and focused on the new sensations.

"Breathe, Jennifer..." I soothed and dipped my head to place little nibbles along her neck. "Breathe and feel..."

"Ummm..." she began moaning softly while I kept up a steady but short rhythm. I was only moving in and out a couple inches. But when I felt her fingers readjusting from a claw-like grip on my arms to flatten out and just rub my arms, I pulled further back until just my mushroom head was still lodged inside her, the crown hooking against the insides of her labia, and then I began longer, smoother strokes.

"Mmm..." Jennifer hummed while the corners of her lips began tugging upwards in the beginnings of a smile. Her eyes were still closed when Brooke slid in above her and began stroking her forehead. And Jennifer looked up to my sister, now breaking into a smile as the pleasurable sensations began filling her mind.

"How does it feel?" Brooke asked softly.

"Mm, feels good," Jennifer sighed before her mouth gaped open for a few brief seconds, her head rolling around the mattress as I started thrusting just a bit faster. "So full ... So intimate..."

I found I had to work to keep my pace slow. Jennifer was so tight that rotations were completely unnecessary; my cock was already firmly pressed up against every wall of her vagina as it was, and the constriction on me was incredibly nice. In retrospect, it was really good that I'd taken my aggression out on Kady first; otherwise I might not have been able to restrain myself with the young virgin currently wrapped around my dick.

Searching for a better angle, I leaned forward and lifted Jennifer's legs around my waist before bracing myself on my elbows just above her. I started kissing up her shoulder again, tickling her neck with my lips until I got the expected response. She turned her face to me and I took the opportunity to press my lips to hers, planting my best version of the slow-burn kiss on the young teenager.

Jennifer moaned into my mouth, a pleasant thrill shooting through her body as I kissed her again, this time full of passion and lust to inspire her instead of the soothing kiss I'd given her before to help calm her down.

And inspire her I did. I felt Jennifer buck her hips when I kissed her, sinking my cock just an extra half inch to meet my next thrust, and then she once again started gripping my arms to repeat the maneuver and really become an active participant in our sexual romp.

"Oh, oh, oh, Ben!" Jennifer tore her mouth away to gasp. "I feel ... I feel ... so good! So full! Mm ... a little harder ... harder ... Yessss..."

I scooped my hands beneath her shoulder blades to grip her smaller body as I sped up the pace of my thrusts and also increased the force. Jennifer let her head fall back as her jaw kept quivering, her whole body beginning to undulate with an instinctual rhythm. Her genes knew how to fuck, even if she didn't. And automatically she matched my pace to hunch her hips at me with every pounding thrust.

"Fuck me," she said quietly. "Fuck me!" she repeated a little louder as a smile crossed her face. "FUCK ME!" she finally yelled happily.

I fucked her.

Jennifer crested into her first orgasm just after that, her nails scratching my arms almost painfully while she cinched her legs tighter around my waist. She wailed and moaned and at the peak of her climax, Kady appeared out of nowhere and planted a hot kiss on Jennifer's lips. I don't know if Jennifer even knew it was Kady instead of me, her eyes shut so tightly. But there was no mistaking the passion and intensity as the young no-longer-virgin wetly returned the fierce liplock.

Jennifer certainly found out it was Kady eventually when she brought a hand over and felt the older girl's head. But she was nothing but smiles for her friend before my next series of thrusts rolled her eyes up into her head as she absorbed the ecstasy still coursing through her body.

As I started ramping up the young teen to her next orgasm, her legs dropped from around my waist down to hook around my calves, the same way Brooke had done earlier. This changed the angle in a good way and now I felt like my entire body was in contact with Jennifer's. Her perky little tits were rubbing against my chest. The wetness from her recent orgasm was oozing against my crotch. And I felt the unexpected power in her legs as Jennifer found she could help direct the tempo of my thrusts with them.

"Are you getting close?" she asked quietly.

"I don't have to be if you don't want me to."

"I want you to. We can go forever and ever if you want next time," she sighed. "But right now, I want to feel you cumming inside me. I want the satisfaction of knowing I made you cum."

"Okay," I nodded and picked up the pace. But along the way I knew I had to make her cum again as well. Every girl was a little different. They had their own paces and rhythms, some liking it hard and fast, others slow and long, and still others some combinations in between. The last dozen or so minutes of fucking I'd started to figure out what Jennifer liked, and keying in on one of those rhythms I began driving her up the proverbial wall with my skilled weapon buried inside her body.

"Ohhh..." Jennifer moaned and let her head fall back even as her hands came up behind my head to clutch it to the mattress beside her. I was panting hard and snorting a bit from exertion, the sound magnified in her ear right in front of me. And I gripped her waist to help power my pistoning motions.

"Unngh..." Jennifer groaned, and I knew she was close. One ... two ... three more thrusts, and she was there, her heels digging into my calves and her hands pressing my head against her neck as she tensed up and came, a strangled moan escaping her lips as she felt the agony and ecstasy of orgasm rippled through her little body.

I groaned, "Ohhh!!!" as I joined her, overemphasizing my vocal grunting for her benefit as I filled the condom up with my explosion. She wouldn't feel the wetness because of the condom, but she was tight enough she could probably feel the throb and expansion of my dick as my ejaculation raced out of me.

"Ohhhh!" Jennifer moaned.

"Ugggh!" I groaned.

And finally I collapsed my heavy weight onto her, crushing her little body beneath my larger bulk as I gasped like an exhausted prize fighter.

Jennifer just glowed and pulled me even tighter over her body. She smiled happily and sighed, "I'm a woman now."

The fallout came faster than I'd expected. I was still in the parking lot on Wednesday when motion to my left caught my eye and I saw Stephanie and Jennifer Vo getting out of their car. Jennifer blushed and waved while Stephanie gave me a mysterious look before striding purposefully on a direct line toward me.

I braced myself for the verbal beatdown.

"Is it true?" Stephanie asked in a stern voice when she arrived in front of me. Jennifer was just behind her, smiling at me.

I sighed and nodded. "Yes."

Stephanie looked away for a moment, conflicting expressions waging war for dominance across her face. Then she took a breath and looked straight into my eyes. "It was her idea? You didn't seduce her or force her in any way?"

My eyebrows furrowed and I stood up straight. "No! Of course not. Steph, you know me." It was easy for me to reply, it was the complete truth and I hoped it showed in my eyes. I was never one for hiding my emotions, which was why I was such a bad liar. "If nothing else, you know I don't need to go hunting for girls, especially your little sister."

Stephanie knew this, having been my friend since my family moved down to Orange County. She searched my eyes before inhaling and exhaling slowly, finally nodding her head. "Okay ... okay..."

There! Was that so hard? Why couldn't Adrienne believe me when I wanted to tell her the exact same thing about Brooke?

"See!" Jennifer piped up. "You got to date him but I actually got him," she said almost proudly.

"Jennifer!" Stephanie whirled on her little sister. "One-night stands are NOT the way a lady behaves!"

"Lady-shmady," Jennifer scoffed. "It was the BEST experience of my life and I wouldn't take it back for the WORLD."

"Just be careful, Jennifer," I interjected. "It's not always like that and you REALLY need to be careful who you do it with, okay? Not all guys are going to be as gentle as me."

The young teen nodded, looking at me with such adoration that I probably could have told her sperm made her boobs grow bigger and she would have believed me. So young, so malleable; I guess I knew why Adrienne was scared of how I might affect them.

"And look," I added. "Now that you're a woman you have to start acting like a woman. You're not a child anymore so you've got to accept your responsibilities. Listen to your sister, okay?"

Jennifer nodded. And then Erin Roberts was crossing the parking lot and waving to her. Jennifer turned and waved back before glancing at me. "See ya later, Ben!" And then she took off like a rocket.

I sighed and watched Jennifer racing to her friend. "Think she's gonna tell Erin?" I asked softly while Stephanie stepped up next to me.

"Yeah..." Stephanie nodded. "I would've when I was her age." Then my friend turned to me and rubbed my shoulder. "You know, I'm a little jealous of her."

I arched an eyebrow. "Jealous?"

Stephanie broke into a little smile. "She's right. I dated you for a few weeks but SHE got to have the Big Ben Experience." And then laughing, Stephanie stepped forward and headed for school.

The fallout wasn't done. As expected, Adrienne found out by lunchtime. Whether by rumor or by observing Jennifer, I don't know; but either way, Adrienne found out and I was completely unprepared for her rage as she physically shoved me unawares into a row of lockers.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Adrienne yelled.

Already pissed off for being shoved into the lockers, I whirled and barked, "WHAT?"

"What did I tell you? Then you go and rape another one?" She screamed and tried to shove me again before I blocked her hands away."

"Rape? What are you, crazy?" I was thoroughly confused and annoyed. "Ask her what she thinks about it! Ask ANY of them! Think about it!"

"She's too young!" Adrienne shrieked, tears now rolling down her eyes. "She can't know ... She can't understand..." The stunning blonde was whimpering now, her whole body shuddering.

On instinct, I reached forward and bear-hugged Adrienne, trapping her arms and patting her back soothingly, "Adrienne! Adrienne!"

But she struggled and wriggled and fought to get me off her. "No! No! Get off me, Adam!"

At the sound of her brother's name, I jerked away, letting go of Adrienne while she stumbled back. Holy shit. Did she really just call me 'Adam'?

Lynne and Heather suddenly pushed their way through the crowd that had formed around us, Heather hugging her friend and drawing her away while Lynne put herself between me and Adrienne. I just held my hands up defensively to show I wasn't doing anything on the offensive.

"I'm too young ... I don't know any better..." Adrienne kept whimpering while Heather tugged her away.

Lynne lingered for an extra moment before spinning to me. "Ben, tell me what's going on. This isn't as simple as you sleeping with a couple of Sophomores. Adrienne is seriously messed up!"

I sighed. "I know."

"WHAT is going on?"

Someone had to know. Someone other than me. There was something seriously screwy with Adrienne's head and I was pretty sure I knew what it was. And someone had to get her some help. I took a deep breath and then looked around, seeing the crowd of students still staring at us. Now I knew what a celebrity might feel like surrounded by the paparazzi. I looked Lynne in the eye and said, "Not here. Not now."

She glanced around as well. "Meet me after school."

I nodded. "Got it."

"Candy?" Lynne asked from the passenger seat as I headed for Candy Carter's apartment just off-campus from UC Irvine. I'd started to explain where we were going and why.

I nodded. "She knows the deal, too."

"Ben, what's going on?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

Ten minutes later, Candy let us in. "Hey, Ben. Hey, Lynne. Come on in. My roommate is at class so we've got the place to ourselves for a bit."

We all sat down in the living room and Candy got us some sodas and water. Then I took charge and asked both girls, "What do you know about what's happened between me and Adrienne?"

They looked at each other and almost simultaneously shook their heads. Candy replied first. "Almost nothing. One minute I'm thinking you two are gonna get married someday, once she pulls her head out of her ass. The next, she's pretending like you don't exist. She said you hurt her more than she thought possible and that was it. Every other time I brought up your name she pretended like she didn't even know who you were. Otherwise, she was perfectly normal so I figured I'd just give her space."

Lynne nodded. "Same here. Can you tell us what happened, Ben?"

I sighed. "I can. But I need you both to swear that it doesn't leave this room or the three of us. This is the kind of thing that may change how you think of me, and not in a good way. But I'm willing to admit it if you can at least respect my privacy." Inwardly, I shook my head. How far was this thing going to spread?

"It's not criminal, is it?" Lynne asked.

I frowned, "Uh, I don't think so. But it's certainly frowned on."

Both girls thought about it for a few seconds before promising they'd keep 'whatever' a secret. I nodded and then started, "First, I'm pretty sure it has to do with Adrienne's big secret," I said, looking straight at Candy.

The beautiful blue-eyed brunette looked startled and backed her head up, glancing nervously to Lynne.

I shook my head. "Lynne doesn't know. But I think she'll need to in order to help Adrienne."

Candy sighed, thinking about it for a long while before finally nodding her head. Then summoning up her own courage, Candy explained, "When Adrienne was just ten years old, her older brother Adam started raping her. She tried to fight him off but he just kept going ... for over a year. He even knocked her up when she was eleven and her parents got her an abortion when they found out. They disowned him and we don't know where he is now. Her mom got depressed and died shortly after. Her dad's been an absent workaholic ever since."

Lynne's eyes just popped wide open. That was WAY too much to take all at once and she just managed to quietly gasp, "Holy SHIT."

Candy winced and nodded, looking at me. "Your turn, Ben. What does that have to do with you and Adrienne?"

I just stared blankly at the floor, weighing my own admission. I hadn't done anything wrong. What Brooke and I were doing, and by extension what Brandi and I had started, wasn't wrong. We loved each other. We protected each other. And we made each other happy. What I was doing with Brooke was completely different from what Adam had done to Adrienne, and I wouldn't apologize for it.

So buoyed with that certainty, I took a deep breath and started, "Because of what Adrienne went through with Adam, she told me she couldn't trust boys. She liked the sex, but she always had to be in control and have the upper hand. She dominated her relationships."

I breathed, "Until me. For whatever reasons, Adrienne started trusting me. Not necessarily to be faithful; you both know how bad I am at that. But she trusted me to care about her, love her, and never hurt her the way Adam had. She let herself relax without having to feel completely in control of me."

Lynne glanced at Candy nervously before piping up, "Don't tell me you raped her."

"No!" I blurted, reacting as if Lynne had slapped me. Then more calmly I confirmed, "No." I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. Lynne and Candy bobbed their heads with 'didn't think so' expressions on their faces. I exhaled slowly. "This is the part you've got to keep a secret."

Lynne and Candy nodded.

"Adrienne caught me having sex with Brooke."

It took an extra second for that to sink in. First Lynne, then Candy gasped. And Candy was the first to blurt, "Brooke? As in ... your little sister?"

I nodded.

Lynne's eyes pinched inward as she inhaled sharply, calculations clearly working in her brain. She started to speak for a second, checked herself, and then finally asked, "Were you forcing her?"

"Of course not!" I blurted. "Brooke and I ... well ... it's complicated. But we love each other. Not romantically. Just ... maybe more than some other siblings, I guess."

We all went quiet for about thirty seconds. And then Candy nodded, trying to break the tension. "I had the biggest crush on my big brother when I was Brooke's age."

Lynne just frowned, looking rather disgusted but not necessarily angry. "Does Adrienne think you forced Brooke?"

I nodded. "I keep trying to explain that's not the case. But Adrienne's head has gone to a place I can't touch. She refuses to even look at me most of the time." I sighed. "In her mind, the one guy she trusted betrayed her by becoming her worst nightmare."

"But this is different," Candy reasoned, the tone in her voice making me wonder if she hadn't gotten a little frisky with her older brother. "Raping a 10-year-old against their will is one thing. Letting a 15-year-old explore her sexuality with her brother is completely different."

"YOU explain that to Adrienne," I sighed. "Brooke's already tried. Adrienne's very motherly and protective of Brooke, even now. But she walls my little sister away whenever Brooke tries to explain about her relationship with me."

Lynne nodded. "Adrienne's clearly stuck in her trauma. I don't blame her. But she needs help."

I nodded. "You see now why I need you guys. You're her best friends."

Candy sighed. "This explains so much. It's like there are two Adrienne's. The normal, happy Adrienne and the one that goes into robot mode whenever Ben's name is brought up."

"So what are we going to do?" I asked helplessly.

Lynne thought about it and began, "I don't know. But now that we've got an idea of what's going on, at least we can try to talk to her." She looked hard at Candy, who nodded.

"What about me?"

Candy sighed and glanced over at me. "You represent the problem right now, Ben. Every time she sees you she sees Adam. And until we can get her fixed there's nothing you can do. You'd just make the situation worse."

"You ARE making the situation worse, Ben," Lynne added. "What's with you lately? I know you're a bit of a slut, but according to Adrienne, you've been schtupping all of Helene McGregory's friends, Theresa Chen, Jennifer Vo, and who knows who else all in the span of a couple weeks. That's a little extreme, isn't it?"

I sighed and looked down, feeling slightly guilty. "I just ... I dunno. When I get frustrated, like this whole thing with Adrienne, I just go hunting for stress relief."

Lynne shook her head. "Clearly she's reacting negatively to seeing you with any younger girl. It's not my place to tell you how to live your life, Ben; but seriously, do you think you can keep it in your pants for a while? At the very least, lay off the younger girls."

I gulped and blushed. "Uh, sure."

Lynne rolled her eyes and shook her head. "What the hell is it about you, Ben, that drives us girls nuts?"

"The most incredible orgasms of our lives?" Candy put in.

I just blushed and stared at my hands.

Lynne sighed. "Put a cork in it, Ben. For Adrienne. If you really love her like I think you love her, you've got to settle down."

I sighed and took a deep breath. "I love her, girls. I really love her. I'll do whatever it takes."

Fireces Fireces

i will MASS RELEASE when we reach the TOP 5 monthly. if we reach the TOP1 of powerstone perseason which is Basically IMPOSSIBLE.


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