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1.48% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Summer Camp

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Summer Camp


Ordinarily, I could read for hours in a moving car without ever getting motion sick. Brooke and the twins were the same way, the three of them quietly reading in the last row bench seat of our full-size family van while we cruised up Highway 5 towards Northern California.

But if there's a downside to getting your growth spurt, it's that nothing in your body works quite the way you're used to. I'm normally a pretty coordinated guy, if not the most athletic. But it wasn't until the past few months that I really needed to pay attention to how I was walking, lest I trip or stumble with my slightly longer than expected legs. I also had the odd chest pain, as if my rib cage was stretching. And today, whenever I tried to read for more than half an hour, I started getting dizzy and a wave of nausea would come over me.

Dammit, I'd expected to be able to read and catch up on some of my paperback books on the drive up to Morris Camp. But alas, it was not to be. And so I sat there, bored out of my mind, not even able to sleep. I was never very good at sleeping in moving vehicles. And it was an 11-hour drive.

Brandi, on the other hand, spent the entire trip unconscious in the bucket seat to my right. She'd fought with Brooke for the first hour about how far she could recline her seat, but eventually Brandi complained to my dad, who enforced a compromise. And now my older sister was zonked out the world.

My dad had also conked out. He'd driven the first shift from our 5am departure while my mom slept. Then after lunch, he'd switched with my mom to take a nap before driving again for the final leg, and his snoring wasn't exactly helping. Even Brooke and the twins each got at least six hours of extra sleep on the drive up.

So as we wound our way through the last two-lane highways to the camp, I was the only one in the family who'd been awake the entire time. And I was pretty cranky.

And what REALLY didn't help was when Brooke started teasing me about Dawn.


Dawn Evans was the middle daughter of Jack and Deanna Evans. Deanna had been my mom's college roommate when they went to school at UC Berkeley, and the two women had been practically inseparable.

They did everything together. They signed up for classes together. They took their meals together. And they even double-dated. After graduation, both young women went to work for the same company, and when they met their future husbands, both men had to pass approval from the best friend before taking anything further.

Even after marriage, with the two weddings coming just months apart, the two women continued to do everything together. They bought houses in the Bay Area on the same street. They got pregnant around the same time, with Deanna giving birth to first daughter Dayna and then my mom having Brandi three weeks later.

And they continued this trend with the rest of their children. Two years after the first daughters, Mom had me and then Deanna had Dawn on July 9th. Two years after that, my little sister Brooke popped out within a month of Dorothy Jean (DJ). Only one thing threw the women for a loop. My baby sisters Eden and Emma were an accident nearly four years later. But at least the twins had each other. Deanna even joked that Emma was really hers, to continue the pairing tradition.

So it was only natural, being that we were neighbors and family friends, for Brandi and Dayna to become close pals, as well as me and Dawn, and then Brooke and DJ. The girl pairings immediately bonded, and Dawn and I were young enough that the whole cooties and male/female sex dynamic was not yet an issue. We made for visually interesting couples: the Evanses were all blonde- haired and blue-eyed. My family was all black-haired and dark-eyed.

Our two families also went on our annual camp vacations, where we kids pretty much stayed in pairs 24/7, even sleeping in each other's beds.

But then, when I was 10, my dad had gotten a BIG promotion that required him to relocate his family to Orange County. My mom hadn't really wanted to split up our two families, but the offer was just too good to pass up. So we and the Evans went our separate ways, and kids being kids, we all adjusted pretty easily. At least we still had the 1-month summer visits to the camp.

Brandi and Dayna remained long-distance best friends. Yeah, they had their best friends at school, but once at the camp they immediately fell back into old habits and did everything together and referred to each other as their "best friend". Same for Brooke and DJ.

Dawn and I, on the other hand, were the same long-distance best friends as the others ... until I turned 13.

That's when I got hormones, and we all know how much those damn chemicals mess with a boy's mind. All of a sudden, I realized that Dawn was a GIRL. I wouldn't get my growth spurt for more than two more years, so those hormones weren't out of control, but I still started to feel urges I wasn't expecting and I found myself looking at Dawn much differently than in the past.

I'd literally known Dawn since we were babies. I was there when she took her first step. We'd fought the closet monsters together when we were kids. And then at camp, when she was 11 and got her first bra, Dawn had pulled me aside and promptly stripped her top so she could show me the bra and then her naked boobs. Given that I hadn't gotten any hormones yet, I hadn't paid her boobs much notice, other than to confirm that our chests looked different. And when she wanted to see my wiener, I simply dropped trou and let her take a look.

From the time we were little, Dawn and I had played show and tell and went skinny-dipping in the creek without ever even thinking about it. We even took the occasional shower together for efficiency, same as Brandi and Dayna or Brooke and DJ.

But that year, when we turned 13, it took just one look at beautiful young Dawn in a bikini and I'd pop a tent in my swim trunks. And all of a sudden we weren't supposed to be taking showers together anymore.

That's not to say Dawn and I stopped getting along. We were still each other's best friend and it was sheer habit to spend all our time together. It's just that the nature of our conversations became radically different from the ones our siblings were having with each other. While Brandi and Dayna were 15 and talking about boys, and while Brooke and DJ were 11 and talking about horses, Dawn and I started talking about sex.

It was simple, we were the only mixed-sex pairing. I could ask Dawn about girls and she could ask me about boys. Not that either of us was ready to do anything remotely sexual. She'd never even kissed a boy and I hadn't kissed a girl, let alone touch some private part of the body. But we were used to show and tell. So every year, Dawn and I showed each other how much our bodies were developing, and then we told each other how beautiful we both looked.

In Dawn's case, it was no exaggeration. She had clear blue eyes, light blonde hair, and a picture perfect face that was the prettiest I'd ever seen, Adrienne and Keira both included. In sharp contrast to my late development, Dawn had developed pretty early, and at 14 she was proudly showing me her 30B bras. At the time, she was also three inches taller than me, with most of the extra height in her long, coltish legs.

For me, I figured that Dawn was just being polite in her praise. Just from looking at the other teenagers around the camp, it was obvious that I was developing late and that I had neither the height nor bulk to seem anything more than just a child. Still, I was the only male with hair on his balls willing to let Dawn look, so she wasn't rude to me or anything.

And then last summer, on July 9th for her 15th birthday, Dawn wanted her first kiss.

I was terrible.

I slobbered too much. I had no clue what to do with my tongue. And I kept bumping my nose into hers.

But still, I'd felt a little electrical thrill pass through my lips and shoot down my spine. It felt so good that I had to try again.

And again...

And again...

I think we were kissing for about an hour. And by the end of it, we'd at least figured out how not to drool and how not to bump our noses into each other. And then Dawn thanked me for a wonderful birthday present.

I just whimpered happily. I could scarcely believe that a gorgeous girl like Dawn hadn't kissed a boy yet. After all, most girls with her looks had already lost their virginities by 15. Me, I understood. I was a late bloomer. But Dawn?

When I asked her about it, she just gave me an enigmatic smile and said she'd been waiting for me. And then that funny smile stayed on her face and she held my hand all the way down to the main lodge when we went for dinner.

Of course, Dawn and I walking up hand-in-hand caused quite a stir in our two families. Big sister Dayna and mom Deanna quickly pulled Dawn aside to grill her while my little sister Brooke just started the "Dawn and Ben, sitting in a tree, K-I- S-S-I-N-G" song. She even got Eden and Emma to join in. If only they knew how right they were.

The next day, Dawn and I went hiking up the creek to our "special spot". I asked what her mom and sister had said to her, but she told me not to worry about it. Then once we got to our usual spot, a cool clearing with shade and a nice breeze, we spent a good half-hour practicing kissing.

I got so turned on that I asked Dawn if I could see her breasts again, and she quickly pulled up her shirt and popped her bra to show me that her boobs had gotten even bigger in the past year. And then she talked about how many boys at school had been asking her out, hoping for the same view I was getting right that very moment.

Even when we did return to the main camp area to use the rope swing and waterslide, I found I had to spend a lot of time in the cold lake trying to keep my erection at bay, which reared up every time I saw Dawn go by in her bikini.

That's not to say that our lives were all kissing and talking about sex. We played pool and ping-pong. We watched movies and went on hikes, both with and without our siblings. And we had other friends at the camp besides each other. It was just that Dawn and I were each other's best friend.

Well, best friends that kissed every day.

Then, during our last week, we both took things up another notch.

After a pleasant makeout session, where we were getting pretty damn good at kissing, Dawn's insistent panting had gotten rather more heated than usual. We'd progressed to the point where we'd strip fully naked and keep kissing, careful not to touch each other but happy to pause every now and again and ogle each other's bodies for a while before using the visuals to fuel the energy of our kisses.

And that's when Dawn pulled away just long enough to shove her hand into her own crotch and start masturbating herself with a fury. "I can't wait anymore. I've got to get off now!" she exclaimed.

No stranger to masturbation myself, my hand instinctively went to my own rod.

"Do it, Ben! Jack off for me! I want to watch!" And then Dawn started moaning again as her left hand started pawing at her own boobs while her right rubbed fervently at her clit.

With wide eyes, I focused in on Dawn's round boobs and the hard nipples she was tweaking with her fingers, and then I looked down to find that my own right hand had begun slowly pumping my dick.

Neither of us lasted very long. Dawn started squealing at me to kiss her, and the moment my tongue entered her mouth she came, moaning into my mouth while her body jerked in orgasm.

I was only a few seconds later, and as these spurting things tend to do, I sprayed cum all over the front of Dawn's naked body.

"Oh! Eww! Eww!" she shrieked and tried to back away from me while I reflexively hosed her down, some of my jizz splattering her tits and dripping down her belly. Some of the rest just got on her legs.

"I'm sorry!" I groaned while Dawn hurriedly got up and waded naked into the creek, desperately trying to clean herself off in the water.

"I couldn't help it!" I moaned as Dawn shot daggers at me.

"Point that thing somewhere else next time, okay?" she snarled.

"Okay, okay," I winced and held my hands up defensively.

As Dawn got back out of the water and started toweling herself off, she calmed down. At least for a little while. Then she moaned and smacked herself in the forehead. "Oh, my mom is gonna kill me!"

Startled, I asked, "What? Why?"

"I promised her we wouldn't do anything sexual."

"Well, we didn't ... technically," I reasoned. "I mean, I'm sure you've masturbated before and I KNOW I have. So it's not like we did anything we hadn't already done before, even if in private. It's not like you gave me a blowjob or something."

"You came on me!" she squealed.

"Well, that was an accident! And it's not like you can get knocked up from cum on your skin. It's got to go inside you."

She just rolled her eyes. "Maybe," Dawn sighed. "We'll see what mom says."

"Do you have to tell her?" I asked. "My mom never asks me to tell her this stuff."

Dawn nodded and looked over at me. "Yeah, if I didn't tell her, she wouldn't even let me go on these hikes alone with you."

"Oh. OK."

Now dry, Dawn dropped the towel back down to the blanket and frowned before leaning forward to rest her arms on her upraised knees. From this new position, I could see her tuft of trimmed blonde hair and spread pussy lips, a little more engorged from her recent orgasm. I could also see her perky breasts, and already I felt a new stirring in my groin.

Dawn took one look at my reviving cock and she smirked. "Think you can kiss me again without popping off all over my chest?"

"Yeah, I think I can control myself ... I think..."

"Well," Dawn drawled as she turned to crawl over to me. "I'll take that chance." And then she leaned in to start frenching me again.

The next day, Dawn cheerily grabbed my hand and started tugging me towards the creek trail. "Mom said it's OK as long as we don't touch each other. Even the masturbating part."

"Yes!" I crowed as we started off on our morning hike.

"And DON'T cum on me again, okay?"

"Okay, okay."

So for the rest of the week, until it was time to go home, Dawn and I french kissed like crazy and watched each other masturbate until we couldn't cum anymore. I only accidentally spurted on her once more, and even then, it just got a bit of her leg.

It was a WONDERFUL week.

Just before we left, Dawn and I exchanged a very satisfying goodbye kiss while both our families watched on with amusement. I was already looking forward to the next summer when I could see her again.

And on the drive home, I realized I had my very first real crush ... on Dawn, my best friend.

But then the months passed into August and September and like any teenager, it was out of sight, out of mind. I still thought fondly of Dawn, but the infatuation waned. And in September when Cassidy O'Leary asked me to go out on a date, I pretty much put Dawn out of my head...

... until now.


"So, Ben, are you excited to be seeing Daaawwwn?" Brooke teased in a sing- song voice.

I just did my best to ignore her. I was bone tired from the long drive, my head was thick, and a big part of me wanted to just jump into the back seat and bite Brooke to death.

But we were only a half-hour away from the camp, and soon enough I could put some distance between me and my bratty sister. 14-year-olds can act so mature at school, but in the privacy of our family van, I could have sworn Brooke was seven years old again.

"Dawn and Ben, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-"

"Hey! That got old a LONG time ago," I interrupted, turning and glaring at my little sister.

"Just ignore her," Brandi intoned with her eyes still closed. "You keep reacting and she'll never shut up."

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to Brooke, pulling together every ounce of maturity I had to ignore the little twerp. Thankfully, she did shut up after fifteen minutes and started recognizing the landmarks leading up to the camp.

The Evans usually beat us there. After all, they lived six hours closer than we did. That meant in fifteen minutes, I would be seeing Dawn again, and I WAS excited to see her.

But I wasn't quite sure how to act around her. Sure, last year we'd been kissing and even masturbating in front of each other. It was fun, it was experimental, and the orgasms were very relieving. It certainly beat sneaking off by myself to jerk off.

How much had Dawn changed in the last year? Hell, how much had I already changed? Last year, I was a short, underdeveloped, barely 15-year-old virgin who hadn't even kissed a girl. Now I was 5'10", my cock had practically doubled in size, and I'd had sex more times than I could count. Last year, I didn't have a girlfriend or anything. This year, I had a lovelorn Megan Kwan pining away for me and a gorgeous older lover in Keira McNeil who still dominated my dreams.

If Dawn had changed even half as much as me, it was going to be a very weird few weeks. And I spent those last fifteen minutes running through every possible scenario.

Maybe things would stay exactly the same. Dawn would want to make out, but not touch. But then again, a girl as beautiful as Dawn would HAVE to have a boyfriend by now, so maybe we couldn't touch, kiss, or even see each other naked out of loyalty to her new man. On the other hand, maybe Dawn was ready to take the next steps in her sexuality and she wanted to fuck me within an hour of my arrival.

I simply had no clue. She'd sent me the occasional letter to let me know she was doing alright. But me being a teenaged guy, I hadn't written back once. Maybe she hated me for that and didn't even want to be my friend anymore.

And then we arrived.

Sure enough, the Evanses were home. They always had the cabin right next to ours. Dawn's bunk even had both our initials carved into it from when we were 8. And the minute our van pulled up outside our cabin, I glanced out the window and saw the Evans' front door opening.

Jack and Deanna Evans were the first ones out the door, waving while my dad parked the van. Brandi was quick to pop the van's double-doors and hop out, and I followed soon after.

I turned back to look at the cabin porch just in time to see Dayna come out. In general, while I didn't think her face was as pretty as Dawn's, I'd certainly noticed her body the past few years. The two-year advantage she had in development had led to some luscious curves around the Evans family height and natural slenderness, and the eldest Evans daughter had never been shy about showing off that fantastic body around the camp.

So as Dayna looked down to watch her step off the porch, I let my eyes drop to her impressive cleavage shown off by a sky blue tank top and only partially covered by the linen shirt she wore over the top of it.

But then Dayna picked her head back up to look at us, her fine blonde hair tossed back to finally show me her face, and then I realized it was DAWN. And all my exhaustion evaporated in a sea of adrenaline.

Holy SHIT she'd grown up! I mean, Dawn had already been developing for a while and I knew she was an earlier bloomer, but somewhere along the line, she picked up an extra few inches of height and her boobs had gotten even bigger. She was just a girl who wouldn't turn 16 for another week, but already her body was all woman.

"Ben!" she exclaimed, completely ignoring Brandi or my other sisters who were piling out of the van. She picked up speed in her step and hustled forward towards me with her arms open before awkwardly skidding to a stop just a foot away.

She blushed. I blushed. And we kind of looked at each other nervously, uncertain how to react.

"Hey, Dawn, you look great!" I gaped, still amazed at her transformation. I saw the tight skin of her belly and my eyes were drawn to her crotch, hidden by rather short shorts. I checked out her long legs before returning my gaze back up her cleavage and finally to her face. Quite simply, Dawn was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life, bar none.

"Me? Wow, Ben, you REALLY grew!" she exclaimed, looking me up and down, her clear blue eyes sparkling.

We stood there staring at each other for so long we didn't even notice Dayna and DJ coming out to greet their friends. And while I stood there and gawked at how gorgeous Dawn had become, she asked me the question I'd hoped for only in my wildest dreams. "Can I kiss you now, Ben?"

I started grinning and nearly choked at the same time. "Uh, yeah," I said with a big smile.

Dawn returned the smile, and then we met each other halfway as our arms automatically went around each other and our faces mashed together while we exchanged a very wet, very aggressive, very passionate kiss. Sparkles went off behind my eyes. My stomach flipped and then flipped a few more times. And an excited, warm flush went through my whole body. It was a wonderful kiss. It was like we were picking up exactly where we'd left off eleven months ago.

DJ giggled as if she'd been expecting her big sister to immediately begin snogging me.

Brooke just snarked, "Get a room, you two."

Blindly, I just flipped my sister the bird without breaking away from Dawn for a microsecond, my middle finger all the response I cared to make. But then my mom spat, "Benjamin!"

Groaning, I pulled away and bowed my head towards my mom. "Sorry, Mom. I know that was rude."

She nodded acceptance and then smiled as she looked at me and Dawn. I'd started to get the impression that our parents secretly hoped Dawn and I would get married someday and further tighten the bonds between our families.

And then automatically, I apologized to Brooke as well. "I shouldn't have flipped you off."

Brooke shrugged like she didn't care at all. Then she and DJ started chattering at such a speed that only hummingbirds would be able to make out their conversation.

Dawn chuckled and then I turned back to her. And with the smooth confidence only a man who'd been getting regular sex can pull off, I swept Dawn into my arms and casually remarked, "Now where were we?" And then I kissed her again.

Yeah, it was going to be a good summer.

Brandi and Dayna quickly changed into their bikinis to go catch some rays and tease the guys before the sun went down. Even after such a long drive, since we'd left early in the morning, it wasn't yet 5pm and in early July, that meant night wouldn't fall for another few hours.

I was still huddled up with Dawn when our older sisters came out, and I couldn't help but notice that Dawn wasn't the only Evans girl to grow up a bit in the intervening year. Dawn was now about the same height as her 18-year-old big sister, but Dayna was definitely curvier. And the bikini the older blonde wore was doing a woeful job of trying to contain her tits.

"Show off," Dawn deadpanned as Dayna went by.

"Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it," Dayna remarked as her big tits jiggled along.

I'd started to get an erection just watching the eldest Evans daughter, and I couldn't help but notice that Brandi was filling out her bikini rather nicely as well.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Dayna thinks having Double-D's now will get all the guys staring at her instead of Felicia Clarkson."

Already my head was tracking to follow Dayna's and Brandi's passing. "Mm- hmm..." I agreed absently. Dayna had certainly become quite the beautiful young woman.

"Hey!" Dawn bopped my forehead. "Focus! Focus!"

I rubbed my head and then kissed Dawn again. "Sorry. I'm just a guy."

My standard apology appeared to mollify Dawn, and she took my hand. "C'mon. I'll help you unpack."

Dawn and I stuck together for the rest of the evening, but we were far less obvious about kissing each other once we got those first few liplocks out of our system.

We chatted while unpacking my gear and putting the sheets on my bunk. And afterwards we helped my parents put away all the family gear and put the cabin in order.

But the instant our good deeds were done, my mom took one look at us and said, "Okay, kids, you can go ahead and be alone together. We'll see you at dinner time."

Dawn and I took one look at each other and quickly we scampered out to find a quiet place to make out. As it turned out, the best place was Dawn's cabin. Her parents had come over to visit with my parents, Brooke and DJ were off somewhere, and the elder girls were down by the lake soaking up male attention. Even the twins were gone, sent to the lake to play and meet the other kids while nominally supervised by Brandi.

So I soon found myself on top of Dawn and on her bed, subconsciously grinding my erection into her hip while our tongues did battle and our ecstatic moans filled the room.

She tasted so incredibly good, and she was so stunningly beautiful, that the intensity of our kisses started to overwhelm my brain and instinctive impulses began to kick in.

My hands moved up from her hips and I soon found myself with a right hand full of boob. As if in response, I felt one of Dawn's hands moving to my ass, pulling me tighter against her hip as she moaned erotically.

My right hand kept roving, rubbing at Keira's "alternative" spots for pleasure along the way from outside Dawn's clothing while my left hand came up and started to rub over her nipple.

It all felt so good, so natural. Making out this way was the same as when I was doing it with Megan or Keira. And also natural was for my hand to move down over Dawn's crotch, where my fingers quickly identified her slit and I began to rub over where I guessed her clit would be, my effectiveness limited by the fabric of her shorts and panties between me and my goal.

Dawn moaned exactly once when I began to stroke her. But then her body went rigid and she suddenly pushed me off her. "Ohmigod!" Dawn gasped, wild-eyed. "Ben?" She seemed almost surprised to see me.

I was confused. "Yeah?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot for a second that it was you. Do you realize we've never done that with each other before?"

"What? Making out?"

"No, the ... touching ... and stuff. You were feeling me up."

The lightbulb went on in my head. "Oh! Oh, uh, sorry about that. I didn't realize. I won't if you don't want me to."

"Oh, no. It was nice, it was nice. I just wasn't expecting it." Dawn sighed. "You're a lot of things I wasn't expecting."

I arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Dawn blushed and then smiled. "You are ... you're a lot more experienced now than I thought you'd be. It's actually a little frightening. I was kind of expecting the little boy I was experimenting with last year. But clearly, you've learned a thing or two."

I grinned. "I've learned a LOT. Want me to show you?"

She giggled. "Yes! Oh, but not right now," Dawn held up her hands when it looked like I was going to jump her. "That's what I mean. The old Ben just let me lead everything. I didn't have to worry about you doing anything I wasn't ready for."

"You still don't. I won't push you into anything you don't want to do," I insisted.

"I used to know you'd NEVER make the first move. But now?" Dawn sighed. "Why do I get the feeling you're probably more experienced now than I am?"

I blushed and bit my lip. "Maybe ... How far have you gone?"

Dawn's eyes flew wide open. "Ben! I can't tell you that!"

"Why not? We always told each other EVERYTHING!"

"But you're a boy!"

I shrugged. "I've ALWAYS been a boy."

She stewed on that for a second, and I smiled. Dawn looked so cute when she was thinking hard. My new look, confidence, and sexual comfort was clearly throwing her for a loop. I decided that I needed to back things off so I didn't scare her away.

"Okay Dawn." I held up my hands and deliberately backed away a foot across the bed. "I don't want to frighten you. I may be about seven inches taller than you remember, but it's still me, Ben, the same little boy you grew up with. Remember when we were five and running around naked in the yard?"

Dawn seemed to visibly relax and I continued. "So let's just catch up for a bit. Tell me what you've been up to this past year."

Now Dawn got to glare at me. "I HAVE been telling you. I'm the only one of us writing letters here."

I smirked. "Oh yeah. I'm not so good at the letter thing. But that's just routine stuff: classes and your family and whatever. But how about the good stuff? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Dawn blushed and got a little smile. "Yes..."

"Tell me about him."

She shrugged. "He's just a boy. Same grade as me. All the older boys just wanted me to put out, but I haven't been ready for that..." Dawn's eyes flashed at me for a second. " ... yet."

"How long have you been together?"

"Since March."

"You guys serious?"

She shrugged again. "I dunno. I don't think so. I just thought it would be nice to have a boyfriend for a bit. We haven't even really talked about what's going to happen next year. And he's my second boyfriend. The first one only lasted a month before he became a jerk about the whole sex thing."

"Sex thing?"

"Yeah." Dawn made an ugly face. "He was nice and sweet at first, but then he demanded that I give him a blow job or he'd dump me. So I dumped him first."

"Boys," I drawled and chuckled. "Well, I know the type. There's a hundred of them at my school."

"Mine too. But Mark's not like that."

"Mark, that's your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. He hasn't pushed me into doing anything I wasn't ready for."

"I like him already." I grinned.

"What about you? Girlfriend? Or did you just learn all that groping stuff playing the field." Dawn mimed pawing her own tits, and I started laughing.

"Ah well, that's complicated," I began, thinking first of Keira. As much as I adored and trusted Dawn, I just didn't feel comfortable revealing the details of that relationship just yet. "Well, let me put it this way, I do have a girlfriend now. My first official girlfriend, actually. But she wasn't the one I learned all that ... stuff ... with."

"Hmm?" Dawn started chuckling, a twinkle in her crystal clear blue eyes. "Is there some other girl out there who let you into her panties without getting a commitment first?"

I mimed zipping my lip. "A gentleman doesn't speak of such things. After all, would you like it if I blabbed about us french kissing and watching each other masturbate?"

"Ben!" Dawn hissed and looked around the empty room to confirm that we were alone.

"My point exactly. We're not dating, Dawn. We were just ... learning, right?"

"I guess."

"Same thing," I smiled as I thought of Keira. "Sort of."

"Well then," Dawn pursed her lips and leaned towards me. "Let's do some more 'learning' now..."

We only got to make out for a few more minutes before dinner time. And afterwards, while Dawn wanted to hang out some more, I was dead tired and had to beg off so I could go pass out.

Then the next day, Dawn and I took our "learning" to a whole new level.

SUNDAY, JULY 2, 2000

I awoke when a heavy weight dropped on top of me. Instinctively, I pushed out with my arms to dislodge it while my eyes were still closed, but I came up with empty air until I started aiming lower and then I felt another pair of hands batting my hands away while girlish giggles filled the room.

Surprised, I cracked my eyelids to see a blonde head hovering over me.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Dawn said cheerily. "Man, you sleep like a log."

I rolled onto my back, coincidentally shifting Dawn's sitting position from on top of my left hip until she settled right on top of my crotch. My morning erection was thus pressed up against her pubic bone.

Dawn's eyes flew wide and she automatically backed off me. "Speaking of logs..."

I craned my head left and right. In the big bunk room I shared with all four of my sisters, I was the only one left. "What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Breakfast. Your mom sent me to wake you up."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes while wearing just my boxer shorts. I stared over to the dresser where all my clothes were. "A little privacy?" I asked.

Dawn just grinned, settling herself down onto Brooke's bed and getting herself comfortably seated. "Why? It's not like you've got anything I haven't seen before."

I smirked and then went to change. I had just pulled my shorts down when Dawn gasped and her eyes went wide. Nervously, she pointed at my morning wood, which still hadn't gone down yet.

"What?" I asked. "Like you said, nothing you haven't seen before."

"It wasn't that BIG before," Dawn whistled.

I grinned proudly and got dressed.

After breakfast, Dawn grabbed my hand and took us back to our cabins to pack for a quick hike. And while I puttered around putting towels and ground mats together, she complained, "Hurry up, slowpoke. I'm getting horny." There was a sultry moan in her voice.

I took one look over to Dawn, who ran her tongue across her upper lip and looked like she was ready to eat me. And then I started packing faster. Soon, we were on the trail.

The minute we passed out of sight, Dawn blurted out, "Ben, are you still a virgin?"

The question took me by such surprise that I came to a dead stop. I furrowed my brow and asked, "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes. I do."

"Well, are you going to tell me the same? After all, I AM a boy."

"Oh ... well..." Dawn waffled.

I rolled my eyes and started walking again. I didn't feel like rehashing the same conversation from last night. Dawn quickly hurried to my side. "It's different. It's no big deal if a guy is a virgin or not. But girls have to be all ... pure ... or something."

"I'm not going to tell anyone, Dawn," I sighed in resignation. "But I just don't think it's fair if I spill everything and you don't. We used to tell each other EVERYTHING."

"That was different. None of the answers were scary. It was like: Are you a virgin? Yes. Have you touched a boob? No. Have you kissed a boy? No. There was nothing TO admit to."

"If you can't tell me, who can you tell?" I glanced over at her. "C'mon Dawn, we're best friends, and we live a thousand miles apart. There's no way anything you tell me can get back to your friends at school. And even if I did go to school with you, I'd never tell ANYONE."

"Really?" Dawn's voice was hopeful.

"Really," I said firmly. After all, I'd been keeping Keira McNeil a secret for a long time.

"Okay," Dawn said firmly. "We're going to play Truth or Truth, then."

"Don't you mean Truth or Dare?"

"Nope. No dares. I ask a question, and you have to answer it truthfully. Period. Then it's your turn."

I chuckled. There was a warning in her voice. I knew she wasn't going to shy away from the hard questions. "Okay, but one condition, no names or identifying details. I'll tell you everything, but I won't incriminate the innocent."

"You mean you won't even tell me what kind of girls you've been dating?" Dawn pouted.

I waggled my head. "Well, blonde, brunette, boob size, sure. But nothing that might identify who they are. I have to keep my promises to them for that."

"Fair enough. So are you a virgin, Ben?" Dawn asked quickly.

I smirked and shook my head. "Wait till we get there."

Dawn grinned and then picked up her walking pace.

When I was eleven, during that first summer after my family had moved to Orange County, Dawn and I had found our "spot". It was a good half-hour's hike away from the main buildings, and on a little used trail, so the likelihood of someone stumbling on us was relatively small. That likelihood was made even smaller in that we left the trail a good hundred yards until we came to a secluded grove on the banks of the creek. The twelve by eight foot flat clearing was shaded and blocked on two sides by trees, with bushes behind. The only way anyone could really see us was from across the creek, but there was no obvious vantage point on the other side either. Most days, we had a decent breeze coming down the canyon and the shade kept us from sunburning. It was our private paradise.

And as we came into it and I started laying down the ground mat and our blankets on top of it, all sorts of pleasant memories came back to me. I remembered when Dawn showed me my first ever pair of boobs, small as they were. I remembered when we showed each other our first pubic hairs. And I especially remembered last year's makeout and masturbation sessions.

In the back of my head, I knew we'd be going a lot farther than that this summer.

Dawn quickly plopped down onto the blankets and took a drink of water from her bottle. I was amazed she waited a whole six seconds before asking. "So Ben, are you still a virgin?"

"How come you get to go first?" I whined.

"Because it's my game. Now are you going to answer or not?" she complained.

"Fine, fine. No. I'm not."

"Wow..." After all my evasions, Dawn seemed to be expecting my answer but she still looked surprised. "Last year, I never would have thought you'd pop your cherry before I saw you again. When did you first do it?"

"Hey! That's a second question. It's my turn now!"

"FINE." Dawn rolled her eyes and leaned over onto one elbow. "Yes. I'm still a virgin."

"I haven't asked you anything yet."

"But that WAS the question you were going to ask."

I grinned evilly and said, "No, it wasn't. So I still get to ask a question."

"But I just told you something private!"

"You're right. You did. I guess you gave me a freebie that I didn't have to ask for." I started chuckling.

Dawn glared. "Ben. If you want to see how big my boobs have gotten since last year, shut up and let me ask the next question."

My eyes went wide and I deflated. She won.

"When did you first do it?" Dawn repeated.

"Actual sex? Uh, that would have been in May."

"Oh, so still kind of recent. Okay, your turn."

"Finally..." I drawled, but Dawn just shot me another glare. And then I started to formulate my question. I knew she had a boyfriend, and I was almost positive that she was already kissing him. But she said she was still a virgin, so I wasn't sure how far she'd gone in between. So I decided to just round the bases. First base was making out. So I asked about second base. "Has anyone touched your bare boobs?"

Dawn blinked for a couple of seconds. "Well, technically your arm brushed me a couple of times last year."

"Dawn..." I warned.

She sighed and said in a quiet voice. "Yes. They were both kind of rough though. I'm not sure I liked it. The guys certainly liked it." She blushed. "Actually, the nicest it's felt was when you were touching my breasts yesterday, from outside my shirt. You were more ... caressing me ... instead of squeezing me."

I smiled and closed my eyes to remember it. Then I said softly, "Your turn."

"Have you done it with more than one girl?"

I shook my head. "No. Just the one."

"The girlfriend or the other one?"

"That's two questions again, Dawn."

"Oh, forget the stupid game," Dawn moaned. "Just tell me, Ben. Please?"

I glanced up in thought for a moment before sighing. "Okay, but you have to PROMISE me you won't tell anyone. If you even tell one of your sisters, then they might tell your mom, who might tell MY mom, and then my mom might be able to figure things out. And I don't want that, okay?"

"Okay, I promise." Dawn held out her hand and spit into her palm. I spit into my palm and we shook on it.

Satisfied, I began while wiping my hand off on my shorts. "The only girl I've had sex with is a couple of years older." I fudged a bit on the age. "She's experienced, and she taught me everything I know about sex. But she doesn't want to date me or anything, I think because I'm only sixteen. Then there's my girlfriend and the farthest we've gone is third base."

"You mean third base like touching ... down there? Or actually oral?" Dawn leaned forward eagerly.


"Both of you?"


"So you've gotten blowjobs from two different girls."

I shrugged. "Yeah."

"How many?"

"How many blowjobs?" I snorted and thought back for a second. "Uh, well ... too many to count, actually."

"Wow..." Dawn looked suitably impressed. "Are they any good?"

Now I grinned with pride. "Well, the experienced girl is ... well, she's AMAZING. And my girlfriend is okay, I guess. She's still learning, but I'm doing my best to teach her."

"You ... you teach her?" Dawn looked at me curiously.

"Yeah. She's gotten a lot better."

"Ben..." Dawn began seriously as she looked at the blanket between us. Then she took a deep breath and looked up into my eyes. "Will you teach me?"

I arched an eyebrow and leaned back in surprise. "You want me to teach you?"

"Yes. I dumped my first boyfriend because he was a jerk about it. But Mark ... Mark is really sweet. I really like him. So ... as kind of a going away present ... I ... I went down on him."

Dawn seemed embarrassed but it wasn't a big deal to me. I shrugged. "Okay..."

"But..." Dawn shuddered. She looked ready to cry. "I ... I didn't know what I was doing. I've talked to the girls and they all just say to suck really hard and to watch your teeth. But I must not have been very good because he didn't cum. I wasn't doing it right or something."

I frowned and on instinct, I scooted over and wrapped my arms around my friend. Dawn then burst into tears and hugged me tightly, and I just soothed her for a minute while she trembled and fought to regain her composure.

"Oh, Ben. Please? I don't want to lose him. I want to be a good girlfriend."

"Shhh ... relax, Dawn. Of course I'll teach you. Besides Dawn, you are GORGEOUS. What kind of guy in his right mind wouldn't want you to give him a blowjob?" I smiled and Dawn managed a smile of her own. And then I pulled back to hold my beautiful best friend at arm's length.

"After all," I began, "We came here to experiment and 'learn' with each other, didn't we?"

She chuckled and smiled with an aroused gleam in her eye. "I remember last year's 'learning'."

I grinned lasciviously. "Well this year, you're going to learn a lot more."

Things started off like normal. Dawn and I wound up side-by-side on the blankets while making out. We battled with our tongues and lips and gradually built up our heat to the point where we were sweating inside our clothes.

So the clothes came off. There wasn't anything really sexy about it. We weren't slow-stripping to entice each other. We were just getting naked like normal. Dawn's boobs HAD gotten much bigger, and when I asked her how big she showed me the 32C tag on her bra. And then I proudly showed her my new seven and a half-inch dick, this time up close and personal.

Ten seconds after that, her panties came off and it was my turn to gasp and point.

"Yeah," Dawn said shyly while I stared straight at her hairless pussy, nothing but smooth skin above her slit. "Dayna talked me into shaving it all off for the summer. You like it?"

I'd never seen a shaved pussy, but I knew I liked it. I just gulped and nodded my head, already imagining what it would feel like to run my tongue all over her without any hair in the way.

It was a whole new summer. We were a year older, a year more experienced, and a year hornier than before. Instead of masturbating ourselves and kissing to find our own individual pleasure, we went straight back to making out. And this time, Dawn wasn't going to stop me when I wanted to touch her.

From force of habit with Keira and Megan, I rolled Dawn onto her back while I lay beside her. I then hovered over her, softly dipping my tongue into her mouth while my right hand went exploring. And when my palm started rubbing over her firm breasts, Dawn just moaned into my kiss and started thrusting her chest up against my hand.

But I didn't spend too much time pawing at her tits. I let my fingertips just barely glide across her bare skin while I tickled various other parts of her torso. And while I explored, I moved my lips to kiss her neck and shoulder and eventually suckle her nipple into my mouth.

Dawn gasped and moaned again, bringing her hands up to hold my head against her bosom. And as I licked her tenderly, she whimpered happily and urged me to keep going.

Meanwhile, I started letting my hands roam lower down towards her waist, and this time, when my hands ran down the juncture of her thighs, there were no shorts or panties in my way.

She was already wet. I glanced down to see the puffy pink as her nether lips were peeking out. And I ran my fingers down and ducked them just a bit inside to get my tips wet before dragging them back up her slit so I could rub her clit. And the moment I touched the sensitive nubbin, my pretty blonde friend's body went rigid and she gasped in obvious arousal.

After a little while, Dawn started to beg, "Put your fingers in me."

I frowned and said softly. "I don't want to pop your cherry."

She gasped while I kept rubbing her and explained. "My hymen broke a few months ago."

I arched an eyebrow and looked at her inquisitively. "Accident?"

"Uh, not exactly..."

"Tell me..."

"Bennn..." she moaned.

"Tell me. Truth or Truth? I won't get you off until you tell me," I threatened in a teasing voice.

Dawn bucked against my fingers, her jaw quivering as she rotated her hips in a desperate search for that orgasm. "Fine! Dayna popped my cherry, okay?"

Her answer surprised me so much that I stopped rubbing, and urgently Dawn grabbed my wrist and forced me to keep moving. Obediently, I let her guide two of my fingers to her snatch and I began to rub her labia like I did to Keira while my thumb took over clit duties.

"Ohhh..." Dawn moaned, and within a minute, her whole body was quaking as her climax passed through her.

At last, she sighed and sagged back, satisfied for the moment. I pulled my hand up and tasted her fluids. Once again, similar, but slightly different to Keira and Megan, although it WAS closer to Megan's flavor.

"So tell me about this cherry-popping thing," I started when Dawn had calmed down enough.

She blushed pink but I raised my eyebrows in warning. Then Dawn sighed and explained, "Dayna has some ... toys. She was telling me about how sex hurt real bad her first time, and if I was thinking about having sex, I would be better off getting rid of my hymen first. That spell it out enough for you?"

"Sure." I leaned back to rest my right forearm and relax a bit. Meanwhile, my naked cock was proudly jutting up into the air.

"Ben," Dawn's voice came very softly. I actually had to strain a bit to hear her. "Can I ... will you ... will you teach me now?"

"Are you sure?"

Dawn nodded and reached her hand out to my erection. I folded my hands behind my head to prop myself up and watch her, and then tentatively Dawn wrapped her hand around my shaft and began to pump me. At least in this, she didn't seem so nervous.

"You've done this before?" I asked.

She just nodded.

"And you can get Mark off with a handjob?"

She nodded again, all her focus on my prick as she slowly glided up and down.

"Were you using your hand when you went down on him?"

She shook her head in the negative. And with a puzzled look on her face, she said, "I thought I could get him off with just my mouth."

"You'll learn. But one way you can do it is just to put your mouth over the mushroom head and suck on it lightly while you give him a handjob. Technically it's a blowjob since I'm in your mouth, but most of the work is with your hands, like you're already used to."

"Like this?" Dawn bent over, surrounding my head with her mouth so that her lips were tucked just under the ridgeline. And all the while her hand kept its up and down motion. But even then, she wasn't actually sucking on me.

"Use your tongue, Dawn. Lick everywhere, but keep it soft. Think of it like your nipples. Just a really big nipple. Lick it like you want to be licked."

Instantly, Dawn's strokes became longer and softer. She darted the tip of it side to side across my pee hole, and she bathed the crown with gentle stroking.

"Good, good," I trembled and panted from the pleasure. Here I was, with my beautiful childhood friend sucking my dick. I LOVED my life. And if I just waited, she would probably get me off this way. But Dawn had other ideas.

She popped off and looked over at the blissful expression on my face. "But Ben. This is really just a handjob with my mouth over your tip. But are you doing to teach me how to really suck you?"

"Yeah, of course, of course." I sighed happily and fought to get my brain working. Dawn was really good with her hands, and the knowledge that my lifelong best friend had just taken her mouth of my dick had my mind spinning in circles.

"Okay. Start by taking as much of me in your mouth as you can ... good ... Watch the teeth, watch the teeth! Okay, yeah, suck like that. Mmm ... Oh, yeah, tongue the bottom ... That's good. That's good ... Okay, Dawn, you need to move your head now."

She popped off again. "Move?"

I panted for a few extra seconds before answering, "Like the way your hand was stroking up and down. You need to move your mouth up and down. You can't just stay there sucking forever."

Dawn scrunched up her face for a second and then exclaimed a long, "Ohhh..."

I arched my eyebrow. "You weren't moving your head with Mark?"

"No. I just thought I was supposed to suck on it." Dawn's blue eyes twinkled.

"And Mark didn't help you?"

"No. He didn't know what to do either. And I think he was still shocked that I was giving him a blowjob."

"Oh, okay. Well, let's try it. I'm sure your friends have talked about a cock being like a popsicle? OH!" I went stiff again as Dawn licked me from base to crown along that big vein running underneath my shaft.

"Like that?"

"Yeah, Dawn. JUST like that. And you can't just shove the whole popsicle in your mouth and just suck on it. You've got to move it in and out and lick the whole time."

"Okay!" the beautiful 15-year-old blonde said cheerily. And then she went to work.

I groaned while Dawn started really blowing me. This was going to be easy. Once she got going, Dawn was a natural. She held my hips in her hands and bobbed her head up and down. She sucked, she licked, and she moaned with her own arousal when she realized what kind of affect she was having on me, for I was groaning almost constantly.

I still gave her a few pointers and told her to back off or suck harder. And as I started getting close, I held her head in my hands, guiding her movements while I simply threw my head back and gave in to the feelings. Dawn was wonderful, and the thought of doing this every day for the next month had me absolutely thrilled beyond belief.

I didn't even speak for the last two minutes, just grunting as she brought me closer and closer and closer to explosion. At least I stayed silent until the last ten seconds, when I blurted, "Dawn! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum!"

I was expecting her to pull away. After all, last year, she couldn't even stand to let me cum on her belly, let alone in her mouth. And I figured that she'd given enough handjobs to know what to expect. But instead, Dawn just moaned and sucked me harder.

That was it, my control was spent, and with a roar, I began filling Dawn's mouth with hot jism, spurting shot after shot at high velocity.

I heard Dawn squeak when she felt me splattering the inside of her mouth. And I heard the desperate inhalations through her nose as she fought to breathe while I continued pouring juice out. And just as her eyes started to water and her cheeks threatened to burst, her throat contracted and I saw that she had swallowed a big gulp of my cum.

Somehow, that sight made me fire off another big burst, and reflexively Dawn swallowed another load. And only then did I finally stop cumming.

Dawn stayed locked there for a long while, her mouth forming a watertight seal over my prick while she breathed deeply through her nose. I watched her cheeks moving as she seemed to be swirling what remained of my jism around in her mouth. Her eyes kind of pinched as she was clearly evaluating what she thought of the taste. And then at last, she took one more big gulp and then released my prick.

Coughing slightly, my golden-haired long-distance best friend flopped naked onto her back across the blankets, breathing heavily while our bodies cooled side-by- side. Then still lying flat, Dawn turned her head to me and asked, "Did you like it?"

I grinned. "Loved it."

"Was it better than your other girls?"

I immediately thought of Keira's INCREDIBLE blowjobs. That woman was absolutely ravenous for my cum, and she knew just how to get it. "Well..." I began slowly. "To be fair, one of them has a LOT more experience than you."

"Oh," she replied with mild disappointment.

"But it was still really good. REALLY good, Dawn. Especially since you've only tried once before."

"Well, we've got a whole month to practice, right?" She bubbled.

I was looking forward to it. I smiled and nodded and then asked, "What about you? How was it for you?"

"It was ... better. Not what I expected. And the taste was ... well, I won't say I LIKE it, but I know guys want you to swallow and I didn't really mind it."

I sighed. "I'll admit it's a turn on to see you swallowing. But if you don't want to, you really don't have to, Dawn."

"I know. That's why I really like you, Ben. I know you're okay with whatever I want to do, no pressure."

"Of course." And then impulsively, I rolled over and kissed her. Dawn giggled before throwing herself passionately into returning the kiss, and soon our tongues were darting in and out of each other's mouths.

The adrenaline had started pumping in me again, the lust I felt for this beautiful girl stoking inside me, along with ... something else.

There was a fuzzy warmth that I hadn't felt before with either. I mean, I'd had crushes before. I crushed on Dawn last summer. I crushed on Adrienne for a bit my freshman year. And I definitely felt butterflies in my stomach for Keira. But while I cared about Megan, she didn't make me feel the way I was currently feeling for the young woman lying beneath me.

There was a long moment where I just looked into Dawn's eyes, hovering above her without moving. And she smiled and giggling, she asked, "What?"

My answer came from inside my gut. "I love you, Dawn."

Her eyes flew open wide. "What?" This time, her tone was more of shock.

I tilted my head and tried to clarify, not certain of my own meaning. "I'm not ... not ... IN love with you Dawn." It was true, I didn't have the butterflies that Keira caused, that rush of excitement and urgent NEED when I was crushing on someone.

Instead, I felt a blanket of comfortability and warmth. I felt ... bonded ... to Dawn, like we belonged with each other just the way we were. "I just ... I just love you. I want you to know that. I want you to know that you can trust me and that I will always be there for you. I'll never hurt you. I'll never make you do anything you don't want to. And I'll always want to see you happy. Because I love you, Dawn."

She started crying then, smiling and crying and then hugging me tightly to her. Her hands scrabbled at my back as if she was trying to figure out how to hug me even tighter, and eventually she just grabbed my head and pulled me to her for a kiss.

"I love you too, Ben."

And then she kissed me again.

Wow ... I had an INCREDIBLE life.

At some point, we must have dozed off, exhausted from our frantic makeout session, post-admissions of love. I stirred awake to feel the gentle breeze cooling my slightly overheated body, and I found that a fully naked Dawn was curled up against my side with her head tucked into the crook between my neck and shoulder.

I stared at her for a long while. She'd been a cute kid; something I'd never really paid much attention to. I mean, I noticed, but it didn't really affect me one way or the other. Then, that year that I turned 13, I HAD noticed just how pretty she was. And in the next three years, she'd blossomed into a really beautiful young woman: strong cheekbones, slender nose, and gorgeous eye shape. I hummed happily just knowing I was in the presence of such beauty.

About five minutes later, she woke up as well. I'd been watching her sleep the entire time, and I now watched her long eyelashes batting up and down as her pale blue irises began to focus on the world.

"Mmm ... Hi, Ben," she murmured.

"Hi, Dawn," I replied pleasantly.

"We fell asleep?"

"Looks like." I began to let my left arm stroke her naked back, relishing the feel of her skin beneath my fingers.

"Mmm..." she sighed while feeling me rubbing her. "What time is it?"

I glanced at the shadows caused by the overhead sun. "Not yet lunchtime. We've got a little while."

"Hmm!" she hummed with a little more excitement in her voice. Her hand reached out and began to pet my limp penis, and already I began to feel my blood flowing down to it. "Time enough for another practice session?"

I started grinning while I felt the pleasant little bursts of energy shooting up through my body. But there was something else I wanted to do first. "Time enough. But I think it's my turn. Roll over."

"Your turn?" Dawn asked in confusion but didn't resist as I turned her onto her back. Only when I shifted down and flopped onto my stomach so that I could lie down between her legs did Dawn understand. "Ben!" she exclaimed in delight.

"Like I said. It's my turn." And before she could say anything further, I licked her pussy from base to clit.

"Ohhh..." Dawn moaned, and her fingers tangled in my hair as she held me to her. I chuckled. Clearly, this was one of those things she was ready for. So I took another lick. And then another. And by the time I wrapped my lips around her little love button, the young blonde teen was bucking her hips against my face and urging me on.

"Oh, Ben! Oh, so good!"

No instructions from her were necessary. I'd learned quite a bit from Keira and from practicing on Megan.

"Oh, Ben! I love this! Eat me! Eat me! I can't get enough!"

After jabbing my tongue inside her a few times, I moved my oral attention a little further up and added two fingers to the mix.

"Oh, I love being eaten, Ben! I love it! I love it!"

From the way she couldn't keep her hips still, I could certainly believe it. And unlike Megan's initial reactions, where she was thrilled by my oral attention and simultaneously frightened by the unexpected sensations, Dawn was certainly no stranger to being eaten. I guessed she'd gotten Mark to go down on her before he got her to do the same.

So now that I was sure Dawn wasn't a pussy-eaten virgin, I threw all my remaining hesitation to the wind. This wasn't about introduction or learning anymore, it was just about fun and pleasure. And those were two things I wanted to ensure Dawn received in abundance.

"Ben! Ben! Yes! Yes!" she screamed.

Her first orgasm was quick and dirty. Her second lasted a good bit longer. And when her third hit, her thighs clamped down around my head so tightly that I thought I was going to suffocate.

Only after that third one did I finally wear out, and I dragged myself out of Dawn's crotch and flopped onto my back beside her, gasping for oxygen and marveling at how soaked my entire face was.

Rolling on a sea of bliss, Dawn tilted her head and upon seeing the expression on my face, she immediately started laughing. Her laughter was infectious, and a few seconds later I was laughing right along with her, both of us riding the euphoria while panting for air.

"Ohhh, wow, you really know how to work those orgasms, Dawn. Mark must be pretty good."

Still giggling, Dawn looked at me like I was crazy. "Mark's never done that to me," she laughed.

I arched an eyebrow while I was still chuckling. "But you were moaning about how you loved getting eaten." I snorted and added sarcastically, "That wasn't your first time, was it?"

Dawn's eyes flew open wide and then she stammered, "Oh, well, yeah, I guess it was..." She was obviously lying.

I fixed her with a look that shut her up cold. "Dawn..." I warned. "You can't lie to me without me knowing it."

Dawn then blushed a deep crimson, and she looked away from me. All the joy left her face and very quickly, she went from rosy pink to ghostly white.

"Dawn?" I asked with concern this time. My best friend actually looked scared and whatever was going on, I wanted to stop it. "Hey, hey. If something's bothering you, we can talk about it. You can trust me."

With her lower lip trembling, Dawn looked at me with real nervousness and she managed to say quietly, "Okay fine. Mark's never eaten me out. But that wasn't my first time."

"Your first boyfriend?"


"Then who?"

Dawn sighed and averted her gaze. "Promise you won't hate me?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"How could I ever hate you? I love you, Dawn, remember?" I reached out and stroked her arm gently.

Dawn took a deep breath and steeled herself for the rejection she knew was coming. "It was ... it was another girl."

I perked up hearing that. "Really?" I started grinning at the thought of Dawn, fully naked with another girl's head between her legs. "Very cool. Who was it?"

"Ben!" Dawn barked and glared at me. "I can't tell you that! No names, no identification of our ... secret ... lovers, remember?"

"Fine, fine," I nodded and held up my hand in apology. "But ... are you still doing it with her?"


"Even though you've got a boyfriend?"

"Yeah. She makes me feel really good. But I wasn't ready to do that yet with Mark."

"Hmm," I shrugged. "I can relate."

Now it was Dawn's turn to arch an eyebrow at me. As usual, she could read me just as well as I could read her, and probably even better. Her intuition served her well as she queried, "Are you still seeing your older woman even though you've got a girlfriend?"

"Yeah," I replied honestly. "I mean, she doesn't really count. With K-," I paused to make sure I didn't blurt out her name. "There's no chance at a relationship. She's older, she's experienced, and I'm just a kid. She's not a threat to my girlfriend. So with her, it's just experimenting. I'm just learning and having some fun, pretty much like you and me."

"And your girlfriend is okay with this?"

I blushed. "Uh, well, my girlfriend doesn't really know. I don't want to scare her. I mean, she's already worried that she's not experienced enough to keep me or something. She's figured out that I'm not a virgin, and she was afraid that she'd lose me if she didn't put out or didn't have sex with me well enough."

"I get that..." Dawn nodded. "But not because I think Mark has some exotically alluring older woman," she grinned. "I guess not all men are as lucky as you."

"We nice guys don't date girls just for sex. We actually like hanging out with you. My girlfriend is really smart and she was one of my best friends."

Dawn sighed then. "But you're still having sex with the older woman. Isn't that cheating? Dating one girl while you're having sex with someone else?"

I shrugged. "Do you feel like you're cheating on Mark with me?"

"No!" Dawn immediately exclaimed. "We're different. Ben, you're my best friend. We've ... we've always kinda ... learned ... with each other," Dawn said nervously. "Besides, I'm learning this with you so that I can be better for HIM!"

I nodded and then asked, "Dawn, are you going to try and steal me away from my girlfriend? You know, after we leave the camp? Demand that I go on dates with you and leave my girlfriend?"

"No! Of course not."

"And I'm not going to get between you and Mark. And my lady friend isn't going to get between me and Megan. So what's the big deal?"

Dawn smiled, resolving her internal issues and deciding that she was alright with the situation. "Okay. That makes sense."

"Good. So we're friends who experiment and learn about sex with each other, the way we've always been since you first asked me to show you my wiener when we were in kindergarten." I grinned. "Now where were we?"

Dawn sighed and lay her head back down. "I was blissfully thinking about how well you just ate me out."

"Oh yeah. And I was daydreaming about you and another girl." I'd gone limp while eating out Dawn and during the following discussion. But now I felt the fresh stirring in my loins. "Wow ... I'd love to see that in person sometime."

"Maybe you will..." Dawn giggled cryptically.

That brought me up short. Turning over, I fixed Dawn with an inquisitive stare and asked, "How? All your friends are in the Bay Area."

Dawn clapped her hands over her mouth, as if she'd already said too much. Her eyes canted and she whined, "Ben, please?"

"Fine, fine," I held my hands up to show I was stopping, even though my brain was racing through the catalog of female friends we had at the camp. Dawn had some close friends, but I couldn't figure out which one of them she might be fooling around with. Maybe the cute redhead in the Golden Gate Bridge photo she'd sent me? Or the blonde who looked like Dawn's twin in front of a rollercoaster at Great America?

I sighed and pushed the speculation from my mind. "No pressure. I'll change the subject."

"No, I'll change the subject," Dawn laughed. "We've got just enough time for me to give you another blowjob."

Her second attempt was even better than the first.

"What have YOU two been up to all morning?" Dayna Evans asked when Dawn and I arrived for lunch and hopped onto the bench seats at the long table. Big sisters Dayna and Brandi were seated side-by-side directly across from us, and I glanced next to me to see Dawn blushing a bright pink.

"Aww ... aren't you two so cute together?" Dayna teased. "Why I could- Oww!"

Dayna was cut off short and glared at Brandi, who had apparently pinched her. But Brandi was already tucking her black hair with blonde streaks behind her ears while turning up her almond eyes somewhere behind me.

Dayna herself saw the same thing and immediately shrugged her shoulders to loosen them up and then half-bent over, exposing a bit more of her expansive cleavage spilling over the top of her low-cut shirt.

Ten seconds later, Brandi smiled and said a friendly, "Hey Greg."

Dayna chimed in, "Hey Greg!"

I didn't need to turn around. Greg Kinomoto was a tall, well-tanned hunk of a young man who made every girl around camp swoon every single year. His family moved to the mainland from Hawaii and he was an exotic mix of white, Japanese, and a hodgepodge of other ethnicities. In any case, the genetic stew had produced a man so gorgeous it was actually a little sickening.

He was also three years older than Brandi and Dayna, but I guess since they'd turned 18 they figured they had a shot at landing him. But Greg just offered a friendly, "Hello" in response and then continued on his way.

Dayna visibly deflated and my eyes were momentarily drawn the exposed flesh of her big tits. Brandi just sighed and followed Greg with her eyes. I supposed he could do worse. My sister, while not as curvaceous as her best friend, had her own exotically beautiful quality with large, expressive eyes and silky, long hair. The longer you looked at her, the prettier she got. If only she could get Greg to look at her for a bit longer.

Midway through lunch, I asked if anyone had plans on what to do for the afternoon. The elder sisters wanted to sun themselves now that it was their first chance to really be seen during the prime hours by the lake. But then Alex Regan, a 19-year-old boy with a crush on Dayna, came by to invite us all to play volleyball with them that afternoon. I readily agreed and had a smile on my face for a real chance to show off my new height, and Dawn was happy to come. At first, the girls demurred until Alex started listing the other people he'd already gotten to join, one of whom was Greg Kinomoto. And all of a sudden the elder sisters couldn't wait to join as well.

Of course, all four of us playing volleyball made Brooke and DJ suddenly want to play volleyball as well, but then all four of us "big" kids told them they were too young and too short. So after lunch, the 14-year-olds huffed away to find their own entertainment.

We returned to the cabin to change into swimsuits and my jaw dropped when Dayna came bouncing down the steps in an even skimpier bikini than the one she'd worn the evening before. Her big tits were straining at the fabric, her erect nipples making obvious dents. If I looked at her just right, I could clearly tell what her boobs would look like naked.

Dawn had to reach out and close my mouth with an outstretched finger while whispering, "Down boy."

Dayna pretended not to notice, but she put an extra jiggle into her chest just for me.

Once we got to the lake, Dayna and Brandi quickly laid out their towels and lay down to catch some rays. I did a little more ogling, of both girls really, when they undid the strings of their tops while lying face down, so there wouldn't be a tan line.

Dawn, on the other hand, was a bit more of a tomboy than girly-girl, probably because she was always hanging around with me. So we hooked up with some other teenagers around our age and took repeated trips on the waterslide and rope swing, splashing around the lake and generally having a good time.

However, Dawn's girl-side came out after a little while and she went to go join our older sisters sunbathing. I kept hanging out with our 15 and 16-year-old friends, getting into waterfights and generally expending all my excess youthful energy.

I did glance over every now and again to check on them, and with some alarm I noticed that the three of them were talking animatedly, with Dawn making expressive hand gestures that looked a little too sexual for me to be comfortable with. Was she telling them what we'd been doing that morning? I knew that Dawn would confide in her big sister Dayna. But I wasn't so sure I wanted my big sister to know what I was sexually up to.

When I finally returned to the girls, all three of them were on their backs, their bikini tops draped over their breasts in token respect to modesty. I'd had some thoughts to grill Dawn about what she'd been telling our sisters, but then I happened to find a nice vantage point from twenty feet behind them, staring down into all three girls' upthrust cleavage, and all my worries melted away.

Then the volleyball game got started up and all four of us went over to join. I was still a little uncoordinated, but at least I now had the height to properly spike the ball. The only problem was that even beyond my three girls, there were also four beautiful young women between the ages of 18 and 21 around me. Said young women jumping up and down while wearing bikinis was rather distracting. And as comfortable as I was talking to most girls, I got absolutely tongue-tied for the first two games.

You see, resident nice guys don't have to start conversations because the girls come to them to ask about boys. I was used to chatting with girls my own age who had no interest in me as a man. I was used to friends like Megan and Cassidy and Dawn.

I was NOT used to beautiful, bikini-clad, slightly-older women flirting with me. I spent most of the first two games blushing and making myself look like an absolute dork. They quickly lost interest in me after that, an outcome that Dawn seemed mysteriously pleased with.

In any case, once the older girls stopped flirting and I became accustomed to seeing the bouncing cleavage, my hard-on went away and I started to play better.

Besides, as promised, Greg Kinomoto came to join in time for the third game, which set all the girls atwitter and took any focus off of me. But five minutes later, Felicia Clarkson, the 20-year-old widely accepted "babe" of the last couple years at camp joined as well. She and Greg immediately began paying a lot of attention to each other, which put a damper on the elder girls' moods.

Later, we all returned to the cabins to clean up before dinner. Dawn squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek before she went with Dayna to their family's cabin. Brandi took advantage of my distraction to dart inside our cabin and declare dibs on the shower.

Then, while I was catching up on the reading I couldn't do in the van on the drive up, Brooke sneaked into the cabin and swiped the shower just after Brandi finished. I banged on the door and bitched her out until mom told me to cool it. So I steamed and had to wait even longer for my turn.

Somehow, I still beat Dawn in exiting the cabins. I supposed the Evans girls were just taking really long showers. And five minutes after me, Dawn came out with freshly washed hair and we chatted for the little while we had left before dinner.

After dinner was more vacation hanging out. Some of the families started a marshmallow roast. I spent half the time trying not to fireball mine while Dawn patiently churned out perfect s'more after perfect s'more. My parents even asked me to help the twins with theirs, but after flaming two of them Dawn took over and both Eden and Emma happily accepted the golden-browned confections while teasing me that my girlfriend was the better cook. And the whole while, I actually TALKED to my parents and siblings. I mean, when we were at home, we talked, but there was always work or school or something else to worry about the next day. Here, at camp, we had nothing to worry about and nothing to do but bond with our family members.

The end of the night found Dawn and I laying out on a big rock by the lake, one that most people used as an eight-foot diving platform. But this night we were both fully dressed and staring into the sky, Dawn lying perpendicular to me with her head resting on my belly.

We mapped out constellations and stargazed for a while, the crystal clear sky a wonderful change of pace after the smog of Southern California. We observed the celestial bodies and then I made a crack about Dawn's celestial body, to which she giggled agreeably. And then to finish off the night, we kissed and we kissed and we kissed until our lips were sore. And then we said our goodnights.

Thus ended a typical day at camp.

The rest of the week followed the same pattern. In the mornings, Dawn and I would hike out, usually to our "spot" but not always. There, we'd get naked and explore the wonders of our bodies with each other. I experimented and learned all of Dawn's erogenous zones and brought her to repeated climaxes. She seemed to have especially intense orgasms after I ran my fingers over her anus, but it frightened her and she ordered me never to try putting a finger or anything else inside it. She also started to get proficient at blowing me and she was very insistent about learning how to swallow my spending without choking or coughing.

In the afternoons, we'd meet up with friends and siblings; sometimes hanging out around the camp and sometimes hiking out to the river areas or up into the mountains. Twice we even brought along the twins and some of their little 10- year-old friends, taking them on short trips to introduce them to the usual trails.

Evenings were marshmallow roasting, stargazing, or just plain chatting. Brooke and DJ started to tag along with Dawn and me, the younger girls asking us all sorts of questions about the stars, the trees, and the various animals that were probably out in the woods. I tried to scare them a couple of times with stories about animals and psycho killers dragging little girls away, but both jaded 14- year-olds just laughed me off.

I was happy. It was a vacation, and I rather enjoyed my life. Sure, I missed talking with Megan and I missed my special times with Keira. After all, the previous two weeks of summer had pretty much been non-stop blowjobs and sex.

But here, away from school, homework, contracting jobs, or anything else, I was totally relaxed. I was getting off multiple times a day with a beautiful girl who I loved almost like a family member (and in an important way, very much NOT like a family member). My afternoons were spent playing around without a care in the world. And my evenings were spent re-connecting with my family and with the Evanses. Brandi was less condescending. Brooke was less annoying. And the twins were as sweet as ever, innocently taking turns sitting in big brother's lap.

There was only one thing I really missed: actual penetrating sex. But that was about to change.


"Ohhh ... just like that, Dawn ... mmm ... Damn! You're getting GOOD! ... Ohhh ... oh, Dawn ... Dawn! You're gonna make me cum! I'm gonna cum! Get ready! ... OHHH!!!"

I held Dawn's head in my hands while I bucked my hips against her mouth. She was immediately swallowing while I jetted several wads of spunk down her throat, and her blue eyes were rolled up to watch the contortions in my face as I felt that blissful release.

But the instant I was done sperming her mouth, I rolled Dawn's naked body onto her back and started kissing her before lowering myself down and latching myself onto her upright breasts. They were so firm, if I didn't know any better I might have thought they were fake based on my "research". Ah, the wonders of a not- yet-16-year-old body. Soon, Dawn was moaning as much as I'd been groaning a minute earlier while I suckled her tits and sawed two fingers in and out of her pussy.

Five minutes later, I brought her to a small climax with my fingers, and then Dawn kissed me and asked softly, "Please, Ben?"

I nodded readily and then moved down to stick my head between her legs. And then I spent the next ten minutes lavishing her with three more orgasms, each one more powerful than the last. In the end, the beautiful young blonde was as limp as a de-boned fish, breathing shallowly and grinning goofily.

Dawn was still panting and staring off into the sky when she sighed in a soft voice, "Ben?"

"Yeah?" I was wiping my face off with my own hands and then drying my hands on the towel we were lying on.

"Tomorrow, for my birthday," Dawn took a deep breath. "I want you to take my virginity."

My eyes popped open and I quickly rotated my head to hers with a stunned expression on my face. It took another thirty seconds, but eventually Dawn turned her face to mine with a big smile.

"Mom already knows. She's given me permission." Dawn smiled. "And we don't need to worry about condoms or anything. After seeing that kiss you gave me last year, Mom put me on the pill the day we got home. I think she's surprised I waited this long."

"Are you sure, Dawn?"

"More than anything."

"But what about Mark?"

She shrugged. "He's just a guy. I mean, I like him as a boyfriend, but I don't love him. So it's not like I really want to give him something special like that. But I DO love you, Ben. It's just right. And I don't want to be all scared and nervous my first time. I trust you. I'm not nervous with you. So when the time comes for me and Mark, I'll be ready. I'll know what to do."

"So you'll have sex with him when you get back?"

Dawn shrugged. "As long as I like it. And based on everything else you've done to me and everything Dayna talks about, I'm pretty sure I'll like it." She grinned. "Mark won't even know the difference. I already told him I accidentally broke my hymen last year. Besides, we've got three weeks to go. Except for my period, that gives you lots of time to teach me, and then I can teach him."

I blinked, suddenly feeling some pressure on my chest. "Wow. Uh, okay ... I guess I've got some planning to do."

"You don't have to go out of your way to make things romantic, Ben. I want this. I want you. We're friends. And having you is all the romance I really need."

Despite having cum recently, I found my dick was rock hard again at the prospect of having full intercourse with my beautiful friend. I glanced down at it and then asked in a shyly hopeful voice, "Do we have to wait until tomorrow?"

Dawn laughed and then bent her head over my new erection, taking me into her hand. "Yes. We're waiting for my birthday. But don't worry. I think I'm getting pretty good at getting you off with my mouth."

Dinner was a strange affair. Every time I looked at Dawn, I started fantasizing about how she would look lying beneath me, skewered on my prick. She seemed to be thinking the same thing, and we both kept getting funny smiles whenever our eyes met.

But to my surprise, Dayna was also eyeballing me rather obviously. Greg Kinomoto even passed the table once and Dayna still seemed to be evaluating me like a piece of meat. I got the distinct impression she knew exactly what Dawn and I would be up to the following morning.

And then when I got up to play dutiful son and bus the tables, I was intercepted on my way back by Deanna Evans, Dawn's mom. "Ben, can we stop by the bathrooms for a moment?"

Suddenly nervous, I gulped and nodded. Dawn had claimed her mom had already approved of what we were going to do, but it was possible she'd been lying about that and I suddenly felt like I'd gotten my hand caught in the cookie jar.

But once we were out of earshot, Mrs. Evans said the last thing I was expecting to hear. "Ben, our cabin will be empty tomorrow morning. No one will disturb you until lunchtime."

I blinked twice before the ramifications of her words began to sink in. "Uh, thanks..." I managed to mumble.

She smiled warmly and raised her hand up to my shoulder. "Be gentle with her, okay? Make it good for her."

Of course! "I will," I said seriously.

"And if you think she's not ready, don't pressure her, okay?"

Obviously. This was DAWN. "Absolutely. You can trust me, Mrs. Evans."

"I know I can," Dawn's mother sighed. "That's why Dawn has been telling me what you two have been doing every step of the way. I only wish there was someone like you when Dayna was her age. Would have saved me a lot of worry. I STILL don't know when that girl lost her virginity."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Mrs. Evans seemed to realize she'd said too much and she smiled at me with a trace of embarrassment. "Well, run along back to the table."

"Yes, ma'am."

Dawn shot me a look that asked 'What-was-that-all-about?'

I just shrugged, mentally distracted. I had some planning to do.

SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2000

"Mom, what happened to those candles you kept by the bathtub?"

"They're in one of the drawers, why?"

"Oh, nothing..."

I was a decent liar. I could keep a straight face around my friends, no problem. I could tell my female friends they looked fine when they asked if their jeans made them look fat. I could utter a 'no comment' with a completely straight face.

But not around my mom.

"Ben..." She warned. I realized I had the exact same tone when I'd called Dawn on her lie a week ago.

I sighed. "It's for Dawn, okay? I just wanted to do something a little extra special. It's her birthday and all."

"Oh that's right!" Mom snapped her fingers in realization. "Deanna told me last week that Dawn was going to do this."

I blinked twice. "Last week?" I croaked. Did my mom know what was going on? Did my mom know I was going to take Dawn's virginity before I did?

"Yeah," Mom confirmed. "Oh, don't worry about those candles, Ben. I've got better ones in my suitcase. And you'll need a lighter. Oh, and have you thought about a CD?"

"Mooommmmm!" I whined. The last thing I needed was my own mother helping me plan a seduction. Despite the fact that there was no one else around us, I was seriously embarrassed.

"You just want to set the right mood, Ben. You've got to think and plan."

"I know that." But I hadn't known. I'd only gotten as far as the candles. How much forethought do you really expect from a barely 16-year-old?

"Look, just let me help you out," Mom reasoned. "Go take a fresh shower and I'll put everything together. And when you all go down for breakfast, I'll go and set it all up. Deanna said their cabin would be empty, right?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. Instead of being upset by the knowledge that their children were becoming sexually active, the moms seemed happy to be included in the planning. And with both mothers and Dawn's older sister already aware and involved in Dawn's deflowering, I was beginning to feel like I was being used for my dick. Like I was just a minor part of the whole ceremony. I sighed. "Fine, Mom."

"Ben, are you nervous?"

I blinked twice. "No, why?"

"Because you're squeezing my hand awfully hard."

"Oh, sorry!" I immediately relaxed my grip, and Dawn beamed at me.

"I thought you've done this a few times before," she teased.

"I have! I have! It's just..." I sighed and looked adoringly at my pretty friend. "I just want to make sure you're happy."

"I'm happy I'm doing this with you." Dawn stopped us and laid a fat kiss on my lips. "Just relax. I'm relaxed. Shouldn't I be the one who's nervous?"

"From what I hear, you've had months to get used to the idea." I said nervously. "I just got blindsided yesterday."

"Well, I'm sure we'll do just fine. It's us, Ben. How can it not be wonderful?" And with that, we arrived and Dawn stopped just outside her cabin to hug me and take a deep breath at my neck.

"Mmm ... you smell good," she said. "Did you take an extra shower this morning?"

"Uh, yeah. Just trying to make every little detail right," I stammered nervously.

"That's sweet," she said, in a voice that was even sweeter.

I held up one hand. "OK, now just wait here a minute. I have to run inside and get everything set up."

Dawn canted her head. "Set up? I told you I didn't need anything romantic."

"Well, just trust me, okay?"


I hurried inside to find my mom had set things up just as she'd told me. The candles were in place around the bedroom, the lighter on the table and the CD- boombox ready to go. I darted around lighting up the candles and adjusting the blinds, and then I started up the CD.

I'd half-expected some archaic jazz or something equally ... OLD ... from my mom. But some nice soft-pop started coming through the speakers and then I saw the CD jewel case beside the boombox, with "Dayna's Romance Mix IV" on the label.

I grinned and then finally went to retrieve Dawn. She cocked her ears as she entered in through the front door and realized I had some music going, and then she gasped as she saw the candles while we entered into the girls' bunkroom. Dayna's and DJ's bunks were a mess but Dawn's was neatly made with fresh sheets. And before Dawn could completely focus in and start critiquing the room or burbling how it wasn't necessary, I took her into my arms and kissed her fiercely.

Somehow, while our lips were locked together, we managed to shuffle over to the bed and we stopped when Dawn's calves hit the bedframe. She paused to breathe, "Oh, Ben..." and then were kissing again as I gently lowered her onto her back.

I don't think our lips broke apart for the next ten minutes, save for the two brief separations necessary for the removal of our shirts. It wasn't as easy as you might think. While Dawn and I spent a lot of time naked around each other, we usually stripped ourselves for efficiency and not seduction. I had to call on every memory I had with Keira and Megan to remember just how to pull off a girl's clothing without making it awkward.

But soon enough, we were both fully naked. And my bare cock was pressed between our bellies while my balls were draped directly over the top of her pussy. Our skin was heating up and we both luxuriated in the feel of each other's bodies in such an intimate position. We were almost there.

But I REALLY wanted to make this right. I'd put tremendous pressure on myself to make this a wonderful experience for Dawn, and already I was formulating my oral strategy for getting her primed for the big event. So while soft piano notes and a sweet girl's voice crooned about love in the background, I began kissing my way down the now 16-year-old beauty's body.

I played Dawn like a fine-tuned instrument. My week's experimentation had identified her best spots for fondling and her likes and dislikes. So after a few minutes of caressing and suckling and rubbing, I finally got my face down to Dawn's juncture and I took a lick of her extremely soaked pussy.

Instantly, Dawn tensed up as she felt that first lick. She shook her head and started trying to grab my hair. "No Ben. I can't wait any longer. Get up here and FUCK me!"

What I should have said was, "Patience. It will be worth it." Keira had taught me that when a woman is begging to be fucked, you can usually wait for two more pleas before you actually have to go up and fuck her. Drawing it out and building up her anticipation would always result in an orgasm that was well worth the delay.

But Dawn was smoking hot. My 16-year-old mind was already sinking beneath the control of my lust. And my hormones were in overdrive. So when this pretty girl ordered me to fuck her, I simply moved up her body, spread her legs to the side, and then nudged my cockhead into her folds.

"Yes, Ben! YES!" Dawn moaned as I began to stretch her entrance. And then she exhaled loudly and groaned ecstatically as I started sinking into her slowly.

I didn't want to go slowly. I wanted to FUCK! In hindsight, I probably should have jerked myself off or something earlier just to get it out of the way and give myself a little more patience. But I hadn't, and so once I felt the first inch get firmly rooted in the right place, I slammed forward with all the force I had in my hips.

DAMN! Dawn was TIGHT! So even with my toes scrabbling against the mattress and me focusing all my weight through my crotch, I could only manage a steady push that took a full two minutes before I was fully lodged inside Dawn's once virginal pussy.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." Dawn panted. Her chest was heaving up and down, pushing her tits into me while she weakly held my arms. I think she'd been holding her breath for the entire time I was entering her, and for a minute it felt like all energy had left her body.

"So full..." she sighed.

My tenderness returned now that I was balls deep inside a beautiful girl, my lust sated for the moment. I turned my head and kissed her neck, cheek, and ears before turning her head to mine and giving my new lover a passionate kiss on the lips. She moaned into my mouth, and something instinctive triggered inside of me, because without forethought I MOVED.

Pushing a little harder, I pressed Dawn into the mattress a half-inch before pulling back a few inches and carving my cock in a big counter-clockwise motion, stretching her out a bit. The pretty blonde teen gasped in surprise at the sensations, her eyes glittering while she smiled at me. "Oh, I love this, Ben. I love this! It feels GOOD. Oh, Ben. I love it..."

I grinned happily. And then she locked her gaze onto my eyes and in a husky voice, growled, "Fuck me, Ben."

I did.

We had sex three times in the next hour and a half; the interludes filled with cuddling and whispered giggling from both of us. I managed to hold out the first time just long enough for Dawn to have her first coital orgasm, crying "Yes! Yes! Yes!" just as I began to fill her with her very first scalding bath of hot cum.

I held out much longer the second time while teaching Dawn to ride me. She bucked and heaved her way to three orgasms before I nutted into her again.

And then the third time was a virtual marathon. We started off doggy. But while I absolutely LOVED the position with Keira while staring at her jiggly ass being split by my pole, I found it emotionally lacking with Dawn. I couldn't look my erstwhile best friend in her eyes. I couldn't feel that warm bond of love and affection. And Dawn sensed the disconnect as well, softly asking to change positions after only a few minutes.

For the next ten minutes, we were truly making love. My thrusts were slow and full. Her hips rolled to meet me, but we never came together with heavy force nor meaty thumps. We simply stroked together. I think I actually spent more time focused on kissing her than I was on pumping my cock.

By the end, we were soaking wet with sweat, bangs plastered to foreheads and rivers drizzling down our backs. Despite our youthful energy, both our bodies were tiring. But Dawn still had that sparkle in her crystal clear blue eyes. I still had fiery passion in my kiss. And in the end, when our impending orgasms finally sped us up into frantic thrusts and lunges, Dawn clutched me to her and wailed, "I LOVE YOU, BEN!"

"I LOVE YOU, TOO!" I bellowed and then turned to kiss her a final time. And a second after our tongues touched, we climaxed together.

Dawn's body locked up and arched so suddenly that she nearly threw me off. I was already blasting the first shot deep into her pussy, and after she dislodged me back a few inches, I rammed forward just in time for the second shot to follow after the first. Dawn hummed through her nose and into my mouth, but she never broke our kiss. And our bodies thrashed against each other while we rode the cresting waves of orgasm higher and higher until the bliss carried our minds far away.

And as we cooled down and Dawn clutched my head against her neck, she said again, "I love you."

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