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11. Magic Car

The next day after celebration, Ben train in the cave again with Bella. Wendy is still absent, because she still want to play with Carla. Then after the training, Ben rerurn to the village and get a surprise.

"A car?"-Ben is dumbfounded

What Ben see in the village is a strange green four wheeler. It looks like a car, but the front seat is open, while the back seat is covered. The design make it looks like a carriage without horses rather than a car.

(a.n: Like the one that Erza drove)

"This is a Magic Four Wheel Vehicle, a type of transportation for Mages. It use mage's magic power as fuel to run."-Roubaul

"Where did you get this?"-Ben

"I told you my friends will help us. Did you want to try it?"-Roubaul

Ben nod and get on the driver's seat. Roubaul explain the mechanism and Ben listen carefully. He is not that impressed by the energy source though. If a mage need to use their MP for fuel, then wouldn't they run out of MP for battle?

'Hmm, maybe i will try to learn this thing's mechanism and modified it. Maybe i'll even be able to make a new one with real fuel instead of mage's MP. Hmm, can i use lacrima crystal? It has ethernano in it right?'-Ben

Ben know a lot about automotif, it's his hobby on Earth. Well, actually his dad was a car mechanic, and he was teached about cars since childhood. They have a small car workshop and his brother succeed it after their dad retired.

Ben adapted to the magic car fast and take Wendy, Bella & Carla for a ride. They try it for a few minutes before returning to the village. Ben is exhausted from his training after all, so he can't drive for too long with his low MP.

(a.n: Wendy doesn't have motion sickness before FT's disbandment. Motion sickness on Dragon Slayer also happen when they become 'advanced' level. They also won't suffer motion sickness if they perceive the vehicle as ally rather than just a transportation. So, you guess it, Ben will never suffer motion sickness because he like automotif. Source: Fairy Tail Wiki)

'This thing use too much MP for such a short ride. I really need to learn and modify it. Who knows that i can do my hobby again in this world? This will be fun.'-Ben grin

Ben like automotif, but he will only do it in his free time. He know his training is important, so he can't neglect it for this project. Beside, he have someone and something that can help him learn the vehicle faster.

'A.I Chip, can you help me to learn the mechanism faster?'-Ben

[I can, but you need to flow your magic power all over the car so i can scan all the details and make the blueprint with all the parts' details.]

'Hmm, that will need some MP, let's do it tomorrow.'-Ben

Ben decide to scan the car at the next day. He scan the car after his hunt, so he would still have MP for hunting. He doesn't know how much MP that he'll need for scanning, so he need to prepare for it.

'Let's start!'-Ben flow his MP on the vehicle

[Scanning started!]

Ben keep flowing his MP on the car for 5 minutes before it finished.

[Scan complete! Constructing blueprint..... Complete! Transferring Blueprint copy to brain!]

Ben receive the blueprint from A.I Chip, and he realize the biggest problem.

'It use MP to spin the wheel directly using spells attached to some lacrimas. There's no gear at all to reduce the needed energy. A.I Chip, can you make any possible upgrade for the machine using all my knowledge?'-Ben

[Yes, process will take a few hours for all possible upgrades.]

'Okay, let's train while the process run.'-Ben

Ben have found out more features & usage of his A.I Chip. It is more like his 2nd brain with computer ability, so he can really multi tasking with it. A.I Chip have all his memory and knowledge, so it can think like him and understand him. The only difference will be A.I Chip's fast computation that his brain can't catch up.

'Hmm, i need to ask Gramps too about how to absorb energy from lacrima.'-Ben

Ben immediately go to meet Roubaul and ask about it. Luckily Roubaul know how to do it, and Ben note all of it with his A.I Chip. There are some methods that Roubaul tell him, and Ben put all that methods into equation on his upgrade plan.

Ben leave the process to A.I Chip and go to train. It will take some hours for A.I Chip to finish because of all the data. The process only finish the next morning before Ben go to train in the cave with Bella.

Ben leave it and focus on his training today. After he return to the village, Ben finally look at all the possible upgrade. He look at all the models and it takes 4 hours before he finally get 3 best models.

'I will make these 3 machine prototypes on Sunday after i buy the milk.'-Ben


Ben go to buy the milk with the girls in the village. Roubaul have gave them some money to buy the milk as much as they can. They do just like what Roubaul ask, and get their car filled with milk completely.

"How will we return? There's nowhere to sit."-Wendy

"Just sit on my lap, and the cats will sit on your lap."-Ben

"Ooh, as i thought of Ben nii-san, so smart."-Wendy praise Ben

"Of course."-Ben get smug

Ben then sit on the driver's seat and Wendy sit on his lap. Then Ben strap the seat belt over both of them for safety. For the cats, Wendy will just hold them, as they're light, and they can fly, so they won't fall.

After returning to the village, they store the milk in the cold storage room. Then Ben immediately start his project to make the machine prototype. He use wood rather than metal because it's just a prototype to test his concept.

Roubaul who get interested in Ben's project decide to help. With the old man's help, the work become faster. They finish all 3 machine prototypes at night. It's a lot faster than what Ben predicted to be finished in a week. Roubaul is really a master on magic item crafting.

They immediately try the 3 prototypes and they all works. Roubaul & Ben get very excited now because these 3 models can be used. They run the 3 for an hour and note their result.

"Hmm, they all are good machines, a lot better than the original. But they all have different machine characteristic."-Roubaul

"Of course, they're built different."-Ben

Ben's concept for his machine are based on 3 different car machine.

1. The first machine is based on petrol fueled machine, the classic type. It useweak explosion spell to push the pistons, so it create petrol fueled car's sound.

2. Second machine is based on electric car, so it didn't have any sound.

3. The third car is the pure upgrade of the original magic car. Ben use gears to reduce the energy needed to spin the wheel, so it can run longer with the same amount of energy.

'As i thought classic car's sound is always good. Electric car is good for environment, but this car use magic, so it won't really affect the environment. I guess i'll use the 1st model.'-Ben

"I never thought that you'll be able to create these 3 new concepts in a short time, and they all work. You even modified the magic absorption spell from the lacrima to be a lot better. Maybe you should stop being a dragon slayer mage and become a magic item craftsman instead."-Roubaul

"No way, i like vehicles, but i don't plan to focus on it."-Ben

"Well, that's up to you. So, which one that you'll use?"-Roubaul

"The 1st one, but i also want to make the other 2. It's just that i don't have money to build it. Maybe i will have it if you allow me to have job outside."-Ben try to persuade Roubaul

"No, you can only do it after Wendy turn 7 y.o like what we've decided. So it will be next year when you're 12."-Roubaul

"Come on, Gramps, i want to see the world too."-Ben

"No, if you go to see the world, then you need to take Wendy with you, so she need to be 7 at least. Did you want to leave her here without knowing the world while you know it?"-Roubaul

"Sigh, fine. I'll just train to be very strong so i can protect her there."-Ben

"Good, that's what you should do as her big brother figure. And as for money, how if i show these to my friends? They'll surely find a way to turn these into money."-Roubaul

"You want to sell the concept?"-Ben

"Yeah, we will patent them under your name, so you can keep getting money from the royalty fee."-Roubaul

"Ooh, that's a good idea. Then i'll leave it to you."-Ben

"Alright, just focus on your training."-Roubaul

Then with that, Ben finally have his machine, so he will be able to build his own car. Now he just need to wait for the money from the concept selling and buy the materials.

"Hehe, this will be fun."-Ben


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read some chapters ahead. It will help me to buy internet data too.

I've upload Chapter 26 there today.

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