"What did that woman say?" After speaking with the woman known as "Sekhmet", Nol looked at me questioningly.
'We made a kind of beneficial exchange,' I just said.
The relationship of Nol and her "mother" was good at first, there was no resentment and it could even be said that they were very close, but things changed when the first dispute between the elves and the dark elves occurred.
Nol asked her mother why she allowed this, her mother ignored her and did nothing to stop this kind of war, after that moment everything was one disappointment after another, death after death, year after year .
Love turned into respect, respect disappeared when the Sacred Tree lost its power, it would slowly become just a ghost in time, all of this was collected in [Library of heaven's path].
With a slight whisper of dissatisfaction Nol nodded, I was surprised at this, I was expecting a more exaggerated reaction.
I started to tell her about my plans to take this world with me.
"You can keep that cane... that woman may be the biggest scum you'll ever meet, but if she can help you... just don't get attached to her and don't let her fool you, okay? Stop looking at me like that before I regret!", although this staff accompanied Nol since birth, she did not seem to have any attachment.
I could only hear Sekhmet's sobs in my head.
Ignoring the depressed Sekhmet, I set out to completely break Nol's curse.
Her changes truly surprise me, I found myself smiling pleasantly, looking at Nol who was meditating.
The Vanir's Blod finally woke up, her curse was broken and it seemed that I had freed myself from a great weight.
<Curse Broken: 100%>
<Your lineage [Scholar] is satisfied, small changes will happen>
I left the room at my own pace, Nol would be at least a couple of hours and any distraction was not allowed.
The half-closed door surprised me but I didn't think much about it.
Walking down the hall I ran into Silvie, dazed between her thoughts. Shit... I forgot about Silvie.
My concerns were put to rest after a quick inspection.
'Are you okay, Sylvie? Did you see a ghost?', I brushed a strand of her hair away from her eye. Her hair grew longer, and her demeanor improved a lot.
Silvie shook her head and smiled at me.
"I'm just bored", Silvie answered sheepishly, ignoring my gaze in the most subtle way possible.
Somehow I felt like I did something wrong.
Me and a shy Silvie left home, Evelyn, Firis and Lucie went to visit Firis's clan a few hours ago, we left a notice since it would take a few hours to return.
It was noon, the weather didn't change no matter what time it was, it always seemed to be in perfect conditions and I liked that.
"Father, where are we going?"
'We will go to an interesting place'
"B-but why are we flying?"
'Minor details, hold on tight to the cane'
[Bastard! Using me for those things, really...]
Ignoring the angry Sekhmet, since I'm using her as a means of transportation it was logical that she would be angry, it wasn't the same as the famous flying brooms but it didn't matter; We quickly reached the Sacred Tree... well, at least what was left of it.
In the middle of the town, rising imposingly, the monumental image of a tree appeared.
Taller than a sequoia, although it was a wonderful sight, it felt incomplete.
Life, that was missing.
Even a swamp had one or another leech, even though the Sacred Tree was surrounded by a forest there was nothing, like a static and surreal image.
"This is depressing," Silvie complained. No matter how hard she searched there was no one around, the atmosphere was so silent and gloomy even a graveyard fell short in comparison. Much less were there Elves around here.
(Miss cane, what do we do next?)
[*Sob* You can have some consideration for me, I'm grieving, okay?]
(The faster you speak the faster you will revive)
[O-okay, bring me closer to my main body and then a door will open]
(Are you a hobbit?)
[A hobbit? What's that?]
I followed Sekhmet's instructions, and just as she said, a door appeared.
(You are sick in many ways, and in the worst ways)
While my hands covered Silvie's eyes, I watched the "scene".
It could not be said that it was violent, it seemed more like the last hope of humanity after an apocalypse.
After entering the door and going down the stairs, the space was transformed and a kind of hidden city was formed.
Although it was all wood, logs and roots, there were many strange things.
First, at least hundreds of thousands of Elves, with their eyes closed, pale, in a kind of deep sleep, in a state between alive and dead.
A magical arrays that protected them.
Come to think of it, even though many elves died in the past, I didn't see any graveyard. Cemeteries or tombs were common practices at least in most intelligent races.
[All the elves who ever died rest here, those wombs keep them in a deep sleep, keep their souls alive and do not allow their bodies to decompose.]
(You were just able to stop them from killing each other, right!?)
As if she ignored my annoyance Sekhmet continued.
[That's not how this works. This is part of the evolution of all races. If you controlled everything they do, what would be the point of creating them? They would only be puppets, besides this hurts me too, I swore that I would revive them after they finished their wars and can understand each other, but who would imagine that they would end up discriminating against each other much more... I am a failure, when they finally seemed to be at a good point , I tried to revive them but failed miserably you know the rest of the story, I lost my powers and possibly another war breaks out for you]
At this point Sekhmet was sobbing.
Listening her words, I kept thinking about what to do.
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