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66.66% Forgotten Son of Destruction / Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Sex Demons and Multiversal Wizards

Capítulo 7: Chapter 6 – Sex Demons and Multiversal Wizards

Rewrite of my DxD fic, Forgotten Son of Destruction. Show some love.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights of ownership for the characters used except the OC's. All the credit goes to the author of the Light Novel.

Chapter 6 – Sex Demons and Multiversal Wizards

"Whoever created this pod would have to be one of the brightest minds the supernatural has to offer," I said, gazing at the pod that contained Lilith with fascination and slight surprise. It had been two days since we broke her out of there, and since then Aura and I had worked tirelessly to reverse engineer the pod to the best of our ability and make sure that it would be safe to bring her out.

The pod was truly a beautiful piece of machinery.

It functioned as a highly advanced life support system. The serum inside it was laced with essential nutrients needed for the body of an Ultimate Class devil. And a succubus at that. From the looks of it, she had been subjected to the use of it for centuries now, if not millennia.

"I agree, Master. I have tested a small volume of the serum alchemically and I can confidently say we can create a better, alternate version that would help us cure her of her induced coma and maybe in the year or so we would have her back on her feet. And if not that, there is 97% possibility of her at least being conscious and awake enough that we could take her out of this pod permanently," Aura said, the sounds of monitors beeping in the background signifying the fact she was working on a formula for the serum as they spoke.

"Good. Update me on the results in the next few hours. Also, get the blueprints ready for the pod. I shall try and update the design to a much more sophisticated one and turn it into a healing chamber for our use as well as our allies. Could be a good bargaining chip to create alliances later," I told Aura as I changed out of my clothes and got into a more attire.

Being trapped in lab clothes was tiring.

"Affirmative, Master. I shall keep that in mind and get to work right away," Aura replied, as I waved back at her while walking out of the lab.

Strolling into the living room, I saw the black cat lounging around on the couch as she took her afternoon nap. It was a wonder she even reached Ultimate Class in strength with how lazy she was. Smiling at her form that was dozing off, I walked past her and straight towards my room, after all I had quest rewards to reap and mysteries to solve.

Quest Completed!

[The Captive Snake]

Rescue Lilith and bring her to safety. Discover why she was held here for millennia and uncover the secrets regarding the involvement of Hades. Cause a commotion in the Underworld and give Hades a nice surprise for taking such good care of your grandmother.

Rewards – 1000 LP. Summoning Orb. Unlocks Incubus Bloodline.

Failure – Death.

I had definitely caused enough of a havoc to gain Hades' attention and the explosion of the lab was just a cherry on top. I'm pretty positive it must have taken out a couple of his minions.

Eh, serves them right for this.

Anyway, let's accept my reward.

Mentally clicking on yes, I saw the LP get deposited in my account, and a shiver running through my body. Was this the Incubus Bloodline? I didn't feel much difference, and looking at myself in the mirror I could positively say there was no change in my morphology.

Checking my skills, I could see the addition of the bloodline, a passive skill which was at E rank for the moment. Maybe a change would occur as the bloodline developed more?

As for the other reward, just like the skill orb, this one landed straight into the palm of my hand, a red sphere this time. Checking its description, I was a little surprised by what it was capable of.

Summoning Orb – Quest Reward

Description: An orb which when crushed by the host, summons a being from another world to join the host in their endeavour. A brief backstory and the story of the summoned being's world is first telepathically transferred to the host to smoothen the transition.

Note: The being has the option to simply refuse serving the host in which case the host is advised to terminate the being from this world or else the timeline shall be altered.

Hmm, so this was something that allowed me to have my own gang of servants basically. Provided I could have them serve me of course.

Speaking of serving me… I need a set of Evil Pieces. I had been putting it off for a while now since I saw no point in it. But with this, it could be a good opportunity to grab hold of some really powerful peerage members. Would help impose more authority in the future. If I remember correctly, Sirzechs is supposed to have the strongest peerage in the world. Along with Diehauser Belial.

It allows them to add an extra 'umph' to their word if they have a peerage full of Ultimate Class Devils.

Looks like I will have to make a trip to the capital. Time for my kleptomania to shine.

~ 2 Years Later, with the Gremory ~

Much like her routine for the past few centuries, Grayfia wandered around the mansion that hosted the Gremory family and gave orders to the staff present to serve them on their tasks for the day before she retired to teach her son Millicas about devil etiquette and magical theory.

He was the apple of her eye truly. And not just her, even Sirzechs doted on him just as much as he did on Rias. Millicas was a cute child with the natural traits of the Gremory, with crimson hair and blue eyes. And not just cute but pretty smart as well. His progress in his studies and his dedication to become a powerful yet just devil like his father was admirable.

Thinking about her family always brought a smile on Grayfia's face. But it also brought a mountain of hurt and sorrow with it when she thought about the biggest mistake of her life.

When she thought about her missing son. A child she had never been even a caregiver for, much less a mother.

Her son, Nicholas.

The fact that they had not even realized when he disappeared spoke miles about the neglect he suffered at the hands of his clan. The Gremory Clan who prided themselves on being fair and welcoming to servants and treating them like family, had completely disregarded one of their own.

The sad and laughable part was none of them wouldn't have even realized anything had it not been for Ajuka and Serafall.

She could remember that day as it was yesterday. The day that left a scar so huge on her soul that she would never heal from it.

~ Flashback, 5 years ago ~

At the Gremory Mansion, an impressive assemblage of devils had convened. The mere presence of any one of these renowned and formidable figures of the Underworld in the room would be enough to shatter the morale of entire enemy battalions, should they dare to set foot on the battlefield. Among the attendees were of course the Gremory Family who were playing hosts and were joined by, 3 of the Satans with Sirzechs, Ajuka and Serafall appearing at the gathering as well. Grayfia was present there, and was responsible for looking after Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory, the two adorable younger sisters of Serafall and Sirzechs, respectively. Sirzechs' peerage was present as well, guarding the family while enjoying a much needed break.

This gathering had been an idea of Sirzechs, to celebrate and honor Serafall who had successfully secured a treaty with the Youkai Faction of the Shinto Pantheon. It was a step in the right direction for them, as this would ensure if there was ever another war, they would have a strong alliance with the Youkai.

Everything was set so they could all have a great evening. And before long, everyone began mingling and having a good time.

After a few minutes of conversation regarding the political landscape of the Underworld, a discussion in which Sona took part as well (much to Serafall's delight), the adults had to shut up and change the topic of conversation because Rias reminded them this was supposed to be a party, a notion which Sirzechs seconded and from then on, all work-related talks were put on hold.

The conversation gradually shifted to the progress of the Clan heirs and their training. Sirzechs and Serafall were once again embroiled in an argument regarding whose sibling was better, and began comparing the feats of their younger siblings, much to the embarrassment of the two. Even though they were rivals, they would much rather let their achievements speak for themselves and not have their siblings' bicker like kids.

Everyone was enjoying the entertainment the 2 Satans brought, even Grayfia. However, it was Ajuka's inquiry that cast a sudden pall of silence over the room.

"I would like to remind you both that your siblings are of age to collect their Evil Pieces now. Bring them around my lab soon and I will have them registered. Also, Sirzechs, Grayfia, when can I expect Nicholas to accept his Evil Pieces. They have been ready for a while now."

The ensuing stillness was so profound that even the hushed clicking of the bugs outside the Gremory residence seemed perceptible. Perplexed by the uncomfortable silence and the blank expressions adorning everyone's faces, Ajuka sought answers, a sentiment that Serafall shared. After all, she hadn't seen her godson in a while now.

The room remained suspended in uncertainty until Rias finally broke the silence, posing a question of her own, "Who?"

That single word led to a shocked Serafall immediately adopting her Satan Leviathan persona as she strictly questioned the parents of the missing Gremory.

"Where is Nicholas, Grayfia, Sirzechs? You remember Nicholas Gremory? Your firstborn and only son!"

But the only expression she received from the two in return was one of sheer confusion and surprise. It was then something inside the minds of every adult in the Gremory family snapped. Memories began flooding into their conscience as they recalled seeing flashes of a small, frail child with silver hair and blue eyes staring at them from afar. A child they had all forgotten about.

The mother however, took the biggest hit. Without a word being spoken out of her mouth, tears began streaming down the face of the Strongest Queen in the Underworld. Rias could only stare at her sister-in-law with sheer absurdity coloring her face.

Grayfia was crying!

That snapped the rest out of their stupor and an alarmed Sirzechs frantically ordered his peerage to search for the missing child. But he wasn't the only one who took action.

Venelana ordered the servants of the house to search the mansion for the child, to look for him everywhere on the estate if needed. An order that was followed by all the maids and butlers diligently. An order that led them to a room at the far end of the mansion, away from the quarters of all the members of the family.

A fact that pissed off Serafall and Ajuka even more, but they kept their cool. Well, Ajuka did at least.

The sight of the room though, brought a new wave of horror among the residents of the Gremory family.

The room was bare, only a small bed fit for a child that had layers of dirt and dust covering it along with a cupboard. There was nothing there that showed that a child lived there and it just added to the rising panic in their hearts. Bandages caked in blood and grime were sitting in the dustbin at the end of the room. Books lay strewn across the room. Books on magical theory that were taken from the Gremory Library.

Ajuka strutted forward and created a magic circle to scan the room. and he only said one thing, "This room has remained unoccupied for the last 2 years at least."

This sentence brought a fresh wave of tears to eyes of one Grayfia Lucifuge, who felt like a failed mother, and even worse devil. The members of the Gremory family weren't far behind with shame and anguish filling their hearts. A family that prided themselves on being kinder and more different to the other noble devils, had literally forgotten about one of their own.

This couldn't be more disastrous even if they tried.

Just then, a magic circle appeared near Sirzechs, a communication one.

"Yes Souji, please tell me you have found something?!" Sirzechs questioned, his tone urgent and pleading.

Form the other end, Souji Okita, the Kinght of his peerage replied back in a grim voice, "We have, Lord Sirzechs… But I'm afraid, you are not going to like it."

~ Flashback End ~

And he was right. They did not like it one bit.

A cave filled with blood. Pieces of degraded flesh being feasted on by decomposers.

If Ajuka were to be believed, Nicholas Gremory died that day. Attempting a ritual to increase his power.

After all, no one could survive that amount of blood loss. Unless they were a Phenex or had ingested a Phenex Tear in time.

Had Grayfia not become pregnant with Millicas, she would have killed herself. First, she failed her family, then her brother, and now her son. Did she deserve to live when none of them did?

She didn't think so.

Which is why, when Millicas was born, everyone doted on him. To make up for what they did to Nicholas. Something they would never be able to atone for. Zeoticus seemed like the only one not bothered by the death of his grandson. He was more worried about the political fallout of it all. Had he not been her father-in-law, Grayfia was pretty sure she would have killed him. The fact that he was the Lord Gremory made it all the more troublesome.

But that led to her preventing any kind of influence from Zeoticus to reach Millicas. She did not want her son to become a tool for his political shenanigans.

Their relationship with Serafall had become strained though. She didn't visit them as much as she did, and even she had to, she would only arrive for work related meetings. She couldn't comprehend how a parent could forget their child.

That wasn't the first thing that happened.

Somehow word leaked regarding the fate of her son, something she was sure the Great King Faction and the Old Satan Faction were behind. And the result? Catastrophic.

Reincarnated devils openly vilified them, and they became the butt of the joke for the entire devil society. She was sure it was true for other factions and pantheons as well, but she didn't care about them.

The family that boasted about treating their servants like family had been the cause of the death of one of their own family members.

She just wanted her son back. So, she could show him what a mother's love is like. Give him the care and affection he rightfully deserved.

And no matter what Ajuka said, in her heart, she believed her son was out there somewhere.

Hopefully she would meet him again in this life.

~ Lucifer Estate, Nicholas POV ~


Damn, that was a big sneeze. Am I getting sick? Can devils even get sick?

Well, never mind.

"Aura, what is the progress rate?" I questioned; my voice still as charming as ever. Plus, with the acquisition of the Incubus Bloodline, I was a walking ball of charisma and desire. Being the blood of the most beautiful supernatural being who wasn't a God of Beauty or Love also helped.

"It will be over soon, Master. The corpses being good conduits of magic helped and with Lady Lilith's help, the process has been going smoothly," Aura answered.

Yes, Lilith has finally woken up. She did about a year after we brought her back from skeleton face. It did take a while to ease her back into life, especially after she was told the tragic tale of how after the death of her husband and her disappearance (presumed dead), devil society plunged into chaos.

But a lot of good did come out of this.

Lilith was an expert on devil politics and Life Magic, two of the things I admittedly am subpar at. Now, while I can't wield true life magic, experimenting with it does become a lot easier.

And speaking of the devil…

"Now, what did I say about spending hours in the lab?" an ethereal feminine voice questioned me, as I felt a certain softness squish against my back. Three guesses on what that was.

Lilith, once again was clinging to me while I worked, trying to tease and distract me because she knew if she got under my skin enough, I would give her what she wanted and kick her out so I could focus in peace. And that usually was a good pounding to satisfy her urges as a succubus.

"We don't want that incident to repeat itself now do we?" she whispered against my ear, making my concentration falter while I adjusted the pressure inside the countless cylinders, I was controlling with the help of the screen in front of me.

And yes, that was one incident I did not want a repeat of.

~ Flashback, a few months after Lilith woke up ~

Lilith has finally woken up from her slumber. Much like how normal people would react to being kidnapped and then waking up in a room full of machines and lap equipment, making it look like a supervillain's lair, she panicked.

Thankfully, with the help of a little sedation, Vali and I were able to get her to calm down and explain to her what has gone down while she was hidden away from the world. Needless to say, she did not take the news well with her tears flowing down her eyes constantly for the next few hours.

Explaining her who Vali and I were was easy, and persuading her into staying here and recuperate even easier. The tough part was explaining her how I am a Lucifer. And an incubus at that. Telling her that Lucifer used her blood as well to convert me into the Heir Lucifer, led me to acquire her bloodline.

She was happy about this though. Apparently, the handful of succubae she had created before, her daughters, had all perished.

And I was fortunate enough that she was there. Because you see, the more potent my Incubus Bloodline became, i.e., it rose in rank, due to me being constantly hounded by Kuroka and even Vali for sex, the more traits of an incubus my body garnered. Included but not limited to, an increase in stamina, an increase in charisma, arousing pheromones being released by my body, and a constant need for sex to calm my libido down.

The last one was something I learnt pretty painfully about.

I had been experiencing discomfort in my groin and constant pain down there for a while now. I had sent off Kuroka and Vali to Azazel for training so I could focus on a project for the week. I had already had Aura scan me and even used the healing pod but it didn't seem to fade away.

I entered my lab again that day to work and fight through this pain I suppose, but I was greeted with a surprise. Lilith was there, standing as regal as ever and looking pretty cross with me.

Her facial expression twisted.

"Are you attempting to end your life for some nonsensical reason?" she questioned, her voice stern like a mother scolding her son.

In order for me to really comprehend her query, I had to focus beyond the pain and the confusion. In all my life, well this one at least, this was the first time I was being scolded after all.


"When did you last masturbate? I know you aren't having sex because the two girls aren't here. If they were you wouldn't be having this problem right now."

The strange, seemingly random question caused me to blink. "I… don't."

She shrieked at me with anger and frustration evident in her voice, "You don't remember?"

"I... don't... masturbate", I say.

In my prior life, I had not done so since he was a teenager. And in this one I had never masturbated in this life. Simply put, there was too much on my plate and I never had the time to.

"You idiot!"

Lilith smacked me over the head.

"You're an incubus, Nicholas!" She scolded me. "You might only be half-incubus right about now, but you're still growing! Sex is your life-line! You've gone this long without cumming once, so there's so much magical power backed up in your sperm! Your magical power is building up in there, and if you don't release it through sex —"

"Don't say that my balls will blow up, please."

"You will die."

I was on the verge of not believing her. But I could tell she was serious because of the directness with which she spoke.

"Come again?"

Lilith sighed and began lecturing me on what being an incubus entailed, "On a fundamental level, your soul is linked to your sexual activity and vitality. Normal devils only have their magic linked to their soul. Us sex demons have both, which is why we are always craving sex and our body has adapted to it naturally. The same problem was faced by my children before you. You need to balance the high concentration of male sexual energy you have with a strong concentration of female sexual energy. Or need to drain it out of you at least"



The eyes of the former Queen of the Devils rolled.

"As an incubus, envision your body as a container filled with magic. The pressure and concentration increase over time, and so you need to steadily drain the magic out of the container every once in a while, to lessen the strain on the container or the magical pressure will get so strong that it will just burst through the vessel and destroy it. Similarly, the sexual energy of a female works as a way to neutralize that build up and hence, prevent you from dying. It's why sex demons need sex. It's not just because we are horny. It's because it's our lifeline."

That was... not a pleasant scenario. I would rather avoid such an outcome if I could help it.

"You're telling me I need to constantly have sex if I don't want to… die?"

Lilith sat down on the chair behind her and mused, "Yes, idiot." Her body was still not accustomed to moving around for longer periods of time. "Having sex tops off and balances the energy. You can also drain the magical energy out of the other person, or fill them up with it. You can employ the magical energy to augment your body both physically and magically, rejuvenate your health and appearance, and otherwise improve yourself."

"Does the quality of sex matter?"

Lilith blinked at the question. "As long as you derive enough pleasure and sexual energy — you should be fine."

I see…

"Are there any other racial features I should know that seem rather… important?"

Lilith tilted her head. "Do you mean besides the basics?"


Lilith sighed and murmured, "I knew I should have left a handbook behind."

She held out her hand and started listing things one by one. She thought for a few seconds before speaking, "Our body fluids are delectable to all races and act as aphrodisiacs; if we've doused the individual in our body fluids enough times, we can have a certain degree of control over them. We can heighten sexual sensations in others or, if you already have control over them, generate emotions of jealousy, envy, or inadequacy. We can beguile and seduce men and women into doing our bidding. We are capable of sensing feelings of lust, love, hatred, and envy. If we hit someone with a potent influx of our sexual energy, we can render them utterly paralyzed—at least temporarily. Depending on how lustful they are."

I didn't know... any of that. It seems my education about my new race was sorely lacking. I had simply been running on the assumption that it boosted all things sexual.

That… that was something which would have gotten killed.

"Lilith," I said. "Would you mind tutoring me on the finer parts of being an incubus? It seems I may be… lacking a bit."

Before I could finish my question however, I heard her squeal

"Yes! Yes!"

The way she reacted, made me stumble a bit.

"You seem rather… excited."

"I'm just happy," she wiped a tear from her eye and explained. "You saved me and are even taking care of me, even if it was my husband that ordered you but still. I know devils that wouldn't do half of that for someone of true blood. I'm just glad I can finally be of some use to you."

I couldn't help but feel the tug on my lips as I looked at the woman in front of me.

She wiped the tears from her eyes before she looked at me and said, "And stop calling me Lilith. You can call me grandmother, Vali already does."

Yeah... we'll see about that.

"But first," Lilith said before she strutted forward and got down on her knees, catching me by surprise. She began fiddling with the front of my trousers and fished my cock out. I could have stopped her but I didn't want to. Only a fool would not be attracted to a succubus. The Queen of Succubi at that.

She then began caressing my dick while slipping out of her dress with one hand. Lilith shimmied out of her dress with one hand while I gripped her breasts, sighing at her expert touch, all the time molesting her breast. Lilith whimpered at me while I started pinching and rolling her nipples.

"You can't get away from me, Nicholas~" she said serenely. "I haven't had a taste of man, the first incubus at that, in millennia now." After that, she giggled some more at the sight on my face and began stroking my dick with her hand for all it was worth.

"Oh, fuck, Lilith!" Lilith deftly massaged my cock and made me feel a new sensation of pleasure, and I grumbled once more. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Do it, then." Lilith moaned. "Let all your cum out, and let me taste an incubi's cum."

And I came at Lilith's request. I let my load fly out of my dick and all over Lilith's hand. Lilith slowly lifted her hand from my cock and brought it to her mouth, licking the thick white liquid off her hand, once the three ropes of sperm that I sent out had finished.

"Mmm~" she hummed, without a trace of cum on her hand. "Delicious~" She shivered. "I want more." She stated those things in such a sexy tone that my boner resurfaced in full force. Lilith grabbed my cock once again and stuffed it into her lips.

If Vali and Kuroka blowing on me felt good, Lilith blowing on me felt like I was in another world. The succubus gradually began to bob her head back and forth on my dick, massaging the bit she wasn't sucking off.

"Holy shit, Lilith!" I groaned out, shivering with pleasure. But I wasn't sitting idle. I let my hands roam free as one of them continued playing with her breasts while the other grabbed her head and gripped her hair, aiding her action.

Lilith moaned around my cock, her voice slightly muffled from my dick in her mouth, and looked up straight into my eyes, all the while lewdly dragging her tongue around my cock.

Lilith continued her sucking, which was just as enthusiastic as when the two younger woman were blowing him.

"Your cock tastes so… good…" she mumbled onto said cock. "I'll enjoy this dick forever now."

The speed of her sucking increased, which only drove me to the edge again.

Lilith, on the other hand, had a different plan and yanked my cock off with a loud 'pop' noise. I let out an instinctive groan of disappointment as I felt Lilith wrapping her breasts around my shaft and slowly moving them up and down my manhood.

"Do you prefer being blown off by your grandmother over the two inexperienced girls?" Lilith inquired, a smirk on her face at my little nod. "I'm glad." And then I came back for the second time, all over Lilith's big breasts. This time I pushed out another big amount of spunk, and Lilith looked like a sex demon, with my cum all over her tits and the glare she was giving me. She ran her finger across her face, collecting some of it in her hands, and took her tongue out to taste it once more. She was quickly cleaned up with a simple spell.

"Thank you... for saving my life I guess," I spoke up, panting from the intense orgasm. "That was amazing."

"Who said we were done here?" Lilith grabbed me and dragged me out of the lab. "Let's go get cleaned up. I will be riding you like no tomorrow after that."

~ Flashback Over ~

"What are you working on exactly?" Lilith questioned me as she played with my cock, while I laid behind and enjoyed the sensation of being pressed against her massive bosom.

"I need maids to look after the estate. Ygris is a knight and guardian of the estate, not a butler. So, using your essence and the ton of corpses outside of many other devils and other supernatural beings, I am using it to create an army of homunculi. The cylinders are filled with the same fluid that filled your pod, but a much-improved version of it. Your blood and body fluid carry celestial energy and are capable of creating life. That is what I am doing but Aura has been sending radio signals through the solution and programming their conscience to make ideal servants," I explained to her as I watched the bar on the screen indicate the progress. 98% shined proudly.

"Hmm, so they are essentially robots with a conscience?" she asked and I simply nodded. "How many are you making?"


She giggled a bit at that and asked, "Any reason for that specific number?"

"That was the number of female corpses laid out. And it seems fitting, don't you think? Also, I forgot to mention this before but all of them will have succubae like traits. So, take care of your new daughters."

I could practically feel her happiness at that. The succubae were a race she had birthed on her own and were particularly close to her heart. I couldn't imagine what she must have felt like when they were sacrificed by her husband for the war.

And a loud ting sounded out as I saw the procedure finish. The sound of the lid over the cylinders sliding caught my attention, as I saw a female form rise through it, covered in fluid, staring at me with utter devotion.

She came out of it, and bowed in front of me, "I am at your service master Nicholas."

With a wave of my hand, she was cleaned up of the gooey liquid and clothed in a French maid attire. Just to add a bit more flair to her, I had glasses appear in front of her eyes as well. Special glasses that would help her to manage the estate and keep it organized.

"That's right, do you know why you were made?" I inquire, inspecting her.

"To serve you, master," her sweet voice responds, her tone firm as she tilts her head at me cutely.

Lilith giggled at that and stopped her ministration as she moved away, "Well, enjoy the fruits of your labor. I shall see you at dinner I suppose. Don't worry, Aura and I will train my daughters later."

"What? You are blue-balling me?" I questioned, appalled, and irritated at being left hanging.

She just looked back with a suggestive glance and gestured at the homunculi in front of me, "I didn't specify how you had to enjoy, Nicholas." And with that she left.

Well, why not.

I stared back at the blushing new maid I had acquired, and saw the desire in her eyes as she looked at me.

This one was especially buxom, an hourglass figure with breasts that glisten, topped with medium sized areolae and pointy nipples. Her dark hair was tied up into a low-cropped bun at the back of her head, as her smooth pale skin shined, and unable to stop myself, I reached forward and gently grasped one of her full tits, my thumb circling her candy pink nipple as she moaned in surprise, not resisting as I began groping her.

"Please master, more~" she moaned, pleading with seductive doe eyes.

"Good girl," I say, making her blush as I hold her into my body, my other hand travelling to her curvaceous backside.

I guided her to one of the tables, hoisting her up and spreading her legs.

As I drew my shaft towards her, lined myself up, and slammed into her hot, wet slit, bottoming out in a single thrust, she let out a moan. "Use me however you wish, master."

"That's encouraging, hmm. You have the ability to be Alpha, my first homunculus. Your mother will give you a true name later as well I suppose," I murmured as I thrust into her tight cunt, making her moan with pleasure and joy.

If I'm going to spend time giving these bodies new life, I might as well break them in.

~ A day later ~

I found myself standing in a vastly unfamiliar environment, a stark contrast to the laboratory setting I was accustomed to. The sterile walls were replaced by polished wood, adorned with furniture and a bar. An eerie energy permeated the air, unsettling me to the core. It felt as though reality itself had shattered, only to be haphazardly reassembled into a distorted mosaic. Confusion and disbelief gripped my thoughts. What had just transpired?

The last coherent memory I recalled was working on a wonderful new artifact alongside Aura. Yet, now I stood in what appeared to be a classic 1950's –

"Oh yes, a pub," a sudden voice shouted, jolting me from my thoughts. The cacophony of a lunatic's voice pierced the air, and I swiftly shifted into a defensive stance, assessing whether this individual posed a threat.

To my surprise, I noticed the presence of five other people in the room, who seemingly materialized out of thin air. Their unconventional attire and perplexed expressions only added to the growing sense of unease within me. As my gaze swept across the room, it became apparent that we were all equipped with various forms of armor.

Meanwhile, the individual who had shouted seemed entirely unconcerned with the bizarre circumstances, casually strolling towards the bar and claiming a seat with an air of nonchalance. Behind the counter stood a man whose face sparked a faint sense of recognition within me, although I struggled to recall where I had encountered him before. However, before I could voice my confusion, a rather tall and well-built woman beside me spoke up, her voice infused with a mix of hesitancy and hope, as she gazed nostalgically at a picture hanging on the wall.

"I recognize this place."

"The concept of a pub façade was inspired by your biography. I hope it meets your approval. Truthfully, I debated between this and an Asgardian drinking hall for our companion here, but given the larger number of humans in our group, I believed this to be the wiser choice," explained a pale man behind the bar. He wore dark blue robes and a cape, his face gaunt and his eyes encircled by heavy shadows.

My senses honed in on him, and a peculiar feeling washed over me, urging caution before I instinctively conjured a defensive magic circle. As a devil, I possessed the innate ability to sense different forms of magic, and what I discerned from this man sent chills down my spine. Despite his mortal guise, it became evident that the individual behind the bar had long shed much of his humanity. His being seemed intertwined with dark magic and sinister entities that writhed beneath his skin. A shiver raced down my spine, alerting me to the inherent danger that emanated from him.

"Over here, attention please. Can I have a beer?" The blonde individual in Nordic attire gestured eagerly, capturing the wizard's notice.

The wizard, with an unexpectedly cheerful voice, responded, "Certainly, Thor." I was taken aback. Thor? But why would the Prince of Asgard be present? It didn't make sense, especially considering he looked different. Wasn't the Thor in my world a redhead?

The wizard's faint smile was familiar—a reflection of his yearning for companionship, like he had been alone for eons. He conjured a beer and handed it to Thor, placing it on the bar. Thor's prior panic vanished instantly, replaced by a delighted smile. He slammed his hand on the counter and eagerly seized the beer.

"YES!" exclaimed this person claiming to be Thor, raising the beer to his lips, only to be interrupted by the entrance of another individual. A person of African-American descent, adorned with dreadlocks, surveyed the room with the focused gaze of a seasoned warrior. He wore ordinary beige trousers, but I was intrigued by his peculiar metallic armor.

"Whatever game you're playing, let me go now dude, or I promise you, you'll regret it," spoke up the newcomer, his intense stare causing tension to permeate the air in the room.

"Now, gentlemen, I'm not entirely sure what's happening, but I suggest we remain calm," intervened a woman dressed as a British version of Captain America, stepping forward to stand beside me, her shield raised.

"Where am I?" questioned a green-skinned lady, donning ornate golden armor, sounding exhausted and bewildered, much like the rest of us. Hold on... why did she resemble Gamora? A Gamora wearing Thanos' armor.

"I'm with the green one. What's going on here? Why were we brought here?" asked another man, appearing of African descent, but his advanced armor and weaponry seemed far beyond anything on Earth.

In response to the escalating tension and the barrage of questions, the lights abruptly started flickering. When they stabilized a moment later, the enigmatic large-headed bald individual from before stood before us, his eyes glowing white.

"It's you again!" exclaimed the person with the shield upon the being's sudden appearance. I attempted to study him, but my senses failed me. And that could only mean one thing—this being was immensely powerful, possibly on par with the gods in my world.

The armored African guy from earlier quipped, "Is that the only trick you have?"; unimpressed by the being's ability to appear at will. It seemed like all of them had encountered this being before.

"It's time, Watcher," the wizard spoke up, his voice resolute. It appeared that he and the Watcher were the only ones privy to the secret purpose of this gathering.

"You are right, Strange. You have been chosen for a mission that is both highly perilous and absolutely vital for the preservation of life as you know it." The Watcher's deep voice carried a grave and solemn tone, instilling in me a sense of honesty and profound fear. It deeply disturbed me.

"Initially, I searched throughout eternity for a sole hero. But then I saw the grander scheme. This mission requires a team—a perfect blend of skills and experiences that will ensure victory."

"Let me understand this correctly. You abducted us from across the galaxy for what purpose?" questioned the Gamora lookalike, exhibiting skepticism toward the entity before her and its intentions for bringing them together.

"To save the universe?" the alternative version of Thor sarcastically interjected, displaying even more doubt than Gamora.

"Universes," Strange's voice drew everyone's attention as he spoke with a solemn expression. "The entity before us is Uatu, also known as The Watcher—a being rumoured to be as ancient as reality itself."

"Does that mean anything to us, pal?" challenged the dreadlocked individual, his face displaying a dismissive attitude.

"The Watcher is a cosmic being, a sworn chronicler and observer of the multiverse. According to legends, he has pledged never to interfere, never to interact, despite witnessing unimaginable horrors and tragedies spanning the vast expanse of space and time." Strange's voice conveyed grave seriousness, capturing everyone's full attention. "For us to be here means that he has broken his oath, and that can only indicate one thing."

"Which is?" Thor asked, a sense of impending doom hanging in the air.

"That you are my last hope to save not just one universe, but all of them... You are the Guardians of the Multiverse," the Watcher replied, redirecting everyone's attention to him.

What the fuck had I got myself into now?

Emergency Quest Alert!

[What IF?]

The Watcher has summoned you along with heroes from different dimensions to battle against an entity that is a threat to the Mulitverse at large. Successfully defeat the entity and save the Multiverse.

Rewards – 1000 LP.

Bonus Rewards - Possible new peerage candidate. All 6 Infinity Stones.

Failure – Death. The Multiverse gets Destroyed.



Author's Notes

Sorry for the delay. The next chapter focuses on the fight for the survival of the Multiverse and our MC gets some new toys to play with, along with a new peerage member.

If you guys see any errors, or points that you feel are plot holes then let me know. Check character description for images.

Comment and review please, it works as great motivation.

Check out my 'PT' for more stuff by yours truly. The link is in the bio. I have a few one shots there as well.

See ya. In the next one.

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