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Reincarnated in TDG with the Library of Heaven’s Path Reincarnated in TDG with the Library of Heaven’s Path original

Reincarnated in TDG with the Library of Heaven’s Path

Autor: Kelkal90

© WebNovel


The first rays of the sun shined upon Glory City, the last Hope of humanity in this demon beast infested world, indication the coming of a new day.

The rays moved to the lands of the Divine Family, until they reached the main family's mansion and shined their light into the various rooms.

In one of those rooms, we find a 13-year-old young man who was currently sleeping. He was pretty tall for his age, a bit taller than average, and had somewhat long blond colored hair. As the warm light of the sun touched his face, he opened his eyes to reveal their sticking golden-colored pupils.

The young man groaned as he woke up, he then turned his body away from the light and closed his eyes again.

Unfortunately for him just as he was about to fall asleep once more there was a knock on the door of his room.

"Young master, are you up yet?" Came the voice of a young servant girl. After waiting for a few seconds, she knocked again. Again, the young man ignored her.

"Young master I'm entering, please excuse me." The servant girl said as she entered the room.

The room was quite big, and the furniture-which included a double-bed, a desk, which was filled with books, paper, ink and quills, a big wardrobe, a small coffee table with two armchairs and a full-body mirror, which had a wooden pedestal with porcelain washing basin on top of it, right next to it- where all very expensive looking.

The servant approached the bed and started gently shaking the young man.

"Young master Chen Ren you have to get up or you will be late." At her words the young man opened his eyes fully.

"Ok, ok, I'm getting up." He said as he removed the covers and sat on the age of the bed, letting out a yawn. The servant girl bowed her head towards him before straightening up again.

"Good morning once more young master, I will go prepare your bath." As she said that she bowed one more time before she left and entered the door which led to adjacent bathroom.

Chen Ren got up from his bed and stretched, as he was only wearing pants his well sculptured body was visible, he was not a bodybuilder, but his mussels were hard as a rock and his four-pack had the first signs of becoming a six-pack.

He went to the water basin and cleaned his pace before he dried it with the towel that was hanging to the side of the pedestal. He then looked himself over in the mirror.

'I can't believe it had been 9 years since I reincarnated into the world of Tales of Demons and Gods as the younger brother of Chen Linjian and second heir of the Divine Family.' Thought Chen Ren before he closed his eyes. 'And I did not arrive empty handed.'

As he reopened his eyes, he saw that his surroundings had changed, instead of his room he found himself inside an infinite golden colored void with innumerable bookcases that were filled to the brim with books.

'I gained the Library of Heaven's Path.' He thought as he looked around the subspace that was the Library.

When he first woke up as the 4-year-old Chen Ren he wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, he did remember that he had died in a hit and run, the pain had been unbearable, not that it was any surprise that feeling your body being crushed by the force of a speeding car would make someone feel that way.

Then just as he stopped feeling the pain he woke up in this new life. It turned out that the original Chen Ren had been attacked by a raging Demon beast, they had thought that he had died due to his injuries, and they were right in a way, the original Chen Ren had died, thus not appearing in the novel, only for him to take his place.

The only thing left from the original Chen Ren were some scattered memories and his knowledge regarding the language, both spoken and written.

It had taken a month for his injuries to completely heal, and only them was he allowed to go when he pleased inside the mansion. So, like any other isekai individual he headed for the library.

It was there, after he got the first book in his hands, that he discovered that he had in his possession one of the greatest cheat abilities that anyone that had reincarnated into a cultivation world could ask for, the Library of Heaven's Path.

With it he could not only instantly memorize any and all books with just a quick look, he could also find any and all flaws regarding the contents of said books.

But the greatest ability that had served him the most is the ability that the Library had to create a translated copy any book, even those that were of forgotten languages, such as the Snow Wind Empire Era language.

With this ability Chen Ren not only was able to create an incredible cultivation technique for himself he was also able to master alchemy and gain the Rank of Master Alchemist in the Alchemy Association at the age of 9.

He also rediscovered many of the lost alchemical formulas including the 5 pills Nie Li presented in the novel and the uses of the Purple Haze Grass. He also solved most of the problems in the walls of the Council Hall.

Through the knowledge that he presented both to his family and the Alchemy Association both gained significant influence and political power over the years, not to mention the political alliance that they had formed reshaped Glory City's political landscape.

Of course, other than the fact that it was a member of the Divine family that made those discoveries only a select few knew of Chen Ren's identity. From his family those included were his father Chen Zhenlong, the Patriarch of the Divine Family, his mother Chen Huan (OC), his older brother and a few of the elders. From the Alchemy Association the ones who knew were the President Gu Yan, the Director Yang Xin and the Six-man elder council. Finally, the City Lord and his immediate supporters, like Ye Shuo the Head Intelligence Agent, and even Lord Ye Mo. Of course, in the know were also Chen Ren's fiancés.

The reason for this secrecy was the fear that the Dark Guild would send assassins to kill him. So, they kept it under wraps.

Of course, when he first revealed to his family, at age 8, that he could understand ancient forgotten languages he made up a story that shortly after the accident he had gained the ability to understand the intent behind written words, thus giving him great insight regarding the writers of the books.

It wasn't the full truth, but it was close enough to pass as truth.

Chen Ren returned to the mortal plain when he heard the boor to the bathroom open and the servant girl enter the room again.

"Young master the bath is ready." At her words Chen Ren nodded his head and headed to take a bath.


After taking his bath and getting dressed, he was wearing clothes similar to his older brother only with the primal color being black and the secondary white instead of purple and grey.

What was really eye caching on him were the two pieces of red jade that were hanging from the right side of his belt.

He walked into the family's dining hall and saw that his father, mother and brother were already there. His father sat at the head of the table, with his mother on his left and his older brother on his right.

His father, Chen Zhenlong had blond hair, gold-colored eyes, and a powerful built, he was a 5 Star Black Gold Spiritualist. In the past he had been stuck on the 3 Star Black Gold Rank, but thanks to the cultivation technique Chen Ren gifted him 3 years ago he was getting closer and closer in reaching the fabled Legendary Rank, something that seemed to have become even more certain after Chen Ren cracked the Power of Law Inscription Patterns a year ago.

Though after he showed them to the City Lord and Lord Ye Mo, it was decided that only members of their family that had reached Black-Gold Rank would learn about the Laws, seeing that, according to the writings, you needed to be at that level both Physically and Spiritually inn order to cultivate it safely.

His mother, Chen Huan (OC) had brown hair and brown eyes and a beautiful face and body. Thanks to the cultivation technique her younger son had given her she had managed to break through the 5 Star Gold Rank bottleneck and was currently at the 3 Star Black Gold Rank.

Finally, there was Chen Ren's older brother by 2 years, Chen Linjian. He had the same brown hair and eyes as their mother with their father's face structure, while Chen Ren had their father's coloring and their mother's facial characteristics. Though in the original novel his Spiritual Rank at this time was at 5 Star Bronze, thanks to the tailor-made cultivation technique he got from his younger brother when he started his career as a student of the Holy Orchid Institute 2 years ago, he was already at the Rank of 3 Star Gold.

"Father, mother, elder brother, good morning." He said as he sat down to on the seat located on his brother's right side. His family smiled at him as he sat down.

The servants brought him his breakfast and then left the room, as the door closed an Inscription Pattern was seen activating. This was a Privacy Inscription Pattern that Chen Ren had discovered years ago, seeing that his family liked to talk around the table he had put up that Pattern in order to avoid eavesdropping. Though the family could hear everything that was going on outside oft eh room, the people outside could only hear the small golden bell, that Chen Ren had Inscribed for the purpose of summoning servants, that was situated next to his father.

"Good morning little brother, are you ready for your first day as a student of the Holy Orchid Institute?" Asked Chen Linjian with a smile on his face. Yes, today was Chen Ren's first day at the Holy Orchid Institute and the day that Nie Li should come back in time.

"Yes I am." Said Chen Ren with a confidant smile on his face, seeing the smile his father raised an eyebrow.

"Really? If I remember currently a week ago, during the test in the Institute you had shown a Yellow Soul Realm and a Soul Force of 56, what is your current Rank?" Chen Zhenlong asked with interest evident in his voice.

About 3 months ago Chen Ren had revealed the existence and importance of the Soul Form and Soul Attribute, he had asked his family not to reveal the information to the masses of Glory City yet and instead empower their family first as well as sponsor a number of students of the institute, both old and new. His reasoning was that he did not want the Dark Guild to gain that knowledge before Glory City gained a better power base.

His father had agreed and had, on the first week of knowing about them, tested all the members of the Divine Family discreetly either with the use of a Soul Crystal for those under Silver Rank or a technique that Chen Ren had found in one of books he had translated for those with Silver Rank and higher, called the Soul Analysis Technique. Once they had the Form and Attribute of each individual Chen Ren would then wright a cultivation technique appropriate for each individual, the whole process took them 2 weeks to finish.

After that they turned their eyes on the students already in the Institute to sponsor. They focused on commoners and people from lower noble families, wanting to increase the Divine Family's influence by having powerful Spiritualists owing their success to the Divide Family's support.

They did offer cultivation technique as gifts to certain individuals, like the Patriarch of the Wind Dragon Family, Xiao Yunfeng, as well as the City Lord, Ye Zong.

Finally, this last week, just after the testing of the Institute took place, they had approached the students that would enter this year, these included Du Ze, Wei Nan and even Zhang Ming. In fact, the only person of Nie Li's canon group that they did not approach was Nie Li himself. Chen Ren knew that the old man would be fine, but due to a number of reasons he knew that they would become adversaries.

Back to the present, when Chen Ren heard his father's question he smirked before he brought out his personal Soul Crystal from one of his pockets.

He infused it with his Soul Force, the clear center of the crystal changed into a Formless Void, his Form and Attribute, with a Yellow outline and showed a Soul Force of 389.

The results surprised his family, before his mother smiled brightly and clapped her hands a number of times.

"To almost reach 4 Star Bronze in a single week is astonishing my little Ren." Chen Huan said, her pride evident in her happy voice.

Chen Zhenlong nodded his head in satisfaction at his sons progress and a small smile appeared on his face. Chen Linjian gently slapped his brother's back as he smiled at him. Chen Ren smiled back at his family before putting the crystal back in his pocket and the family turned their attention back to their breakfast while making small-talk.

About half-an-hour later a guard that was stationed in the mansion's entrance entered the dining room, he bowed his head towards them before he spoke.

"Lord Patriarch, excuse the interruption but young master Chen Ren's fiancés have arrived." At his words Chen Ren got up from his seat as his father nodded his head.

"Let them in." Commanded The Divine Family's Patriarch. The guard nodded, bowed and exited the dining room. A few minutes later 2 young girls the same age as Chen Ren entered.

The first had waist length, ginger hair and light brown colored eyes. The second had waist length, purple hair and lavender colored eyes.

They were Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, two of Chen Ren's fiancés.

This was why Chen Ren was sure that Nie Li would become his enemy. He was obsessed with Ye Ziyun, and would not accept anyone other than himself as her life partner.

Both girls bowed their heads a bit and saluted (Kung Fu Salute) Chen Ren's parents.

"We great the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Divine Family." They said at the same time.

"Ning'er, Ziyun!" Said Chen Ren happily as he embraced both of them in a hug. The two girls blushed, but returned the hug while the rest of the family chucked in amusement.

As Chen Ren released the girls from the hug, Chen Huan spoke.

"Now girls, how many times must I request for you to call me mother or at least mother-in-law, we will become family in a year's time there is no need for such formalities." She smiled at them as she said that and then indicated the table with her hand. "Won't you join us for breakfast?"

The girls bowed again before Ning'er spoke. "We apologize, mother-in-law, but we will be late for our first day in the Institute if we do not depart immediately." At her words Chen Huan nodded in acceptance.

"True, in that case you must come over after your classes end for dinner." Both girls nodded in acceptance and the three 13-year-olds left the mansion, Chen Linjian's classes started an hour later, so he still had time.

As the trio walked side by side, with Chen Ren in the middle, Ning'er at his right and Ziyun at his left he thought about the events that led with him getting there two incredible girls as his fiancés.

Getting Ning'er as his fiancé had been one of Ren's plans since the fact that he had reincarnated into the TDG world has sunk in. He had loved her character and hated the fact that she was ignored by Nie Li in the original novel. Ever since he had reincarnated, he had made sure to have good relations with all the children of the important families, yes that included the Sacred Family, even if it made him sick. He had also made sure that his reputation was as stellar as possible. He just waited for the right time to strike and claim the beautiful heiress of the Winged Dragon Family.

Such an opportunity appeared while Chen Ren was 9-years-old. The Winged Dragon Family had come upon some hard times and had started to decline, as a result that had started selling their property. Ren knew that this was a ploy of the Sacred Family to gain control of the Noble family. In order to avoid the engagement of Ning'er to that bastard Shen Fei, Chen Ren had gone to his father and mother and requested that he help the Winged Dragon Family and propose an engagement between himself and Ning'er.

Seeing as this was the first time their younger son asked them for anything other than books, and with the great contributions he had given to the family for 2 straight years, they had agreed with his request.

And so, Chen Ren became engaged to Ning'er. Thankfully Ning'er knew and liked Ren, so it wasn't hard for him to make her warm up to him. It had even been agreed by the 2 families that since Chen Ren was not the heir to the Divine Family that Ning'er would stay as heiress, and eventual Head, of her family and any children they had would take her surname.

His engagement with Ziyun was more resent, barely a year old, it all started when Chen Ren had explained the nature of the Power of Law to Ye Mo, the only Legendary Spiritualist of Glory City had been awed by the young boy's brilliance. After he learned of the fountain of knowledge that he had translated for Glory City and the numerous pills that he had rediscovered, Ye Mo had proposed the engagement.

No one had opposed it, even if Ye Zong had been a bit put out by the fact that he would be giving his only daughter up as a prize.

Ning'er, who had not broken her friendship with Ziyun like in canon, since she did not get engaged to Shen Fei, had readily accepted her friend as a sister-wife. She had known that great men, like Chen Ren always had harems, in fact it was expected.

Still both Ning'er and Ziyun had gotten a promise from Ren that the only girls that would be allowed to be part of his harem were those that they approved of.

As Chen Ren brought himself back from memory lane, he looked at his fiancés and spoke.

"How is your cultivation going?" The question originated from the fact that after they all had taken the test in the Institute, he had given to them cultivation techniques that were tailored for each of them, in fact they were the same techniques that they had received from Nie Li in the novel. The girls smiled and Ning'er was the first to respond.

"My current Soul Force has reached 364, I'm well on my way to reach 4 Star Bronze Rank." She had been very happy with her results, and it showed clearly on her face and eyes, though her eyes also held great affection towards Ren the one who had saved her from a most unsavory fate, being married to Shen Fei.

Ziyun's head lowered a bit, but answered when she saw that the other two were looking at her for an answer.

"My Soul Force is at 315, I managed to reach 3 Star Bronze Rank, but I'm not as good as Ning'er." A small frown appeared on her face, but before she could say or do anything else she felt Ren gently take and squeeze her hand. She looked at him and saw him smile at her.

"Ziyun, everyone has their own speed when it comes to cultivating. You have made incredible strides forward and you should be proud." His words and Ning'er's smile and nod of encouragement made Ziyun smile back.

As Ren was preoccupied making Ziyun feel better, neither saw Ning'er glance at an empty alleyway, nor did they see her look around to make sure that no one was paying them any attention.

As such they were unprepared when she grabbed both of them and entered the alleyway. Before either Ren or Ziyun could ask what she was doing, Ning'er pushed Ren on a wall, put her hands around his neck and started to kiss him passionately.

Ren was frozen for a second before he hugged her by the waist and brought her body as close to his as possible, he then moved his right hand down on her ass and started foundling her left asscheek roughly, causing Ning'er to moan in the kiss.

Ziyun blushed at Ning'er's erotic, yet expected, move. Over the years Ning'er had become more and more daring in her show of affection towards her fiancé, turned out she really enjoyed doing erotic things with him. After Ziyun also became engaged to Ren, Ning'er started extending such action towards her as well.

As their lips separated, in order to get some air, Ning'er removed herself from Ren's embrace. She then grabbed Ziyun's arm and pushed her in Ren's arms. The young man being caught up in the heat of the kiss did not hesitate to claim Ziyun's lips with his own.

The Snow Wind Family heiress blushed by the intensity of the kiss, but after a moment of hesitation she embraced her fiancé, Ren mimicked his previous move and hugged Ziyun by the waist, he then again moved to fondle the left asscheek of the girl he was embracing.

After a few moments admiring their make-out session, Ning'er pushed herself on Ziyun's back. She started fondle Ziyun's other asscheek and started kissing and sucking the right side of her neck. Ziyun moaned as she was double-teamed.

Ning'er stopped kissing her sister-wife's neck and moved her lips next to Ziyun's right ear.

"Can you feel him sister." Ning'er whispered as she fondled Ziyun's asscheek even rougher. "Can you feel how hot and bothered we are making our beloved? Can you feel his member getting bigger? His desire to claim us and our bodies completely?" Ziyun could do nothing but moan an agreement as her answer.

Ning'er giggled as she removed herself from Ziyun's back after giving her ass a good spank. Ren and Ziyun stopped kissing, needing air. At that moment Ning'er gently pulled Ziyun out of their fiancé's embrace.

"Come on you two we have to go to class; we can continue later." She giggled as both Ren and Ziyun blushed.

"We will get you for this." Said Ren as he playfully glared at Ning'er, with a blushing Ziyun nodding in agreement. Ning'er giggled again.

"I will be waiting." Ning'er said and with a mischievous smile on her lips, they headed back towards the Holy Orchid Institute.

End Chapter

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