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100% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 102: The Battle's End

Capítulo 102: The Battle's End

[AN]: Okay everyone, this is it. The final chapter. If you are reading this, I appreciate you making it this far. Hopefully you enjoyed it at least a little, or that it sparked your own imagination like it did mine. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Enjoy.


Battle raged as things became like a free-for-all as mortals faced monsters. Within this chaos pockets of calm opened where champions clashed, as if it was decreed by fate. Two groups exactly the same yet completely different found themselves face to face.

"Oh hoho… You dare show your hideous face and feathers before me? I will show you the difference between us in power is even greater than the difference of our beauty, Esmerelda."

Moira looked down haughtily at a group of hideous and deformed looking hagravens.


Esmerelda shot out a powerful fireball with her declaration. Moira held up a delicate hand as she yawned while dispelling the magic before her. Her darling had shown her all sorts of new and powerful magics. A cruel smile appeared on her face fantasizing about her expanded capabilities. It would be unforgivable if she didn't utilize them. She felt elated that a perfect test subject for testing her new limits had appeared before her.

"You and your pathetic coven must be shown the error of your ways."

The two groups of hagravens crashed in a brutal display of magic and cruelty as each tried asserting their dominance over the other. Moira licked her lips in anticipation of seeing her foes on their knees before her. It would not take long.


While battles were raging, the ground shook as the group of giants charged straight towards the mages hiding in the mountain. They were led by a surprisingly beautiful giantess multiple heads taller than the others. She wore thick steel armor on her chest and legs while wielding a massive two-handed ebony Warhammer almost as tall as her. Anything in her way, be it friend or foe, was pulverized and sent flying by her enormous strength.

Their charge was interrupted by the foolishly brave souls of Winterhold led by Korir. The Jarl and his soldiers owed Rictus a life debt, and their honor would have them fulfill it. They knew allowing the giants to get near the mages would be disastrous. While the mages were great support and ranged fighters, most would panic in close quarter combat, especially against something as formidable as giants. Stalling the giants' charge would give the mages some space to work their magic.

Seeing the puny leader wielding a toothpick, the giantess charged right at him with her hammer back in preparation of crushing him. She knew warriors would falter at seeing their leader turned into paste by her hammer, like so many of her enemies had done before. When she was winding back for the killing blow, two giant sized fireballs interrupted her and forced her to dodge away. Tracking them back to where they came from, she was stunned at what she saw.

Faralda stood proudly as a destructive cloak composed of fire, ice, and lightning swirled around her. She was destruction incarnate as she stared down the monster. Seems she had picked up a couple new tricks from a friendly Centurion.

Her entrance was made all the more dramatic as her mount took a step forward. The armored humanoid was as tall as a giant. Black and gold trimmed ebony and dwarven armor plating covering every inch of it. There was no obvious helmet, and the main body portion was rounded like an egg. Huge metal arms nearly reached the ground from the massive, spiked pauldrons. Legs thicker than tree trunks supported the whole thing and left small craters in the ground from its insane weight. Purplish smoke rose from the joints and seams of the armored monstrosity giving it an almost ethereal feeling.

"Are you ready for this Smith?"

Cocooned inside his Magnus Opus and secret project, Smith nodded his head in determination, excited he could finally make a difference on the front lines instead of being left behind like always. Observing the dwarven centurions had given him the inspiration for finishing his mech and combining the centurion dynamo cores with an aetherium dynamo core had been the missing piece for his masterpiece to come to life. This was his time to show the world how powerful a Smith could be.

"Let's do this."

As the giantess roared and charged at them, Smith and Faralda shot forward in a creaking of gears and pumping of pistons. Rock shattering underneath them with every step. Like two runaway trains crashing, the two titans of strength collided with a resounding boom. Smith used his mech's giant fists to land powerful blows unto the giantess's body while tanking the hammer smashing into him. Faralda slid onto the back of the mech and surrounded its firsts in powerful lightning, making each blow more powerful and debilitating. She attempted many different destruction spells, but the giantess dispelled or redirected them with a swing of her massive hammer. A thunderous blow from the hammer sent a burst of fire out in all directions making Faralda deduce it had some sort of absorption enchantment on it. She now focused on enhancing Smith's attacks while being a distraction.

As the battle progressed, the giantess slowly started pushing them back as she took advantage of Smith's lack of technique and skill. Faralda did all she could to slow down the onslaught but could only do so much in the face of the magic dispelling hammer. Large dents started appearing across Smith's armor as his left arm hung uselessly at his side. A particularly hard hit to the chest sent him stumbling backwards as Faralda was sent flying off. The giantess stalked forward as she looked down at them both.

"This was a good fight, but I proved mightier. I will carve your memories into my hammer alongside the mightiest I have bested. Take solace in knowing you weren't complete trash."

Smith tried standing but couldn't get his mech to respond fast enough as the giantess raised her hammer above a disoriented Faralda. Frustration and fear filled Smith as he watched the Hammer begin to fall. With a burst of speed, the mech's remaining good arm shot off and hit the giant in the side electing a grunt of pain as the giant turned her gaze upon him. Smiling down condescendingly at the now useless mech, the giantess turned back towards Faralda.

A scream of pain escaped the giant's mouth as a searing pain assaulted her achilles tendon. She tried recovering but her legs just didn't move right. Like a tree that's just been cut, the giantess crashed to the ground with her hammer falling from her grasp. Dazed, she wondered what had just happened. The shadow of a sword stood posed directly above her eye. She scoffed at its pathetic size and man wielding it. Before she could recover, she stared in shock as the two-handed sword was driven through her eye and into her skull without giving her time to say anything. Her lasts thoughts about how sometimes bigger was not better.

Korir looked down upon the monster as he spat on her corpse.

"Idiot should have worn boots."

With their leader dead, the other giants became disheartened and tried fleeing. None made it out alive since their retreating gave all the mages a clear line of attack for their most powerful spells.


(Dante POV)

He finally understood. Everything he had been through till this point had prepared Dante for this battle. All the trials and troubles led to this moment. This was why he had been called to leave the sand dunes of his homeland and travel to the frozen tundra of Skyrim. Stendarr had known exactly what was in store when Dante met that dying man on the road to Skyrim who forever changed his life.

Wading through the abominations around him while leading his brethren into battle, Dante had never felt more alive. The crusader armor he wore hummed with power as its enchantments displayed their full might against the creatures of the night. Every slash of his sword hewed enemies in half. Every spell banished those not of this plane. Every step brought him closer to his destiny. There was some great evil here that needed vanquishing, and Dante would be the one to do it.

As if by divine intervention, Dante entered a small bubble of calm amongst the chaotic battle after leaving his brethren behind. Standing before him, was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Flowing red hair and a voluptuous body that could sway the saintliest of men. She wore finely woven raiment of the highest quality. She was an absolute vision, and Dante couldn't wait to end her existence. Her beautiful face turning murderous as she glared at him.

"I could feel you coming. A fool who thinks himself a hero. When you die, I will raise you and you can take your place by my side. You should feel honored. Not just anyone has the privilege to be raised as part of the inner council of The Eternal Wolf Queen."

Hearing her title, Dante steeled himself as he knew the identity of his prey. Potema Septim, the Wolf Queen who almost brought the entire empire to its knees with her foul necromancy and pure evil. It was most likely her fault that so many of the cursed daedra were here. Any hope of finding survivors or prisoners from this abominable army's path of destruction was completely gone since she was part of it. He need not speak any words for none could persuade her from her madness, only the mercy of Stendarr could do that.

Golden light shone from his armor as a purifying and holy energy pulsed from his sword. Potema raised her hands as shadows coalesced along the ground. Two massive draugr overlords pulled themselves from the darkness before drawing the deadly greatswords from their back. With a wave of her hand and a made cackle, the two undead charged forward while she simply watched her puppets fight.

Dante did not falter or turn as he steadily advanced upon the abominations. A powerful slash was aimed right at his chest as another tried stabbing his leg. Sidestepping the jab, Dante parried the slash while twirling around the side of the draugr. A ward sprang up in his offhand as it absorbed a powerful lightning bolt from Potema. Dante recognized the signs of an incoming Shout as one of the overlords stood up straighter and squared its shoulders.


Diving forward, Dante dodged underneath the Shout while using his blade to slice through the draugr's leg. While it was unbalanced, he brought his sword in a reverse swing, decapitating the undead. Another ward sprung up from his hand as two more powerful lightning bolts impacted it. Dispelling the ward, Dante pulled upon his magic and faith. Purifying magic started swirling around him in a defensive cloak as he cast Stendarr's Aura. The nearby undead started burning from the purifying sun damage. Dashing forward, he broke through the guard of the overlord and stabbed his sword straight into its heart. Potema screamed in rage at him.

"Don't applaud yourself too soon, worm! All shall bow before me!"

More undead rose from the ground, some from Potema's shadow while others were the many dead bodies surrounding them. Dozens began rapidly converging on Dante, but he didn't so much as flinch. He brought his hands together in prayer as he poured more magic into Stendarr's Aura.

"Come to me, Stendarr, for without you, I might falter in the face of evil. Strengthen my spirit and grant me the power needed to ride the world of these abominations. Let none escape the Vigil. All shall come into the light!"

The light around him ballooned outwards and rapidly consumed the encroaching undead while banishing the shadows reanimating them. Staring straight at Potema, he began walking. She backpedaled at his advance while summoning more creatures, hoping to exhaust the inexhaustible holy knight. Lightning bolts shot out as quickly as she could summon them, but a powerful ward would spring up and consume them. A slight humming permeated the area with each swing of his sword as Dante continued his advance. Potema reared back as she used a Shout to slow him down.


The Unrelenting Force barreled straight towards Dante who showed no signs of moving out of the way. Right before it hit, he swung his sword upwards. As it cut through the air, it Sang as a blinding gold light shone before bisecting the Shout in half. It continued forward smashing into Potema and throwing her to the ground. She slowly pulled herself from the ground and spat as black blood poured from the massive wound across her body.

"Stendarr's Mercy be upon you, for the Vigil has none to spare."

Her eyes grew wide as she saw Dante shining like an avatar of light before her. She tried saying something, but it was drowned out as he Swung his sword once more. Piercing her, the powerful purifying energies disintegrated her body into ash. Dante looked at the dust blowing away in contempt and satisfaction. Potema's evil will never threaten the world again. Looking around, many of the daedra started running wild and attacking everything in sight. Seeing their rampage, Dante felt determined. There was more evil in this world needing Stendarr's tender mercy and embrace. Who was he to deny them their eternal rewards?


(Serana POV)

Serana watched in morbid wonder at the battle all around her. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She had been in countless fights, but never one of this scale. It was terrifying and intoxicating at the same time. She could practically taste the blood in the air from all the fallen which put her slightly on edge. After so many years, she was not controlled by her urges, but even she could feel the temptation. Glancing over beside her, she could tell that Alucard felt the same way if his obvious fangs and blood red eyes were anything to go by.

They had shot countless arrows into the horde beneath them as they defended the wall. If Serana was being completely honest, she didn't much care about what happened to Solitude. She was there for one reason, and one reason only.


Her father… No. Harkon was here. This much she knew. She was waiting on this wall and shooting arrows just waiting for him to reveal himself. When he did, she would strike. Looking over the absolute chaos below, Serana couldn't help smiling in disbelief. She had been as surprised as any when Rictus and his followers went charging straight into the other army. Who in their right mind would give up a strong defensive position so they could battle the monsters in close quarters?

Obviously, the Restored were just that type of crazy. When their other forces and allies revealed themselves hiding in the mountain, everyone on the walls were quite shocked. It had made the charge not seem nearly as suicidal. Watching Rictus wade through the army like a farmer through wheat had been truly inspiring. He was an unstoppable force of nature. Never before had she witnessed someone amputate limbs and then telekinetically shove them down the throat of 10 dremora lords simultaneously while making undead disintegrate by simply grabbing their head. It was utter madness.

The temptation of jumping down into the fray was almost overwhelming. Even a few of the legionnaires had gotten caught up in the bloodlust and left the wall for the battlefield despite Legate Rikke forbidding it. She was just about to go down and join Rictus when Alucard drew her attention.

"Found him."

All other thoughts left her as Serana's eyes followed Alucard's outstretched hand. Glowing red eyes stared directly at her from across the battlefield. Even from this far away, she could sense his arrogant smile. It wouldn't remain on his face for long, this much she swore.

"Take me there."

Alucard nodded at her command while summoning his undead mount, Arvak. As soon as they were on, the undead horse jumped off the wall and bounded across the battlefield, straight towards Harkon. Alucard downed any enemy in their way with a single arrow as they weaved through the enemy forces. Both being vampires and riding an undead horse meant they faced minimal resistance from the attacking army. Not only that, the close quarter fighting between the Restored and Harkon's forces provided the perfect opportunity for them.

Without Rictus and the Restored pulling most foes towards them, Serana and Alucard would not have had an easy time moving across the battlefield. Serana sent Rictus a silent word of thanks for all his help, even for all the times it was unknowingly given. She considered waiting for his assistance once again, but seeing Harkon finally revealing himself made her think this was fate bringing them together one last time. She could wait no longer.

"Ah, Serana! You returned, and you brought Auriel's bow with you. How fortuitous. Come a little closer my daughter, and we can finally fulfill the long overdue prophecy."

Serana seethed at the condescending way he addressed her. Even after all this time, he still only saw her as an object and instrument for his plans.

"How's this for an answer!"

Her arrow pierced the skull of the vampire standing beside Harkon, instantly killing it with Auriel's Bow's powers. Harkon glanced impassively at his dead follower.

"Hmm. Inelegant, but I suppose it gets your point across."

He spared Alucard a disgusted glance.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before your ambition outgrew your loyalty. Not unexpected though. Lesser vampires like you truly live up to the title of lesser. You would have been disposed of sooner or later though. After all this waiting, I prefer sooner to later."

Anger burned within Serana as she was once again casually dismissed for her companion. Why did people act like she wasn't even here and start addressing someone else instead of her? It was infuriating. She was her own person damn it!

Another arrow was shot and killed another vampire, making the others finally show signs of discontent. Harkon just let out a sigh though.

"How childish. I blame your mother. No one appreciates all the hard work and planning I have done to get this far. You fools would rather resist the inevitable than see the truth before you. I cannot cure stupidity. Let us end this farce."

Harkon briefly disappeared in a flurry of shadowy bats. Alucard's arrows shot out in a flurry as they quickly took out the other vampires. Gargoyles burst from the ground and rapidly closed in on Serana. She stood firmly, firing arrows into each one of them with Auriel's Bow. Her aim was true as a gargoyle fell with each shot.

More kept popping up from the ground as they threw themselves at Serana and Alucard. Serana rolled to the ground as she felt something behind her. Turning around, she fired an arrow. The arrow stuck into the surprised Harkon's arm before he pulled it out as his flesh rapidly healed itself. Taking the hint that this was a ranged battle, Harkon began casting lightning bolts from one hand while pulling the blood from all the surrounding corpses.

Arrows flew towards him, but he maneuvered the rapidly growing blood sphere around in defense. Any time an arrow seemed like it would hit, Harkon would explode into a swarm of shadowy bats before reappearing and starting his attack all over again. Despite all their attacks, Harkon countered every one of them. It was almost like he was toying with them. His condescending smile only made that idea more likely.

Serana started getting worried since she only had so many arrows. An inconspicuous arrow flew towards Harkon who brought his blood shield to block it like all the others before it. As soon as this one made contact, it exploded. The sudden fiery explosion disoriented Harkon for a moment as the fire scorched his skin.

Serana wasted no time in sending two arrows which pierced his stomach and leg. Alucard launched another mana infused arrow at Harkon who quickly dodged out of the way before flying into the sky and sending more lightning bolts at them in conjunction with magically reinforced blood spikes. In between attacks, Harkon reanimated the undead around them as a distraction.

Seeing her arrows being casually removed and the wounds healed, Serana began feeling frustrated at their lack of progress as she watched Harkon zip through the sky while his undead charged them. She then did something she had sworn she would not do. She transformed.

In her vampire lord form, Serana could feel the power coursing through her. It had been so long that she had forgotten the intoxicating feeling of strength pulsing through every fiber of her being. While Harkon was distracted by Alucard, she exploded forward in a swarm of bats.

Harkon screamed in pain as Serana raked her claws against his exposed back while stabbing an arrow into his kidney. Twirling around, he backhanded her and sent her flying away. While not debilitating, the attack took him from the flow of battle, and Alucard did not let the moment go to waste.

Another arrow detonated in a burst of lighting after impacting Harkon. Alucard had also transformed by this point and was using the enhanced speed to get around Harkon's defense. Ice spikes flew from Serana's hands as she disregarded the bow for the style of combat she was most familiar with. She took a moment to summon a giant flesh atronach, a spell her mother had taught her. Valerica always told her reanimation spells were for the desperate while the prepared used summons. The formidable flesh atronach easily defeated or distracted all of Harkon's reanimated enemies allowing Serana and Alucard to focus solely on him.

Attacks were constantly exchanged, but now Harkon was on the losing side. Serana felt elated at the change of pace as she and Alucard fought completely in sync. Pushing Harkon further back every second. If they kept this up, it would not be long at all before Harkon fell. The original vampire lord tried different spells and various blood magics, but Alucard's variety of magically enhanced arrows kept him off balance, especially since Harkon had to dodge Serana's ice spikes and sudden backstabs. She had just landed a particularly deep slash before flying back beside Alucard where they both started pouring on attacks.


The unexpected Unrelenting Force slammed into Serana and Alucard, throwing them across the ground like ragdolls. Serana tried assessing the damage done, but the Shout had disoriented her. Looking down, she found Alucard lying beneath her as blood poured out from a plethora of wounds covering his body. Instead of dodging, he had wrapped her into a protective embrace so he would take the brunt of the attack.

Serana tried standing up, but her leg collapsed out from under her as she felt intense pain shooting through it. A closer look revealed multiple arrow heads embedded in her leg. Had someone used arrow heads with that Shout?

"You took your sweet time, mortal."

Hearing Harkon's labored voice, Serana turned to see who he could be addressing. What she saw made her heart sink. Ulfric had finally arrived. His main army was still a little behind him as they charged up the hill, but his second in command, Galmar Stone-Fist, as well as his court mage, Wuunferth the Unliving, stood at his side. The rebellious Jarl was standing there looking down his nose at Harkon.

"Seems you cannot even defeat your own whelp. What a waste. At least you softened up the city's defenses for me, so you are not completely useless. Now we will sweep away you and your filth before liberating the city from the tyrants controlling it. Skyrim will soon be free from all threats, and then I will lead it to glory once more."

Harkon let out a laugh at his declaration.

"Haha! The arrogance of mortals never fails to amuse me. I care not about your petty squabbles and obvious betrayals. You can have your city. I don't care if you kill everything here. They are all beneath my goals."

Serana couldn't help feeling fear as Harkon stalked towards her with madness in his eyes. She wanted to run, but her leg would not cooperate. Even if she could run, she would not get far. Harkon, or Ulfric and his companions, would catch her. Was this really the end? Would the prophecy come true despite everything done to prevent it? Was everything she did and all the pain she suffered in vain?

"Well, well, well…looks like we are just in time to this little get together."

"We were almost late. You should have stopped playing around when I told you. Yelling 'Yoink' while killing enemies someone else had handled was just childish."

"Would you two stop bickering? It isn't very becoming of people of your status, and I am just plain tired of hearing it."

Everyone's eyes turned to look upon the three figures strolling towards them. Rictus turned from Ken and Morrigan as he looked over the mess before him. Serana's eyes widened as she felt the power pouring off him. He was covered in dust and blood, but he didn't have a single scratch on him. A strange green blue light flowed along the veins of his left hand and up around his neck. Looking close, small scales the color of his skin covered any part of him exposed. When his blood red slitted eyes with magical blue flakes flashing in them turned her way, she couldn't help but shudder under the pressure.

"Ah just the people I wanted to see. I have a little bit of business with the two of you."

He gave Serana a quick wink as he passed her by. Standing in front of the vastly different group of people, Rictus addressed Ken.

"Ken, would you and Morrigan please keep Ulfric and his cronies busy for me? Harkon and I have a personal matter to discuss. Don't worry Ulfric, I will be with you shortly."

Ken twirled around a dragon bone sword as Morrigan readied her staff. Both gave him an affirmative nod, all signs of joking put aside. Rictus disregarded anything Ulfric tried saying since he would get to Ulfric when it was his turn. Harkon gave him a questioning look as he noticed the casual way Rictus approached him. Seeing he wasn't stopping, Harkon began to get nervous for some reason. Unconsciously, the vampire started taking steps backwards as Rictus kept getting closer.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Hearing the tiny tremor in the ancient vampire's voice, Rictus couldn't help smiling. That was how prey talked, and it stroked something primal within him.

"Aww don't you remember me? To think I was that forgettable after delivering Serana and the Elder Scroll to you. That just hurts my feelings."

Harkon scrutinized Rictus for a quick moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"You have changed since that time, if that pathetic excuse of meat was even really you. If you speak the truth, you have already helped me once before. Go retrieve the bow for me, and you can help me rule over those beneath our kind."

Rictus scratched his beard as he pondered the request.

"That is extremely tempting, but I think I will have to decline. I would normally tell you to send a formal request to the Restored, and I would consider it. Unfortunately, that won't be an option since you will be dead in a couple minutes."

Harkon decided this charade was going on long enough and cast a lightning bolt at Rictus. He stared in shock as Rictus lifted his left hand and caught it. Twirling it around for a moment in amusement, he tossed it aside.


Harkon growled in anger at the action and started drawing blood from the surroundings yet again as a partially translucent shield formed around him.

"Nothing shall not stop me from taking what is rightfully mine!"

Blood crystallized around Harkon into a cloud of sharp shards before sending it blasting towards Rictus. Stone shot up intercepting the attack as Rictus stopped walking.

"Hmm that is an interesting technique."

Rictus raised his left hand as he sensed the blood around him. With a pull, blood started pooling above his hand. A second later, it crystalized into a large spear. Smiling, Rictus nodded his head appreciatively towards Harkon.

"Thank you for the lesson. I had been pondering other uses for my blood magic, and this seems perfect."

Ever since he had been turned into a vampire by Sanguine, Rictus had some affinity and innate understanding of blood magic. It was how he had done the ritual to drain the dragon of power. Combining the blood magic with his Alteration came naturally. It took seeing Harkon actively using it for Rictus to recognize he wasn't utilizing it to its full potential.

Reaching out with his magic, Rictus Willed the blood to come to him. Being on a battlefield supplied Rictus more than he could ever want. Harkon stared in wonder and surprise as he watched Rictus manipulate the blood. Harkon had countless years to perfect his control and skill, but here was someone whose potential put him to shame.

A small river of blood swirled in the air around Rictus. With a thought, it shot out like a whip towards Harkon. Cracks rapidly appeared on Harkon's shield as the attacks relentlessly pounded it. The vampire tried distancing himself by flying away, but a giant stone wall shot up from the ground making him stop. Spikes appeared on the top of the wall and were transmuted into steel as they shot towards the flying Harkon. The attacks drove him back towards the ground as his blood shield was nearly destroyed.

Tired of being on the defensive, Harkon siphoned power from the spilt blood around him. His muscles physically swelled from the borrowed power as his speed increased. Blazing red eyes turned towards Rictus as the vampire rapidly flew forward, dodging attacks the whole way. Noticing his opponent's slow reactions, Harkon prepared his claws to slash Rictus in half.

Fast as a sabre cat, Rictus tilted his body so that Harkon's outstretched claws just barely scarped along his body. His scaled and taloned arm shot forwards, slamming straight through Harkon's chest as the vampire's body folded around his arm. Bringing his other arm in an upward swing, Rictus removed Harkon's arms. The Vampire Lord looked in shock at the sudden turn of events. Rictus leaned in real close and Whispered right into his ear.

"Rii Vaaz Zol."

Harkon released a shriek of agony as a pain unlike any he had felt in millennium pierced his vary being. Looking down, Harkon watched as Rictus withdrew a taloned hand covered in what looked like dragonscales from his chest. In the hole Rictus's hand left behind sat a small pitch-black gem covered in a sickly purplish flame. Harkon looked on in confused agony as the gem fused into his flesh and soul.

"I am all done here. Take your shot."

Rictus took a step back from the mutilated vampire as a blinding light filled Harkon's vision. A blast of energy channeling the power of the sun itself consumed the vampire where he stood. Right before being completely consumed, Harkon swore he heard a whispered and sorrowful voice in his ear.

"Goodbye Father."

Harkon's body disintegrated into dust, leaving only a single pulsing black gem behind. Taking the little thing in his hand, Rictus watched as it blinked out of exsistance. He then turned his sight to see a passed-out Serana cradling a glowing bow in her singed hands. Hopefully this would bring a modicum of closure to the conflicted woman.

"That was quite the show. The daughter killing the father was almost Shakespearian."

Rictus was surprised at Ulfric's words. He had honestly expected the rebel to be bound and gagged by this point. Instead, Ulfric was casually standing there, like he was out for a walk in the park. Looking around revealed his companions were locked in combat with Ulfric's followers.

Morrigan was fighting Wuunferth and a few other mages. It wasn't a traditional magic battle though. They were basically just all staring at each other really really hard. Rictus concluded it was a battle of the minds which gave credit to their assumptions about Wuunferth being the Skilled of Illusion. Straight up magical power and force had always been his personal preference, so Rictus was glad Morrigan was handling that instead of him.

Ken's battle was the complete opposite. Four of Ken's heavily Altered lieutenants had joined him and the 5 of them were basically holding off the entire Stormcloak vanguard. Just in the glace Rictus gave them, he witnessed Ken cutting through 3 men as he spun in a deadly dance which made his sword Sing.

"Your followers are quite impressive, but I don't think it will be enough."

Rictus couldn't help chuckling at the man's incorrect assumption.

"Morrigan isn't technically my follower, but your insult was noted, and disregarded. Besides, it won't matter once I kill you."

Ulfric couldn't help laughing at that.

"Haha. That is where you are mistaken. For one, I will not be the one dying today. Second, even if you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you ever imagined. With my unjust death, you would make me into a martyr that would unite all of Skyrim against you and the empire. Even in death, my dream would become a reality."

As he was speaking, Ulfic had gotten closer to Rictus until they were face to face. Without any warning, Ulfric brought his ax up in a blindingly fast strike which moved faster than Rictus could react. A look a triumph on the rebel Jarl's face as his ax buried itself deep into Rictus's chest.

"Are we done with this pathetic display?"

Rictus turned around and looked to the side. The ax sticking in his chest slowly fading from existence as it was absorbed into him.

"You know I can see you right? This little illusion in front of me isn't fooling anyone."

With a wave of his hand, Rictus dispelled the illusionary Ulfric who had stabbed him. Part of him wondered what kind of damage it would have caused had he truly believed it was the real Ulfric stabbing him. Thought and intent played a huge role in magic. From some of his research he found that particularly powerful illusionists could make someone truly believe they were attacked. So much so, the victims own magic would conform to the illusionist's fake reality and kill them. Knowing what was and wasn't real, combined with a strong will were the key skills for defeating a master of illusion.

The real Ulfric came out of his invisibility a dozen feet from Rictus. Then another real Ulfric revealed himself, followed by 10 more. Rictus had underestimated Ulfric's skill. He couldn't tell the difference between any of these copies. Maybe Ulfric was the actual Skilled of Illusion? It didn't really line up with what Rictus believed about Skills, but there were some signs pointing that way.

"Hmm. This may be a bit more challenging."

Shadows started appearing around each of the Ulfrics as their axes were coated in the inky darkness. Shadow magic was quite rare, and Rictus was impressed to see it being used so casually. During the 3rd Era, it had been pretty popular in Skyrim, but it had been mostly abandoned and stomped out due to its power and corrupting nature. Shadow magic had the potential to be incredibly powerful, like rivaling the Elder Scrolls powerful. Thankfully, it didn't seem like his opponent had unlocked its true potential just yet or Rictus would be in trouble.

"You know, I have had a long and stressful day. Why powerful enemies have been popping up out of nowhere is beyond me. It's like when an author is trying to pull together a lot of cool ideas but was too lazy to actually flesh out the story. So, they just threw all the enemies at the hero at once."

The Ulfrics paused for a moment as they nodded their heads.

"It is always disappointing when that happens."

Rictus smiled ruefully at the agreement as the world grew quiet around them.

"I am glad you agree. How about we remove all this nonsense then and finish this the good ole fashioned way in honor of our past lives?"

Ulfric looked at him in surprise as Rictus threw his hands out in concentration. A strange force pulsed outward. As it passed, each illusionary clone disappeared. After going dozens of yards in every direction, the force suddenly stopped. Rictus smiled as his opponent started stuttering.

"Www…wwhhh…wwhhatt did you do??"

Looking down at the short and slightly pudgy dark elf female, Rictus's smile only grew larger as his elongated canines became even more prominent than normal. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and the additional weight only made her more so as it accentuated all her curves in all the right ways. Her features were a little too perfect though, like someone had personally designed their appearance for maximum beauty without accounting for reality. Rictus guessed she had been relying on her magic for everything and not doing any exercise which would explain the little bit of extra cushion for the pushin.

At his intense stare, she began trembling. Once he noticed this, Rictus finally answered her question.

"I removed all magic in this little bubble, so we can talk face to face. The Null Field was something I had been working on in my spare time ever since I first discovered dispelling magic in the Arcanaeum, and this was the perfect moment for it. There is something I am curious about. Did you kill Ulfric?"

As he got nearer, the woman tried backing up, but tripped. Staring up at the mountain of muscle before her, she couldn't see a way out by running away. Maybe she could have a chance if she stalled long enough for her magic to return. There was no need for her to lie either as the truth was a much better story than any she could weave off the top of her head. Besides, men always hesitated in front of a pretty face. She looked up at him with big watery eyes.

"No. I kept him alive so I could more easily assume his appearance and access his thoughts. He is currently stuck in the dungeons thinking he has liberated Skyrim from the Empire while starting a grand campaign against the Thalmor. Being able to observe him makes my illusions of him even stronger and more realistic."

Her words were abruptly cut off as Rictus crouched down in her face.

"Thank you for the honesty. You are lucky. My father taught me never to hit a woman."

A sliver of hope ignited in her heart at that. She thanked every god she knew that chivalry still existed. Rictus's next words made her think she may have celebrated too soon.

"My mother though taught me that everyone is equal and should be treated that way. Doesn't matter what color, gender, race, or political affiliation they are, they must always be held accountable for their actions, and I always was more of a mama's boy."

His fist slammed into her face, slamming her face into the ground while breaking her jaw and making her see stars. Reaching down, Rictus wrapped his hand around her throat and lifted her into the air. Turning around, he looked at the crowd they had gathered. His allies had retreated as soon as Ulfric had engaged him so that the stormcloaks could witness their battle. Rictus had hoped killing Ulfric would discourage them from attacking, but this was better than even he could have planned.

"Sons and daughters of Skyrim! You have been deceived! This witch has used her nefarious shadow magics to kill Ulfric and disgrace his image by pretending to be him! Think back on Ulfric's recent actions. Take notice of the inconsistency and change of behavior and speech."

The crowd began muttering as Rictus talked. There had been some little things that had been different, but everyone had attributed it to stress at everything going on. Rictus could see them wavering and kept speaking.

"You all saw me remove her foul and deceptive magic. She has been playing with your lives and manipulating you all for her sick pleasure. Despite her trying to kill me, you have been wronged more than I. What fate does an honorless and deceptive one such as this thing deserve?"

A flurry of emotions went through the crowd of soldiers. Disbelief, shock, confusion, anger, denial, rage. All this and more could be seen on their faces. One man moved forward; his face contorted in fury.

A bruised and battered Galmar ignored the many wounds covering his body as he stared in pure hatred at the woman. He drew his knife and plunged it right into her heart. It was then ripped out and planted firmly in her skull. He spit on her body before walking away defeated.

Rictus let the body drop as the entire Stormcloak army sagged in defeat. Their moment of triumph ripped out from under them by the betrayal. Instead of a grand battle for the fate of Skyrim, they watched the person impersonating their leader being executed. While they all believed their cause was just, Ulfric was the heart and soul of the movement. Without him there to guide them, they were lost and unsure of what would come next. Ken noticed the same reluctance, and quickly updated Rictus on a plan. It seemed decent, so Rictus gave his approval. Ken approached Galmar and the other leaders of the Stormcloaks about what could come next for them. One of the main things was repairing some of the damage they wrought. Both physical damage and reputation. Some of the stormcloaks agreed to hunt down the remainders of Harkon's army.

Turned out, that was what they had thought they were going to do in the first place. Ulfric had told them they would liberate the city from the monsters, and they had all blindly believed him without questioning his all too convenient timing and knowledge of their attack. Galmar eagerly agreed with the suggestion of killing the monsters. Not because he cared about repairing relationships though. All the soldiers were pissed and wanted something to take their anger out on. Harkon's monsters would be a wonderful outlet for their aggression.

The civil war was still not officially over though. The ideas and beliefs Ulfric helped inflame would not go away so quickly. There would be a lot of troubles and tensions moving forward, but this was a start. The bright side was that with Ulfric, Elisif, and General Tullius out of the picture, the political climate of Skyrim was up in the air.

Thinking this, a smile appeared on Rictus's face. There was no one fighting for the position of High King. The two primary candidates were both dead now, and neither had any direct heirs. Well, Ulfric wasn't actually dead, but the world would believe he was. Maybe Rictus would be nice and keep him as his own personal Thalmor attack dog, if his mind wasn't completely destroyed after all that time under an illusion.

Windhelm and Solitude were not the only places lacking a contender for the throne. Morthal was still reeling from the vampire attacks which had killed Jarl Idgrod Ravencone. Markarth did have the foresworn officially in power, but no one cared about their opinion. Falkreath was under Siddgeir who was too weak and passive, not to mention lazy, to become anything more than a Jarl. Skald the Elder, Jarl of Dawnstar, owed the Restored a massive debt for all their help rebuilding and keeping them safe from dragon attacks. Maven Black-Briar basically controlled all Riften, thanks to Rictus. No one liked Jarl Balgruuf since he couldn't pick a side during the civil war, which just made both sides dislike him.

That just left Jarl Korir of Winterhold. The Jarl who brought his forces to the defense of Solitude and personally killed the giant's leader. The one Jarl who was on speaking terms with both sides of the civil war. The one who had revitalized his city. A city which is quickly becoming a powerhouse. 'Hmm…Do I hard ball my way into the position of High King? I think it could be possible given all I have done. Or should I put Korir, who would do almost anything I suggested, into the position while being free to expand outside of Skyrim. Decisions decisions.'

With the battle over, Rictus noticed a near imperceptible shift with the world. Despite the death and destruction, everything seemed a little brighter. Colors were a little more vivid. Air a little fresher. Gravity a little lighter. The wind brought a whisper of a dragon's dying roar.

Alduin was no longer a threat. He couldn't say how, but Rictus knew without a shadow of a doubt that Mirajane would kill The World Eater, if she hadn't already done so. Alduin's defeat had already been predicted long ago. Part of Rictus regretted not being there, but he knew he ultimately made the right decision.

This was where he was supposed to be. This had been where he was needed most. A simple stone stool appeared beneath Rictus as he sat down. Finally resting as he savored the taste of a still warm sweet roll from his storage. A gentle nudge on his leg made him look down with a smile on Billy who somehow looked like the unaltered goat he had first summoned as his familiar without Rictus casting a spell. Giving the faithful companion a rub behind the ears, Rictus relaxed as his other companions and friends made their way towards him, each sporting a victorious smile upon their faces.

Rictus did not know what would happen next. He no longer had any form of meta knowledge to fall back on. Instead of being worried, he felt liberated. He was free to do whatever he wanted now. A smile creeped up his face at the thought.

This journey may be over, but that did not mean his story was done. Altering Skyrim had been fun, but why limit himself to just one small place in this wide fantastical world? Other dangers lurked, other adventures awaited, and Rictus could not wait to see how far his tale would go. After all, there were plenty of places and people who needed to be Restored.



[AN]: Whew….It is finally finished. A little over 336,000 words and nearly 700 pages long, this story was first posted back on October 25th, 2021, and has been so much more than I ever expected. I cannot express how thankful I am for following along with Rictus's journey with me. It was an absolute blast. If this story brightened one person's day or caused one smile, no matter how faint, I would count every second spent on it worthwhile.

The story would not have been half as good without all the comments and suggestions which were a large part of what kept me motivated to write more and incorporate all the fantastic ideas I was given. So once again, I thank each and every reader and commentor for their help in writing this.

I do not have any plans currently for continuing the story so this will be the end of Rictus's tale. The ending was not the best out there, but I am happy with how everything turned out. If anyone ever has any questions or ideas for their own stories, please don't hesitate to reach out as I found I enjoy talking with others about that sort of thing.

Maybe we will meet again in the future, but if we do not, I truly wish you well in whatever life may have instore for you.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Why are you still reading this? The story is done. Time to get back to real life, or maybe get lost in the world of a great story if you are luck. For those seekers of knowledge who have stayed true this whole time, I have a little nugget for you. Did you know I appreciate you? It is true. Even if no one has told you that in a long time, know that I am thankful for you. You taking time out of your life to read my story means a lot. So thank you. I appreciate it.

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