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76.47% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 78: Soul Cairn

Capítulo 78: Soul Cairn

The Soul Cairn was unlike anywhere Rictus had ever traveled. The sky was cloudy with a dark purplish hue that gave off enough light to see by but was by no means bright. Instead of a sun, there was a spot of impenetrable darkness with a nimbus of purple and blue hues. The ground was covered in dead grass and shrubs while a prevailing fog coated everything. Towering ruins and grave markers went on as far as the eye could see. Quiet desolation filled the land. If one somehow got past all of that, there was a strange sense of peace about the place which Rictus found oddly comforting.

He tested out some of his spells and discovered most all worked as usual. The only complication was with his manipulate earth spell. Casting was significantly more costly and took more concentration. Pulling some small rocks from storage proved they could be utilized just fine. Rictus theorized the land here had been saturated with the energy of the Soul Cairn which resisted his manipulation. It was a good thing he had filled his Storage up with countless tons of materials before coming here or else he would have been at a disadvantage.

He was pulled from his thoughts as Serana started speaking.

"I'd heard stories about the Soul Cairn, but never thought I'd see it myself. So far, it's... about what I imagined. I mean, look at this place. I can't imagine choosing to come here. You'd think a vampire would be right at home in this place. You'd be wrong. Let's just find my mother and get out of here, quickly."

Off in the distance, they could see a large wall with a gap. Further on, there was the shadow of some larger structure. Alucard raised a hand and pointed in its direction.

"That is most likely where we will find Valerica. We should make haste. No telling what undead monstrosity could be lurking in this realm."

They all nodded and instinctively grouped together as they started moving towards where they believed they had to go. As they were moving, spectral figures could be seen in the surrounding landscape. Some were moving, while most others stood or sat completely still. These were obviously the souls trapped here. Occasionally, they could hear the souls speaking.

"I thought death was a release, not an eternity of torment."

"Death is but a door, Time is but a window, I'll be back."

"Why can't I just die? I fear I'm cursed to walk this desolate land forever."

"Shhh. They're watching us. Always watching."

"There's no escape."

"All I said to Potema was I thought she looked a little portly in that gown. How was I supposed to know?"

"Only those who have suffered long can find the light within the shadows."

The words spoken drew their curiosity, but despite approaching them, the souls never paid them any attention. Rictus thought it was a shame since he really wanted to find out more details from the poor man who died after commenting on a woman's weight. He also really wanted to ask about Korir's family to see if any of the souls had seen or heard of Thaena or Assur, but he resisted for now. The chances of a random soul knowing about other relatively new souls were extremely slim. Maybe he would eventually come across a more distinct soul which retained more of their personality than those faded specters around them. If that happened, then he could try and ask about them.

Silence reigned supreme as they drew near the large wall. As they neared, a frantic soul drew their attention.

"Arvak, Arvak!"

The soul noticed them and quickly approached them.

"You must help me find my Arvak. He doesn't deserve to be in a place like this!"

Alucard made the first move as he neared the soul.

"Calm down. How can I help?"

The soul didn't seem to hear the question as it began becoming more frantic again.

"Arvak! Arvak, where are you? Arvak, please come back! Come back!"

The soul then just faded from their sight right in front of them. Serana was looking on confused while both Rictus and Alucard knew what was going on. The two men shared a look and Rictus could see the pleading in Alucard's eyes. Rictus simply shrugged and nodded which caused a large smile to appear on Alucard's face. Arvak was a really cool summons, but Rictus did not have any need for it. His familiar Billy was more than enough for him.

"So…what just happened?"

Serana was still stuck trying to figure out what was different between that soul and the others since it interacted with them while the others barely acknowledged them. Rictus just shook his head at her.

"My guess is the soul died with his mount and wanted us to find him. Maybe if we come across it, we can help, but for now we should stay focused."

She immediately shook off her confusion and nodded determinedly. This was not the place to become distracted after all. Seeing as everyone was ready, they continued making their way towards the imposing wall.

It was a very impressive structure. The wall was taller and thicker than even Solitude's. It rose imposingly high and stretched on towards the horizon, or whatever there was in this plane of Oblivion. Rictus fought the temptation to fly to the top of the wall. He was really curious what could be up there.

They passed through the wall and could now more clearly see the massive structure dead ahead of them. So far, the path they had been following was leading them directly towards it. Almost like they were supposed to go there. Rictus couldn't help feeling a bit strange at the whole situation. Sure, such a thing was practical in a video game, but it happening in a realistic setting was just kind of strange. Maybe the Ideal Masters were not worried about being subtle or the living coming through here. If they wanted thing to be obvious and straightforward, who was Rictus to question them?

Nothing attack them was strange though. They could see shadowy figures off in the distance, but that was about it. None of them were itching to investigate just now either. No use antagonizing them right now. There was plenty of time for that later. Still, it gave Rictus an uneasy feeling.

With Serana leading with a blistering pace, they rapidly moved across the desolate land. Not once did they pause for anything. Before they knew it, they were at the foot of the large structure. Now they were closer, Rictus could tell it was some type of temple. The architecture of the temple resembled some of the more gothic structures he had seen. It had an ancient feeling about it and despite showing signs of untold years of aging, it still stood proudly.

As they started ascending the stairs, Rictus noticed Serana becoming more and more tense. The thought of finding her mother had her as taunt as drawn bow. Something which stood out to Rictus was the magical barrier blocking the entrance of the temple. A transparent bluish purple barrier, more powerful than any he had felt before, blocked them from approaching a large door nestled into the structure and past large stone columns and piles of bones. Even though there was plenty to grab one's attention, Serana had eyes for something else though as she rushed forward.

"Mother? Mother!"

Valerica jerked in shock from where she had been leaning against the wall in a trance. Rictus thought she looked a lot like her daughter and even wore similar vampire amor. They had the same color hair, except Valerica's was pulled back into two separate buns on the back of her head. She slowly made her way towards them as if it had been a long time since she had moved.

"Maker…it can't be Serana?"

"Is it really you? I can't believe it! How do we get inside? We have to talk."

Serana had a voice full of hope as she looked at her mother. The excitement at having finally reunited with her mother filled her with happiness. Her mother did not share in this happiness.

"Serana? What are you doing here? Where's your father?"

Seeing her mother immediately mention her father, Serana's excitement lowered, and she couldn't help but frown a little.

"He doesn't know we're here. I don't have time to explain."

Valerica didn't seem to be listening though as a she was lost in contemplation. Her daughter's words not even really registering.

"I must have failed. Harkon's found a way to decipher the prophecy, hasn't he."

"No, you've got it all wrong. We're here to complete the prophecy our way, not his."

Something in the words drew Valerica's attention. She slowly turned her head towards Rictus and Alucard.

"Wait a moment... you've brought strangers here? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, you don't..."

Serana tried speaking, but her mother cut her off.

"You two. Come forward. I would speak with you."

Rictus and Alucard gave each other a small shrug before moving forward. Rictus couldn't help but notice the disappointment radiating off Serana. This was definitely not how she had imagined their reunion going. Her mother had basically blown her off and didn't even bother listening to her.

"So how has it come to pass that two newly turned vampires of mixed blood are in the company of my daughter?"

Alucard was the first to speak up and bowed his head.

"We have journeyed with your daughter to support her in her quest to find you, my lady."

"Ha! You claim to support her, yet you bring her here. Has she explained nothing to you? Serana is in far greater danger now than she was before. She has sacrificed everything to prevent Harkon from completing the prophecy. I would have expected her to explain that to you both by now."

Her words and tone were biting as she accosted them both. Rictus weathered them without blinking an eye though.

"She has explained some of what is going on, but she doesn't know everything since it wasn't explained to her either. Could you please explain more of what is going on exactly. I know all of us would appreciate knowing more about what is truly going on, especially regarding the Elder Scrolls."

Valerica gave him a withering look before turning contemplative. She slowly started explaining what was going on.

"The Scrolls are merely a means to an end. The key to the Tyranny of the Sun is Serana herself. When I fled Castle Volkihar, I fled with two Elder Scrolls. The Scroll I presume you found with Serana speaks of Auriel and his arcane weapon, Auriel's Bow. The second scroll declares that "The Blood of Coldharbour's Daughter will blind the eye of the Dragon.""

Alucard nodded his head while speaking.

"Since you and Serana are both Daughters of Coldharbour, the Tyranny of the Sun requires Serana's blood. That is why you have acted the way you have."

Valerica gave him a suspicious look at guessing they were both Daughters of Coldharbour, but such a conclusion was easily guessed at from her explanation. She was at least a little glad her daughter's companions were not complete fools. She would have been disappointed if they couldn't connect the dots so easily honestly.

"Now you're beginning to see why I wanted to protect Serana, and why I've kept the other Elder Scroll as far from her as possible. If Harkon obtained Auriel's Bow and Serana's blood was used to taking the weapon, the Tyranny of the Sun would be complete. In his eyes, she'd be dying for the good of all vampires."

Alucard stood up straighter as he spoke again.

"We will not allow Harkon to do such a thing. The easiest solution here is the best one. We will simply kill Harkon."

Valerica looked at him like he was an idiot.

"If you believe that, then you're a bigger fool that I originally suspected. Don't you think I weighted that option before I enacted my plans?"

Rictus took a moment to look over to Serana who was standing completely still with a confused look on her face during the entire exchange.

"Serana, what is your opinion in all of this?"

His words seemed to pull her from her trance. Before she could speak though, Valerica interjected.

"You care nothing for Serana or our plight. What would such a newly turned vampire even know about what is going on. You see the Tyranny of the Sun as your chance at deification, and like Harkon, you won't hesitate to destroy anything that stands in your path."


Valerica's tirade abruptly ended as she looked a little shocked at Serana's forceful tone.

"Serana? These strangers may call themselves vampires, but they know nothing of our struggle. Why should I entrust you to either of them?"

Anger seeped into Serana's voice at the way her mother kept speaking to her.

"I am no object you can simply "entrust" to someone else Mother. Besides, they have done more for me in the brief time I've known them than you've done in centuries!"

Valerica was more than prepared to match her daughter's tone.

"How dare you! I gave up everything I cared about to protect you from that fanatic you call a father!"

"Yes, he's a fanatic... he's changed. But he's still my father. Why can't you understand how that makes me feel?"

She gave her daughter a pitying look while shaking her head in disappointment.

"Oh, Serana. If you'd only open your eyes. The moment your father discovers your role in the prophecy, that he needs your blood, you'd be in terrible danger."

The pity only upset Serana more as tears threated to fall from her eyes.

"So, to protect me you decided to shut me away from everything I cared about? You never asked me if hiding me in that tomb was the best course of action, you just expected me to follow you blindly. Both of you were obsessed with your own paths. Your motivations might have been different, but in the end, I'm still just a pawn to you, too. No one asked or cared about my opinions."

A tear slowly fell from her eye as her voiced wavered slightly.

"I just want us to be a family again. But I don't know if we can ever have that. Maybe we don't deserve that kind of happiness. Maybe it isn't for us. But we have to stop him. Before he goes too far. And to do that, we need the Elder Scroll."

By the end of her speech, Serana had straightened back up and spoke with determination. There was not more wavering or doubt in her voice, only calm confidence and assurance. Valerica stood silent for a few moments after her daughter's rant. A sad and broken look appeared on her face before she schooled her expression. Her words were barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry, Serana. I didn't know... I didn't see. I've allowed my hatred of your father to estrange us for too long. Forgive me. If you want the Elder Scroll, it's yours."

A look of understanding passed between mother and daughter before Valerica turned back towards Rictus and Alucard.

"Your intentions are still somewhat unclear to me. But for Serana's sake, I'll assist you in any way that I can."

She then turned back towards her daughter.

"I have kept the Elder Scroll safely secured here ever since I was imprisoned. Fortunately, you're in a position to breach the barrier that surrounds these ruins. You will need to locate the tallest of the rocky spires that surround here. At their bases, the barrier's energy is being drawn from unfortunate souls that have been exiled here. Destroy the Keepers that are tending them, and it should bring the barrier down."

Serana nodded at her mother's words.

"We will return soon Mother."

Before she could turn around, Valerica stopped her.

"One more word of warning. There's a dragon that calls itself Durnehviir roaming the Cairn. Be wary of him. The Ideal Masters have charged him with overseeing the Keepers and will undoubtedly intervene if you're perceived as a threat. Other threats lurk everywhere, so keep your wits about you. Be careful and keep my daughter safe."

The last command was obviously for Alucard and Rictus who simply nodded in agreement before the three of them started walking down the stairs. They knew what they had to do now, and nothing would stop them.


[AN]: Well, we are finally in the Soul Cairn after all this time! I wasn't super excited about this chapter as it was mostly background stuff, but more action is coming soon. I don't really know how long we will stay here, but hopefully it won't be overly long.

Thanks so much for all the well wishes last week. I greatly appreciate them all. Hearing all the comments about Rictus becoming a vampire was quite fun to read honestly.

Finally, I want to thank LordValmar who provided me some new updated covers for the story which are much better than what I had before. Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. If you have any comments or tips, please let me know. I love reading the comments since they are a big help for new ideas and directions for the story.

To those few bothering to read this far into the comments, I got a fun fact for you. The opposite sides of a die will always equal 7. Who says numbers can't be fun?

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