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65.21% The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic) / Chapter 15: Date and a Minor Problem

Capítulo 15: Date and a Minor Problem

Joy was so much excited. Rarity had prepared Bubble's dress and one could say that her dress was really amazing and one of the kind. It has almost everything a dress should have. It was consist on a red vest with purple laces on it, a skirt of dark pink colour with purple silky laces as well, and adored with diamond shape rubies on it. It was a very beautiful and wonderful dress. Not that all she also made a pair of clothes for Joy as well especially for that event. Rarity also had took his measurements so she could also made him some clothes as well. Well, as a Prince he already had many clothes but Rarity wanted a chance to make a dress for him by herself. She made a red hoody and grey jeans for him. On the chest there was a light brown star with a colorful spiral around this. On sleeves and waist there were white stripes on the hoody.

"Thanks Rarity. I really appreciate this," he said as he saw the dress she made.

"You're welcome Prince. I'm so much happy that you like it," she replied.

Joy got that dress gift packed and headed towards his home. He was going to wear this on that upcoming date. Also red was his second favorite color. Once he made everything planned he just had to wait for her now. According to her letter, she was going to arrive in Ponyville about in three or four days.


Joy was so much happy today because today was the day when she was coming to Ponyville. Joy received her letter a day ago.

[My sweet sweetie Joy

Hi! I'm coming to Ponyville tomorrow's afternoon. You hear me Joy I'm coming here. Oh, I can't tell how much excited it's making me. I longed so much for this day. I'm happy that we'll be together once again. Sorry for such a short letter, I've to do preparations now. I hope I'll be there at afternoon by the last train from Manehatten. See you soon.

Your lovely marefriend

Bubble Heart]

Joy was overjoyed as he read this. She first time in her life write directly 'your lovely marefriend'. That was the phrase he used when he was saying her goodbye for the last time four years ago. He understood what was her meant and he was ready to welcome her with the most wonderful date she could ever imagine. He just had to wait for her now. There was still much time so he decided to stroll around a little.

As he went out he saw a familiar pony in front of him. She had mint colour coat, cyan mane, and a lyre as a cutie mark. She was trotting with an earth pony mare. Earth pony mare had pale yellow coat, a mane of pink and blue mix, and three bows as her cutie mark.

"Hey Joy!" Lyra suddenly grab him in a hug.

"Easy Lyra!" he said as he returned the hug. "Long time not seen."

"Yeah, I'm living in Ponyville for quite a while now," she replied and looked towards the other mare "This's Bonbon, my best friend here in Ponyville."

"I didn't see you around before this day. Where were you been?" he asked.

"Well, we were on vacations in Baltimare. Sun feels really good now a days," said Bonbon "You must be the Princess' son. Hi, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Bonbon!" He replied

"So what brought you here? Are you here for settling as well?" Asked Lyra

"Even if I want to, mom will never allow me." He chuckled "So how the things been here for you."

"Things have been better here," she replied.

"C'mon guys! The great and powerful Trixie has come to town. Come to the town square, quickly!" Suddenly Derpy appeared there.

"Who? What and what Trixie!" said Joy.

"The great and powerful Trixie?" said Lyra. "That sounds interesting. C'mon friends, let's go there."

As Joy and others were going towards the town's square he remembered the time when he and Lyra met for the first time. He still remembered how they became friends at the first place:

{Joy was on his way to the park. That was such a beautiful sunny day. It was a little time after his 13th birthday. He was missing Bubble so much. But he decided to distract him with taking a little time for him to relax. While most of his days passed practicing his magical abilities, and training for self-defense with his coach and friend Shining Armor.

As he reached there he saw that a minty filly with cyan mane and tail with a single streak of white in the middle of them. She was sitting on a bench with a book or rather a notebook in her hooves. Presumably she was writing in it. It intrigued him and he went up to her.

"Hey!" he called to her.

"Oh, hey," she looked at him as she closed the notebook quickly, which he then realized was a journal. "You're Princess's son, right?"

"Yeah, name's Joy Star," he nodded. "What's your name?"

"Well, well before I got my cutie mark my name's was Sweet Minty... But after my cutie mark, I changed it to Lyra Heartstrings."

"Oh, then what name do you prefer?" he asked her with a chuckle.

"Lyra would be fine," she said. "It's good to meet you, Prince Joy."

"It's good to meet you too, Lyra," he replied and then added. "You may just call me, Joy."

"Alright," Lyra said. "Joy, it's nice meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Lyra said, and then giggled.

"Well, would you like to see me play my lyre?" Lyra asked him. "Sure... I don't have anything else to do."

And then they spent some time together. Sadly, that was the only time that got to spend together because she left Canterlot a couple days after that.}

At last Joy reached at the town's square. Ponies of the town were gathering there. When he reached there he saw that Twilight and her friends were already there. Suddenly a voice was heard.

"Come all, come all, come and witnessed the most amazing magic of the great and powerful Trixie," with this voice a blue unicorn mare with light cyan mane in magician dress appeared on the stage in front of them. All the ponies were amazed at this.

"That sounds… bold," Joy said.

"Watch in awe as the great and powerful Trixie performed the most amazing feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes," she boasted.

"My, my! What boasting!" said Rarity.

"C'mon nopony's as magical as Twi… Twi…" Spike got stuck there. "Oh, hey Rarity! Moustache!" then he ran away as if remembered something.

"There's nothing wrong with being talented is there," said Twilight.

"Nothing at all. Since there someone going around showing them off as a school filly with fancy new ribbons," said Applejack.

"Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic that doesn't make him better than the rest of us," said Rarity.

"I agree. She's impressive but her boasting is so much repulsive," said Joy.

"And beside we've me around better than the rest of us," said Rainbow as everypony there gave her the angry stare. "I mean magic shmagic, booo!"

"Well, well, well! Looks like we've some neighsayers in the audience. Who's so ignorant to challenge the magical ability of great and powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?"

"Phrrr… Just who she thinks she's?" mocked Rarity.

"Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here's…" Spike was shushed by Twilight as she took him aside.

After that Trixie showed some amazing feats. They were impressive no doubt only if she wasn't boasting that much. Spike once again tried to speak but Twilight zipped off his mouth. At last Joy couldn't have more of that and he spoke.

"Why in the world you think you're so great and powerful Trixie?" said Joy.

"Why shouldn't I, my dear? After all I'm the one who had vanquish an Ursa Major," said Trixie.

She showed them a lame story that how she vanquished that creature using lights and sparkles. Some of the ponies watched this with amazement especially two clots who were already so much enthusiast about Trixie. They were 'Snips' a fat colt with blue coat and fast speaking manner, and 'Snails' a thin colt with pale orange coat and slow speaking manner.

"You did what? Really?" Joy said in a sarcastic tune and chuckled. "Why do you think anyone would believe you?"

It made her a little angry. Joy looked towards her again and chuckled even hilariously. Other ponies also chuckled and that made her a little angrier. But instead of bursting she kept her cool and said.

"You don't believe on great and powerful Trixie. Fine anything you can do I can do better!"

Joy wanted to show her that what he can do but showing off was a thing he was grown to believe is not what a good colt should do. So he did what he thought was best to do. He replied her lame challenge.

"Well, I'm not interested," he told her and then started to leave. "You can take from here Dash."

"Gladly," Rainbow nodded.


At last the day had come. Today was the day when she was going to see her sweetie, her only crush, and her very special friend Joy. She was so much happy for this. The next train for Ponyville was coming about at noon. This mean she would be in Ponyville about at the time of afternoon. She was so much glad, excited, and also a bit overwhelmed by happiness. Now she was going to stay for a very long time as she had promised him. Her face was full of blush all the while she was getting ready to go to Ponyville. She was remembering some memorable moments with Joy which led them to become each other's very special friends.

"You sure not coming mom. I know Joy would be so much happy to see you." Said Bubble

"Yeah! I'll come to meet him when he'll return to Canterlort. Okay." Said Heart

"Okay… Alright!" Said Bubble

She packed her stuff in a bag. She was wearing the dress she had bought for their first date. It was consisted on a pink vest with purple stars like designs on it and a purple and dark pink stripe skirt with design like heart bubbles on it. It was a dress she knew that will be perfect for their first date. She went towards the station along with her mother at time when train was about to arrive.

"Ok Bubble, looks like train is about to arrive," said Heart.


She could only managed to say before blushing deeply once again. She was so much overwhelmed by a strange happiness she was feeling again and again.

"So, you must be so happy! Aren't you?" said Heart.

"Yes, I'm so much happy mom," she giggled.

"Alright Bubble! I'm happy that you're excited. I was also…"

Heart stopped as suddenly her bright smiled turned to a sad expression as she started to remember someone special to her. Her husband to be exact.

"What happened mom?" Bubble said.

Heart didn't let her daughter's smile disappear and gave a kiss on her forehead. She smiled as she wiped some tears from her own eyes.

"No, nothing my dear. Now go and have fun there." She said as she heard the whistles of train

"Love you mom!" said Bubble.

"Love you too my dear Bubble Heart!" said Heart.

At last train arrived at the station. She hugged his mother once again and went on the train. She waved a hoof towards her mother as train started to go away. As soon as it was out of sight Heart felt herself dipped into some pleasant memories of the past. The time she spent with Bubble's dad was still the most amazing time of her life. She missed him so much time to time.

After standing there for a while she headed back to her home. Now Bubble wasn't there. But she was not completely alone. Her cousin Night Flora who lives in Manehatten was with her in the home. She was going to stay there with her little daughter as her husband was on a business tour for a while. It was good that there was somepony to keep her company.

Joy knew what he should do now. He had to get himself prepared for his first date. So he had to look best, so their date could be most wonderful date ever. Maybe a bubble bathe would be fine. Or better maybe he should go to spa. Ah, that sounds better. So after thinking for a while he headed towards the Ponyville day spa. Twilight and her friends go there every now and then. Well, he always thought that spa is for girls only but he had no offense on trying new things. Well, he never had been there before so he was a little nervous. So to his luck Lyra and Bonbon decided to accompany him. They were also going to spa.

"So Joy, you never been to spa before," said Lyra

"Yeah! And I don't think colts go to spa," replied Joy.

"Are you kidding me Joy? Spa is for everypony!" said Lyra.

"Okay, if you say so!"

"Why don't you think to ever try this before?" said Lyra.

"Well…" said Joy as he remembered what he had been doing all his time in Canterlot.

Reading books… playing board games… training self-defense… learning about his magic… private lessons… story reading… writing letters to Bubble… writing letters to Twilight… writing dairy… and… playing a little bit… maybe…

"Pretty much because I'm too busy with my little occupations," said Joy.

"Right! So is she pretty?" said Lyra "I mean your marefriend!"

"Yeah…!" said Joy.

Both mares giggled at his excitement to meet his special friend.

He and mares entered the spa. They saw two mares in front of them. One of them was blue with pink mane and other was pink with blue mane. They both were wearing a headband. They both looked a little surprise when they saw a tall bipedal creature in front of them.

"Joy! This is Lotus." Lyra said pointing towards the mare with blue coat and pink mane "And this is Aloe," Lyra said signaling towards the mare with pink coat and blue mane "The amazing spa ponies of Ponyville."

"Girls! I think you know who he is," said Lyra. "He is…!"

"Sweet Celestia! Prince Joy!" said Lotus in French accent. "We're so honor to meet you in person," said Aloe in same accent as both mares bowed to him in respect. "First we have to take a look at your… unique features before…" Lotus paused as both of them came a little closer and observed the appendages at end of his front and hind legs. "…we decide which treatment will be best for you," Aloe completed the sentence.

"Well, looks like it's gonna take a while," said Bonbon. "You take care of the Prince while we'll be enjoying our own spas here till then," Lyra said this as she and Bonbon went towards a certain room.

Joy was given a gown which was made to fit to his shape. He really wanted to know who had made this.

"You can thanks miss Rarity for this," said Aloe.

<So she also made a gown for my body shape. I wonder what else she had been experimenting> he thought.

He went in changing room to wear that gown and came in front of the mares. He was blushing a little because of his dressing. He rubbed hairs on his back neck. Mares guided him to a certain room. He was sitting on a spa chair as Lotus and Aloe were trying to figure out where should they start?

"So let's start from your exotic hooves, shall we?" said Aloe.

They took a closer look to his front hooves containing claws like appendages. They were nothing like what usually claws are like. They were soft and round from tips. His nails would hardly be able to do a scratch. The strange limbs were something they never handled before. They examined them carefully as Joy stretched them apart. Then they took a look on his hind hooves. They were totally different from anything they'd ever seen. There was nothing to compare them. There were one big and four small stubby limbs on each hoof. There was little bit of filth in the pits between limbs but most of part was soft and clean. After thinking for a while they figured out what to do.

"Well, I think we can start from getting rid of this dirt," said Lotus.

They brought a bowl of clean and warm water and mix some herbal solutions in it. They said him to put his hind hooves in it. After a while they used some paper towel to clean the little amount of dirt. After this they treated his front hooves. Then they treated his face. It was already much neat and clean except for little dirt around his nose and some pimples. Treatment for his face was much different from the treatment for any pony's face because of bare skin.

"Come this way my Prince," said Lotus.

He was led to another room. There he lied on a massage table and received a relaxing massage. Well, that was so much… relaxing. Next stage was a steam bath. The spa was so soothing. He never felt so relaxed before.

"Thank you so much your majesty, for giving us a chance to serve you. Sorry it took a little longer because of your… unique form. I think we've to make some adjustment in our treatments for you. Anyhow I hope you've enjoyed your first spa here in Ponyville," said Lotus to Joy.

"Actually, this's my very first spa ever. And I must say that was enjoyable and soothing," replied Joy.

"Well, hope we'll see you again," said Aloe.

"Well, I think I'll come back here before heading back to Canterlot," said Joy.

Joy went outside the spa along with Lyra and Bonbon. They'd to wait a little more for him. Now he was totally relaxed. He thought that why he never thought of going to a spa before. Maybe he should do this more often. Now it was almost the time. A little time was left before Bubble was about to come in Ponyville. Joy had to go to the station to pick her from there.

At afternoon Joy was standing at the station along with his friend Derpy. Twilight also supposed to be there but she was reading about something important. Pinkie pie was probably in sugar-cube corner. Others were busy in their regular tasks.

Joy was excitedly waiting for the train to be on station. He was so excited to meet lovely marefriend Bubble Heart. At last the whistles of train were heard. Joy couldn't be that much excited to hear the whistles of train in all his life. Train began to slow down and at last stopped at the station. Passengers started to came out of the train but Joy's eyes were looking for only one mare only.

"There! There! Look there!" said Derpy. "She's Bubble! Isn't she?"

He looked towards as she was standing there with all of her elegance. She was wearing a pink vest and purple skirt. Joy looked towards her. She was now a fully grown up mare with very elegant look he ever seen. Her beautifully styled mane, her blushed cheeks, her purple eyeshadow, her sapphire blue eyes, her everything was so much wonderfully wonderful.

Bubble was so much excited. Then she calm herself down. She could express her excitement when she'll meet her. As soon as train was stopped she proceeded towards the door. She came out of the train and looked around to see her prince.

At last she looked towards him. Her unique bipedal friend, wearing a red hoody with grey jeans. He had same bear skin with a little bit of hairs on his front hooves, and wrist, his ovals face, his small nose, light brown eyes, yellow hair, his handsome appearance, and was now a grown up stallion.

"Joy!" she said as she came towards her.

"Bub… bub... Bubble!" he said as his eyes widened with happiness.

They came towards each other and at last hugged each other. Both had these warm feeling almost after four years. Oh, how badly they were missing each other's presence and any of them didn't want to let go any soon. They both sighed with relaxation as they felt each other.

"Nice to meet you again my sweetie," said Bubble.

"Nice to meet you too my dear Bubble," said Joy.

This was the comfiest hug they ever had. Even the night was very cold but warmth of their bodies soothed both of them. After being satisfy they broke the hug and looked around with many ponies staring at them. Some of them were even blushing with awe. And some were just staring with surprise. Derpy was watching them with a wide smile.

"So my dear Bubble… You remember Derpy?" he chuckled and looked towards Derpy.

"Yeah… " she blushed. "How are you Derpy? Nice to see you again!" she extended a hoof towards her.

"Nice to see you too Miss Bubble! I'm fine," said Derpy hoofshaking with her.

Then they walked away from the crowd giggling and looking towards each other. Derpy came with them for a while. But then she remembered something suddenly.

"Oh, I have to go now. See you soon!" she said and flew away.

They both kept walking like this to the town. Both were so much happy. Now they both were together and want to be together for a long while from now on.

"So… shell we?"

"Yeah! I've waited so long for this day," said Bubble.

"Me too my dear Bubble," said Joy. "So let's go to my place and after some rest so we can start our most wonderful date. Believe me this date will be wonderful."

A giggle was made her. "I don't doubt this my sweetie," she blushed.

<As long as you're with me, I know this will be wonderful> she thought. So they both headed towards his house in Ponyville. After reaching there, he said her to sit in living room while he brought something special for her to eat. She sat there and waited for him. They ate some light food first and then as desert Joy brought a heart shaped strawberry cake. She looked on the decorated cake. It looked lovely and so much delicious. On the top of this it was written 'For my lovely Marefriend'. Bubble looked at the cake with surprised eyes.

"Will you like the first piece of cake?" Joy said cutting a piece out of cake and offering this to her. Cake was consisted on three layers of loaf. Between every layer there was a thick layer of strawberry cream. Her favorite flavor.

"Oh really? Since when my sweetie became good at baking!" said Bubble as she took the piece of cake.

"Not long ago!" He replied and chuckled "A friend in Ponyville has helped me in learning this."

Bubble took a bite. That was so much tasty. She was even more surprised. She looked at him with a sarcastic smile.

"Well, I'm happy now that one of us can bake a cake without burning this," she said.

"You still remember that" said Joy.

{It was almost midnight. Joy and Bubble were trying something their mothers had told them to not do so. They were trying to bake a cake by themselves. They both were standing in front of oven. They both were so much excited. They were confident that they can do this because they'd seen the bakers doing this many times.

"I think it's done!" said Joy.

"Okay! Let's see!" they put the cake out of the oven.

It was mostly burnt and not so good looking. It was literally smoking. Both first looked towards the cake and then towards each other. They were confused because cake they'd seen before doesn't look like this.

"What you think Joy?" said Bubble.

"I think we need to decorate this." Joy put a hand under his chin "Let's bring some frosty!"

After a while they brought every type of frosty they'd in bakery. It contains chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, Blueberry, caramel, etc.

"So which frosty we should use?" said Joy.

"I got an idea!" said Bubble.

"Me too!"

"Let's use every one of these!" they both yelled.

After this they covered the cake with every type of frosty they had. It was looking like a mess of colors over a burnt loaf. They were not sure if they should take a bite of not. Because now it wasn't smelling burnt but not smelling so good either. After looking at this for a while both took a bite. They chew this reluctantly and then swallow this. But soon they regret this. Both ran towards the toilet to vomit out everything they'd eaten. They were found vomiting in the toilet by Twilight who came there by chance. Twilight didn't waste any time in telling their mothers about them. Celestia was so much worried about both of them and so as the Heart. Heart Sparkle took them to the doctor.

"Well, looks like effect of eating something bad," said the doctor as he examine them one by one. "Both have the same symptoms. For goodness sake what have you eaten last night?"

"Ah…" Bubble looked towards her mother and gave a sly smile. "Cake?"

"Bubble!" said Joy as Heart looked towards him showing a little anger.

"I didn't make any cake for you last night. You both telling the truth or what?" said Heart.

Both of them spilled the beans. Heart was not happy with any of them. Both were given medicine with instruction to rest and not taking any hard diet during next twenty four hours.

"Will we be punished?" asked Joy.

"I think that stomach-ache you got was enough of punishment," said Heart Sparkle.

Even though both were ashamed of their deed but still they were smiling.

"Hehahhhahehahheha!" both laughed.}

"Ah… childhood was so different. Wasn't this my dear Bubble?" said Joy as he took a bite of cake as well.

"Yeah, I still miss those days. No working, no studies, and no worries. But I'm happy that I still have something from my childhood," said Bubble.

"And what can that be?" he said as Bubble turn the piece of cake towards him.

Joy tried to bite the cake but Bubble had something else in mind. She giggled and said:-

"You are, my sweetie!" she smashed the piece of cake over his face. "You see, now you're sweet like never before."

"Not just me!" said Joy as he pick the remaining cake in his hand.

"No Joy! Look that's my new dress," said Bubble.

"That was my newly face you caked. Now you'll see what I will do." Said Joy as he smashed the cake on her face

Bubble said him to stop again and again but he didn't listen and kept massaging until her whole face was covered. She shook her head to wipe off some frosty. She looked towards Joy with somewhat angry eyes. Joy could only laugh at her in this condition.

"I'm gonna…!" she yelled as she knocked him off to floor.

"Ah… I'm sorry," Joy chuckled as now Bubble was standing over him.

"You, you…" she giggled as well. "You haven't changed a bit," said Bubble as she leaned towards him.

She nuzzled him softly as he was still chuckling. Joy stopped chuckling and blushed with a smile as she nuzzled him softly. Their eyes met as their faces were still mostly covered in frosty. Bubble started chuckling as she came off from him. He also chuckled sheepishly as he got up. Now Joy was sitting on floor and was face to face with his very special friend. Now there was a dead silent for some seconds. They both were just staring towards each other's caked faces. Suddenly they felt a force getting their faces closer to each other. Their heartbeats were getting faster as they closed their eyes. Their lips were about to hug each other after a long time. But before they could do this a sharp noise knocked them out of the moment.

(Knock Knock)

The door was knocked. They stopped as they looked around. Joy smiled as he got up from his place and looked towards the Bubble. Bubble blushed and smiled as well. But she was also feeling a little upset because of the ruining of this moment.

"I see who's at the door," said Joy.

He opened the door and saw that there was nopony in front of him. Instead there was card at the doorstep. He picked this up and read this. He smiled to read this. He came inside.

"Who was there Joy?" said Bubble.

"No one at all! Must be any prank by somepony!" he said. "I think we should change now. And then we can continue our… date."

"Okay! So… let's wash this frosty first," she giggled.

He went to basin and washed his face. Bubble took slightly longer time to wash her face. They had to change their clothes now. Joy went towards his armoire and put out a new pair of clothes for him. He came inside his room to change his current clothes. Bubble had to wait a little for her turn. She noticed that Joy's bedroom's door was slightly open. Surely he was not that much careful about these things especially when he was so excited. She proceeded to close the door but accidently noticed something from the slit. From the slit she could only see a little bit. He noticed that he was in his jeans. His body was more muscular and stronger than she saw this for the last time almost nine years ago when he was running in the castle without his top. She blushed a little and quickly closed the door completely using her magic. That make a little sound but hopefully either he didn't notice or he didn't listen.

"My sweetie is so handsome!" She sighed happily as she felt her own heartbeat. "So so handsome!"

"I'm here Bubble. You can go change now," said Joy. "And don't forget to look at the bed."

"Do I need to do this in a room? I mean... you know," she blushed.

"Oh Bubble! Just go there and see what's on the bed," said Joy.

She went inside and looked at the bed. There was a gift wrap on the bed. She picked this and unwrapped this. That was a beautiful dress no that was an amazing dress. She caress her hoof on the dress. She felt the silky fabric of dress. There was rubies on this dress, and this was adored with beautiful velvety laces. She was amazed to see that such a beautiful dress. She was even happier to know that Joy especially brought this gift for her. She quickly wore that dress. She came in front of Joy wearing that dress.

"How's this Joy?" said Bubble quite bashfully.

"This looks… amazing on you," Joy said. "Do you like this?"

In response Bubble stood up on her hind legs and wrapped her front legs around his neck. She looked towards him with lidded eyes. It was a very pleasant moment and none of them want this moment to be ruined. Joy lift her unicorn marefriend up in his arms to her ease. She blushed even more when he do this. Then he leaned towards her as she closed her eyes. They nuzzled each other once again.

"I loved this," she whispers.

"I knew you'll," he replied.

Then they both joined their lips together. Both pressed their lips against each other. They felt this moment after a very long time. Both giggled while their lips were still curled into each other's. After a while they broke the kiss. Both looked towards each other blushing deeply.

"I loved this even more my sweetie and I mean it," said Bubble.

"So you were missing me that much," Joy chuckled.

"Joy…" said Bubble "Will you put me down now?" she said and giggled.

"Oh… alright!" he said and put her down gently.

"I think we should be heading out now. I'm really looking forward to see what else you've in mind," said Bubble.

"Yeah!" replied Joy.

Both of them headed out of a Joy's house. Joy still had that card in his pocket but he didn't told anything about this to Bubble. Now they both were heading towards Ponyville movie theatre. To their luck many movies were airing there on that day. Some of them were adventurous. There were also some romantic movies as well. Joy liked the movies with adventure and suspense and for Bubble romance was the best genre. So they've to decide which movie they should see. They decided to see a movie with both factors romantic love and thrilling adventure:-

This was novel movie about an age when finding love outside the kind was forbidden. Movie started with a stallion working on the wheat farm along with his three sons. One of them was named Bolt Dasher. He was well known for his swift trotting. As the time goes by Bolt grows up. One day while travelling through a city he came across a beautiful unicorn mare. Mare was so much arrogant that she didn't gave him a second look. Mare's name was Sunbeam. She belonged to a rich unicorn family with two prideful brothers and an arrogant mother. Movie revolved around Bolt as he first falls in love with Sunbeam unwarily and Sunbeam with him. Bolt's father try to make him understand that she's from high status and that her mean family will never accept a poor and more importantly a stallion outside the kind for her. But he kept meeting her secretly. Sunbeam was aware of the same fact so she didn't tell anyone either. But as soon as her parents got aware of this fact they both had no choice but run away. They came across many dangers, life threatening troubles, but never stop loving each other neither her brothers or mother stopped trying to kill them both. They once called themselves the Children of Love to show their loathing for racist thoughts. As they don't belong to any unicorn or any earth pony family but members of common bond called love.

Almost after one and a half hour movie was near its end. Everypony was munching on their popcorns. Mares were holding their coltfriends tightly as suspense was increasing. Bubble and Joy's condition was the same. Bubble's eyes were wide open and so as the Joy. He was munching on his popcorns slowly as they both were watching the end of the movie.

The ending was heart breaking. Both lovers decided to suicide as they crowd watched in suspense.

They looked at each other as they had stood on the edge of a cliff. And with a smile upon their faces, they jumped down the cliff and fell to their death. The movie ended on gory scene of their death, and even in their death they didn't let each other go.

In a while chasers came there and looked them both dead. Their mission was to kill them for breaking a very important rule. That nopony can love or marriage outside their kind and status. Finding them already dead and still so close to each other made them furious. The eyes of Bolt were still opened and looking towards them as he was mocking them at their defeat.

"Stop looking at me you..." said the leader stallion.

"Let it go Boss. We succeeded in our mission anyways. She wanted them dead and dead they are."

"...Alright," he said as he gave the bloody stare to body of the Bolt.

He spit at a side and went away along with his gang leaving body of lovers resting in peace in the comfort and never ending embrace of each other.

The End

Movie was ended and lights were on again. Joy's eyes were full of tears so as the Bubble's along with many other couples in the crowd. He was so much sad at the ending. That was a movie he could say was so much amazing and wonderful. It has both romance and thrill in correct proportion. Crowd started to leave now. Joy and his marefriend also came out of the theatre. While walking on the dirt path Joy was looking a little sad. He looked towards the pink unicorn mare beside him.

"Wasn't that so much amazing?"

"Yes, that was… something my dear Bubble." Said Joy with still some tears in his eyes "They… must be great lovers."

"Don't worry my sweetie. That was just a movie," said Bubble.

"I know, I'm just a little emotional," said Joy.

Bubble hugged him. Only thing he needed to feel fine. He knew that was just a movie after all so he didn't have to worry about anything. Time passed so quickly while they were watching the movie. Now it was almost evening. Joy decided to tell Bubble about the card.

"Hey Bubble! I want to show you something!" said Joy as he put out a card from his pocket.

"Oh really! What's that?" asked Bubble.

"A gift from a friend named Pinkie Pie," said Joy.

"Pinkie Pie? Who's she?"

"She's a friend of Twilight and work in sugar-cube corner. C'mon! I'll tell you the details on the way."


They both headed towards the sugar-cube corner. On the way Joy told Bubble that Pinkie Pie had offered them a free VIP dinner date at the corner. It said that it was a gift as congratulating them for their reunion. Pinkie was very excited to meet Bubble as she always be to meet new ponies. Bubble was surprised to see a house made out of gingerbread.

"Wow, talk about sweet looking sights!" said Bubble as she chuckled.

"Let's go my dear Bubble."

They both entered in the corner. Pinkie suddenly appeared there. Bubble was a little surprised to see this. She hugged her tightly as she always does to new friends.

"Hey my name's Pinkie Pie. You're Joy's marefriend right! Oh, you must be as excited as I was when I was planning this party for you twos. Are you excited? Are you? Huh! Huh?"

"Yes, I'm very excited! But looks like somepony is even more excited than me. Nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. I'm Bubble Heart."

"So Pinkie! About…" said Joy showing her the card.

"Yeah, now come this way sir and ma'am," said Pinkie as she leaded them to a table with candles on them "Make yourself comfortable! I'll be back in a while."

"May I?" Joy said adjusting the chair for Bubble.

"Thanks Joy," said Bubble.

Then Joy sat on the chair and waited for Pinkie. They both stared at the menu for a while but then they put this down. Both blushed and chuckled while looking towards each other. Meanwhile Octavia was playing a very soothing tune.

"I can't decide. What do you think?" said Bubble.

"Me neither." replied Joy.

"Have you made your decision yet?" said Pinkie as she suddenly appeared there.

"We can't decide! Have you any suggestion Miss Pinkie!" said Bubble.

"In that case! For starters we've our special fruit salad. And then Pinkie Pie's surprise cake for desert."

"Yes, that sounds alright to me," said Joy.

"Yes, that sounds nice," said Bubble.

"I'll be back in a while! Until then enjoy your refreshments!" said Pinkie as she placed one glass on the table with two straws in this "Sorry we're lacking on glasses. Hope you can help yourself," Pinkie smiled and went away.

Bubble and Joy both giggled at this. Bubble leaned towards the straw and so as the Joy. She took the straw in her mouth and started drinking the juice. Joy did the same. As they were doing this they were feeling the breaths of each other upon their faces. This feeling was really making them tickles. They involuntarily took their mouths close to each other. And before they could go even closer juice was finished. They slowly pulled their mouths away blushing a little.

"Excuse me lovebirds! Salad is served," said Pinkie as she put the plate of salad on the table.

After eating the salad special Pinkie Pie's surprise cake was served on the table. They both wanted to know why this's called a surprise cake. Each took out a peace and took a bite.

"Mmm… this's chocolate!" said Joy.

"No… this's vanilla!" said Bubble.

"No, this's…" Joy paused as he took another bite. "Strawberry?"

"Apple?" said Bubble.

"But how one cake have four flavors at a time," said Joy.

"That's why this's surprise cake! It contains four flavor in one and you don't know what are you gonna taste next."

"Now that's cool," said Joy. "How you can even do this?"

"Well, that's a secret," said Pinkie.

Both shrugged at her response and keep on enjoying the cake. After the cake was finished they sat there and talked for a while.

After having a soothing dinner they both headed outside the sugar-cube corner. Now it was night time. They still had a much time to stroll around the town so that's what they did. They stroll around the town on the dirt path. Town was so much beautiful along with its natural sceneries. Bubble was enjoying this so much. She was enchanted by the town's natural beauty. She was happy to be in this town especially with her coltfriend Joy.

"Who's she Joy?" said Bubble as she saw Trixie while she was drinking a glass of milkshake.

"You can say that's the most annoying thing you'll ever see. She's self-proclaimed the most powerful unicorn in Equestria," said Joy.

"Oh, I didn't get it!" said Bubble.

"Let's just say she's a boast buster. And a biggest one of that," said Joy. "Let's just ignore her."

"As you say!"

"C'mon let's go to hill. Town looks amazing from up there."

"I think that's a nice idea."

They both headed towards the hill. They looked down to the Ponyville. It appeared even more beautiful from up there. They laid on the ground and looked towards the sky full of stars. Bubble was placing her head over Joy's arm. Both were staring the constellations. Moon was also looking so much beautiful.

"Ah… sky is so beautiful when this's full of stars. Isn't this Bubble?"

"Yeah! Do you know where my favorite star is?" said Bubble.

"Where my dear Bubble!"

"Right besides me," Bubble giggled.

"Beside you… oh, you mean…" he understood that she was talking about him.

"Yeah, this's you!" she sighed happily. "I want to say something, Joy!"

"Anything my dear Bubble!" he said.

"I want to say this for very long time. From the time I gave you my first kiss I want to say this. I know you and me already know this but…" she said and turn her head towards him.

"Bubbles, just say this," he giggled. "You're making me burst with excitement."

"I… I… I love… I love you," said Bubble.

Joy was speechless. Even he remembered they'd confessed their love and even their soon to be relationship in front of their mothers but he knew that neither he nor she never said those magical words to each other directly. It was a different kind of pleasure he felt.

"I… I love you too," said Joy as he turned his head towards her as well.

Bubble was so much happy to hear this. She felt so much joy that she wanted to hear this again right then. So she thought to play a little.

"I love you… three," said Bubble being a little playful. Joy also played along.

"I love you four," said Joy.

"I love you… infinity times infinity," she chuckled.

"Well, then I love even more than that," he chuckled too.

"Joy! Will you like to be my very special somepony?" Bubble asked, and looked him with her big adorable eyes.

"Hmm?" Joy was a little confused at that. "Aren't we already, my dear Bubble?"

"I just wanna hear you say it," she said with in a childlike anticipation. "Please..."

Joy smiled and embraced her happily. "Yes, I'm your special somepony, for now and forever..."

Bubble felt the soft fabric of his shirt upon her face. She left out some tears as she remembered the times she spent with him. She was so much happy that she started to sob in his embrace.

He listened some sobs by Bubble. He looked towards her cute face. Some of her mane was covering a portion of her left eye. He carefully caress her mane to see her clearly.

"Bubble… are you sobbing?" asked Joy.

"No… these are the tears of joy. I'm so much happy today. I'm so much happy," said Bubble.

"I'm so much happy to be with you as well," said Joy. "I love you so much."

"Oh my sweetie!" she said as she wrapped her front legs around him.

They kept caressing each other for a while. There was only slow moving wind's sound now. They were very happy to be together again.

"Bubble was this date as wonderful as you wanted this to be?" asked Joy.

"I think that was most wonderful date any mare could ask for. Thank you so much Joy," said Bubble.

"You see I kept my promise. Now do you remember your promise?" asked Joy.

"Yeah! Don't worry! I'm not going anywhere any soon now," said Bubble "So what now?"

"I think it's time we should head back," said Joy.

"That sounds… good to me," she said and blushed.

Joy noticed that blush on her face. That was something he was watching on her face most of the day. She was really that much excited. Joy was so much happy to see her happy and so was her.

As they were heading back Joy felt something unusual. It felt like some sorts of vibrations coming from the ground. Joy smiled as he thought it was some sort of feeling of excitement. He chuckled and said.

"Hey Bubble! The excitement I'm feeling... It feels like…"

"Ground is trembling!" she said in slightly alarming tune.

"Exactly!" he said in reassurance.

"No Joy! The ground, it's really trembling!" she said.

"Well, that doesn't seem good!" he said.

"What the hay…?" they both yelled.

They both saw a giant blue bear with a star on his forehead coming towards the town from Everfree forest. Its fur was like it was made of night itself. Joy and Bubble both ran away from that monster. Bubble tripped and fell because of her shawl. Joy was so much worried about Bubble's protection. So he lift his unicorn marefriend in his arms.

"What are you doing Joy?" she said.

"Protecting my very special somepony!" he replied.

His feet glowed with aura and he ran away from the Ursa with super speed. This was one of his magical abilities.

"Well, this's new!" said Bubble as she was in Joy's arms.

"You like that! I'll show you some more of my tricks when we'll get out of this," he replied.

Even though that was not a funny moment but Bubble couldn't help but giggled a little. This was a little strange situation. She was here to spend some wonderful time with his coltfriend after four years. She was expecting a warm hug and a warm welcome and stuff but attack of a giant monster sky bear that was not something she was expecting. And now she was in Joy's arms being taken away from a monster. That was so romantic and also kind of funny.

For Joy, this was a little different. He was not so happy with the situations. Why a monster had to attack on exact day when he and his marefriend finally dating? He was wishing to stop the monster himself as he so badly wanted to use his powers in a fight. But he remembered his promise he made with Bubble that he'll not put his life in danger until Bubble's life wouldn't be in danger. So he knew who would be the best pony to tell this. 'Maybe Twilight knew what to do in such situations. She's the smart one here.' He thought as he kept running towards Library.

As he was crossing nearby some ponies who were unaware from upcoming danger, he yelled to warn them.

"It's an Ursa, it's an Ursa! Run for your life!"

Ponies listen to him but a very few paid mind towards this. Until they themselves felt the tremble of the ground. The ground tremble as a giant blue bear with a star on his forehead appeared in the town. Ponies started to run to save themselves. Joy went towards the Golden Oak Library. He was about to knock the door as door was suddenly opened along with Twilight and Spike coming out of the Library.

Spike gave a catcall when he looked Joy holding his dear Bubble in his arms. Joy quickly placed Bubble down as both of them blushed heavily.

"Spike, we can congratulate them later. We've bigger problems now," said Twilight.

By her talk it seems like she knew what to do. She ran towards the Ursa leaving Joy and Bubble in a sudden surprise. Bubble looked towards Joy with questioning eyes. Joy looked towards her. By her expressions it seems like she was asking 'Was she the same Twilight she knew almost four years ago.' Joy chuckled to see her surprise.

"So wanna go there and see what she's gonna do," said Joy.

"Ah… yeah! In case she couldn't handle situation herself," replied Bubble.

Twilight was going towards Ursa while Trixie was trying in vain to stop the creature. Her biggest fans in Ponyville were there to cheer her in this situation. In a while Twilight reached there. Then Trixie told them a truth which shocked the both colts.

"I… can't!" said Trixie. "No one can vanquish an Ursa Major."

"What!" both colts yelled.

"I just made a whole story up to make me look better," said Trixie.

"MADE IT UP!" both colts yelled again.

Spike signaled Twilight to do something. Twilight came in front of Ursa as it roared upon her furiously. Twilight gulped in fear and looked towards the giant monster.

"Okay here goes," she said as her horn started to glow.

In a while Bubble and Joy reached there. Joy was so much surprised at what she was doing. She used a spell to produce music from tree leaves and branches by wind flowing through them.

"This's melodious!" said Bubble.

Soon monster started to feel relax and lulled with the music as foal listening to lullaby. Then she used her magic to left the huge water supplying tank of the town. She emptied it from water and filled it with the cattle's milk. How she did this, well let's just say she used her magic to do this.

"Oh well, that was…" said Bubble.

"That's something new! What else do you expect from a gifted unicorn like her?" Joy said admiring the Twilight.

Bubble didn't said anything but felt a little jealousy of her. Twilight was a unicorn talented with magic while she was talented with elegancy and very melodious voice. Bubble then shrugged and looked towards Joy. The only colt she always loved. There were many stallions out there who were more like… stallions. But she was destined to fall in love with an odd looking but handsome colt. She suddenly came to senses when Joy called her.

"Bubble! I gotta help her," said Joy.

"Oh… yes! Sure," she saw that she was trying to lift the creature in the air.

Then Twilight increased strength of her magic to lift the creature into the air. Joy came to help her in this. Soon it was lift into the air shining with both purple and brown aura. Twilight looked that Joy was helping her in this task.

"Let's do this Twilight."

Twilight used that tank as a baby bottle to feed the Ursa Minor. As soon as it started to drift off to sleep they both used their magic to send him back to his cave. The crowd was cheering for her. Joy and Twilight both were tired. Joy never used such amount of magic ever before.

"Good job… Twilight," said Joy between breaths.

"Well done Twilight!" said Spike.

"I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me!"

"Hate you?" all said in unison.

"Hate… you…?" said Joy.

"Huh?" said Bubble.

"No way darling! Whatever do you mean?" Said Rarity

"I see how much you hate Trixie for showing off her magic skills," Twilight said nervously.

"Wow, wow, wow magic has nothing to do with this. Trixie is just a... a bit loud that's all."

"A might loud!" added Applejack.

"So that's what this about," said Joy.

"So you don't mind my magic tricks," said Twilight.

"Your magic is a part of who you're. We'll never hate you for that," said Rarity.

"So this's possible to vanquish an Ursa Major," asked Spike.

"Well, that wasn't an Ursa Major…" while Twilight was explaining all this to others, Bubble was about to freak out with all this confusion. She wasn't aware of whatever was going on.

"Joy," she said as she came towards him "What's going on here anyways?"

"Believe me Bubble! I don't have a slightest clue either." Said Joy

Bubble regained her composure and chuckled and Joy blushed a little at this. Twilight and others looked towards them. Joy smiled and blushed as he saw that he and Bubble were center of the attention. Twilight introduce her with the element except the Pinkie. She already had met Pinkie and now she was a little too tired to do that again. She was so much happy to meet the unicorn who had made her dress. She even wanted her to make some more dresses for her future fashion shows. Rarity was so much happy to know that. After a while all of them realized that was a bit too late for chitchat.

"Ok now! Nice to meet your new friends Twilight," she said as She and Joy was about to leave.

"See you soon friends!" said Joy waving a hand towards them.

Joy and Bubble both headed towards the house. Joy had made arrangements for her as well. They both changed to their night wears. Then took her to his bedroom. The room was so much nice and clean. Joy changed the previous bedsheets with Bubble's favorite pink color. Bubble was so much surprised that he had arranged that much by himself.

"So Bubble I think *yawn* you like your bed," said Joy.

Bubble was a little surprised as she heard your bed. She looked towards him and asked him to reassure.

"Joy did you said 'your bed'," said Bubble.

"I'm gonna sleep in… living room," said Joy.

"Where? On the couch?" Bubble giggled.

"Well…" he nodded slowly.

"Don't you think… the bed is too big for me alone?" said Bubble.

Bubble couldn't believe that. Was he really being that much shy? Maybe it's because they both were grown up now. Bubble was a little surprise at this. Well, anyways she can't let him sleep on the couch. If he didn't feel comfortable sleeping with her then she should be the one sleeping on the couch. She thought.

"So… I guess good night…" he said as he was about to leave the bedroom.

"Joy… you can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No… Bubble, I can't let you sleep there," said Joy.

"Neither can I? I don't want you to sleep on that small couch," said Bubble.

"In that case… what should *yawn* we do now." said Joy, yawning. "I'm very tired my dear... Bubble."

Bubble giggled and used her magic to put him on the bed. He was too tired to get up now. The mattress of bed was so much soft and warm. Joy drifted to sleep as soon as he closed him eyes. He was in deep sleep now. Bubble looked towards him and kissed him on the cheek. She lied beside him and put a blanket over them.

She looked beside her. Joy was slept already. It did make sense because she saw him using so much magic at a time. She sighed and turned her face towards him. She was feeling so tired now as well. But she was happy that now they together for a long while now. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep as well saying

"Sweet dreams my sweetie!"

myyt_account myyt_account

Any flashbacks from now on would be between {}. Hope you like this chapter.

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