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Capítulo 135: Grand Finale

Garou and Kodo appear on a deserted island. Kodo slowly looked at his surroundings. The island was small and flat. It was 200 meters in length.

Garou raised his hands and a couple of Orbs appeared.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the world. Many of you already know who I am but I will introduce myself anyway. I am Garou or as you have so conveniently named me 'The Great Evil'. And on the other side is my opponent. Kodo Shinichi aka Typhon. 'The Last Hero'"

The orbs/cameras move getting a better angle of Garou and Kodo. But Kodo ignored them focusing solely on Garou

"Right now we are in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives islands are home to about 1,192 islands which only about 200 are populated. Oh and a fair warning to the people on those islands you may experience earthquakes and tsunamis so I suggest you start evacuating. Kahahaha" Garou laughed at his own twisted humor

"Are you done?" Kodo asked with a raised eyebrow making Garou sigh

"You are such a buzz kill. We are about to start the fight of the century and here you are looking like a depressed emo kid"

"Well, I would be a lot more cheerful if some maniac didn't come over every few months and remind me that we had a fight to the death coming."

Garou just grinned "Well it worked, didn't it? You are just 15 and yet here you are, fighting the undisputed number one as an equal. Now let's form the contract."

Garou raises his hand and a blue aura appeared on it. "Winner takes all. All the lifeforce, strenght and quirks. Everything. Just touch the light and accept, the contract will be sealed" He pulled his hand back and threw. many expected the orb to leave his hand but it turned into a blue line that went to Kodo who casually grabbed it. "I accept the contract"

The light flashed enveloping them both.

"Kahahaha. Excellent, now how about a little warm-up before the main event" Garou didn't even wait for an answer. His veins bulged as his skin turned red

'Divine Demon 120%'

Kodo followed right after.

'Divine Demon 120%'

Divine Demon is a technique that combines the 'Advance' speeding up the blood flow and 'Removal' releasing the brain's limits on an individual's muscular strength output.

This technique greatly increases a person's strenght.

*Whoosh. Whoosh*

Both of them Telegraphed a punch



~Back at U.A

"Ehhh? Why doesn't Kodo grab his sword?" Sero said in a confused tone

"Right!~ I was thinking the same" Mina waved her arms

One by one the students expressed their worry and theories

"Kodo-san isn't the type to play around. He must have a good reason" Iida yelled out

Nezu who was sitting on Vlad's shoulders nods while looking at the screen "A wise choice"

"Agreed" Aizawa nodded along

That makes the kids even more confused

Rumi sighed "They are feeling each other out. Both of them have gotten stronger since the last time they met. They are trying to find out how strong the other has gotten. Every bit of information is important in battle"

"Shin is analyzing everything, the way Garou breathes, the way his muscles move. When fighting against a monster like that, you can't make any mistake so Shin is calculating everything he can to boost his odds." Momo spoke up, her eyes never leaving the screen

Many of the girls noticed how Momo called Kodo. She went from Sensei to Shin. They realized that something must have happened but that thought was quickly forgotten by the explosions happing on the screen


*Booom Booom*

Garou and Kodo were exchanging blows at very high speeds. They were constantly using Kamisori (Soru and Geppo mix) to do air maneuvers. Flying slashes from their legs and hands were all over the place.

"Haaaaaaa" Garou appeared next to Kodo and did a spinning kick, their shins hit one against the other. The force of the kick sent shockwaves everywhere.

They never stopped. Each second 3 blows were thrown. Both of them were using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Attack and Defence in one. All their moves were mirrored.

They are both like shadows. One makes a move the other instantly copies and neutralizes it. It was like watching a dance. Perfect;y choreographed. If you can avoid the whole killing each other thing.

Neither letting up for a single moment.

Kodo quickly spread apart his fingers and used Soru to appear near Garou

'Kami-e + Raksahasa's Palm + Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist' he twisted his hand almost 360 degrees.

Garou clenched the muscles in his body 'Adamantine Kata + Tekkai' all the muscles in his body tightened up, providing a very good defense.


Raksahasa's Palm relies on twisting force, a master can twist the flesh to rip apart bodies. Together with the Whirlwind Fist, it added a lot more sharpness to the attack.

But Garou's defense stood its ground. He quickly kicked away Kodo

Garou's shirt was ripped apart but he only got a few small cuts and a small mark where the twisting had begun.

"Tsk, just a little blood. Well, I guess it was naive to think I can injure you with such an old technique. You already knew the perfect way to counter it as well"

Garou chuckled at Kodo's words "Yes, tighten up the muscles and actually step into the attack. Reducing the momentum of the twisting, and the stiff muscles will resist the remaining force. I guess first blood goes to you. So let's take this to the next level"

Garou starts to activate his quirks. His skin turns black. His Quirk Greed rearranges the carbon on his skin to make it as hard as possible, like diamonds. He gained a reddish aura around him.

Kodo raised his hand and Yoru appeared in front of him

"Hey, using others to teleport things to you is cheating!" Garou yelled out

"So is having multiple quirks like you" Kodo started to shift. He grew to become 3.5 meters tall. He grew wider proportionally to his height. A silverfish substance appears on the top of his skin, from his neck to the rest of his body.

Black wings appear on his back. These were created by combining different types of wings to form the perfect ones. He had a raptor tail with spikes on the end. His eyes turned yellow similar to the ones of a Hawk.

But those were just the changes on the outside. On the inside his muscles were transforming. Every part of his body was turning to make the perfect combination

"Hmm, silk? Ohhh it's spider silk from that one spider, forgot its name, but I do remember them saying that its silk is the toughest biological material. I swear Kodo your quirk can do the coolest shit"

Kodo just nodded " The silk is pretty tough, but nothing compared to yours, carbon atoms right? Depending on how they are combined the toughness can range from coal to a diamond. You are quite literally wearing diamond armor"

"Bingo~" Garou grinned "So how are you going to defeat me then? With my Ultimate Shield active no attacks can damage me"


Kodo raised his sword. "Simple, I just have to cut diamond"


"Brat, I think you have finally lost it. Did that brain of yours turn into a monke-"

Kodo interrupted him by swinging down his sword.


A giant green air slash went at Garou at extremely high speeds, it hit him dead center, but his defense was too strong for the attack to pierce through. But it did send him flying a couple of dozen meters back before Garou flew out of the attack.

"Hahaha, you got me beat there. I'm useless with a sword. But I have enough wind quirks to recreate the attack" Garou raised his hand and clenched the air

"Take this you brat. A literal Quirk barrage" The air condensed forming into Air blades. Next to the air blades, water bubbles started to form and then on the top of all of his fingers red orbs formed, then fire... ranged quirks started to stack up lighting up the sky, dozens of them stacked on top of each other

~ U.A

"Damn" The teachers looked at that attack with disbelief on their faces

"How is he supposed to defend against that!" Kirishima said with clenched fingers

"Papa" Eri said in a worried tone. Rumi just hugged the little girl tighter

All of the looked at Kodo's family

"Have faith" Tesuya's calm voice broke the students from their thoughts "Shin will win."

"He is right" Shu said with a serious face "Look at him, does he look like he has given up" He pointed at Kodo who had crouched down a little and his arms held the sword behind his back

"It's coming" Skinny Might mumbled


"GO!" Garou called out, all of the attacks launched at Kodo

The sky lit up as multicolored attacks flew at him, with enough power to erase a city.

"Haaaaaaaa" Kodo took a deep breath and SWUNG!



One swing and a giant green air slash flew at the attacks. Cutting all of them apart. Causing them to explode mid-air like fireworks

But Garou appeared right in front of him, that big slash created an opening

"Quirks are nice, but martial arts is my foundation. Fist of Destruction!" Garou send a punch which had terrifying power behind it. Kodo raised his leg and Kicked the punch away, but his eyes widened when Garou showed his other hand which was behind his back. There was a whitish orb on his palm

"Got ya~, Urusus Shock~" Garou threw a literal Air Bomb at Kodo which exploded right in front of him.


Kodo was blasted away He flew for a few hundred meters before he stabilized himself mid-air with his wings.

"Huh?" Garou raised an eyebrow. The cameras zoomed in to see some crumbling chunks fall off of Kodo. An exoskeleton was crumbling away from his face and body. There were some bruises on his body that quickly healed and he prepared his body

Kodo spat out some blood before rushing at Garou again.

They fought for 10 straight minutes. Every few seconds a giant explosion append or an air slash that cut up an island. They created chaos everywhere they went. Islands were blown up, cut up or sunk in their wake.

"HAAAAAAA" Black smoke left Kodo's mouth as it engulfed Garou.

'Basilisk Venom' The strongest poison Kodo can produce

"Cough, Cough, mental note, get better poison immunity quirks" Garou coughed out the poison with his quirks taking the poison out.

Kodo didn't miss that "One Thousand Divine Slashes" In a second he managed to swing his sword one thousand times (Meliodas)

But the attack left hundreds of white lines on Garous skin, none of them piercing all the way to draw any blood.

Garou whistled " You actually cut a bit into it. Impressive"

"Why dont you use 'New Order?" Kodo questioned Garou "You should have it seeing as you killed Stars and Stripes"

Garou just shrugged "If I beat it, so can you. What's the point of changing reality against someone that can break it."

And as if to prove his point Garou pointed his hand in front of him

"New Order. Air. As of now does not exist, a 100 meters ahead of me"."

A wave of power erupted from his hand, Erasing the air around Kodo creating a vacuum.

Now unlike science fiction, when a human body is exposed to a vacuum it doesn't, explode, freeze or boil. The vacuum just takes away all of the air from the human offices, every last molecule of air. The human then suffocates. And if any liquids come out into the vacuum, then they begin to boil, like the liquid inside the mouth.

Kodo's reaction was near instantaneous, pipes grew out from his hands and chest, blowing pressurized air from the, Kodo quickly blasted himself away from the 'Vaccum'. And took a deep breath

Garou just shook his head "See, boring, And useless, most powerful quirk in the planet my ass. But it's time for me to end this 'Null Void'" Garou's eyes glowed red

Kodo's wings and armor disappear. His size returns to normal. He starts using Geppo to say mid-air. The shock on his face was obvious

"Did you think I wouldn't get a useful quirk like Erasers? I dont need to kill someone to get a quirk like them And Eraserhead isn't the only one in this world with this ability. Sayonara Kodo. With your power I shall reach the Peak" Garou's said seriously his body was completely black due to the 'Ultimate Shield'. A reddish-violet aura engulfed his right fist. He was planning to finish it off with this attack

Kodo only put his sword over his head. His face was emotionless as he focused only on the attack.

"HAAAAAAAAAA" Garou was a few meters away swinging his fist at Kodo. That distance can easily be crossed in a single second with his speed.

"Ittou Rasetsu!!"

Kodo yelled out, his veins bulged, the blood vessels in his arms and legs burst. Blood started to come out from his eyes and nose.

He slashed head-on with all he had at Garous's fist.


Kodo's sword was pointed at the ground, while Garou remained frozen in place.

"Well.. this sucks"


The sea behind him was split in half. Going back till the horizon. Which was a few kilometers away.

"All of my power. Drained for one last attack." Kodo looked at Garou with a neutral expression

Kodo cut Garou's body. Starting from the top of the right fist all the way to the elbow. Then diagonally from the right side of his neck to the left side of his hip.

"One second. In that one second, you were surpassed my power, power which allowed me to stand at the Top of this world. Congratulations Kodo. I Garou declare you the STRONGEST!"

With those last words the light in his eyes died, the top of his body started to slide off the rest, but he exploded in a blood mist, due to the Contract. and the mist flew toward Kodo, entering his body. As soon as the fight ended Kodo froze and fell unconscious. Falling down in the sea.


After the fight ended. Which I think I deserve an Oscar for. I should make the whole thing into a Documentary movie and get money from it.

Then after that, I was rescued by some fisherman from a near inhabited island that was conveniently located there, showing that I was still 'human'. Then took a flight to Japan where I was welcomed like a King.

After recuperating for a few days, which in that time I used my political power and allies (minions) to make myself Japan's Number 1, skipping the need to finish high school.

With my status and all the things I previously did. The government had higher standards for new heroes. Well too bad for them.

The final battle was called Ragnarok. Due to Garou and Me begin 'Gods'. And I was named the Martial God.

People had weird naming senses. The name picked up speed pretty quickly so I had no choice in the matter, unless I wanted to use the Media to hard block it. But it's not like it was anything important, so I left it be.


Kaito Kid robbed people for a few more years before retiring. Saying he was getting bored. The police and the Heroes couldn't give him enough thrill so he gave up. In other words, they were so incompetent the criminal decided it was too easy and gave up. He left a note announcing his retirement. Which actually shook the world. A thief stopped stealing because he got bored.

They did try to make me take him down but I didn't want to leave my country to chase a thief around the world.


Rumi and Momo both agreed with the decision to make a clone and 'leave' most of my power to him. So I didn't have to risk my life.

We got married when Momo and I turned 20. Due to me introduction to martial arts. All the paper heroes either quit or were killed. The ones that stayed are veteran heroes or those who show potential. The Vilians while desperate, only some are able to learn the Rokushiki.

Both of them retired when they got pregnant nearly at the same time Which was a bit after our wedding. Eri is currently 11 years old and she is very excited to have baby brothers and sisters.

After a few months, we discovered that Rumi was carrying triplets and Momo twins. I think happiness was not enough to describe the emotion I was feeling at that moment.

Things continued on for a while, new 'Dark Lords' popping up every once in a while only to be smacked down by me. and then the time finally came when I was bored of it all. Luckily Momo thought of an interesting proposal

One that would take years to make real.

Luckily I had all the time in the world.

~ 45 years after the Ragnarok incident.

I was standing on my own private island that I build using my powers. I was looking at a giant spaceship. We started to build and test rockets so we could go to space. We reached Mars a long time ago.

It took us this long to create a safe sustainable Spaceship that could go anywhere we wanted

"You ready?" Momo held my hand, she didn't look a day older than 30. Even though both of us were 60 years old.

"You look distracted" Rumi grabbed my other hand, she was the same as Momo. Looking as perfect as ever. Since we have Eri we basically have immortal life.

She was now 51. Her siblings were also around 40 years old. They all had families of their own and my grandchildren were adults as well, starting their own families

Eri's husband was a hero, he died saving a city from a nuclear disaster. By the time Eri got there he was already dead. She was broken by his death. I really liked the kid too, he had balls of steel to ask me for her hand.

We all sat down as a family and asked out kids and grandkids what they wanted to do. Stay on Earth or come with us to space. My parents were in their 80's they didn't want to extend their lives and wanted to die naturally.

All of my children chose to say on earth with their families. Though they did say that once they reach my age they may make the same decision as me. We had cloned Eri's quirk. It was a closely guarded family secret.

In the end, it was only Me. Momo, Rumi and Eri that chose to go to space.

All of us have been together ever since we became a family. Even when Eri married she was never far away. And now we are going together to explore the universe. Starting a whole new journey.

[Capitan's Log.

Day 1. A New Beginning ....]

~ A/N

Word Count 3250

Go read the author's note

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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