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0.73% Cheat Awakening ( Rewritten ) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4. The Miracle of Combination And A Little Trouble

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4. The Miracle of Combination And A Little Trouble

Since by combining skills, the power of those can be greatly improved. Like King, with high-leveled blade technique and physical strength enhancement skills, each becomes more efficient when they are together. Then perhaps, I can also combine my[Cut & Paste]skills, Myne thought with eyes open widely.

After thinking about the possibilities of his crazy idea, Myne hurriedly tried to put the idea into practice.

First of all, he appraised Gaskarth again.

[ Name: Gaskarth

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 31 Years Old

Occupation: Robber


Stealing hands・Extreme


Swift Feet (Small) ]

Naturally, the contents of his status don't change from the previous appraisal.

After that, he took a deep breath and use the [Cut]skill. And his target is Gaskarth's skill [Dagger・Extreme].

As Myne did that, he saw that Gaskarth's skill[Dagger・Extreme] suddenly lit up a little and vanished from his status. But odd thing is that even though Gaskarth's skill is no longer on his status but I can still feel it somewhere in my mind waiting for the next action. This is the first time I saw something like this happening, and this is quite weird.

After calming down from this unbelievable situation, Myne once again looked at Gaskarth's status.

[ Name: Gaskarth

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 31 y/o

Occupation: Robber


Stealing hands・Extreme

Swift Feet (Small) ]

Ohh shit! I cut off his skill, Myne shouted in his mind in disbelief.

His idea was simple since[Cut] is a skill to 'cut off things in front of him, then he might also use this skill on curtain target information since I can see them with my eyes (to be exact in my mind) with the help of [Appraisal・Complete].

Well, yes this Idea seems quite childish but anyway it's not like I have to pay for this kind of thing and now my little childish idea become reality. Since I already come this far then why not take this madness a level higher? Myne thought with a grin.

After thinking that Myne uses appraisal on himself while sweating crazily enough to fill a bucket in just some minutes, then he try to paste the skill that suddenly comes to my mind after cutting it from Gaskarth to my status.

[ Name: Myne

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 15 y/o

Occupation: Apprentice Hunter




Cut & Paste

Dagger・Extreme ]

"...Yeah!!!" Myne said loudly while scaring everyone in the carriage with his sudden happiness.

"Oye, what happened, do you want to give me a heart attack", an old fatty said angrily. Other passengers also looked at Myne angrily while nodding with fatty words.

After fatty complain Myne come to his senses, he hurriedly put away his smile and started apologizing to everyone. Seeing Myne's sincere apologies, the passengers didn't give Myne more trouble and give him an ultimatum to not do this kind of thing again.

Myne after getting a good scolding from passengers again sits down silently and starts thinning happily, It's actually possible! OMG, here I thought that [Cut & Paste] skill is nothing special but Who thought that this is the most perverted skill I have? Whom I thought was a slave turned out to be a king.

So doesn't that means that I can steal any person's skills? Myne thought excitedly.

After calming down, Myne looks at Gaskath with a smile that doesn't look like a smile and cuts off his remaining skills and pastes them onto his own Skills column.

[ Name: Gaskarth

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 31 Years Old

Occupation: Robber


None ]

Now, with this type of status, he can say proudly that he is a robber, Myne thought while nodding with head with a smile.

After dealing with the poor robber who not only lost his skills without knowing but probably going to be beaten later became of his work, Myne look at his status again...

[ Name: Myne

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 15 y/o

Occupation: Apprentice Hunter




Cut & Paste


Stealing hands・Extreme

Swift Feet (Small) ]

Both Dagger・Extreme and Swift Feet (Small) are combat-type skills. With the use of Dagger・Extreme, I can use a dagger more comfortably and Swift Feet (Small) allows me to run faster than normal Hume with less stamina consumption and help me dodge upcoming attacks more swiftly, both skills are extremely compatible with each other.

But the 'Stealing Hands・Extreme', I don't know anything about, since I steal those skills, so of course, I don't get their information like my skills that I awakened naturally. So in order to know how to use this skill[ Stealing Hands・Extreme], I use Appraisal on it.

[Stealing hands・Extreme.]

After activating the skill the Host can Steal from his target anything within 2 meters radius. Once the Stealing hand activates it never returns an empty hand unless the host gives it a specific command. Most of the time it Steals what the Host imagines while activating the skill, but if the other party doesn't have that thing that Host imagines but still wants to steal something then it will steal any random item from the target.

This skill is quite powerful, no wonder he decides to become a robber, if I have this kind of pervert skill, I will also do what he did, Myne thought.

Let's see how this work then, without any hesitation or shame, Myne uses [ Stealing hands・Extreme] on a fatty who is sayings bad words to me just now and currently sitting on my right side, he looks like a wealthy merchant, a perfect target.

Just as Myne had active skill he saw his right-hand move with such a speed that can't see through the naked eye and before he could realize what happened, he suddenly felt a cold object in his right hand and when he looked in his palm he saw 5 gold coins in it.

F*ck... That was the only word comes to Myne's mind after seeing[Stealing hands・Extreme]effect.

Although he has seen gold coins before and also use them but that was his parent's money, not his own, so you can say that this is the first time Myne touched gold coins that he steal... I mean earned through his skill.

This is a really amazing skill. Myne thought with a satisfied smile while putting away his newly earned gold coins in Inventory.

As for why I didn't feel any guilt or shame since I just robs a poor fatty, well that's because of my mother, who once said that 'No matter what you do if you are making a profit without other people knowing, then you're doing the world best thing and continue to do that, this is how nobles get rich.' every time I think about her I always felt like she is the most intelligent person I have ever known, 'Sigh' sometimes I really miss her, Myne thought sadly but he soon put away his sadness and starts tasting his new skill again.

Okay, it's time to rob a robber, Myne thought while using 'Stealing hands' skill on the robber, but this time he didn't think about money but his storage pouch. Anyway since he is a robber then he didn't need to hold back.

Soon Myne felt something in his palm and when he look at it, he saw a brand new leather pouch with some gold lining on it.

This type of storage pouch has two times more storage than a normal one and can store items with 200 kg weight, this is quite an expensive storage pouch that only nobles use. It seems like he uses his skill in the capital quite well, Myne thought and looked inside the storage pouch. There weren't many things in it, there are some expensive clothes which of course weren't his. Some dried food and a black monkey face mask, a lot of coins, mostly silver coins, but even though the gold coins quantity weren't big as silver coins but they are still enough to make Myne happy. In the pouch, there wasn't even a single bronze coin in it, seems like Mr. Robber's standard is a little high and he only steals expensive things. Huh!! Wait a minute, is that a panty?

While looking at the robber storage pouch Myne suddenly found something amazing which makes him speechless.

So this robber turned out to be a pervert, who robs other women's panties, so shameless. He really has quite a weird hobby, by the way, and what the hell do with panties? With his look and fashion sense, I don't think that he has a girlfriend, whom he can gift them. Don't tell me he is that legendary panty eater, about whom I heard from big sis Maya? Myne thought with shock.

Some months ago there was a rumor going in the town that there is a thief who steal woman's panties from their house, many women lose their panties and people started saying that he is a big pervert who eat panties in order to satisfy his lust and that why he only steal panties, not money or other any important and expansive things but even after searching the entire town, guards didn't find that thief and he becomes legendry panty eater of the Lucas Town.

After taking a good look at the legendary figure who makes every woman in town so helpless that they have to hide their panties in the most secure place in their house, Myne ignores him.

In order to not make things difficult Myne immediately ignore other useless things and took out all coins from the storage pouch and transfer them into his Inventory. since Myne can't count his newly earn money in front of others, so he can only use his Inventory auto-count function.

Just as Myne transfer all robber's money into his Inventory, he saw his original 5 gold and 10 silver coins increase to 135 gold and 97 silver coins.

Looking at three digits of gold coins in my Inventory, I suddenly felt like this robber doesn't look that bad, at least he is hard working robber, because of him now I can say proudly that I am also a rich man.

After I rob a robber which is the funniest thing of my life, I look towards other adventures and start using 'Stealing Hands' on them one by one, but I didn't Steal everything from them like Mr. Robber ( since he make me rich then it's my responsibility to give him some respect ), I just steal some money from everyone in order to not to do injustice with fatty and Me. Robber. With the contribution of 6 adventures, I received 3 gold coins and 46 silver coins, compare to Mr. Robber's contribution this amount is nothing.

After that, Myne looks at the last person from whom he still doesn't steal anything, Neha the girl who is sitting next to him.

As for why he didn't steal anything from her? Because she is a girl? If you guys are thinking that then sorry you are wrong, Myne is a man of principles who believes in equality, so, of course, he won't do this kind of thing, unless she is his woman then the situation might be a little different but sadly she is not.

The reason he doesn't steal money from her is because he knows that she doesn't have any money with her. After all, she comes to the capital city with her grandpa, who is sleeping beside her, whom Myne has already robbed.

But in order to not destroy his own belief, Myne still uses the Stealing hand skill on her, even though he can see that she doesn't have money. But this time he use stealing hands 100% randomly. So I also don't know what I will receive.

When my hand returned after stealing something from Mia, I suddenly feel warm and cotton-like soft cloth on my palm and when I saw it, without any hesitation I hid my hand behind my back.

I looked at everyone and after confirming that no one saw what I am holding inside my hand just a moment ago, I let out a long sigh of relief.

This is all that Mr.Robber's fault because of him just a moment ago I remembered that legendary panty eater, even now my mind still thinking about how he eats panties, that's why Stealing hand Steal Mia's panties.

I look at the still warm panty, that I just Steal from a girl without her knowing and I have full confidence that if she finds out that I stole her panty not only I will get the title of a pervert but I also beaten by 9 people.

But it seems like Mia like purple because not only are her clothes purple colored but even her flower decorations on her sexy white panty are also purple and believe me I really appreciate her color choices, purple really match her.

After throwing perverted thoughts out of my mind, I start thinking about what to do. when she wakes up, she immediately finds out that her panty is missing, after all, how can something so close to her private parts be taken out and she doesn't know?

I look at Mia's panty and a thought comes to my mind, I hold Mia's panty tightly and once again use the Stealing hand skill on Mia but this time I thought about returning her panty.

Soon I saw that the panty inside my palm suddenly vanished and it really worked, but I don't know stealing hand where put Mia's panty.

Should I confirm that everything is in the right place, Myne thought.

After confirming that no one is watching me I slowly and steadily lift the backside of Mia's skirt and saw that the panty is really in her original place but the only problem is now that she is wearing panties on the reverse. well, at least now she doesn't have to go home without her panty, I thought while putting her skirt down.

It seems like there is still some time before we reached the town, I thought while closing my eyes and falling asleep.


It's been about 5 hours since we departed from the capital.

I woke up when I heard a loud noise from outside of the carriage, Finally, it seems like Gaskarth's companions come to rob us.

Suddenly an armed group appeared in front of the carriage and stop it in the middle of the road.

As soon as the people inside the carriage shifted their attention outside, Mr. Robber who was waiting for his chance for so long, start his performance.

"Hyahhaー, you people obediently...Uga"

...But, due to my preparation in pasting his shoes to the floor, he stood up vigorously, and before he could even finish the first line he fell to the ground with a bang because of his momentum when standing up.

Even though it was sudden, the adventurers inside the carriage quickly subdued and tied him with rope.

The old adventurers who live more and know how to deal with this kind of situation Immediately gathered together and made joined the formation to counterattack the incoming group of robbers.

"We will also lend our strength. Coachman, is it okay if we get a little compensation?" a middle age Adventurer asked.

Yes, of course. While hearing the conversation, I hurriedly appraised the incoming group of robbers.

There are eight people in the robber's group, and three robbers are leading the group they looked like leaders, even though they don't have 10 people in their group but they have three leaders what a great team. But since they become the leader they might also have some useful skills, as for the remaining people I think they are just cannon fodder.

I ignore the other 5 and look at leaders who look like dangerous charters.

[ Name: Hena

Race: Hume

Gender: Female

Age: 26 Years Old

Occupation: Robber


Two-handed Blade

Sight Enhancement・Moderate

Needlework ]

Hena is the only woman in this robber group, she doesn't have even one-third of Mia's beauty, and she looks more like a walking makeup kit, I don't know how much makeup she put on before she starts her work.

she has short brown color hair and eyes, she is wearing a dress with a short skirt because she is riding on a horse, her skirt can hardly cover her important parts and because of this I can clearly see her red color panty, she has nice D-cup size big breasts that can easily attract any man attention and I am also one of those man's.

[ Name: Ein

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 30 Years Old

Occupation: Robber



Leg Strength Enhancement・Small ]

[ Name: Syoubu

Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 42 Years Old

Occupation: Robber


Magic・Wind ]

Of the remaining two men, the first one doesn't have any skills worth mentioning, I don't think they're amazing.

But, that guy who can use magic really attracted my all attention, after all, we are talking about magic, and who doesn't like magic?

I immediately cut off his magic skill and turned him powerless and pasted it to my own Skill column, and officially become a magician.

I also quickly removed the Skills from the other two leaders and made them mine.

The first who realized that they couldn't use their skills was the robber named Syoubu.

He probably planned to use his magic skill to show his strength.

Sorry, bro, someone robs you, this thought comes to my mind after seeing him who is continuously trying hard to use his skill but nothing is working.

I looked at him with a smile like taking pleasure from other people's misfortune.

Next, it was Hena, the makeup robber.

She is rubbing her eyes continuously, to use her Sight Enhancement but she also gets nothing rather than disappointment.

Seeing the confused robber, the adventures took advantage of the situation and immediately start fighting with them.

The robbers who are unable to use their skills soon get beaten by adventurers.

Their real plan probably caused a disturbance within the carriage with help of Gaskarth and distract passengers, while using that opportunity other robbers attack powerful passengers with magic and suppress us.

Thus, five minutes after the battle among the nine robbers including Gaskarth, two were dead and seven were captured alive.

During the entire battle start to finish, I just sit with Mia while enjoying the show with a smile.

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