8 years later
Many Yuuzhan Vong scouts were detained during this time period, attempting to infiltrate and manipulate persons in high positions within the Imperium, but their efforts were unsuccessful, as every attempt was prevented and the Vong were captured.
Following the capture of the Vong, John had the scientists experiment on the specimen to identify its weaknesses and develop weapons that could kill them swiftly, which took two of the eight years. The weapons were then converted into ship weapons and installed on ships, which John used to see how effective they were against Vong ships. He waited until a Vong ship was detected and then used the weapons on the ship, which proved to be effective but could still be improved, so John had the engineering team develop a more powerful weapon.
Because Vong scout ships were hard to come by, it took four of the eight years to develop and test the weaponry. And now John had the weaponry he needed to expel the Yuuzhan Vong from the Galaxy when they invade.
By this time, John's children were 17 years old, and they had already proven to be capable in the force and strong at such a young age. They had also built a bond and occasionally played with the Dragon, who treated them as brothers and sisters because the Dragon could tell they were John's kin. Kina and Atra both gave birth to a boy and a girl five years ago. Kina had the girl and wanted her child to have a name that was similar to hers, so she named her Nina, while Atra named her son Aron.
John's children were taught how to fight in all types of combat as well as how to lead and command forces. And, thanks to their brilliant minds and rapid learning abilities, they were able to learn everything in just ten years. Master Yoda who had witnessed their training was intrigued with how fast they could learn things in just 10 years' time.
Master Yoda, who was over 900 years old, was bound to lose strength as he grew older, but he remained a deadly foe even in old age, so John had shown Yoda a style of meditation that could restore his strength and extend his life span, making his old body appear younger.
Since the weaponry had been built, all John had to do was prepare for the day when the Vong would invade. In this time he made several military improvements and Naval improvements increasing the power of ships and making bigger more devastating ships.
After repelling the Vong, John planned to travel to another Galaxy using one of the wormholes found on the Galaxy's outskirts. John has no idea what he'll find when he goes through the wormhole, but he'll be ready for anything. He had a special team of scientists studying wormholes to see where they led.
As the weeks passed, John continued to create various strategies while waiting for the first sign of the Vong invasion. The planets in the vicinity of the alleged invasion have already been extensively fortified, with Ground-to-Space weapons and large military stations strategically deployed throughout the world, and each planet has over 10 million ground troops.
After a month of waiting, John finally received news of many fleets of huge spacecraft closing in on a number of worlds on the edge of the Galaxy. John promptly dispatched multiple fleets, each with over 10,000 ships, to deal with what he knew was the Yuuzhan Vong.
News of the invasion had spread throughout the Imperium, and it was already known that the Imperium was being attacked by a Race of Unknown Origin. While most people would be concerned, many people believed in the military and government's ability to combat this new foe.
The military was eager to go to battle because it had been years since they had been in a real war. For the previous 18 years, they had mostly been training, having mock battles, and sitting around waiting for something that they didn't think would ever happen, but once they heard that a New Enemy had emerged, they were ready for war.
When the first fleet arrived on one of the worlds under attack, they noticed a strange biotechnology-built ship the size of a planet. They knew about Biotechnology because they had previous encounters with Vong Scout ships.
The Yuuzhan Vong were hostile to technology, which they saw as a polluting influence, ranging from simple machines to droids, due to their beliefs. As a result, all of their instances of technology were made up of live biots: animals that were born and developed to do specific duties. They preferred the usage of such beings to lifeless machines devoid of any kind of soul. Whether it was starships, weapons, or everyday goods, Yuuzhan Vong technology was wholly organic. Droids, machines, technology, and everything made were all things they despised. The Shapers coaxed this biotechnology into growth, and it appeared to be more resilient than traditional technology.
But, in the 18 years leading up to the invasion, John had focused significantly on advancing Imperium ships, and with the support of some Forerunners experts, his ships were more advanced than any ships built before or after the Empire Era.
The "7th Droid Fleet" was the first fleet to arrive in the System, and the droids on board were incredibly high tech, made of the most advanced materials in the Galaxy, and each droid had an advanced A.I. processing system that allowed them to react and respond to different situations in a matter of seconds.
The combat efficiency of fleets made solely of droids was tested and found to be exceptionally high since they were able to beat fleets led by High Admiral Hackett in mock battles. This made Droid fleets become more common in the Imperium since they could send a droid fleet to support fleets or to fight enemies without wasting lives. But droid fleets will never replace regular fleets since although extremely intelligent arent as versatile as Humanoid led fleets.
The Vong ships created some kind of battle formation to cut through the Droid fleet as the 7th Droid Fleet approached, but the Droid Commander in charge of the fleet immediately recognized the shift and reorganized the fleet to oppose the enemy formation.
Both fleets opened fire on the other once they were within firing range. The droid fleet was holding its own against the Vong's enormous ships, but they were still suffering damage. However, because they had the numerical edge, they were able to level the conflict out with their numbers and firepower.
The Vong Admiral was shocked that the enemy didn't have the same gigantic ships as them, but they were still challenging them, but he wasn't surprised when they saw how many enemy ships there were. As the conflict progressed, the Vong Admiral realized that whoever this fleet belonged to would be a major headache for them because they could stand toe to toe with one of their fleets, but this wasn't their greatest fleet, and they had plenty more ships and fleets to spare.
The Vong Admiral had no idea that his increased ships and fleets would not be enough to defeat John, who had been planning for this for the past 18 years.
Luckily I was able to produce a chapter today and hopefully one tomorrow but this writer's block is very annoying since I can't produce chapters every day how I want to