John woke up with Layla laying on his chest who had a happy expression on her face. After the night they had he can't blame her. He wanted to let her sleep but they had somewhere to be at this time so he woke her up to get ready.
After getting dressed, John went to the base which he now called Liberty. He walked to the Combat droid room and activated the 4 ECD's that were in there. After registering the droids he told them to follow him as he walked out of the base. John thought of how empty the base looks and how he needs more people fast or instead of using people why not get some droids to occupy the base and other things.
So after asking the system he found a droid factory that consumes the natural force from the surrounding area that will produce 50 droids a day which is insane but he couldn't complain as with there being 368 days in the star wars verse with 10 months that amounts to 18,400 droids per year which is not much but it is something so he quickly bought the factory for 60k system points and placed a near an open area away from the base as he was going to make this his droid factory area. After placing down the cube a huge factory appeared in its place and immediately 50 black colored droids started walking out of the factory each carrying DLT-19s and some had energy shields.
Once all the droids were out of the factory now standing in front of him he asked the system how they are different from regular droids. The system told him that they are made from a metal that is strong but not as strong as what the ECD's are made of and not as strong as the ECD's in terms of combat but stronger than a regular B-1 Battle droid and smarter. They also can perform any task whether it be maintenance on ships, flying fighters, Land battles, and any space combat. The droids can also have a command structure to easily command them in battles so they won't have to be micromanaged.
Now that he is done with that John proceeds to get Kina and Atra to tell them about the trip. As he is walking he sees them training using the force lifting trees and even moving them.
"Kina, Atra come here I have something to tell you two," Said John as he knew they were ready to explore or go somewhere at any time.
Kina and Atra hearing John immediately ran up to him wondering what he was going to tell them. "well Yesterday Padme asked for an escort mission and I accepted and was planning on taking you two since we will be going to Coruscant I figured I should bring you two with me" Said, John
At this time Kina and Atra were happy as they always wanted to see Coruscant as the whole planet was a big city and there would be numerous places to visit. They both hugged John at the same time while he patted both their heads at the same time. Feeling the head pat both of them felt a sense of security.
After getting their things ready Kina and Atra boarded the CSS and prepared to go back to Naboo. John went to the hanger to where the 10 Aurek-class Fighter were and ordered the four of them to get into them and follow the CSS when they take off. After turning the Fighter on the 4 ECDs left and landed near the ship to wait on everybody to board.
John walked back to the ship and proceeded to the command room where he ordered the take-off. Coming with him were Layla, Kina, Atra, two force Guards, and the 4 ECDs plus the other 2 he will get from the Naboo base.
After leaving the planet the ship took 30 minutes to reach Naboo where he landed at the docking area and left for the place while ordering the two ECDs to meet him here and move quietly. As he walked into the City some people didn't stare as much before as they had already seen what this group did to the group of Royal guards.
Entering the Palace John was met with Captain Panaka who showed them to the Royal Hanger where the queen was awaiting them. Once inside John sensed two familiar presences and thought 'Damn these droids are good at hiding'.
"BB-1, BB-2 you can uncloak now," Said John. Padme who heard this looked confused but stopped when she seen two droids appear out of nowhere. The Royal Guards pulled their blasters out ready to shoot until John intervened.
"Woah calm down there with me so you can relax" Said John. The Guards hearing this slowly put their guns down and thought just how did these droids get in here without them noticing.
"Worry not queen Amidala these droids listen to my command they won't do anything," Said John
"I see you came prepared to bring such droids I assume you take this job seriously which actually lightens my mood to know such droids are guarding me but I don't like to be watched without knowing" Said Padme
"They won't watch you in your private quarters or anything only when your out of your room but while in your room I advise you to take Layla with you as she is a woman nothing will be wrong with that I hope" Said John
"It's no problem it would be nice to talk with another without them trying to appease me as my servants do," Said Padme. She then looked at Layla "I hope we can get along on this trip" said Padme extending her arm
"I hope we can too," Said Layla while shaking her hand.
After that Layla and Padme talked for a little then after a while everybody boarded the ship ready to leave but john forgot to inform Padme of the 4 fighters he has waiting so he walks to tell her.
After explaining the fighters John went and sat down in one of the seats and enjoyed the ride to Coruscant.
After what seemed like an hour and a half John woke up from his nap to a big orange-looking planet with many ships coming and going. He was amazed at how such a place could actually exist. After getting clearance to land the ship proceeded to the Atmosphere into the big city with thousands of ships flying around.
POV Jedi Temple
Master Yoda was in a meeting with the other Masters about what they felt.
"Powerful presences I sense getting closer they are" Said Yoda
"It seems we have some unidentified force users or some potential Padawans," Said Mace Windu
"I sense 6 force users and three of them are strong indeed," Said, Plo Koon
The other masters all started conversing on what to do while mace was thinking of a way to bring them to the order if they were kids and if they weren't he would still do the same.
"I think we should meet these force users and see who they are as I sense that they are all balanced in the force besides two of them which might be younglings." Said Mace Windu
"Agree to meet them I think and see for ourselves who they might be we will," Said Yoda
The other Jedi members agreed so it was decided they would invite them to the Jedi Temple.
John not knowing that the Jedi can already feel their presence will not be surprised by this predicament.
A\N: Since my school is going virtual I will probably be able to release two chapters a day and a time skip will come and skip to the action soon
Creation is hard, cheer me up!