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50% I got isekai'd as a Yuki onna / Chapter 6: Half a human i guess

Capítulo 6: Half a human i guess

Taking the train from Nagano to Kuoh just to get to school was a new experience for me. Due to the situation with Trash yesterday, I ended up calling Midorikawa, hoping she'd let me stay the night. Of course, she misinterpreted the situation at first.

"S-sleep at my place? It's too early for s-s-sex, Kokonoe-kun..."

Was her first reply. Yeah, I know it sounded like an invitation of sorts, that kind of thing you could get wrong from a teenager's point of view... Wait, what did she mean by too early? Like, really?...

Anyways, I've explained the situation to her in detail.

"This ain't a joke, Midorikawa. I was attacked by thugs on the way home and by the time I beat them up, I missed the last train"

Seriously, fuck Japan and their lack of overnight trains. Back in Romania, I'd arrive at the train station even by 4am, especially on the Brașov-Arad route. By that time, only gas stations were opened and apart from the ever expensive cigs, everything was more expressive. So much for grabbing a beer while waiting 3 hours for the other train.

Where was I? Oh, right. So, I explained the situation to Midorikawa and she was like "w-well, I suppose you can come over then...".

I could tell she didn't fully believe me, but there was no way I could just tell her "I killed your stalker, he was a psycho stray devil with a rape-murder spree, and that's why I missed the last train and couldn't get home". When I got there tho, she was pretty horrified to see me, so I figured I looked like shit.

"So you weren't lying..."

" 'Course not. I feel like crap"

She offered me some first aid, disinfecting the wounds and bandaging me. Even the shoulder wound. Any embarrassment she might have had from seeing me shirtless was gone the moment she laid eyes on that wound. She didn't ask anything about it, though.

"You're pretty good at this thing", I told her.

"W-well, I'd always patch up my classmates during field trips" or how to sound half-bashful, half-bragging.

"That's impressive"

"Y-you think so?"

What is this this absurd romcom situation at the place of a girl I've just met, I thought? Maybe the gods of romantic comedy have had enough of Hikigaya and turned their attention to me instead.

Of course, shortly thereafter I met her parents. Her father looked like he was about to kill me where I stood when he first saw me. It was not until he heard of how I helped her daughter with the stalker case that he had to begrudgingly admit I might not be as much of a threat as he thought. Her mother, on the other hand, bowed to me. You know, the father's attitude was more reasonable...

And they also called Mother to let her know I was staying the night. I'm just thankful that she didn't tease her parents. Really.

Thing is, I did have to sleep in Midorikawa's room, which was awkward as fuck. Sure, I slept on a futon on the floor, but still... I couldn't sleep that well. And I don't know if it was just my imagination but I could hear her moan my name in sleep, which was super weird.

Anyways, I left the Midorikawa residence as early as 6am, so I didn't have any breakfast. I just bought some yakisoba bun from a small bakery at Hongo Station. For now, it will suffice.

So now I'm in the train back to Kuoh. As much as I wanted to take a leave of absence, it would probably raise eyebrows from Prez and the rest of my clubmates. If they didn't hear about my adventures in Nagano already, then I didn't plan on telling them. I'm sure no matter how much Midorikawa might appreciate the help, for Prez it would be just me disobeying orders and being disrespectful to the rest of them by taking on a stray by myself.

As the train reached my home town, I got down at the station. I checked my phone. 7:25 am. I still had some time before I had to go... But then, I thought of just skipping the first period entirely. And as tempting as that was, I've already did it so many times that the teachers are probably mad at me...

Well, sleeping in class also counts as attendance. I guess. I settled for just enjoying the morning breeze for the time being. It's been two weeks since I became a Devil, and mornings no longer make me nauseous. If anything, I'm able to enjoy them better now.

I took out my phone and texted Midorikawa. Sorry I left without saying a word, had to take the train back and I didn't wanna wake you up.

She replied almost immediately. Oh, it's no problem. Let me know if you need anything uwu.

Ok, the last part was suggestive. And brah, even Japanese people use uwu like those fucking weebs? Godamnit...

Sure thing, I replied, then pocketed my phone. Man, this is gonna be a long day, is what my gut feeling was telling me. And just as I thought that, I passed by Kuoh Academy's school gates.

Needless to say, the sight that greeted me was ridiculous. Walking side by side, there was two people I knew. The most unlikely duo ever.

Prez and Hyoudou, making their way to the entrance, leaving behind a crowd of astonished girls feeling betrayed by their idol hanging out with a pervert, and of jealous boys cursing Hyoudou. I mean, like yoooo, even I thought I had hallucinations and rubbed my eyes twice to confirm the sight before me.

And then they spotted me staring. Hyoudou frowned in my direction, while Prez waved a hand in greeting. I nodded at Gremory's greeting and ignored Hyoudou. Ignored cause I was resisting the urge to show him the middle finger.

Looks like Prez doesn't know about what I did in Nagano. Do I take it as she was too busy with Hyoudou to even notice? That sounds weird no matter how I phrase it.

While I was thinking all of that, Hyoudou was walking around with a smug grin on his face.

As we made our way to the entrance (I was walking a small distance behind them so I could listen in to their conversation), Prez turned to Issei.

"I'll send an errand boy later"

Looks like we're getting repetitive, Author-san. If Prez doesn't plan to get me to fetch him. Since, yknow, he's my classmate. I mean, at this point it's obvious. Prez doesn't get involved with people who aren't in her club, peerage or whatever. So this is our newest member, huh?

"Wait, Rias-senpai"

Shouted the pervert before his bald buddy moved behind him to throw a punch that send him flying and hitting the column.

"Issei, what is the meaning of this? How could you betray the losers alliance like that"

Sorry to inform you, but anyone who had friends like you would betray such an alliance. I, a self-acknowledged loser, would betray you as many times as Peter betrayed Jesus in the Bible, if I was your friend. And more.

Before the bald jock could throw a second punch, glasses-kun stopped him.

"Calm down, Matsuda"


And then he turned his attention to the fallen Hyoudou.

"First the nun girl and then freaking Rias Gremory. I think you have some explaining to do, Issei"

Hyoudou got up and smirked at his perverted buddies.

"Matsuda, Motohama, have you guys seen real boobs?"

Oh. Now I get the full picture. Hyoudou saw Prez naked. Well, so did I, pervert, you're not anything special.

Thinking about it, I could sense something about Hyoudou was different. It didn't seem like he was still a human. He emitted a totally different aura... Wait, when did I become so spiritually aware?

I didn't want to listen in to their stupid discussion anymore so I made my way to class.

Where the main talk was Hyoudou walking with Prez. I guess rumors do spread like wildfire.

I was about to use this lil technique called Disconnection. Bye bye surrounding world. When, out of a sudden-

"Hey, did ya guys hear? There was an explosion in Nagano"


"The police said they can't find the perpetrator but three streets have been damaged"

Oh god... I prayed in my heart for not another conflict with Prez. Ow. I didn't pray to God you dumbfuck senses. Him and I aren't exactly on what you'd call good terms.

I said all that but it's not like I met him or anything after I died. Maybe Nietzsche was right. Maybe God is indeed dead.

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in that suffering. So did I... find meaning in that suffering? Probability not.


I headed straight for the clubroom after classes ended. The only person I found there was Toujou-chan, sitting on the sofa eating snacks. I took a seat on the sofa opposite of her.

"Yo", I greeted lamely.

Again, she barely acknowledged my presence. Rude loli.

My eyes fell on the shower curtain, where I could find Prez's naked form in the shadows. Ouch. Not again. Reusing scenes is bad habit, Author-san.

"What's she doing?", I deadpaned.

"She's taking a shower... she spent the night at Hyoudou-senpai's place..."

Ah, Toujou-chan actually answered my question. Lol.

You know, Prez, if you keep showing around your naked body to guys, some will think they have a chance with you...

Toujou-chan looked at me weirdly.

"Kokonoe-senpai is a pervert..."

The fuck? Can you read thoughts or did I say that out loud? Ugh.

"Says the Archduchess of Gluttony, long may she reign"

"I don't eat that much..."

"No, just three bags of snacks in the morning, six in the evening, eight at night... I'm surprised you're not fat yet"

She seemed to have lost patience with me as she moved to hit me in the stomach. I dodged.

"Senpai is a pervert and a dickhead..."

"Wow. Thanks. My mom must be very proud of me"

"I'm sure she is..."

Are? The quiet loli is capable of making sarcastic comments? Or is she trying to keep up with mine? Probably the latter.

Well, I've been called a dickhead countless times before, but pervert is a new one. Do you just assume that all of Hyoudou's classmates are sex-crazed fiends? That's a baseless asump-... or not.

Damn it.

That aside, it does seem like Hyoudou is our club's newest addition. As if it wasn't dysfunctional enough with just me around.

Now we're going to have a pervert in the gang. Sounds about right.

"Ara, ara. You two are sure having fun... ufufu~"

The voice of Senpai, speaking from behind the curtain, broke the short lived silence. I was enjoying it, actually...

"If that's your definition of fun, then yeah, I guess."

I mean, your definition of fun is pretty twisted given that you're into SM, but I could work with that if you're willing to switch to M. That is my only condition.

"Oh, my. Kokonoe-kun, I didn't know you were such a tsundere~"

I looked back and forth from Toujou-chan to Senpai, dumbfounded.

"You must be kidding..."

Senpai laughed at my expense while Toujou gagged at me.

Seriously, what's this absurd pseudo-romcom situation? And why ship me with the loli? I wouldn't have taken that choice even if I was to fall into the depths of abyss and go insane from eating the monster that snacked my arm.

I would probably come off with an eyepatch and white hair looking like isekai Kaneki, but no loli as my lover.

Who am I kidding, I don't want another love. Not ever again.

"If Koneko-chan wouldn't do, then... you, can, have, me~ instead"

CRITICAL HIT. I felt my cheeks literally burning and had to avert my eyes from the sadistic Senpai.

I mean, I know she didn't mean it (probably), but having a hot girl like Himejima Akeno say all that shit to me is gonna turn on my suppressed hormones, you know...

I need more hormone suppressants. Immediately.

"Senpai is such a bully"

I pouted cutely like a girl who was mad at her boyfriend for being inconsiderate. I'm trying to play this cool, you know...

Of course, Senpai just laughed. Seriously, stop having fun at my expense!

"Akeno, can you please hand me some clothes?"

Ah, Prez, you're a life saver. Tho you should really stop taking showers in the clubroom. It was fine with me and Kiba around, but we're going to have a pervert join us, remember?

"Yes, Buchou"

Just like that, Senpai stormed off to bring Prez a change of clothes.

I was left baffled at that scene which has just unfolded in front of me.

What kind of god did I piss off? Ow.

Jeez, I thought I'd get scolded for my adventures in Nagano yesterday as soon as I stepped into the clubroom, but somehow this is worse.

"Senpai makes a very weird face"

Ah, yes. Toujou Koneko, my biggest fan. I don't even know anymore which is harder to deal with between her and Senpai. One teases the shit out of me, the other one antagonizes me like there's no tomorrow.

"Why do you care what kind of face I'm making?..."

"I don't care... It's just unpleasant to look at."

What the fuck?

"Then look at literally anything else."

"Will do..."

Why do you hate me so much? Is it because I teased you about your eating habits? You literally just called me a pervert without any solid evidence to back that up.


Just as I said that, Prez's form stepped out of the shower. She was fully dressed in our school uniform and her red hair was dripping wet.

Is this gonna become a running gag?...

"Sorry for that. I slept at someone's place yesterday so I had to take a shower", said Prez as she took a seat on the sofa opposite of me, sitting next to Toujou. Senpai took a seat next to me... wait, you're too close...

Oh, god (ouch, fuck that), so that was the sense of deja vu I was having just earlier. Author-san, are your writing skills so bad that you have to literally recycle lines and scenes? I bet one of your unfortunate readers already called you out on that. Wouldn't surprise me if they told you to suck a dick.

That aside, Prez, stop sleeping at people's places. It might not mean that much to me, but other people are literally going to misunderstand your intentions.

And if it's that pervert, I'm sure he already thinks he has a chance with you despite already having bonded with Argento-chan. This isn't turning into one of those NTR stories now, is it? I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if it was... But still, fuck NTR.

Oh, wait, Hyoudou's a Devil now. A Devil and a nun, truly, theirs is a love that can never be. Well, she was too good for Hyoudou anyways.

Oooor... It could become one of those generic opposite side love stories with some NTR and harem elements thrown in there. Oh, what a world I have ended up in.

"Say, Kokonoe-kun... what did you do yesterday after you left?"

FUCKING CRAP! Can I get just ONE DAY, ONE FUCKING DAY when I'm not questioned about my actions by a spoiled rich girl who selfishly made me her slave?

It's not like I can tell you that I saved a girl from being raped by a fucking psycho and I killed my first pers-... Fuck.

"I was resting at home", I told her flatly.

I'm a pathological liar, you see. Lying for me comes as natural as breathing. It's one of the reasons I was always at odds with my family back home.

"I see"

Don't tell me she actually bought that crap. She didn't insist any further though. It's not my fault I keep getting into messed up situations.

The only person to actually look suspicious of my claims... was Toujou, of all people. I could see that as she flashed me a brief doubtful look.

I sighed internally. Why would you even care, didn't you let me know you hated me? Or is that your way of putting me on the spot?

You know what? I don't even care anymore.


[Issei POV]

Some weird stuff happened lately. I've been having this dream where I was killed by a black angel, then woke up with Rias Gremory-senpai in my bed. She said some weird things, kinda like those I heard from Asia. I got the chance to see her naked though... those boobs are in another league...

I walked with Senpai to school and she said she would send "an errand boy" to come fetch me. Never expected the errand boy to be Kiba Yuuto of all people, but... I was getting curious about this whole thing, so I followed Kiba, and the place we end up at is the back of the school building. In this place, which is surrounded by trees, there was a building called the old school building.

Apparently it was used a long time ago, and there was no sign of people here. It was so creepy that it is listed in one of "the seven wonders of school".

The building looked very old and was made from wood, but there aren't any broken windows and it's hard to tell if there are any broken parts from its appearance. It was old, but it wasn't that bad.

"Buchou is here."

Kiba says.

Buchou? Is he talking about Senpai? Huh? Buchou? Did Senpai belong to a particular club? And does this mean he is part of that club as well? It's getting even more mysterious. Oh well, as long as I follow this guy, I will be able to meet with Senpai.

We entered the two story high building, and went up the stairs. We went further into the building, up the stairs. After some time, we reached our destination. Kiba stopped in front of a particular classroom.

I was shocked by the sign on the door that read—

[Occult Research Club]

Occult Research Club? So that's where you brought me, huh? Thinking that Rias-senpai is a member of the Occult Research Club is... sort of weird though. I remembered Asia's healing power and yesterday's dream (?). Life had gone crazy enough.

"Buchou, I have brought him."

Kiba waited for the approval through the wooden door. Then Senpai replied.

"Yes, come in."

Looks like Senpai is inside here.

Kiba opened the door and I was shocked when I follow him into the room. There were weird signs and words in every area of the classroom. The floor. The walls and the ceiling. They were all covered with weird signs. And the one which stood out the most is the circle drawn at the center of the room. It looked like a magic-circle, taking up most of the space in this room.

I could feel something creepy and weird from it. There were also a couple of sofas and desks in the room.

I spotted Senpai sitting on the sofa next to a girl with a small build. I know her. I know that girl! She's Toujou Koneko-chan. She's from 1st year, but she looks like an elementary student because of her childish face and small body. She was said to be "very emotionless"'.

On the opposite sofa, I saw Kokonoe, whose arm was being held by a girl with black hair in a pony tail as he was looking uncomfortable at the physical contact. Yup, that was Himejima Akeno-senpai.

She was popular among the school students as one of the two Great "Onee-sama" of the Kuoh Academy.

It was a sight that would make anyone jealous. Kokonoe holding arms with the second most beautiful girl in the school.

Senpai then spoke to me.

"Looks like everyone is here. Hyoudou Issei-kun. No, let me call you Ise."


"We, the Occult Research Club, welcome you."

"Eh, ah yes."

"As a Devil."


Dad and Mum. Looks like I'm in for something big.

"First time?"

Said Kokonoe, sounding amused by the situation.

"I suppose... does it get any easier?"

"Nah, not really"

I probably shouldn't be so surprised. Asia already told me about the existence of Devils and the fact that she has healing power is proof enough that she's not lying but...

It's still hard to process. Few minutes passed in silence.

"Here's your tea."

"Ah, thank you."

I'm sitting on a sofa, and Himejima-senpai has made tea for me.

I drink it quickly.

"It tastes good."

"Ara ara. Thank you very much."

Himejima-senpai starts laughing very happily by saying "Ufufu".

Kiba, Koneko-chan, Rias-senpai and I are sitting on the sofas surrounding the table.

"Akeno, Kokonoe-kun, you sit over here as well."

"Yes, Buchou."

"Ok, Prez"

Himejima-senpai sits next to Rias-senpai.

Then everyone looks at me.

W-What is it… I'm getting nervous if everyone looks at me in a small place like this…

Then Rias-senpai speaks.

"I will get to the point right away. We are all Devils."

Y-You definitely did get to the point right away.

"Your expression says that you don't believe what I am saying. Well, that can't be helped. You did see the woman with black wings last night, didn't you?"

She's right.

If that wasn't a dream, then I did really see that.

"That's a Fallen Angel. They are former Angels who served God, but they are beings who have fallen to hell because they had evil intentions. They are also the enemy of us Devils."

So now we are talking about a Fallen Angel. Asia has told me about them, but to think I'd really meet one... I don't know what to believe anymore.

Kokonoe made a heavy sigh.

"You sure like to beat around the bush, Prez. I bet he's already heard about that stuff. He's hanging out with a nun, after all..."

For some reason, he sounded pissed. As if that was one thing they argued on about. I can feel question marks floating around my head.

Kokonoe then turned to me.

"Basically, you died and she brought you back as a Devil."

I couldn't hide my shock.

"So... you're saying... I'm not human anymore?"

"That's precisely what I'm saying."

"Somehow, I can't believe that..."

"Figured out as much", he answered in a flat tone. "Yeah, I'm not good at explaining. Can someone please take over from me?"

Toujou Koneko-chan deadpanned at his attitude. "Then why did you bother?..."

"I'm not sure myself", he answered with an irritated expression.

"Kokonoe-senpai is a weirdo..."

"Sure, whatever you say, loli"

I sweatdropped. Those two get along really well, don't they?...

Rias-senpai cleared her throat, then turned to me.

"This Fallen Angel came in contact with you to accomplish a certain goal."


"Yes. To kill you."


W-What the hell! That's why she pretended to want to be my girlfriend, cause she was out to kill me? That didn't make any sense...

"W-Why did she have to kill me!?"

"Calm down, Ise. It couldn't be helped... No, you were just unlucky. There are possessors who weren't killed…"

"What do you mean, unlucky!"

Is she saying that I was just unlucky to be killed by that girl yesterday? Unlucky?!

"That day, you went on a date with her and then went to the park, where you were killed with Spear of Light."

"Why was I targeted!?"

Yeah. There aren't any reasons for me to be targeted by her. Why do I have to be targeted by the Fallen Angels!?

"The reason why she approached you is so she could check if there is a dangerous thing inside you. She must have received a weak response from it. That's why she took her time checking you. Then she confirmed it. That you were a human who possessed a Sacred Gear —-"

Again, that talk about Sacred Gears. Sorry. You were a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate the God who put the Sacred Gear inside you. That's what she said.

So there's a Sacred Gear inside my body…?

Kiba then speaks.

"Sacred Gear is an irregular power that is bestowed to certain humans. For example, most of the people whose names are recorded in history are said to be possessors of a Sacred Gear. They used the power of their Sacred Gear to record their name in history."

"Presently, there are people who possess Sacred Gears within their bodies. You know those people who play an important role worldwide? Most of those people possess a Sacred Gear."

Himejima-senpai continues after Kiba.

Rias-senpai then continues to explain.

"Most of the Sacred Gears have functions that are only usable in the human society. But there are exceptional Sacred Gears that are a threat to us, the Devils, and Fallen Angels. Ise, raise your hand"

Eh? I have to raise my hand? Why?

"Do it quickly."

Rias-senpai urges me to do it. So I raise my left arm.

"Close your eyes and imagine the strongest thing that comes to mind."

"S-Strongest being…? Son Goku from Dragon Ball…?"

"Then imagine it, and imagine that person in a particular pose where he looks the strongest."


I imagined Goku when he is shooting his Kamehameha.

Is this alright?

"Lower your arm slowly and stand up."

I get up from the sofa and lower my arm.

"Now mimic the pose of that person. You have to imagine it strongly, okay? You cannot hold back."


There are people around me, and I have to copy Goku doing Kamehameha at this age!?

I'm too embarrassed to do it! Just because I'm closing my eyes doesn't mean that no one will laugh at me!

"Hurry and do it."

Rias-senpai urges me again.

Ooooooi! Are you serious! Do I seriously have to do it!?

Shit! Then look! It's Hyoudou Issei's first and last time doing Kamehameha!


I said it while I had both my opened hands stuck together and pushed them forward at chest height. This is the Kamehameha pose.

"Now, open your eyes. In this place which is filled with demonic power, the Sacred Gear will be able to appear more easily."

I open my eyes just like Rias-senpai tells me to.


My left arm glowed.


What is this!? What is this!?

Can I pull off Kamehameha now!?

The light starts to take form and covers my left arm.

After the light disappears, my left arm is covered in a red gauntlet.

It's equipped with a flashy looking object. It looks like a very fine and realistic cosplay item.

The part that covers the back of my hand has a gem-like object embedded in it.

Actually, it looks more like a jewel instead of a just a gem.

"What the hell is thiiiiiiiis!?"

I screamed. I'm really shocked.

That's a Sacred Gear. And it belongs to you. Once it appears, you can use it anywhere and anytime as you will."


T-This red gauntlet is a Sacred Gear…?


I still can't believe it. I shot a Kamehameha and I…I…

"So that is a Sacred Gear, huh?...", said Kokonoe, looking thoughtful.

You mean this was the Sacred Gear I was killed off for? How cool! Will I get to be like a shounen protagonist now? I wanna be like Goku... but without the Kamehameha... It's embarrassing... I might just die...

"Well, that aside, you shoulda seen your face. 'Kamehameha!'. Jeez, and I thought Naruto fans were cringe with their running with their hands behind their back thing..."

Yeah, I was sure someone was going to laugh at me.

"Kokonoe-senpai is tactless", said Koneko-chan.

"Well, I had enough tact to not comment on your physical appearance, loli"

At that, Koneko-chan moved to punch Kokonoe, but he just dodged.

Seriously, these two...

Rias-senpai seemed to share my thoughts, cause she sighed at their antics.

"Seriously, what am I gonna do with the two of you..."

Sounds like you're having it rough, Senpai. I'll be rooting for you.

"She's provoking me, but she gets pissed when I retort. It's unreasonable as fuck"

"You're irritating..."

"Have you looked into the mirror recently? I see a case of pot-calling-the-kettle-black. No racism"

Was the last comment really necessary?

Senpai lost her patience, since the next moment I saw her flare a red aura while glaring at the two... scary...

That seemed to scare both of them into silence. She then turned to me, as to resume the conversation.

"The Fallen Angel saw your Sacred Gear as a threat and therefore killed you."

So the thing about that bitch killing me... and the Sacred Gear... all of it was real. I knew that, in my heart, but a part of my mind wanted to deny it. Life's been crazy ever since I met Asia...

So the part where I was killed by her was real too... And Kokonoe just said I was reincarnated by Rias-senpai. But... how did she know that I was there?

"You called me when you were on the verge of death. I was summoned through this paper."

Rias-senpai pulls out a single leaflet.

I know that leaflet. It's a flyer with a weird magic circle and a catchphrase that reads, "We will grant your wish!". One of the people giving out leaflets gave me one just before I got onto that bridge where I met that girl. It literally happened way too fast...

If I look carefully, the magic circle on the flyer is the same as the big magic circle on the floor.

"This is one of the leaflets we give out. It has a magic circle used to summon us Devils. However, there aren't many people who would draw these days. So we give these leaflets to people who look like they would summon Devils."

Now, that explains quite a bit. Rias-senpai continued her explaining after a short pause, as if to leave that revelation to sink in.

"That day, one of our familiars was disguised as a human and was handing them out in the business district. You got it at that time, Ise. After you were attacked by the Fallen Angel, you called me while you were on the verge of death. You wished so hard that it summoned me."

I remember that. I had wished for Asia, though... yet, I did think of Rias-senpai when I saw the blood on my hands. It reminded me too much of her hair. Mayve I subconsciously wished for her? Or for just someone? This is getting complicated the more I think about it.

"When I was summoned and saw you, I knew right away that you were a Sacred Gear possessor and that you were attacked by a Fallen Angel. But there was a problem. Ise, you were on the brink of death. Not just Devils, but humans also die if impaled by a Fallen Angels spear of light. Ise, you were in that kind of condition. So I decided to save your life."

Yeah, I've heard as much from Kokonoe earlier.

"Although, as a Devil. Ise, you were reborn as a Devil of mine, Rias Gremory's servant. As my servant Devil"

"Finally reached that part lol...", said Kokonoe, his voice barely a mutter. However, I caught that... Weird.

Wait, a servant?!

At that moment, black bat like wings sprouted from everyone's backs... And also from mine...

So it was really true, then? I had indeed become a Devil, huh?...

"Let's introduce everyone anew. Yuuto."

Kiba smiles at me after Rias-senpai calls his name.

"My name is Kiba Yuuto. As you already know, I'm a second year like you, Hyoudou Issei-kun. I'm a Devil too. Nice to meet you."

"…First year. …Toujou Koneko. Pleased to make your acquaintance. …I'm a Devil too."

Toujou Koneko-chan bows her head.

"My name is Himejima Akeno, and I'm in third year. I'm also the vice-president of this Occult Research Club. Nice to meet you. Even though I'm like this, I'm also a Devil. Ufufu."

Himejima-senpai bows her head very politely.

"Yeah, introductions... Jeez, we're classmates.", he muttered before turning to face me. "I've only been a Devil for two weeks, so I'm as clueless as you are"

Kokonoe says that and I wonder if I can really believe him.

Lastly, it's Rias-senpai. She waves her crimson hair and says it very directly.

"And I'm their master as well as being a Devil from the House of Gremory, Rias Gremory. My house holds the rank of a Duke. Let's get along from now on, Ise."

In that moment, the only thing I felt was a pang in my chest. I thought of Asia, who said she was banished from the church for healing a Devil. Does that mean we're now enemies?...

I didn't want to think of it...


This is ridiculous. I can't even blame Hyoudou for being so gullible, he's basically just a hormonal teenager. Prez executed her cards right- she lured him into a death trap taking advantage of the Fallens in town, then manipulated him into obedience by telling him he could get a harem. It's like telling a youngster from Brazil or Argentina that his dream of playing for Barcelona/Real Madrid can become reality, but once they sign for these clubs they'd be loaned out to second or third division clubs no one even heard of.

It was obvious Hyoudou was not going to get his harem. If anything, he'd lose even that nun girl he's friends with, cause now they're on opposite sides. So, it was a win for Rias Gremory, through and through.

But what's exactly driving her? Cause it was obvious this woman was acting out of a sense of desperation. I could recognize it, cause I felt that despair before, driving me to a lot of stuff that made people pissed off at me. Well, now that I'm finally gone, you can keep your useless meddling to yourselves, damn you. Especially you, fat pig, bet you won't even have those friends if you weren't so full of money.

Uh-uhm. So, Gremory was acting out of desperation to get out of a situation. That was the most frequent desperation I've felt in my previous life, and so I can recognize it when I see it. What situation exactly? It remains to be seen.

That aside, an element which she didn't account for was the nun girl. It was pretty obvious Hyoudou was devoted to her, so that could spoil her plans just a little. Especially if, let's say, Argento-chan's life is to be endangered. This guy is an idiot who cares about his friends, he'd rush to her side even if that meant defying his new master. Oh well.

I guess I'll take my seat in the back and watch the chaos unfold. And crack the popcorn. Personally, I'm Team Argento.

Wait, you thought I'd get involved? Lmao. I don't fancy the idea of becoming a stray, and as sympathetic as I'm for Hyoudou being as forced into slavery as me, he's perverted idiot who wouldn't be able to figure it out. Happiness in slavery is a thing, as Saito Hiraga might attest to. I would have killed Louise and left that world if I was him.

But Rias Gremory isn't Louise. Sure, they're both equally as spoiled, but Gremory isn't a dumb urusaibaka girl with a hair/chest trigger so getting physically abusive would be out of question. Or at least I'd put it below her.

Besides, she has a certain concern for her tools. I dislike her, since she's the same type of meddling like my closer ones back home, but she ain't ill intentioned.

She's just dumb, selfish and spoiled. That doesn't necessarily make someone a bad person. Just a flawed one.

Still, as I glanced over at our newest addition, I thought we're in for some fucked up stuff coming.


Three days after and I'm in the clubroom with everyone. I sighed tiredly. Midorikawa invited me out earlier, but I had to decline it because of club activities. Seriously, you guys should appreciate the fact that I'm literally turning down a date just to hang out with you...

I mean, me. A date. That's two things that never went together in all my 40 years of... consciousness? Can't call it life tbh...

Back to present, Prez stood on her desk, looking baffled. I could pretty much guess the reasons, but I couldn't care any less.

"Ise, your contract was invalidated twice... Kokonoe-kun, there's no requests for you. This is the first time this happened. And I'm talking about both situations"

Well, let's see why there's no requests for me? It's probably cause my aura is not inviting enough.

Can't help it, I'm edgy...

"I'm sorry for that", Hyoudou waved his hands apologetically.

Well, at least you have the time to feel sorry for yourself.

Oh, right, apparently Hyoudou has the same low demonic power as me. Well, even I had to laugh when he took his first request but couldn't use the magic transportation circle. Weeehooo, I have a buddy now. Isn't that great?

"How unsightly..."

Oh boi. You never lose one moment when it comes to playing tsukkomi with me now, do you? Unfortunately for you, I'm not boke. Damn you.

"Oi, Shiro-chan, why are you so fixated on me? Do you have a crush on me or something?"


Looks like I hit home without knowing it. Was Shiro her real name? Toujou-chan was so shocked that she couldn't process it.

Well, not my fault...

Prez cleared her throat.

"Anyway. I guess you guys should keep trying and maybe your results will improve. Ise, you got the best feedback, sure you can get a contract..."

Sounds like she wasn't convinced. Nice attempt, though. I'll have to give you that, at the very least.

"Damn, it's not fair. Besides, why are all my clients a bunch of perverts?"

Hyoudou was so up in his feelings that he was whining about the nature of his clientele. I personally thought the reason should be obvious.

"Ahaha, Hyoudou-kun must have a demonic-power that attracts people like that."

Kiba said that with his refreshing smile and a sweatdrop. How subtle, pretty boi, how subtle.

Yup, I couldn't exactly hold my tongue either.

"You know, if perverts didn't attract each other through some sheer magnetical force, we wouldn't have an infamous trio looming around the school peeking on girls changing"

Aaand, nailed it. My goddess Senpai, Kiba and even Toujou-chan were stifling laughters behind me. I know, I'm a funny guy.

Hyoudou looked like he took a lot of damage to his (non-existent) pride.

"Die, Kokonoe, Kiba!"

Lmao, I died twice.

"Suffer with decency"

Jeez, my time as a troll on Romanian football websites is still rubbing off on my speech pattern. Will I magically get Spion Kop's /absolutely/horrendous/way/of/writing next? Or Blucach's asexuality?

I cringed remembering sexual orientations got so vast in my modern world. Fuck people.

While I was reminiscing such a wasteful time, Kiba looked confused.

"Why me?"

Well, maybe cause a popular guy is a pervert's natural enemy?

Yup, interactions in this club got even more interesting with Hyoudou around. How cute. We look similar to a functional club now.

"I hate to spoil the fun, but we got work to do"

Senpai says that with an unusual serious tone. Wait, we? I was waiting for the end of club activities to go and play my newest RPG, damn it.

"Akeno, did something happen?"

Akeno-san's expression changed after Prez asked her.

"We received an order for a hunt from the Arch Duke."


Another abandoned building. Yup, these buildings started feeling so much like a second home that I started to question my sanity, only to stop at some point. Just average Japanese juvenile delinquent stuff.

It seems like we had to deal with a Stray Devil. Well, they had to. I'm still an inexperienced fighter...

I was feeling a sense of dread I haven't felt in... 4 days. I clenched my fists so tightly my nails dugged in my skin. I really fucking hate Stray Devils. I raped them. And then I killed them.

Such words were still fresh on my mind. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

I'm with everyone else so I can't afford to let my anger get the best of me and kill the stray on my own. Damn. Shoulda just asked to be excused. I know Prez woulda refused but it would still be worth a try.

This Devil was on the wrong side of the law for eating humans... Actually, that was the crime most strays were guilty of. Aaand, what's best is that all Devils had the impulse to eat humans, but that was forbidden by the law. Are we in Tokyo Ghoul or something? It was bad enough with Trash fucking school girls, now I had to deal with a fucking ghoul.

Actually, am I not a ghoul myself now?... I was kidding when I said I'd eat human flesh, damn it. It was a harmless joke made on an internet chatroom ffs...

"Smells like blood..."

Said Toujou, effectively snapping me off my thoughts? What? I can't smell anything. Lol. Are you a hound or something?

I glanced over to Hyoudou and he looked like he was about to piss his pants. Yup, how unexpected.

"Ise, Kokonoe, it's a good opportunity to experience what it's like to fight."

Said Prez. Yeah, I didn't think it was, but whatever...

"My powers are useless in this fight. I'll leave it to you"

I said that. I didn't really want to get involved. Especially not with a fucking stray of all things.

"Wait, are you serious!? I'm positive that I won't be of much use!"

"Yes. It's still impossible now"

Why do you look so disheartened despite how your safety was literally just confirmed? You wouldn't last 5 seconds against an actual monster. I couldn't last either and I had some actual power compared to you.

"But you can watch what a Devils' battle is like. Today, just concentrate and look at how we fight. Oh, yes. I will also explain the traits the servants have."

"Explain? The traits servants have?"

Oh wow, should have explained that when I joined the gang, Prez...

"Devils, who are the master, give traits to those who will become their servants. Yes, it's probably about time I explain about it and also about the history of Devils."

And, just like that, Prez, Senpai and Kiba got into a discussion about Devil history. I'll just skip that since I've heard it before and I literally had no intention of listening in to how three retards led armies to fight for supremacy.

However, it's said that after this war thing happened, all sides were weakened. So, how to ensure your species' survival? Apparently...

"The Devils decided to use a system to form a small group of soldiers. And that is the [Evil Piece]."

"The [Evil Piece]?", asked Hyoudou.

I actually started listening in to the discussion from that point on. Apparently, when a devil was reincarnated, he was made into a chess piece at the decision of his new master. [Queen, [Knight, [Rook, [Bishop] and [Pawn]. I wondered which one of them was I.

Just as I was about to ask that, Hyoudou was one step ahead of me.

"Buchou, what is my role and traits? And what piece am I?"

"Ise, you are—"

Prez stopped midway through her explanation. I knew why. Of course, it had to be the fucking stray approaching us. Its presence grew bothersome and I unconsciously clenched my fists.

"I can smell something disgusting. But I can also smell something delicious. Is it sweet? Or is it sour?"

A low voice which was coming from below the ground. Imagine Laura Les' from 100gecs if her voice was pitched down and distorted at the same time. Pitch down -12 and Hard Overdrive. That kind of settings.

"Stray Devil Vaizor. We are here to eliminate you."

Prez said that with a straight face.


And, just as I thought that it can't get worse... she actually started laughing. Oh Lord (ouch), have mercy on my eardrums.

As the stray got out of her hiding spot, I got a good look at... her. She had the upper body of a girl and the lower body of a monster. Creepy combination. It's like a centaur fucking with a snake. Yknow, since her tail was literally looking like a snake.

"Leaving your master's side and rampaging as you please definitely deserve death. In the name of Duke Gremory, I will gladly eliminate you!"

"You are cunning for a little girrrrrrl! I will rip your body, and colour it in red just like your haaaaaaair!"

I was getting pissed at this Bitch by the second. Yes. Bitch. That's what I'll call her. I found the Trash and Birch of this world.

"Grunts sure do speak in a stylish manner. Yuuto!"


Executing her command, Kiba approached the monster.

"Ise, I will continue from the lecture before."

I saw Hyoudou with a question mark above his head and had to suppress a laugh.

"Yuuto's position is [Knight]. Its trait is speed. Those who become a [Knight] have their speed increased."

Indeed, his speed grew by the moment as he took on that monster. Until I suddenly couldn't follow him with my eyes anymore. When I finally could, I noticed him standing his ground unaffected, a sword in his hand, fresh blood soaking it. Bitch's blood.

"This is Yuuto's power. Speed that you can't follow with your eyes, and sword skills of a professional. By combining these two, he becomes the fastest Knight."

Damn. He was actually fast...

"Next is Koneko. She is a [Rook]. The trait of a Rook is its—"

"Damn inseeeeeeeeect!"

I saw Bitch trying to stomp over Toujou, who not only she wasn't crushed. She actually lifted that thing by the foot and send it flying. It landed near my feet. I wonder if that was intentional...


Still, a small girl like that lifting something three times her weight, how ridiculous.

"The trait of a [Rook] is simple. Absolute strength. And also very high defence. It's impossible for a Devil of that calibre to stamp on Koneko. It can't crush her."

So that's the supposed explanation for the loli's absurd strength. I saw Bitch cowering at my feet with apparently the last of her strength. One could never be too careful though.

"Lastly, Akeno."

"Yes, Buchou. Ara ara, what should I do?"

Senpai was laughing while walking towards the monster that was on the ground close to my feet after sustaining Toujou's hit.

"Akeno is a [Queen]. She's the one who is the strongest after me. She is the unbeatable Vice-president of our club who has all the traits of [Pawn, [Knight, [Bishop, and [Rook].

So, it was Senpai's turn to show off. As she released her bolts of lightning and her sadistic screams towards Bitch, I was reminded of the very last thing I saw before I died. It was happening all over again. It seemed like Senpai really enjoyed toying with her prey, as she'd release that lightning successively as if to test their endurance.

By the third bolt, Bitch no longer seemed to be even alive.

"Akeno excels at attacks using demonic-powers. She could use natural elements like lightning, ice, and fire. And most of all, she is the ultimate sadist."

Yeah, who couldn't guess... if our first encounter is anything to go by.

"Usually, she's very kind, but once the battle starts, she won't stop until she calms down."

I'd say very much of a tease, but whatever.

"…Uuu, I'm scared of Akeno-san."

Hyoudou was cowering like a scared little girl. Where's your pride, exactly?

"You don't have to be afraid, Ise. Akeno is very kind to comrades, so it's not a problem. She even said that you were cute. Next time, get spoiled by her. She will definitely hug you kindly."

Hug you kindly the point of misunderstanding things, but yeah, I think being scared if her isn't such an abnormal reaction, to be honest.

"Ufufufufufufufu. How much of my lightning can you take? Right, monster-san? You still can't die yet, okay? The one who finishes you off will be my master. Ohohohohohohoho!"

Senpai's attack of lightning lasted for a couple of minutes, during which Bitch seemed to lose her will to fight. The fact that it was happening right in front of me was... quite the experience.

Prez started walking towards the collapsed stray. But suddenly, as if regaining her strength, Bitch got up, and eyed me with a hungry grin.

"So that sweeeeet smeeel was yooou. You smeeeel like a human, yet your sceeent is so chiiiiily. You must be a yuki-onoko... A half breeeeed at thaaat... To think I'd find you in thiiiis plaaace. Let me deeevour you before I dieeee"

Yuki-onoko. It's the third time someone called me that. I'm starting to think that it's true. So, I wasn't even fully human to begin with, huh? A half human, then...

My teammates were too astonished by that revelation to even move, so in that split second, she lunged forward towards my shoulder. Are? What's with everyone going for the shoulder...

I caught her arm and freezed it. Then, I used Hypothermia, causing her to fall back on the ground.

To think someone would want me as their food. Should I be elated? Ah, who am I kidding?...

"Tell Trash I said hi", I whispered in her ear, at a distance safe enough for the others to not hear.

I then made a spear of ice from my palm and used it to stab Bitch right in the heart. At the same time, Prez fired a mass of demonic energy. It was red, just like her hair.

The demonic energy devoured Bitch and when it disappeared... so did she.

FallenSnow64 FallenSnow64

This was originally supposed to be a filler chapter but I ended up using 8k words for it. I'm too dedicated to this smh..

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