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16.66% I got isekai'd as a Yuki onna / Chapter 2: Orc

Capítulo 2: Orc

I woke up in my bed. First thing I did was check up the clock by the nearby desk. 5:36 am. I was no stranger to neither waking up early nor staying up late, but something felt pretty off this time around. Needless to say, I was feeling dizzy. I've had the weirdest dream ever.

"Is that my subconscious' way of telling me I should stop smoking?"

Cause it seemed to be deadset on telling me juvenile smokers like me can get killed if they wander around abandoned buildings. And it can get you in trouble if you pursue it actively. So the best thing to do is to quit while I can still save my life.

Oh, who am I kidding? I, Kokonoe Takashi, am a man of my vices. I'll never quit anything just because society deems it wrong. That's how I lived my life - both of my lives - until now, and that's how I'm going to keep living from now on. And in case you're wondering why am I named after fucking 6ix9ine... ask my (new) parents. Maybe they were fans or something.

The feeling of my body being cold snapped me from my reverie. Are? Why am I naked? I mean, I don't recall going to bed last night but I sure as hell took on my pajamas at the very least. Am I starting to have memory lapse? I know I'm a 40 years old in the body of a 17, but I never got the chance to mature psychically and emotionally, much less develop Alzheimer. Okay, this train of thought is getting depressing by the second.

As if to snap out of it, I looked to my right and there was something in my bed. Right under the blanket. As I grabbed the blanket and pushed it to the side...

I poked my cheek to see if I was still dreaming. No, it felt too real. Possibly no lucid dreaming either. Rias Gremory-senpai was really sleeping in my bed. Naked. As I was clutching the blanket to get a better view of her ass, I would lie to say I didn't get a massive boner but I swear my right hand didn't automatically go around grabbing my dick to fap in front of a sleeping-.. I punched myself to snap out of it. Bet if it was Hyoudou or his dumb friends they would actually try to take advantage of the situation. I thought of those raping the sleeping beauty porn videos and could see the three of them going for it. Sigh. I say that but I was about to pull out a Shinji Ikari. For fuck sake.

Now, why was Rias Gremory sleeping naked in my bed? It's true that she appeared in my dream yeste-... I'm starting to think it wasn't really a dream. But if it isn't, then why am I alive? It makes no sense. Rather, it doesn't even matter. Still, I suppose there's only way to find out.

I shook Gremory-senpai by the shoulder.

"Senpai? I know it's a little early in the morning, but can you please wake up?"

I backed down a bit as I said that, waiting for a reaction. Slowly, my unexpectedly exhibitionist senpai opened her eyes. "Is it morning already?", I heard her mutter.

"It's 5:45 am"

And that's me trying to be casual about having a beautiful girl naked in my bed first thing in the morning. I should give myself a prize. Loner of the Year award 2022. What's the Nobel prize compared to that?

After stretching her arms to get over her sleepiness, Gremory-senpai got up on the bed and was looking at me with a smile on her face. It was that kind of smile that could lead legions of soldiers to their demise. Rip Paris of Troy, for your precious Helen lay with Menelaus as soon as you were pronounced dead.

"Good morning", she said.

"Mornin'.", I replied lamely. "So, senpai, are you going to tell me what happened?"

She smiled in return. Hey, do you know that if you keep smiling like that, I might get the wrong idea? I'm still a guy after all.

"What do you want to know?~"

Is she trying to seduce me or something? Or is she downright mocking me? Or both?

I sighed.

"Well, I got a lot of questions to ask, but first of all... why are you naked in my bed?"

"Oh~ It's because I shared some of my magical energy with your weakened body. You were losing so much blood, the only way I could help you heal up was holding your naked body~"

I could feel my cheeks flush. This woman sure knew how to get a reaction out of me. But more importantly...

"So it wasn't a dream...", I muttered, unsatisfied.

"Everything you experienced was reality"

After being brought to this world in the first place, I shouldn't be so impressed by getting mortally stabbed and still being alive... probably. But still, the way you can say all that with a smiling face, it's unsettling.

"So I basically got my ass kicked without so much as putting up a fight... I thought this ice power was actually useful"

I mean, I've been having it for a couple of years. Even though I mostly used it for revenge pranks on my bullies and freezing vending machine windows... it could help me with all those things but it was useless in combat... Fuck.

"I think your Sacred Gear is pretty unique. It could be powerful if you train it enough"

Again with the Sacred Gear thing. I had a lot of questions about it, but there's something that concerns me more at the time. Some things take priority over others.

"I see", I paused for a second, bracing myself for asking the question that was nagging at me ever since she said she used her magic energy or whatever to heal me. Stripping down (and almost being masturbated at) to help someone she doesn't know. There had to be a catch. So I looked her straight in the eye.

"Why did you save me? I'm basically a stranger to you. And you're a devil... aren't you? It's not like it'd really matter if I died back then."

"Oh~ you're not a stranger anymore. You're my cute little servant."

"Your what?"

What was this girl saying? Was she into bdsm? Well, it's not like I dislike it, but I prefer being an S rather than an M, you know..

"I am Rias Gremory, a devil. And starting today, your master~"

And you had to repeat yourself despite the fact that I didn't understand the first time around? So what now, am I going to need a dog collar? And can you at least make it look like a chain so it could pass for swag? A choker wouldn't be half bad either but I'm not an e-girl. Or e-boy? Nah, e-boys have lock chains. Talk about bad taste.

As I was internally debating whether e-girls or e-boys sucked more, Gremory got out of bed and picked up her clothes from the floor. By the time I snapped out of my reverie, she already put her lingerie on. And her uniform shirt, but it was unbuttoned so I could still see her bra. And panties. Dark red lace. Can you please stay like this just a little more? I want to engrave the image in my head.

Wait, don't I have something more important to discuss?

"I mean, I know you saved my life and I'm grateful for that, but why do I gotta be your servant now?"

It almost sounds like you only saved my life so I could become your servant. Which begs the question. Did you?

"You died. So I brought you back~"

It somehow still doesn't explain anything but the confirmation that I died, for a second time at that, send chills to my spine.

As I grabbed my boxers and started getting dressed, Gremory turned to me with a dignified smile.

"May I call you Takashi?"

Ok, what's with the familiarity? We barely even met and now you're saying you wanna be on first name basis with me? It's not like it mattered to me much since we don't need shit like honorifics and mandatory first names where I come from, but what would other people say?

"With all the respect, Senpai, but we barely even know each other. Kokonoe is alright, for now"

"If you say so..."

Gremory seemed perplexed for a moment, before eventually regaining her onee-sama composure and slightly teasing attitude. She was now fully dressed and I felt a mixture of relief and dumbness.

"I know you have a lot of questions and I'm more than open to answer them. Kokonoe-kun, meet me after classes."

That sounded like an invitation. If I'd been a hormonal teenager, I would have confessed and gotten rejected on the spot. Even if it sounded kinda suspicious, I needed info so I nodded.

"Where? When?"

"I'll send an errand boy. Laters, Kokonoe-kun~"

And so she opened my window and took off. Didn't even bother explaining. Great.

Why do I get the feeling that my otherwise peaceful and boring life is starting to get turned upside down? Be careful what you wish for, huh?


Did I mention my classmates are noisy? At this time of the day, I'd usually be chilling around some hidden spot on the school grounds, with nothing but my own company and some emo rap playlist. Namely Bones and his early songs. It's 2012, no GBC or Lil Peep yet. Meh. So, why am I not doing just that? Cause a certain red haired senpai told me to wait in class, for she'll send an "errand boy".

Errand boy, huh. How vast of a network does she even possess? I didn't get recruited by the underground mafia or something, didn't I?

Anyways, if I had to guess, the errand boy would be the blond Riajuu... what was his name again? Kiba Yuuto, I think. Obviously she can't send a girl since it would attract a lot of attention. I swear, Japanese people are dumb as hell sometimes, quick to assume that if you hang out with a girl, you're an item.

Ok, yeah, it is the same everywhere but Japanese people are more obnoxious about it. Among other things. While I wouldn't exactly call myself a Westerner given how poor my country is, it's at least more open minded to a lot of things. And I can't believe I'm saying that given that we were part of the Eastern Bloc and our mentality is largely dominated by those principles. Eh, in some aspects, Japanese people are much worse. Of course, this doesn't have to do anything with anything, I just couldn't be reincarnated in a medieval world instead. Then I could at least still feel European. I hope I could get back home someday, or at least the version of home that exists in this world. Never know you miss something until you lose it.

Okay, this was getting depressing by the minute. To drift my attention away from my thoughts, I looked around- no sign of pretty boi Riajuu getting his ass in here any time soon.

Ah, there he is. After oh so gracefully gracing us with his very presence, Prince Charming unwittingly formed a large crowd of fangirls around him. Katase and Murayama were taking the lead- I swear those two would make good cheerleaders. The boys on the other hand, they had envious expressions. I could hear Hyoudou shouting curses at Kiba Yuuto's expense. Ignore him, pretty boy, he's retarded. Oh, and Kiryuu was licking her lips- what the fuck, are you a yandere?

Pretty fuckboi, for his part, was waving nonchalantly.

"Hey. Excuse me for a bit"

"It might be a humble place, but please make yourself at home"

Katase, do you even hear yourself? He's walking in our classroom not your home.

"Ah, it's that handsome prince. Fuck off"

"He's so hot"

"I want his babies"

Okay, what the fuck was that last one?

Ignoring them, Kiba walked over to me, waving his hand in greeting.


"Yo", I replied lamely. "So, Gremory-senpai send you to fetch me?"

"Ah, yes, that just so. Would you mind coming with me?"

"Okay", I nodded and started following Kiba. Thoroughly enjoying my classmates reactions while I was at it. If this was an anime, this scene would have circus sound effects in the background.

"Kiba-kun and Kokonoe? I thought that gloomy loser had no friends"

"Is Kokonoe becoming a Riajuu? Die too, you son of a bitch"

"Kiba and Kokonoe, they look like they're made for each other"

I sighed in exasperation. I don't swing that way, Kiryuu. Oh, and Hyoudou, suffer with decency.

We walked side by side in silence. Well, I thought it might be funny to hear his point of view so I broke it.

"Say, Kiba-san. Are you even aware of how popular you are?"

"Oh, is that so? I haven't done anything to get it though?"

Y'know, saying all that with a smile and a sweatdrop won't change the fact that I'm right. Then again, you're right too, you haven't exactly done anything to deserve it. Being born with good looks is genetics' biggest bet. I was born average. Both times around.

"Whatever, not that I care", I replied.

"Are? Kokonoe-kun, are you perhaps jealous of me?"

Am I? You're having a reputation based on looks, academic and athletic skills, that's true, but you got all the basic bitches looming around you like flies. A guy like Hyoudou might cry his eyes out at the thought, but I hated most girls. It's not like I'm a misogynist, but most of them were... shallow, in lack of better terms.

"Nah. I'm not that much of a people person. You're gonna see."

He didn't bother replying to that and we just walked in silence from that point on. Man, we sure was going to a remote place on the school grounds. We already passed the gym and couple of other club buildings.

I always wondered how did Kuoh Academy have so much money for their facilities. I feel like I might just find the answer to that soon enough, without even having to ask.

After I don't know how many minutes of following pretty boi around, we stopped in front of an old fashioned building. It totally looked like a witch's house, wooden walls, clock and all. If I recall, Rias Gremory is president of the Occult Research Club, isn't she? Well, this building screamed ocultism- you really thought I was gonna say that? It's try-hard enough to stand out as much as those makeshift monuments and makebelieve "ancient" Greek style buildings in Skopje. Macedonia is Bulgaria. Lmao.

As I was thinking all of that, we made our way in. Well, the impression I got from this room I found myself in placed a lot of emphasis on that witch's house opinion. The walls were covered in tapistry even older than that of apartments in a Communist building complex. There were a couple of ancient and medieval pictures on the wall, as if to say the ORC were dedicated philanthropists. And there were candles and statuettes on every small table or desk around. Aphrodite and Athena. Nice. Seems like the Skopje remark wasn't too far off either. On the other hand, if they're mythology enthusiasts, I might just get along with them.

Even in my past life I had friends, but somehow, like the virginity loss, it came pretty late. Aand, I'm getting off track here. I stopped examining the room and looked at the couch, where the cat loli from yesterday was sitting and eating some snacks. It didn't seem like she cared that she had a guest. Well, whatever.

I turned to Kiba.

"I pretty much heard about all of you from before yesterday, given your rep and stuff, but who is this lo-.. young lady over there?"

I know asking someone else about you when you're around it's bad taste but don't go around ignoring me if you were gonna complain later. Tho somehow I doubt that she was going to.

"She's Toujou Koneko-san, a first year student"

At the mention of her name, the loli briefly turned her attention to us. Kiba used the momentum to introduce me.

"He's Kokonoe Takashi"

"Nice to meet you", I said and she gave me a small nod of acknowledgment before turning her attention back to her snacks.

Well, I suppose it's an improvement. I'm pretty sure I can't be friends with her but at least she'd tolerate my existence. I already had an idea why they called me here. Looks like the isekai adventure plot kicks in. Finally! I mean, I had to wait 17 years and die two deaths for this. Not to mention experience bullying (again) just to wake up my otherworldly superpower. If that's not hard mode (or at least medium), then I don't know what is.

Also, my superpower seems kind of useless now. At least compared to these guys. I could tell they were leagues above me in terms of power. Is this gonna be a "you're weak but I see great talent in you, will you join me" type of plot?... That would be cliché as fuck. Then again, she said I'm her servant so I might have just been forced to join her without me being aware. You know what? Fuck it, reading between the lines is much more mentally exhausting than it might seem.

The sound of flowing water, coming from the back of the room, snapped me out of my thoughts. Wait, what? I turned around to see a shower curtain. And a girl was certainly taking a shower behind that curtain. Just when I thought I got enough head scratchers. Yknow, Senpai, if you want this club to get male members, you should probably move the shower in an other room. This building is large enough.

Also, if you want to get male members in the club, don't just shower right before they come. I can clearly see the reflection of your body behind that curtain and I don't know if I'm supposed to be dumbstruck or have a boner. I mean, I know I've already seen you naked but doing that stuff with your boyfriend would seem more normal to me. I'm just your dumb kouhai, spare me the heart attack.

Then there is the sound of the shower stopping. Finally. It's bad manners to take a shower when someone's waiting for...

"Buchou, take this."

Seems like there's a person behind Gremory-senpai. After a split second, I came to the realization that I knew to whom that voice belonged to. Last time I heard it was in the form of a delighted scream coupled with a certain fucker-whose-name-I-can't be-bothered-remembering's more horrific screams. Looks like I might have just added another PTSD to the list. Great!

"Thank you, Akeno."

Looks like Senpai is changing behind the curtain. I start blushing after I recalled what happened this morning. Oh God *ouch), I swear I'm gonna take that with me to my grave. In the meantime, Himejima-senpai appeared from behind that curtain and walked over to me.

"Ara ara. Hello, my name is Himejima Akeno. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

She introduced herself politely, with a mischievous smile on her face. It's kinda hard to believe she is the same person who brutalized a stray devil while releasing moans of pleasure in the form of banshee screams. Then again, people have a lot of layers to their personalities.

"Kokonoe Takashi. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Ah, I'm going to hell with this.

"Himejima-senpai, can I ask you a question?"

"Ara, ara, what do you want to know about good old me, Kokonoe-kun?~"

"Are you a sadist?"

Himejima, for her part, started laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. I just stood there, dumbfounded.

"I think I'm starting to like our newest member... ufufu... ahaha~"

So she said. I'm flattered. You're not exactly my type but I'm flattered.

"You two sound like you're having fun", resounded the voice of Rias Gremory, who stood out of the shower cabin, fully dressed. Her crimson hair was soaking wet.

Then, she glanced at me, and smiled.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't take a shower last night because I stayed the night at your place, so I took a shower now."

So that was the reason? You could've taken it before I came here though, it would've made things less uncomfortable. What I mean is you could have showered first and then sent Kiba after me. I'd have waited. Probably.

Mainly cause I had a lot of unanswered questions.

"Ah, it's no problem. I wasn't too bothered by it"

I've had Toujou, Himejima and my own thoughts distracting me in the mean time.

After confirming that, she gave a look to everyone gathered in this room.

"Looks like everyone is here. Kokonoe Takashi-kun. We, the Occult Research Club, welcome you."

Well, I've been a member of the going home club for as far as I remember my life in this alternate Japan, but I guess this wouldn't be so unpleasant.

"Please take care of me", I bowed.

"As a Devil."

"Wait, what?"


I was seating on the sofa, starting at the tea cup Himejima-senpai placed before me. I took a sip. It was good.

Now, I obviously knew they were devils. I mean, the black, bat like wings they all sprouted in the battle the other day... if devils ain't a right way to describe their species, then I don't know what is. However, what baffled me is how they said they welcome me as a devil. I mean, for all I knew, I was human. It's not like someone can suddenly change species... right?

Kiba, Toujou-chan, Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai and I are sitting on the sofas surrounding the table.

It's a quiet atmosphere. Man, are you gonna get down to the explaining part already?...

Just as I thought that, they all started looking at me? Needless to say, I'm uncomfortable with multiple pairs of eyes being upon me. So I cracked a joke.

"Is there something on my face?". Apart from the confusion towards this situation, I think my face looked pretty normal. Honestly.

Their reactions to my joke were quite diverse, to say the least. Himejima put her hand on her mouth to suppress her giggle, Gremory tilted her head, Kiba sweatdropped and Toujou didn't pay me no mind.

After a bit of an awkward silence, Gremory-senpai spoke.

"I will get to the point right away. We are all devils."

Well, I knew that.

"Yeah, could figure it out by how your wings looked like the other day"

I guess they were baffled by how I seemed to understand something about the reason why we're here.

"You don't sound surprised", Gremory-senpai pointed out.

Oh. I am. I'm just doing a good job with that thing called "poker face". It comes in handy at times. No pun intended.

Besides, I should've died. Twice. And I'm still existing for some reason. No amount of science could possibly hope to explain that. No amount of logic either.

"I'm trying to cope", I chuckled drily.

To that, Gremory-senpai actually left out an "oh". And we're straying away from the main topic. I took the initiative.

"Gremory-senpai. This morning you said I'm your servant. Now you're welcoming me in your club as a devil."

I stopped for a second, going over and over again on my theory. It sounded absurd. Unbelievable too. But if I was right...

"Did you reincarnate me as your devil servant?"

To her credit, Gremory-senpai looked astonished. Himejima-senpai laughed and said something like "he's sharp"'. As for Toujou and Kiba, their expressions were hard to read.

Senpai took a moment to clear her throat and then spoke.

"That's right, Kokonoe-kun. Everyone here is a devil. And I'm their master. Rias, a Devil from the House of Gremory. My house holds the rank of a Duke."

As if to emphasize her words, Rias' minions released their wings at the same time with their master.

And then, the same pair of wings appeared on my own back.

The sensation was foreign, but somehow it felt naturally for it to be there.

"Let's get along, Kokonoe-kun"

So she said and stretched her hand out for emphasis. I still had a lot of questions but I'm gonna put em on hold, I guess. I shook her hand.

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