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Reborn As A Shan With Four Wishes: The Clone Wars Reborn As A Shan With Four Wishes: The Clone Wars original

Reborn As A Shan With Four Wishes: The Clone Wars

Autor: bossbovatannin

© WebNovel

1: Am I Dead? Well Fuck Me Sideways!

There are three big no no's when you die, or rather three ways you don't want to go out. Number one is dying on the shitter, Number two is dying during sex, and we all have our own Number three we don't like to discuss very much. Now me? I died with number three. But imagine my surprise when I someone who was a pretty old gods religion guy, specifically Norse Mythology or Shinto Pantheon being my thing found myself Before Shenron and all the other good Dragons of Dragon Ball, Arceus, Rayquaza, Mew, Yoda, The Father, The Daughter, The Son, Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki, Ajuka Beelzebub, Shemhazai and Baraqiel...


'Congratulations on dying in such an embarrassing way, the Omni God King of Jump Worlds has declared that your soul may Reincarnate to one of our Realms.' Declared Super Shenron.

''I choose Star Wars.'' I say.

''As a parting gift you may choose Four Wishes.'' Says The Father.

''I wish to Reincarnate as a Force-Sensitive Descendant of Revan and my SWTOR Sith Inquisitor and Lana Beniko. Specifically so that I can fight at The Onset of The Clone Wars.'' I Declare.

''Wish Granted, pick three more.'' Says The Daughter.

''I wish to to have the highest possible Midi-Chlorion Count outside of Anakin Skywalker ever recorded.'' I declare.

''Wish Granted. Pick two more.''

"My Third Wish is to have an absolutely irresistible charm when it comes to speaking with the opposite Sex, doesn't matter if they're different species or even you Daughter, my charm enables an irresistible persuasiveness that nothing short of Abeloth could resist. Now let me be clear, I don't want the resultant effect to be a slavishly devoted sex slave, rather the women will be naturally attracted by me through my speech and find anything I say highly believable if not probable." I Say, just imagining how easily I could Charm my way into the pants of Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, Riyo Chuchi, Bo-Katan Kryze, The Daughter, and Princess Leia. What? I'm a Pervert so fucking what? Sue me for all I care!

''Wish Granted. Pick One More.'' Says The Son.

''I wish to have a natural proficiency in the use of Battle Meditation, Combustion, Morichro, Malacia, Force Phase, Shatterpoint, Psychometry, Dopplegänger, Battlemind, and Electric Judgement.'' I say, making sure to be extra specific in what I want accomplished by the wish.

"That can constitute as more than one wish, but in the interest of hurrying things along I'll grant it but I'll be placing it under certain limitations." Says The Father.

"Fine fine, just do me the favor of not making them too big of a pain in the ass to achieve nor control." I say dismissively as I am enveloped in a flash of light that came from The Son, The Father, and The Daughter's eyes.


(Jedi Council Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant, Core World)


Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn Stood before the Jedi Council, with Master Plo Koon and Master Kit Fisto beside him, they were detailing what they had discovered on the Ancient Sith Planet of Ziost after the three felt a strong pull to the World.

''You say you found a Child strong in the Force? Stronger than three of you together?'' Asks Mace Windu.

''His mother was dying, by a Lightsaber Cut, she entrusted the boy to us and told us an alarming matter, this Child is the Direct Descendant of Darth Revan and Darth Imperious.'' Says Mundi.

''Hmm, Despite their Dark Histories, Revan and Imperious, renounced the Dark Side they did.'' Says Yoda.

''Master Yoda speaks truly, Darth Imperious lead the great deception that first annihilated the Sith Empire by becoming a Double Agent. He came to serve on this Very Council, I'm more concerned that his Mother died by a Lightsaber.'' Speaks Qui-Gon.

''Master Koon, more to say have you?'' Yoda Asks.

''The Child and it's mother were protected by three Dashade Shadow Killers, we slew two and the Third stopped fighting when his brothers were slain. He explained that they were Descendants of Darth Imperious's Dashade Servant as well as the Last Lord of Urkupp and that their family has been loyal to the Kallig and Shan Families since before the Third Great Galactic War of ancient times. He came with us and Guards the child even now, and has refused to surrender his new Master.'' Koon explains.

''Interesting, Dashade swear fealty to only those who best them in single combat, for an entire Bloodline to Swear Fealty to a Family instead of an individual is nothing short of an unprecedented notion more than anything else.'' Master Windu says thoughtfully.

''Bring us this Child, let us judge his Sensitivity to the Force.'' Says Master Tiin.


A monstrous Dashade Shadow Killer entered the Council Chambers, carrying a small child in his arms.

''I am Akghul Ussar'Val, Last Defender of the Shan and Kallig Bloodlines, you who would Train my Master must do so in accordance with the Kallig Codex.'' Says Akghul.

''Speak of Jedi Master Kellian Kallig's Last Will and Testament, you do. A Codex to only be invoked by the Shadow Elites in service to his family, it was.'' Says Yoda.

''Correct, Little Jedi. You possess the Holocron, but it is I who holds the Key.'' Says Akghul.

''Why would Master Kellian not entrust both to the Order?'' Asks Ki-Adi Mundi.

''According to historical records, Master Kellian knew his enemies would come for him. He was just a step or two below from being the Sith Emperor in all but name after all. But when his grandson was born, he decided that rather than permit his enemies the satisfaction of hurting him through his family he'd draw the attention to him while they slipped away unseen. The only clues to their location was to be held within his Personal Holocron, where the lock was supposedly hidden amongst the Holocron's Contents, but would only be revealed once the Cipher was combined with the Holocron.'' Mace Windu reveals.

''Go to the remote wilds of Mandalore's Moon he went, hundreds of thousands of Sith came, and fell many of them, Kallig did. But life fades, and perished Kallig did. Built a shrine to honor him, the Mandalorians did.'' Says Yoda.

''Which is part of the Cipher.'' The Dashade reveals, unveiling a piece of the shrine and his young master.


(Time-Skip: Five Years Later)


The Jedi Council had agreed to the terms of the Dashade, as it was duty bound to honor his Commitment to the Child. The Mother perished before she could name him, thus the duty fell to the Jedi who named him Kellian, after his Ancestor, but most within the Temple called him Kell, of course the Female Younglings called him Kelli, as they and the female instructors were quite enamored by him.

Kellian was proving himself to be exceptionally powerful in the Force, showing an adept's Grasp at Techniques that are either rare and exceedingly difficult to master or the way he understood it was surprisingly advanced. Presently he was in the archives overlooking Advanced Hilt designs for his Future Saber.

Growing up in the Temple he'd always expressed a powerful interest in specialized Hilts particularly Curved-Hilts, Cross-Guards, and Double-Blades. Kellian's interest in unique Hilts, as well as unarmed hand-to-hand combat earned him additional tutelage from Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig, who was discussing who should become They boy's future Master.


Youngling Shan knew that Several Master's were watching him from afar, his Force Sense was highly sensitive to such things. Many Masters had been eyeing him as their future Apprentice, but few took that essential step of meeting him first, and in his own opinion his performance in the Annual Apprentice Tournament was not a suitable alternative.

Every time he fought he got to the finals, fought and ultimately withdrew at the last minute when his opponent looked ready to forfeit the Match. Kellian employed a different skillset every tournament and every match, in order to keep his opponents on their toes and increase the interest of prospective Jedi Masters.

But honestly he only had an interest in one of Five Master's for his Future Apprenticeship. Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, or Shaak Ti. Now believe it or not, he wanted Shaak Ti for more than getting in between her Robes. She was an expert Duelist in Both Form II Makashi as well as Form IV Ataru. Plus she was hot as fuck, and in lieu of a 19 year old Ahsoka she was the Hottest Togruta Around.

As for Plo Koon he was a Master of Form V, specifically the Shien Variant, and having him as a Master would give him a bit of common ground with Ahsoka. Master Mundi was a Master of Form's IV Ataru, III Soresu, and II Makashi, of course he wasn't the best choice of companionship, and Plo Koon was only Slightly Better. You probably are starting to get the gist of his choices, so Kellian will stop it right there.

Kellian was presently researching the Split Lightsaber, because he was curious as to the practical applications of Two Curved or Cross-Guard Hilts that formed either a Dual Cross-Guard Blade or Dual Curved-Hilt Sabers with the application of being used as one or two different Sabers. He often engaged in a discussion of Hilts and their applications in traditional Lightsaber Forms with Master Dooku if the opportunity presented itself. He enjoyed the Sharp Wit and Eccentricities of Master Dooku, even knowing this was the Future Darth Tyrannus.


(Time-Skip: Six Years Later)


Kellian was now Six Years older than he was prior, making him aged eleven presently. He was stood before the Jedi High Council as they droned on and on about the Will of the Force guiding him towards a particular destiny and a Particular Jedi Master....Jedi Master....Saesee Tiin.....

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