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Tom is a prodigy

Tom continued to show his peers and the teachers how Impressive he is and the level of excellence he had, brought him to the attention of the council.

Which for some other muggle-born would have been hazardous but for Tom, it was a chance to enter the ranks and make a name for himself.

Some first-year purebloods came to challenge him but this was the result that he witnessed

(Flashback 1month after the start of Hogwarts)

Tom could be seen walking alone thru the corridors his robe billowing behind him.

Just as he turned the corner he was met face to face with Vane. Vane was a pureblood, one of the sacred 28. But in front of Tom who was the heir of 'The great Salazar Slytherin,' those 28 families amounted to nothing.

With a smug look Vane motioned to his two lackeys and said "Riddle, do you know they have learned the cutting curse?" The two lackeys raised their wands at him.

But Tom simply raised an eyebrow at the childish threat. Vane's blood boiled in rage and he shouted at Tom "You will see Riddle that there are some better than you and that you are just an insignificant Maggot".

Oh the irony

But Vane did the biggest mistake of his life. When he spoke some of his spit landed on Tom's shoes.

Tom grabbed vane's jaw with his hand and simply crushed it.

"Crack" A sound could be heard throughout the silent corridor. Tom used wandless magic and silenced the three first years and Suspended them into the air. He then dragged them into an unused classroom and Bound them with a rope on the benches.

He then proceeded to break every bone of Vane's body but didn't let him get unconscious. The two lackeys watched in horror as the seemingly top student who helped everyone had this cruel side to him.

When Tom appeared to be satisfied he removed all the blood and fixed the injuries in his body other than the jaw. He then turned and looked at the Lackeys. His eyes were blood red and had a frantic look that could be described as 'erotic' by some.

In a raspy voice, he said, "Now like good lackeys you two will take him to the hospital wing and get his jaw fixed, Won't you?"

Lackeys nodded frantically as their lives depended on it and noticed that their bounds were loosed now and so they ran with Vane on their shoulders.

As they were about to exit the room they heard Tom's voice "And remember that his condition was because he tripped from the stairs".

When they exited the room the door closed behind them and they heard Tom's maniacal laughter which was sure to haunt them for the rest of their lives.


(Hogwarts Teachers hall)

On the round table Headmaster, Dippet and all the teachers were present, in their hands were monthly reports of best students. This meeting was held every year to evaluate the first years progress and talent.

"So, Let's start the annual first-year meet". Dippet says and asks dumbledore "Are all first years well accommodated?"

Dumbledore nodded his head and said "Yes, the firsties have been well accommodated and they have started to adapt to the daily lifestyle of Hogwarts. There seemed to be one or two cases of serious homesickness, but they have been under control in the last 2 weeks.

"Great" Dippet approved and turned to Slughorn "Tell me Horace, Have the classes going as planned?"

Slughorn nodded jovially and said "Very well headmaster, the first years are very eager to learn and especially one or two have a great aptitude for potions. Nearly masters level potential."

"Well, That's great news Horace and I hope that you will properly nurture them" Dippet demanded.

Headmaster then proceeded to ask every single teacher about the General progress.

"Now that I have the general idea of the situation you may recommend the toppers. We will start with Dumbledore" Dippet motioned to Albus and the latter pondered for a while and then said, "The toppers in transfiguration are Sam Wilson, Tom Riddle, and Minerva McGonagall".

He then elaborated " Firstly Sam Wilson. He is simply a prodigy in my subject. His out-of-the-box thinking makes him a better student for transfiguration which requires to imagine the object changing".

He took a break for a few moments and then said "Tom Riddle is a peculiar boy. His transfiguration is top-notch and sometimes feels like he's been doing it for a while, but considering his muggle origins it is seems to be a fleeting possibility".

Then with a smile on his face, he said " And the easiest to read Miss McGonagall has a high aptitude for Transfiguration. While not on par with The other two, but still on an excellent level. And I must mention that those two have some very terrifically high levels to compare to.

Dippet showed an intrigued expression on hearing dumbledore's report. He noticed Slughorn from the corner of his eye squirming to say his share. He turned to Slughorn with a smile and said "Now you Horace, tell me about the toppers in your class".

Slughorn looked like someone had given him a million dollars and said excitedly " Same in the potions, Tom is a prodigy in it too and His behavior is the most commendable, He helps all the other houses regardless of their social standing".

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at this, He might have seen Tom as Very intelligent but not as a social bird. So it was a surprise for him. It seemed he will have to put more attention to this peculiar 'demanding' boy.

The meeting continued and all the teachers continued to praise Tom and Sam endlessly. It seemed Hogwarts had the pleasure of hosting two 'Monsters' this year.

Every teacher was looking forward to this year's Duel championships.

[Yo guys 600 collects it's awesome .please support and comment, I am putting a lot of effort in it and the next arc will have some Sam Vs Tom action. Show me that you are reading by Commenting. Please I will appreciate it.]

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