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84.33% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 70: 15

Capítulo 70: 15

(Avengers tower

"So your telling me there's a giant three headed dragon that eats S.U.N.S" Tony paused to add emphasis

"heading straight for earth..." he finished

"yes, but that not all it was able to complete nullify all our attack, it didn't even seem to notice" Miss Marvel said as Tony took a dip of his coffee before he went to a bar fridge and took out a whisky bottle and poured it into the coffee and took a second sip before nodding

"what is it" he asked as he went to his chair

"we don't know but it seems to have the same characteristics as the phenex force" Nova said

"it's looking for a host?" Captain America asked as the two sighed

"we don't know, there have been sign of any energy spikes but it's making a bee line for earth, and with its current speed it should be here in a week" Tony said as he pulled up an image of a the dragon

"next thing you're going to tell me this thing has some sort of op superpower that can kill anything it touches"


"Jean what's wrong" Logan asked as he quickly ran to Jean how was on the ground with a nose bleed

"we need to inform the others some big is coming" she said as she held her head as Logan helped her up

"what do you mean" Scott asked

"I don't know but I know it's heading for earth" she said as the two nodded as they went to earth

(one week later)

'wow they really did prepare for me huh' I thought as I looked at all the ships of different races in front of me, but I didn't have the time so I just went intangible and passed through them absorb every but of energy shutting them down but also killing the crews

'eating sun's was very educational since it helped me learn how to take in energy' I thought as I continued fly before I got to the milky-way galaxy as I disappearedand appeared near Mars but I stopped and looked at the planet

'there's life' I said as I saw some mutant and greenery

'odd really odd' I thought as I carried on with my root as I got closer to the planet I slowly decreased my size as I landed on the moon since it seemed like there where a lot of heros and mutants but decided to ignore them as I scanned the planet,

But it got annoying as the heros launch their attack but I created rifts to my dimension for energy attack and or magic making it seem like I was absorbing the attacks and I tanked the physical but something caught my attention as I turned my head to see Ironman with a gun that I've only seen once

'is he trying to shatter me... Idiot' I thought as he fired the hero got out of the way a the blast came closer I raised an eyebrow as the blast stopped

'I just sent my aura around it and stopped the molecules that make up the blast, it's not easy to do and you have to stop every single one, good think I'm me' I thought as I opened my wings

'okay last time we made a black hole, let's try releasing a little bit of power' I thought as I portals opened around me as I roared releasing random energy beams similar to the one Ironman was trying to shot me with, but I wasn't aiming so I missed all my shots, but they didn't know so they had to evided as I stopped after a minute and went back to looking at the planet as I marked down every being I could sense or see

'I think OAO did something to my rose force, I just don't know, but it's the creators I wouldn't know unless I was told' I thought as I looked for someone

"(idiots)" I said in a different language that I created in my down time,

'what's that' I thought as I felt something deep inside the earth but before I could get a read I felt something try to enter my head as I could see the energy flow before I followed it to see Jean, Emma Frost, Hope and three Emma look alike

'no they are her clones, why are they trying to get into my mind, can they not feel that I'm not here... Or maybe it's because I'm using aura hmmmm' I thought as I created a sub-space dimension the size of a galaxy, with about 1% of my rose force energy, like a filter to slow down the flow as I redirect them into that plain

(a few minutes ago)

"it stopped my blast recreated the energy and shot it back at us...not including the fact that it brushed off the combined attacks of our heavy hitters and and can absorb and control energy" Tony said as they watched as the dragon stared at the planet

"yeah I'm more worried about what it's doing" Captain America said

"seem like it's think, Jean can you try and get into its head and find out what it wants" Logan asked her as she sighed

"I've been trying but I'm being blocked no it's more like it's not there as if it's dimensions away" she said as she held here head

"then maybe if we get amped by Hope and the triplets we could get in and stop it" Emma said as Jean nodded before they called the back up and since they had gate on the moon the four where able to arrive within minutes

"all right energy let's do this" Hope said as she gave everyone a boost buts as she did they all began to spit out blood duo to the face that they brains went into overload from the information, but it's stopped as they found themselves in a blank space

'you all are the braves band of idiots I've ever met, I'm surprised you still retained you minds, your lucky I was kind enough to slow it down so you don't die... Maybe' a voice said as the group began to look around

"who's there!" Hope shouted as a large crack appeared as I opened as it lead to pure chaos as a giant female body made off aura stepped out and closed the rift behind her

'seems this size thing is a problem, I forget how big I am' ruby said as her body shrunk down to the size of a five year old girl

".... I don't like this, don't know why that infinite dragon loves her kid form" she said as she grew to her normal size as her aura began to crack revealing a human Ruby with her cloak wrapped around her

"better" she said with a nodded

(Ruby POV)

"it can talking" Emma asked probably because she's an alian

"... You must be an idiot, but yes your language is not that hard if anything I feel that it's limiting" I said as she got angry for a second

"why are you here" Jean asked as I began floating randomly as I played with my aura, and also figuring out who there powers work by scanning there brains on the outside

"why would anyone come to this planet, I'm looking for someone or something, honestly your planet caught my attention, like the abilities you all have" I said as I raised my hands and made a massive neural network made out of aura

"huh so that's how your abilities work, interesting" I said as I created more sets, using my aura

"anyways you all should be leaving, prolonged exposure to my sub-space may melt your brains, but if it makes you feel better I have no intention of destroying your planet its to interesting for that" I said with a smile before I kicked the out and went back to reality were only a second had passed

'huh they should be alive maybe' I thought as I turned back to the planet as I saw a massive amount of object fly straight from us

'are they planning on destroying the moon' I thought

"Tony" Captain America said

"yeah the world decided that the don't want a second phenex" he answered as I yawned

"annoying" I said as every single missile disappeared, before I raised my wings and took of with great, before I disappeared as if I was never there and reappeared in the middle of the ocean

"the energy on this planet is extremely high, maybe higher than those sun'si eat, huh no wonder why so many threats come to this planet its like a fucking beacon... Oh well nothing I can do about it" I said as I went into the ocean, as I used my aura to create a massive storm around me

'I need something to fight.. A celestial or maybe a God, I mean that was the point of coming here' I thought as I sighed

'another than that, how did that lizard fight with three heads and no arms' I thought as stayed in the ocean before I felt a slight shift in my storm

"odd seem like I've been challenged" I said as I pumped more power into the storm


'she's in my head now no it's more of a mental massage an echo still.... I should kill it before it becomes a problem' I thought as I looked around and spotted a jet just out of my storm

'hmmm if I go like this then I should be able to copy her ability' I thought as I recreated Jean brain, tested it a few million times made changes to suit me before I went into her mind

'calm down, entering my mind is death for you, now have you come for a challenge, if you have I would gladly, declare war on you race and planet' I said to her as she paused for a second

'... no no we're simply here to talk' she said and cackled a bit

'that sucks I was hoping you would want to fight me anyway, taking like this is limiting, it would be better if we talked face to-' I said as I transformed back into my human form, normal Ruby just with scales on my arms, horns and my cloak

"face" I said appearing on there ship, Storm, wolverine jean, Scott, Emma , Hope, Magento and Mystique where there, Beast was the pilot

"huh this is odd" I said play dumb as I looked at my feet

"how do you monkey operate these thing, it's feel so wrong" I said ignoring them

"I'm sorry but who" Scott asked

"the monster that was just in the ocean" I said as I looked at the jet

"what are you talking about it's still-" Logan stopped as they looked out to see a three head me

"ohh that an after image give it a second it should disappear, I forgot to slow down" I said as I looked around before my after-image disappeared

"well then since you here, can we have an name and what you are" Magneto asked politely

"huh I did hatch a week ago, hmmm ahhh call me Ruby and I'm the thing that eats universe" I said as I didn't get a response

"huh" I said as I walked to Mystique as I stared at her

"hmmm is she okay" she asked at I reached up and touched her face she tried to move back but I held her still with my aura, as I touched her as my hand turned blue as I copied her genetic structure as I turned into her and back to me

'you have no idea how much effort you just saved me'

"you body is interesting" I said as I began to shift randomly before I went back to my original form

"other than that you head told me that there are places where I can get food without hunting for it... Take me there" I said as they didn't see a need to disagree, but I got bored so I took apart their ship before I rebuilt it in a second

"what did you do" Magneto asked since he senced a shift

"I took apart your ship and fixed it OHH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT" I shouted as I phased through the window and flew to the living island

"is it alive? it feels alive?, does it feel pain? I wonder if it feels pain" I said as I raised my hand as a massive spear appeared above me but before I was about to drop it, plants come out of the ground trying to stop me but they where quickly burnt away as I could feel the fear from its

"ruby stop!" Jean shouted as she flew in

"huh why" I asked

"this is our home"

"..... Ohhh yeah... Your all weird" I said as I waved my hand as the spear disappeared

"but smart move, to bad the weaker dirtlings are going to take you as a threat and attack, problem to wipe you all out, I would advise moving or wiping the out first ohhh, and your being monitored" I said as I could see the planet


"yeah, that way theres a giant robot fighting clone version of you and it's winning, but since you have offered me food I can destroy them for you it should take a second tops"

".... How do you know"

"The popular on this planet is small I can sense everything on it , it's also tells me who to trust, but the robot is near the sun I just followed the signal, now food I was promised" I said as I reached out my hand

"ruby what are you wearing under that cloak" Jean asked

"what do you mean wearing?" I said as she grabbed me and pulled me to a room where she and gave me some clothes

"the hell am I suppose to do with this" I asked

'playing damn is hard but refreshing' I thought

"pit it on" she said as I looked at her


"have you not.... Right week old" she said as I got dressed in a suit that looked a lot like the one used in the x-men movies

After that we walked around for a while before she lead me to a room with a big tree

"what is this, I was promised food" I said a bit angry as I looked around the room

"as you can see she's completely harmless"

"I can destroy this universe" I said as I began to shape-shift using mystics abilities

'huh it's so much easier this way'

"I'd like to see you try-"

"..... Okay" I said as I crackes in reality appeared before everything shattered as I instantly reversed it

"was that enough" I asked

"what did you do"

"shatter the space around us before rebuilding it, simple" I said

"oi boldie man and the blonde you will die from information overload" I said to the two mind readers, honestly I didn't mind since I was one hundred % sure that they would be able to handle my unfiltered though, I mean even if they can scan the whole world, my thoughts are on a different level to that of humans and I'm an energy constructed

"huh now that I think about it, I'm in this universe so time should work the way I think it does now" I said as I began to vibrate extreme fast as a second me for a second a head of time appeared

"huh it actually worked" I said

"we are in the comic universe, I still think we should have go to DC"

"no we still to weak for that mult-verse and the speed force can be hostile, I want to get as strong as I possibly can"

"we should just eat this universe, it'd simile to the OG universe"

"yes but..... No I don't want to anyways time to die" me myself and I where have a conviction at light speed

"yeah" she said as I absorb her into me as time continued as I left creating an after image as I went around the island

'it seems that this place is some sort of new home for mutant as Jean said, but from what I can remember we must be in house of power or somewhere there, huh that robot underground is going to be a problem for the world, question is should I care..... No but the x-men are my favorite behind the justice league... Why not I'll give them a push first let get some teach' thought as I used my super speed to get to the main land and steal a phone and a few other pieces of technology, before I went back to the island and took my after images placed as they talked I blocked them out as I got busy, I slowed my hands down just enough for them to see


"ohh are you done, because I am" I said as I finished my device

"okay but where did you get that"

"I made from parts I got"

"yes but where"

"... Some random dirtling that didn't have powers, now take me to food" I said as she disused not to question me as we simply left

"huh that odd" I said as I changed directions as I went into the woods where I found a green haired woman and a rock monster

"Yo" I said as I walked towards the monsters as I punched through his body, before I pulled my hand out

As I felt a pull on my body before I was held in the air

"in don't know why you did that but-" Jean said pissed off

"I fixed him" I said cutting her off as pointed at the downed body as it glowed with a silver energy

"his soul seemed to be fracture along with his mind" I said as I active my semblance and passed through her hold

"I don't know about the hole in his body tho.... Maybe it will heal I don't know" I said as the green haired girl didn't seem convinced

"you think I'll just take that and-" she was cut off by coughing

"owww" the monster said

"Rock Slide Is that you" she asked with tears

"yes why wouldn't I be oww" he said as he fell back with a hole in his gut

"how I thought that he was lost forever" Jean asked as I rolled my eyes

"really huh" I said as I walked away from them

"how did you do that"

"life, death, time, space matter and reality are basically my bitch" I said to her because ever since I got the power from the one above all I also received some ability, took me a few seconds to process it, but after a while I got the hang of it

Tho the healing thing is my silver power

"so what you can worp reality"

"no.... Not this one yet, anyways when you guys where attack me there was a female in red clothes, where can I find her" I asked


"is that her name, take me to her once we are done" I said as she took me somewhere in the island as I asked them to bring me every they could as I inhaled the food with zero care as the brought me more before I had to stop since Jean said something about me eating 65% of there food supplies

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yo first

The energy one above all gave Ruby was a few universe similar ro 616 and ruby candy separate those energy and ys them individually

But she physically has to do it on by one

But suoer speed and a billion years

But other than that I edited this one at about 3 am by my side so sorry if it's off, I'm tired

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