As it turned out, Ren and Fang didn't even have to do much at the press conference.
Fang opened the press conference by addressing the room full of media persons.
"Thank you for coming to listen to my side of the story," he said politely. "As you all know, the deposed royals of the Valley Kingdom have made a rather strange announcement earlier today. I am as surprised as the rest of the world. While I got to know that I was the long lost son of the late crown princess of the Valley Kingdom a few days ago when Ren started investigating the affairs of the royal family of the Valley Kingdom because the erstwhile seventh prince of the Valley Kingdom tried to abduct me – what we learnt was that my late mother had been disinherited because she married a man from the Dragon Kingdom. After that, we learnt from my aunt, the Dragon Queen, that my late father was actually her older brother and a prince of the Dragon Nation."
A big, big thank you for all the gifts to t_wilight, Cookie_Cookie_9475, Arisu_103, zeron1865, willow_bae, Tshepiso_Ndou!
And an even bigger thanks for the massage chairs to mysteriousa89, Miccan43!
And the biggest thanks for the Dragon to Miccan43!
Merry Christmas!
(And yes, all the gifts will appear in the story as soon as I can figure out where to bring them in!)