What amazed him the most, was that even looking in another direction he had managed to throw his dagger right at his head, of course, he had frozen it in midair, but thanks to this move, it had allowed the others to find out about him.
He was a little disappointed not to be able to stay longer to observe them from here, but he had no choice, he had to leave now that he was discovered.
Once he was done with the opening of the vortex, he decided to return to observe them from his suite in his palace.
Like that his son-in-law would be able to relax, and if he was as smart as he thought he was, he hoped he would understand that he wasn't a threat.
When he left, the dagger fell to the floor and as he had hoped, his son-in-law immediately relaxed and his son and his friends ended up relaxing too.
He was also pleasantly surprised that his friend could detect the vortex he had created, his son was really well surrounded, it was a very good thing.
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