Four days later
Becca sat in a large conference room, one way bigger than the one at her company, Atlas, Well as expected of a multi-billion dollar company like Trex corporation. Becca was more than thirty minutes early for the meeting she had with Leonardo Kane and her nerves were all over the place. She felt anxious, nervous, scared and so much more at the same time.
What if he dislikes the project? What if she offends him, would he make her disappear? Her heart rate drastically increased as she thought of all the possible what-ifs that could occur and her palms grew sweaty. She started taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down but it wasn't working. The meeting hadn't even started yet but she looked like she was ready to bolt out of the door.
What would she do when she meets Leonardo Kane or if she if gets to meet him, as it was known that he was a very busy man and may not even have time for a nobody like her? After all her company, Atlas, looked like a toddler when compared to Trex corporation and it was just one of Leonardo's many companies.
After sitting on one of the many vacant seats in the room, she couldn't help but admire the size of the conference table. It was a large oval-shaped table with twenty seats surrounding it and had a single seat at the one its end which she guessed was meant for the CEO. And the room was huge, breathtakingly beautiful, with nice windows that gave a good view of the city and had a very fancy decor. She sat beside her secretary and other associates but her vice president was still not here and that got her even more anxious. Navaya was the only one in her team that was absent, saying that she was stuck in traffic and wasn't too far but knowing how the roads in New York were in the morning, Becca silently cried in her mind as she knew Navaya would be late for the meeting. To make matters worse, Navaya had all the documents that needed signing.
While internally praying that the meeting would somehow be delayed, that a miracle would happen today so she wouldn't embarrass herself here or be disrespectful as Navaya being late here was already rude enough. Becca was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of the double door of the conference room opening, letting in a group of people, men, and women, wearing expensive suits. As they all took their seats, her eyes widened with shock when she saw what time it was. It was 10:40 am and there were still twenty minutes before the meeting started. Then the door opened again and a handsome, no wait! Correction, a jaw-dropping beautifully sculpted God-like figure stepped in and took a seat on the chair meant for the CEO, then the realization dawned on her. If that was the CEO, Leonardo Kane, and he was here, it meant the meeting would be starting earlier than expected!
This can't be happening! God, please not today! Navaya wasn't here yet and Becca didn't want to disappear! She started panicking inwardly.
God! What would she tell this money mogul, who looked oddly familiar, and most importantly why is he looking at her like that? She was panicking, working her brain double-time, trying to think of a way out of this mess.
This was the exact definition of being unprofessional and it would look like she was wasting Mr. Kane's time but there he was, staring like she was... candy? No, that can't be right, why would he? It would just be weird, but as she took a closer look at him, he was looking even more familiar by the minute. Everyone stood up to greet him as he sat down looking like a king or a god, perhaps the king of the gods.
Why was he so sexy?
The only time she had seen someone as sexy as him before was that night at the club, then she paused and took another look at Leonardo Kane. A soft gasp escaped her lips as a wave of shock hit her for the second time that morning. Mr sexy eye candy from the club was Leonardo Kane! And she was ogling at him?! God, why? Why was her life so awkward?
She looked at the sexy eye candy, blinking rapidly. So this was the mysterious Leonardo Kane, huh? No wonder his aura was so dark and sexy, then she thought; ' it wouldn't be that bad to disappear, well as long as she would do so with Mr. Kane. ' She mentally slapped herself for thinking like that, the mission was to strike a deal with his company not drool over him! To be honest, she had expected Leo Kane to be someone in his forties or even fifties, maybe with a potbelly, not a Greek god in his late twenties. It was shocking, how did he achieve so much at such a young age?
She passed the file that contained the details of the agreement in it to his assistant while the rest of the important ones were with Navaya. Leo's assistant passed the file to him and he started flipping through the pages. She took it as her cue to start the presentation.
'Where the heck is Navaya? God, she would get her into trouble one day!
Leo was still browsing through the file when he stopped at a page, narrowing his gorgeous blue eyes at something on it. He raised his beautiful head and stared straight at Becca with an expression that was hard to decipher but for some reason, it looked like confusion.
Why was he staring at her like that?
He tilted his head to one side, creasing his brows like he was deep in thought, trying to remember something. The room was dead silent, no one dared to speak, not that they didn't have anything to say but were afraid of saying the wrong thing and at the wrong time.
For a split second while still under his scorching hot gaze, Becca noticed something that completely threw her off course. She saw his eyes widen with so many emotions flashing through them; surprise, shock, confusion, and then longing. The last one was what she really couldn't wrap her head around. With each emotion barely lasting a second, someone who wasn't fast enough wouldn't have noticed but she did. She always did.
Her stepmother, Regina, always said that knowing your enemies' emotions and their feelings was the first step in controlling them. Not like that was applicable in this case, Leo Kane wasn't her enemy but for the sake of being careful, she had to take note of everything. Leo's facial expression became Stern and emotionless and it baffled her how someone who looked as lifeless as a statue now could be capable of possessing such emotions.
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