After Lucas and Jonathan have given their partings to 23 and 08, they are now on the sidewalk near the intersection...
“Jon. Jon. Hey, Jon.” Lucas’s enthusiasm caught Jonathan’s attention right away, but he takes a moment to respond.
“Um, w-what?” Once Jonathan looks up at him, Lucas cracks a huge grin.
“Look what I can do!” Before Lucas is even completely done shouting, he starts taking a few running steps towards the crosswalk in the direction they need to go.
It’s a rather noisy process, considering how much shattered glass is scattered around the area. As he runs to the edge of the crosswalk, he should have slipped and eaten concrete at least once, if it wasn’t for his proprioception.
When he reaches the edge of the crosswalk he leaps up into the air twice as high as he did while carrying the two sisters earlier. While he’s airborne, he whoops out some delighted laughter.