While Lucas is busy disassociating during his mental conversation with 427, he has completely destroyed the suffering addict’s wrists, to the point they’re not quite a secure hold on his arms any longer.
With blood gushing out of the malicious man’s ear around the painstakingly slow insertion of the Viblade, he makes one last desperate effort at self-defense, tearing apart his own flesh as he manages to rip his arms free from Lucas’s grasp by leaving behind the ruined wrists with their respective hands still attached to them in his grip.
Miss Masher is pinning his shoulders down well enough that he can’t quite flail his right arm enough for a proper attack without shaking her off first, but his left arm still has a horizontal range of movement, parallel with the ground.
Lucas is startled into reality and sees the handless limb swinging in Miss Chievous’s direction, spraying an arc of blood through the air with its movements.