After a bit of time spent peacefully playing phone games, Miss Chievous’s attention is pulled over by her sister indirectly mentioning her vitzlite tool technology. She keeps quiet as their conversation continues, but decides to chime in after Miss Calculated is struck silent from Mark dragging Alley Cat’s powers into the mix.
“You wanna use my knife first, or are you gonna go straight to using yours?” When Miss Chievous suddenly asks this in a slightly raised voice, both Jonathan and Miss Calculated flinch with surprise. Amused by Jonathan’s startlement, Miss Chievous elbows him once while snickering, earning a brief side-eyed glare paired with a huff from him.
The M & M couch had quieted down ever since Mark finished his happily scheming laughter. As both of their attention is perked up by the mentioning of a knife; they’re looking over at Miss Calculated and Miss Chievous curiously, and Mark makes an inquisitive “Oh?” with a raised brow.