Once they're back in Lorelei's office, Lucas directly heads over to reclaim the same seat he used last time. Although, he does wait to sit down until Miss Calculated is seated first, on the same chair Miss Chievous had used previously.
'Ha, so this is basically what it would have been like if Chi wasn't invisible before. Wait, no, Maria. Maria-chi. Hahah mariachi, she needs a giant hat and a guitar!'
[...Foolish of me to think that you'd already be finished with being amused by the fact they're identical twins within a mere few hours. Also, if you dare give her a musical instrument, I'm pretty sure Miss Calculated would kill you.]
'Oh come on, Chi obviously intentionally copies her sister just so she can horse around, why else would she have the exact same haircut and wear a set of Calc's work clothes? I'm almost surprised she doesn't have a matching pair of cosmetic glasses.'
[So you're indirectly admitting you'll always be amused by it, got it.]