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Capítulo 50: Chapter 48: 0613

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Have fun Aegi." Jungkook pecked Si Woo's forehead from where he knelt and watched as his little boy nodded with pouty eyes. "Yoongi hyung, are you sure?" Jimin handed the director a backpack full of three pair of clothes (extra) and things for a one night stay. "I am. Go have fun for the rest of the day." The director accepted the backpack and looked down at his own son Beomgyu excitedly waiting to have his playdate with the younger boy.

"Do you remember the basic hand signs you will need use when the aids are off?" Yoongi nodded and Jimin bit his lip. "And do you remember how to charge the aids?" Another yes still did not ease the small pain inside his heart.

"We will have fun Jiminie hyungie!" Beomgyu clapped his hands excitedly to reassure the worried father as well.

"Don't hesitate to ask uncle Yoongi for anything. Come here." Jimin knelt down and gently enveloped his baby boy inside his arms one last time. "Hyung, keep us updated." Jungkook stood up from kneeling down and gently pat the older boy's hair. Beomgyu actually started to like him more ever since he had come back.

"I will. I will." The director started to wave the two parents off and right before they left, they signed 'I love you' to little Si Woo.

"Let's go back." Jimin sat on the passenger seat of the black Porsche just about to open the door but was stopped by his boyfriend. "It's a good experience for him, besides, I trust Yoongi hyung. Let's enjoy our time, we barely have any after I starred in that drama." Jungkook intertwined his right hand's fingers with the writer's and brought them up to his lips so he could peck them. The action still hadn't completely calmed the writer down but it was a small start at it.

One thing was letting Si Woo spend the day, but a whole night was a big thing for a three year old even if he was with his hyungie and a very trustworthy uncle.

"Come on Baby. Let's go on a date. This last drama earned me a lot. I want to go to a nice restaurant and treat you to a very nice lunch." Jimin looked into his boyfriend's eyes and completely saw the love and hope in them. He felt like he was in a garden filled with different roses and he had him beside himself to just stare at the beauty of it.

"Okay... But let me text Yoongi hyun..." Jimin felt the soft pair of warm marshmallow texture of Jungkook's lips against his. A cute bbo-bbo from his boyfriend was a gesture to calm him down. "Si Woo's probably watching How to Train Your Dragon with Beomgyu now. Don't worry." Jungkook grinned and slowly leaned back to step on the break pedal before unintertwining their fingers so he could press the ignition button.

"Your cheeks are rather colorful Nae sarang." The actor pointed out and pulled on the gearshift for drive mode. Because of the teasing remark, he did not hide the happy smile over his lips. Jimin rolled his eyes and huffed while crossing his arms againsg his chest. "You caught me off guard." He rolled his eyes while pretending to be mad but both of them knew he was happy. And he got entertained by watching the sunny day of Seoul in the summer of June.

When the car came to a stop in front of a very tall building, he searched for a black face mask inside the small compact board of the dashboard. Momentarily, as he slid the black strings around his ears while looking at the small mirror, his eyes stopped on the empty carseat behind him; already missing his little angel.

"Stop worrying." Jungkook brought him back by gently holding his left hand between his. A reasurring smile calmed the writer down but he also noticed how his own boyfriend was also worried but right now he wanted to enjoy their own time together.

"Reservation under Jeon Jungkook." The actor spoke to the waitress behind the counter at the entrance just after they entered through the entrance a few feet away from the elevator. The black porsche was already driven to the parking by the valet. With wondering eyes, the writer observed the familiar restaurant he'd been to a few times in prior years, its vibe was completely high class. "Since whe... You had this all planned out." Jimin then realized it and let out a sarcastic chuckle. Of course, he was the calmest too. "Might as well enjoy it." Jungkook grinned and when the waitress wearing a high pony tail full of her straight blonde dyed hair took out two menus and began to guide the way for them, Jimin linked his left arm around the actor's right.

"Oh, I will. It's not every day my gorgeous boyfriend takes me out on a date to Bicena." Jimin licked his lips while his boyfriend was left to internally feel so proud of himself.

He did enjoy himself. Every second he ate part of the full course meal from 4.3 star restaurant, his body welcomed all the nutrients and his tongue had a blast. Jungkook as well. He had missed eating out in restaurants like this, the food was exquisite.

Their date did not end in Bicena, they continued spending time together throughout the whole afternoon. Two adults in love with each other that just needed to be side by side in complete happiness for time to tick fast. Jimin couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a day without little Si Woo's presence as did Jungkook, but work also kept him busy, more than he wanted it to.

When the couple got back to their own apartment, Jungkook saw the clock on his watch tick 20:56. "Yoongi texted, they just finished playing fortress and he's about to shower them together but with shorts on so they can get ready for bed." Jimin held his left chest just right above his heart and sighed. The relief that his baby boy was safe meant everything for him.

"That's good. I'm going to make some popcorn. Choose a movie from my collection, I'm prepared for cuddling." Jungkook stretched his arms and let out a yawn while walking to the kitchen. "Let's watch Titanic." Jimin began unbottoning the first two buttons of the light blue dress shirt he wore.

"I'm not up for watching Jack die after saving Rose. But if you want me to cry, let's do it." Jungkook faked a sniffle and heard a groan coming from the writer. He knew what he was doing to the older. "You're so manipulative. Okay! Let's watch... What about Midnight in Paris? I like that movie." Jimin observed how his boyfriend scrunched his nose first and then pushed his lips forward. The actor was clearly opposed to watching that movie again for the third time since the beginning of 2023.

"You want to watch Avengers Endgame don't you? I'm going to have to clean up your tears off the floor as soon as the movie is finished." Jimin rolled his eyes and dramatically lifted his right hand, his palm faced himself just as he looked at Jungkook's blinking eyes. "And I..." He acted a pant. "am... Iron Man." He snapped his middle finger against his thumb and then let out background noises of wind while analyzing the actor's expression. "Don't act like you don't cry as well. Damn, I'm going to talk to my manager amd get you an audition for a movie. I love you three thousand." After the teasing sentence, the popping sounds of popcorn began to resonate around the kitchen and living room. "I too love you three thousand." Jimin giggled and continued unbuttoning the buttons of the shirt completely fine and unbothered.

"Baby, go change in our room..." Jungkook walked over to the couch right before Jimin finished undoing the buttons of his dress shirt. "It's fine here. It's just you." Jimin raised his eyebrows and inhaled the sweet scent of the buttery popcorn cooking. "Right." Jungkook whispered and sighed a breath before closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of the popcorn as well, he didn't really want to look at his boyfriend and probably invade his space.

"Did you find the mo..." Jungkook cut off his trailed words when he opened his eyes and noticed how Jimin's muscular yet thin legs stood there in front of him without moving; an action noticed by the older. "Jungkook-ah, you can look at me. I don't mind." Jimin's voice turned out to be soft just as he dropped the dress shirt on the couch. It wasn't a test, he had stopped them long ago. Right now, he was speaking what his heart, body and mind felt.

The actor still refused to look at his exposed chest and abdomen even if the writer's words told him otherwise. It was still for privacy. "It's okay. I'm going to get the popcorn. Continue looking for it..." Just as the actor turned his back to his boyfriend and faced the kitchen where the popcorn stopped popping, he found himseld trapped in place. Two warm arms gently held him in an embrace with his back against a warm completely exposed chest.

"Let's not watch a movie. I have something I want to say." Jungkook's back muscles instantly stiffened just as his neck did the moment he felt his boyfriend's breath against his left ear. "Baby, but the popcorn will go to waste and then getting the smell out of the kitchen..." He tried to reason but it ended up being futile the moment his heart began to beat uncontrollably fast but not enough to force a cardiac arrest on his body.

His nervous system began to dance with the tone of the words his boyfriend had just used. He didn't feel like drowning in them, but instead he felt like he was flying through the clouds with an angel carrying him from his back.

"Turn around Gguk." With the cute nickname whispered against his ear, he hoped this was not a prank his boyfriend was doing to him; but he also knew the writer would never. When he slowly turned around, he met the eyes of his lover whose brown irises held the infinite galaxy where he chose to reside in.

With silent movements, Jimin began to guide the actor's hands to his each side of his waist but just before the warm hands could make contanct with his exposed skin, they were gently holding onto the waist band of his black slacks. Jungkook wanted to respect him.

"I don't want your hands there." The writer shook his head and cupped the hands once again to this time welcome their warmth around his waist. The contact caused a series of goosebumps to electrify his body in a way he had never felt before. This time it was unknown but completely welcomed.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked while feeling the curve of his boyfriend's waist against his fingers and the palms of both hands. The skin was softer than he remembered, he felt like every touch he made, he would cause pain to the writer. But he was wrong.

"I had fun today. So much fun. Thank you. Now... Will you allow me a dance?" Jimin slowly lifted his hands to wrap them around the actor's neck, the growing brown mullet softly tickled his skin. "With no music?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows but still complied to his boyfriend's proposal.

"Sing with me." Jimin began to lean forward to rest his head against the crook of his boyfriend's neck while he began to hum a soft melody Jungkook clearly recognized. It was a song in English he'd heard many times in movies and it was once or twice used in a drama he acted in.

"Wise men say~

Only fools rush in~"

Jimin let his boyfriend lead the dance, their bodies were closely held between each other's.

"But I can't help falling in love you~"

Jungkook sang along with him. Their voices mixed together to create a beautiful tone for the song they used to slowly sway their bodies to.

"Shall I stay~

Would it be a sin~"

Jimin smiled while he sang the words in english. His heart completely took the words in just as he shared the wonderful dance with the man he loved; a dance with their souls intertwined.

"If I can't help falling in love with you~"

Jungkook found himself smiling with closed eyes and this moment for him became one of his favorite memories. He tried to completely burn the touch of his hand against the writer's skin to his mind as well as their voices mixed together, everything. It didn't matter what the past held just like he had began to think when he returned the past July 27, his life was more than perfect right now, happiness and love came first.

When they finished the last verse of the song, Jimin had began to cup his boyfriend's cheeks while staring at him. The grin in his lips couldn't be stopped. His teary eyes of happiness couldn't be stopped, but to the actor, the glimmer was beautiful. Everything about the writer was beautiful.

"I love you." Jungkook spoke before the writer could speak. He loved saying those words now. Everytime his heart beat at such fast pace lengths when staring into the eyes of the man he loved, he just had to say them whenever he could and now was one of those moments. "I know, I love you too Nae sarang." Jimin replied just as he leaned a little up to press his lips against the taller male's. It wasn't fireworks that echoed in their hearts, but instead the warm feeling of affection and passion.

Jungkook could feel the beating of his lover's heart's through the vibrations it caused amongst the skin, and he was sure his heart was doing the same. When their lips slowly separated, Jimin began to softly giggle. It was the sort of giggle that came from extreme happiness, which was what he was feeling.

"I forgive you Jungkook. You have completely won me back." Jimin said the words that Jungkook desperately had once longed to hear until the end of time. Jungkook's body stiffened and he froze. Today was the day he had once come to only dream and imagine of, but Jimin had said the words. He had completely forgiven him. Today, June 13 of 2023, 4 years and almost three months later, Park Jimin had completely forgiven Jeon Jungkook and accepted him with every part of his heart, mind, body, and soul.

"Y-You..." Jungkook found himself stuttering and he regained his composure back to just engulf his loving boyfriend into a hug where he buried his head against his warm naked shoulder. "I thought that I wanted you to completely forgive me at first, but I became fine with it. But now you... I'm... I love you with all my heart Park Jimin." Jungkook felt himself spilling the tears of happiness that once were of frustration.

"And I love you with all of mine. So today Jungkook-ah," Jimin began to tilt his head, gently letting it lean against his boyfriend's raven locks. "Will you make love to me?" He had asked for something major to both of them. There was no doubt, no resentment, no hint of hesitation, he wanted this.

"Baby... I..." Jungkook slowly raised his head and let Jimin wipe off the wet skin of his cheeks with his thumb. "I trust you. I want this." The writer wholeheartedly reassured his lover and he began to kiss him softly again.

Jungkook kissed him back and held him closer to himself he was afraid now that the moment had come. The once dominant side of him had submitted to his boyfriend, now there was the man he was going to be before he was eleven years old.

"Is this why you made us stop by a convenience store before coming home?" Jungkook broke the kiss and the writer bit his own swollen rosy plump bottom lip. "Yes. Catch me." Jimin replied and his boyfriend instantly held his waist when he jumped to wrap his legs around the actor's waist.

"What did you buy?" Jungkook began to walk towards the kitchen counter -still carrying the older- where the bag was and his cheeks blossomed pink when he saw the package of the male birth control pills. "We're not ready yet to give Si Woo a sibling." Jimin said and the actor completely agreed even if it was painful for him to think of because money for their life of luxury was still tight and the possibilities of another child inheriting the mutated gene was still the same, not that they'd actually mind because Si Woo was still their Si Woo, differently abled or not.

"Now, make love to me Gguk-ah." Jimin began pressing soft kisses around the skin at the left side actor's neck, the black mole was in his field of view. "I would love to Nae Sarang." Jungkook grabbed the bag that contained the package of pills, a fresh new bottle of lube and condoms Jimin had to buy a few different sizes because he wasn't sure.

"Would you guide me? I'm going to give you my all." Jungkook gently let his boyfriend's naked back greet the made covers of their bed, the bag resided on top of the nightstand. He had never made love to anyone now that he completely understood the difference and even if he understood, he wanted Jimin to tell him what he should. To please his lover in mind, body and soul, to share their love and form their unbreakable bond full of intimacy.

"Oh baby," Jimin couldn't help the smile on his lips as he undid the buttons on his lover's dress shirt.

"Kiss me and let your hands trace my body."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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