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75% Pokémon: The Anomaly / Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye And Saving A Pokémon!

Capítulo 2: Saying Goodbye And Saving A Pokémon!

"It seems to have really changed it's tune when compared to how it interacts with me," Oak said, grinning, his tone sounding genuinely joyful that I'd made a connection with this Mudkip, "I guess it's to be expected when faced with the legendary Machop of Pallet Town," he chuckled.

I felt my cheeks going red from embarrassment and I stood up straight, the Mudkip still on my shoulder, "Come on, old man, I thought I told you not to call me that," I lamented Oak's naming sense but placated myself by lifting a hand and scratching the back of Mudkip's head. Compared to how you'd think it'd feel, it's skin was silky smooth and felt almost rubbery. Kinda like a Dolphin's.

The professor laughed, walking over and clapped me on the shoulder Mudkip wasn't resting on, "Now, now, Louis, don't get all embarrassed on me now," he smiled up at me, "We've got some details to sort out regarding your Trainer starter pack, no?"

Mentions of this pack instantly flushed away my annoyance/embarrassment at Oak calling me by that stupid nickname he coined a few years back, and I was fully back in excitement mode.

"Follow me then, young man," he said, pivoting on his heel and walking out of the room. I quickly followed after him, shrinking Mudkip's Pokeball and storing it in my pocket. I walked through the halls littered with pictures of Oak and his friends, from all around Kanto and with all kinds of Pokémon - I'd one day have this many memories and the very thought filled me with an undeniable thrill.

I was restless and wanted to rush out of the lab, running off toward Viridian City so I could begin my journey. But, I stopped myself and just followed the professor. In the end, Oak led me to his study where he had two chairs and a table between them.

I'd been in this room many a time before when Oak taught me about Pokémon and it was quite odd to think I wouldn't be coming to this place every weekend from now on.

Oak took a seat and gestured for me to take my own, so I did. Mudkip decided my shoulder wasn't as comfortable as it liked, so she jumped off it and onto my lap where she sat, looking across at the professor. I just continued to stroke and scratch Mudkip's head as she sat, gaining a comforted purr from the adorable creature.

"So, Louis, have you thought about what you'd like for your trainer starter pack?" Oak asked.

I raised a free hand to my cheek, scratching at it absentmindedly as I thought, "Hmm, well, I guess I'll take the general starter pack. You know, PokeFood, the money, Pokeballs, potions, training equipment--that sorta thing. Think you can hook me up?" I jokingly said, giving the older man a grin.

Oak returned the grin, "Oh, I think I can. As an unofficial apprentice of mine, I'll give you ten thousand PokeDollars, five Pokeballs, a weeks worth of PokeFood, plenty of Macho Braces, three basic potions and to top it all off, I'll even give you a Pokedex," he said, tilting his chin up a little in pride, "How about it? A pretty good deal, no?"

"Yeah," I answered truthfully before leveling a serious look at the professor, "And what's the catch?"

"The catch?" Oak echoed before chuckling, "I should've guess you'd figure it out. You're far from a naive teen, aren't you?" he asked an obviously rhetorical question before shaking his head and smiling, "All I ask is that you continue to research Pokémon while out in Kanto. Report any unusual findings to me and capture any particularly special Pokémon. Should be considered quite simple, no?"

I shrugged, "Depends on what type of research. General or specialized?" I returned the question to him, wanting an answer before I agreed. After all, I didn't wanna have to spend all my time researching Pokémon. I loved them but I wanted to be a battler, not a researcher or professor.

Oak gave a simple smile, "Just general research. Migration patterns, habitats, behaviors in the wild. Things I can't research in my lab or on the ranch where all the Pokémon are domesticated."

I took my cap off, scratching at my head before putting it back on and sighed, "...Sure, I can do that, old man. But don't think it'll be on top of my priorities. First and foremost, I wanna train Pokémon and battle with 'em!" I strongly said and nothing Oak could say would make me change my mind on that. He'd tried over the years to do it after discovering my keen mind and love for Pokémon to make me into his official assistant/apprentice.

The professor waved his hand at me, an aggrieved expression on his face, "I know, I know," he sighed, "Why you want to be an ordinary trainer when you could become a brilliant professor, I'll never know, but I'll support you nonetheless, Louis. Now, wait here and I'll get your starter supplies."

Before I could refute what he said, he was up and off.

"Ordinary trainer my ass," I scoffed, leaning back into the comfortable chair, "I'm gonna be the best one this region's ever seen," I gave a confident smile, imagining all the adventures I'm gonna go on.

I spent my time waiting for Oak by talking to Mudkip and relaying my plans. When I mentioned training and growing in power, it took everything I had to stop the slippery little rascal from escaping my lap and running around in excitement. Well, I guess it can be seen as good news that I don't have a lazy Pokémon.

When the professor returned, he came back with a backpack in one hand, a Pokedex in the other and a Pokeball belt slung over his shoulder.

"Enough PokeFood for a week, six sets of Macho Braces to train your party, a Pokedex, five Pokeballs, three basic Potions, a Trainer card with ten thousand PokeDollars on it and finally, a Silph Co. Pokeball belt," Oak came over to me, smiling, and I stood up after placing Mudkip back on my shoulder.

I took the belt from his shoulder, first, securing it around my waist with a click and tightening it so it wouldn't slip down or move. Then I took out Mudkip's Pokeball and stored it in one of the slots.

Next I took the backpack off of him, and despite it not being much to me, I was surprised how heavy the bad was and the fact that Oak could actually hold it up. Though, I guess being around Pokémon 24/7 will force you to be physically fit and healthy regardless of age, huh?

Slipping the backpack on, I didn't feel the need to check the insides because I trusted the old man.

Finally, I took a Trainer's most vital piece of equipment off of Oak. A Pokedex. Stored with so much information it was quite mind-boggling that it was so small and thin. Only about the size of my hand and as thick as one of my fingers, if barely. I opened it up and pointed the scanner at Mudkip who was sitting on my shoulder lazily.

[Ding!] the Pokedex let out a chime when it saw the Pokémon, and continued in it's somewhat mechanical voice, [Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokémon. The fin on Mudkip's head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes.]

"Congratulations, Louis, you've officially started on your journey as a Pokémon Trainer!" Oak clapped off to the side before giving me a thumbs up, "Now, get out there and see what this world has to offer!--Ah, but don't forget to say goodbye to your mother!" he called after me as I was already racing away as soon as he told me to go see what this world has to offer. I mean, who was I to ignore the words of world renowned Professor Oak~?

I jogged down the hallway and back into the entrance lab where I picked Mudkip as my Pokémon. Once in there, I quickly passed two new trainers who stared at my Mudkip with stars in their eyes.

No doubt these two are gonna be the ones to get Bulbasaur and Charmander.

Which leaves Ash with Pikachu, no doubt.

Regardless, I ignored them and rushed out of the lab. My destination? Home, and my goal was to say goodbye to mom and my idiot brother. My sprinting speed outdid Olympic-level athletes by quite a margin due to my strong muscles and soon I found myself at home.

Mudkip seemed to have enjoyed the rapid movement and was letting out happy vocal calls and tapping my shoulder with it's leg, seemingly wanting me to do it again.

"In a minute, girl. I've gotta say goodbye first and then I'll run us outta here. Deal?" I looked to my shoulder and the blue Pokémon reluctantly nodded her head before closing her eyes and laying on my shoulder. Luckily I was so broad and big otherwise there'd be no space for Mudkip on my shoulder - another win for my physical powerhouse build?

Entering the door, I was met by mom who looked like she was getting ready to leave for her job.

She stopped what she was doing and her eyes widened and filled with pride as she looked at me. It was kinda heartwarming, actually, being on the receiving end of such a glance like that. It made me wanna see it more.

"Look at my baby boy, Louis!" she squealed, making Mudkip cracked an eye open at her in annoyance, "And look at what a cute starter you gained! What's it called?" she asked interestedly.

"She's a Mudkip," I smiled, knowing not everyone was as insanely informed as me or Oak, "And she's a really strong starter," I truthfully said.

After all, Mudkip's last evolution Swampert only has one weakness, is immune to Electric-type attacks and is resistant to a whole bunch of types as well. Not to mention Swampert's stats are all pretty good, with the exception of it being a little slow - and yet in this reality, all I need to do is train it's speed to be higher and it'll become a real powerhouse with very little in the way of weaknesses!

I smiled to myself and mom came up to me, looking at Mudkip with a gentle expression before gesturing to me, "I know he might look like a big strong lad but I'm gonna need you to look after him, okay, Mudkip?" mom asked and Mudkip stood to attention, puffing out her chest as she nodded to the request, "Thank you!" mom said before laughing and stroking Mudkip's head.

...Oi oi, I'm way stronger than this Pokémon, mom.

"I came back to say goodbye before I head out, mom," I broke the reason for me returning and saw mom's smile disappear as she frowned.

Sighing, she took a step back and gave me a wistful look, "I knew this time would come and yet it still feels like a Tauros kicking me in the gut," she gave a weak laugh before walking toward me and pulling me into a motherly hug, "Phone home often or at least keep my posted on where you are in Kanto and visit home as often as you can, okay?"

"I will, mom, don't worry," I smiled and hugged her back. She wasn't my biological mom. Hell, she wasn't even my first mom. But she was by far the best mom a guy could ask for, that's for sure. I pulled back and smiled down at her, "When I get a flying Pokemon, I'll be back so much you'll want to get rid of me," I joked and she finally smiled, returning the laughter.

"You've always been thoughtful like this, Louis," she said, reaching up and messing with my cap and hair, "Always helping put your worrywart mother at ease," she smiled and seemed to be reminiscing about days far gone, "I love you, Louis. Just know that when you're out in Kanto as a Trainer, okay?"

Nodding, I didn't say anything and just pulled mom back into a hug.

When I pulled back, I looked behind her and gestured, "Is that idiot brother of mine still asleep?" I asked and mom rolled her eyes at the mention of Ash before nodding her head. Giving a somewhat evil smile, I continued, "Then allow me to go and wake him up. He'll be up in no time, trust me."

She saw the somewhat evil look to my face and just shook her head, as if to say 'What did I do to get two children like these two?' but I ignored it and went toward Ash's room.

I opened the door to see him snoozing on his bed. Typical.

If my room was filled with a moderate amount of Pokémon affiliated items, Ash's room was made up solely by such items. Despite us loving Pokémon the same amount, Ash was definitely more of a materialist than I was. He liked clothes with Pokémon on them, posters with Pokémon on them--Hell, even Pokémon themed slippers. But hey, I ain't gonna knock it. I do have a Rhydon alarm clock, after all.

Ash, unlike his anime counterpart, wasn't an immortal being forever stuck as a 10-year-old. Though not as tall as I was despite being the same age as me, he was a decent height of 5'9" and had a decent build after I forced him to follow me in exercising.

He wasn't quite as big or as muscular as I was, nor did he have the innate talents I have, but he was physically fit enough that he wouldn't die to a Pokémon attack or two.

I did my part as the (self-proclaimed) big brother of this heavy sleeper.

Picking up Mudkip off my shoulder, I checked the moves it knew on my Pokedex and smirked evilly when I saw one specific move, "Mudkip, use Water Gun," I simply said and aimed the Pokémon at the sleeping Ash.

Mudkip nodded and opened it's mouth, a beam of pressurized water shooting out of it's mouth like a fire hose and hitting Ash straight on the chest.

It took about a second for him to be up and screaming.


"Louis! What the hell, man?!" he screamed, dripping wet, as Mudkip's watery attack ended. His brown eyes were filled with confusion and a mild anger at my antics but I hit him with a deadpan face.

"You're oversleeping and you might miss your chance to get a starter. I came her after getting mine," I gestured to the Mudkip in my hands before placing her back down on my shoulder, "And thought it'd be best to wake you up now, seeing as when I was last there, there were two starters left...and when I was leaving I saw two other newbie Trainers entering the lab to get their starters. Ah, who knows, your chances might've already gone up in flames--"

He was charging off to the bathroom before I could even finish mocking him. Tch, not very little brother-like of him, was it? He was supposed to get all flustered and anxious.

Guess I was dealing with Ash Ketchum. Get in between him and his dream of being a Pokémon Master and you'll see a John Wick-esque character be born. What was it they said in that movie again? He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will? Just about sums up Ash and Pokémon. Me and Pokémon as well, actually.

Exiting his room, I saw mom looking disapprovingly at me but it was hard to miss the small smirk to her lips. I returned a full-blown smile of my own and held up my hands to attest to my innocence, "What? He's awake, isn't he?"

Mom just shook her head again before sighing and giving a smile, "Well, I'll see you when you come back to visit, Louis. I've got to go off to work now seeing as I still need to pay bills even without you two here," she said and actually reminded me of something.

"Wait up mom," I called out and fished out my Pokedex, opening it up and did a few things like connecting my Trainer card and ID to it which let me look into my bank account. 10,000 PokeDollars just sitting there. Mom looked back to me, curious, and I walked up to her, "What're you bank details?"

She gave me a weird look but told me nonetheless. I inputted them and quickly transferred some money over to her, "There you go, mom. You should take today off," I smiled and she gave me a confused look before realizing something.

She pulled out her own multi-purpose gadget and checked her bank account, her eyes widening as she did so.

"Louis Ketchum! What is the meaning of this?!" she pointed her gadget toward me, her face filled with disbelief. The balance in it read 6,348 PokeDollars. Exactly 4000 PokeDollars higher than it had been, I'd assume.

"I got a bunch of money to start off with, mom, and one of my reasons to become a Trainer was to help lessen the burden on you," I smiled, "Four thousand should be enough for a bit of rest, right?"

Her mouth opened and closed for a few moments before she deflated, lifting the back of her hand and resting it against her forehead, "What am I going to do with you?" she asked with a small smile, "Giving four thousand PokeDollars to your mom when every little bit is needed for your journey as a Trainer?"

"And I won't take it back even if you give it back," I stubbornly said, smiling, while her smile got bigger as she put away her gadget. She still made to go out the door, however, and I cocked an eyebrow at that. She noticed and explained.

"I'm going to tell my boss that I'm having the next few months on vacation, and if they wanna fire me, they can - the money you just gave me will let me live quite comfortably for a good while!" she beamed at me.

There's a reason why Trainers are such an idolized profession. They make A LOT of money. Like mom just said, four thousand alone is enough for her to survive without doing anymore work for a few months and that wasn't even taking into account mom's naturally frugal spending. I bet she could stretch her savings to half a year before she needs work.

And that's not taking into account that I'll be routinely sending money to her now that I have her bank details.

Ahh~ The joys of being a filial son~!

Mom left after saying thanks again and I turned around just in time to see Ash come out of the bathroom, his hair still somewhat wet but dried enough. He rushed into his room and came back out moments later, dressed in his classic get-up. A white and blue short-sleeved jacket with gold trim, a white-collar and sleeves, a dark teal T-shirt, blue jeans with light blue cuffs, black and white sneakers with red dots, green fingerless gloves with light green borders, and a red and white cap with a green stylized "L".

It was kind nostalgic to see him dressed up like this - reminded me of watching the anime I was about to live through, for one.

Seeing me, he frowned before averting his eyes, "...Thanks for waking me up," he said in a reluctant tone, "But did you really need to cover me in water to wake me up, Louis? Come on, man, there're other ways of waking people up, you know...?" he grumbled but I just laughed, waving his words away with a hand.

"Waking you up without water is damn near impossible and you know it," I countered and from Ash's silence, he obviously agreed with me. He wasn't very happy about it, however.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes before staring at Mudkip who was still lazily resting on my shoulder, "Is that a Mudkip?!" he asked, his tone startled and loud enough to cause a bit of displeasure to sprout up in Mudkip who gave him a glare.

Smiling smugly, I answered, "Yep~!" before laughing and gesturing to the door, "You better hurry up as well. I've already got a head-start on you. Who knows, maybe I'll become the Pokémon Master for Kanto before you've even got all your Gym Badges," I joked with Ash, our banter usually going like this. Me aggravating him and him getting aggravated.

"Ah, crap--!" he said before rushing passed me and out the door. I watched him go with a smile before taking one last look at the house I'd been living in for the last sixteen years.

Scratching at the back of my head, I admonished myself, "Come on, Louis, get over it. Not like you can't come back and visit, you idiot," I chided before stretching my arms and looking down at Mudkip, "You ready, bud? Because I'm gonna be taking it pretty fast until we reach Viridian," I informed my partner and she looked up, her eyes snapping open and glinting with excitement.

Chuckling to myself, I left my childhood house and closed the door.

It was time to start my journey to become the strongest Pokémon Master ever seen!

. . .

I took the journey of Route 1 at a casual pace - which is to say I was running quicker than most people could sprint. Either way, Mudkip was loving it and I was making decent progress for my first day.

Unlike the games - and even the anime - the Route's were massive. It wasn't a simple ten minute jog on foot to reach Viridian City. On foot, it could take anywhere between two to three days, all depending on your travel time and the weather conditions. For me, personally, it'd probably take me a day of all-out running to make it to Viridian City if I didn't want to camp out.

This could be remedied if I had a bike, but I don't. Because there isn't a Bike Shop in Pallet Town. Don't ask me why there isn't - something about there being no demand from the residents there.

So, I settled on jogging until it hit dusk and then setting up camp somewhere on the Route.

I'd done some basic training with Mudkip, so I could get a basic feel for it's abilities and it knew five moves. Which told me this definitely wasn't running off of the game's rules.

It's known moves, right now, were Tackle, Growl, Water Gun, Rock Smash and Rock Throw. And from what I could see, it was much better with physical moves like Rock Smash, Tackle and Rock Throw than it was Water Gun - though that wasn't to say that it was useless at using that type of move. No, in fact, I'd say it was better than the average Mudkip at using special moves.

It was just better with physical moves because of it's heightened bulk when compared to the average Mudkip. Either way, I was already planning up a training regime in my head to get Mudkip more physically fit and to build up it's endurance for moves like Water Gun.

If one usage of Water Gun isn't enough, use it again and again and again--use it as many times as necessary until the enemy is defeated. Of course, I'll help train it's power as well, but endurance is much more important right now.

As I was running, however, I noticed someone I hadn't expected to meet yet but when I really thought about it, it was obvious I'd meet her right now.

She was fishing on Route 1 when she first met Ash, after all.

...But she was certainly more - I don't know how to explain it exactly - curvy, than I was expecting.

She had short, red hair tied into a side ponytail with blue elastic rubber band, green eyes and fair skin. She wears a yellow tank top that reveals her midriff, red suspenders, denim shorts that stop at her thighs and red sneakers with yellow lining and white laces. Just like Ash, she's much older than canon and actually looks like a woman right now.

As you might've guessed from her background, she has a very toned and athletic body like a swimmer but she also had a sizable bust, hips that flared out and a bubbly ass that threatened to rip open her denim shorts.

...Goddamn, Misty looks fine as fuck. I feel like these thoughts are somehow disgracing my childhood memories, though. I wonder why.

I slowed to a speed-walking pace and decided to go say hello or rather, to introduce myself and make some conversation. It wasn't every day you met such a person, now was it?

She was sitting on the edge of the bank to a calm river, her feet dangling off the edge as she absentmindedly held her fishing rod. Looked like a pretty high-quality rod, actually. I bet it could handle some pretty big water-types without snapping though it probably wouldn't be able to handle a Gyarados. Still, I'd have to ask her where she got it.

Always useful to have a good fishing rod, after all.

I made my approach slow and loud so she heard me and she looked over her shoulder to see me coming over. She politely smiled but didn't otherwise say anything. Mudkip looked to me and then to the water, so I nodded with a smile and my partner hopped off my shoulder and bounded over and into the river.

Misty yelped when Mudkip bounded passed her but giggled when she saw the blue Pokémon jumping in and out of the water, doing flips.

...Quite a talented Mudkip, huh?

I sat down next to Misty, not too close to her but not too far either, and turned to her, "Have any luck lately?" I asked and she looked to me, confused until I gestured to her fishing rod. Her expression turned to one of realization before a forlorn look took over her face.

"Sadly, no," she sighed, "I haven't had any luck and whenever I do think I'd got something on the line, it's some junk," she gestured over to a pile of boots and even a tire wheel from a bike of sorts, "I just can't seem to get anything on the other end of the line," she lamented.

"Well, I'm rooting for ya," I gave her a thumbs up and that got her to smile. I took my cap off and leaned back on my hands as I watched Mudkip play about in the water, "Name's Louis Ketchum, nice to meet you," I held out a hand toward Misty and she took it, blushing somewhat when she saw my face without the bill of my cap casting a shadow over it.

"M-misty," she blurted out, seeming taken aback by either my appearance or by the size difference of our hands. I wasn't a giant, but at 6'1" I was much taller and broader than Misty who seemed to be about 5'3", "It's nice to meet you too, Louis," she composed herself for that line but her cheeks were still a little red.

"The pleasure's all mine," I winked at her, making her avert her case and snap her head away from looking at me so quickly I was worried for her neck.

Chuckling, I continued the conversation, "I've just started out on my journey as a Trainer. You're a Trainer, right?" I pointed to the Pokeballs by her side and she gave me a serious look before nodding, answering my question. So, I continued, "You got much experience as a Trainer?"

"Not really," she gave a sardonic laugh, "I wouldn't be struggling to catch Pokémon if I had a lot of experience, would I?" she asked before smiling, "But I have been around Pokémon since I was a little kid. My family owns the Gym in Cerulean City - I assume you know where it is?"

Nodding, I replied with a confident grin, "Yep. If I didn't know where it was, I wouldn't know where to go to get one of the eight Gym Badges I need to take on the League, now would I?"

She raised an eyebrow at such a confident remark but didn't reply to it, instead continuing on what she was saying earlier, "Well, my family owns a Gym and I've been around Pokémon for as long as I can remember. I guess that means I have more experience than the regular person, right?" she said and I nodded in agreement, "Still, this is the first week of me going out on my own and without being the youngest sibling that's always looked down on or protected like they're made of glass," she bitterly said but there was some definite determination in what she said.

"How about I give you a tip for catching Water-type Pokémon, then?" I smiled over at her.

Misty looked confused for a second before she asked, "...Didn't you just say you've just started out as a Trainer?"

I nodded with a smirk, "Yep, but I did train under Professor Oak before I came out into the wild."

Her eyes widened at what I said and she shifted a little closer to me, her eyes going all sparkly as she put her rod down to the side and held her hands clasped together in front of her in a begging gesture, "Please, please, please give me a tip! Anything Professor Oak said about Water-type Pokémon!"

"Sure," I agreed before calling out, "Mudkip, come over here, girl!"

Mudkip stuck her head above the water line and looked to me questioningly before padding over to where I was sitting, "Kip?"

"Is the river here pretty deep?" I asked, deciding to be careful about this.

Mudkip disappeared under the water for a few seconds, all the whilst Misty kept staring between me and the water like something magical was going to happen. Finally, Mudkip came back up and nodded it's head, "Mudkip!"

So it's deep, huh? Could be a problem.

"Okay, dive down and capture a Magikarp for me. Grab it and rush back to the surface with it. Don't fight or annoy any strong Pokémon. You got that, bud?" I kept it simple so Mudkip could understand it. Regardless of how much she was an exemplary example of a Mudkip, she was still a young Pokémon which meant she could get confused if I gave too complicated an order.

My partner gave a determined nod and dove under the water. Meanwhile, Misty just dumbly looked at me, " can't be that easy, right?"

I gave her a wry smile, "I'm afraid it is, Misty," I informed her of the bad news and she collapsed backward in a lethargic mess, as if she'd realized how much time she'd wasted trying to catch them via fishing rod.

Doesn't mean it's bad per se. Fishing rods are much better for the sea but for rivers and lakes? Sending your Pokémon in should be fine.

I heard Mudkip breaking the water and turned back to look at her before my expression froze upon what I was looking at. Both jubilation and confusion were apparent on my face, "Uh, Mudkip, buddy...that's not a Magikarp," I pointed to the Pokémon Mudkip was holding in it's pair of front limbs. I was confused for a few seconds before I saw the worried look on Mudkip's face.

Taking a longer look at the Pokémon she was holding, I quickly realized what was up with it and swore, "Shit...!" I burst into action, bending over the embankment and reaching down to Mudkip who was lifting up the Pokémon it was holding.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked, confused at my sudden change in demeanor. But I couldn't pay attention to her right now as I gently lifted the Gible out of Mudkip's hands.

I placed the injured Pokémon down on the grass and took my bag off, opening it up and pulling out a potion which I sprayed over the wound I could see.

Judging by the shards of ice over the little guy, it was hit by an ice-type move and by the teeth-markings, it was a physical one. Ice Fang, I'd bet. My mind ran through all sorts of jaw and teeth patterns before I quickly noticed what had done this - a Huntail. What were a Gible and a Huntail doing in a river on Route 1 in Kanto?

I pulled out some bandages that come with every potion and carefully bandaged the Pokémon up.

But I instantly knew my basic knowledge of medicine wouldn't be enough. What I was doing now was simply to help it survive long enough so I could get it to a Pokémon center.

"What Pokémon is that? And what happened to it...?" Misty asked, her tone showing her worry.

While I bandaged the Gible up, I answered her, "It's a Gible, a Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region up North. It's been in a fight with another Pokémon that knows an Ice-Type move and because Gible is a Dragon-Type, it's extra weak to those types of moves which has put it in a pretty bad state. Can I use your bike to get it to Viridian City? It needs medical attention right now," I asked her, feeling sorry I'd have to take her bike off her hands but not sorry enough I'd risk this Gible's life.

Pokémon can die. I've seen it happen. They're animals. Sturdy and very powerful animals, sure, but they're still living and breathing beings.

"S-sure," Misty nodded, her worry intensifying and overpowering the wonder she no doubt felt from seeing a Pokémon from another region and one with a rare typing like Dragon. She stood up and left her fishing rod, propping up her bike.

Mudkip had long since jumped out of the water and was circling me and the Gible, worried for the injured Pokémon.

"" the Gible croaked, it's eye peeking open to see me. Upon seeing me, it tried to get up and away from Mudkip held it in place and seemed to speak to it. Seeing Mudkip's words not working, I decided to pitch in.

"Calm down, Gible, I'm not trying to capture you," I finished tying off the bandages and looked down at the stubborn Pokémon, "I just want to help you. I'm going to take you to a Pokémon Center and then once you're all healed up, you can go, okay?" Gible heard what I said and looked at me for a few more seconds before closing it's eyes and relaxing again. It was letting me take it.

Thank God.

I scooped it up gently and walked over to Misty's bike where I placed it softly in the basket on the front. I took out Mudkip's Pokeball and turned to her, "I'll let you out when we get there but for now, there's not enough space, okay?" I said and Mudkip nodded before I returned her.

A red beam shot out and a second later, Mudkip was in it's Pokeball. I looked over to Misty who was holding up the bike and gave a wry grin, "Sorry about this, Misty."

"Don't be!" she shook her head before smiling, "If my bike can be used to help, that's good in my books! But I'm coming with you, got that?" she fiercely said, her defiance somewhat reminding me of my Mudkip a little.

"Get on the back then," I relented and swung my own leg over the bike and sat down on it, "Hold on tight as well."

She shyly wrapped her arms around my waist, the only thing stopping me from feeling the softness on her chest being my damnable backpack, "Why--AHHHHHH!" she tried to ask why she needed to hold on. Instead of answering her, I just started to bike. I'm pretty sure her bike's still gonna end up pretty broken after having to deal with my muscle power but oh well.

I have a Gible to save, after all.

Louis_Ketchum Louis_Ketchum

Mudkip - Lv9

Gible (Injured) - Lv9

Also, long as fuck chapter, boiiiii! 6K Words, holy shit.

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