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20.36% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 152: CH21 (151), Check

Capítulo 152: CH21 (151), Check

The weekend passed pretty calmly and right now I was on my way to the Academy. Today was the first time I was going to participate in the third-year aura classes, but before the "Internal Aura Manipulation" lesson I had to go through a homeroom class and a math lesson.

I exchanged greetings with the classmates that had ultimately decided to ignore the height difference between us and approached me during the last three months.

As soon as the bell rang Mr. Burns began asking if anyone had something they wanted to share, like a complaint or a question, and when he said complaint, he meant a wide range of things.

Ranging from being bullied to the teacher being unfair or too fast and even having problems understanding something. The first one was absolutely not tolerated by the Academy staff.

All first years learned just how unacceptable such behavior was when 2 students from Class S1-B and 3 students from Class S1-C got a 3 and 2 months detention respectively as their first warning.

We are talking about 2 hours, 2 times a week for 3 months, where they had to keep copying the rule sheet we had received on our first day, and that was just considered a first warning.

Mr. Burns told us the second one consisted of physical work, the third was a suspension and the fourth meant being kicked out. Additionally, the staff would "low-key" keep an eye on you for a while after your punishment to make sure you learned your lesson.

He didn't mention the consequences of being kicked out, but one didn't need to be a genius to know they were not good. It might seem harsh to some but I fully supported it.

I mean they told us from the first day which kind of behavior was not acceptable, so doing exactly that was pretty stupid in my opinion. Also, it was better to nip the problem in the bud than let it grow.

So bullying among the upper years was practically non-existent and the first years quickly learned to follow along. I was hoping that would be enough to stop my fellow first-years from doing any more stupid stuff, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Still, all this did not mean that there were no conflicts because that was impossible, we were still humans after all.

However, those were handled during Gym or Combat lessons or during academy-staff supervised sanctioned battles, that both sides needed to genuinely want to participate in. Overall, I liked the way they handled bullying as well as conflict and that was the only thing that counted.

Now, regarding the second and third points. I was also like "do you really care", but he did recommend a few upper-class students capable of helping them, that would be willing to do so for a small and easily affordable remuneration to a few of my classmates that did mention needing help.

Unlike with the third point, no one had complained about the teachers until now. Anyway, 15 minutes passed with Mr. Burns asking questions and talking about them regarding our school life before he closed the topic and told everyone they could do their homework if they still needed to do so.

Those that were done could read, draw, or write stuff as long as they did it quietly and on their own. Usage of electrical devices was not allowed. Just as I was about to take out my notebook Mr. Burns called me over, so stopped and walked up to him instead.

"Mikail, I need to check out your registered Pokemon, so we're going to change rooms." He told me before he called out a Mienshao to keep an eye on the class.

He told the class that we would be back in 15 to 20 minutes before he told me to take all my Pokemon and follow him while he left the classroom. I went back to my seat and took my bag before hurrying after Mr. Burns.

Honestly, I had been wondering why the Pokemon check had not happened yet but had ultimately decided that it was a lucky coincidence after three months of nothing happening.

Still, I was curious why it got delayed for this long if it was going to happen after all.

"Mr. Burns, could you tell me why the check is happening now? I had honestly expected for it to happen a few months ago." I asked shortly after we left the classroom.

"You remember Mr. Cameron, I suppose?" He returned a question of his own instead of directly answering mine, but I still nodded in confirmation.

"Well, the short version is that Mr. Cameron cleared you after he saw you, which made the check-up unnecessary on our front. Your file received a note that classified you as bonded and got archived.

However, two months ago a few alliance staff members saw that no real check-up happened and due to the impressive number of Pokemon registered they forwarded the case upwards. The higher-ups began debating on the topic.

Your case was sent here and there. It was finally decided that we, two alliance members and me, would record/check the existence of a bond between yourself and your Pokemon.

The test will only check the existence of a bond not the bond level or the strength of your Pokemon. The alliance does not want to "offend" Mr. Cameron any further by checking things not strictly necessary.

I honestly think if not for the number of Pokemon you registered the file would have passed without problems in the first place. Impressive Pokemon by the way.

Anyway, we will use a device to simply prove the existence of the bond and be done with it." He answered me and I began to wonder how long the full explanation would have been.

"Thank you for telling me about that, and please thank Mr. Cameron on my behalf as well," I told him and moments later we stopped before a door.

Mr. Burns directly entered the door and introduced me to the two people that were waiting inside the huge room that was behind the door.

"These are Mrs. Gorno and Mr. Dubal. They are here on behalf of the alliance to witness the check." He said while motioning towards a young-looking woman and a young-looking man respectively.

That their young look did not help me determine their real age at all thanks to the lifespan increase a trainer received was something I had gotten used to.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Gorno and Mr. Dubal." I politely greeted them and they gave me a nod in return.

Mr. Burns decided that he wanted to be done as fast as possible so he began to explain what I had to do.

"What I need you to do is call out the Pokemon I ask you to so that we can use this device to check for the existence of a bond between you two. Then you'll recall that Pokemon and call out the next one until we are done checking all 12 of them." Mr. Burns explained while motioning towards something that looked like a large megaphone with a display mounted at the back.

"No problem," was my candid reply, and Mr. Burns smiled at my steady response.

"Good. Let's start with Xatu." Mr. Burns said and I called out Horus.

Horus was one of the three Pokemon whose Pokeball I kept on my belt for immediate usage, the others were enjoying their time inside Utopia. I changed the belt-trio daily between the 12 Pokemon that were currently registered.

Whenever the other 9 were needed, I acted as if I was pulling them out from my bag. So, except for the three that were inside the balls I had informed the other 9 about what was going on. I was nearly 100% sure that their reaction to and during the check-up was being observed as well.

Anyway, Xatu appeared beside me and briefly took a look around before calmly looking to me for answers. I told him what was happening and he just nodded.

Mr. Burn took the bond detecting device and did his thing, moving the device from my direction to Xatu's. Less than a minute later he nodded and told me to call out Mothra next.

I thanked Xatu before I recalled him and acted as if I was pulling out Mothra's ball from my bag while materializing it into my hand from Utopia. I proceeded to call her out and she flew to me to give me a hug ignoring the other humans besides me.


"Damn kid, a royal Butterfree. What a surprise. That's like only the 5th one I've seen my whole life," exclaimed Mr. Dubal while Mrs. Gorno only looked slightly impressed.

Showed who was more professional among the two and who was more playful.

"Well, I've probably seen close to a hundred of them during my service outside our territories, but they're still pretty rare." Mr. Burns said while doing the check.

Nyx, Enji, and Mars were the next ones to be checked but none of them elicited any pronounced reaction like Mothra had. It seems like an Eevee, a Growlithe, and an Ursaring were not as noteworthy as a royal Butterfree.

That changed when it was Manami's turn. As soon as my Lapras appeared a loud gasp could be heard, but this time the response from the "professional" Mrs. Gorno. Mr. Dubal looked amused by his partner, who immediately caught herself and acted as if nothing happened.

"Impressive specimen." Mrs. Gorno curtly said while Mr. Dubal just chuckled.

Mr. Burns just shook his head in amusement before he did his job. Once he was done and I had recalled Manami he looked over to me.

"Kid, it's not that I'm doubting you, but are you sure that your Gyarados won't react negatively/aggressively to our presence." He asked in a serious tone and the two alliance staff members listened attentively as well.

"Yeah, I'm sure Dilong won't do anything I don't want him to as long as I am there," I replied and he nodded.

"Alright, call him out then." He said and I did.

Thankfully the room was large enough for Stan to fit inside. That the majority of the desks and chairs had been moved towards the walls helped as well.

Anyway, unlike with my previous Pokemon, all of them showed a reaction upon seeing Stan. Regular Gyarados he may have been, but he was still much larger than the average Gyarados. So, here they were all three of them blankly looking at my Gyarados. Mr. Burns was the first one to talk.

"Holy Damnation, Mikail. That one seems to be near twice the size of a regular Gyarados. I'm pretty sure he could enter the top 50 of the largest Gyarados I have seen so far and you have no idea how impressive that is considering everyone else on that list is much older and stronger than him." He exclaimed and the other two chose to say nothing.

I chose to remain quiet and Stan just snorted at being merely in the Top 50. Mr. Burns shook his head before he checked the bond and once he did I recalled Stan.

My next Pokemon evoked some reactions from them as well, despite not looking any different from the rest of her species, but that was more due to the rarity of the Clefairy-line.

Luna was actually the first of my newer Pokemon. I discovered her during a trip I did to Mount Moon 3.5 years ago, a few months after I caught Abzu and Tiamat. I obviously checked her status and promptly decided that she had to join me.

'Species: Clefairy

Gender: Female

Type: Fairy

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Bronze-stage (mid)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Cute Charm, Magic Guard

Talents: None

Affinities: Fairy'

I went for the direct approach and used Moon Shards, Comet Shards, and Moon's Buttercups along with the usual recruitment spiel to persuade Luna into joining me.

She was apparently part of a group but liked to wander around. After I caught her, she went back to say her goodbyes but did so without me. Only when I asked her if her tribe would allow Aaron to look for a partner among them did I get to see their habitat.

Anyway, she had made some great progress during her time with us and her Gravity had proven extremely useful to our training. The talent she unlocked proved to be really great as well, at least for me.

"Bond Guard" shared the effects of "Magic Guard" with those Clefairy was directly bonded to.

'Name: Luna

Species: Clefairy

Gender: Female

Age: 8+ years


Type: Fairy

Potential: Deep Green (31.58%) -> Deep Blue (63.24%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Cute Charm, Magic Guard

Talents: Bond Guard

Affinities: Fairy


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: Positive



Stage: Silver Stage (mid)

Vitality: E

Strength: F

Endurance: F

Agility: F

Energy Capacity: E

Energy Density: E






Fighting (Minor), Bug (Minor), Dark (Minor)



Poison (Minor), Steel (Minor)



Poison (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Fairy Energy Manipulation (Proficient)




(Unofficial) Initial:

Brick Break



Charm, Encore, Growl, Healing Wish



Defense Curl, Pound, Sing, Minimize, Life Dew, Follow Me



Disarming Voice, Metronome, After You, Moonlight, Meteor Mash, Cosmic Power, Moonblast



Copycat, Stored Power, Gravity




Anyway, Mr. Burns quickly did his job and I recalled Luna after she hugged me. Tyson and Thor did not elicit any reactions since Machoke and Pikachu were pretty common.

The next one, however, who was also my newest Pokemon before I got Ralts, got some reactions due to being a member of the regional royal lines.

I came across Hashirama, then a Bulbasaur, a bit more than 1.5 years ago during a visit to the outer parts of the inner Viridian Forest area. He was alone and it wasn't even that hard to get him to join me.

I briefly pulled out a giant pile of berries and grass as well as poison material before telling him that he could have them if he joined me. He agreed and I honestly only remembered to check his stats at that point.

'Species: Bulbasaur

Gender: Male

Type: Grass, Poison

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Iron-stage (high)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Overgrow, Chlorophyll

Talents: None

Affinities: Grass, Poison'

I honestly would have taken him even if his potential had been worse, like deep yellow or even worse. Hell, I would have probably still taken him in if his potential had been deep red simply because he was a starter.

In that case, I would have simply left him to relax inside the space as a "trophy" since he would have never made the main team, but luckily he had really good potential that got even better thanks to Utopia and some good old hard training.

Since then he had shown some good progress as well even if he was currently among my weakest Pokemon.

'Name: Hashirama

Species: Ivysaur

Gender: Male

Age: 4+ years


Type: Grass, Poison

Potential: Deep Green (46.3%) -> Deep Blue (81.13%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Overgrow, Chlorophyll

Talents: None

Affinities: Grass, Poison


Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: None



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid)

Vitality: D

Strength: D

Endurance: D

Agility: D

Energy Capacity: C

Energy Density: C



Grass (Major), Water (Minor), Electric (Minor), Fighting (Minor), Fairy (Minor)



Fire (Minor), Ice (Minor), Flying (Minor), Psychic (Minor)



Psychic (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Grass Energy Manipulation (Beginner) -> (Proficient)

Poison Energy Manipulation (Novice)




(Unofficial) Initial:

Mega Drain



Growl, Take Down, Sweet Scent, Worry Seed, Double-Edge, Solar Beam






Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Seed Bomb



Razor Leaf, Synthesis




I recalled my Ivysaur once Mr. Burns was done checking the bond. Once he had done the same for Ali, my Ralts, who I called out last, Mr. Burns released a sigh of relief before he told me to go back to the classroom ahead of him.

He told me he still had to talk to the two alliance staff members a bit before he returned to the class as well.


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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/6 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my second patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 7 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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