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12.06% Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL) / Chapter 38: Young miss.

Capítulo 38: Young miss.

Chapter 26: Young miss.

Kein's POV

"Young miss, welcome home."

I stood frozen in place when all they welcomed me 'home', what is this farce? Is this a dream? No, I should be sane enough to know that this is not a dream, this is a nightmare.

The maids, butlers, and even the head maid- that maid who gave me severe punishments all the time- making me lift my pants showing my legs only for her to hit me with a thin stick.

Don't think I forgot all that. It was hard to forget.

The maids, the other butlers who did nothing when Madelyn harassed and bullied me to the point it left scars on my body.

She burned my wrist, she burned my back, and heck she hurt me more times than I could count. Her little sidekick Maddie was just supporting her all the way.

Dottie was the only maid who actually cared for me. Even if she followed Madelyn all around- she tried giving me first aid and tried stopping them. I looked around in confusion not knowing what to reply.

The sudden change of demeanor was expected but still I was surprised that even Madelyn would stoop this low as well.

She looks like she's definitely forcing herself to bow down to me.

I bit my lip, feeling awkward for all of them, "You guys don't have to do this, you know. Don't think I haven't forgotten." I told them and their body stiffened for a moment before getting back to their work.

I was left alone in the center of the corridor with myself to think, this is definitely some devil's work and I know who's work it might be.

"My~! Welcome home dearest niece of mine!" I looked behind me and saw Aunt Haren opening her arms towards me motioning for a hug.

Every staff member decided to leave after seeing the Viscountess. My aunt.

The devil spoke but I know that she's not behind all this. Aunt Haren is the least of all people that would agree to be this kind to me.

She tries to get close, wanting to get me into a hug.

I quickly dodge her attempt of some heart warming moment of a hug and glared at her. "I'm back, old hag."

"O-Old hag? My! I'm your aunt, you know. How have you been after your trip? I'm glad you came home safely." (Aunt Haren) muttered trying to sound so sweet but I could only hear the desperation of trying. I rolled my eyes, I don't have time to be sweet to people who clearly had a 180 degree turn of personality.

"Aunt Haren, pardon me but this new personality doesn't suit you. I prefer your original one where you're not forcing yourself to stoop to this level. We both know what this is all about." I crossed my arms as I waited for her to finally get her real personality back. "No need for all this act."

She sighs and gives me the most cockiest grin I've dealt with all these months, "You were never a fool like your father. You are definitely my sister's child." (Aunt Haren) laughed while keeping her gaze on mine, the same blue eyes like mine but it was darker pierces through me.

Kein's parents. This is the first I'm hearing of it other than the diary. I clutched my ring, maybe I can squeeze some more out of her about Kein's parents. "Let me guess, my mother were definitely the smart one out of the two of you."

Aunt Haren scoffs as she sassily lands her hand on her waist, "Please your mother was the best in the family. Do you know how much mother and father wanted her to marry rich? Everything was in her favor. She was about to marry a Duke and live happily in riches." (Aunt Haren)

She walks around me like a snake slowly coiling around its prey. "But no, she chose to be with your pathetic mage of a father who can't even afford anything."

Kein's father... was a mage?

I tried recalling anything about her father being a mage in the diary but there was nothing. So did her father not tell her about anything in his life? "I'm guessing the Duke was angry after that."

She laughs loudly like one of those villainess long monologues of it. "You couldn't be more right. He was so angry he threatened our family so your mother is everything to blame." (Aunt Haren) looked mad as she clenched her fist.

"She's gone now leaving her only child to me. Of course, how do you think I saw it?" (Aunt Haren) leaned in closer as she asked. Her hands held my shoulder as she gripped it tightly in surprise.

The snake has coiled her hands around me, my body refusing to budge.

I didn't even- what happened how- how did she get there so suddenly-

Aunt Haren smiles as I grit my teeth trying to move my body, "I saw it as a chance to take all my pent up anger on her to you instead."

I thought she had fire magic? Not whatever this is?!

Moving my body was useless but at least I could still talk. I felt my mouth moving as I tried saying something to provoke her, "I guess this is where Lucas got his whole asshole attitude from huh."

The snake woman just rolled her eyes at my comment as she decided to finally let go of my shoulders. My shoulders slumped in relief that finally it was out of her clutches, "Your disrespectful mouth of yours, now that I can guarantee. You got that from your father." (Aunt Haren)

You know I'm really doubting all of this. Too bad she doesn't know I'm not really the real Kein. "Will that be all? Can I go now?" I asked her.

Aunt Haren didn't even bother and just clicked her tongue, glared at me displeasingly and walked out. Her footsteps slowly faded away as I decided that even if all of them started all being kind to me asking forgiveness.

I won't give in to any of them.


I found a private library where I wasn't usually allowed in. However, the maid who takes care of the library said it was okay and she also told me Lenard was in here.

I was expecting the place to be quiet, knowing Lenard he was always a quiet reader. "Wait! Ellis! You can't do that! That's cheating!"

"Master Lenard! It's not cheating! I swear!"

Instead it was filled with laughter, making me curious when I heard Lenard's voice and someone I couldn't recognize but they sounded like they were having fun together.

I followed where the laughter was, and saw Lenard with his dark blond hair and adorable glasses as he was holding a book. "Ellis! Look at this scene, can we play the role again?" (Lenard)

I quickly hid behind a shelf out of instinct.

I was surprised that Lenard was talking to someone else I didn't know. I was aware that there weren't any other children helpers in the mansion nor was he friendly with Lucas. Maybe he's new around here?

I sighed. Why am I suddenly hiding?

Ruffling my hair a little bit in frustration, all this new personality change is just... taking me a lot. I can't believe they would actually pull a move like this. I'm already guessing the next step is calling me out for dinner and asking me to be a part of the main family.

Kein's life before this, the diary had missing bits of pieces but it was clear when I took over her body there were bruises and wounds everywhere.

Aunt Haren, to which I'm guessing she ordered the staff to harass me. Madelyn taking on that role.

Her husband, the Viscount Lenois Yulien. Lenard and Lucas's father did nothing. Surely, he knows what has been happening around this house.

I forced on a smile as I revealed myself slowly to Lenard and the mysterious boy next to him. "Hey cousin. I'm home." I casually said, opening up my arms for a hug.

Lenard's eyes brightened quickly as he let go of his book to run to my embrace, "Kein! Welcome home!" (Lenard)

It's only been a few days but he sure did miss me from how tight he's hugging me. We were like that for a bit as he let go taking in my face and everything. "You arrived safely right? Nothing weird happened? Do you need to rest? After all, you must've been tired from a long journey." (Lenard)

I laughed softly as it felt like a mom worrying about their kid coming home from a field trip. "Yes, I'm alright nothing weird has happened and I don't feel tired." I answered him and he gave me one of his adorable smiles as he fixed his loose glasses. He looked really glad to see me back.

I looked behind him and a boy with black ivory hair just smiled at the scene in front of him. "So I've been meaning to ask this but who's the new companion you have here?" I whispered to Lenard pointing at him and he smiled even brighter.

"H-He's Ellis Regan! The nephew of the head maid. He's actually the new library assistant here." (Lenard) introduced him to me as we decided to take our conversation at the table.

Hehhh. The nephew of the head maid. He certainly resembles the head maid a little bit but mostly just because of the hair color and how they stare. "It's a pleasure to meet you, young miss. My name is Ellis Regan, the head maid's nephew." (Ellis)

I frowned at Ellis for calling me a young miss as I looked at Lenard in despair. He seems like he's happy still and just ignored the whole young miss calling but I can't stand it. "Lenard, what's up with the young miss calling? It's so... weird."

Lenard looked at me strangely enthusiastically as he announced, "This is a surprise!" he stops for a second to get that climactic build up as he throws his hands in the air. "But my father told me that we should welcome you fully to the Yulien family!" (Lenard)

My eyebrows furrowed as I expected for the worst, "You mean. They'll adopt me." I answered, my tone a little infuriated that this is happening.

Lenard nodded at me happily as he excitedly rambled on about how we'll be even closer if I get adopted, "The maids will finally stop hurting you! We can play together often! We can travel together and Lucas won't be able to hurt you again-"

I take out the cake I got from Nigel and Vincent from my [Storage Ring] as he rambled on. "Kein! You'll be out of that closet as my father told me he's already preparing a room for you in the house! Isn't that wonderful news?" (Lenard)

"Uh-huh." I answered uninterestedly as Lenard still smiled. I felt uneasy from all of this and I don't know how to say bad news for him.

Not noticing my sour demeanor he continues, "Father will invite you to dinner later to talk about things-" (Lenard)

I cut the cake, the cream filling sweet smell taking my nose as I decided to look at Ellis.

"Hey Ellis. Would you mind grabbing us some plates and tea. Grab three plates please." I asked him, the tone of my voice was serious. He looked at me and nodded, assuming he read the air and excused himself by taking his book.

"Lenard." I call out to him and he snaps out of his chatter.

"S-Sorry I was too excited about it-" (Lenard) fiddles with his hands as he realized that he was rambling on for five minutes straight and he didn't even notice I even brought out a cake in front of him.

I sigh as I prepare myself to tell him, looking at Lenard straight in the eye I said. "I don't want to be adopted into the Yulien family."

Lenard watches me slowly looking at me in shock and then in disappointment. He was speechless for a bit as he looked flustered, "I-I'm sorry... I thought you would accept... considering-"

"Lenard. Your mom still has it in for me. Even if I was adopted into the Yulien family nothing will change." I told him as I slumped my back into the chair.

"Sure the maids will stop treating me like I'm manure. They all started calling me young miss but I know deep inside they don't want me to be. I don't think I'll be able to trust anyone in this house except for you." I scratched my back awkwardly as he shrinks in his seat, "I'm sorry but I think I need to leave soon." I told him as I realized.

The Viscount who I don't even know.

Lenard's father, who wanted to invite me to dinner later, wanted to adopt me. I know the reason why, he must've known about my royal seal, connections with the first princess and Vincent.

Lenard sighs, I heard some sniffing sounds from him as he looked away from me. He crosses his arms, still refusing to meet me. "W-When will you leave?" he asks, stuttering.

"When your father announces that he wants to adopt me. That's where I'll leave. I'm sorry." I told him as he wipes face with his sleeves.

Lenard moves his chair a little so that he's facing me, he opens his arms motioning that he wants a hug as I weakly embrace him. He cried and cried after we got into the embrace. "W-Where will you go? Y-You have money right?" (Lenard)

I nod as I settle my head into his shoulders, "I do. Vincent's father paid me. These will last me for months so don't worry."

"I-I don't want you to leave but- Lord Vincent has already warned me about this- W-We fought over it-" (Lenard)

I pat his back gently as I nod.

I always knew that losing a person who has always been there for you, in times when even your close biological family wasn't there, and in Lenard's life I think I'm the only person who can understand how he really feels as well.

"I know. I'll send you letters often and maybe I can visit too. If not, we can always find another way to see each other." I told him as he refused to let go of me. I just realized. I've gotten way too attached to Lenard that I'm already making all these promises for him.

Lenard continued to cry until Ellis opened the door seeing us in this position. He was bringing a cart with the plates and tea but he stopped for a moment awkwardly scratching his cheek, "Erm... so um. Young master, young miss, do you want these... plates and tea? I'm sorry this is too awkward."

I laughed as Lenard finally let go of me and dried his tears, I motioned for Ellis to come in now that the heavy tension was gone and it'll be a complete bittersweet farewell after. "Come sit with us Ellis. I would like to know more about you before you leave."

Ellis, even though he is confused, poured down some tea as he cut the cake that I brought evenly. "Amazing how the cream didn't melt." I commented as usually the cakes back on earth the cream melts under the heat.

"Even if this was in my [Storage Ring] shouldn't it have melted by now?" I ask as Lenard takes a piece of cake and hands it to me explaining. "Lord Vincent must have enchanted some of their magic into that thin box where the cake was placed on. They specialize in [Ice Magic] after all." (Lenard)

I looked at the cake that was in perfect condition and clapped impressively. "Fascinating. I can't wait to get my own magic."

Lenard smiles sadly. "My mother has never told me anything about Aunt Hollie. Your mom, Kein but maybe since their twins as well? You might have the affinity to use [Fire Magic] or something else?"

"Something else?" I ask curiously.

Lenard nods, "If the divinity is on your side. You might get a [Blessing Magic]. A random rare kind of magic that's going to be gifted to you. After all it's also called, gifts of the divine. Though, I heard it can also be a curse sometimes."

"Well I'll be fine with whatever magic is given to me."

I hope that I even have magic in the first place. Since this is Kein's body I don't know what'll happen. "So how about Ellis?" I ask, noticing that he's sitting there quietly not joining in.

I haven't forgotten about him after all, "I erm... I have [Water Magic]."

"Oh damn that's cool! Do you know any spells or something-"


We talked for hours after that and when dinner came-

I sat beside Lenard. Lucas and Aunt Haren were together as Viscount Lenois were in the middle of the seating as the head ruler of the family.

The maids were polite towards me and this was the first time I'm ever getting this kind of treatment around here. Lenard's father a.k.a the real Kein's uncle decides to fucking show up and invite me to dinner like he didn't turn a blind all to all the bullshit his wife did to me.

I kept my composure as the time went by in silence.

The Viscount coughs as he looks towards me smiling, "Kein, I hope this is a nice family dinner that we'll have together. This is your first time joining us right?"

I nod uninterested as the maids settle down the main course of the meal, "Yes, Viscount Lenois. Although I think I prefer in my closet more if I'm being honest."

" Well... I would like you to know that-" (Viscount Lenois)

I cut him off raising my hand as I already know what he'll ask next. "If you're planning to adopt me. Thank you for considering adopting me but I have to refuse."

The Viscount stood up in shock but his wife could only roll her eyes as if she was already expecting my answer. "What? Why would you refuse- you're my wife's niece so that makes us family. I know we might have given the wrong impression at first but I assure you-"

I rolled my sleeves and showed him half of my scars that have been inflicted on me. There were more on my back and legs but that would be wrong to display at dinner.

He looked at my scars and then glared at his wife.

"The wrong impression? I would beg to differ. I have been abused in this house to the point these marks will never leave my body no matter how much I let them heal. To think of me as family now when I've just begun forming friendships with the Duke's son- you're horrible, Uncle Lenois." I chuckled, putting back my sleeves to how they were before and looked them dead in the eye.

"I would rather be kicked out than be part of this so-called family of yours." These were my last words before I walked right out of dinner not bothering to finish my meal.

I got what I asked for and a few hours later Aunt Haren banged on my closet door and ordered for me to find a new home in the streets where I belong.

Zerin_Lee Zerin_Lee

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