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4.12% Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL) / Chapter 13: Veronica going out of business.

Capítulo 13: Veronica going out of business.

Chapter 11: Veronica going out of business.

Kein's POV

It's been three days since the incident. I can still feel the painful sensation behind my back, Madelyn, that horrible woman. Seriously hurting a kid?

This is nuts.

I know bruises were already bad but burns?! Inflicting it on a ten-year-old!

"Hey are you okay?" (Lenard) asked me as we both walked around the garden. "You look well I don't mean to offend but… you're sort of walking weird."

I nodded and kept a firm smile, "I may not look good right now I agree but I feel straight as a fiddle."

I don't know if I got that one right. Oh right, the straight one I should've said bent as a fiddle then. "Anyways this is a nice walk but I should get going and do all my house duties."

"Are you sure you're okay...?" (Lenard)

I wave him off jokingly to show him that I'm fine, "Yep and now you go too before Aunt Haren can chew you out besides I heard Lord Vincent is coming over to visit today right?"

Lenard blushes and nods. That made him shyly leave as he covered his face adorably. Once he left finally I had space and to curse my heart out.

"Oh for the love of-"

It hurts.

I grit my teeth as I walked into the stairs carrying a bucket of water. I need this to mop but looks like I'm not really doing any well. My feet feel numb and I fell down the stairs, my clothes now wet and my half body is soaked.

Not to mention I need new shoes, but I'm afraid they'll notice I brought a new pair. "Too risky."


After all of my morning chores, I was glad to know I was the one responsible to buy groceries this time. Finally, time to get away from this place. I walked a few minutes there and made it. I looked at the list and stored the stuff I bought on the [Storage Ring].

I'm really thankful I have this on me right now. "Oh, little charmer! It's been a while!"

I looked behind me to see who called and it was the person who owns the basket store, waving to me. I smiled trying to ignore the pain on my back and greeted her. "Hey, Veronica! How are you?"

Veronica sighs, putting on a sad smile, "You see, I might close soon. If the business doesn't go well I might have to find a much better job."

My eyes widened in surprise, the financial situation here is really what it is from the book I read. People are struggling, "But you love weaving..."

Veronica chuckles, raises her hand to meet the top of my head and pats me softly, "You know even if I love my job. If it doesn't bring money to provide food on the table. It might not be worth it." (Veronica) sighs. "I'm sorry little charmer but it's just the way it is. I might only have a month left on this stall but if I find a new job I'll tell you. My boyfriend might help me find something suitable."

Veronica looks at her hand-weaved baskets that had beautiful designs and colors. I glanced at her hand, full of pricks and scars. I know she worked hard on this and I know how much a business of someone like hers suffers a lot. "I-I... You know I'm in the mood to buy some baskets now." I awkwardly said but she just landed her gaze at me softly and pats my head again.

"You're a sweet kid. I wasn't trying to get your pity. You don't have to buy my work for my sake. I had no one else to talk about this with so you made my shoulders a little lighter, little charmer." (Veronica) said as she raised her hand from my head and I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm sad.

"I need it to give it to my friends!" I yelled.

"Wait, you have friends?" (Veronica) looked a little shocked.

Wow okay no need to hit me like that but I do have friends! "My cousin! His crush! And um maybe Rose, remember her?" I point back to the date last weekend where she kept clinging onto me and I had to explain it's not what it looks like.

Veronica does this, "Ohhhhhh..." sound. She rests her hand against her cheek and tilts her head, "I actually thought that was your girlfriend. Pardon me for assuming. You two were just so adorable linking hands." (Veronica)

I'm ten. What are you people shipping kids? Oh god is this how my daughter felt when I teased her with the people she liked? This feeling is horrible for some reason karma struck back.

"But are you really sure you'll buy my baskets because you need them?" (Veronica) looked at me like I was in an interrogation office, man she's scary.

I nod quickly, "Yes! Promise! It's a thank you gift for them!"

She sighs, giving up but I swear I saw that small faint smile on her face as she took out again the best baskets I've ever seen. "These five are the best ones I have. I'll let you off with a 10% discount for being a sweet customer." (Veronica) offered as she wrapped the five cute basket bags and gave them to me.

There were five designs.

A pink rose design, a blue rose design, a yellow dragon one cool, a cute teddy bear one, and last but not least a cat design. Honestly, this is just so good! But I guess if it's baskets no one really needs them here.

"Are you sure about the discount? These all look so high class! It's so cute too!" I look up at Veronica and she nods happily, her mood a little more chipper than before.

"I have never been more sure in my life, now that will be 50 silvers in total." (Veronica) opened her palms and I took the coins out of my pockets and gave them to her. I hope she'll continue to do what she loves in some other way.

I looked around the place and saw a girl adventurer who gave a sigh looking at her leather bag. She looked so dissatisfied with it... Hmm, girls like cute things, wait- girls, cute, and bags.

My head goes into a light bulb as I looked back at Veronica. "Hmm? Is everything alright?"

"What do you think of making cute leather bags for adventurers?" I told her.

She looked at me confused before answering, "N-No? If I'm being honest I don't know what kind of adventurer would even buy my cute designed things."

I smiled encouragingly as the sad girl adventurer walked away into a store, "Oh believe me. I think it'll work. Please try? For me?"

"Hmm... Alright? I'll make five leather bags with my designs. Maybe I'll enjoy it the same as my basket weaving. I actually know how to make leather bags and dye them. My master taught me how but I never thought... oh my you might be onto something, little charmer. I'll see what I can do." (Veronica) gave me the biggest smile she's done yet and got to work.

I also left but I don't know where to go.

I looked down at my shoes, a little tattered but still decent. "Buying new ones, Madelyn or Maddie might notice it and report it to my aunt. After all, I'm supposed to be broke right now."

Honestly, my talent in painting really helped a lot in this world. If not I would have never found Baron Hills and sold my paintings. "I think I need to go to that huge tree again. There are not many people but the view is nice."


I walked into the hill and found the yellow-leafed tree that was slowly changing color. It was turning light blue now, it was so weird but so beautiful. "Fancy seeing you here, Kein."

Oh no. "Rose?"

I saw a small figure running towards me, her expression really happy.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her and she stops from her tracks pouting.

"Am I not allowed to be here? I don't see your name on this tree, meaning you don't own this spot." (Rose) crossed her arms and acted all... um, I don't know how to explain this but I guess I'm in the wrong on this one.

"Fair enough but why do I keep running into you. It's almost getting annoying and I suspect you're stalking me." I pointed my finger at her as I walked under the shade of the tree.

"No, I'm not! This just happens to be my favorite place to be at! No people! No rules! No expectations! Isn't it great?" (Rose) raises her hands happily in the air feeling the breeze on her skin.

Pfft, expectations for a little kid?

"Are you a noble or something?" I ask in a voice intrigued, I slowly sat down under the cold shade of the tree as Rose also sat beside me making me a little surprised she went closer to my respected personal space, our shoulders brushing a little.

Hmm, I'll just ignore that and look up at the nice sky, at the nice sunny weather we're having today.

"Maybe? But then again if I was a noble I wouldn't need to steal an apple back then." (Rose) countered a good reason and that led me to believe- she's probably not one.

Seeing that she gave a good point I'll stop being nosy.

Other than that I noticed that she was wearing a shawl all the time, is it a religious thing?

"Why do you wear a shawl? Is it a religious practice or?" I ask. Definitely curious about this world's customs and culture. After reading yesterday's books there are shrine maidens, sisters of the church, and holy maidens.

It was honestly cool. Maybe she's like a trainee? A broke one, without money. They wear shawls similar to hers, it means their body and face must be pure and must not be seen by anyone.

Rose nods, "It's not really uncommon practice around here. Hold on– wait, you don't know this?"

I nod feeling the same deja vu whenever people ask me things that are supposed to be common knowledge in this world and I don't know those. Well time to put my sob story on, "Um. My parents died, I wasn't taught much of anything. That's why I'm well... I was living under a rock I suppose."

Rose slowly stops her hands for a moment before continuing the tone of her voice was guilty, "I'm sorry about your parents. "

I shook my head, it's really alright. I haven't really bonded with them or even know them but I'm sure the real owner of this body would probably miss them a lot. After all, when I read the real Kein's diary her mom seemed like a very nice woman and her father as well.

"Don't worry about it. I'm already way past that. Well what's the reason you wear a shawl?" I ask deflecting the subject of the real Kein's parents because well Rose will just get more sad from the looks of it.

"Well, it's a holy practice of keeping one's innocent and pure figure by not letting anyone see them except for their husband, and family." (Rose) said as she grabbed the end of her red shawl. "It's a little annoying. We have to serve the goddess while wearing this. I don't like it, it's itchy."

I can understand. This reminds me of a religion back on earth and I respect their customs, and beliefs. Still for a kid like her, maybe it's a little hard for her to cope.

"I might not know how that feels but if you ever need to vent about it maybe let me know." I told her as I gave her a smile and looked at the sky again.

"Did anyone ever tell you, you're really sweet?" (Rose) nudged my side and I stifled a small groan.


The burning sensation was still there. Magic fires have it worse than regular fire. Rose glances up at me worriedly when I said ow.

"What's wrong?! Did I hurt you?" (Rose) yelled the tone of her voice worried as she quickly looked at my side, the part that she nudged.

I held my side carefully and shrugged trying to reassure Rose, "No, it's from doing too much work."

"Don't lie to me. I can sense something is wrong. Let me see." (Rose) tried reaching for me but I gently pushed her hand away. She purses her lips and looks at me the way I never thought I would see anyone do for a long time.

"Come on, show me. M-Maybe I can..." (Rose)

She stutters a bit as she plays with her fingers. "I can help?"

I scoffed, "I don't know how you'll help with a burn actually..." I told her expecting to be disappointed and sad but instead.

"Did you say burn?!" (Rose) cheerfully takes something out of her pocket showing it to me.

"This is... an ointment for burns. High quality stuff too." I inspected the product more carefully and saw a familiar logo at the bottom.

"Magicare? Did you buy this at Madam Prisha's?" I ask Rose as I glanced up at her suspiciously worried that she stole something again. "Don't tell me you stole this- I thought you were done stealing, Rose."

"Hey no! This was given to me by that person who said they owned the shop! They practically shoved it on me!" (Rose) crossed her arms huffing as I gave her back the ointment.

This is weird.

The first contact I had with Madam Prisha they gave me doubled the healing ointment and I used it on Rose when she got her hand wounded.

"Do you think they're psychic? They asked me if I knew you, I told them I did and then they gave me this." (Rose) muttered enough for me to hear as she opened the ointment.

I tilt my head, "I did think of it but... maybe they have the magic to see the future or something? This isn't the first time this happened after all. Remember when you cut your hand when you were trying to get down the tree?"

Rose nods, applying the ointment on her hands, "Yeah, what about it?"

"They gave me that healing ointment I used on you. They said I'll need it but specifically Madam Prisha didn't say what. Well who knew it was meant for you." I told her.

I can see Rose smiling under that shawl as she turns to meet my gaze, I met her beautiful gray eyes and thin arched eyebrows that looked at me kindly, "I'm glad they did then."

I looked away once I realized our faces were close. However it was a good thing I moved quickly enough to hide my face in shame.

"Now where is this burn you accidentally got while 'working'?" (Rose) asked sarcastically, clearly impatiently and I sigh.

"If I show you my back or sides. Will you please not ask questions?" I turn to meet her again but this time more serious.

Rose blinks her eyes confused but willing to cooperate since she realized she might never get the chance to heal me after, "Fine. Just because you asked. Now let the doctor see the damage."

I laugh, "Shouldn't it be like some holy maiden and not a doctor?"

"I don't like holy maiden. Now come on, the ointment on my hands are going to dry off and be gone to waste if you keep talking!" (Rose) yells.

I finally gave up. I feel like she'll still chase after me even if I run away so I did what she told me to do. I pulled my blouse up a little just so she can see my sides and a part of my back. "No questions."

"R-Right... but this is horrible!" (Rose) muttered. I can feel her staring at my back and honestly I'm a little hesitant about it, especially that she's been applying ointment on me in an actual public place. I know there's about three huge scars on my side, two small ones in my stomach, and a burn mark on my back.

I bite my lip a little concerned about my looks now but it is what it is.

I shrug, "Like you said hurry up or else that ointment will dry in your hands."

I felt Rose move a little before her hands wandered around my back and sides, "Tell me if it hurts okay?"

I nod, "I'm sure nothing you'll do will hurt me like they did."

Rose's eyes widened and I just realized what I said, "Who hurt you?!" (Rose) yelled as she accidentally pressed too hard on my back and I groaned. "Ouch. Please be gentle." I asked Rose who looked at me guiltily at first before looking mad.

"I'm sorry! Hey-! Who hurt you? Who is they?!" (Rose) yelled, applying more ointment in her hands.

"That's a question and I said no questions about it."

"But when I asked if it hurts you answered-" (Rose)

"I answered that because it's about my back. Now please, I really don't want to talk about it."

I told her and she finally stopped asking and focused on my back. I know she wanted to know more but I didn't feel like telling a kid how horrible it was. I don't want Rose to worry about me too or ask more questions.

The soft gentle touch was soothing to me. Honestly, it feels nice... "Have you... ever done this before?" I ask her, feeling a little awkward but still... I don't think I can handle the silence any longer.

I feel her shaking her head, "No... am I doing it wrong? Does it hurt anywhere I should know? I'm sorry maybe I should be more gentle-" (Rose)

I stopped her and I laughed. I placed my hands on my knees, "No, honestly you're too kind. You're doing good, it feels nice."

I feel Rose stop for a moment before continuing to apply ointment, "Hmph, I'm the best doctor there is."


That was adorable. "Yes, yes thank you doctor."

"Now, rest well and try to stay out of trouble won't you, Kein?" (Rose) scolded me as she pulled my blouse down.

I turned my gaze back to her. Somehow it feels a little more painless now. Like there's this feeling of comfort and that everything will be okay. "Rose, I mean it. Thank you."

Rose looks away from me, I can't see her face but I feel from the expression on her eyes she's happy.

"You're welcome and I guess we're even now." (Rose) played with her fingers as we both sat down under the shade of the tree for a few minutes in silence.

It was the most comforting moment I've ever had since coming into this world. I don't like anyone invading my personal space but maybe if it's Rose...

"I guess I don't mind it if it's you." I muttered to myself, thankfully I know Rose didn't hear it because when I glanced at her she was distracted looking over the city, she's admiring.

I wanted to stay like that for a long time.

Hmm perhaps Rose is like a little sister to me. That's why I feel comfortable letting her in. I hope she feels the same.


Rose: I like you!

Kein: I like you too?

Rose: No! More than friends!

Kein: So bestfriends?

Rose: ...hnghhhhh

Kein: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I think I like you too.

Rose: Would you want to see my face then?

Kein: Sure?

Rose: *Takes off shawl* So what do you think?

Kein: You are indeed beautiful outside and inside. I was wrong to think the beauty you possess now would be impossible to top at but I was wrong.

Rose: Flattery, you never tire of them.

Kein: When it comes to you I know I never will.

Rose: *Dying and blushing inside she can't speak*

This is not cannon yet XD

Zerin_Lee Zerin_Lee


Rose: I like you!

Kein: I like you too?

Rose: No! More than friends!

Kein: So bestfriends?

Rose: ...hnghhhhh

Kein: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I think I like you too.

Rose: Would you want to see my face then?

Kein: Sure?

Rose: *Takes off shawl* So what do you think?

Kein: You indeed beautiful outside and inside. I was wrong to think the beauty you possess now would be impossible to top at but I was wrong.

Rose: Flattery, you never tire of them.

Kein: When it comes to you I know I never will.

Rose: *Dying and blushing inside she can't speak*

This is not cannon yet XD

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