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69.23% The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: PHOh God

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18: PHOh God

Paige Mcabee (Canary)

Sitting in her cell, Paige accepted the simple truth. She was birdcage bound and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

She couldn't try and convince anyone of her innocence, that she didn't mean for things to go like this, because she was literally gagged to prevent her from mastering anyone she spoke to.

She couldn't even hire a better lawyer instead of the one they assigned her, one she'd never even met yet, because her finances were frozen and even if they weren't she wasn't allowed to leave her cell to actually hire someone.

Dragon has been apologetic, and she truly seemed to mean it, but it didn't help her. They'd held her trial, without even bothering to bring her out of the cell, and comparisons between her and the fucking Simurgh were being thrown around, so they decided the only place for a dangerous cape who mastered millions of people (because she'd been charged for every single person who listened to her music) was the Birdcage.

Where she'd probably die within a week, if she was lucky.

She couldn't even bring herself to cry anymore, she had no more tears to spill and it wouldn't change anything anyway.

Hearing a commotion, she didn't even look up at first, before gunshots rang out and she jumped, looking at the door as she paid attention to the shouting and sounds of violence coming from down the hallway.

As her door was unlocked, she tensed up as it swung open, a smugly smiling blonde woman in a purple catsuit walking into her cell.

"Don't worry, we aren't here to hurt you. Quite the opposite actually, we're your ticket out of this place." She said, quickly moving forwards and reaching up to the high tech gag, doing something she couldn't see before it simply came undone and she tossed it over to the side. "I'm Tattletale, leader of the Undersiders, and our employer has tasked me with getting you out of here."

"Not afraid I'll master you?" Paige asked scornfully as she laughed.

"Nope, and even if you did we have some assistants who are immune to master powers, plus Bitch might have something to say about that." Tattletale said, as one of the guards went flying past the door, propelled by a massive furred werewolf who looked into the room and snarled something at Tattletale.

"I know, look I know you have questions but we are on a time limit. We've delayed their reinforcements but we only have a short window to get you out, my employer is Midas, he's a villain based in Brockton Bay and the founder of the League of Villains, you've been incarcerated since before he showed up, so you haven't heard of him. You can either come with us, and Midas can protect you from the PRT, or you can stay here and you'll be in the Birdcage by the end of the month. Your choice." Tattletale said calmly, making her scoff.

"That's not much of a choice." Canary said as she sighed. "Lead the way."

She had no idea who Midas was, but she wasn't going to the Birdcage, anything seemed better than that.


Tattletale was smart, and she'd found a way to temporarily cut off the prisons system from the outside world, blinding her as she lost access to their systems and cctv.

But she wasn't perfect, and it had taken her only a minute to get back in, reluctantly impressed at how quickly Tattletale and the Undersiders had acted.

Watching Canary leave her cell, running behind Tattletale she paused.

She had no choice but to alert the PRT about this break out, but as she watched Canary reluctantly mount a giant transformed hound, she hesitated.

She had no desire to send Paige to the Birdcage, it wasn't a place for a girl like her, and while she was duty bound to alert them, literally unable to do otherwise thanks to her coding, she could delay it.

Paige would end up in the hands of Midas, and under the protection of the League of Villains. That… could end poorly for the heroes, Paige's power had terrible potential, and in the hands of a villain like Midas it could be truly devastating.

Mentally, she was already developing countermeasures for Canary's power, planning on arranging for Brockton Bay's M/S protocols to be upgraded, and assigning a subroutine to monitor the city that seemed to be the center of so much lately.

She wouldn't sentence an innocent girl to a life in a literal hell just because of what she could do, that was a dangerous path and one that she wouldn't walk, instead she'd just prepare to mitigate the damage her decision could cause.

By the time she finally sent the message, she knew it was too late and when she heard that they'd lost her trail she gave a secret smile.

She also raised Midas's priority level, increasing her monitoring of his actions. Just to be safe.

If Paige showed signs of distress under him, she'd go deal with him herself, she didn't want Paige to swap from one prison to another.

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Topic: Canary's Flight

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► New York

Posted On Mar 18th 2011:

The title says it all, Canary has escaped.

Or to be more precise, she was busted out of the holding facility they were keeping her at by the Undersiders of all people, and since there are rumours that the Undersiders work for King Midas then it's likely Canary was freed on his orders.

My sources tell me that the Undersiders managed to cut the facility off from the outside world, preventing them from calling for reinforcements, and while they were disconnected, stormed the place and freed Canary, who left with them willingly.

There weren't any casualties though some people were pretty badly injured by the werewolf figure that's been seen around Brockton Bay (rumoured to be Hellhound herself)

Dragon got the system back online, but by the time she worked out what was happening they'd already fled and headed into the woods around the facility, and all attempts to track them failed due to false leads left by Hellhounds dogs.

We have some security footage recovered from the facility, or gathered from traffic cameras, but it's all pretty bad quality.

Werewolf (Hellhound?) takes on the guards

[vid1] [vid2] [pic1] [pic2] [pic3]

Canary leaves the facility with Tattletale on dogback


Puppeteer in disguise takes control of a guard, gaining access to the security room


(Showing page 1 of 18)

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Because just having van sized monster hounds wasn't enough, now the Undersiders have a giant werewolf as well.

She looks like she's at least eight feet tall, maybe more, and her claws tore through that security door like it was made of wet tissue paper.

It's definitely Hellhound/Bitch, it's no coincidence that she hasn't been seen since the Werewolf showed up.

So Midas is a power modifier confirmed?

Also, good. Canary's entire trial was bullshit and anyone paying attention can see that, this entire situation smelt worse than those guards' trousers after Werewolf Hellhound showed up and clawed her way through a metal door.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Werewolf Bitch is kinda sexy

►Forgotten Creator

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


She's nine foot tall, covered in fur and has claws that can rend metal, and you think she's sexy?


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I know what I said.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

As much as I think Canary didn't deserve the Birdcage, Midas with a master sounds like a bad combination.

He's a self proclaimed villain, leader of a gang and the founder of the group called the League of Villains. He's not exactly hiding that he's a bad guy.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

A bad guy who's improved his city more in a month than the PRT has in years.

►Answer Key

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Can we not get into another argument about whether Midas is good or bad again, please?

La Brava will start ranting again and nobody wants that.

►La Brava (Verified Midas Fangirl)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


Canary makes good music, and she doesn't deserve to be punished so much for a honest mistake.

I don't need to tell you all my opinion on King Midas, I think it's pretty obvious at this point.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Oh, I'm absolutely bad.

It just happens that a little bad can do a lot of good if done properly.

Don't worry, I plan to upgrade Canary with an off switch so she can sing without accidentally mastering anyone. What can I say, I'm a fan.

Honestly, comparing a singer with the Simurgh is utterly ridiculous, the PRT should be ashamed. This is why so many people prefer to remain independent.

End of Page 1.

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►Bitch (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Werewolf is me. Midas gave me a new power.

It's fun.

Also, not Hellhound.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Bitch are you seeing anyone?

►Bitch (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Don't care about people, got dogs


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Wait… do you think she and her dogs…

Moderator Edit: Completely off topic, and none of your business anyway.

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

She doesn't, not that it will stop the fanfics and pics (there's seventeen of Bitch and her dogs btw)

Besides, Bitch isn't interested in relationships like normal people, she has a very animalistic mindset, so to 'date' her you'd have to be her Alpha, so you'd have to beat her current Alpha, King Midas.

Good luck.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

You are welcome to try, I suppose.

Sophia Hess

Sitting in the back of the prison van, she stewed in her rage, feeling betrayed that they'd support that fucing weakling Hebert over her, when she'd done so much for the PRT.

She wanted to put a bolt through Piggy's eyes, but with her arms bound in tinkertech cuffs, that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

She was bound for Juvie, allegedly on 'drug related charges', the fuckers were making her out to be a junkie to hide the fact that they were locking up one of their wards.

'Shadow Stalker' would be transferred to another city, and retire soon after, while she rotted away in Juvie.

They even had the gall to tell her that she could shorten her sentence by taking part in Endbringer attacks, they didn't want her but they sure as fuck still wanted her powers.

She wanted to make them all pay, but bound in Tinkertech she didn't see that happening anytime soon.

As the van she was in came to a sudden halt, making her bang into the side as she was thrown around, she paused.

She could hear fighting outside, and as the van slowly turned to gold, she grinned despite herself.

A harsh screeching sound drew her attention to the back of the van, where one of the doors was being violently pried away, large grey clawed hands ripping away at the metal as the door was tossed aside.

"It's your lucky day, brat." the reptilian man growled, tossing her a black mask which she caught and quickly put on her face as he snapped the chains keeping her seated, just leaving the tinker tech bracket that stopped her from using her power as she followed him out of the van, a prison jumpsuit and a blank black mask covering her as she looked around.

"Ahh, there you are." Midas said easily, walking up to her and placing his gloved hand on her bracelet, turning it to gold as she quickly switched forms and watched the bracelet drop to the floor.

Switching back, she grinned fiercely as she stretched, free from her bonds.

"What's this gonna cost me?" Sophia asked quickly, knowing that nothing was free, especially when she already owed Midas for hiding her weapons.

"We can save this for later, you have three choices before you. You can run, in which case the PRT will quickly recapture you. You can stay here and submit to your… punishment, I'm sure the PRT would mount a little golden star on your record for being so compliant." Midas joked, making her scoff.

"Or I can come with you, and join your gang." Sophia finished, making him smile. Something about him didn't seem quite right, his smile seemed ever so slightly different than before but she had no idea why.

"And the PRT won't be able to touch you, as long as you remain in my territory and under my protection." Midas agreed, making her turn and glance towards where Assault and Battery were.

Assault's outfit was damaged, claw marks cutting into it as Cheetah hissed at him from the villain's side, and Battery seemed injured as well, a pink haired, grey skinned girl in goth clothes grinning at them with pink energy glowing around her hands.

That was the one she couldn't identify, but the PRT guys said she was called Jinx or something?

There were other capes around as well, Dusty Ash was controlling a large dust storm and blinding the PRT guards, thick clouds of dust circling around their eyes, White Rabbit was sitting on the van itself, grinning down at them. Killer Croc was growling towards the heroes and a man in a hooded costume with a gas mask covered by a scarecrow mask was staring them down intimidatingly, gas canisters attached to his waist with tubes filled with orange gas wrapped around his body.

"Shadow Stalker, don't do this." Battery said, panting slightly as she clutched her side.

"And go spend the rest of my days in jail? Yeah, I don't think so." Sophia scoffed, turning to Midas and giving him a nod.

He'd probably be a better boss than Piggy, and she couldn't deny that being an enforcer for a gang lord was probably more suited for her anyway.

She'd just uphold the law in his territory, which would probably be half of Brockton Bay soon, and she'd probably see a lot more action as well.

"Cheetah, take Shadow Stalker to the League headquarters. I'll join you both soon." Midas said, giving her a nod and a smile. "No hard feelings, you two? I respect your talents, even if I think you're fighting a losing battle. You can't fix anything wrapped in so much red tape, but you have my respect for trying regardless. Send my regards to your boss, but I think it's time for you all to leave." Midas said bluntly, the villain's backing him up as Assault and Battery glanced at each other.

She could see them listening to their ear pieces, orders coming through, and nodding they both backed away, unwilling to take the fight with the larger group, especially with the possibility that more League members were waiting in the wings.

Typical PRT cowardice.

Not that she had to care anymore.

The fact that this was going to cause Piggy and the PRT a load of shit made her grin under her mask, and getting into the armoured car with the cat-woman she watched out of the window as the heroes were made to just sit back and watch her escape.

Emma Barnes

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Topic: Shadow Stalker has turned villain?!

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

Sothoth (Original Poster)

Posted On Mar 18th 2011:

So, I'm not the only one who is confused as fuck right?

Midas and a bunch of villains attacking a prison transport leaving the Rig was surprising, but not really unexpected. The fact that they'd were confident enough to do it in the middle of the day was unexpected but when I saw the videos I thought it'd be a villain who came out of the back.

Then a teenage girl in a prison jumpsuit came out, and the moment Midas turned whatever was around her wrist to gold, she turned into a very familiar living shadow and escaped it.

Why was Shadow Stalker in a prison transport? Why did she leave with the villains? Where did Midas even get so many villains?

(Showing page 1 of 37)


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Oof, the PRT are not gonna like this.

All the shit that's gone on lately and now a Ward has turned villain?

I liked Shadow Stalker better when she was a independent Vigilante anyway, she actually did things then, instead of just patrolling the Boardwalk and other safer parts of the city.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

She also shot people with real crossbow bolts, I know the PRT have claimed that she never killed anyone before she joined the Wards but really?

A teenager running around skewering people with crossbow bolts and not one of them died?

She was brutal, and she was arrested which is why she had to join the wards, and now she's probably working for Midas who has set a precedent for brutally punishing criminals in his territory.

I think anyone causing trouble in Midas's territory should watch out for a crossbow bolt to the back.

►Roulette (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member )

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I can answer one of those, where Midas got so many villains.

White Rabbit and Scarecrow are a part of the Golden Syndicate, working directly for King Midas.

Killer Croc, Dusty Ash, Cheetah and Jinx are all members of the newly formed League of Villains, and were likely hired to provide support for the breakout.

I should know, I'm one of the founding members after all.

I'm sure King Midas will make a proper announcement later on, but it's no secret that we exist, we aren't exactly hiding after all.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Okay, I actually work in one of the buildings and I saw something nobody seems to have.

[img1] [img2]

Who are these two and why were they just watching the fight?

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Star Sapphire and Blackfire, both very powerful and extremely dangerous.

Blackfire has a very high body count and allegedly threw down with Lung himself, better yet she walked away unscathed.

Star Sapphire is best known for killing Green Lantern, if she wasn't so good at fighting Endbringers she'd probably have been birdcaged already. She's kept to herself since killing GL, only coming out of hiding to join Endbringer fights.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I'm guessing Midas made arrangements for them to join the fight if the PRT decided to try and fight the villains

A bit overkill but when you have the resources why not I guess?

Plus it sets a precedent that he'll always have more villains than you can see, and make other groups less likely to be willing to fight him in case some stupidly powerful villain is waiting in the wings.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Okay, my sources have been extremely tight-lipped about this but I've managed to gather a bit about what the hell is going on.

So, Shadow Stalker was on probation already for what she did before she joined the Wards, it's not really a secret but it's not something the PRT liked to spread around.

Then she broke that probation to spy on Midas, got captured alongside the ex-Ward, now independent hero Huntress (who is quite probably still in Midas's hands), and Midas let her go a day later, then something happened after she was handed back to the PRT but I'm not 100% sure what.

People are saying it's connected to Shadow Stalker's civilian identity, which is why it's so hush hush but it was bad enough that they had to arrest her and were planning on sending her to Juvie (which was her other option if she didn't agree to become a ward)

Also, it sounds like it happened weeks ago, and it's just coming back to bite her now, which ruins my theory that Midas mastered her while he had her captive

They were probably going to cover it up, 'transfer' Shadow Stalker to another city then have her retire while she serves her sentence.

Then Midas hits the transport, it becomes public knowledge and now the PRT are running around like headless chickens because we've had Wards die, we've had Wards retire… but have we ever had a Ward turn villain?

Not to mention, Shadow Stalker has been the PRT's poster girl for how independent vigilantes can flourish in the PRT, and now it turns out she's not been flourishing at all.

►ShadowStalker (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Yeah, now that I don't have Piggy hovering over me getting pissy at everything I say or do that isn't PG, lemme go on record and say fuck the PRT.

If you're an independent hero and they try and get you to join, just fuckinh run. It ain't worth it.

They forced me to become a Ward, it was that or Juvie after some skinhead fuck I shot bled out. Like the city is gonna mourn some nazi fucker.

Oh, and now that I don't have the PRT controlling my image, take a close look at my hands in the video.

See that black skin? Yeah, that's right Nazis, you've been getting your ass kicked by a little black girl. Master race my ass.

I'm sat in a fancy ass hotel room now, can't say I ever wanted to go villain but Midas does more good for the city than the PRT ever did anyway.

If actually getting to fight villains again means I have to wear a gold mask, fuck it I'm down.

I just kinda wish this had happened before he finished off the Merchants, wouldn't have minded introducing Skidmark to one of my bolts.

Oh and someone get that stupid tag off my name.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 35, 36, 37

Staring at her phone, she frowned as she read through the many, many posts in this thread. Sophia had a lot of issues with the PRT, and now that she wasn't a part of them she had no trouble airing them all as she insulted Piggot, Armsmaster, and pretty much everyone else.

She knew a lot of these of course, but now Sophia was throwing it out in the open for the whole world to see.

As her phone vibrated she read the message and her eyes shot open.

'Hebert is a cape, triggered in the locker, joining the Wards, that's why they wanted 2 lock me up. Warn your dad, you and Madz will probs need a lawyer.' Delete this message immediately don't reply'

Following the order, she deleted the message with wide eyes.

Taylor triggered? Over a fucking prank?

She went through literal hell without triggering and Taylor got superpowers from being locked into a dirty locker for a bit?

That was complete bullshit, and she wasn't going down because the wimp managed to somehow get powers, she'd lawyer up and her dad would make prosecuting her and Madison way too much effort.

As she laid in bed, she frowned to herself at the unfairness of it all, she should be the cape, not Taylor.

The more she read of the thread, the more an idea burrowed into her mind.

Midas could upgrade powers, but could he grant them?

Could she become a villain alongside Sophia, instead of just being her confidant?

She'd look sexy in a gold outfit, and even if she'd dreamed of being a hero like Sophia, if Sophia was going villain then she'd want to as well.

Grabbing a pad, she idly sketched a few ideas for what she'd wear as a villain, red and gold was a traditional cape choice, but it was usually worn by heroes.

But then, Midas was going for a benevolent villain thing, so maybe having a sexy redhead under his command.

Hell, maybe she'd take Mads with her so she could have a sidekick.

Her, Sophia and Madison taking the fight to the ABB scum, driving them out of the city.

Giggling to herself, she went back to reading PHO, raising an eyebrow as she spotted the thread by Glory Girl.

As a model herself, she was highly curious to see just how good Glory Girl looked on camera, and the set was affordable, but it was also for charity which was probably why it wasn't the exorbitant price Glory Girl could absolutely charge.

Buying it herself, she looked over the softcore pics with an approving nod. Glory Girl was obviously inexperienced at modeling (though Laserdream seemed very at home on camera), but they had an amazing photographer, good setting as well.

She didn't do many lingerie shoots herself, not out of shyness, half the guys in Winslow probably jerked off to pictures of her, the other half were just too illiterate to find them, but because her dad didn't like it.

He liked to think she was his innocent little girl, who hadn't even held hands with a boy, and having her pose for the camera in just a pair of sexy underwear didn't fit his mental image.

As if she was innocent, the ABB saw to that and her parents didn't even notice that anything had happened, her mother had been convinced she was depressed because Taylor was away.

Because apparently they thought she was that weak that her friend going away for a bit would be enough for her to become depressed and spend most of her time locked in her room.


She hadn't ever heard of the All Seeing Eye modelling agency before, but comments were saying it was owned by Prophet, a new cape.

A cape modeling agency? Huh, that was new.

Alexis Kaye (Punchline)

Looking up from her pc, she blinked in surprise as Harley walked in.

"Harley, what the fuck is that?" Alexis asked, looking over Harley's latest outfit.

The red and black skintight suit worked fine, but Harley had the attention span of one of her hyenas on a sugar high, and she was trying to find something new.

"My new outfit, what'dya think?" Harley asked, doing a little spin on the spot as she stared at her blankly.

"…that's not even remotely a villain outfit. You don't have a mask, and in what world is a ripped t-shirt and a pair of tiny jean shorts a costume? You don't look like a villain, you look like a slightly clown themed rave-slut who's spent the last week on a diet of cocaine and cum." Alexis scoffed, making Harley shrug unconcernedly.

"I mean, Harley Quinn and Harleen Quinzel aren't exactly that different, the PRT are pretty dumb but when one of theirpsychiatrists disappeared only for a new villain with a slightly changed name to show up the next day even they can put two and two together." Harley said unconcernedly. "Besides, if I tried and lived as a civilian, where would I keep my Hyenas?"

"Please change back to your old outfit, we have a bad enough rep without you dressing like a hooker. 'Daddy's little monster?', really?" Alexis sighed, she was almost certain Harley was just fucking with her which was why she wasn't more worried about her actually going out like that.

Their team was a mess, they had no defined leader since she wouldn't take orders from Harley, Harley wouldn't take orders from her and neither of them liked Circus. Plus, with the Joker himself in the Birdcage, they probably weren't going to actually get a leader anytime soon.

Which was probably why she felt exactly zero guilt betraying them, even if there was a slight thrill at the danger since if she got caught she'd be in more trouble than just dealing with Circus and Harley.

But Prophet was offering a large amount of money to play informant on the League, and she wasn't as committed to the whole villain thing anyway, with the Joker gone it just didn't feel worth it.

Harley was convinced he'd be back any day now, but you don't escape the Birdcage and she was a realist, even if he did escape they'd just sign a kill order on him.

Punchline: Didn't know about the attack on the prison transport, sorry.

Prophet: It's fine, Midas understands operational security after all, I don't expect you to know everything and if you show too much interest you'll arouse suspicion. Any progress?

Punchline: I checked their phones, Circus is reporting on the League to someone else, never used names. Harley isn't talking to anyone but herself.

Prophet: I'm fairly certain I already know who Circus is reporting to. Keep your head down for now, I'd rather you occasionally give me a small piece of information and stay safe than have you risk yourself for the chance at gaining a bigger piece of intel.

Punchline: Got it, Harley draws most of the attention anyway so it's easy for me to go unnoticed, even dressed in purple and green.

Prophet: Stay safe, and good luck. Your payment has already been transferred to your account.

She did like how prompt he was when it came to paying her.

The risk was worth it, and if all went well she'd have enough to comfortably retire and ditch the country for somewhere she could live without the Joker's reputation following her.

The Joker had committed countless atrocities, and made sure they were all publicly known. She didn't care that he was a monster, she cared that she was stuck in a gang using his name and didn't have an easy way out.

She was one of the Joker's sidekicks, and while he was the mastermind it didn't change the fact that she'd been the one to set up the giant vats of acid, and kidnap civilians to force heroes to play his games, and with the Joker gone she was stuck bearing the brunt of the anger from people he hurt.

Things were easier when she was just a Joker fangirl in college, she didn't need to worry about all the consequences of villainy, it seemed so much nicer from the outside.

But then when you trigger as a poison tinker, you can't really become a hero.

She just needed to keep safe and she was on easy street, a nice quick path to a comfortable life with a lot of money.

Getting a ping on her phone, she read Harley's message before pausing and opening up PHO.

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Topic: The League of Villains

In: Boards ► General ► Announcements

TheGoldenKing (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Posted On Mar 19th 2011:

Those of you paying attention to the ever growing Cape hotspot of Brockton Bay probably already suspect what I'm here to confirm.

For those that don't know, I am King Midas, leader of the Golden Syndicate, a criminal organisation in Brockton Bay, and the founder of the newly created League of Villains.

I founded the League because it's a universal truth that being an Independent cape is hard, it doesn't matter if you're a Hero, a Villain or a Rogue, the chances are some organisation is going to try and strong arm you into joining them.

Originally I just planned to form an alliance between independent villains in Brockton, but I've always been an ambitious one and after I defeated the Merchants and acquired a considerable amount of territory I realised I could do so much better.

So I built the Oriental Hotel, and founded the League of Villains using the hotel as its headquarters.

After a considerable amount of discussion with the fine moderators of this place, they agreed to let me post this and give members a tag. Personally I think the PRT just want to know who is a part of the League

The League started as a way for villains to stay safe and not be forced into larger organisations but it's quickly grown beyond that, offering a considerable amount of services for Villain's and Rogues who need them, and our services are open to all, though if you aren't a member you will be charged considerably more of course.

While there is only a single Oriental at the moment, located in my territory in Brockton, plans are already in place to build more around the world, two of which are already under construction.

Guild Services currently available:

Neutral meeting grounds - The Oriental is equipped with several highly protected conference rooms, and our assurance that any meeting held on League grounds will be confidential and safe.

Safe Haven - For those among us who are wanted men and women, and let's be honest that's most of us, the League can provide a place to hide, and for the right price we can relocate you (and your family) far from your troubles

Tinkertech - Thanks to an arrangement with Toybox, their services can be commissioned through the League, and I myself have three Tinkers in my organisation. Any Tinkers who want to sell their goods through us are welcome to message either myself or Roulette, you'll be protected and well supplied as we are well aware of how dangerous being a Tinker without support is. Though to be clear, Toybox are not members of the League and wish to remain separate, we are simply acting as the middlemen between them and villains so they don't have to risk meeting villains themselves.

Healing - For those paying attention to Brockton Bay, you've already heard of my healing Tinkertech that I used to cure the addictions and STDs of the many, many junkies and prostitutes the Merchants left behind. It can heal just about anything short of death, and if it can't heal whatever you are afflicted with then you won't be charged.

Contracting - For Capes in need of money, the League has jobs for you, ranging from smuggling and thievery to playing bodyguard and many, many more. We have jobs of all kinds, and will tailor the job to your particular skills. People who wish to hire a cape without needing to approach a villain are invited to send the details to the League and we will ensure the right cape is picked for the job.

On the other side, we can provide assistance for Villains who have jobs already but lack the support to complete it, including Intel, unpowered minions and cape support.

Fencing - For the thieves among us, the League will happily buy your hard-stolen goods from you, and we will be holding auctions to ensure you get the best possible price for your goods.

Lawyers - The League already has several talented lawyers on its payroll, and if the worst should happen and you find yourself in need of legal defence (and don't want to put your fate in the hands of a PRT appointed lawyer), contact us. Even if you can't get access to your finances, we can come to an agreement.

Power Modification - Yes, I know the rumours have been spreading far and fast, so allow me to confirm them. I am a Trump who can modify other peoples powers to an extent. What I can do varies between capes, as it uses your power as the baseline. Prices vary based on the modification you want. I've already given Cheetah the ability to return to a human form, Bitch the ability to turn into a werewolf and Dusty Ash the ability to telepathically control her ash.

We have many other services planned, but we still have work to do before they are ready, so I'll keep those to myself for now.

For any organisations out there, know that trying to force any of our members into your organisation will end poorly for you.

Is any of this legal? Absolutely not, but then… It's called the League of Villains for a reason.

(Showing page 1 of 472)

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Oh shit.

►Deathstroke (Verified League of Villains Member) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

As the man said, anyone wanting to hire me can do so through the League, since I am well aware I can be rather hard to track down at times.

►Roulette (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

As Midas said, we have a lot more services coming soon, and as a specialist in making money, I can promise you that we can make anyone very, very, rich.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

All things considered, Midas is right about one thing

Very few independent capes manage to actually remain independent for very long, no matter whether they are hero, villain or neither.

►TheGentleman (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Interesting, the Elite formed for a similar reason, perhaps we can come to an agreement for one of your hotels to be built in New Vegas, I see no reason the League and the Elite can't cooperate to ensure we both flourish, as long as the League doesn't attempt to take territory belonging to us.

►TheGoldenKing (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

The League doesn't hold territory, I have territory as the leader of the Golden Syndicate, and I'm using that to keep the League safe while we set up but as an organisation the League has no interest in taking territory.

►TheGentleman (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Excellent, then I believe I see a long and fruitful relationship ahead of us.

If your healing tech is as good as you say, I know several Elite members who would be interested in your services.

I'll have to arrange a meeting with the other leaders, it seems we have much to discuss.

►Accord (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

As I have said before, any attempt to take territory in Boston will be brutally resisted.

That said, in exchange for a power modification I have come to an agreement with King Midas and a branch of the Oriental is under construction in my territory.


Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

I get that you're a villain, but if you have healing tech that good then shouldn't you share it? You could save millions of lives, even if you charge a fortune for it you'd be doing a lot of good.

►TheGoldenKing (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Unfortunately things aren't that simple my dear, I've offered a single healing pod to Brockton Bay's General Hospital, but there is so much red tape involved that it could take years before they can accept.

If it was just testing the pod, it wouldn't be so difficult, but between the PRTs suspicion and Medhall's desperate attempts to stop me from cutting into their profits there are many, many people trying to stop it from happening.

I'm more than willing to offer my pods for use during Endbringer attacks and I'm currently working on a more portable version

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Portable, reproducible healing tech would be a massive help in Endbringer battles.

If you are willing to send a sample, I might be able to speed things up considerably.

Don't worry, even if I can work out how to mass produce it, I won't steal your patent.

Villain or not, Tinkers shouldn't backstab each other like that.

►RevUpYour Harley (Verified League of Villains Member) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Woo! Go League

Hey, Mr M. I wanted to ask for a power up but the other two dragged me away saying something about not causing trouble with so many villains around

So what's a girl gotta do to get a power up? I wanna be able to do the whole Bitch thing with my hyenas

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

God this is going to make keeping the wiki accurate hellish

Also, what even is Harley's power?

►RevUpYour Harley (Verified League of Villains Member)(Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Who knows? It's a mystery

►TheGoldenKing (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

We should talk about this in person, when we are both free

►GetJinxed (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Huh, two verified tags in one day

Guess I'm moving up in the world lol


Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Aren't you the girl who blasted Battery with that energy bolt before she tripped over her own feet?

►GetJinxed (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:


It's a bad luck blast, hence the name

►Skidmark (Verified Cape) (Banned)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:

Message Deleted by Moderator

►TheGoldenKing (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 19th 2011:


End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 470, 471, 472

…she was fucked if she got caught spying on them, wasn't she?

No, it'd be fine. It'll all work out well and she'd get out of this rich and happy.


I'll give it a week before I approach Punchline as Midas and use her betrayal to blackmail her into submission.

If she was dumb enough to accept money to spy on me, she has it coming. She doesn't know it was me who made the offer, so if she'd accept money from Prophet she'd accept it from anyone

Bonus Scene - Dragon

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Topic: Power Modification Speculation

In: Boards ► Powers

Valkyr (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)

Posted On Mar 18th 2011:

So, it's confirmed now that Midas is a power modifier, and he claims what he can do with a power varies between different capes

Hellhound's power is based around dogs (or canines I'm guessing), and he gave her the ability to turn into a humanoid wolf

Dusty Ash simply got the power to control her own ash, and Cheetah got an off switch

Which is massive, because Dusty was a bit of a joke cape, without the power to control her dust she couldn't really do much other than be a portable smoke grenade, and Cheetah is a Case 53

If he can allow Cheetah to return to her human form, could he do it for others?

Also, there's rumours that Prophet (confirmed as Midas's twin brother) has the same power, which has been even further confirmed by Glory Girl suddenly becoming a Blaster and Laserdream's forcefields' becoming stronger (she took a direct hit from Fenja recently and while it broke the forcefield it did deflect the attack, where before it would have gone clean through it)

So I wanted to make this thread to discuss what modifications he/they could make to other capes powers

The biggest one I could think of was giving Eidolon another power slot, it stays in the 'theme' of his power while also being a massive increase to the potential of an already amazingly powerful hero

(Showing page 1 of 104)


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Could he give Mount Lady the ability to shrink? It's not the same power but it follows a similar ruleset, and while it wouldn't be as useful depending on how small she could go it could be useful for infiltration, fitting into places not meant for humans


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Could he remove the manton limit on powers? If so then there are countless capes that are a single upgrade away from being truly terrifying

There's also the fact that hundreds of capes would give their first born for an off switch, like he gave Cheetah

►Weld (Verified Cape) (Wards Boston)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

They aren't wrong, if Midas and Prophet can truly give Case 53's a way to turn back to a normal human form…

Well, I got off easy as far as Case 53's go and I'd do a lot to be able to taste, to have my sense of touch since metal skin isn't exactly good for that.

►All-Seeing Eye

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

A big one is that he could do something about Thinker headaches, letting Thinkers use their powers more without getting a head splitting headache.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I wonder if he could let me look human, I mean pink skin and black eyes isn't really a problem and I do look damn good but it'd be nice to be able to go shopping again

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

It'd be great if Clockblocker could actually unfreeze things, you have no idea how long we have wasted sitting around waiting for some mugger he froze to unfreeze.

I'd like to be able to affect space that has people inside it (not the person themselves, just be able to move them around by warping the space around them)

Maybe give Miss Militia the ability to dual-wield?

Just speculating, I have no interest in going to a villain for power ups, though maybe Prophet?

►PopStep (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I think Leet would actually sell his soul for the ability to fix his things

And after my microphone blew up in my face I might just sell my soul for it as well

I don't even know what he could do with my power, it's not like super jumps are particularly useful


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Okay, this is a long shot but I have to take it

My power turned my body into a mass of tendrils that I can't control, nobody can even get close to me because there's a very high chance that I'll just kill them without meaning to and I've been living in a Parahuman Asylum to stop myself from killing anyone I encounter

If Midas, or Prophet, can fix me I'd do just about anything they wanted of me


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Maybe give *redacted* the ability to mark more things, or teleport over further distances?

Edited by moderator: Do not speak her name

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member )

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


Check your pms

►TheOracleofBrocktonBay (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


Check your pms

Ninja'd, by the asshole himself

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member )

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

You always were too slow

►Myrddin (Verified Cape) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Vortrex Don't mention her!

I'm pretty sure she searches her own name and we don't need her able to travel further, the world doesn't need her to be able to get around faster

►The Protector of Rodents (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


►Myrddin (Verified Cape) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:



Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Making it so Velocity could affect things in his breaker form would make him a force to be reckoned with

Did someone say super-speed punches?


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Can he give people powers? I'd make a great hero/villain


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Void, I know where you live after you decided to try hitting on me (seriously don't send selfies and personal information to Internet strangers moron)

If you get powers I will do the world a service and go to your house and shoot you, I'll go to jail if it saves the world from a super-powered you.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


►Newter (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

The ability to turn my hallucinogenic sweat off would be nice

I mean, really fucking nice

It's kinda hard to date when anyone I touch goes on a trip to lala land, and I don't wanna die a virgin (or go the Somnus path, hope the creep is enjoying the Birdcage)

Gregor would probably like to look normal as well

And Labyrinth could really use some extra control

Also Brockton Bay got weird while we were away, I don't know whether I'm excited to get back or I'd rather stay away

But hey, at least I won't have Merchants attacking me to get a hit anymore

►Eidolon (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

A power upgrader? Why am I only hearing about this now?

►Endeavour (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Indeed, surely we should have been informed about this already.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Truly, I wonder why nobody would tell you two?

Oh wait.

►ScaryHatLady (Moderator)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:


What are your prices? I assure you, I can get you quite literally anything if you can remove a blind spot from my power

Wealth, women, your own kingdom?

…Alexandria tied to your bed?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 102, 103, 104

(Showing page 2 of 104)

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I believe I already have all three of those, but more is always good

►Tin Mother (Moderator)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Wait, who are you and how did you become a moderator?

►ScaryHatLady (Moderator)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Step 17: Hack Dragon's systems

It took me three minutes

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Oh, you are a sneaky one

I can't believe I missed that back door, but I'm afraid I can't allow that


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I got what I needed.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 102, 103, 104

Going over her systems carefully, her digital face gave a massive frown as she found the back door 'ScaryHatLady' had used to get access to her systems, breathing a sigh of relief as she realised that she'd only used the back door twice, once to give herself moderator as ridiculous as it seemed.

Her relief didn't last long as she realised what she'd done with the second change, the mystery cape had removed a single rule from her programming, a blind spot she had no idea she had.

It made her ignore the existence of something named 'Ascalon', and after less than a second her frown turned into a furious scowl as she followed the back door, right back to Saint.

It took her a second to take Ascalon from the villain, and a second more to retake control of her stolen tech he had in his base.

Geoffrey Pellick (Saint)

…why are the suits moving?

Why had all his computers just turned off?

"Hello, Saint." Dragon said over the suits speaker, her usually friendly voice Ice cold.


That's why.

Bonus Bonus Scene - The Inevitable

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Topic: March Fics Recommendations

In: Boards ► Fanworks ► Fanfics

Valkyr (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)

Posted On Mar 18th 2011:

It's that time of the month again, and it's a big one this time.

So, King Midas already has way too many fanfics written about him (yes, a lot of them are by La Brava), I don't think I've seen such a fast rise in fics since Midnight debuted.

We also have a new fanfic author who writes at hyper speed apparently, given the speed they post. They're called BronzeAge and they're bafflingly good, like professional author good.

They mostly write fics based around the Brockton Bay cape scene, but I'd recommend checking them out.

So, my recommendations for this month are as follows.

The Underside of Villainy - A smutty fic based around the Undersiders, which admittedly takes a lot of liberties with their personalities… and is also dead after Tattletale left a review with the authors name and home address on a chapter of her in a fourway with Grue, Puppeteer and Regent.

Worshipping the Angel - a femdom fic with Valefor and the Simurgh, it's surprisingly well written (okay, I know we are just memeing that BrokenWings is actually Valefor, but this is the twentieth fic he's written about Valefor and the Simurgh)

The King's Conquest by our own La Brava - It's a smut fic of Midas (oh sorry King Midas, don't hurt me La Brava) and basically every female cape, villain and hero. There's already a lot of chapters, and they're very well written.

Follow the White Rabbit - A surprisingly wholesome smut fic about King Midas and the White Rabbit by BronzeAge

(Showing page 1 of 274)


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Didn't we agree to stop lewding the Simurgh, the Hope Killer, destroyer of cities and dreams? She doesn't even have the right parts.

Also, BronzeAge is stupidly good at writing, wonder if they'd read actually new at writing or if they are a different author just writing under a new name.

Their MidasxNewWave fic is amazing

►La Brava (Verified Midas Fangirl)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

*King Midas

Also, I'd recommend pretty much anything by BronzeAge, since they always use King Midas as their male mc (clearly they have good taste)


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I agreed to no such thing.

And I'm definitely not Valefor, I just think he's hot and makes an amazing Male MC, that's all.

►Mane Magenta

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

There's a new one by PatriotChick with Miss Militia and Midas that's pretty good

Also, there's like three dozen Female SI's with Midas of various quality. Turns out a well spoken villain in a fancy suit is what gets the girls going.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

There's a pretty good slash one of King Midas and Prophet, not surprising since they are allegedly rivals and writers love turning rivals into lovers..

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member )

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

…Prophet is my brother, my identical twin brother.

Though yes, we are rivals.

Well, he sees himself as my rival, he's mostly just a nuisance


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Sorry dude, but if you were hoping to stop people from writing fics of you two, you did the exact wrong thing.

They'll probably be four more before the end of the day

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Oh well, the Internet will do what the Internet will do, just remember I'm the top

Prophet's always been a little bitch.

►TheOracleofBrocktonBay (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

I hate you.

And I'm still the older brother

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

By seven minutes, and perfection takes time

Maybe if they'd left you in for a few more months you wouldn't be such a disappointment

Also Royal Reward by La Brava was a good one, even if it was odd reading about myself.

►La Brava (Verified Midas Fangirl)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Oh god, you read my fics?

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

Don't worry, I was flattered and yours were some of the better ones.

I've read every fic that includes myself, I'm a very fast reader and don't actually need to sleep.

It's been an… interesting time.


Replied On Mar 18th 2011:

You poor man, why would you do that to yourself

Also, Golden Touch was a good one, first time I've seen a sub Scion fic, it's a shame it's the only one Fortuna has written, she has real talent even if her authors notes are rambling nonsense

Also Definitely Not L33T wrote another fic about Leet and Popstep, but it's pretty badly written tbh. I get the feeling whoever wrote it has no idea how relationships actually work. I'd recommend it just because there's surprisingly little about Popstep.

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