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19.23% The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Negotiations

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: Negotiations

As I plot out my night, you can't just jump into a triple murder after all, the ping from a new message on PHO makes me jump slightly.

I have two accounts now, TheGoldenKing for Midas and TheOracleOfBrockton for Prophet, and I've even assigned one of my hackers to watch the Brockton threads full time and make a note of anything important that happens.

I'm making my own database of capes and factions in Brockton, their numbers, powers, and what territory they control.

Opening my message as Midas, I chuckle at how impatient Glory Girl is.

I finished texting her as Prophet less than half an hour ago.

GloryGirl: I know you're the one posting my pics online, and I know you've found out a lot from my messages.

TheGoldenKing: Impressive, or it would be if you were capable of working it out yourself. New Wave doesn't have a Thinker, and I doubt the PRT bothered getting involved over some stolen nudes. I don't suppose you want to save me the ten minutes it'll take me to work it out and tell me who I need to speak to about interfering in my plans?

It's rather surreal to idly threaten… myself.

GloryGirl: What makes you think a Thinker was involved? Maybe you just aren't as subtle as you think.

TheGoldenKing: Don't waste both of our time trying to bluff a high-level Thinker, I'll figure it out myself. Does this whole endeavour actually have a point? Should I expect New Wave to kick down my front door?

After a moment, my Prophet phone gets another message making me laugh out loud as I read it.

'I kinda confronted Midas online… and he already worked out that a Thinker helped me. Sorry.'

Attached to it is a screenshot of our conversation, making me chuckle as I reply.

'Don't worry, he was always going to figure that out sooner rather than later, I've made some precautions for when he works out it's me. My headache hasn't gone away yet but I can help a little before I collapse. He already knows you haven't told anyone, and even if you do I'm fairly sure he's made arrangements for the Wards identities and your rather brutal treatment of criminals to be exposed if anything happens to him. He can be reasoned with, and Midas believes in keeping his word when he gives it, get him to agree to something and he'll keep his side of the deal as long as you do the same.'

'Shit. I hate dealing with Thinkers… it's so much easier when you can just punch the bad guy. Err, no offence. Get some rest, I'll handle this.'

'None taken, and just be careful. Good night and good luck.'

'Thanks again, P! Sleep well, sorry for the trouble.

It takes a couple of minutes before she replies to Midas, making me chuckle to myself as I watch the little notification that she is writing appear and disappear repeatedly.

GloryGirl: You already know I haven't told anyone. Look, I don't care what you do with the pictures. If it wouldn't hurt Amy as well, I'd say post the pics and texts from me accidentally crippling those thugs as well, but I won't let you reveal my friends' identities because of my mistake. Destroy my reputation if you want to, but leave them out of it. So what do you want?

TheGoldenKing: What makes you think I want anything from you?

GloryGirl: Now who's wasting our time? Did I beat you up before you triggered or something? You obviously have a grudge against me. So what do you want? You wanna humiliate me? I'll do my patrols naked, hell give me a location and I'll film a fucking sex tape with you if it stops you from holding the Wards identities hostage.

TheGoldenKing: You think I'd give up intel like this just to fuck you? If you think my goal only goes as deep as humiliating you, you're as delusional as you are arrogant. You're a stepping stone, Glory Girl, just a pawn on a board of far more important pieces.

GloryGirl: Then what the fuck do you actually want? What do you get out of all this? What do you even want to get out of all this?

TheGoldenKing: Brockton Bay, for what is a king without a kingdom?

She sends a few more questions, digging for information to send to Prophet later, but I stop responding, leaving her frustrated.

I have scheming to do, and I'll let her stew in her confusion and frustration, the fact that she doesn't know what I want from her will be stuck in her mind and that's exactly what I want.

Glory Girl -

As it became clear he wasn't going to reply, she opened his profile and started going over his posts. She was no Thinker but he was fairly active and surely he'd said something that'd give her an idea of what the hell she'd done to get his attention.

She knew she was in trouble, the PRT liked her even less than it liked most independents, as it didn't like any cape that wasn't on its payroll.

She had a habit of butting in on Ward patrols to spend time with Dean, or showing up at crimes that the PRT was dealing with and disobeying their orders to not get involved so she could punch villains in the face.

She'd had to sign countless files to deal with the fact that she knew the identities of most of the Wards, and she'd realised just how badly she'd broken those agreements now.

She hadn't told anyone their identities, but she had been too laid back and that had exposed Dean. She never imagined anyone else would get her hands on her phone, and through her exposing Dean she'd given Midas all he needed to locate the others.

The PRT would be out for blood if he exposed them, and she doubted his blood alone would satisfy them when the leak was followed back to her.

It'd destroy any friendly relationship between New Wave and the PRT, maybe that was what he wanted?

Midas knew the risks of threatening the wards like this, he was too smart not to, but he was far too confident. He had a plan and she was a part of it, a piece on his board and she couldn't tell if she was working against his plan or playing her part without ever realising it.

She needed to know the details of his plan, it was the only way they'd have a chance of actually stopping him, otherwise any attempt to stop him would have catastrophic consequences.

Reading his posts, she scowled to herself. She'd think of something, even if that something was just to play his game until she had enough information for Prophet to figure out the master plan.

To protect Amy and her friends from paying for her mistakes, she had to stop Midas.

Amy -

To protect Vicky, that was what she repeated in her head as she took the picture, sending it to her blackmailer.

He'd asked for another one, he hadn't even bothered to repeat his threats this time, he knew how tight the leash around her neck was, he knew he didn't need to.

If he expected a picture of her in just her panties to be as enticing as Vicky's, he was mistaken because she only owned boring underwear.

'I have to say, your robes are very deceiving. Perhaps you should follow your sister's example and replace those boring robes with a nice short dress, after all why would you ever want to hide such a nice ass after all?'

'Fuck you, I did what you want now go away.'

'Fine, fine. I'll give you a reprieve, for now at least. I'll be seeing you soon, Amy.'

Growling to herself, she tossed her phone away and grabbed her pyjamas, getting dressed again as she forced down her blush.

It was all to protect Vicky, that was worth any embarrassment she had to go through.

Going to bed, she drifted off into a restless sleep, waking up in a cold sweat hours later, her heart beating and her panties damp.

Cursing the moment she heard Midas's name, she showered and changed her underwear, grumbling to herself as she went down for breakfast.

Sitting at the table, she noticed the bags under Vicky's eyes, she hadn't slept well either, and she was already completely focused on her phone.

Probably just another argument with Dean, it'd explain the irritated expression.

Jin -

Heading out into the night, I double check my outfit, a large knife and my cheap black hoodie, and mentally prepare myself for what's to come.

I don't want these killings attributed to Midas, so I've changed my look for the occasion, black cargo pants and a black hoodie with a expressionless white plastic mask to hide my face.

I've had my minions find me my first two targets, and setting off I quickly track down one of them, the rough looking man leaning against a lamppost looking bored.

Approaching him, I don't even hide my presence and I'm not wearing my mask as he looks up, putting his phone away.

"Are you… umm-" I say hesitatingly, putting the right amount of worry in my tone as he chuckles.

"First timer, huh? If you're looking to get your dick wet, you've come to the right place. You got a price range?" the pimp says with a smirk.

"Money isn't an issue." I say quickly, making him smile at me.

"Good to hear, in that case you got a preference? If you don't mind paying extra, I can get you just about anything. White, Black, Asian, Latino, young or old. If you like them younger, we got this new teen recently, barely used. Tightest little cunt I've fucked in years, she's shit at giving head though, noisy too." he says, grabbing his phone and showing me a picture of an obviously very nervous naked girl, looking like she's being forced to pose at gunpoint. At a guess I'd say she's fourteen at the oldest.

It's interesting fighting the merchants, because no matter what I'm doing I somehow feel like the good guy.

"Yeah, I'll take her." I say, putting a bit of lust into my voice as he chuckles, starting to dial a number.

He's looked away from me to make his phone call, and that will be his last mistake. Drawing my knife, I move quickly and slash at him, aiming for his throat as he turns around, his eyes widening as the blade opens his neck, blood spurting out onto my hoodie.

He reaches for his barely concealed gun, but I grab it first and toss it aside, aiming my blade again as I sink it into his chest.

He dies swiftly, with less pain than he frankly deserves, and as he falls to the floor, I reach into the small backpack I brought with me and extract my 'calling card'.

A lotus flower, a symbol of purity.

I leave quickly, I know the area and I've had my men watching the pimps and work out their schedules, nobody should show up any time soon, but I don't need to take any chances. The whores shouldn't show up to give him their earnings for a few hours, but clients could show up at any minute.

Once I'm a few streets away, I remove my blood stained hoodie and calmly replace it with the one in my backpack. There's a little blood on my trousers but the dark colouring makes it hard to see in these low light conditions and I forgot a spare pair of pants.

Finding target number two, I mentally sigh at how easy it is. I repeat the show, looking like a rich potential client for them to blackmail, it lowers the second pimp's guard and just like the first he dies choking on his own blood.

Another lotus is left behind and I escape into the night.

The third kill is more complicated, I need to stalk the victim for hours and I don't think having my minions watch them counts

But I'm a patient man, and finding the last of my prey I put on my mask and find a dark alleyway to watch him from. Merchants aren't the most observant in the first place and it's already getting late.

Starting a silent timer on my phone, I spend the next hour sitting in an alleyway occasionally looking out to make sure he isn't moving, and as the whores start to show up I simile.

He takes the money from them and sends all but one of them away, that could be a bit of a problem as he takes the last girl and starts moving.

Waiting for the rest to clear out, I set out after them, my hood up as I keep my face looking down, following behind them from a considerable distance.

It doesn't take them long to get to a house in the residential area, going inside and locking the door as I follow behind.

I have another hour and a bit before I can finish him, so I have time to find a way in. Going behind his house I spend some time testing the doors and windows, chuckling as I realise his back window wasn't locked properly.

It takes me a couple of minutes to climb inside, I'm not exactly dexterous, but I manage it and quickly unlock his back door, the key left in the door.

I'm wearing gloves, no need to make this easier for the police.

I can hear the sounds of sex upstairs, male grunting and moans coming from what I assume is the bedroom, but I have time to kill before I can well… kill so I take some time to quietly move around and look for anything interesting.

I find the money he stole, but as I'm shoving it in my bag, a phone rings and makes me jump in surprise, hearing him open the door upstairs and march downstairs as I hide in his kitchen.

My timer vibrates as he goes to pick up the phone, but I bide my time anyway.

"The fuck do you want?" The naked pimp grunts, his cock hanging free as he listens. "So some dumbass got violent, who gives a shit? It was probably just some junkie. No, I ain't seen anyone unusual, just a normal night. Yeah, yeah, I'll let you know if I see any flower carrying nutjobs."

Well, that's not very nice.

Ending the call, he scoffs to himself as he walks towards the kitchen, making me press myself against the counter as he opens the fridge, pulling out a beer.

As he goes to open it, I make my move and stand up, quietly walking around the counter, until the creek of the floorboards gives me away, the naked man turning to face me, his dark skin paling as his eyes widen.

He reacts quickly, tossing the bottle at me as I duck under it, rushing forwards with my knife gripped in both hands. Sinking it deep into his stomach he lets out a guttural scream and takes a sloppy swing at me, but the pain is clearly distracting him and as he futilely flails against meI pull the blade back and stab it right back in again and again.

Stepping back, I watch him fall to the floor with cold eyes. Merchants are scum, he won't be missed.

Finishing him with a slash across the throat, I turn to look in the direction of the footsteps I heard, tilting my head idly at the hooker as she screams and runs for the door, freezing in terror as she remembers that he locked it.

Placing a lotus down on his naked body, I walk towards her slowly, making her back up against the wall in terror.

Picking his keys out of the bowl next to the door, I slowly unlock the door and open it, walking back into the house as she flees in confusion.

I have no quarrel with her, and taking a moment to steal a large, dirty coat from the coat rack, I put it on over my bloody top and slip out of the back door, heading out into the night.

I take the long way home, putting my mask away halfway a few minutes after I leave the scene, and as I get home I let out a sigh of relief.

It was… hard work, harder than I imagined, but it was worth it.

Serial Killer Power unlocked

[What's your favourite scary movie?]

This Stranger power allows you to become untraceable and unrecognisable while talking over the phone, distorting your voice and preventing any attempts to trace you from succeeding.

Serial Killer Power unlocked

[Dark Reflection]

This Changer power allows you to take the appearance and voice of someone when you kill them, lasting until you take a new form or until you cancel it yourself. While you have taken their appearance, the corpse of your victim will become featureless and unrecognisable.

Serial Killer Perk unlocked

[Home is where the harm is]

You're an expert at casing your targets homes, preparing to hit them where they feel the safest. When approaching a target's home, you'll always be able to find the easiest way inside, whether it's an unlocked window or a key hidden under the doormat.

This is why unlocking a new class was more useful than levelling my current one, I get all the starter things I would have gotten for choosing the class instead of just getting a single upgrade or new power.

That said, I believe that the stronger perks and powers are hidden in the higher levels of the classes, so I should consider that as well in the future.

But it's been a busy night, and I have a busy day planned for tomorrow, so I think it's time to call it a night.

A leader should be well rested, because tired people are foolish people. You should never make an important decision on anything less than a full nights sleep.

Sherrel -

Waking up to Midas opening her cell, she rose slowly, making sure not to make any sudden movement, after spending two nights here with no sign of Skidmark coming to bust her out she was starting to realise she was on her own.

The White Rabbit stood behind him, leaning against the wall as she looked at the cell with a mischievous smile.

"What is it?" Sherrel asked as Midas stared at her, a smirk on his masked face. "More questions?"

"I thought about it, but I've decided to give you a choice today. There are three things I want to do with you today, and you get to pick two of them for us to do." Midas said as he stepped forwards, a strange look in his eyes.

"...what are my options?" Sherrel asked, seeing no option other than to play his games.

"The three choices are simple. One, you can give me a piece of information on the Merchants that you think is worth me skipping interrogating you. Two, you can call Skidmark and tell him you are leaving the Merchants, that you left of your own volition. Three, you can entertain me. I haven't built the garage yet, and even if I had I don't trust you enough not to build something to help you escape, but you have other talents don't you?" Midas asked, reaching forwards and gently groping one of her large breasts, making her moan lightly.

Despite their size, her tits had always been very sensitive and she couldn't stop the quiet moan that slipped out as he squeezed the soft flesh.

She could choose to sell out the Merchants and burn the bridges she still had with them, but she wasn't ready to completely destroy her relationship with them.

Not because she wanted to go back to them, but with her mind clear she would have a much better chance of escaping the Merchants and leaving Brockton Bay for good than she would escaping the more diligent Midas.

So she couldn't call Skidmark, which meant she had to 'entertain' Midas and tell him something valuable.

The unspoken warning that she'd be interrogated if she didn't choose, or if her information wasn't good enough, had her mind racing.

She knew a lot of things that could hurt the Merchants, the location of their drug labs, money stashes… the location of a stash tinkertech weapons that Skidmark had bought from a European warlord named Red Ivan, that one she was keeping to herself until she was desperate. Skidmark didn't even know she knew about his secret weapons.

She knew how valuable the information was, which meant she should keep it to herself and use it later.

"There's a basement full of unmarked bills in a house in our territory, it's one of the places Skidmark uses to hide the profits from his drug deals." Sherrel said, making the White Rabbit perk up as she gave the address, giving Midas the puppy dog eyes as he chuckled. "It'll only have a few trusted men around it, we had issues with our guys stealing from the old stash, so Skidmark tried to hide the stashes instead, very few people know where they are."

"I do think you've just made Rabbit's day, and it's not even 9am yet." Midas chuckled. "I take it that you know where the other stashes are? How many stashes are there?"

"Three, and you said 'a piece of information'" Sherrel said, making him chuckle. "If I give up everything now, I won't have anything to tell you to avoid your knives later."

"I did, didn't I? Very well, Rabbit, grab a few minions and a regular van and go relieve Skidmark of his money. If you give me the other two locations, I promise I won't ask you for anything else for a week. This is a limited time offer because Skidmark is probably smart enough to move his other stashes once we hit one of them." Midas offered, making her pause for a moment before she sighed and gave the two other addresses.

Skidmark would kill her himself if he ever managed to bust her out, but maybe she could still convince him that Midas found out another way? Skidmark did hate Thinkers, they'd been hit by the Undersiders and their smug bitch of a Thinker too many times.

"There we go, I'll tell the minion I have overseeing the prison to get you whatever meal you want as a reward for your good behaviour." Midas offered, giving her a happy smile as the Rabbit pranced away, joy radiating from her. "And your second choice?" Midas asked, making her mentally sigh.

"What do you want me to do?" Sherrel asked in a defeated tone, she didn't want to burn that last brindle with Skidmark and lose her best chance at escaping this place, even if the bridge was probably already burning at this point, and it was just sex right?

As long as Midas didn't have any strange fetishes.

As Midas smirked at her, she had to wonder if she'd made a mistake. Every move she took felt like she was falling deeper into a web Midas had weaved around her, she thought he'd want her to phone Skidmark but his smugness said otherwise.

Sitting on the edge of her uncomfortable bed, he spread his legs slightly and unbuttoned his shirt as she took the hint and moved to her knees.

"Use your mouth and breasts this time." Midas ordered as she reached up and undid his belt, unzipping his trousers and pulling out his cock, she silently admitted it was a good size.

Not so big that it would be uncomfortable but also large enough that his partners would enjoy it, and as she wrapped her fingers around it, she stared up at his masked face, keeping eye contact as she leaned forwards and parted her lips, taking the head into her mouth.

He was well groomed and clean as well, which made this far more pleasant than having to suck some Merchants unwashed cock, and the taste of his slightly salty precum was almost pleasant in comparison to what she was used to.

She wouldn't go back to being the Merchants slut, to getting passed around by a bunch of disgusting drug-addled bastards all for the promise of another hit, she owed Panacea a lot more than the healer probably realised.

Sherrel died when Skidmark grabbed her, pumping her full of drugs then let his men run wild on her, and Squealer was born, named because Skidmark found her squeals funny. Sherrel was a girl with ambitions and hopes, Squealer was a junkie who'd suck a dozen cocks for a line of coke.

Panacea might as well have just killed Squealer and brought back Sherrel, and she'd die before she let herself fall to those depths again.

She'd survive this, and she'd get out of Brockton Bay, Skidmark and Midas could kill each other for all she cared, she just didn't want to be caught between them.

But as she started to bob her head, swirling her tongue around his cock, she had to admit that if she had to suck a cock, she'd rather it be Midas's instead of a Merchants.

Cleaner, less insults and violence and she wasn't going to catch something from him, she didn't get cleared of STDs just to catch them again.

It made this less disgusting, and to get this over with quickly she put her hard-earned skills back to use, the quicker he came the faster he'd leave her alone.

Grabbing her breasts, she lifted them up and wrapped them around his cock, bouncing her chest up and down in a rhythm, and making him groan quietly.

He was far more dignified than Skidmark, and as much as she hated to admit it he was her type, the dignified gentleman, well-dressed and soft-spoken.

Without insults and curses being barked at her, she was almost able to enjoy the act, pretending she was somewhere else, with someone else.

Her tits could engulf his cock entirely, but as the tip peaked out of her cleavage she leaned down and kissed it, making him let out a groan of pleasure.

It didn't take long before she felt him start to twitch, and moving her breasts back she quickly took his cock into her mouth again, swirling her tongue and humming as she sucked, her hands moving to his balls to gently massage them.

As he came, she expertly swallowed his large load, the taste actually enjoyable when compared to usual, it was salty of course but it had a slight… sweetness to it, something in his diet probably.

She just didn't want to have to sit around in a cell all day with cum on her body, once it was swallowed it was no longer a problem after all.

"I almost wish I had more time, but I have a long day of planning ahead of me." Midas said, redressing quickly as she stood up herself.

"So, we're done?" Sherrel asked, making him chuckle.

"I'm leaving, yes… that said, there's two things that I want you to do while I'm gone." Midas said as she narrowed her eyes. "Now, now, it's nothing bad. One, I'm going to have a minion take you to the bathroom so you can actually get clean, with soap and shampoo. The hose worked, but it's far from perfect." Midas said, making her perk up slightly. "Secondly, I want you to pick a new name."


"Let's face it, the only way you're leaving this base is either in my employ or in a body bag. I won't have someone with such a… Merchant-like name under me, and really, do you want to be known as Squealer for the rest of your life? It's ridiculous for someone with so much potential to have such a crude name, so think of a new one." Midas said, distaste in his tone as she nodded slowly.

"Fine, I will." Squealer agreed, he wasn't wrong, both of those things weren't bad at all.

"Excellent, as I've said before, keep behaving and you'll be treated better, maybe we can get you an actual bedroom soon? Enjoy your day, Sherrel." Midas offered, giving her a smile as he left, a female minion showing up shortly afterwards.

Following her to the bathroom, she soaked in the bath, spending hours scrubbing her body clean and shampooing her hair for the first time in… a while.

Why the hell was it more pleasant to be a prisoner than a free cape?

Tattletale -

Heading to the meeting point, she rehearsed her plan in her head, she wouldn't be able to rely on her power this time and it left her feeling unusually vulnerable.

It didn't take her long to spot Midas, how could she miss him when he was surrounded by twenty armed men and women in jumpsuits?

Sitting on a piece of debris, Midas was staring right at her, even though she'd only just walked into view.

He knew what direction she was going to come from?

The White Rabbit was sat right next to him, leaning against him as she whispered into his ear, covering her mouth so she couldn't read her lips.

They were having sex less than an hour ago, she's horny because she pulled off a big job earlier, she robbed the Merchants' main money stashes, Squealer told them where to find the stashes.

That made her information a lot less valuable, if he'd already started to make Squealer... well, squeal then she had less to barter with. Why get the drug labs locations from her when he could just get Squealer to tell him.

As the Rabbit looked towards her, she focused on her, she needed information and she couldn't get it from Midas.

She's a nymphomaniac, she's a projection, she was trying to convince Midas to make her sleep with them as part of her initiation.

Shuddering, she shook her head and looked at the underlings he had brought with him, her eyes widening as she realised something she was sure nobody else knew yet.

All she was getting from them was utter nonsense… the same nonsense she got from Midas. Midas couldn't share his blank power with his followers or he would have shared it with the White Rabbit, but every single one of his underlings had it.

Because they weren't real people, they were projections.

That's how Midas managed to build a gang without anybody noticing, he was literally creating his rank and file.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet with me." Lisa started, making Midas smile slightly.

"Search the area, make sure she came alone. If anyone else is lurking around, shoot her first." Midas ordered idly, a bunch of his men spreading out as she mentally congratulated herself for sneaking out alone, Brian wouldn't have wanted her going alone and would have probably tried to follow her subtly, he was a worrier like that. "You said you were interested in joining my organisation, for a price. So tell me Tattletale, what makes you so valuable that I'd fight Coil for you?" Midas drawled as she stilled, so this is what it was like being on the other side of things.

"I can get you whatever information you need on the other gangs and capes in Brockton, I can get the rest of the Undersiders to come with me and that'd add five new capes to your organisation immediately, and Coil is going to be a problem for your long term plans either way." Tattletale started, she didn't bother asking him how he knew, it didn't really matter in the long run.

"All at the cost of picking a fight with a powerful cape with a dangerous organisation, when I'm not even finished crushing the Merchants yet." Midas countered, unimpressed.

"Look, you grabbed Squealer to stop her from helping the Merchants against you, right? Well, this is just more of the same, Coil uses me for information on all his enemies, and while I can't read you I can still get a lot of information on your organisation and your plans. I'm offering to switch sides before I'm forced to work against you, and while your power has crippled Coil's for now, he's smart enough that he'll recover sooner rather than later, and when he does he'll be out for blood." Lisa said quickly, catching the slightest glimpse of shock on his face before he hid it. "You didn't know… your power is crippling countless Thinker's, and you hadn't realised it?"

"I'm aware that my power stops Thinker powers from working on me, but I'll admit I wasn't sure about the range." Midas admitted after a moment, making her nod.

"I don't know how Coil's power works, but it's some form of precognition, and when he recovers he won't stop until he knows who stopped his power from working. He's got a god complex, and having someone block his almighty power is an insult he won't be able to let go of. When he recovers, he'll use me to try and find out who did it and how, and I won't be able to lie to him. He always knows, trust me I've tried." Lisa said with a mental shudder.

She didn't know how, but Coil always seemed to have the information he was asking her for before he'd even asked the question, and every attempt to lie to him had ended… poorly.

"So, I should deal with you before then? Which means, you need to be valuable enough for me to not just put a bullet between your eyes and call it a night." Midas deadpanned, making her shake her head.

"You won't kill me, you know I'm smart enough to make arrangements just in case, you'd be declaring war in Coil without getting my skills, information or the Undersiders on your side." Lisa stated, hoping to god that she hadn't misjudged him.

Not having her powers was frankly terrifying.

As his lips twitched into a small smile, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Someone is desperate~ look at how she's shaking." Rabbit added in a teasing voice, leaning against Midas.

"Coil recruited me at gunpoint, and the only reason I'm still alive is because he still has a use for me. I want out, and you're my best chance. I can offer you information and capes to help you in your schemes and all you have to do is take the initiative and deal with Coil before he can try and do the same to you." Lisa said, making Midas's eyebrow raise behind his mask. "If sleeping with you is a requirement for your female capes, I'll do that too, you know this deal is in your favour."

Honestly Midas might be one of her best chances to actually enjoy sex, her power gave her far too much information on any potential partners for her to get aroused usually.

It was hard to get in the mood when her power helpfully told her every little detail about her partners sex life and hygiene.

In that regard, the nonsense she got from Midas was actually an improvement.

Plus she was a hot teenage girl, she needed to use every trick up her sleeve for this and her looks could be a tool to help her out, a bit of shame was worth escaping Coil.

"You're forgetting one thing, Tattletale." Midas said as he stood up, walking towards her. "Well, two things. One, I don't believe that you are so unambitious that just escaping from Coil would be enough for you, and two… what's going to stop you from backstabbing me the moment Coil is dealt with?"

He wasn't wrong, she had plans in place to take everything Coil owned the moment he was dealt with.

Reaching up, she pulled off her domino mask and looked up into his silver eyes.

"Lisa Wilbourn, if I try to turn on you, you'd kill me. Besides, is being ambitious really so bad? Coil made my life a living hell, why wouldn't I want to take what's his?" Lisa said defensively as he smirked at her.

"Did I say your ambition was a problem? Honestly, it's kinda sexy, and I like my followers to have their own ambitions, yes-men get dull fairly quickly, and I certainly have enough of them already." Midas admitted, making her pause. "And you're right, I will kill you if you turn on me." Midas said idly. "Convince the other Undersiders to switch sides, and I'll give you a task. Complete that and prove your worth, and I'll accept your offer."

Heh, he was really making sure to squeeze her for everything, wasn't he?

"You know, the story of King Midas was a warning about being too greedy." Lisa pointed out, making Midas chuckle.

"It was, unfortunately I didn't take anything from it other than 'gold is good'. Greed is good, it's part of what makes us human, the desire for more than what we need is what pushes us to succeed and prevents us from falling into complacency." Midas retorted.

"True, I'm pretty greedy myself. What's the job? The longer I have to gather information the better chance I have." Lisa asked, placing her mask back on.

"There's a cape I want in my organisation, but she's currently incarcerated, you will bust her out and bring her to me." Midas said, pulling out a file.

Opening it, her eyes widened as she stared down at a very famous face. Who hadn't heard of the drama around Canary after all?

"You realise this will really piss off the PRT?" Lisa asked, making him chuckle.

"Like you said, I'm greedy." Midas countered, chuckling. "Do we have a deal?"

"I can do it, I might need to lend some manpower though." Lisa admitted, holding the file under her arm.

"Get the Undersiders to agree to switch sides, and I'll provide you with whatever you need to get the job done." Midas offered, making her smirk.

"Then we have a deal, looking forward to working with you, boss. Oh by the way, Trainwreck is one of Coil's men, and is spying on the merchants. You might want to deal with him." Lisa added, making Midas chuckle.

"Is he now? Good to know, good night Tattletale, good luck with your team. They seem nice, I'd hate to have to assassinate the ones you can't convince."

"Heh, that won't be a problem."

Later -

This was a problem.

"No, not a chance." Brian said, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Look, you're scared of our boss, and he knows our identities, look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't target Aisha if I betrayed him and joined some new guy." Brian said sternly, making her hesitate for just a moment. "You can't, which means that if I went along with this plan you've come up with by yourself, I could get Aisha killed."

"Midas could-"

"Protect her? You can't read Midas, I know you hate our boss but we are safe and well-paid, why would we give that up to join someone we know basically nothing about?" Brian asked as she mentally groaned.

She'd assumed convincing the others would be easy, but this wasn't the first time her assumptions had fucked her over.

"I'm game, as long as the new guy pays better." Alec said easily, his feet on the table as Brian scowled at him. "Besides, if Tats says the big bad boss is out of commission, we might as well jump ship."

"I'm with Brian, this is a bad plan." Hitoshi said simply, it wasn't really surprising since their newest member was more loyal to Brian than he was anyone else.

"...which pays better?" Rachel asked, making Lisa smile at Rachel's bluntness.

"Midas, excessive wealth is his entire persona. I can convince him to give you a kennel where you can keep and train plenty of dogs." Lisa offered, knowing she could convince Midas of the benefits of a pack of well trained dogs to protect his base.

"Fine, I'm going to Midas then." Rachel said bluntly, making Brian scowl.

Three to two, Brian could see things weren't going his way but she knew that he wouldn't change his mind, as long as Aisha would be put in…

"This isn't something we should decide in one night." Brian said, his tone final. "We can talk about this in the morning."

Which meant he was going to try and convince Alec and Rachel to change their minds before tomorrow, he might even succeed as Rachel saw him as the alpha of their pack and Alec was Alec.

The problem is that Midas had been 100% serious about killing the ones she couldn't convince, and she cared for her team even if she'd always put herself first.

And she knew exactly how to make sure Brian didn't get them all killed, but he'd never forgive her if she actually went through with it.

Brian wouldn't risk anything if Midas had Aisha, and that way Aisha would be safe from Coil as well.

Not that Brian would see it that way.

"Fine, it's been a long night anyway." Lisa agreed, watching as everyone dispersed. Brian gave her a stern look but she didn't care, she'd do what it took to get away from Coil.

'Grue is a problem, I might need a couple of your guys before the job to make him fold.'

Brian cared about one thing above all else, which meant she had one way to make him ditch Coil, even if it'd completely destroy their friendship.

But it would keep him alive.

Taylor Hebert -

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Topic: Incoming Gang War?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Mar 6th 2011:

So, we all know that the White Rabbit has started working for the new gang leader, King Midas (yes, King is part of his cape name, we've been over this a dozen times already, it's not just Midas), and if you live in the Docks or Trainyard, you've probably seen the men and women in black masks and fancy jumpsuits running around all over the place.

Well, it looks like Midas has finally started to ball rolling against the Merchants because earlier today the White Rabbit and a dozen of Midas's men hit what must have been Merchant hideouts.

What I've been able to confirm so far is that the Merchants in the houses got badly beaten, with some possible fatalities, Midas's men were seen loading duffle bags into the back of their van (the same van that was seen busting the White Rabbit out of PRT hands) before they ran back to their not-so-secret hideout.

Skidmark isn't going to take this lying down, so if you live in Merchant territory, keep your head down and stay safe. It's gonna get dangerous.

(Showing page 1 of 1)


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

Midas isn't even trying to hide where he is located at this point, there's dozens of videos of his men coming in and out of the formerly abandoned

Why hasn't the PRT or even the Merchants attacked him yet?


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

The PRT haven't done anything because they can't.

Midas picked the perfect time to pull this, with the Empire losing Hookwolf to the new plant cape (is the name Poison Ivy confirmed now?) and the ABB smelling blood in the water and testing the Empire's defences.

Midas and the Merchants are basically small-scale compared to the danger of a war between the Empire and the ABB, and even if they weren't there's also the fact that nobody knows what Midas's power actually is. There's a reason that no PRT heroes have been seen in Merchant territory lately, they're sitting back and waiting to see how it turns out first.

Plus, attacking him at his hideout is a bad idea since he wouldn't be so blatant if he wasn't sure he was safe, it's probably trapped to hell and back.

As for the Merchants? Skidmark might be a junkie, but he's smarter than he looks and sounds, Midas is clearly baiting the Merchants to attack him and it's got Skidmark on edge.

Still, he can't ignore this for long, my inner eye tells me that what Midas hit was Skidmarks main stashes, all the money from their drug deals and hookers.

Looks like Squealer squealed, which means anything Squealer knows about is now at risk, and she's been the Merchants' main transporter for years.


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

Is it wrong to root for a villain when he's fighting other villains?

Go Midas, kick those junkies asses!

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 6th 2011:


The Merchants kill thousands with overdoses every year, and the number of assaults and rapes in their territory is almost triple anywhere else in the city.

That said, Midas is still a villain and just because he's fighting villains doesn't mean he's going to be any better. He just makes villainy look more appealing.


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

Let's be honest, he makes villainy look sexy.


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

RedQueen Emma!

I mean, you're not wrong but still...


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

Anyone taking the fight to the Merchants is worth rooting for, they're scum and anyone who is making life difficult for them has my support.

Especially if the PRT are just going to sit on their asses.

I've heard they've pulled the Ward patrols back to just downtown, while two different gang wars start up in the rest of the city.

End of Page. 1

Topic: Potential Serial Killer?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Mar 6th 2011:

Because a gang war wasn't enough, it looks like we have a serial killer in Brockton Bay.

Because of course we do, it wouldn't be Brockton Bay if things went right for even a week.

Three men were killed all in the same night, two of them in public and one of them in their home. All three of them were pimps working for the Merchants, all three of them had Lotus flowers left on their bodies.

A prostitute even saw one of them, after she'd been taken home by the third victim.

Apparently, from the report she gave to the police, the victim got a phone call mid-coitus and shortly after he went downstairs to answer it she heard him scream.

Going downstairs, she caught a masked figure repeatedly stabbing him with a steak knife. She attempted to escape but the door was locked, but the killer simply picked up the keys to the door, unlocked it for her and let her leave after placing another Lotus flower on his corpse.

By the time the police responded (which was close to an hour later), the man was nowhere to be seen.

The description we have is a tall male in all black clothing, including a hoodie and gloves, wearing a completely featureless white mask. If you live in the Docks or Trainyard and you see anybody dressed like that - DO NOT APPROACH THEM.

Leave the area and call the police.

I have a theory that the killer has a Stranger power as two of their murders were in done in the middle of the streets, with no apparent witnesses.

(Showing page 1 of 1)


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:


The Lotus flower symbolises purity, and the killer is only attacking pimps!

I bet the Merchants hurt someone the killer cares about, and this is all for revenge.


Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

Good riddance.

►TheOracleofBrockton (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

The fact that they let the woman leave suggests a certain fondness or a pity for sex workers.

That, plus their apparent hatred of pimps is rather telling of their motives.

Still, they sound dangerous. Well adjusted people don't run around in masks stabbing men.

I'll look into the killings myself, see what I can dig up.

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 6th 2011:

I really, really hate this city sometimes.

End of Page. 1

Staring at the screen as she sat on her bed, she realised this was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

Two gang wars and a serial killer? Not ideal for a hopeful hero wanting to start out, but she was set on this path now.

As dangerous as it seemed, she could do the most good in the Docks, not just because of her personal attachment to it since her dad worked there, but because even she knew better than to get involved in a war between the two strongest gangs in the city.

And the Merchants seemed to do the most damage, so that was where she would start.

Bonus Scene - Amy's Dream -

Staring at Vicky in shock, she couldn't stop the mixture of guilt and lust she felt as she watched her sister bounce on Midas's cock, her breasts bouncing wildly as she moaned reluctantly.

"I-it's okay, Amy… I can take this, I'll be fine." Vicky moaned, Midas gripping her waist as he guided her, smirking at Amy with his typical smugness as Amy glared back, her arms bound to the headboard of the bed, dressed only in her panties.

Midas was sat in a chair at the edge of the bed, Vicky riding him, wearing nothing but a tinkertech collar around her neck.

The same as the collar she had on, suppressing her powers and leaving her defenceless. Midas had won, and despite her best efforts Vicky had fallen into his grasp and there was nothing she could do to help her anymore.

Pulling Vicky out of his lap, Midas tossed her onto the bed, on top of her as their breasts pressed together, their faces inches from each other as Midas climbed onto the bed himself, spreading Vicky's legs and pushing back into her.

"I-I'm sorry…" Amy said weakly, trying to ignore the way her sister's naked body was pressed against her, making Vicky give her a weak smile.

"It's… Mhmm, It's okay, I can take it. Let him have his… oh fuck, his fun, we'll be okay." Vicky said, her words interspersed with moans and whimpers as Midas fucked her, her breathing becoming heavy and her face flushed.

This was her fault, she'd fucked up and now Vicky was being used like a sex toy by Midas.

As Vicky let out a quiet whine, she knew her sister had just climaxed around Midas's cock, and as Midas pulled back, he reached down and pulled her panties to the side, the bulbous head of his cock pressing against her slit.

"Y-you said you'd leave Amy alone…" Vicky said weakly, making Midas chuckle.

"Amy, be a dear and shut your sister up for me would you?" Midas asked as he started to sink into her, like this was the first time Midas had fucked her, she was entirely too used to taking his dick at this point.

Kissing Vicky, she hated the way her heart sped up, the soaking wetness that was making it so easy for Midas to fuck her. Vicky was hesitant, returning the kiss to not anger the man holding them hostage, but Amy held none of that hesitation as she explored her sister's mouth, her hands moving to Vicky's ass.

She had lost, all she could do was try and find some enjoyment in her defeat.

As the world blurred, she blinked the darkness away and looked around, on her knees with a chain attaching her to the golden throne, Vicky beside her as they watched their aunt Sarah reluctantly lower herself to her knees in front of the throne, as naked as they were.

Their cousin, Crystal was already on her knees as she glared up at Midas, cum on her face as Sarah started to pleasure him, the men of their family forced to watch from golden cages hanging from the ceiling.

Looking down, she shuddered at the sight of hers and Vicky's bloated bellies, but she knew it could be worse as she glanced over at her mother, Carol bent over and bound to a pillory as a masked man thrust into her, another using her mouth as she glared up at him, unresisting despite her anger as she kept her teeth away from the cock thrusting into her open mouth.

There was a line forming behind her, Midas's men waiting their turn with the former heroine.

New Wave had lost, Midas had won, and it was all her fault.

Shooting awake, Amy gasped as she looked around in shock and confusion, still feeling the cold metal collar around her neck and the warmth of Midas's cum on her face.

Shaking her head, she scowled at the feeling of the dampness between her legs. It wasn't the first time she'd dreamt of Vicky, but it didn't usually include chains and supervillains.

Checking her phone, she let out a sigh of relief as she saw no new messages from Midas, getting out of bed and mentally sighing to herself.

This entire situation sucked.

She brutally suppressed the mocking voice that pointed out that it was the only way she'd ever get to be with Vicky, hating how it sounded a little bit like Midas.

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