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36.84% Grand Foreigner / Chapter 77: 76

Capítulo 77: 76

At the meeting between the leaders of Chaldea, on whose shoulders lay the responsibility of saving the world and resolving the Singularities, Ainz arrived last. Somehow having managed to be a little behind from Da Vinci who he was just talking with a moment before. Da Vinci moved along Chaldea's corridors with the steadfastness of the Titanic, of course without its tendency to hit freak icebergs. The moment he reached the meeting room and opened the door - Da Vinci had already settled down on one of the more comfortable places, on one of the free windowsills, pushing the nearby useless objects next to Da Vinci to the side. Olga-Marie, as befits her position as the boss of the organization, was sitting in one of the armchairs with a chic burgundy velvet upholstery, legs crossed and slowly pulling a cigarette with some interest. Ainz noticed that the cigarette was taken from the same pack of cigarettes that Ainz gave her. Roman, as the boss' minion should be, was sitting on an armchair next to Olga, looking at some notes that from Ainz's vantage point looked like it was written with a careless hand in a particularly packed scribbled notebook.

In other words, the picture of the "three saviors of mankind" looked so harmonious and complete that Ainz felt a little unsuitable for this place. But, on the other hand, while all the three leaders supported Chaldea, Ainz alone fought at the forefront - that is, his sole participation was the lynchpin in such a meeting above all else.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, he was not allowed to think about it for too long. Olga, only now seeing Ainz entering the room, blinked in surprise then frowned and was about to say something before deciding otherwise then shook her head. She slowly exhaled and then began examining Ainz's new appearance. Ainz, a little concerned about Olga's strange behavior, looked at her a little strangely.

"It's difficult to get used to your changed appearance," Olga-Marie answering the unasked question answered with a sigh, "I'm already used to the previous appearance and then suddenly it's another one... Well? What are you waiting for, come in."

Ainz hesitated for a second then entered the spacious meeting room. The room was spacious and comfortable, unlike the rest of Chaldea which is rather spartan and sterile looking it was decorated with relatively dark colors. The meeting room that they are using right now was a converted lounge laden with armchairs, several bookshelves - exclusively for decorative purposes - and a couple of coffee tables. The rather comfy looking room did not fit the image for a meeting between the people responsible with the salvation of humanity. On the other hand, if you look at it differently a little and say that Chaldea is now engaged in "deciding the fate of mankind," then the room around him would begin to look more appropriate.

"Chief," Ainz nodded to Olga-Marie, after which to Roman, "Doctor."

"To tell you the truth, I no longer remember the fact that I was once just a doctor anymore..." Roman spoke out in despair, for which he received an elbow poke courtesy of Olga-Marie to his side, - "Hey! I am not complaining, not complaining!"

"Indeed you're not complaining, but whining instead," Olga then sighed, after which she looked at Ainz and smiled, "Well, special operative... I hope your rest was well enough?"

"I hope so too," Ainz replied uncertainly, Chaldea was a great place to put his thoughts in order and recover a little, but for it to be just a week before the new Singularity... Furthermore, this time Ainz was forced to spend his time in Chaldea with his real body...

While it wasn't a problem in itself, it's not like he felt any body dysphoria with his skeletal body - Ainz felt his skeletal body as... His real body. It probably happened because of the thousands of hours that he spent playing as his avatar in Yggdrasil. In addition, it was definitely nice to know that his body would not fall apart if he accidentally used a stronger spell than he should have. Of course, he still could not use a lot of his spells, not that he feels the need to use them, due to the collateral damage that it would cause. For example, he could not use many of his abilities which were... Hmm... 'Organically Incompatible' with his current living space. What's worse is the fact that, due to being confined to a skeletal body with its inability to eat or even taste anything, he was not able to taste Archer's cooking... Which was very unfortunate given the many praise the people of Chaldea gave to his cooking.

"Hah," Olga-Marie grinned, and then shook her head, "Anyway... The connection with the new Singularity has been established."

"Understood," Ainz nodded, after which, after making his way to the chair next to him, he sat down, looking carefully at Olga, "What is known about this Singularity?"

Roman, who had previously silently looked at his notes, sensing the cold look of his boss on himself, looked up.

"Hm, as it were…" he tightened, after which he looked at Ainz, "This Singularity... Its very different to the Singularities we have encountered before."

"Ho…" - Ainz nodded thoughtfully, - "What makes it different from the previous ones?"

"We cannot establish a specific year of arrival," Roman nodded gravely, "and the exact place where the center point of the Singularity takes place..."

"Hm," Ainz thought.

Prior to this, he had visited three Singularities: in the Japanese city of Fuyuki from in the two thousands, in France during the centenary war and lastly in the Roman Empire during the reign of Nero. In all cases, the specific place of arrival and the specific year were determined in advance. To be left without such information at the very beginning of the Singularity... It was a bad sign.

"Why is this happening and where does the Singularity take place?" Ainz looked closely at Roman.

"Well…" - Roman began to wiggle uncomfortably in place, - "If you think of all the previous Singularities like a specific altered point in time and space, then the current Singularity is a kind of blurred time and space gap... Hey!"

Roman's muttering was stopped by the Director's punch on his head. Of course it was not strong enough to cause actual damage, but it was enough to shock him out of his fugue.

"Stop with the unneeded information!" Olga retracted her hand and glared angrily at Roman. "Just answer the questions asked!"

"Chief, you are too cruel..." Roman rubbed the bruised place, but noticing that Olga is clenching her fist while looking at his head again he nevertheless began to speak more specifically, "According to our calculations, this time the Singularity is taking place in the Golden Age of Piracy."

"Hm," Ainz nodded. "I understand."

Ainz did not understand at all.

'The Golden Age of Piracy…' - Ainz strained his memory trying to remember - 'It sounds like something important... But for the life of me, I don't remember what it is about... If you think about the name, then it's about pirates. Ainz remembered that they are something from the time of powder guns or something like that... It seems that in those days Spain ruled everyone?.. Or France... Or was it England?!"

Ainz tried to strain his memory harder while not showing on his face the internal struggle to remember at least something about the aforementioned period.

"As for the place," Roman tried to recall the information, "The Chaldean staff cannot specify exactly where the Singularity takes place. The best that we can find out is "off the coast of Central or South America, possibly in the Caribbean." While in the worst case, "somewhere in the ocean.""

"I see," Ainz nodded.

Ainz did not understand any of it at all.

'Where is that?' - Of course Ainz certainly knew what the ocean was and even, in spite of his extremely superficial education, he knew the name of the continents and could find it without any errors. But what is this 'Caribbean' ? It was a non-trivial challenge for him.

'Terrific, I have no idea where and when the Singularity is taking place in' Ainz breathed out - 'So what? Just pretend that you understand everything that they say to you and one day they will eventually leave you alone.'

Therefore, Ainz took on the most concentrated look that he could, and looked at Roman. Roman, considering Ainz's expression a sufficient indication of his understanding, continued.

"As for the reason for this, we are not sure about it," Roman looked at his notes. "All we can say for sure now is that the current Singularity is... Unstable."

"Unstable?" Ainz looked at Roman seriously. Unlike the previous revelation, here Ainz already understood that the phrase "unstable Singularity" was not a good sign. Not good at all.

"The time frame of the Singularity changes all the time as well as its presence in space," Roman breathed out seriously, "In other words, the fundamental principles themselves of the Singularity, which were to keep the Singularity in order, changes all the time."

After that, Roman looked at Da Vinci, who had not uttered a word for all time. However, catching Roman's look, Da Vinci slowly exhaled.

"Judging by the pattern - Fuyuki, Orleans, Septem - one of the main reasons for the existence of these Singularities is the Grail," Da Vinci looked at Ainz, "And if the Singularity that was created by the Grail continues to change, it means that something equal in strength - equal to the Grail is resisting its influence. I would even go further and say that something equally powerful for the Grail is actively trying to destroy the Singularity from the inside."

"Ho…" - Ainz was shocked by the news. Strictly speaking, the Grail was not the most incredible thing in Ainz's collection. In a way, you could compare the Grail with something like the "Shooting Star" ring, one of two that were in Ainz's collection. But it was still extremely significant. The magic of the ring consisted of three sealed uses of the supertier magic "Wish Upon A Star". In the game, it was one of the more mundane Supertier Magic. Of course, after the lore of the abilities began to mean something in the metaphysics of their effects when Ainz were transported to this new world. It then became the strongest possible Supertier Magic, only being a little bit inferior to World-Class Items. In other words, it was an incredible magic that even Ainz did not want to use for no reason. If something or someone was found in the Singularity capable of withstanding such magic... then Ainz definitely felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Of course, it would be nice to believe that all these problems with the Singularity arose due to technical malfunctions with the Grail in the Singularity. Or even to think that the unknown creature is trying to destroy the Singularity from the inside and was his ally in the event of a battle with the unknown "King". By the way, about the King...

"During my time…" - Ainz thought for a while, choosing the right words, "In my battle with Baal, he mentioned a 'King'... Most likely this 'King' is his boss."

After these words, the atmosphere in the room became colder by a couple of degrees.

Olga-Marie, who had previously ceded the scene to Roman and Da Vinci, was the first to break the silence, - "I think we all initially knew that behind the Destruction of Humanity there was someone more than just Lev. But now, having heard a confirmation - I'm afraid we will no longer be able to cling to the idea that the Singularities are simply an accidental phenomenon."

"Which, of course, is unfortunate," Da Vinci nodded from her seat, not wanting to get off the windowsill, "But in any case, attempting to cling to the idea that only one or a few Demon Kings were involved with our current apocalypse would be very naive."

Ainz looked at Da Vinci carefully, waiting for further clarification, but for some reason, noticing his gaze, she only smiled at him and returned to discussing the situation with Roman, "Demon Kings as minions... Not many people capable of such a thing come to my mind…"

'Hey!' - Ainz was inwardly indignant - 'What about enlightening me on this subject?!'

"In all of history, there were indeed people capable of controlling creatures at the level of the Demon Kings," Roman replied instantly.

'What level?' - Ainz sighed internally - 'Baal... That is, the Baal of this world was not that strong…'

Or, more precisely, he was only capable of using magic which Ainz, with some leeway, could consider on the lower level of the ninth rank. It was even not that weak of a magic - and if it weren't for Ainz's complete immunity to attacks based on dark magic, he could have even scratched a player of the hundredth level a little... And if he hadn't needed to channel the spell, consuming a time comparable to the casting time of Supertier Magic to be casted. No, should he compare Baal with the Servants that Ainz has already consider as... Not always... Approached... By definition... People cut out for battle...

Now to convey his confusion without sounding offensive!

But even so, the Demon Kings did not look like an absolute champion. Someone like Cainabel or Baal could easily deal with him... Altera, perhaps with some difficulty could too. And Nero. And Arturia. And Jeanne. And the Witch... Actually, should he call the Dragon Witch 'Jeanne Alter'? How will she even react when she's called 'Jeanne Alter'?

"Yes," Da Vinci easily agreed with Roman, unaware of the thoughts rumbling in Ainz's head, "But when one speaks of Baal and of Demon Kings... The first name that comes to my mind..."

Roman who was very calm previously, suddenly hearing something in the words of Da Vinci, looked at her indignantly - "He would never have sunk to do such a thing!"

Da Vinci, unexpectedly, agreed easily and nodded. "Perhaps. More precisely, if he wanted to destroy life on Earth - he could have done it thousands of years ago, without the need to resort to such measures now."

'Hey, I'm actually still here!' - Ainz wanted to get up and wave in front of the faces of everyone sitting here, - "Maybe someone will tell me what is happening here?!"

The last sentence was spoken aloud, which made Ainz freeze in horror - fortunately, it was immediately cut off by his suppression of emotions.

'Did I say that out loud?!' Ainz froze, waiting for an answer from Da Vinci and Roman...

"Ah, chief," Roman immediately caught himself and looked at the girl, "I completely forgot about you..."

"Idiot!" The girl immediately crashed a fist on Roman's head, forcing him to howl and ineffectively tried to block the next hit, "I'm the boss here! How could you even forget about me?!"

After that, Olga-Marie looked at Da Vinci, who was watching everything that was happening with a big smile, and clicked her tongue, "Now tell me what you were talking about here?!"

'Well done, chief! Go get them, Olga! Let them know that they must speak openly and with explanations!' - Ainz inwardly gives Olga a thumbs up approvingly. The boss has become his savior at the moment.

"Ahem, yes, of course," Da Vinci nodded, after which, looking at Roman, she nodded again, "We are talking about Solomon."

Silence fell on the room - Olga, making a gloomy face, fell silent, as if something sinister had just been uttered. Roman frowned at Da Vinci, which she only shrugged in reply.

Ainz, as often as it happens in such situations, was lost.

'Solomon' - Ainz strained his memory - 'Oh yes, that is the king who could not be defeated in battle... No, wait, that was Samson! Solomon... I can't get rid of the feeling that I already heard that name somewhere ..."

Ainz most likely heard this name in Yggdrasil - but Ainz, who had remembered information about thousands of different NPCs and mobs, including even their lore, could not remember where he heard the name Solomon mentioned. Except, perhaps, once - it seems, in some of the lores he was mentioned as the son of David - or something like that? David, in turn, was a weak NPC of the fortieth level - he however had some incredible advantage in a battle against high-level players. So much so that some people openly complained about him, considering that he could be defeated by a level thirty player, but constantly beat players of the hundredth level like some kind of bug. Although Tabula told him that this was all based on something...

'I'm thinking of something unnecessary again!' - Ainz shook his head, after which he returned to observing the chief and the others.

However, contrary to his expectations, no further explanations for Olga came from Da Vinci and Roman.

"I see..." Olga only gloomily summed up, "If the King of Magic is involved in the matter... Things would definitely take a bad turn..."

'King of Magic?' - Ainz blinked. It was not a title unfamiliar to Ainz, during his time in Yggdrasil, he managed to kill a couple of Kings of Magic, a couple of Gods of Magic, several Majins, once even an Incarnate of Magic... And they were not really distinguished by any special abilities - and although some of them were bosses and they were all above the eightieth level - Ainz did not have any special memories of his battles with them. They were just ordinary opponents more or less. Although, if he were to fight them now, in another world, the fight, of course, could be completely different.

"That is just an assumption!" Roman immediately crashed into the conversation, suddenly displaying a rather sharp disagreement, "You should not blame a person for such a thing simply because of an assumption!"

"Roman," Da Vinci sighed. "If Solomon wanted to destroy humanity, he could do this in his lifetime in a hundred different ways. There is simply no sense in acting right now and in such a manner for him."

Roman was silent for a second, after which he slowly nodded, as if letting off steam, "Yes, I agree... I just..."

"I know," Da Vinci sighed, "There are only three folders in your computer that you password protected. Porn, idol videos and a complete collection of biographies about Solomon."

"What?" Roman instantly recoiled in surprise. Ainz mentally patted him on the shoulder - Roman definitely did not look like a man who could easily admit to something natural, like watching porn. Not that Ainz did not understand his mortification.

"You're a fan of Solomon," Da Vinci glanced Roman after which she frowned. "Although, to be honest, given your vast collection of information about him, this is more like an obsession. I am sure that should you have a way to summon Solomon - you would definitely be stuck to him like a starfish."

"Kh-hmm!" Roman coughed to disguise his discomfort, after which he looked away, sincerely seeking support and a distraction.

Ainz, mentally pitying Roman, decided to intervene, - "By the way, about the Singularity…"

At that moment, the gaze of all those present was focused on him and Ainz continued his question, "Regarding the Servants and the connection with Chaldea..."

Da Vinci, looking at Ainz carefully, nevertheless decided to stop bothering Roman and returned her gaze to Ainz - "Yes, regarding this."

Ainz slowly exhaled, after which he became focused in his thoughts.

While he could pick any Servant that he wants with him the new Singularity is unstable, different from the previous ones... Ainz would definitely need to take special care about which of the Servants he needed to take with him.

First and foremost, of course, Ainz did not plan to take Servants with him who had died in the previous Singularities. This facet alone has already significantly narrowed the range of possible candidates.


'Baal and Cainabel definitely,' Ainz nodded to himself. Despite the fact that during his interaction with the two of them only Cainabel showed a tendency to create problems while Baal seemed capable of finding a good common ground with the other Servants, they were also the two strongest Servants at his disposal. So this decision was unambiguous.

After he had come to this decision Ainz reached for his connection and began to comb through the parameters of the Servants.

Cainabel... Her third Noble Phantasm was still completely prohibited of course. Baal... Hm, given the instability of the Singularity - his third Noble Phantasm should also be temporarily banned. Of course, its effects are much weaker than the power of Cainabel's, but in the possibility of it interacting poorly with the instability of the Singularity it was better to play it safe.

Probably, theoretically, just picking those two was enough to deal with any situation. It is unlikely that even all the other Servants together could defeat any of them... Although, if you forbid Baal the use of his strongest Noble Phantasm, they would have a chance... No, it would not even need all of the Servants. It would only take, say, Altera, Arthuria, Nero to win a battle with Baal. Even if just both of the Jeannes fought it would be enough to defeat him, well they would have a very good chance of winning at least...

In any case, theoretically, these two Servants were quite enough for Ainz's needs, however...

'If this Singularity is at least somewhat similar to Septem, and the enemy is someone similar to Baal, then I definitely need not only strong Servants, but also smart ones - and at least a good number of Servants... Even if Baal is ideally suited for digging out information - even he cannot be everywhere all the time... Hmm…'

In other words, he needed the Servants not so much as a fighting force, but as a support. Ainz himself can deal with almost any threat - however, his strength will not mean anything if he simply cannot use it.

'In that case…' - Ainz thought about Stheno and Euryale. Ainz needed to establish further contact with them, however...

'They avoid me like their life depends on it,' Although thinking about it even more, apparently Cainabel and Altera got along well with each other. So it was definitely possible for former enemies to get along. Ainz sighed, then shook his head.

Yes after their meeting in Medusa's room, Euryale and Stheno, usually avoided Ainz with such a decent trajectory that Ainz never managed to even see them after.

'They probably need some time to cool out…' - Ainz nodded to himself. Yes, definitely, he should interact with them more, just… not right now...

In that case, another suitable option would be someone with good abilities in terms of observing and obtaining information... Hmm, mage or ranger… It is either Archer or Mozart.

Ainz took a second look at the parameters of the two candidates, after which, after thinking a little about the options available to him, he nevertheless chose Mozart instead.

Mozart had excellent skills as a support mage, which further supported Ainz's decision of choosing him. However, even so, Archer still looked like a good option. Two observers were better than one, of course...

Of course he needed to take Altera along. Not only is she sufficiently strong, she is also Cainabel's kouhai. And it seemed that Cainabel enjoyed her time teaching Altera, so who was Ainz to disrupt their time together.

Well, four Servants have already been picked out. Theoretically, that was enough...

But at the same time, all the time before this, Ainz took six Servants with him to the Singularities. Of course, from a purely theoretical point of view this was not needed right now - Singularities, whatever one may say, were still a dangerous place to be. And at the same time, were he to abandon the other Servants right now... Would Ainz not set a precedent? Something like 'Actually, I don't need you, and after you have died once in the Singularity, I will dispose of you'... Ainz was uncomfortable with endangering the Servants right now, but at the same time injuring them with his distrust was not something he wanted...

'Six it is…' - Ainz exhaled.

In fact, he had only three Servants whom he could take with him to the Singularity - Mashu, Archer and Nero...

And although, definitely, from a logical point of view, Archer, as a front line fighter with ranger skills should have been an obvious choice. Although given the fact that the logical side of the issue was not so important at the moment - thanks to Cainabel, Baal, Mozart and Ainz himself - the choice was quite obvious.

'I really want to see Nero using her skill,' Ainz nodded.

Mashu... Hmm, Mashu...

Mashu was a special case. Mashu was Ainz's first Servant. The first person to speak to him in Chaldea. The one who was next to him at the moment when he found himself in this world bewildered and in confusion. From one point of view, these facts would lead him to believe that he should have left Mashu in Chaldea, in a place where she was not in danger. On the other hand…

Mashu was probably one of the weakest Servants at the moment. Her Noble Phantasm - and even part of her skills - were unknown to her. Speaking directly, she was at the bottom of the Chaldea's Servants food chain. But still…

She tried hard. She sincerely tried. Ainz knew that she spent all her time training, sincerely trying to increase her value as a combatant. Unfortunately, this was not enough. Among the glorified killers, great magicians, powerful warriors and monsters that bewilders the imagination, Mashu was just one person. Even with all her training, she could not achieve something truly outstanding.

Perhaps that is why Ainz should give her a chance to prove herself.

"Cainabel, Baal, Altera, Mozart, Mashu and Nero," Ainz eventually nodded to himself and looked at Olga-Marie.

"Good," the chief nodded to him. "Honestly, I would like to know why you chose them... But I trust your judgement."

'I trust your judgement, ha…' - if only Ainz trusted himself as the chief trusts him...

"In that case - I will notify them," Roman rose from his seat, after which Ainz set out to do the same.

"Oh yes, by the way," but before Ainz managed to get up from the couch, Da Vinci managed to call Ainz, causing him to pause, "Ainz, may I have a second of your time?"

"Yes?" Ainz looked at Da Vinci carefully.

"Regarding the Grail - and palingenesis," Da Vinci clearly noticed the interested looks from Roman and Olga, but did not bother to explain.

"As I said, experiments on the Servants are forbidden until their usefulness and complete safety are proved," Ainz nodded gravely.

"Yes, yes, I remember," Da Vinci frivolously dismissed Ainz's words of concern, after which she glanced at him. "That's what I wanted to talk about. The fact is that there was some problem…"

Ainz looked at Da Vinci, waiting for an explanation.

"Even a natural born genius, like me," Da Vinci didn't fail to point out herself, "Sometimes an object I am investigating is required before I could conclude a theory. Theoretical calculations, alas, are not omnipotent."

Ainz continued to stare at Da Vinci, waiting for the point of her speech.

"In that case, I'm sure that you still have at least one Grail in your possession," Da Vinci looked at Ainz. He nodded a little, making Da Vinci clap his hands, "Fine! Could you give it to me to study?"

Ainz thought for a second, formulating an answer in his head, but before he could argue, Da Vinci hastened to explain, "Is this the original Grail that you received in Fuyuki?"

"Yes," Ainz said eventually.

"In this case, you don't have to worry that I will do anything permanent with the Grail," Da Vinci answered Ainz, "This is the Grail won during the Holy Grail War, which means that it chose you as a victor. I will not be able to use its power even if I wanted to. If you found the Grail by accident, then anyone could use its power, but in its current situation, I'm afraid the Grail will not recognize anyone but you."

"So..." Da Vinci looked at Ainz curiously, "Can you lend me the Grail? Just for a while."

Ainz hesitated for some time, after which he nevertheless extended his hand into his inventory - and a second later a golden goblet appeared in his hand, the Holy Grail itself.

"Excellent," Da Vinci took the goblet from Ainz's hands, after which she glanced back at Ainz, "And, by the way, about placing the connection with Chaldea... I think we should do this now - it should not take long."

"Well, I hope so," Ainz nevertheless rose from his seat, after which, looking at Roman and the boss, he smiled with that. "Can you call the Servants for now? It does not take long."

Olga-Marie only nodded to Ainz, after which he headed away from the room.

The New Singularity... Ha, humanity was destroyed and another Singularity emerged - especially given that this new Singularity was unusual relative to the rest, it should have inspired, if not horror, then at least a heavy sense of danger, like a parachute jump, not knowing whether their parachute would open or not. But actually…

"I sincerely hope that this time everything will turn out more interesting than the last," Cainabel exhaled, after which she glanced at Altera.

Altera simply nodded slowly, not taking her eyes off Ainz.

"The time has come for the Emperor of Rome to make her move ~ umu!" Nero flashed a bright smile, continuing to look at Ainz, "Lead me forward, the-one-to-whom-I-have-not-yet-come-up-with-a-title ~ umu!"

Mashu, although she did not show her joy as much as Nero, also continued to smile, looking at the audience, - "I can't believe that I get to visit another Singularity. Another adventure…"

"I can't believe that work awaits me..." in contradiction to Mashu, Mozart looked much less pleased with the prospects of the battles in the Singularity, "I hope that I will not die..."

"My friend, no need to worry," Baal smiled at Mozart, placing a comforting hand in his shoulder, "As long as you are under Ainz's protection and your humble friend, me - the only thing that could be dangerous for you is the slight frenzy and uncomplicatedness of my colleague."

"Tell me this again, burnt chicken?" Cainabel instantly cast an angry glance at Baal.

"Oh, it's just the wind my dear," Baal smiled at Cainabel, after which he looked at Ainz, "Speaking of which, will we be leaving soon?"

"We are ready," came the voice of Olga-Marie a moment later, after which Ainz nodded.

The new Singularity filled him with a sense of a new adventure...

Skill: Supertier Magic

Perhaps one of Ainz's strongest skills, second only to YGGDRASIL. The interweaving of concepts and forces beyond mere mortal understanding. A force created from a thorough understanding of magical laws - the unbridled power of Divine Authority - and knowledge from Root. Something that is not True Magic, not Divine Authority, and not Magecraft. Instead, something that is made from the junction of the three, incorporating their features. The Magecraft system, the power of Authority and the disregard for the laws of the universe from True Magic.

Even if Ainz possessed the parameters of an average Servant and no more skills besides this one, he would still remain one of the strongest Servants that could be called from the Throne of Heroes.

Assuming, of course, that the Throne of Heroes could even contain his spirit.

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