A valley full of sunshine greeted them even though dusk fell outside the veil. Around lay rolling greens hills covered in a soft blanket of blooms of every shade. Trees with foliage only dreamed about by crazed painters abounded in purples and pinks and hung heavy with fruit never seen in the Realm. Birds sang, brooks babbled - talk about a sensory overload.
Breanna blinked, then blinked again, astonished for by some kind of magic, either the pixies grew or Breanna shrank, either way, past the veil that hid their valley, they all became the same size.
And wow, were the pixies magnificent to look at - although the males still weren't as hot as Terrence. Not that she was interested.
The queen had an otherworldly beauty, so pure and bright, that looking upon her became a chore - watering eyes and all that, not to mention being struck dumb.