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42.85% NINJA GAMER / Chapter 18: Impending Matrimony

Capítulo 18: Impending Matrimony

Chapter 16: Impending Matrimony

AN: Just a quick note before I start, forgot to mention it last chap, but Roshi is eleven years older than Yuriko, making him twenty seven when she is eighteen

When the procession returned home to Konoha after the treaty signing in Iwa, I had been hoping for things to return to business as usual. That was not what I got.

"Nee-chan, I've been having these weird dreams since Iwa was here," Naruto-kun announced once I had gotten changed out of my shinobi outfit into a simple pair of pants and a t-shirt and relaxed on the couch.

"Oh? What about, Naruto-kun?" I asked him gently, my stomach cramping at my suspicion.

"Well… it's a big orange fox with big ears and nine tails behind a cage," the Jinchuuriki stated, confirming my fears. "And he kept threatening to eat you and Sasuke."

I closed my eyes briefly before letting out a sigh. "I was hoping to wait until you were ten to have this conversation," I told him as I opened my eyes to see the confused looks Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun were sending me. "Just wait a moment and I'll explain."

I quickly got up from the couch and moved to the door, placing a 'Do Not Disturb Unless We Are Being Invaded' sign and then locked the door and placed a silencing seal on said entry way and moved back to the couch.

"Right… do you remember the story about the night you were born, Naruto-kun?" I asked him, getting a nod from the boy, while I wasn't able to name his parents, I was able to give him an edited version of the events surrounding his birth. "Well, remember how I wasn't able to answer how the Yondaime defeated the Kyuubi?"

Again, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun both nodded at me. "Well… that's because Bijuu can't be defeated conventionally," I explained. "Do either of you remember what Bijuu are made up of?"

"Aren't they pure chakra?" Sasuke-kun questioned with a tilted head, his brow furrowing in a cute manner that I unfortunately had to endure because of the serious conversation.

"Correct, Sasuke-kun," I smiled at the boy in confirmation. "As they are pure chakra, they would just end up scattered until reformed later, meaning there is only one way to deal with them long term, fuinjutsu."

"What does that have to do with my dreams?" Naruto-kun questioned, looking very much like a fox with his face scrunched up in concentration. "Did the Yondaime seal away the fox in a jar or something?"

I shook my head in the negative. "No, unfortunately the Kyuubi is too strong to be sealed like that, the only way for a Bijuu like the Kyuubi to be sealed properly is by sealing it, into a baby," I explained realization dawning on the pair. "Naruto-kun, the Yondaime entrusted you with this burden because your mother was the previous host of the Kyuubi, the bad man that attacked when you were born forcibly extracted him and enslaved him with a Sharingan technique created by Madara that was never really passed down."

My little brothers looked shell shocked at the revelation of Naruto-kun's status. "So… the fox that I saw in my dreams, is the Kyuubi?" Naruto-kun asked nervously.

I nodded in confirmation. "It is a terrible burden to bear, but Yondaime-sama and your mother had faith that you would be able to endure," I told him, shuffling closer to him so I could wrap my arms around him. "I waited to tell you because I wanted to make sure you were old enough to understand. Just remember, while the Kyuubi may be sealed inside of you, that does not make you the Kyuubi."

Naruto-kun nodded slowly in response before burrowing himself in my arms sniffling as he held back his tears. Sasuke-kun patted his brother on the back as I hugged the blonde tightly, giving him all the comfort I could provide him with the embrace.

"W-what should I do?" He asked me, looking up at me with teary eyes. "About the Kyuubi?"

I smiled gently as him as I used the he, of my shirt to dab at his eyes. "For now… try talking to him," I suggested softly. "Ask him what is name is, what does he like and dislike, what could you do to make him more comfortable in the Seal. Remember, he's been imprisoned for a very long time to keep him out of the hands of people who would control him for his own ends, but in the end, he is a victim himself."

Naruto-kun frowned a bit before nodding in understanding before burying himself into my body as we simply sat there on the couch, Sasuke-kun soon worming his way into my embrace, not wanting to be left out of the cuddling session.

I frowned as I watched the assembled nine year old kunoichi wannabes in front of me run through their taijutsu drills. "Yamanaka!" I barked out to Inoichi's daughter who flinched a bit as she was caught red handed looking off to where the boys were doing their own drills. "One hundred extra repetitions for the entire group."

My method for dealing with the fan girls in this group was rather simple, instead of individual punishment, the entire group gets punished if I catch one ignoring their assigned work to ogle one of the boys.

It worked quickly, which Ino was definitely learning as she got glares from the entire class at earning them more work. Interestingly enough, there was one big change because of my rather draconian methods; Sakura Haruno was no longer a fan girl. This particular change had happened when, in a fit of annoyance, I had them write out ten things they knew about what Sasuke-kun liked, disliked and his goals in life and then deconstructed every one of their beliefs about him.

I took particular pleasure in deconstructing their beliefs that he was aiming to avenge his clan and take the leadership from me. He had taken one look at the paperwork I dealt with on a daily basis and decided that he wanted nothing to do with leading the clan. Smart kid.

This, combined with my question of what they wanted to accomplish as kunoichi, left several of them questioning themselves, Sakura included.

The pinkette had apparently decided that I was going to be her role model as a kunoichi and began begging me for lessons in Iryojutsu. Remembering what she became in canon with some training from Tsunade after years of neglecting her skills, I decided to actually teach the girl outside of the academy.

And dear kami… the girl is an understated genius. While her chakra reserves were naturally low as a result of being a first and a half generation shinobi - her mother being a civilian without a ninja in the family for five generations and her father being a retired Lifetime Genin - even with her on a proper diet for a kunoichi and regularly training. I think the source materials seriously understated how much control this girl has over her chakra.

Shaking my heads from those thoughts, I turned back to the class, keeping a close eye on them. "So… you're an elite jonin, near master Iryonin, a leader of a clan and a school teacher?" A familiar voice questioned from nearby, making me smile fondly as I turned to see Roshi-san leaning against the Academy building with his arms folded across his chest.

"Well, I'm apparently the only one who can do their job right in this village," I said with a dramatic sigh as I turned to Roshi, a small flutter in my heart as I faced him properly, keeping an eye on the girls to make sure they were continuing their repetitions. "What brings you to Konoha?"

He shrugged in response. "Eh, no clue, the fence sitter told me to take a vacation with Han and to visit our allies to strengthen relations for a while," he replied with a chuckle. "Give you three guesses as to where Han is."

I laughed merrily in response, some of the girls staring in shock at the sight of me laughing. "Oh, that's too easy to guess," I told him with a beaming grin before turning to my students with a dark look at the ones who stopped prompting the to start back up at double speed. "Still, it's good to see you again, been keeping busy?"

"You know how it is, somebody always has a problem, and we just happen to be the multipurpose tool to fix the problem," Roshi said with a smile, looking over the girls with a critical eye. "Good to see some people drive the Kunoichi hard, they have more to lose out in the field than shinobi."

Several of the girls paled as they realized what he was talking about, the other girls too sheltered to completely understand. "That, and no way in hell is one of my students going to be dead weight," I announced with a snort, folding my arms under my bosom, noting with pleasure the way his eyes drifted to my chest.

Roshi snorted as he began helping me with the final lesson for the day as we began to spar with the students providing a unique insight with the students.

Soon enough, I had the boys in their room, completing their homework, leaving me and Roshi in the living room on either side of the couch, enjoying each other's company for the first time in six months. "So… what's your guy's real reason for being here?" I asked him finally as he pulled my feeling into his lap and began massaging them.

"Well, partly as a vacation like I said, and partly because your Hokage wants to start training Naruto with the Kyuubi, he had asked for me specifically, but since there wasn't anything pressing Onoki sent Han along as well," Roshi explained as he worked my feet over. "He seemed to be worried about something because he told us he didn't want to see us for a year, basically, he set things up so that we are Konoha's disposal for the time being… oddly enough, it happened after Jiraiya showed up out of the blue to speak with the fence sitter."

Well… that's weird. Unless… could it have been the Akatsuki making an early move?

"Weird," I vocalized after shaking off that horrifying thought. "Still, it'll be good having you around for awhile at least."

Roshi grinned back at me before his hands stilled. "There is something I wanted to talk about with you though," he commented, giving me a serious look. "Our relationship, Onoki is supporting it, and I'm pretty sure your Hokage is as well," he gave me a raised eyebrow prompting a nod from me in return. "Well… what are your thoughts on it?"

I sighed as I considered his words for several moments. "I can't say that I'm, not opposed to the idea," I told him finally. "I like you, we get along easily… plus you're not the ugliest person I've met."

Roshi snorted in response as he grinned at me, tickling my feet a bit in revenge, causing several giggles to erupt from my throat. "So then… where does that leave us exactly?" he asked, looking a bit uncertain.

I smiled at him easily. "It means… in addition to looking for a ring, you might want to ask Onoki what will happen if we do marry," I told him.

"Well… I already have the answer for one of those," he grunted, resuming his action of massaging my feet. "Onoki told me that if we continued our relationship, I would end up being sent to Konoha to become a shinobi here since you are a Clan member, and Clan Head to boot."

I blinked with wide eyes. "But… what about the fact that you contain Goku-san?" I asked him. "Doesn't that hurt Iwa if you become a Konoha shinobi?"

"Kind of, but in exchange, since I'm marrying into your clan, you will be required to gift Iwagakure with two jutsus equalling A-ranked in strength," he told me with a knowing look as I sighed.

"Easily done," I assured him with a grin, flashing my sharingan for a brief second. "So… did we just agree on marriage?"

Roshi blinked as he considered my words. "Huh… I think we did," he said with a considering look. "So… that's an interesting result."

I nodded in agreement. "How do you feel about it?" I asked him with a concerned look.

"I'm not opposed to it either," Roshi assured with a small grin. "I have admit, however, I never thought I would get married."

A fair concern for a jinchuriki, I admit to myself, but one that Roshi will have to worry about anymore. "I guess that means we have to set a date, don't we?" I asked him, allowing my body to relax.

"I guess so, that would make your mother happy if nothing else," Roshi said teasingly, getting a chuckle from me. "Strange though… the fact that I won't be considered an Iwa shinobi when we marry."

I frowned a bit as I looked at him in concern. "Are you alright with that?" I voiced my concern, my heart clenching a bit in response to my nervousness.

Roshi was silent for several moments before he replied. "Yeah, I think I will, in general, there is very little lost love between Iwagakure and I," he explained with a sigh. "I will miss a few people, mostly Han, but… I think I'd like it better to stay here."

I smiled warmly at him before adjusting my position to scoot closer to him. "Well then… I guess then I just have to make sure there's something that makes you feel attached to Konoha, isn't there?" I asked him in a throaty voice, making him blink as I slid myself into his lap, facing him. "Because I don't think I want you going anywhere any time soon."

Roshi swallowed a bit, looking a bit surprised at my action. "Well… I guess I can't complain about that," he chuckled as he placed his hands on my waist, a wide grin on his face. "What exactly do you have in mind."

"Oh… I think you know," I breathed as I leaned into him, intentionally pressing my chest against him. "Why don't we go to my room so that I can explain in… detail."

Roshi blinked before I suddenly found myself being carried by him to my room, laughter bubbling up from my chest as he rushed through the apartment.

"MY LITTLE GIRL IS GETTING MARRIED!" my mother squealed as she slammed into me, hugging me tightly after me and Roshi shared the news with her the next day, nearby Han was chuckling alongside my little brothers.

"Calm down mom," I pleaded with her desperately as I tried to pry her off. "It's not that big of a deal!"

"Yes it is!" My mother protested as she let me go to dance in place. "I'm going to be a grandmother!"

Roshi coughed as he avoided my gaze. "Mom, you can save that celebration for when I'm pregnant," I protested. "We need help with planning the ceremony."

"Of course!" my mom cheered, whirling onto the pair of us. "I'll go speak with the Hokage about the needed certificates! When I get back, we'll talk dresses!"

Before any of us could say anything my mom was gone with a blurring [Body Flicker]. "I have a class to teach," I said belatedly as I stared at the point my mother was at before turning to Roshi. "Good luck with my mom!"

"Wait… what!?" I could hear Roshi shout as I ran from the apartment, heading for the Academy.

"So, today we have a guest here for a sparring match with Yuriko-san," Iruka-san announced to the full class, I was standing beside him, my arms folded across my chest. "Please welcome Anko-san to the class for the da-"

A loud crash interrupted Iruka-san as a bundle of cloth broke through the window before it unfolded itself to show it to be Anko-san as she pinned a banner to the ceiling with her kunai. "It is I, the great and wonderful Anko Mitarashi!" the brazen kunoichi shouted as she blocked our vision.

I let out a groan as I covered my eyes. "Anko-san, this is why you're still a Tokubetsu Jonin," I announced as I pushed the banner aside. "Please show some restraint won't you?"

"But that's boring~" Anko whined petulantly, the expression looking odd on the 21 year old's face.

Iruka-san groaned again as the two of us bickered, me trying to convince Anko-san to behave in a more professional manner while she protested it.

"If we could start the lesson, please?" he pleaded, bringing our attention to him. "If you would head out to the sparring ring?"

I rolled my eyes in response before sighing. "Very well," I announced as I moved to the window broken by Anko-san and leapt out, followed closely by the other woman.

The two of us waited patiently for Iruka-san to lead the class to join us in the field as we sized each other up. "This is a chance for many of you to see what an advanced taijutsu style will look like when mastered," Iruka-san explained to the class. "And the result of dedicating yourself to your training."

He turned to the two of us. "Remember, taijutsu only," he reiterated, looking at Anko-san in particular who rolled her eyes and nodded. "Alright, until first pin, give up, or ring out. Begin!"

Anko launched her fist forward, aiming for my chin, probably to disorient me only for my hand to whip up and knock her fist to the side as I slid forward a step and moved my block into an elbow strike.

Anko-san spun out of the way, using the momentum of the spin to try and sweep my feet out from under me. I kicked back into her sweep, cancelling out the force behind it, allowing me to keep my balance as I moved back to create some space between us as Anko-san turned to face me fully.

Releasing a breath, I stepped forward again, snapping my fist forward at Anko-san, pushing her back a bit as she blocked my strick and quickly raised her leg to block my low kick with her shin only for me to push myself forward, landing on my outstretched leg and pushed hard into Anko-san, knocking her off balance as I continued to press the advantage.

In a display of flexibility, Anko-san bent herself back further in her fall, planting her hands on the ground to pull her lower body up in a rising kick that I managed to avoid, giving her plenty of room to get back to her feet and back into her stance.

We circled for several moments as we waited for the other to create and opening when I purposely made one that Anko-san zeroed in on and surged to strike at the opening I left on my sternum. Her strike was met by me catching her wrist in an iron grip. "Crap," Anko-san muttered as she tried to free herself from my grasp only for me to wrench her forward and spin, throwing her over my shoulder onto the hard ground, drawing a gasp from her as the air was forced from her lungs.

I ended the match by pinning her to the ground with my foot planted on her solar plexus, preventing her from properly drawing enough oxygen into her lungs to recover herself.

"Winner! Yuriko-san!" Iruka-san announced as I stepped back from Anko-san, allowing her to stand up.

"Note, this is not an indication of who is stronger," I told the crowd of raptly attentive students. "This was solely taijutsu where both of us were aware of the other, not every engagement will be that cut and dry."

"Like the fact that I normally use senbon coated with assorted poisons and summons from cover and from hidden positions," Anko grunted as she stood up, giving me an appraising look. "Not to mention Yuriko's use of Chakra Scalpels making any physical contact even worse."

I nodded in confirmation. "For example, instead of simply grabbing her, I could have removed her wrist completely," I announced, getting some green faces at the image it produced. "And while she was recoiling from that, she would have left herself vulnerable to my follow up, which would mostly be applying my chakra scalpel to either her lungs, heart or brain to kill her instantly."

A few more green faces popped up among the students as they looked at me with slightly fearful looks. "Thank you two for the demonstration and analysis of a real battle," Iruka-san said as he stepped forward. "Alright, everyone, back into the classroom!"

"Ah, Iruka-kun!" a familiar voice called out, making a shiver run down my spine as my mother appeared in the small courtyard. "Would you mind if I borrowed my daughter for the rest of the day? Thank you!"

Before I could even take a step, my mother had grabbed onto me and pulled me along in her [Body Flicker] to my home where Roshi was waiting alongside Han-san who seemed to find the entire thing too humorous. "That was rather rude of you to leave like that, Yuriko-chan!" my mother announced with a beaming smile as she pinned me in place with her dreaded evil eye.

"Well… I am a teacher at the Academy," I protested feebly against my mother's accusation. "And we have plenty of time to plan this out! It doesn't need to be done right this second."

"Oh, the mothers of the clan already had everything planned out honey," my mother tooled me, getting wide eyes from me. "We started planning since you became the clan head, you have a responsibility to pass your genes along, especially now that our clan is so small, I approve of Roshi-san by the way, strong, good looking, and you two get along."

I flushed as I refused to meet Roshi's eyes in embarrassment from how she was acting. "Mom, please, Roshi and I only just agreed to marry yesterday since it looked like Sarutobi-sama and Onoki-san were pushing for it," I told her, regaining control over myself. "Please, don't make this into a massive production, yes, I understand my responsibilities to the clan, but you are taking this a bit far."

My mother stilled in her movements before letting out a light sigh. "I know dear," she told me, smiling softly as she looked at me with her warm eyes. "But, you have been pushing yourself so hard lately, between raising Naruto-kun, taking up leadership of the clan, taking in Sasuke-kun, all the missions from the Daimyo, your responsibilities as one of Konoha's strongest kunoichi, and the best Iryonin still with Konoha… the first time I've seen you actually truly relax was with Roshi-san."

I blinked at my mother's words, trying to think back to try and pull something up to dispute it. Only… I couldn't.

I loved Naruto-kun, I truly did, but even with my putting my entire heart into raising him, I still had a few sleepless nights wondering if I was doing a good enough job for Kushina-san and Minato-sama. Ever since I became the leader of the clan I've been busy trying to organize things to keep the clan afloat financially without pulling too heavily from the clan's treasury, making sure everyone was happy and content, the orphans were getting cared for, the ones who are in the academy were doing well and getting the training they needed. Working at the Academy itself as I tried to ensure there was a proper lesson plan for the future kunoichi of Konoha while also trying to break them of their fan girl habits.

And the less said about the majority of the missions I am selected for, the better really.

I was pushing myself way to hard.

The realization hit me in the gut as I slumped back into my chair. The last time I remembered getting a full eight hours sleep was when I had my last rendezvous with Roshi.

If I kept going like this, I was going to break.

"I… understand," I told my mom with a bit of a smile. "I'll talk with Tsuki-san and get her to help me with some of the less critical Clan paperwork and tell Sarutobi-sama that I will be stepping down from my teaching position in the academy once this current batch is done," I promised her, getting her to relax a bit before she turned to the slightly confused looking Roshi.

"Roshi-san, as my son-in-law, I am going to be leaving my daughter in your hands, she is willful, stubborn and doesn't realize her own limits, I am trusting that you will ensure she doesn't harm herself by pushing herself too far and calling her on her stubbornness," she told my now fiancee sternly. "Can I count on you to do this for me?"

Roshi straightened in his seat as he met my mother's eyes. "Of course, Shigure-san," he assured her firmly. "I'll look after her to the absolute best of my ability."

My mother relaxed further as she smiled at the red haired man nine years my senior. "Good," she breathed in relief. "Now… the clan is going to be handling the setup, and yes, we can afford it," she cut me off as I opened my mouth to speak. "Now, all you two need to do is help with a few details here and there and keep your noses out of it," I knew the last part was more for me than anything else as I gave my mother a confused look. "You're a bit of a control freak when it comes to organizing things dear."

I blushed in embarrassment at her accusation as she turned a bit to Roshi. "I take it Han-san is going to be your best man?" She questioned the two Jinchuuriki exchanging looks with one another before Han-san shrugged and nodded. "Alright then, Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun, the both of you will be the ring bearers, honey, Sarutobi-sama already agreed to escort you down the aisle for the ceremony."

I blinked, a few tears welling up in my eyes at the poignant reminder about the death of the major male figures in my life before it was crushed by a surge affection for the elderly leader and nodded my understanding.

My mother sighed, knowing what the tears were for. "Your father and brother would be so proud of you right now," she whispered to me affectionately, cupping my cheeks affectionately before wiping away her tears. "How does a couple months from now sound for the ceremony?" She questioned, moving to sit down beside me, the two of us providing comfort to one another from our shared loss.

"Yeah, That sounds good," I agreed after looking to Roshi who nodded in agreement.

I allowed myself a smile as my calmer mother began walking through the various things that needed to be done and listened to our opinions on them.

My stomach heaved as I spilled my guts into the toilet in front of me, the smell of fresh bile pulling another wave of vomiting from me as Roshi held my hair back.

"You don't have a fever," Roshi commented as I felt his warm hand run across my forehead. "Other than vomiting you're not showing any signs of illness."

"I didn't pick up any viruses or infections when I scanned myself, but doing that always disrupts the results, but it could just be the stress catching up with me," I groaned as I recovered from my latest wave of vomiting, with the wedding being only a month away it wouldn't surprise me if stress had began to creep up on me, after all, marriage was a pretty big step.

"We'll know more when the boys get back with your mother," Roshi said as he ran a damp towel across my forehead, wiping away some sweat for it before wiping away the bits of bile on my face.

A loud bang echoed through the apartment as my mother rushed in looking a bit frantic. "Here, let me see," she said quickly as she placed a cool hand on my forehead as I relaxed, allowing her to run her chakra through me. "Oh… dear… when was your last period?"

I blinked at the odd question as I tried to think of the answer to the question, let's It it was… before Roshi and Han-san arrived in Konoha… two months ago!? I could feel the blood rush from my face as I stared at my mother in disbelief.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant," she announced to me before my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I fell into blackness.

"I just had the strangest dream," I groaned as I opened my eyes to the ceiling of my bedroom before looking over to Roshi who had a mixed expression on his face. "Only, you're going to tell me the fact that I just learned I'm pregnant wasn't a dream, was it?"

"Nope, your mother just confirmed it, she place it right around the time that me and Han got here," Roshi confirmed with a nod. "Are… you alright?"

I took in a careful breath as I considered my answer. "I'm… shocked more than anything right now I think," I admitted a hand drifting to my abdomen where a new life grew within me. "Mentally I thought I was prepared for this, but now that it's actually happening? I don't feel ready…"

"Neither do I, to be honest" Roshi admitted, sitting down next to me on the bed, grasping my hand in his own. "I mean… a year ago I was just Iwa's weapon, but now? I'm to be married to a beautiful woman… who is now pregnant with my child."

I flushed a bit at his compliment before leaning into him. "I don't even know if I'm doing a good job raising Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun," I admitted, my heart clenching at the fact that I finally said it aloud. "I love the two of them, and I'm doing my best… but even with that experience… I just don't know… Kushina-san entrusted her son to me… and I don't know if she's approving of how I'm raising him…"

"I may not know his biological mother," Roshi started, pulling me closer as he began to pull me closer, running a hand through my hair. "But, I promise you, you are doing an amazing job, and when he looks at you, he doesn't see a sister, he sees his mother."

I froze at Roshi's words, guilt chewing at my heart. "But… I never wanted to replace Kushina-san," I replied biting back a sob as emotions rushed through me, Roshi hugging me tightly. "She loved him so much, and I tried so hard to save her… and then raise Naruto-kun for her…"

"I think she knows you didn't want to replace her," Roshi breathed reassuringly into my ear. "From hearing you talk about her, I think she would be happy to see that you raised her son with such love and care that he never had to question if he had a mother or not, simply because you were there."

I sniffed a bit in response as I let out a shuddering sigh, and nodded my acceptance of his words. "Thank you… Roshi," I breathed as I felt my emotions calm. "I'm honestly frightened about the fact that I'm growing a life inside of me…"

"Well… we'll just have to deal with it then," Roshi commented with a shrug making me weakly chuckle.

"Of all the things, I remembered to put up the silencing seal, but forgot the 'day after' technique," I sighed rubbing my eyes tiredly. "So… are you ready for this?"

"As I would ever be all things considered, how about yourself?" Roshi questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"About the same to be honest," I nodded in agreement. "So… any idea for names?"

Roshi chuckled in amusement as he shook his head.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 70

EXP: 4,875/35,000

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)aaa

Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])

STATS - Former - Current

HP - 7,725

CP - 35,000

STR - 85 (127)

INT - 132 (198)

DEX - 152 (266)

VIT - 85 (127)

WIS -125 (210)

LUK - 41 (61)

Ryo - 25,542,153

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