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58.97% Blood Brother - Invincible / Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Capítulo 22: Chapter 22

° Cairo, Egypt

° A Few Days Later

Matthew and his brother soared across the early morning dessert skies, their colorful costumes were shined upon by the light from the peeking sun that signalled the dawn of a new day over in Egypt.

Mark flew closer to the dunes, kicking up clouds of dust and great winds which incidentally caused a great sandstorm in his wale.

Matthew, on the other hand, was once again mentally preoccupied as he flew.

His mind going through his first time with Eve that one fateful night. They had not spoken about it at all in the last few days, each with different reasons other than the awkwardness they both felt afterwards. His first time being a one night stand with a broken hearted girl.

So many things about that night remained a mystery for him, the many possible reasons as to why it happened at all flying through his mind, but he knew one thing for certain.

Eve Wilkins was now very certain that Matthew was not gay. He made sure of that. The memory of that night aroused him and reminded him of the single disappointment he had during it. The thoughts of her naked in the darkness of his room that night distracted his flight path. Unintentionally taking a spinning path through the air.

Nolan/Omniman flew a good distance above them, cruising above like an aircraft flying over the world below.

"Mark!" Nolan said, loud enough to pierce through the gale force winds "Gain some altitude! You're messing up the desert"

"Huh?" Mark looked back, seeing the accumulating sandstorm behind him made him wince "Uh... sorry"

He adjusted his flight, climbing up until he was right behind Nolan.

"And you, Matthew! Focus! You're flying like a blind hummingbird bird" Nolan shouted again.

Matthew snapped back and settled his bearings before climbing to where he was flying beside his brother. Staying quiet with his thoughts running in the background.

"Pick up the pace" Nolan told them as he rocket forward faster, just enough to force his sons to exert more effort into flight "You need to push yourselves if you want to build speed and endurance"

"I can't believe I still have to exercise" Mark complained.

"What, you thought being a Viltrumite was easy?" Nolan smirked before perfectly executing a roll in midair and shifted his elevation until he was only a few hundred feet from the sandy dunes.

Matthew followed and flashed a dull smile to Mark, directly dropping altitude with a careless back plunge then caught himself just a few meters below where Nolan was flying, then adjusted his flight to match behind.

"Show off" Mark grumbled as he followed in a chaotic fashion.

"Whoa, whoa!" Mark intoned before he stabilized.

Nolan looked at both boys and said, "At least one of you has gotten a good enough grasp as flight. Good job, Matt"

Matthew's mood soared at the compliment. Mark protested.

"Okay, okay, let's take a break" Nolan offered,  placating Mark and getting a nod from Matthew.

"Now you're talking" Mark happily celebrated.

"Last one to Mount Everest does the dishes for a week. Go!" Nolan quickly spouted before once again shooting forward, creating a sonic *BOOM* as he easily sliced through the air.

"Yeah! Wait...where's Mount Everest?" Mark celebrated and followed behind, pushing himself. Matthew not far behind.

"It's the high one!" Nolan said before flying out of range from his sons, leaving them behind.

"Hey" Matthew called out, "Last one to make a sonic boom gets to take out the trash for a month?"

Although Matthew asked it as a question, he didn't leave enough time for Mark to reply before he push himself forward. Fighting through a rubber band like force that seemed to pull him back, stopping him from flying any faster. Realizing what it was, Matthew smiled in triumph.

"Wait!" Mark shouted at the top of his lungs "You didn't even say go so that doesn't count!"

Matthew grinned as he sensed Mark catching up to him, pushing himself to push forward even more until a loud boom prompted a sudden burst of speed that left Mark behind.


° Mount Everest, Himalayas Mountain Range

A far off sonic boom sounded the arrival of Nolan to the very peak of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the surface of the world. A point where very few humans around the world have ever reached, much less survived the climb to.

Yet despite knowing that, Nolan stood at the peak with a neutral expression. Having already done it several hundred times in his 20 years on Earth.

Behind him, landed a set of blue boots followed by red ones. Both crahsing through several feet of snow before emerging from their respective holes.

His sons have finally caught up, after only a minute or so of waiting. Matthew groaned as he rose.

"Wow. Who knew punching the sound barrier took that much effort" he complained.

"Ha!" Mark taunted Matthew, "Doesn't matter. I got here first!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Matthew waved his victorious vigor off and smiled mischievously "But like you said, doesn't matter so doesn't count"

"What the--Are you kidding me!?" Mark was outraged, but then suddenly went to his knees. Out of breath.

Matthew staggered at almost the same time, breathing more deeply once he noticed how thin the air around them was.

"Take deep breaths" Nolan told them, "The air's thin up here"

Matthew gave him his thumbs up as he slowly got his breath back.

"No...kidding..." Mark panted each word.

Their quiet waiting was suddenly intruded upon when a hiker came to the top at that very moment.

The hiker yelped in surprise, "What the fսck?"

"Hi. Sorry" Mark spoke first and introduced everyone "It's okay. I'm Invincible. This is Omniman and Superboy"

After a round of explanation and letting hiker put a flag of some kind on the top, the three watched him hiked back down. 2 of them hoping for the man to arrive safely on the base of the mountain.

"Sometimes" Nolan spoke once the hiker was far enough, "I forget how beautiful this planet can be. Too bad the human race is hell-bent on destroying it"

Both boys now stood on either of their father's sides, watching the cloud plums of white and cold winds that covered the expansive mountain range as far as they could see. The strong winds bristling against their hair, and Nolan's mustache.

"Good thing they got us, right?" Nolan added.

"Huh. Yeah, I guess" Mark said absently.

Matthew just nodded, his father's words filling him with a sense of pride of being what he was. Yet the fact that he had other powers still made him wonder.

"Is Viltrum that different? From Earth, I mean" Mark asked.

"Oh, it's very different. Our people have made it a paradise. A perfect society where everyone is strong and capable of affecting change outside the planet" Nolan said, then added "We've ended wars all over the universe, brought peace to thousands of galaxies, lifted alien races out of the mud and into the future"

"It's why I'm here on Earth" he explained to both "It's why you're both here"

"I still can't believe you left everything to come help a planet you'd never even seen before" Mark said.

"I told you, I was part of the..." Nolan said but was interrupted.

"--world betterment committee. Yeah, we know, but that's still not a reason. Not all of it, anyway" Matthew chimed in.

Nolan took a moment to consider before answering.

"Well, when your grandparents died, I was lost for a long time. They were the only family I had. Coming here felt like a chance to build something new" Nolan said.

"You mean, like with Mom?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, your mom changed everything" Bolan smiled warmly "She turned this place from a job to a home. Then you two came along and changed it all again"

"Huh. I don't know if I could do that" Mark then said, drawing stares from both brother and father.

"Do what?" Nolan asked.

"Leave everything behind"

Matthew looked away then. The words reminded him once again of his past, of the life he left behind for this new life. Making him wonder how they were despite being literally a universe away.

"Hey, keeping the universe safe, living up to our people's heritage, it takes sacrifice. That's what I'm trying to teach you both" Nolan said.

"Sure. I get that" Mark replied automatically.

Matthew nodded absently.

"Okay" Nolan smiled at the answer, "All right, one more round, huh? Last one home takes out the garbage for a month--"

Mark blasted off the peak and away into the skies, laughing gleefully as he soared up faster and faster. Matthew followed after, catching up to Mark completely in 4 seconds.

Nolan scoffed and flew after him, easily overtaking and leaving both behind with ease in one second with a resounding boom.


° Grayson Residence

By the time the trio arrived back home, it was already early in the evening. And as usual, Nolan arrived first. Followed by Matthew, who grinned at his father proudly, and then Mark, who had a scowl on his face.

"I'm not gonna throw the garbage this month" Mark stated.

"Dude. Dad was the one who set the bet and I arrived ahead of you-"

"By a few seconds!" Mark interrupted.

"Still counts and the bet is totally valid" Matthew retorted.

Nolan chuckled at their exchange, "Boy, I am going to love not taking out the garbage for a month"

Mark signed "Yeah, yeah, quit rubbing it in"

The trio entered the home to find it dark, with only the light from an open laptop dimly lightning the living room and parts of the kitchen. Debbie sat in front of the laptop, focused on something on it before she turned around the greeted her boys.

Nolan went to her side and gave a light kiss to the forehead, an act which Debbie appreciated greatly.

"So, I spent all day teaching our sons to break the sound barrier" Nolan started "Turns out the only motivation he needed was getting ready for a hot date"

"Don't forget the threat of a month of garbage duty" Matthew added.

"Yeah, that too" Nolan agreed.

"A date?" Debbie sounded intrigued "Hold up. Tell me everything"

"It's not a date" Mark clarified "Amber and I are just...hanging out"

Matthew stiffled a laugh and walked up the stairs, "Stop lying, Mark. You'll hurt Mom's feelings"

"Whos Amber? What happened with Eve?" Debbie asked innocently.

Mark didnt answer out of embarrassment and Matthew just shrugged, putting the matter to rest.

Matthew heard only bits of the next conversation as he headed for his room, eager to change out of the sweaty and grimey costume after a good 8 hours of flying around half the world.

He entered his room and quickly got out of his costume before breathing a huge sigh of relief as he bounced on his bed. Matthew's phone rang before sleep came over. The ringing continued, signaling a call.

He picked it up and held it over his face, seeing who was calling surprised him enough to lose his grip on the phone, watching it smack hard on his durable face before answering the call.

[Hey, Matt] Throwbolt's smooth and silky voice spoke on the line.

"Hey, Alicia. How may I help you this evening?" Matthew said, addressing his caller using her civilian name with an excited smile.

[Oh, so formal. I simply wish to feel your company tonight, good sir] she replied whimsically.

Matthew chuckled "Oh? Do you mean what I think you mean?"

[I don't know. Maybe I am, maybe not. Only one way to find out] she purred.

"That's very tempting..." Matthew admitted, floating up his bed "Are you alone?"

The line was silent for a moment before a giggling sounded from the other side and the words Matthew wanted to hear caused him to shoot out of his bedroom window and fly out of the suburbs.

After a good 5 minutes of flight, Matthew arrived at a female dormitory in Upstate University several miles away from his home. He stopped in front of a specific window with a yellow curtain over it and knocked lightly three times.

The windows flew open and a smiling half naked blonde girl greeted the floating young man.

"That was fast" she teased with a slight grin.

"Can't afford to keep you waiting. And don't worry, I'll last longer this time" Matthew replied with a grin of his own.

Alicia eyed him over once and motioned inside, "We'll see about that"


° Grayson Residence

After a full hour of making out, groping, and grinding to achieve mutual satisfaction, Matthew lay beside Throwbolt/Alicia Walsh on her bed. Both of them shared a quiet few moments as they cooled down from their heated passion.

None of them mindful of the slight burnt smell or the fact that bits of their clothing now had a number of burn marks around.

"God, you're intense" Alicia said with a satisfied grin, "Didn't expect such an innocent-looking guy like you to be so...hungry"

Matthew chuckled, "You're one to talk. If I was any squisher, I would've been barbecued by those sparks you let out every time you moan over the last week"

Alicia bit on Matthew's durable ear playfully and let out a spark from her tongue that tickled him.

"Geez. Calm down" Matthew laughed and held her face tenderly "It was a joke. Honestly, I like those little sparks all over me"

Alicia bit her lips, suddenly looking hesitant "You're the first one to tell me that ever since I got my powers"

Matthew turned to look at her, waiting for her to continue as he listened.

"Everything changed for me that one day. Back then, I was able to let myself go and enjoy life to the fullest with everything I've got. Now...if I let myself go or be taken over by my emotions, get like this" she sat up and closed her eyes, her whole body was wreathed in bright sparking electricity for one moment before it disappeared.

She pushed out a sleeve to emphasize her point, showing Matthew the burns inside.

"But your suit--

"Made with a special layer of a non-conductive polymer mesh that can handle my 'sparks' just fine" Alicia said.

"Oh" Matthew said, understanding a part of her struggle "I'm sorry to hear that. You must've struggled a lot during that time"

"Don't be" she smiled sadly "I got around it eventually. Met a few people who helped me with control"

"But, even with all that, dating and hanging out with guys I like was...difficult, until you came along" she smiled.

Matthew put his hand over hers in a reassuring gesture, "The only one strong enough to handle your fine ass?"

Alicia giggled and sent a spark to his nose in a tickling gesture. Then she dove in for a tender kiss, her lips sparking chaotically on contact. They parted and shared an ammused look as Alicia glowed in her excited state of arousal.

"I am worried about are your sheets though" Matthew then added with a cheeky grin "Those will not last long at all. Hell, I think we'll burn down the entire dormitory if we get carried away"

Alicia laughed and squinted her eyes mischievously "Do you have any suggestions then? Know any place more durable and more private for us to...let loose?"

Matthew cleared his throat at her insinuation, "Not on the top of my mind, but I'll think of something"

Alicia patted his cheeks and whispered "You better. I can't even tell you how hot I am just thinking about it"

She perked up when she sensed something hard and hot poke her thighs, "Oh wow, someone has a vivid imagination"

"You have no idea" Matthew grinned and kissed her once more.

After another short make out session, Matthew was forced to leave. The impatient knocking on Alicia's dorm room door signalling his time for departure.

"Sorry, stud. Looks like time's up" Alicia said, waving him good bye.

"See you soon" Matthew said, hopeful.

Alicia giggled, "Maybe. We'll see" before she closed her window.

Matthew took a deep breath as he shot up into the night sky, arms wide and head clear of all the frustrations of his day. Also looking forward for the next time.

Along the way to his home, he got a call on his phone. From his mother.

"Mom?" Matthew slowed down enough to hear her well enough.

[Matthew! What are you doing!? Where have you been? And why didn't you say anything?] Debbie asked in quick succession.

"Uh... I was dealing with a hit and run crash I saw earlier on Instagram, it wasn't far. And it was kind of a rush thing" he said, fully aware of how unconvincing he sounded.

[For an hour and a half?] Debbie asked.

Shoving aside the sudden pride he felt with how long the make up session lasted, Matthew answered "It got a little heated with an argument between the drivers, engine explosions, and something. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it totally slipped my mind"

[Well, okay. Just get back here quickly] Debbie said.

"You got it" Matthew said before the call ended and   he pushed faster to his house.

He arrived just as Mark did, landing over the garden accompanied by a soft puff of wind.

"Where have you been?" Mark asked curiously.

"Out" Matthew said then paused to take a sniff when Mark got closer "And why do you smell like rotten eggs and sewage?"

"It's called Durian. And it's very delicious despite its...smell" Mark explained.

"Ah. No wonder that smelled familiar" Matthew said knowingly.

They both entered the backdoor and saw the gathering of their parents and Cecil there, standing and watching them.

"Uh...what's going on?" Matthew asked the pertinent question.

"I need you" Cecil said grimly "Both of you"

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