Over time, the party was slightly dying down. By over time, I mean in a really really long time. Probably hours upon hours, but I kinda lost count after seven. We were still going at it, dancing occasionally, participating in drinking games, that sort of things. I was probably given about a million shots, and a few hundred pints of beer. Well, apart from the exaggeration, I did have quite a bit to drink, and I was definitely starting to feel it.
At this point, it took me quite a bit of effort to walk straight, and I'd get quite woozy as well. On that note, I decided to just remain seated for a long time, and drink a lot of water, along with some extra food, even though I knew I was gonna throw up at some point, if I continue doing it. I might be some [God-Tier], but alcohol was way stronger than me.
Thanks for reading this chapter!
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We just got to the end of this arc, and the new one will only start in January, until then, enjoy a bunch of shorter, more compact, and slightly more filler-y content :P
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Twitter: @FuyuManatee