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70% Bleach! The world of Fang and blade! / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Display of power!

Capítulo 21: Chapter 21: Display of power!

The next day had come around quickly for Grayson after his visit to his inner world. Even though he had undergone a tremendous amount of stress, his body felt fresh, feeling even stronger than before.

Of course, it helped that he had received a ton of exp from gaining control over his Zanpakuto, as well as a large increase to his Reiryoku.

It was now the day of his scheduled dual with the 6th seat, Yasusu Bosetsu. Grayson had prepared himself with a good breakfast, noticing the looks he was getting from the other squad members, but not allowing them to bother him.

After all, the 6th seat had been the one to challenge him, and he would see to it that he used this opportunity to solidify his place in the squad.

With that said, Grayson took his Zanpakuto in his hand before he strapped it to his waist, having returned to his room to ready his things.

"Here we go." He said to himself, taking one last look at himself in the mirror before he set off.

The dual had been scheduled for midday in the courtyard outside of squad fives barracks. Naturally, the whole squad would be present to witness the challenge, as was the formality of a dual between seated members, even if they didn't happen very often.

Grayson had been informed that captain Aizen had formally given his permission for the challenge and allowed the use of deadly force.

Grayson soon arrived at the courtyard seeing the large crowd that had gathered around to watch his fight.

"Hmm... Reminds me of the fight pit back in the Rukon district." Grayson thought as he looked around.

"Well, looks like you didn't chicken out!" A familiar voice suddenly boomed from the other side of the courtyard.

It was the 6th seat himself, with the 4th seat, Kogawa Tesho standing next to him, letting him know that he was ready to battle from the get-go.

Grayson remained quiet and showed no emotion toward either of them, knowing it was best to keep his emotions under control.

"Goodness me, what in the world are the two of you thinking!" Another familiar voice suddenly said, getting both of their attention.

"L-Lieutenant..." The 6th seat said, nodding his head to her.

"This is a formal challenge, lieutenant, we are doing nothing wrong here." The 4th seat suddenly said, causing her to go quiet.

"I know that. It's just, we shouldn't be fighting among ourselves." She then said.

"Now, now, lieutenant." Another familiar voice said, getting everyone's attention.

"Some things just can't be settled any other way, am I right?" Aizen said, making his appearance.

"Captain." Everyone suddenly said, bowing their head in respect.

Aizen nodded his head back as he walked over toward Momo.

"Isn't that right, 6th seat, Yasusu Bosetsu," Aizen said, getting a slow nod from him.

"I understand your frustration, after all, Grayson here has only just come from the academy and taken your place. It's only natural you would want to challenge his ability to make sure he deserves the position." Aizen said, seeming to cause Momo to bite her tongue.

"Now, I am allowing the full use of your Zanpakuto in the battle, and as expected the use of lethal force, if necessary," Aizen said as he looked at both of them.

Grayson couldn't help but notice a small smile on the captain's face, not sure if he was seeing things for a moment before he walked away.

"Now, I captain Aizen give permission for this dual between 6th seat, Yasusu Bosetsu, and 5th seat, Grayson to begin!" He said, getting everyone to go silent as they watched the captain slowly walk out of the way, allowing both of them to face off against one another.

"I've been waiting for this," Bosetsu said as he drew his sword, holding it in a low stance.

Grayson remained standing and simply placed one hand on the hilt of his sword, keeping it sheathed for the time being.

"You dare to show such disrespect and not draw your sword against me!" Bosetsu yelled, letting his anger get the better of him.

"I'll show you!!!" He suddenly yelled as he charged toward Grayson with full force, bringing his sword up as he cut through the air, attempting to cut Grayson in half.

Grayson watched the attack and quickly stepped to the side, using his flash step to dodge the attack, making it look easy.

"No way!" Bosetsu said in shock as he watched in slow motion.

Grayson didn't say anything and quickly drew his own sword, slamming the butt of the hilt into Bosetsu's stomach, hitting him hard in the solar plexus, doubling him over with one strike.

"Arghh!!!" Bosetsu yelled as all of the air in his lungs was forced out while his diaphragm spasmed, dropping him to his knees.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked at the display of skill, remaining quiet for a moment before they started to yell and cheer.

"Did you see that!"

"He didn't even use his sword!" Another shouted, clearly impressed.

"Don't let him play you like this, Bosetsu!" The 4th seat shouted, trying to cheer his friend on.

"Why you son of a bitch..." Bosetsu said as he caught his breath, slowly picking himself up and back into a fighting stance.

Grayson still hadn't drawn his sword yet and simply stood with his right hand resting on the hilt of his Zanpakuto.

"I can see why you were demoted. You simply aren't strong enough." Grayson said, not seeming to hold back in his words.

Captain Aizen and the others watched the impressive start to their battle with the other squad members.

"Wow, he didn't even use his sword," Momo said, impressed by the counterattack.

"Yes, very impressive indeed. Not only did he dodge his opponent's attack with ease, but he was also able to counter with minimal effort, even having the time to finish the fight with one blow if he had so wished." The 3rd seat said as he too watched the fight.

"I've had enough of you. It's time to show you how a real soul reaper fights!" Bosetsu said as he held his sword at an angle, placing the palm of his hand on it.

"No way, is he going to release his Zanpakuto?" Someone asked as the troops started to chatter.

"Now snap. Kureivun'u~ippu!" (Means Craven Whip.) Bosetsu yelled, allowing his spiritual pressure to flare to life as he revealed his Shikai's form.

"This is the end for you," Bosetsu said as he now held his new weapon in his hand, holding what looked to be a red whip with a bladed tip on the end of it.

"That is Bosetsu's Shikai. The Craven whip." The 4th seat said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Now that he has gotten serious, that bastard won't even be able to get close to him.

Grayson wasn't impressed by Bosetsu's Shikai, feeling that it was all too simple in design to be effective in combat.

Bosetsu took the handle of his whip in his right hand before he started swinging it around with skill before he cracked the end of it off the ground, giving off a loud snapping sound.

"Take this!" Bosetsu suddenly yelled, quickly waving his arm again and changing his whip's attacking direction, aiming right for Grayson with surprising speed.

Grayson dashed back with a strong kick off the ground, however, Bosetsu's whip seemed to stretch further than he had expected, and the tip of its blade ripped a large gash in the front of his robes, forcing Grayson to dash to the side as he avoided a second lash.

"You won't escape that easy!" Bosetsu yelled, quickly adjusting his grip on the whip as he pulled it back, wrapping it around his arm before sending it flying back towards Grayson.

Grayson dodged another two swipes from the tip, judging that it was only the blade that was dangerous as he proceeded to grab the whip, stopping it in its tracks.

"Got you." Bosetsu said with a sinister smile, seeming to expect it.

Suddenly small blades burst from the leather that Grayson was holding, cutting into his hand and forcing him to let go as he winched in pain.

"Shit!" He yelled as the whip quickly flipped around and flew down at him, cutting his clean across the back.

"Arghh!" Grayson cried, feeling the sting from the lash before Bosetsu pulled his weapon back.

"Wait a second, did that attack drain my spiritual pressure?"

Grayson could feel and see from his stat screen that his Reiatsu had been slightly drained, knowing that he would have to be more careful from now on.

"I'm sure you can already feel the effects of my Zanpakuto. So, I might as well let you in on its secret power." Bosetsu said as he held his weapon close to him.

"Each time it strikes an opponent with a lash, my Zanpakuto drains some of its target's spiritual pressure, and with each and every lash after that, that amount of spiritual pressure it drains increases by the number of lashes given," Bosetsu said, still smiling as he felt he had gained the upper hand.

The rest of the squad watched as their battle continued to press on, all of them feeling that Bosetsu had also gained the upper hand now, after releasing his Zanpakuto and drawing first blood.

"Bosetsu's Zanpakuto is indeed a unique one, allowing it to drain his opponent's spiritual pressure multiplied by the number of strikes that he dishes out." The 3rd seat said as he analysed the situation.

"Now what will you do, Grayson." Aizen thought as he watched the situation, smirking as he waited to see what was going to happen.

Grayson watched Bosetsu carefully, knowing that he was about done talking and was going to start attacking again any second.

"Time to die!" Bosetsu shouted, as if on cue.

This time Grayson used his flash step to avoid the attacks, however, thanks to Bosetsu's increase in spiritual pressure, his attacks had gotten quicker, forcing Grayson to work harder.

"Shit, I can't dodge it." Grayson said as he felt the whip cut through his sleeve and again through the robe on his chest, cutting his skin again and zapping some of his spiritual energy.

"Second lash!" Bosetsu yelled, jumping into the air as he pulled his whip back and spun it around his neck, causing it to fly towards Grayson with the tip of the blade about to slash his face.

"No choice!" Grayson thought, quickly drawing his sword as he deflected the tip of the whip, knocking it back into the air before Bosetsu withdrew it back to him.

"So, you finally drew your Zanpakuto?" Bosetsu said as he started to spin the end of his weapon, getting it to go faster and faster.

"But I know that you can't release your Zanpakuto! That's why someone like you isn't fit to hold a seated position!" Bosetsu yelled, letting his weapon fly with a burst of attacks.

Grayson used his sword to deflect the oncoming attacks, parrying them one after the other as he jumped around, struggling to get close to Bosetsu.

"Sho!" Grayson said, using his Kido to blast Bosetsu's whip away with a small burst of air.

"Now!" He then said, ducking under the whip as Bosetsu pulled it back towards him, leaving himself open for Grayson to close the distance.

"Take this!" Grayson said, lifting his sword as he prepared his attack, slicing down at Bosetsu's shoulder.

"I don't think so!" Bosetsu said as he used the leather length of his whip to block the attack, holding it tight with both hands as he struggled against Grayson's strength.

"Sho!" Grayson said again, using his Hado to knock Bosetsu back and off balance, causing him to panic as he waved his arms in an attempt to use his whip to attack.

"Kido again!" Bosetsu said, trying to regain his balance and pulling his whip through the air with his left arm.

Grayson could sense the blade coming towards the back of his head, quickly ducking and letting it pass over him before he jumped back, getting some room and avoiding another attack from Bosetsu.

"It would seem that they are evenly matched." the 3rd seat said, watching closely.

"They are only one rank apart, so there shouldn't be much difference between their strength." He then said.

Grayson was breathing a little harder now, quickly checking his stats while he had the chance.

Name: Grayson.

Level 27. (1400/17000).

Class: Soul reaper of squad five. 5th seat.

Health: 225/255

Stamina: 255/255

Reiatsu/Reiryoku: 310/380

Skills- Hadō 31 Shakkahō level 3/10.

Hadō 1 Shō level 3/10.

Flash step 4/10

Strength: 35/100 (1/10)

Speed: 25/100 (1/10)

Intelligence: 65/100 (1/10)

Enhanced skills -

Zanjutsu: 4/10 (1/10)

Zanpakuto name: Jūryoku no Megami.

Hakuda: 5/10 (0/10)

Kidō: 3/10 (0/10)

Skill points available: 2.

"I guess it's time I got serious," Grayson said to himself as had gripped the hilt of his sword tight, hearing the voice of his Zanpakuto in his head.

"Silly boy... If you had used my power from the start, you would have finished this in an instant." Jūryoku no Megami said.

"I know that," Grayson said, keeping a serious face as he watched Bosetsu prepare another attack.

"You fool, you can't even release your Zanpakuto, you never stood a chance against me!" Bosetsu said as he started to wave his arm, seeming to increase the speed of his whip, waving it around his body until it became a blur.

"Now, prepare to face my ultimate attack!' He then said, seeming to have reached his top speed with the whip moving too fast to track.

"Whoever said that I couldn't release my Zanpakuto?" Grayson suddenly spoke, seeming to take Bosetsu by surprise before he flicked his wrist, finally attacking.

"Whatever, die!!!!" He roared, letting his weapon fly.

Grayson held his sword in front of him, pointing the tip of it toward Bosetsu.

"Distort, Jūryoku no Megami!" He yelled, allowing his Reiatsu to explode as he released his Zanpakuto.

Bosetsu couldn't see what happened as Grayson's spiritual energy caused a large amount of dust to burst into the air, blocking his vision.

However, he soon felt the effects as his whip dropped to the ground, feeling much heavier than it should have.

"What is this... I can't lift it.' He said, trying his best to pull his weapon back.

The dust slowly cleared to reveal Grayson standing with his new sword, holding it in a reverse grip.

"What's the matter, Bosetsu? Struggling to lift your Zanpakuto?" Grayson said with a smirk.

Bosetsu growled as he used all of his strength to lift his whip, straining his muscles.

"And that's only five times the normal weight too," Grayson said, watching as Bosetsu tried to cock his arm back to unleash another attack.

"Why don't we try ten?" He then said, causing the middle orb of his sword to glow.

Bosetu felt the sudden increase in weight on his whip, feeling his shoulder give out as he was forced to drop it to the ground where it cracked the concrete.

"What is the hell is this!" He asked, not understanding.

"What? Why has Bosetsu dropped his Zanpakuto?" Momo asked, not seeing any obvious sign as to why he would drop his weapon.

"How interesting..." Aizen simply said, watching carefully.

"You bastard, what have you done!" Bosetsu yelled, clenching his fist toward Grayson.

"It's pretty simple really, but I will save the exploration. After all, I don't think you could comprehend it." Grayson said before he used his flash step to get behind him, taking his back in an instant.

"No way, he's even faster than before..." The 4th seat said as he watched in surprise.

Grayson didn't waste any time, slamming a sidekick into Bosetsu's ribs with impressive power, sending him flying through the air before crashing into one of the courtyard walls.

"This fight is over." Grayson then said, not wanting to kill his opponent if he didn't have to.

"Y-You... Bastard!!!" Bosetsu yelled, bursting free from the wall and charging toward Grayson like a madman.

"You can still fight after that kick?" Grayson said to himself, surprised as he had kicked him with full force.

However, Grayson activated his Zanpakuto and set the increase in gravity upon Bosetsu, causing him to drop to the ground as if a huge weight had fallen on him.

Bosetsu couldn't move and felt his body crushing against the ground before Grayson stood over him.

"Do you surrender?" He asked, looking at Bosetsu and letting him know that he was willing to kill him.

"I-I surrender..." Bosetsu finally said, giving in.

Grayson nodded and relaxed, letting the effects of his Zanpakuto fade before he returned his Zanpakuto to its normal form.

"Very well. It would seem this fight is over." Captain Aizen said as he nodded his head.

"Wow, I didn't realize he was so strong," Momo said, seeming impressed.

"Yes, impressive indeed." The 3rd seat also said.

"No way... How did this happen?" The 4th seat thought, watching as Bosetsu remained on the ground, clearly injured and needing medical attention.

"5th seat Grayson is the winner!" Captain Aizen suddenly said, getting everyone's attention before the squad started cheering Grayson's name.

"Wow, he made that look easy!"

"Yeah, no wonder he was promoted to 5th seat straight out of the academy." Another said.

"I won't accept this... Mark my words Grayson. I won't let you live for much longer..." The 4th seat thought, watching him from the distance as the rest of the squad ran over to congratulate him.


Alright, that's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

More soon!

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