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91.25% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 73: Kiss Me

Capítulo 73: Kiss Me

Excelsior had been quick to vacate the young teens from the area as the police arrived on the scene. The hotel he had brought them to wasn't really a fancy one, though the rooms were spacious enough to have their own kitchen, that is if they could. They couldn't exactly head to a hospital since they couldn't let anyone know they were out there; Especially the school. Though most were surprised at the fact that Excelsior knew the manager personally.

As to be expected Reina had awoken a few minutes after they arrived, and needless to say, she was surprised to see Floyd and Izuku there, both equally worried about her.

Though Floyd was curious as to why she couldn't remember anything prior to when she fought Vivazo.

They were just in one of the rooms the hotel provided as Katsuki was treating his wounds, while Reina was treating her own in the restroom provided. He would've liked the peace and quiet if it hadn't been for Floyd and Michiko pestering every five seconds.

"Okay piss for Brains! Spill!" Floyd said as he had been leaning over on the bed, "How the hell do you know the Phantom Witch?!"



Katsuki's eyebrow twitched slightly as he continued to bandage himself, "Could you not?" He said angrily.

The two of them ignored his request as Floyd continued to ask, "AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU SNEAK OFF ON YA INTERNSHIP!? I KNOW YOU'RE A DICKHEAD ALL BUT THIS IS A NEW LOW EVEN FOR YOU!"



Floyd groaned as he said, "Screw you! It's not my fault I want answers."

"Well, you'll get 'em later! So be patient you Inkheaded loser!" Katsuki told him

"WHAT WAS THAT I'LL KILL YOU-" Floyd started to spit out blood the moment his wound reopened

Michiko let out a shriek as she yelled, "BOSSMAN! TAKE IT EASY,YOU JUST GOT BANDAGED!"

It wasn't long till she started to spit out blood too, as her wounds were serious, and she had been attached to an IV drip.



Izuku soon shushed them, "Maybe you could keep your voices down just a little bit?" He said, "Other people are trying to sleep!"

Gran Torino soon came kicking the door down as he yelled, "Hey, keep it down in there! I'm trying to enjoy my snack!"

"F*** OFF OLD MAN!!" Katsuki shouted as he flipped him off.

Gran Torino shouted to the young teen, "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"Sorry Gran Torino-san…" Izuku said, "It's just how Kaa-chan is."

"Yeah, a shitty personality to boot." Floyd added.

"THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Katsuki shouted before he froze up from the pain of his wounds. "Ah Kaa-chan!" Izuku exclaimed, grabbing a couple of tissues, "Hang on, I'll stop the bleeding!"

"DON'T TOUCH ME SHITTY NERD!" Katsuki shouted before he was held down by Floyd.

Floyd yelled out, "NO WAY LOSER!"

"GET OFF ME DAMN IT!!" He yelled as he kicked his legs.

"Seriously, this young boy is reckless." Gran Torino said, before he turned to Excelsior, "Your sure we shouldn't have taken these kids to the hospital, like those other ones?"

Excelsior replied as he was seen wearing a robe, "Nah, I'm sure they'll be fine, besides this is for the best."

"YOU LOOK WAY TOO RELAXED!!" Izuku, Floyd and Michiko exclaimed.

Katsuki managed to sit back up as he glared daggers at both Floyd and Izuku, as he put on his shirt, "IF YOU DO THAT TO ME AGAIN, SO HELP ME GOD I'LL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!"

Floyd yelled as he flipped him off, "DO IT NINJA, I LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!"

"OH I WILL!" Katsuki barked back.

"Why are teens so nosey these days?" Gran Torino said.

Excelsior only said with a shrug, "Hormones maybe?"

At this, Katsuki and Floyd's faces turned a bright red, "AS IF!" They both shouted.

"Mr. Excelsior, are you really sure it's okay to let us stay here for the night?" Michiko asked Excelsior, "It's not too much trouble, is it?"

"Yeah, we'd rather not get you in trouble, all things considering." Izuku added.

"Of course not, any friend of the Aiharas is a friend of mine." Excelsior said, "You kids just rest up, and I'll explain everything to Best Jeanist first thing before anyone realizes what's happened."

Katsuki clicked his tongue at this though made no comment on it as he looked off to the side. "Anyway, we'll figure out what to do in the morning." Gran Torino said, "You kids just get some rest, and for God's sake, don't do anything to aggravate your wounds."

"Shut up, I got it, old geezer!" Katsuki yelled.

"HEY RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!"" Gran Torino shouted as he went to activate his Quirk, though Excelsior was quick to hold him back with his Quirk. He said with a smile, as he left, "Have a good night kids! Oh and Michiko, a couple of friends are here to see you."

The group raised their eyebrows at this, before a couple of familiar faces came into view of the door. They were Koichi, Kazuho, Futsuno and Akane.

"Spider guy!? Flasher!?" Katsuki exclaimed, "The Deskie and Redhead too!?"

Michiko shouted out of shock, "Kazuho! Koichi!"

"MICHIKO!!" Koichi and Kazuho exclaimed as they rushed over to her side.

"Jesus, you look more beat up than usual!" Koichi said.

"Thank goodness your parents aren't here to see this, and Knuckleduster too!" Kazuho said, "How do you feel?"

Michiko reassured them, "Like a million bucks."

"Well that's a relief, now we won't have to worry about your parents wanting our heads!" Koichi said with a smile.

"You idiot! She's connected to an IV drip for God's sake!" Kazuho said, "Of course she's not fine!"

Michiko said to them with her arms crossed, "Nice to see you morons too.."

Futsuno soon approached Katsuki's side, "I'm glad to see your okay Baku-chan. When Akane-chan and I came, we got worried when we heard you were taken."

"Glad everything turned out alright in the end." Akane said with a smile.

"Stop worrying yourself over something stupid." Katsuki said, "How are the twins?"

"They'll be alright." Koichi replied, "Luckily they weren't hurt too bad, so they'll be resting in the hospital for the night."

It hadn't been long before Futsuno noticed Floyd and Izuku in the room. "Oh, you must be Ki-chan's friends she mentioned before!" Futsuno said with a smile, "Midoriya and Aihara right?"

"Uh ye--yeah that's us!" Izuku immediately stammered as his face turned a bright red.

Floyd said with a smile, "Aihara is my dad's last name. Folks call me Floyd!'

"Futsuno Genno, it's a pleasure!" Futsuno said with a smile, "And this is my friend, Akane Suzuki!"

"I remember seeing you two on TV!" Akane said gleefully, "Love what you did in the Sports Festival! Especially you Ai--I mean Floyd-san! Can you really make anything just by drawing it in your sketchbook, or do you use a special kind of paper?"

Floyd replied with a smile, "Hehe all in the wrists!"

"Really?" Akane said as her eyes sparkled.

Futsuno looked around the room, as she noticed a certain someone was missing from the room. "Where is Ki-chan?" Futsuno asked, "That guy, Excelsior, said she was here."

"She's… In the restroom." Izuku replied with worry, "Treating her own wounds. But she's been in there for a while now, I'm getting a little worried."

Floyd added, "Yeah, I hope it wasn't too serious.."

"Was she hurt badly in the fight?" Kazuho asked.

"No, she only had a few minor cuts." Michiko replied, "... I hope she's alright."

"Maybe she's shook up about what happened." Koichi said, "I'd be too if I was the one kidnapped."

Turns out he couldn't be farther from the truth. There Reina sat in the corner of the restroom, her body still shaking after the events from tonight. She was doing her best to stay calm as she was focusing on her breathing. Thankfully she wasn't going through a panic attack, the last thing she wanted right now was to freak out the others.

Though that didn't stop the voices and laughter going off in her head.

"Damn it all!" She said, "Damn it all! Stop it! Just shut up! Shut the hell up!"

The voices seemed to get louder in her head, to the point where her vision began to blur and she started to get a headache. She only caught the sound of the door creaking open.

"Izuku-kun… I appreciate you worrying about me, but I'd like to be--"

To her surprise it hadn't been Izuku at all, but rather someone else entirely. Indeed… It had been that familiar boy with her red hat that had opened the door.

"Oh… It's you!" She said surprised.

It was then she realized she wasn't in the hotel restroom at all; She had been in that familiar wooden house like she had seen before, time and time again.

"How come I'm here?" Reina asked, "I was back in the hotel, wasn't I?"

"You know that I can't answer that Rei-chan." The Boy said to her as he stepped inside, "Our minds can work in mysterious ways you know." He soon noticed the look on her face, "... Your troubled again, aren't you?"

Reina let out a sigh as she leaned against the window sill, "... Izuku-kun and Floyd-kun, ended up worrying about me again. I ended up having to be saved again… Not to mention… What that woman did to Katsuki-kun… I just can't get it all out of my head… I don't know how much more of this I can take."

The Boy only gave a smile, "That's all your upset over?"

"Well, how can I not be upset?" She said, "No matter what I seem to do, my own friends, the people I love, even Katsuki-kun… They either have to fix up my mistakes, get themselves hurt, or worse it's both! What's gonna happen if I end up losing one of them!?"

"Rei-chan, your being ridiculous. You know that's not gonna happen. You've seen the way they fight didn't you?" The Boy said, "You know they can take care of themselves."

"But what happens if it's not enough!?" She said, "What happens if one day they'll end up dead because of me, because of my curse of a Quirk!? What kind of a Hero am I, if I can't even save them!?"

She jumped a little when she felt the boy's hand on hers; he gave her a smile that she had been all too familiar with, though couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"It's alright Rei-chan." He said, "It's okay to be scared sometimes, it's okay to worry about others. But that doesn't mean you don't have to lose your faith in them."

"Those people out there…" Reina started to say, "... They're the first real friends I ever had… And Katsuki-kun is the first person I've ever--!"

She stopped herself as her face turned red, though she still had a troubled look written in her eyes, "... I don't want to lose them… I don't want to lose any of them… Izuku-kun and Floyd-kun… They're more than my friends… They're my family… And Katsuki-kun… I think… He might be more than just my friend…"

The Boy only gave her a reassuring pat.

"Never lose your faith in them, Rei-chan. Just trust them to do the right thing." The Boy said, "Because whatever choice they make is theirs alone. Don't assign yourself to take the blame."

Just than she jumped at the sound of a loud banging at the door; the minute she blinked she found herself back in the hotel restroom, and Floyd yelled on the other side of the door, "YO REINA! YOU IN HERE?! DID YOU FALL IN THE TOILET OR SOMETHING!?"

Reina sighed before she opened the door, "You don't have to shout Floyd-kun." She said, "And we don't need you breaking down the door again."

Floyd said to her as he crossed his arms, "Sorry for being concerned."

"Are you okay Reina-chan?" Izuku asked worriedly, "You were in there for a while."

"Yeah, I'm alright." She said, "Listen, I'm really sorry for making you both worry about me tonight. I just… Had a lot going on."

Floyd soon asked her, "It's cool dude. It happens!"

"No! It doesn't just 'happen' Floyd-kun! It's because you were almost assaulted by some crazy girl!" Reina said, raising her voice and making them both flinch. At this she immediately calmed down, "Sorry… It's just that things have been kind of a mess, and just downright confusing."

Izuku and Floyd looked at one another, both of them noticing the expression she had on her face. "Reina-chan…" Izuku soon said calmly, "... What's going on?"

Floyd added, "Yeah man. You've been acting weird since after the sports festival..and not in a good way.."

Reina took a deep breath before looking over to Katsuki; he only gave her a nod. "I should've told you this from the beginning." She said softly before replying, "...Since the Villains attacked USJ… Since Shigaraki called out to me, my dreams and visions have been getting worse. But I think in a way they're trying to tell me something. The visions lead me to the Wonderland Agency that shut down when the Phantom Witch was officially declared dead. I was hoping that I could find out where I came from… And maybe have an idea on where Shigaraki is so I could get answers." She soon showed them the journal she had recovered, "And there I found this journal, belonging to Alcina. I think she might've worked in the agency before it was shut down."

"Alcina!?" Izuku said in shock, before he said softly, "You mean the same name All Might mentioned?"

Reina nodded, "But that's not all…" She turned to Floyd, "... The reason why I had gotten Michiko-san's help is because… A dream I had earlier today… Showed me a photo with Shimizu-sensei… And your Aunt… Penny-san."

Floyd's eyes widened at this "Wait… Aunt Penny… As in MY Aunt Penny?!"

"Yes…" She said, "But like I told you… I only had the dream earlier today." She looked at the journal in her hand, "I don't know if this has answers but…" She soon handed it off to Floyd, who took him and Izuku back, "... If you want to look through it first… Then by all means… I know how much you want to know about Penny-san, and about what happened to her."

Floyd looked at the journal before looking at her, with concern, "You want me… To read this?"

Reina nodded her head in reply before she said, "Of course. It's your right."

Floyd looked at the journal though had been hesitant to do so. At this Reina seemed to have gotten an idea. "Floyd-kun…" She said, "... I'm sorry… For not saying anything… But, I didn't want to bother you and Izuku-kun with this because you two had enough going on as it is… I can understand, if you hate me for this or doubt me now, but--"

"Ya kidding right?!" Floyd asked, taking Reina back "That's what ya think? That I'll hate you Or doubt you for keeping something like this from me and Izuku all this time? I mean yeah..." Floyd's hands start to shake as he continued, "I mean any ordinary person would be mad that you keep info about a relative that you don't know what happened to them. Hell, maybe in that chance, you could say their view on a person will change forever… Ya know?"

Reina looked to the floor as she had a guilty look in her eyes, though Floyd gave a smile as he said to her, "Hey. Thanks… For telling me. I was wondering why my parents couldn't tell me what happened to my aunt..But as I read this..i think the puzzle can be completed now."

She soon noticed the tone he had, as he sounded happy. "You're… Not mad at me? At all?" She asked surprised.

Floyd shook his head and gave her a pat on the shoulder, "nah quite the opposite… If I was mad well, that would seem like a another dumb cliche seen on Shows like 7th heaven or some crap...i guess that what what i like about ya. You dork."

Reina gave him a smile before she hugged him, "Thank you Floyd-kun.

"Yeah yeah. Your welcome." Floyd replied, giving her a pat as he turned. "Now if you excuse me. I got some reading to do...for once in my life anyway."

Reina laughed, "This coming from the guy who reads JoJo's Bizarre Adventure since he was practically a toddler!"

Floyd soon laughed too as he said "This coming from the girl who snuck in an episode of Bleach when she was in the 5th grade?"

"Oh, now your just being hurtful!" She said with a smile.

Floyd saluted as he said as he bowed, "Aim to please!" With that he kicked open the door, as he said with a smile, "Now take a book, it's a look. Reading Rainbow!"

"Did he just use that reference?" She said.

Izuku laughed, "I think he did." He said with a smile, before he helped Michiko up off the chair as he helped her out of the room, "We better get some sleep."

"Yeah." Reina said, "See you when you get up?"

Izuku nodded, "And Reina-chan…?" He said, "... Thank you… For trusting us with this."

She only nodded, "Promise you won't say anything?"

"I promise." He said as he went to make his exit.

Michiko said as she waved, "Good luck bossman! And goodnight to you Miss!"

"Thanks." They both said.

"Have a good night, Nouki-chan, Bakugou-san!" Koichi said with a smile.

"You two rest up!" Kazuho said, "Hope you feel better in the morning!"

"Good night Ki-chan! Baku-chan!" Futsuno said as she waved.

"See you two in the morning!" Akane said with a wave.

With that being said, the others left the room leaving only Katsuki and Reina to be the only ones occupying it at the moment. As soon as the door closed shut, Reina breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had been holding it in forever. "... Thank God…" She said, "I thought for sure they'd be pissed at me…"

"Deku and the Inkhead, stuck to you for this long." Katsuki said as he stood up from the bed, "If they had decided to ditch you, they would've done it a long time ago."

"... I guess, that's true…" Reina said, "... I still can't help but feel guilty though, about this whole thing in general."

He soon stepped forward to her, placing his hand on her shoulder, "You sure it's okay… Letting the half-breed read it first?"

Reina nodded her head, "It's for the best. Penny-san is from Floyd-kun's family. He has a right to know what happened to her. I don't know if it has the answers, but… It'll be a start for him."

He chuckled, "As always you're being the selfless one huh? Even over the smallest things."

Reina only sighed before she went over to the couch provided, before she put herself into a fetal position, burying her head into her knees, once more. Katsuki for awhile didn't say nothing, he instead took a seat beside her, as he had his gaze to the wall.

From her posture, he could tell… She was still upset, probably feeling anxious knowing her. He sighed.

"... What is it now?" He asked her, "We managed to find something useful didn't we? There's no reason to be upset."

"... I know that." Reina replied softly, "... I know that… But still… I just… Can't shake off this feeling… I can't shake off this unwavering fear I have… After tonight… I'm not sure what I should think… I'm not even sure what I should do about--"

At this Reina stopped herself, as she soon brought her legs a bit closer, as she clicked her tongue, "Nevermind. Just forget it." She stated in a bit of a harsh tone.

"Man Lollipop Head…" Katsuki said, "... If there's one thing you and Deku have in common, it's that you both like to overthink things."

Reina picked up her head as she just looked confused, "Huh?"

He told her, "Like I told you before… You didn't force anyone on this. We made this choice because we wanted to be here. I guarantee someone like Deku and the inkhead would do it again, if it meant they would do the right thing. And…" Katsuki soon blushed and Reina could've sworn he looked embarrassed, "... I'd make that choice again… If it meant I could be with you."

At this Reina turned red as she looked surprised; she felt her heartbeat at an unnatural pace. He placed his hand on hers, as he brought himself closer to her, his nose practically touching hers.

"I know it's saying a lot coming from me…" Katsuki said, "... But it's okay to make mistakes…"

Reina leaned her forehead, so that her's was touching his own, "Heroes are supposed to be perfect in every way…" She said, "... They're not supposed to put people in danger… They're not supposed to get scared… They're not supposed to be feared… They're not supposed to fail… I'm not any of those things… I'm not… I'm not perfect."

"Don't say that…" He said to her, putting his hand on her cheek, getting her to turn to him, "... Because to me… You ARE perfect."

She could've sworn she had turned redder from the comment he made; she felt moved by his words, as she felt even more relaxed. Though she could've sworn she felt heart start to go at a faster pace as she could've sworn the world around her slowed down, and it seemed as though she had forgotten how to breathe.

"He… Really is amazing…"

Suddenly, she felt his lips on her own, as he took her in his arms making her freeze. After a few brief moments, she tried her best to return it. Placing a hand against his chest, he pushed her back onto the couch so that she had been laying down. Katsuki broke the kiss, but didn't pull back from her; instead she felt him move down a little until she felt his breath on her neck.

"Katsuki-kun?" She spoke softly; she felt him tug on the fabric of the turtleneck, till it revealed her skin, "Wait--What are you--"

She gasped suddenly as Katsuki suddenly started to kiss on her pulse, before he bit at her skin.

"Ow!" She exclaimed when she felt a pinch.

At this, he immediately pulled back, his eyes widened when he noticed he had drawn blood accidentally. She could tell the look he had on, could almost say, "... I made a mistake."

He removed himself from the couch backing up as Reina sat herself up fixing up her turtleneck a bit.

"I'm sorry…" He said, before he rushed out of the room.

"He--hey! Wait!" Reina exclaimed, scrambling off, and following him posthaste.

She ran out of the room and saw him going in the direction of where Floyd and Izuku's room had been. Though just as he was halfway, she managed to catch him by the wrist.

"Katsuki-kun!" She said as she caught him, "Where are you going?"

"Where do you think?" He stated in his usual tone, "Deku and the Inkheads room! As much as I'm gonna hate it, I'm gonna spend the night there!"

He tried to move though Reina kept him in place as she placed both of her hands on his wrist.

"Reina…" He said, "Let me go."

"No!" She said to him.

"Do you think I'm kidding right now!?" He couldn't help but yell, as he went to pry her fingers off of his own, "Let me go!"

"I'm not letting you go! Not until you tell me what's wrong!"

"If you don't let go right now, so help me God I will use my Quirk to blast your hands off!"

"Fine! But even so, I won't let go of you!"

"You're seriously being stubborn now!?"

"You're the one that's being stubborn! Didn't we promise each other that we would rely on one another if something was wrong!?"

Katsuki gritted his teeth, and Reina felt his body shake in her grip. "Why won't you rely on me?" Reina said with a hurtful expression on her face, "Are you trying to say you don't trust me after all?"

"No, that's not--!" Katsuki said before he growled, "--I'm being serious! If you don't let me go right now, I won't be able to--" He stopped himself in mid-sentence as he turned his gaze away from hers. This only left her more confused, and albeit worried.

"You won't what…?" She asked, "... What won't you be able to do?"

"...Reina…" He said; the shadow of his bangs had covered his eyes, "... You trust me don't you? So trust me when I say… I'm doing this for your own good."

"My own good?" She enunciated, "What are you talking about--?"


Immediately, he slapped his hand over his mouth as his face heated up, and Reina finally let him go, now looking shocked. Her face had been as red as his was as they both stood there in silence.

"You…" She started to repeat, as if trying to process the mere sentence, "... You WANT me? But… Why…?"

Katsuki noticed the look she gave, as he took his hand away from his mouth. He let out a shaky breath, but avoided looking into her eyes as he gave his reply, "... From day one… You've been driving me crazy in my mind… It's been really hard for me, there are days where I just don't know what I should do to cope with it! I tried to stop myself from thinking about it, but I can't! Your beauty! Your selflessness! Your voice! When you sing! Even the way you want to see someone give their real smile, just overwhelms me!"

Reina silently gasped, as she put her hands over her mouth. He finally looked at her, as he looked to be holding himself from tears, while his voice had been cracking slightly, "I've been holding myself for so long, but… Since USJ…! The Sports Festival…! Hell, even tonight--! I don't freaking know, I guess it just amplified it! Damn it I don't know! But…!"

Finally he couldn't hold them back.

She saw him shatter right in front of her, and it couldn't help but tug at her heart; she couldn't help but feel tears form in her eyes too.

"Reina…!" He said, "... Just tell me to stop! I know, I said… That I don't let others tell me what to do, but--Just this once--Tell me to stop! The last thing I want to do is hurt you, in a way you can't be fixed! So--Just this once--Tell me to--"

Katsuki froze up when Reina suddenly kissed him on the lips, after throwing her arms around him; he stumbled backwards, nearly falling over and losing his balance, though he managed to steady himself. She pulled back, as he could see the tears clearly now.

"What if I said that I didn't want you to stop?" She soon said, taking him by surprise, "What if I said, I was okay with it?"

"Wha--What?" He said shocked.

"Katsuki-kun…" She continued, "... Please don't say something that isn't like you. Please don't say you'll stop… I don't want you to, for my sake and for yours."

At this his jaw dropped slightly, as this time, it seemed like he had forgotten how to breathe.

"... I've…" She soon said hesitantly, "... I've been thinking about you too… I… Don't know why, but I have… The only reason I didn't say anything, because… I didn't know if--"

She brought herself closer to Katsuki so that her forehead had been touching his.

"I guess, what I'm saying is… I want you… As much as you want me…"

And just like that… He was done.

Grabbing her arm, he yanked her towards him, crashing his lips onto hers, this time being more passionate than the others prior. She regained herself as she responded in kind; putting her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Using his free hand, he lifted her up off the ground, as he held her bridal style, before he carried her back to their room; giving her a couple of light kisses on her cheeks.

Kicking the door shut, he carried her over to the bed, before gently placing her on the mattress. He undid the hair ties she had, letting the rest fall loosely before pushing her back till her head hit the pillow. He soon found himself hovering over her; one hand next to her head, and the other resting on her hip.

"If you want to stop at any point…" He soon said softly, "... Just say the word… Okay?"

"...Okay…" She replied in the same tone as his.

With that, Katsuki leaned for another kiss. His hand moved up her body, as he soon allowed his instincts to take over him.

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